ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY .NOVEMBER 17, 1683 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. . (Monday excepted) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, runusnnns ,yu ritontiKTOUS, ASTOHIAN" ltUIIiDING, - - CASS STRIIET Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week 15ct. Sent by Mall, per month. .... nocts. " " one year. $7.00 Free ol postage to subscribers. ""Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of 2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. Around the City. M. D. Kant discounts cash purchases The Lilian is doing a qood business be tween here and Knappton. "Jeff" has n lino display of game iu front of his restaurant. Mrs. J. Ferrell, of Yakima City, is visitiuR friends and relatives in the "city. The Kate ami Anna came dotvn yester lerday and sails for Ynquiiia this'mom inff. The week of pniyer at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms closes this evening. C. A. May has opened a lino stock of fruits, toys, etc., noxl dpor to the Empire store; sea ad. The Oregon arrived in yesterday; the Willamette crossed out: the Columbia sails to-day. The Astoria Workingmeu's Protective Union will meet at Knicmeytr's hall next Monday evening. Carl Adler goes to San Francisco on to day's steamer to purchase a large stock of "holiday goods. Charles Whitehead, of the Neics, is about to start n Republican daily paper at Los Angeles, Cal. Chinese residents are organizing a theatrical association and propose start ing in on the 1st prox. Tho bill to establish a lighthouse at Grav's harbor has passed the "Washing toaorritory legislature. . 'Taken from Life' nt Occidental Hall next Monday. Reserved seats at Strauss' New York Novelty store. Leave your orders to-day at Frank 121 berson's for Boston brown bread Jand baked boans foriSundny's dinner. E. C. Holden will have an auction sale of furniture and household goods at his rooms at 11 o'clock this morning. P. J. McGowau is about to build a can nery at Scarborough head. Four traps were in operation in tbat vicinity last season. Tho political pot begins to simmer. Candidates declino getting into the hot water in the pot which gently simmercth as aforesaid. A well selected stock of groceries and E revisions, crockery and glassware will 0 found at Mrs. Rosa Quimrs, north west corner Main and Squemoqua streets. Tho cable on the military telegraph line extending from Neah bay to Tat oosh Island was successfully laid Inst Thursday", tinder the supervision of Lieut. Allen, U. S. A. The Portland papers are having their customary spasm concerning Astoria sailor boarding houses. The head and front of their offending is that they are not located at Portland. "Would-be citizens are daily forswear ing allegiance to any foreign prince or potentate, and declaring adherence to the laws of the United States. For its size Astoria furnishes about as many annual naturalizations as any city iu the Union. Tho Standard says tliat there Is a "startled expression in the eyes of the Portland ladies as they gather their draperies around them and dive off Abe curbstone into tho mud. Poor things; they should come to Astoria where there is no mud. Tho O. R. fc N. dock is about tho live liest Astoria locality at present. Tho lay iug off" of hundreds of men all along the lino does not seem to affect the num bers employed here. The frame is all up. and it ia thought tho roof will be com pleted next week. The columns of a newspaper resemble m one sense a bill of fare. No man would care tomcat all he finds named in tho slip befofeliini when he sits down to breakfast or dine, yet it would bo strange indeed if ho did not see something that suited him. "Wc all have different tastes, fortunately for mankind, and the item , or paragraph that you turn from and think uncalled for or unnecessary may be just what your neighbor at the next tablo wanted to see. OUR FOREIGN MAILS. Hon Thpj Are Handled In "cw York. Geokqe Recommekded. At a called meeting of tho Astoria Chamber of Com nierce last cveninc. a resolution offered by Capt. J. H. D. Gray was unanimously adopted, which in substance requests Congress to place Hon. M. C. George on tho Chamber of Commerce during the t-nsuing session of Congress. Fon One Yeu:. In answer to inquiries concerning postage, The Astohias states that it will be sent for one year to any address in tho United States, together with tho ban irancisco Chronicle for the same time, for $3 J0, and the postage ti'tll Krt viT"rkn?! rn lirf li iiancnnnnra M'lin oner is an unpreceuenteu one. He Was Heeled. It is now