CD Site gaitg storfaw. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY NOVKMREK 15, 1S8S SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE 1HRT0F ASTORIA. JIKADY FOR SKA. A mam. UmpQaBeostewtiXerlt Imttllii I'lhiof. ltr bk QiMenatswH Kt 1 1 -azs ynoxsxA. Santa Orar. Nov 14 VKSSEIJi IX TUK nivv.n. I rariI. Am l Olfrft) S.Sauthard. Am so UmI Opom. A hi ) Ire Kmc Am t Virp. Sw Wt lleK-(w. ItWetan. Brsp OlMrno, Ur ji lretMfele. Ur W: Ibtlaklava. Ur pj (hillock. Oct 1 CoWniream. Ur lfc Antwri. Urbk Kwfetul 31 Hi. Ik 1 Star of Krin, Ur tn Siil rit of IHe liau n . lir Oityof Madrid. r hp llifihlatxl "orsiea, A to fill Indiana. Am tp. Ctrrie ATI n lew. A in bk C,' D KrjinUAm 14: Martha l'isher, KiHocban. !!r at IHenpfftll, lir up (51 an Porgusou Ur Mc I Ilni9ris, I$r l)k ak lirie. l'.r so Oberon. Ur bk l.ijs UM. Ur bk Maltscate. Ur lk Harry U&Hev. Ur bk Uoliria. UrbU Y'KSSKLS OA Tlif HrA V. from Z'oreJcii I'orlP. for I lit Columbia Itlver AberwiUt Cfcrtlo. l$r iKr. l.ireri0l St II Uanefc, Urbk Newcail!. St 9 UieHMfc. UrspKI Wilmington Uarsaoj-, Ur sp Aiil 25 Clyde nrtea. Ur bk 847 X S W J aiy 24 Chas. Cotosworth, Ur bk Mverpoa (Sty ef CariMc, Ur bk GrCMet Auk 14 ICgfcdalu. Ur bk Livsrpool .Inly SC ClenHfer. Ur si Port diaitapr Sftt IS (Hrvan. Ur bk April 36 1.tMHHi ef ltrin. Ur so Sydney Sept lackfireen. Ursp 1191 Graefieek, .!ieS .latHrt. MoXoil. Ur bk June 13 t1aKri w Krda, Ur bk 1 191 If S W I.atMc. Ur 1 Rl X S AV Set 1 MnfMrt. Ur H 14 I,eit, .Jt OUm Uar. Ur bk 'feuneriUe Sw W Oakwortli, Ur Feb " 1m4w Kir iHdttk. Urp H' Seat tick Uanl. Pr bk Sl UrMtattn Si(. J San UM. lir bk 812 XeitoMtte Snj.t IT StaajhatiHii. Ur M: KT3 Wilmington S. It. Mead, Aw lk IMS X V Sept From American PortH. Unary Jshm. UrbkitCSIC Y J hbo M) MoretM, Am ft .N V AmiBst IT M W WaUn. Aw tik Xcw rk Mar 1 Sua Kiiafc. Am bp X V July 4 BevertHKti of lh Seas, Am ap Horn Vrl Jww 2 miic " Her)aok. Am cp X YJhiw Columbia River Exports. HITH'MKNTB 1'OltKICX. UEOAI'ITOLATIOX .TAXlfAItV J5, I.7 1HS. WlHaI S SOC.310 6,1S7 biib ur. i7T,176 Tntnl, tnrRMi.... FKBIH'AKV. W'liott. 1(.W. 1ms., valui 11Mr,i,4ifJ Irtds., " IVtnl, e cjMHoes. J! A !!!. VJnat(l8Tj;54 iHHiH-'st. 2I8.7C0 I1mM-t.HS.Ul IjMi;) 3.1(I7 SkVmhhi (Sj(i CMfte' 18,Ofio lxmlr(0iJ 1 CHK) Tirtitt (Rcaixots) $f,3ll Al'ltlU inawr, SIXMmi . .S1S"1 1-mnlH'i'. 7R M -Itl.oOO '1'Mirf.X mi-gout;.. SHAI.&T! MAY. l;l.nirJ!.faS IMs S 17.SS1 WUmi -mtlS 1 mii THirt, tl curgrn) $70JI77 juxie. nmir.w liiihs ? .1,9:0 SttHlKHI, 37,7H Lt HK.VOTt TM, (1 cmfrl T1II.V. ITwir, )r lt4s SttfcttOH, UliJfCSoi.... 5tSJW5 7.W ati.oio -Sa&.-ifz: t S1.KB ami.iw. Totnl, C ciwk llmir. .IJWJWJ.HIs SjrfM.ll "X'JSv c TutJ.i;'nii,j(E..... SICfraMltlCK. ""Hm, 1!. lHI Total (5 argMs) wrrHKi:. Wlunt.7W.0ts Ihw l'lfwr. .1T5 Ws S(aHi,8t'tlii w Ttn (J t .argH) , jcovkmuri:. l "J'h-QhiMisUwh ix-rAftom. "mr. is,sa$ I.Wr 21 To lltmy Kttng jter 7YfetM. I'loiir, r.1 JK hbU JHhS, 19 lttlu m.iw .. 14 Tail , lir. .Tl.ltO Total .... ....SJ2,018 it iro Qutctn4fiwti jter St. LmcU: Whoat, (W.taiO )mk 381,112 7 7V QHCtnttkm'H iter Ftn'u fWHW. Whoat. 77,810 bus , S7.j,lo ! QueeiisiowH irr 'MttrlnhoH. Wheat. 36,-Mo bus srioi5 n-To QnemMtucn jwr Katnunl. Whoat, 2,StlB bus .