0) VOL. XX. NO. 39. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 18- PRICE, FIVE CENTS. WHAT SOME L'.'iJUEKMEX ARE DOING. II k estimated thai 200.000,000 feci off logs -Kill Ik? ui into Eitgie river. Wi., tJti "winter. The season's cut of lumber at La Game, AVis., -will he alxml GS,000,000 feet, as compared Aviih 140,000,000 fool for lust year. NotwiMist.-tnding ihv low stage of v4r at J2im Chiin Wis., the mills swc dailv sawing a total amount of 1,166,000 feet of lumber. The Sandy lliver Lumlercomjany, of Elaine, is dimension and Imnlwood in large volume to Cuba and South America. The "White liiver Jioomiiig com !utv. at Whitehall. Miel... has Jiseort 1 the last lo of the 120;000,000 feet which came in as the main drive. John Dice, of Tliomastown, Alicli., ftlrnck a perfectly Round cedar limb white digging a well, at a depth of twelve feet, in a bed of solid graveL Mclvinsic Brotliers A: Campbell, of Jvirkland, Canada, have this season .shipped away over 30,000 cedar tele graph poles, "for the Western TJnioa eonnmisy. Complain I is made of tlie severe de afcntcUon of oak tree in llelch Hatchy valley, Nevada, by the Piute Indians, who recklessly fell them to get the acorns. In the east veneers am in demand in all sises. and large quantities for buildiag purposes, and a great many are nsod for the lops of sewing ma chine boxes. The N. Ludinglon comjaiiy, at iLar inette. Wis., has gas in its mill, and the experience is liial tite cosi is 50 IKSr cent. :iiove that of kerosene, and tha light 100 Kr cenL Iieiter. The Forest Pulp Mills at Yarmouth, Me., are making extensive improve monte. which emjiloy regularly 150 hands. For fibre 1000 cords of iop Jar are annually consumed. Walker & Brott, of Alimioajxriis, Afinn.. have finally begun manufac turing their patent saw-dust ami jieat fuel. Tlie machinery for lhe purpose is at worlc in Leigh ion's mill. The tooth-pick factory at Harbor Springs, Mich., which is being estab lished by Cleveland, Ohio, capitalists, will consume 20,000 cords of wood an nuallv. The building will be 30x121 reet. Dyer & Hughes, of Foxcroft, Me., manufacture annually 2000 cabinet organs. The factories consume vear ly 200,000 feet of pine, 100.000 feet of bass wood, 100000 feci of walnut and 109,000 feet of veneer. . Up to October 1st the total export of forest products from Alpena, Midi.. Avas U1.2Gr.(Ktl) feet of lumber, 0.25)51.- i 000 shingles, -J.240,000 lath, 112,00uj ties, 71.000 post, oG00 telegraph k1ch and $180 cords of cedar. Ilonry Poor & Son, of Boston, have a tannery at Winn. Me., which an nually consumes 7000 cords of bark, one at Medway which consume 5500 cords, and one at Lowell that con sumes $3500 cords. L. n. Dnrelly & Co., Foxcroft, Me., consume annually 2500 cords of birch in the manufacture or sjools, the esti mated value of (lie resulting product being $10,000. In the factory thirty hands are employed. TI. O. Sykes, or Boston county, Miss., is said to have recently felled a tree from which he made 1G;K) feet of lumber, 158 rails and . six cords of wood, and enough of the tree was still left to construct a lish story. C. Iv. Dntton has a big turpentine farm near Live Oak, Fla. It embraces 1S,000 acres of pine timber, uMn which five stills are operated, employ ing 250 hands, 42 mules and six horses. Tlie annual product of this farm is estimated at 175,000 gallons of turpentine and 3-1.000 barrels of rosin. Gilmonr & Co., of Trenton, Onl., have this season increased the capac ity of their mills one-third, and have creeled a number of dwellings for their employes. The firm lceeiw two locomotives and 300 cars in service For handling and shipping lumber. There are S0.000.OIX) feet of lumber piled in the yards. Bell & Hickey, or Ottawa, Out, have sold timber limits on Montreal river, a tributary to the Ottawa, 300 miles above Ottawa, covering an area of 101 square miles. The considera tion was $55,000. The limits include what is called the finest lumber farm, as the Provincial phrase goes, in the whole Ottawa district A sale of timber limits in the Geor gian Bay, in Canada, belonging io .James McLaren and others, on Octo ber 18th, resulted as follows: Limit 4S sold for $20,000 to Thomas IConnev, and also limit 5G for $30,000; limit (53 to .lames Worthinglon for $24,500; limit fii to Thomas Kenney for $5200; limit 72 io James Worthington for $15,000, The sales in all amounted to $110,000. Fix&atsox Akudsted. Yomig Fin layson, who killed his grandmother near Albany, on the 'M, was arrested Tuesday last m Wasco county and brought to Portland Ho says that on the afternoon of the 3d, shortly artor his grandfather went away his grandmother iold him he had better go out io plow. He did not feel well nnu aid not wish to go, nnu some words ensued, when die hit him with :i small stick of stove wood she had in hor hand. The blow did not hurl him much, but angered him, and as she stooped to put the stick in the stovo he struck her on the back of the head with an ax. She was dazed by the blow, but staggered into her bed Tooin. He followed her and took a knife lying on a table, and stabbed her a number of times. When he had done, she told him to say good-by for her to all her friends. She then asked for a drink of water, which he brought, and after taking some she ceased to breathe. He then covered her with the bed clothes, and after taking a few dollars in money, he left. If you don't want to freeze when it s cold; suffer from excessive per spiration when it's warm use Brown's :lroa Bitters. NEWS OK THE NORTHWEST. Seventy men have been discharged from the Northern Pacific shops at New Tacoma by orders from the East The Bellingham Bay Railway and Navigation Company's surveyors, in charge of Chief Engineer Sheets, are locating the line through Whatcom. There are now four stave camps in operation on Samish slough. The staves are being made for the San Juan lime kilns. They bring $1.50 per thousand. Last Monday morning 125 laborers at Portland were discharged from the employ of the N. P. railroad com pany. It is said their places will be filled by Chinamen. Last Saturday afternoon smoke was distinctly seen to rise from the