asserted, says the Standard, that the reason Chief "Watkinds did not arrest Besser the other night for pocketing that Chapman mort gage was that Besser had two navy revol vers on him and an Arkansas toothpick uown 111s back, ana had also four United States jurors in the room to see fair play. Hetbexohment. Ladies are being em ployed in the railroad offices in place of men who were recently discharged or re signed. A largo number of clerks are being let out all along -tho line. Tho West Shore and Willamette Farmer are also dropped as advertising mediums. The spirit of retrenchment in the com pany is pretty lively. Standard. Oiieoox Next. ""Well," said a lady on reading in yesterday morning's Astobian tho news that "Washington Territory has had the manliness to give women the right to vote, "it does seem to me that that is what should have been done in. Oregon years ago." The time is coming and that soon, when Oregoniaus will not be kept from voting because of sex. Sax FnAN'cisoo FnEionrs. To show tho anomalous condition of the wheat export movemeut,"it is only necessary to say that though we are in the midst of an active season of the year, thero have been only two ship charters written for a full week. These were wooden vessels which accepted the equivalent of 32s Gd direct to Liverpool. Five iron ships have come in during tho week that were char tered months ago at 55.57s Gd and GOs. three of them at tho last named figure. One of theso was subsequently recharter- od before arrival at 4.0s, -which is as much as any vessel now m port could get to-day. Many thousands of dollars have been lost in the past four or five months on charters made prior to arrival Of the forty-five vessels now in port un der engagement for wheat, 1G were char tered before arrival at from 15s to 203 more than they could'got to-day. This proportion of vessels engaged prior to ar rival has been about the same all through the season. One of the vessels now in port has a charter of C2s Gd. The bitter experience this year will re tract on tho tonnage market next year. A New York newffpapor man recently sauntered down the wharf of the Canard Lino. The big steamer had beou report ed early on tho previous evening, and her mail bad been distributed throughout the city. The reporter expected to find the ship snugly docked and the passen gers disembarfdng at the hourof 10 a. ai., but such was not the case. At the end of the wharf was lying a ubiquitous steam boat met at steamboat arrivals, depar tures, regattas, excursions, fires, wrecks, etc. In the pilot-house that he had filled for nearly fourteen years sat Capt. J. G. Emmons" nnd hini the reporter accosted : "Where is the steamer?" "Outside the bar." 'Why is she not in?" "The tide was too low when she ar rived there, and when it rose the fog shut her out." 'But her mail is up?" "Oh, yes; we brought it from near the light-house nnd landed it here at 0 o'clock lest evening." And then the captain explained that the European mail was brought to town and pluced in the hands of readers while yet the steamer that brought it was far out at sea. 'When a steamer is due,' said the cap tain, "we are ordered to be at the wiiarf of the company, to which the telegraph report from Fire Island or Sandy Hook is immediately sent. Wc must have steam up and the crew on board whou lying for a steamer at night, as the competition is so great between the fast mail lines that they will brook no delay. So you eo that I am virtually a prisoner liere inuch of my time. 'Wc start immediately, no matter what the weather ice, suow. gales, fog we must at least make an attempt. But" we seldom fail to get the mail up ahead of the steamer if the telegraph gives us prompt notice of arrival. They do not always do this, however. 'Our first stop is at the lmrge office, where wo take on board an officer of customs, fo sco that nothing but mail is taken from the ship. Then we make all haste toward the ship, meeting her at quarantine or beyond the bar, as tho case may be. If a gale is blowing we take lite windward shore for smooth water. If the ice is running we try to avoid it: if we cannot get around it we crash through it. I was once about two houw getting from the battery to the Cunard dock with the mail on board. If it is foggy we proceed at half speed by compass, sounding the whistle frequent ly, listening for bolls, horns and whis tles, occasionally using the lead. I had queer experience once in the fog. I tow ed a vessel to ea safely and left her off tho liohtshin. 