$51,057 t To QiMenafoirN prr llnngnhlrc. Fhmr, lc.'iiBbbls 81.1-j: 10- To Qnticnufiimi per Mc itf A.vtitoca. Wheat, lnts $ll,U57 IB To QtKtmfmmi prr J'mpcr. Wheat, 7I.02C bus S73.2S0 14 To Quecnsfown per Scottish Prince. Wheat, 'IS.12S bus 4:41,000 14 To QnecHtnwn jm Amana. Whwat. RS.872 bus $C7.591 "VltHl TAIJLK I'VR ASTOItfA. XOYKMP.Ki:. I mail M'ATKI. LOW .VATnit. Seeond. I J'irst. Second. H 1 h. m. h. n. A. . ISIU St! 0S1 101 731 jOii 8 22 0"9 9 12 1'0 9 58 0-S 10 37 0o 11 19 10-2 U HO 1 25 2 1.1 x on 8 fit 4 4' r. U 'JO 0 OS 0 4K 1 27 2 11 2 r.s 8 JiO 0 as 0 t 7 ,T S21 9 12 10 05 11 00 0 01 or.i 1 45 2 3 3 29 1 14 I A3 5 31 C 10 0 07 1 48 Of! I r fC 17-1 0 02 2.7 7 12 0'7 05 07 0-4 C4 1 oa S 02 7'1 8 14 2 17 2 2.5 1 24 5 20 C 09 0 fit 8 SO 17-6 9 37 I7D Jl 17 J10 10 S!10 19 8-2 111 oapic I7II0 55 ST. - - I- 0 00 I CD 0 n 7-i 1 27a 17-3 11 3t(JR1) 0 0lp01 0 t!7p9-2 7 30 fS S 15pj0-9 0 50a The hours between midnight and noon are designated by a (a. m.). those between noon and midnight by p (r. si.), vli. oOm a denotes midnight, oj. 00i. p denotes non. The height Is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. TU It OAT CIIAHES. Following is the schedule or prices for towage in and out over the Columbia Bar : For vessels not . Inward . Outward. exceeding Loaded. Uallast, SCO lons.-Sino $150 150 800 to 1000 tons 200 175 175 1000 to 1200 tons... 225 200 200 1200 to 1400 tons.- 275 225 250 1400 to 1000 tons... 300 200 300 Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posl live cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Caiilcer Mouth. Sold by W. . Dement. SOCIETY' 3IEET1XGS. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7AP.A.M. REG UL Alt COMMDMOATIONS fi first aiwl tliinl THtrtiys in cuchVy inomii, at 74 o'clock, r, m at llip"V HmII in Astoria. Members of the onW in ood stnmUiiK :irp In1tcu to attend.. ly order o the W. JW. Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. O. F. REGULAR MIIIITIG KV orj' nnirsday cvpiiIb: M iMUi-pat seven o ohkk, hi im liOittrt room in una t cnowsiiaii Astoria. Sohmnilne iii(niiMr.s of the onlcr in good standi';, cortlUtlly Invited tontU'it. uy oraer x. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. PEGULA1 MEETINGS OK OC1L.VX IDf Eki caiiipmont No. IX 1. O. O. F.. at tb Mze. In the Odd Fellow IMMiwi:. at half imt seven r. m.. on ttte stH-owl ttiut fourth Mondays of each month, Hojiii- ins ureinren coruiauy iiivikni. uy oraer c. r. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. KEGULAIt MlrriNGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. l AV. iaIH Im kW in Pythian Hall on Friday evenlwg ol erjrii week, at 7 o'clock r. m. Members of tlir order in Rood standing, and visiting Hnrtlt ers are Invited to attend. I.ibixiy Mill b open lifteen minutes lMfore and after each meetini:. liv order M. W. C. liHOWX. lic. Astoria Lodge No. 40. 1. O. G.I. T EGULAlt JIEETIXG EVEJtYHMCSDAY JLl evciiinu at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. Astoria. Members of the Order, iu mm1 standinir. are invited to attend. Desrw meeting nrst Monday oi eacii mount. Jiy order V. f. T American Legion of Honor. REGULAR 3IEETING Ol ASTI)UIA X&; Council Xo. 'Joy is held on the Am Mini third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock l. m. l.y order of the Council Commander. ii. .aiuximiit,Kr iy. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evetdngs tf each month at 7J4 o'clock. iHrJ'ersons desirlnp: to have matters xeird iijxhi hv the CiHincii. at any regular ntret inj: must present the same to the Autlitor and Clerk, on or lKifore the l-'mlay evenim; orlortothe Tuesday on which tlK' Conneil liihlsltJ refnilnr nieelinp. TIIOS. S..TEWETT. AiHlitor and Cleik. CHlJitCli ikkctos:v. ni!Aci Cirnrnt I loir (mumuniiHi firrt ifuiulay of every uionih. Sumiay. services at 11 A. i.. ami 7 r. M.Wrdue- uiiy evening service at 7 clock. Iv. M.'D. Wilson, licclor. Fiiwt Fkksuyticuiax ClIl'ISCW Nr viee.s at 11 A. M. and 7 i M. WeiliiCr. ilay evening irnj't.r liWi-tinjs al 7 o'clock. Kcv. .1. V. MilUgatt, Iaj4r. C'ONVi Kllfi ATIOXA T. ClIUKCH M':-VUf.s at 11 a. M. and 7 r. M. Rev. Snm'l Wood, l'astor. Rom ax Catholic Ciiukch Servitt at ii):. to a. m. Jtev. L. J)M?iinan, PatlH yi. E. Ciit'itcir ServiciiR at 11 a. m. and 7 i m. Lecture and Prayer Sie-t-inp;, Wednesday, at 7 r. m. Jtcv. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Ciintcu. Services each Lord's Day at 11 A. m., and 7 i. i. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 r. m. Rev. li. H. Jlcljnireriy, jwislor. Domestic Exports. The receijits of certain ailicis of Or cgon jro(iuce. at Snn Francisco, from January 1, lvl, to November 7th, ine!i sive. have been as follows: Flour, qr sks.......... Wheat, ctls ... OaLs, ctls Salmon. 1iIHs.................m. hi bbl Apl.'es. Itliwj, bus bbls... Ihitter. pkus Potatoes. sks.-;.......... Wool, bales... Hides. No 'fallow, likes . Ueef, bids I lay. bales QuickMlver. Husks Fruit. Dried, gs. I at her. pkics...................., Hops, bales............ ........... Hants, ikns. .................... Chlt'SK'. ts.............M............. lTav StH'd, sk........ Cot ii, et Is............. , Canned Goods, cs..... I jtni , ikjjs ......... lhicoii. e... .. 51.17 1,M3 m .171 2S.4H SU71 SH 11 lSS J4i -Aei fl (it 5,l 11 77 1C MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortiaent of table frtock ooiaiitJy on Hand. suh as . Cainu'd Fruits niirf.Tc-Hv, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard Fresh Fruits and Vesetahlss, F1SJ3. PttlTLTKY AltU r.AMF In the season. CMS AICS AXf TOKACCO. Rest ol' VTI?sES AK3 KIQVOZCS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sokl on com ini-Hioit. Opposite 1. W. Oase'K store. J. ltOHGKUs. Washington llartet, Main Slrccl, - - Anloria Qrcyw KERGMAX tC BEltliY f ESPCTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX--Lls tion of tho public to lba fact that tlir abovo Markbt will always bo. supplied ;rftu & FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY op FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will lie sold at IottmI rates, trlwiesalo ana retail, bpoclal attention civen to sui'i3 ne ships. LOOK HERE ! We respectfully Inform the public that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Eresh and Cured Meats ALSO Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery ami Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage Is respect fully solicited. dtf, WARREN & THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats, VegotafoloSj FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CICEXA3IUS Street, Astoria , Ozr Delinquent City taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT T, the undersigned. Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from the City Council requiring me to collect the tax es assesseu ior uie year 1SS3, and now delin quent upon the list and make return or the same within sixty days. All parties so in debted will therefore please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. aw, rouGnERY. . . , n Chief of Tollce. Astoria, Oregon, October 25th, 1883. Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath tha-. cannot be kept, because o. the non-removal of thecaus liquor. The way to ma-!: a man temperate is to kil, the desire for those dread!" r. ' artificial stimulants that ca: ry so many bright intellect to premature graves, a:;;: desolation, strife anil r-.-happincss into so many families. ItH&fect! Eaowrxs Iz-ru IhTTsn, & trae iiow-alcoi-ic tome, made in Bakirao.-r. Md.,Uy the Brown Chcaiicl -Conicny, who are old tlmc; rtts and in every panics -lit ncibbie, will, by remov ing the craving appetite i' the drunkard, and by corir the iteiToositess, wcakn:;--, and general ill health restat ing rrom iniempenmof, more to promote tanpetsuice, in the strictest sense th; . nay other means now Liu . t. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines, especially 4 bitters,' arerfoth ing but cheap wkiskey vilely coucocled for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with Brown's IronBitters. Itisamedi cine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive or gans of the body, produc ing good, rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle. Price i.oo. filE OF THE OtDEST AND K03T RELUBU jitatultS IK THE V0KtD rOS THE CUnE CF Co iiglis. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tirroat. Ercnchitis, Influensa. Asthma, "Wliooping Cougii. Croup, and jBvory affoction of tL-. THROAT, LUNGS AMD CHEST, including CQtZ&UMPTlOH. A WELL-KMOWH 1-HYSIClAH UTITEG: ' It does not dry up a couh, aai lcae the cjjim iciiLid, a is the case widi mest Firf-Jr itiaiu. la boteas k. cleanses the lor and allays wriutLm has rctaoviaz ibe caasc of cuajptiinJ." HO SOT RZ mXEIXKI hy ankle beat 2 oiUr i3tcs. lie sure you get D3.-W:5TAP."S BALSAM OF WILD CBEHItT, hh l-e sigaMurc of " I. BUTTS on the wtappcr SO Cimts awI Sl.OO a lUittle,. Ytcpmd by SETH W. rOWLU & SONS. Ro, m.M-ss. cU'v d'ccttaod ieaSen jKartafi F I A NO'S -AND GANS S.MALI j MUSICAL IXCTItUNKNTS SPREADS AND STOOI Piano, arid Organ Instructors. -CELKRRATED STECK & OABE PIASOS ! FSED RY "President of United States' "Governor of 0regn. A Ml other jiroMtinnit )erson4. llanos and Organ of many leadinv makes, v. ;ioUah and it-tail, ineinduig CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GAEBIfES Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. JSC's:- j&-srs HOSPITAL, ASTOKIA, ORXGO rnms institution, undekcaks oi JL the Sfcjteis of Cltarity, bs now ready tm t he receition of lwtients. Piivau rooms for the arcommodadon oi any deii1itr thein. PatieutMadin'.tted at all how &. day or niaht. No idtyioeiau lists ekcliisive rhnit. evcrr patient ts free to and ha the pnvilegeol oniiK)j itiK any physician they prefer. United Statos 2Iaric Seamen who pay UosiHal I)us, are enti tled to Free care and aUndaiice atlhtel luh pital durine sk'loioas. Penults muat be ob tained ior United States Marines at th Cus tom House. t? I STICKS OF CMAKITJ Glean iiig It ep wiring.' NE.VT, CIIEAP AND QUICIv. BY GEORGE ZjOVETT. Main Street,-opposite N. Loeb's. Hackcrcl Catehiac off Cape Ana. The mackerel catchers are voatels of lie same rig, tonnage, ami lading ttwi i:i. u(iuf;n fi.m the scute takes the place oi the trawl. Tbe scene of their operations is rather wider, too, ns they meet ukj mackerel on their appearance in the spring as far south as Virginia, and follow tbrm to the shores of Green land and Iceland. George's Bank. in the open aea about 150 miles oil Gape Ann. and the Dominion waters are, however the favorite fishing grounds. When one of these veseois reaches the spot whore her prey inav be taken, n sharp watch is kept for aohooki