2 The gale on the Atlantic coast pre SELECT MASQUERADE BALL. JijescneJlieTroniiell Fifth Annual rVlasqucrade Ball. Thursday Evening. Xov. 20 (li. in:;. At the Skating Sink. viously reported, was blowing with unabated fury last Tuesday night The loss of life along the New Eng ASTORIA, OREGON: land coast is appalling. E P If e H i ! THURSDAY., NOVEMBER 15. 1BS3 VILluVKD IN A NEW KOIjE. Is auswor to a repetition o tlie request of the Astoria chamber of commerce for permission to examine Iris plans, Henry Villard gives a repe tition of his former answer. The case stemls this ivay. In compliance -vvith a universal demand from this section Villard put a party of surveyors in the field last May, having previously told a deputation from Astoria that he had the money to build the road. Upon completion of the survey and receipt of the engineers' reports, he sent word to the Astoria chamber of commerce thai he could not build the road. lie supplemented his information by lite statement that should others want to build the road he would not staad in the way; that to anyone who would undertake the construction of the road he would pay 39,000 per mile; $20,000 in first mortgage bonds, and $10,OQO in second mortgage bonds. He further said in direct stipu lation that the road would have to be built in accordance with the plans and K?cifications of his engineers. TUe prompt reply of the Astoria chamber of commerce was "All right; wliat are these plans? let us see -what we must do." So far all was square awl buBitio6-like. Nov,- comes the craw-fishing. Villard refused point ltoik to let the Astoria chamber of commerce ace these plans. Fearing that its telegrams were not explicit enough the chamber caused to be sent him a letter making provisional acceptance, and stating (what was on the Tace of it a necessary matter) that they would like to see those plans hi compliance with which they would Jmve to build the rond. A peremp tory refusal to allow them to see those plans has been received from Mr. Villard. What construction can the people tf the Northwest place on this? In what light does it present Mr. Vil lard? SuipoRC a citizen of Astoria said U a builder, 4,I will give you 92.00Q to build me a dwelling house; the dwelling to be in exact accord ncc with plans' that my architect has furnished me;" and when the builder asked for a look at these plans the citnteti sliould say, "No. sirl they nre my plans, and you cannot and shall not see them." the opinion of the builder as to the citizen's business in tegrity would be the reverse of flat tering. It is not plain what Mr. Villard cx xte to consummate by such trilling, it may be that he hasn't got the money to build the road, and all this shuffling and evasion of the last five months is to conceal his weakness, but that could be overlooked or ex plained. AVe can all readily under stand how the resources of his com panies have been severely strained by the heavy expenditures consequent upon the completion of the N. P. 11. K., but Are cannot understand why the president or that corporation should descend to such miserable subterfuge and evasion as wo have shown 1 is practising towards this community. 3I:ie!H(!lnwltn and 3Hssisiiiii. IVbnty-six ycais ago a pro-slavery mob murdered Lovejoy at Alton, ILL The occurence occasioned the great est excitement In Faneuil hall up on receipt of the news, "Wendell Phil lips sprang to his feel and voiced a imssioustc denunciation that was the keynote to the campaign. Had Phil lips gone to a cotton state at any time during the quarter of a century ilial followed he would, in all probability, have been tarred and feathered. The good people of Charleston, S. C, once sent him lov ing words to that effect; his answer wis "The inducements" are not suffi cient." Next Wednesday the National Planters' Association will meet at Vieksburg. Miss. Wendell Phillips lias accepted an invitation to address the convention. The fierv voung ora tor whoso words awoke the conscience of the nation, is now a man of seven ty-two. He goes to the south for the licst time m his life. He goes to talk of peace and prosperity, of fra ternal ties and national greatness to the sons of men who would have hanged bun thirty years ago had he dared to show himself. Time is a wonderful ally. It is proposed to hold a world's