'We then groped our way back to tho hook, and steered for a steamer's anchor- bell in the lower bay. It proved to be the Parlhia, for wliich we were to wait that nieht. The officers thought we came down to look for them, and con- ratulated us upon our skill in a fog. We put the mail on board, and found our way to the .ity before the fog lifted. But sometimes we go to quarantine or sea on a taise report, occasionally we una tuo steamer agrounu or cusauieu hen wo reach her, and so aro able to render immediate assistance. Yes, we frequently take the mail outside in a heavy sea. I never lost a bag of mail matter. 'After the mail is all on board and nafely stowed away out of the wet, we take an olhcer ot the steamer on uoara and make all haste for tho city. The mails are taken ashore and loaded in huce trucks and rattled away to the post office. We have had as many as 800 bags at once. The ordinary number now is oOO or -109 bags .When 1 first went into the mail business in the George jlirkuel;, twenty years ago, there was not so lame a" "numbor. Then tho steamer would anchor in the stream, fire a gun. and we would go for her. We would take the doxen lmgs or more to tho old barge office, throw them into an -express wagon, and, if no horses were ready, run them to tho post office ourselves. The Australian and New Zealand mails usually double the quantity of bags. bometimcs we take these mails out to a steamer bound for Europe. "Tho tide occasionally prevents mail steamers awaiting the arrival of the overland train from Snn Francisco. The post office officials are anxious to make me countcuou anu me iusi. wiue, w 11 i arranged with tho cartam that he will wait outside the bar for tho mail boat. remember nuttinc the mail on board the Germauia off the Sandy Hook light ship once in a northeaster that was blow ing great guns and the sea rolling even with the steamship's deck. We accom plished it safely, with only the parting of some ronss. Cant. Kennedy pnt the ship head to ea ana moved uiieaa ssowiy. anu tho mails wore piled into rope cheese slings six at a time, anil whippeu up from the fore yardarni. Sometimes the steamer will start for the citj' as soon as we do, but we can 'cut across lots' whore she cannot float, and so we beat hor up. Yes, these modern 'race-horsas' can beat us or any other boat in the harbor, w must watch for every advantage to get up ahead of them, and we generally suc ceed. No Fatted Calf This Time. When C. H. Bailey absconded sometime go he told his creditors and his employer whose money he had stolen that he had 1,000 in Stockton, Cal.. and that his father and brother in San Francisco, would make everything all right. His father and brother now say, each for himself, that enough has bceii already done for the young man. A reciuisition for his arrest was received from Salem last evening, and the probabilities are that if all the charges against him aro true he will tarry in uregon at me puunc expense. All Distiubuthd. The- young carp sent out by tho fish commission havo all been distributed. A regular run on the car was organized yesterday and so great was the demand that Mr. Mooro was obliced to reduco tho number furnished .nnllfonf 4 ' 'Cliic fnnna an illustration of the benefits of tho fish commission, which, by furnishing young hsh tree ot cost, can stocK every irog pond in tho country, whereas if tho pub lic were required to pay lor the carp the ponds might long continue to produce an annual crop of tadpoles and mosquitoes. Ureyoman 1G. 1 1 m Otsteu Business. Over at Shonlwater Bay tho oysteriug business, at which little has been done during the past seven years, is again assuming a - business-like appearance. About seven or eight years ago the oysters began dying, owing to the freshwater being backed up too high. Before that-thc oysters were splendid and there were schooners plvmg between tjuuuiwuiei -uav iuiu oaii j: nmuutcu car- rying thousands of socks of oysters iu a very buorc time, as iney oniy were 10 us tongou anu f ortea. sacked and shinned. But for some time past they have been taken from the natural beds, culled and transplanted. Alter a little time thev fatten, and are longed again, culled and shipped. There is not cs much profit in oysters now as when they could be taken so easily, but tho business bids fair to re vive. The Miles has brounht over an immense quantity this season, most of wnicn were snippea 10 i'ortiana nna oan irancisco. Are Tom JnMircilY If you want insurance in reliable com panics go to Wheeler & Robb. They ... 