which may Ik? seen playing about on the surface: old salts aver that they can smell a school of mack erel as well as menluulen. When one is sighted, the listlessness of tlte crew girt way to animation. The unrse seine, coiled on the atter hatch, is iiastiiy thrown to tlx seine- boat, which lias been toiwing astern since the vessel left part. Two dories are let down. aiKl, in company with the seuie-!xat row on toward the school. At the proper time the setne-lxMs gives the word, the two clones lake an end of the seme, some 290 fathoms in length, and in three minutes enclose tlie sciiooi. then the seine is "passed," and the schooner is signalled to come aloiig sfcle. There are 500 barrels of large. fat mackerel hi the "pnrae." The method of transferring them io the vessel is much like that practiced by lite menhaden steamers. A large dip net. with long handle, worked by taeklini;. is let clown into the strug gling mass, and throws them on the vessels deck by the hau-barrel. This done, the operation, of "dress ing down" begins hy throwing the catch into a square trough: twelve men of tlie crew of Knrfccn then attack them with knives, dexterously open them lv a slit down the I Kick, and clean them at a stroke. Uiev arc then washed, assorted into various grades according to size ami fatness. and imckevl in barrels, otic l.arrel of Iawrpool salt leuig retutireii ftir fonr Imrreis of fh. irk rapidly do they work that forty-seven Imrrels have been cleaned and iackcd iu two hours and a half. Meantime two men have been overliauling tlie seine, repairing it where a shark or blueOsh lias made a rent, and tlie men arc ready for another haul or perhain io work for hours without seen ring a barrel. The story told by the Coiogwe Ua &Ue as to how it came to pass that Kiiur Alfonzo lKcame honorary Col onel of the Uhlans stationed at Stras lmig,"if not Irne, is at least well in vented. There were two regiments of Uhlans available it seems, and the uniforms of both were submitted to the king, who preferred the one with yellow cuffs to that with white culTs, and the one he preferred happened to Ik pt:rr tercel at Sln-burg. i i ii mm ii i ' TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVES?, and MALARIA, From thescsonrcc3 arise three-fourths of UioiILjCOot 3 of the human race. These symptoms indicato their existence: Xoss orApiictttc. Jlowtls costive, Kick Headache, fnll5ic3 after cat in,nrers!onto exertion ofliody or ml n il , 12ra ctatlon of fo od , IrrI tabll llyof tcmper,I,or spirits, Afeclin ofliavluR aeslecteil some tlnty.DIz-zl:icss,I,:ntterIiirjatUiclic-u:t,lots licforc the eyes, lilijlily colored Triiic,COXSSXlATIOA,an1(lcmantl t he us-e of i remedy that acts dlrectlvon lh Liver. As a Liver mcd IoincTOTT'S X'ITjXjS have no Ctiunl. Tltclr action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; Tomovinjr all impuritle3 through tlieso three acavenc;ers of tlie Kyfitem," prothieiiiK :ipietilc, sound digestion, resi!ar stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TUTT'S lITitS cause no miusca or gri-iins nor interfere, vvitU -work una are a perfect AKTJDGTE. TO MALARIA, ld crerywherog; OlHe" llMnrraySt.N Y. eAOK-IIWlumln staidly to a GunssY Rlack hy a shiglo application of this Dri:. Sold by Drug prt,orscnt by express oarecoiptof SI. Oftice, 44 Murrav Street. New York. ASK FOR Union India. E,nbber Go's PureTara Gum OKAOK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. kwai:k OK imitations! Rsuroth Roots are stauinml ('HACK riinuFtm the heels, aud have the PUKE GUM SPRINGS on the foot ami Instep, whih irtvvent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with UUlilllill A XI) ASBESTOS Soles vvhirh will make them last more than twice as long as any 'lunnrr ixkhs inaue. FOR SALIC 1Y ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUP.UEIi 11ELTIN(. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOIS. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. JS. Jl. rKASK..Ir. i Agents S. M. RUNYON, 'N. 1 San Eraiiclsco. BUY BEST ! Erish Flax Salmon Hot Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND GORE ANBLS1B LIKBS Fish I'oiimls, Seines, and Xcts luiporteil to Order. A Large Stoeiof NetttBii, FishLines AHD FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY BOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. e3TAgents for the Paeifie Coast. W. E. DESEIfT & GO. ASTOKIA, - - - OKEGON Carry in Stock, 'Sc DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded THE A Journal of and for the People, Devoted to the Best Interests of the Community. ,Thc largest circulation of any News paper published on the Columbia Hirer. The Astorian cliqi ue a.nci recognizes public opinion. The Astorcan consistency it claims t for the advancement and prosperity of the Oity, Comity and :xjsr5CJ3SM;3.:cc:3i5i;;tsj2;e:t::ei2i;sEi-ii2;::2i3:s3E2r3;iii;335i5S!H Is thoroughly Independent, and enjoys the confidence and circle of friends and It is delivered to any Cents' per The Daily Astorian Is Sent by Mail One Year, Six Months. One Month. FliEK OP Is issued every Friday Morning. We go to press at 3 A. M.7 lication and give the The WEEKLY in the eleventh year is universally read, People who are a daily mail will consult their own inter ests by sending the TWO DOLLARS, And they will get THE WEEKLY AS TOEIAK postage paid, for one year. 2 IC 5C is controlled br no jio master but concedes to all the for itself and labois vicinity. support of a large patrons. part of the city for $7.00 3.50 .65 POSTAGE. on morning of pub latest news. ASTORIA is now of its publication, and and commended. not within reach of small sum of TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation ciLsr mvisiox. During the month of November, 1SS3, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland for San Francisco every Tuesday and Friday, and from San Francisco for Portland every Wednesday and Saturday. leaving Alns wortli Dock. Portland, at Midnight, and SpearStreet Wharf, San 10 'i'ltrouslt VicKctM sold to all principa clttes hi tlie United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern point, at 1 :00 P. 3L dally and at 7 :30 A. M. dally, except Sunday. i:iVi;R BIYISIO.Y (Jlhldlc Coluiubia). I!nali leave Tortland for Dalles at 7 :0t . M. Aio : Iare Port -I ! land for Mob Th. We. Tim. FrI. I Sat Ateria andl I Is war Oe- lWa....lA.M 5AM nitn. Or.; AJI,1 CJnrrTllU" 6m Vtetrta.UOifi AM; AM C AM 0 AM U AM 6 AM 7 am; it am; 16 AMI I B Am!sAmc AlllfiAM I,eavs Astoria Tor Tortland at 6 a. in. daily ex cept Suadar. Pntlman Pslaco Cars running between Port taml. awl St. Paul, C II. PRESCOTT, Manager. A. U STOICES, Asent. Sap't. of Traffic. JOHN muh:, Sup'tofTniUlc E. P. ROGERS, General Agent Passenger Dep't. Oregon & California R. R. OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. 