fair in San Frauoisco in 18S7, The idea is a good one; comparative! speaking, the Pacific coast is a small community. The whole population is not half of that which lives within a radius of fifty miles from Trenton, N. J., yet increased facilities of land aud sea travel bring the world's com merce to the city which is the center of the coast As a business proposi hon the idea is Teasible. Rightly managed it would have excellent re suit. Oregon could be royally repre sented, and would derive lasting ben efit therefrom. The inefficiency of the mail service along the line of the N. P. R. H has been brought to the attention of Postmaster-General Greshain who will straighten matters out "WaijIi street bears are now raiding Canadian Pacific stocks. 3IAKKIKD. Tn Aslnrtn. Vnr 1J liv Tfot' Ur Hf. tclheim, Herman Wise, and Miss Sarah O.stroski. In Upper Astoria, Nov. 13, bv Rev. S. Wood, Barzellia Lampen, to Margaret Dalson. Both of Clatsop County. ixm. In Astoria. Nov. 14. Minnie 3I daughter of P. and B. Gorman, aced 2 years, 7 months and 14 days. Portland ana aan n rancisco papers please copy. OCCIIIffl HALL TWO NIGHTS ONLY. 3IODAY, Xovcmber 191!i, TAKEN FROM LIFE. TUESDAY, Xovcmber iiotli, TICKET OF LEAVE MAN. EIGHTH SEASON. Two Great Companies Cons Jlldairti: The European Company After an extended tour through England. Ireland and Scotland, having Just returned aud consolidated with Mil, HIAL'S AMER ICAN Company, will travel during the. seasons or 1SS3-4, supporting Appearing in a carefully arranged Repertoire or .STA.IAJCI 1.LAlYS. Winning supreme recognition by seven seasons of care, circumspection and dili gence. Ileserved Seats at the New York Noveltv Store. Prices as usual. MEETING NOTICE. milE REGULAIt ANNUAL MEETING OF JL thestockholdersof the Pythian Laud and Building Association will he held in Pvthinn Castle, on Wednesday December r.tfi lfiss. immediately after the adjournment of Astor Iodge No. c, K. of P., for tne election of offi cer for the ensulngyear.and the transaction of such other business as mav come before the meeting. E. A. NOYES Secretary. Astoria, Nov. f, 1S33. d:d ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! $101,000,000 Appropriate! in for Pensions. AN ACT to relieve soldiers from the charge of desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, anil to grant soldiers marked :ls DESERTERS honorable discharge papers AN ACT to extend the arrears of the pen sion act and continue it in force so far as widows and children ;irr (nniwiiPil a"V ACT allowing pay for horses aud couinnients lost in service, etc Nearly even- person is entitled to en increase. Iei:sloiiH. KonntieH, L.iim! Claims and EntfiitH attended to. For particulars call or address C. .T. CURTIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of Claims aud Patents. Rooms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows building. As toria, Oregon. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUO. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. Rebuilt and Refitted Throuirhont. The nest of WIXIlS.IiMfcirORS, AXI CIG.X US For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West JUh and Water Streets, Astoria. Ii0-Ctll FOR SALE. TN LOTS TO SUIT. FROM r. ACHES TO JL 40 acre tract in 8. W. corner of Clias. Stevens' I). C. Title perfect. For particu lars impure at office of N. I). Raymond, City Jiau ; ur uu uic irciiiisus VI (J. IJ. 1 ouug. Asiona, jnov.su, jskj. Assessment Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Assessment Roll of School District No. I. Clatsop county, Oregon, for the vear 1PS3 has this 15th day of October. 1883. been im proved by the Directors of said district and a warrant issued to the clerk for the collec tion of the taxes therein called for within sixty days from said date. Said lax is now due and payable at the office of the undersigned In Astoria, in said district, also will be deemed delinquent un less so p:iid within the time above specified. i. u. UlMUKTJl, Clerk School Dist. No. 1. Clatsop Co. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT MRS. GEO. HILLER'S, NEXT DOOR to WSston Hotel. Notice of Dissolution. TVTOTICE IS HERE1JY GIVEN THAT THE J-l partnership heretofore existing between Rudolph Harth and Michael Meyers h:is been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Rartli will continue the business in his own name and on his ovui account and will pay all debts aud collect all accounts aud notes due the Ann. RUDOLPH IURTII. MICHAEL MEYER. Astoria, Nov. 2d, 18S3. d-30d A. MaeBeth, MERCHANT TAIL0E, No. 4. First St, - - Portland. Oregon. Clothing made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. NOTICE T 0 CANNERYMEH ! I "WILL MAKE ROXES NEXT SEASON in any amount required, and guarantee to have them satisfactory in every resiwct. My price for shooks will be 13 cents ; for nailed boxes 17 cents. "Any one wishing to make a contract for cases can confer with J. C. TRULLINGER, oct4-3m Proprietor West Shore Mills. Astoria Oil Works. J. H. DEFORCE, Proprietor, P. O. Box 251, Astoria, Oregon. Manufacturer anil .Dealer in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grease to be goou aim cueap. Xi. I- tTolisoii, Has re-opened his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE On the Roadway, near his old location. He win keep the stock of the choicest Cigars am! TnlutfWiG- nnrt n full llnnnf anntnic liclps inrlixlinf tli fintxt. tnAHKiiinniii pipes. He will be pleased to see his old menus at ius new sianu. REMOVAL?" The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS T t neauquarters at its stables next to R. B. Franklhrs. two doors below Tiik Asto ki ax office. Flist-class Livery service. Carts witli horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will leave lor upper Astoria irom uie stables. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. HOXOKAKY CO MX ITT KX. Cant. G co. l'ln vol, Hon . V'm. CtauM. Col. R. ILSpedden. How. A. J. Megler, Hon. John llahti. Hon. J. V.'. Hmm. MAXAOKM EXT rOMMlTTKiC. N. Clinton, P. L. Pjirfcer. C. H. Stockton. V. 0. Ittiike. HHCEPTIOX COllMITTBK. MEMBERS OF TIIETHOUI'E. IXVIKTICATIXR COMITTRtf. C. II. Stockton, .I . AV. Unre. .J. V. Bn.wii. IXTATIOX COMMITTKE. F. I. Parker. N. CHiiion. J. Hepburn, .I. D.Hierc. A. A. ClevoiwMt. I'rhir r.r AdntNKfoii. Lady Maskurs. - KKKK. (Jcnt Maskers, - - ... f 1 M lady Spectators. - W (5entSpectntiia, 1 09 Tickets mav be procured of Monitors of the Troupe. Maskers' Tk-kets can be pnered rmly si the store of F. L. Pnrker. Two elegstut prizes w il! Ik. hhiIn1 t Ue.- susUiined lady xud gvniteioait ehararter Drugs and Chemicals tJ.S. 57 I'll U.UJk-' J axd fy Piiarmacist, Aastoria.o t 9 k X m CT3 AjJ Prescriptions carefully comiwHinded Day or Jfight. BANKING ANpIHSUBAR6L S. W. CASS, BROKER. BANKER AXl IH8UBAHGE AOEKT ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFKJOS HOURS: FROil 9 O'CLOCK A. M. IIKTI f. :; O'CLOCK V. JU. OF CAHFORNiA. L P. HOOOHTOX CIIA.S. ILSTOHV.... GKO. 1. STOUV ..........J'rp!tent ... :wrwtrv ... Arent ft Capital paid ui m U. S. eoirtf coin f CM mhi m I. W. CAKK. AjpfJil. Chenamus street. AV.oria. Oretot. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL ASl) LO"ON AKlJ GLORE, NORTH IJRITISH AND 3EKRCAK TILE OF LONDON AND EDINRUKGI1. OLD CONNECTICUT OK HART- UOJiD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA KIRB INSURANCE COMI'ANIKS Ko:receRtini; a capital of 8tr.0t0,fMt. A. VAN DUSEN. AseaU THE CENTUEY. TOE 1884. Tlie programme for the fourteenth vear of this magazine, aud tlie third under the new name, Ls if anything more interestiitg and popular than ever. With every season Thk Oknti-uv shows a decided gain in cireulx tion. Tlie new volume oegins with Novem ber, aud. when iossiblc,suTs'ritio!is should litnin with that issue. Tlie following are some of the features of the coming vear: A Xeir J'orel by Cpoix-c W. Cable, author of "Old Creole Days." vie., entitled "Dr. Se vier," :i story of New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late Civil War. "Life In the Thirteen Colonies," bv Ed AVAitn E0C.1.K.STOX, separate illustrated jw person subjects connected with the exrlv history of this country. Three Stories by Henry James, of varying lengtlis. to appear through the vear. The 'ew Astronomy, untechnical articles by I'rof. S. P. Laxglkv, describing the most interesting of recent discoveries m the sun and stars. A hoveletto by II. II. Horestn. author of "Gunnar,"e c A vivid and sparkling storj-. The Kerr la lu American Archlt;tnre, a series of rlrs descriptive of tlw? best works of American architects in Public Buildings, City and Countrv Houses, etc. To be profusely