41. XT IT-. .1 T - - ruprtuui iuu mjiwi;u i iiiuii, mi-, imh cashiro Royal, and the Union Ins. Co. of San Francisco, with a combined cani tal of S3G,000,00& The v are also agents for the well-known Travelers Acci dent Insurance Company, of Hartford A prominent citizen of Bagdad who was a candidate for a certain political office, was badly beaten at the polls by one whom we will designate as Brown. The next day tho defeated candidate strolled into a saloon where he owed a considerable bill, nnd with an air of deep dejection, called for a toddy. After drinking it he remarked to the barkeeper, "Don't you feel sorry that I was defeat ed vesterdav?" "Not a blamed bit." re- Slied the vivacious saloon-keeper. "But, on't you see, if I had been elected I could have paid you my bar bill, but now les, that s all right enough,' said tho saloon-keeper, "but if you had been elected Brown would have been defeated. and Brown owes mo twice asbigabar bill vours.' "Great heavens! Can this be true? Alas, loo late I have discovered tho secret of Brown's popularity! Ho probably owes all the saloons and every- ixxiy in town, anu iney were au anxious to get their pay. Give mo another toddy, ril try and mako up for lost time, and when" tho next election comes off I'll be neck and neck with him, if not s little ahead." Persian PoeL 1'ortlsiid Society Item. Mike Powers, brother of Pat and Jack, has returned from Hnrrisburg, Alaska, pnd is stopping at the Holton house. He cleared up SG000 in tho mines during tho summer. Standard. Fine Dress Goods. A suleudid line of Iadlesdress goods is being displayed at the Empire stotv. Hoji'rj-. ISosIorj", Hosiery I Tin- latent novelties in ladies and childrcus hoIerj' at Prael Bros'. Cet Custom Wor);. Hoots ami .Shoes. Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to Citv Book Store Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne fmegt fitting uoots and hoes, and lowest prices, rerfect fit guaranteed. Slintes, Sliatcs, Skates I Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes; lowest prices. Now York Novelty Store. Xblf cc to tlie T,:ulies. Switches made from combings or cut hair; new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable. Call or address Ujilkxhap.t & ScitonxiiE. Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, urcgon. Notice. Dinner at 'JEFF'S7' CHOP HOUSE even' day at .5 o'clock. The best25 cent meal in town; soup, ush, seven Kinds ot meats vegetables, pie. pudding, etc. A glass of S.'F. Beer, French Claret, tea 9 coffee included. AH who have tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS." IVc Dlmmltls Coush Salvini. W. AV. Battcrfon. Columbia. Mo-says: I cannot "say too much for Dimmitt's Cough Balsam, for it always cures my cnildrcn of croup and mysclf.and family of coughs and colds." At Y. E. De ment cc fjos. B. F. Sicrens &'Co Are offering extra inducements to any one in need of a Piano, or Organ. Corsets nnd Underwear. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at I'racl Bros.' Empire store. Via?f. P. it. It. Fresh Baltimore oysters packed in ice at Jeirs. Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem saloon. An Oriental Fablr. And Don't Ton Forget It. foard k mm. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A FULL LINE OF A baptism in hades depth As hot as boiling tar Awaits tho mpn who quits the room; And leaves tho door ajar. And ho who softly shuts the door j -r -SHSJ Jbancy Groceries. line I And tho woary are at rest. For The Mainueratle. Masquerade suits rented at reasonable rates in largest variety by ai. u. Kant. WINES AND LIQUORS Frajrrant Coffee to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. Wiieu Yon Come to Astoria and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank old st Fabre's. at his land. Frnulc Fabre's Hotel. AND Ship Chandlery: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Iu Hume' s'ew Building Frank I'abrc has the finest nccommo-; daltons for lodgers to be found in as toria. over his restaurant in Kin?ey's; Imitilinfr Wirvltilnir I i:int nrwl nliin ' and tin beds are new. soft and comfort- Iff? o rrTi n do: fi Ivno Ktt iible. . f vou want "oml board ami lodg- tc-s ti j . vi JtD u y 1 o Dealer iu ing tio to Frank Fabre's 's pjt' siifTi-r frn:ii rvcMsivi inr- fi&ii! : 1.,.,. i 1 I ' I iron outers. inrt n;. 0j r;-.i;ri ttuu 1 ipc anu 1 iiunijd) Fine Millinery A.VD- Fancy Goods. Cass Street, next door to Odd Fellows Building. lias re-opened his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On the Roadway, near his old location. He will keen the stock of the choicest Cisnirs. and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokers' ar ticles, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will be pleased to see his old nenus ai ins new siauu. A Jnicv llteljleiilf conked to perfection Is what you can get at Frank Fabro's. At tlie Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. ForaScat Fitliiifr; Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che- namus street, next door to 1. w. uase. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving, custom wore. L'c Dim 1:1 1 It's t'onsb Xtnlsatu. J. ?d. Yantis, Sweet Springs, Mo., writes: "My mother has had bronchial nd pulmonary affection for forty years and in tliat time has tried almost every thing, but never found anything to give i,,.f i: ;(,: fV....i. i?io,.. has. ' At YV. E. Dement cc Co. s. Oysters in Every Slyle, And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's. Oysters. Oysters. Oysters, at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, fry, pan roast, or raw at FranK uaures. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. 1 1 cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, m tluenza, consumption, and all throat anil ping complaints. : cents kwlm a not tie. Whv will you cough when Miiluh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by V. It. De- men:. -Ilackmetack.' a lasting and fra grant crfume. Price i" and l cents. Sold by v. r Dement. lloscoe Dixdlfs new eating house is now open, bverylhing has been m tcd uf in first-class style, and hit well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated TTT.r-. TIovev op nrmimi!xr ant Taii charms awav a couch, cold, or In lluenza without anv bad effect. ruins 100TIIACHK jjkops cure in one minute. SniLon's CmtK will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and A n run Tiinili mipmhle liv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital- izer Is a positive cure. E. Dement. For sale by W. Fot Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. f!nr.TKXfi I.Tomn BEnp Toxic im naris strength to body and mind. Ko other. Of druggists. Unice un 1 lie whole system wilh King of Hie uio'.irt. bee, Advertisement. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a nos live cure for Catarrh. Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. h. Dement. All l!i nntont. medicines advertised in this paper, together wilh the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. unnn's arug store, opposite vr-iurn unci, Astoria. For the genultie J. 11. Cutler old i;iirloi:.:mil the best ol wines, liriuor aud San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. A Xasal Injector free with each linttle nf Khtlnh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Guard and nrotect your health. make use of that true and. efficient tonicmedtcine, Brown's Iron Bitters. The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts are cordially invited to inspect my Mamffii rs T.W. Katun. Miss Florence isnmliiiii. AXON & CARNAHAN. -t' nn.vt.xi:.; in Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CJIEAl AND QUICK. BY GEORGE Z.GVETT. Main Street, opposite X. Ieb'-u Caaaery ang FIslierfflBiis Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEM! FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Xouil but llrst class workmen employed. A larye assortment of SCALES tlonstantly 011 uaud Drugs and Chemicals JJ.IH0IAS, . 3 ANI Pharmacist, Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting TxON'EliYItUDDOCK & WHEELER. AT J fair rates. Also a complete stock of goods in our line, tstsma'cs given and work cuantiitced. Cass street, in rear of I O O F ImiliHng, next to lias uo's oiucc. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 1.0 to i A. 51 I'lii! l)tsE of Llnunrs and Cigars on li.tfiit tlicnv..iy pupuiar ;nai!eoi social reson. GEO. HILLEi: FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT- Tlf .splcntUd A 1 llritlsh Iron MIlp, KILLOCHA Will hf shortlv on tlieberlh for SAINTON in lots to suit jilIlpiMJ. For freight and in surance apply to ilessrs. HALFOUK, C. 0TIIR1E Jfc Co.. I'ortland. Or tt P. Ii. CHERRY, Astoria. Plumbers and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET !RON, 1?23. AND 003P3T. Fall ai Winter Iiirtatas ! During the present .week I will display on my centre counters the largest and most elegant line of goods ever shown in Oresfon. o if GooflB in Eray Beprtei! LARGEST STOCK ! FINEST GOODS ! and LOWEST PRICES ! S a L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer In Clznr and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, tlunerr. Etc The lamest and finest stock of MEER- SCILM'M and AMUEK GOODS in the city. rarticuiar attention paid to orders irom ine country, TriKO.BRACKER. Manager. ciienamus Mrcet, Astoria, uregon. nnrl Plnllnnrr Linttan nf Anlnm'n m uiuiiiiiiu 11mm ui amm. IXL Figures iw Ii NOTICE. To Hunters, Fishermen. Ranchers. "F YOU WANT THE HIGHEST MAR- . ket price for your produce, go to JEFF Steamer TOM MORRIS. THIS SEIV ami I'avorlte Boat TS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND can be chartered for excursions, special jmrties. etc., at reasonable rates. A general .sieainuoaung inisiness iransacicu. V. BOELLING, Master. FOR TILLAMOOK. ' (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer N. 1. .IOIIANSEN. - - - Master. Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on Portland ; J.U sTOItl' "Tillamook DBESSIVT A KTNTG-. Tl,TiJ. BKYCK R RS PECTF CLLY IN- itA forms the Ladies of Astoria, that her business is carried on as formerly at her rooms on Cass street opposite Odtl Fellows Buitdhur. She returns thanks for their pat ronage in the past, and solicits a continu ance 01 me same. Suits made, from S7.0 to Slo.OO. All Work Warranted, Astoria, Nor. 1st, lfS3. OP TEE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he Is doing the Diggest business or any BESTATTEANT In the city, and he will cuarantee to give the best meal for cash. SOLID .GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of every description. Hie finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. 3r"All gooila warrantedasrepresente! GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE T 5IILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to 500 31., at the mill or delivered. V also manufacture lath and shingles of At quality. Elooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. S. C, Bexxkic, Supt. Be for Business. The Portland and Astoria STEVE20EE COMPANY Is prejire I to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for tho Loading and Unloading of Vessels ! AT EITTIER PORT. i riampt r.ess and satisfaction guaranteed ! In all cases. G. A. ST1NS9N & CO.. BLACKSMITHiNG. At Gapt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass ami court aireei. Ship and Cannery work. Ilotihodnt;. Wauons made aud repaired. lOiu work guaraatewl. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Xislit. Week or Month, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use of Parlor. Library and all the com- lorts ota uome. 1 onus reasonaoie. Annly to 3IRS. E. C. HOIJ)EN. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. j Men's, Toiitl Boys ! ! Delinquent City Tax-es. 7VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, 13l the undeisltmed. Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from the City Council requiring me to collect the tax es assessed for the year IKS, and now delin quent upon the list and make return of the same within sixty days. All parties so in debted win tiiereiorc please lane notice ami govern themselves accordingly. Is. , J.VL VlIICIl 1. Chief of Police. Astori?, Oregon, October Sith, 1S&3. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS XT SOWN AS THE P. GEARHART FARif JLX together with thirty cows, seventeen head of young cattle, one horse, one wagon and other farming implements. This Is a rare chance lor anyone to secure a goou uatry or stocK iarm. I' or particulars Inquire of d-wtf J. W. GEARHART Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THATTHE jjf unrierslcncd has been nnDointed the s- ! sienee of the firm ot A. &L Johnson and Co. aim au persons aaving claims against said firm arc notified to present the samo dulv verified to me at mv office In Astoria. Ore gon, within three months Irom this date, UClODCr d-Cw A. W. BERRY, les lo Suit ai! ! Of s'ery Description Just opened at Hie Occident Store. Quality to rices io Suit all ! D. A.'MclNTOBH, T&e- heading CLOTHIER, MERCHANT .TAILOPv, AND HATTER. For Sale. -OIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM- J? lock Wood,.whlch I will deliver at the houses 01 customers for S4 a cord. Draylng or all kinds done at reasonable rates. K. K. AIAitlOri. j I A M OVERSTOCKED IX CLOTHING ! AND Furnishing Goods! Ami will therefore try and re- uuee it uy uueriux Hen's, Youth's, and Boy's' CL0UHING, Furnishing Goods, Boots and 'Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing At a Lnrze Discount. Any jiarty buying Rocxls of me from this date forth will be al Inwpil tp.n nPT cent, on nurchnses of overSlO. Embrace the oppor tunity ana ouy yourciotuinK 01 M- X- T..A.3XTO?. r4 2 e lb s 0 & 0 id, 3. Ourtis&Go. Carpets, illoMen UNSUEPASSED IN STYLE ASS EHUBH. NEW T3 T? -aTTrnfTT5 Tr A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Comer Benton and Sq uemoqua Streets, East ot the Court House. Astoria, Oregon