0a an alter May 13, 1SS.1, trains will run as follows, DAlLZ (Except Sundays), EASTSIDK DIVISION. Kctwecn PORTLAND and GLEXDALE UX1I. TEAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:80 a. if.lGlendale 10:35 p. m. Gloadalo 1 :0U A. m. ! Portland 1 :25 p. v. ALBANY-EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M. Lebanon 9.20 P. .Vi Lebanon ::45 A. M.lPortIand.10:05 A. 31 The Oregon aud California Railroad 1' err makoA eosnoction with all EesularTraina on Eae&ido Division. WB8TSIBK DIVI3I0N. Betivcen PortlautI and Corvnlllsi TSA1S LB AVE. ARRIVT!. Portland 0:00 A. JI.ICorvalHa ....l::a) P. M Cervallig. 8:30 A. M. Portland 3:20 P. M KxntESS Tivts hEAVS. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 r.M.rcIinnvilIe-.S:L0 p. it MeMinnville.5:45A.:u.lPortIand 8:30 a. ii CI 030 connections mmlts sit Glcndalawith tho Stages of tho Uregon and California Stase Company. odickaaioraiuoatall tliai!rincii)alioint in California and tho East, at Company':) umeo. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. tnraaa will bo chnrvati on froiplit rntniitn. sac atConiiMinya Waroliouso over 'M hours. rroieat will not bo received for ahmmont itftor 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho Eaat or Host side Division. R. KOKHLEIt. JOHN J1UIB. Manager. Snp't. of Traffic. A, I,. STOKES, K. P. ROGERS, A9st hnpt. General AK t of Traffic. Passenger Dep't. Hvaco Steam Navigation Go.'s AVINTER SC1TEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ihuaco. Connecting by stages for Oysterville and Olympia, JFprfs, Until further notice the Ihvaco QtiZ-i Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gen. Miles," or "Gen. Canby" "Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. HI, FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco ON Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tlin.tnninnrtrlll lnot'n Aatnrilt O A "T n forineriv. not beinc confined strictlv to .schedule time. Pare to Fort Stevens. " Canby and Ihvaco.. BOcts SI 00 3THvaco freieht, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, J3lor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the omce oi titu company, urays wharf, foot of Itenton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. . SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilivaro, - Xortli JCeach, OyHtcrville, Xorth Cove, Petersons Polut, UTo qnxum, .lloate.sano, Ami all points on Shoal water Ray, aud Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES.) Strs. or S On Columbia River. GEN.CANRY.) " GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages overrortages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Columbia Transportation Co. FOS? PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) The popular steamer .ffysjtr. FLEETWOOD, s9i- Vhhh has been refitted for the comrort o passengers will leave "Wilson and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriving at Portland at 7 P. M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. fit. Arriving at Astoria at IP. fit. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday 31orninjr. Passengers by this route connect at Kalama Tor Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President. REGULAR STEAM PACKET "Daisy," and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Olney. and Ilead of Youngs River, Dailv, at 8 A. ar., (except Wednesdays and Sundays.) Returning same day, For Landings on Lewis & Clark's River, On Wednesdays, at S A. 31., Returning same day. 03-For Freight or Passage, apply on hoard, or at Gray's Dock, -where Freight will ber celved and stored, if necessary. J.H.D.GBAY. t