illustrated. " A Norellette by Robert Grant, author of "Confesiions of a Frivolous Girl," etc.. en titled "An Average Man," a story of New York, The Bread-winners, one of the most re markable novels of the day, to be complet ed iu January. "Christianity and Wealth," vvith other es says, by the author of "The Christian Jxsi gue of Connecticut." etc.. on the application of Christian morals to tlie present l liases of modem life. CoxKtic? About the Gulf cf St. Lawrence, a series of entertaining articles profusely il lustrated. Scenes from the h'ovelhu, Hawtmokxk. Geohgp. Eliot, and Caulk, with authentic drawings. tin the Track of I'lynNes, the record of a yacht cruise In the Mediterranean, identify ing the route of Ulysses on ids return from tlie Troian war. "(arileld in hnsland," extracts from his private Journal kept during a trip iu Europe in !So7. "The Silverado Situation," by RoiiKUT Loi'M Stkvexsox. autlior of -New Am man ignis." There will be papers on out.Uor England by JnilX RriiltODCiLS and otlieiv. n lmiii- ful Illnstrated series on Dante, a number of papers y inc eminent j-rencn novelist, Al. rnoxsR Daudkt, articles onartandarclue- !":. by CitAiiLisi Dt'Di.KY AVakxku and otners. tllustnitcd papers on siwrt and ad venture, short stories by the leading writers, iiiiicij Miujecis, eic. eic Subscription price, Sl.oo a year: single nuniDcrssoiacvcrywiierc.atS-3 cents each All dealers freceive subscrioilons. or mmit- tancesmaybc made direct to the publish er uv jium.u ur express oruer.rcgtMereu tei- ter, uuiik cuccK or uraiu isPKCLVL OKFE1L-. To enable subscricera to beli uitii tim first volume under Tiik Ckxtihv name, we lllttkA fill' fnllnirlnrr crmnlol nlT.- . I?CW Sltbsbriljcr ltrnlnninit trith 7T,a Ijcr.tSSS, may obtain the magazine one year from date, and thetxeenty-fourprevtoiunum-licrx.wtbound.for s.oo. Regular price for Or. H preferred, a subscription anil the twenty-four numbers uouxn jx mvr. elis rjAXT volumes will be furnished for $10. iieguiar price, $io. THE CENTURY CO., New York, N. Y. 1 SOk ntl ."Tw ihp Ym Ha-. .iiM-ned to pttblie full line of. VeiocipBEles, Boiler Skates, jewelry, Silyer and Piated Ware, leys, Baby CaiTiages. Bird Cages. Japanese Goods. Accordcons. Violins, Sheet Music. Stationery. Cuilery. Notions, and other Novelties too numerous to mention. "Only one price for all is our watthMnl, aiwl we are willing to "stand or fait" by OMrltoeonl. "Honesty Is th; brM pohev. and oirat arnHtsarea Kartre for mir ftttuiv ia:entkn:. 01h In our Ian:i; inereale ui lmttess we have hatl l ikhmi hi itMtro eowHHMliois quarters. "V invite the publie to lve us a cjvIS awl thus xvtWy tteMieiwi tlmt nothinji ls iMbroprcsetel. as we take sreat HesiMire in )MMiiiirxmMii. Wr make a sjcyvlly of Baby Carriages, Accordeons. And ail kinds of Reading flatter. A iMplu:e Ittio of IFftSiSftAY :t01i nnsiiriiMWtl any when will le opened wiuj. utir prwesueiy ooimihhiiich. i mi llow b US ill ilOfbl Poimerly Old Mam Street, - - EE-OPENING ! roods Reduced Price: Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unccraaled in Style and finish vill take pleasure in examining our Stock of :S, SATINS and BEES IN & FUEHISHMG DEPARTS Everything is Complete and of the host. PBAE CHAS. HEiLBORN, AJU3KACTITHER OF FIT R.NITUR E S BED I) FN (i Aii'O DKALEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lacs Curlains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW COKN1CKS AD CURTAIN PULES Complete la every hranch. I. "W. CASE, IMl'ORTHi: AND WIIOL&5ALF. Ai UK TAIL I.IiALKli IN GENERAL 1IECHAEBM Corner Clieaainus and Cess streets. ASTORIA ... - OREGON THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NILXT nOOIiTO ASTOPJAN OFFICK. A very large Stock from which to select. window curtains made to order. S!y patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper will he lound convenient to my patrons. Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTlTE OF AN EXECUTION is sued, out or the Hon. Circuit Court or the State of Oregon, for the County of Clat sop, on the tilth day of Octohcr. ISO. and to me directed on a decree for the foreclosure o: certain mortgage liens wherein .fume Taylor, plaintitr. recovered a judgement and decree of foreclosure against The Fish ermen's Building Association, and Patrick Maeken, defendants, for tlie sum of one thousand two hundred and seventy-two ($1272.00) dollars together with csts and disbursements taxed at S10 00 and accruing costs and expenses. I have levied upon and will gell at public auction, on thc2lth day or November, 1833, at li o'clock r. sr. or said day, at the court house door, hi Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, for ca.h In hand at time of sale, ail the right title, and interest which the abovc-uamed defenuants have iu tlie following described real property, to wit : Beginning at the north-west corner of block one hundred anil twenty-one. In the fir-t ad dition to the town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John HI. Shively, m the Count of-Clatsop, State or Oregon, running thence Miuiii, aiong me west boundary uu or said . block, a distance of forty feet ; thence east erly on a line parallel witli the north bound-! ary line of said block, a distance of oaelnm- dred feet; thence northerly a distance or ror ty feet to a point Iu the north boundary line : of silrt block one hundred and twenty-one, f and distant one hundred feet from the place j orberfnuinc: thence weslprlvalonff the nnrtli : boundary line of said block", a distance of j one nunareu icct to the place or beghmlng, with the tenements, hereditaments, etc., thereunto belonging or appertaining. A.2SLTWO.MBLY. Sheriff. New Goods. Novi 111 anvi oe coiivineeo. I. X. 1. Store, - Astoria, Oregon. THE SENT, Hardware Bill SMjj Cianftlery A. VAH DUSEH & CO., DKALKIIS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Iilneliiiics. Paints anil Oils. Groceries, etc. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. It VJS if FRANK L, Fresh Fruits Hi TER apply to the Ctpiaiu. or to E. P. Parker, CITY BOOK STOS.E. HAVE JI'ST RECEIVED A 3IAIOIOTII STOCK OF BOOKS. The young and old, rich and poor can all be accommodated. Agents for the Kranich & Bach and Mandsfeldt & Notni Pianos and Western Cotiage Organs. Orders far all kinds of Music or Inslriiiiicnts will be promptly filled. B. F. STEVENS & CO., City Book Store. Have a Full loner Staeii (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & JIONTGOiAIERY.) iPggggsss. m5HSSSSir?si PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CliESiAJlUS STREET, Kcst to C Lu larlcer's Store. THE NEW MODEL A FUIili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 2S2- SCjSl WES, Two doors onst of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. J. CUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN FURETTUKE Ss BEDDING. Corner Iatn ami Squeiuoqua Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER3 ETC X Complete Stoctr PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. .iXT, KK?IS OP JFimiriTUllE REPAIRED ASI VASS ISIiE I . G ERjMANIA beer hall AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHirfAiirs Stkket. Astoria. The Best of laager 5 Cls. a Glass Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Left ai this nlaeftwil! lift nrnmntlvnttAtiil. ed to. J2T"No cheap Sail FrancLsco Deer sold at tills place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. .1. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AMD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storaee and "Whalfface on reason able terms. Foot ol Benton street, Astoria Oregon. PARKER, Vegetables IES. STEA3123R CLARA PARKER Euqem D. Brock, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCIIAK Agent. II. 15. PAKKJilt. iHS & Co. Line of assware, Site. art kimm Sis., 1 tkiorth Cutlery. iLonicgomery, SEALKU IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. a fieneml A-ssortraent of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. Pittinbing goods of all kinds on baud. .Too work done In a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAX BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF M, E. HAWE8, AGENT OXLL AND EXA3ITNE IT, YOD VTLL BE PLEASED. E. i:. HA WES is also agent for the Ci And other first-class stoves. Furnace "Worlr, Stoam Flt tings oto. a specialty- A. JOHNSON. J. II ESS. . A. JL JOIINSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTUREItS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, And ever3'thin else pertaining to our Business. Lowes tPrice and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and get yonr work done at once. J. HESS & CO. Oregon, Astoria,