south side of Mount Hood. The smoke did not rise in a continuous column, but came in puffs. On board the ship llttfiard III at Seattle, is a mallard duck which alighted on the deck while the vessel was on her voyage up from San Fran cisco, ond has since remained on the ship. Capt. Montford, in charge of the coal bunkers at Tacoma, reports that on Monday last the ship Aia.slui was loaded with 1,500 tons of coal in nine hours, and the loading of her entire cargo -2100 tons was com pleted in seventeen liours. The Poit Townsend Aran tells this remarkable story: Mr. Frederick Crosier, .a well known and reliable citizen of Clallam county, avers that he caught a silver salmon in lhe Dun geness river the oilier day that had concealed among its ''inwards'' a $20 gold piece made in 38S0. There will very probably be a dis pute between Shoshone and Kootnai counties as to which county the new mines arc located in. It seems that the mines are located on the summit of the Ctuur d'AIeno range of moiui tains and that forms the boundray be tween the two counties.. The Spokane Falls Chronicle says: The train of Walla Walla wheat which was sent as a test to Minneap olis has proved lo be too soft in its quality for Minnesota mills, and was sent to Duluth to be sold in Eastern markets. The Minneapolis millers are accustomed to hard wheat, hence the experiment of marketing Walla Walla wheat in that locality is a fail ure The Ogden Pilot claims io have it from good authority that the Union Pacific directors and managers have in view making the inspection just completed of the Oregon 'Short Line the idea of constructing feeders to it at various points. After construct ing GO miles or more of lhe main line it is thougnt io be the intention of the managers io commence the build ing of three branches of feeders and run them lo all important places in the adjacent country. Mrs. M. E. Ziglar created quite a sensation at the Yillard House Fri day night, says the Pendleton Hast ( fixon tan, by stealing her child from its father. The parents have been separated since June last, the father retaining the child (a ixy of about five years) and the mother going lo Portland, where she has been a wait ress m restaurants. She came upon the train Tuesday last, and Wednes dav visited a farm a short distance from this city where the child was kept, and made its keeiier promise to send it to see her yesterday. In the evening Mr. Ziglar brought the boy to the hotel, and just after dinner Mrs. Ziglar enticed him up stairs while its father was settling his bill, and mother and boy disappeared. Ziglar spent the night in fruitless search, only to learn that mother and child were provided with a private conveyance by which they fled early m the evening for Washington Terri tory. The scheme was a bold one and most successfully carried to com pletion. The llosebnrg, Oregon, Plain- ltaki says: The number of China men passing through here from the front during the past week has caus ed no little comment We learn from good authority that when their jobs are done thev are discharged and that preparations will soon be sus pended. The O. & C. IX. B. Co, will finish the road ns far south as Ash land and will then discharge all their employes except llios at work on the tunnels. It is expected that regular trains will run to Grant's pass by December tlie 1st, A large force of Iracklavers will be organized in about a month under the super vision of Mr. Waite and will lay track to a point about four nines north of Ashland, where the supply station will 1k established. It will take some time, but the work will be pushed forward rapidly. From pres ent appearances it would seem that Yillard was running short of money and likely to suspend construction at any time. However, we hope that this is not the case and that we will have through communication by rail with ban Francisco before lobo. IVolicc lo the F,utlics. Switches made from combings or cut hair; new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable. Call or address UlILKXIIAKT & SCJIOEKHK. Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, Oregon. llAMl'S JIOXEV OV HORKIIOUXX) AND Tai: charms away a cough, cold, or in fluenza without any bad effect. Puck's Toothache Ditors cure in one minute. Shiloh's Cukk will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. & Dement Why will you cougli when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment. All the natent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerlumery, ami toilet articles, etccan e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite OcMden betel, Astoria. "llncfcmctack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 aud CO cents. Sold by W- H. Dement jii lie i pH Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity. t reu;nh anil wlialesomeness. Jlore economical than tin- ordinary kinds, aud cannot bf sold in competition vrith tlio mul titude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powdori. Soldmily f wins. Kov ax. Hakim: Powdkk Co.. 1W Wall-it. N. V. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. PKAI.KKS IN Iron, Sieel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Painl3 and Oils STEAM PACKING. PROVISIONS. Fr.oxrn axi mirx fkei. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, ana Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. Allsizes, at Poitland Prices in Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton StreeLi ASTOKI A, OREGON. LOBB & CO. .101SUF.KS IN WINES. LIQUOKS, AM CIGAR!?. ACKNTS I'Olt THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. J2?A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STIIEET. Opiate Parker nouse, Astoria. reon. &ITTEBS There has never been an instance in which this sterling invfgorant and anti-febril medi cine has failed to ward off the complaint. when taken duly as a protection againn malaria. Hundreds of Dhrsicians hnvo aban doned nil the officinal snecifics. and now nrc- senbo mis narmicsi vegetable tonic lor emus and fever, ar well as dyspepsia and nervous affection, llostetter's Bitters is tbo specific you need. r or sale by all Druggists and JJcalers generally. Wl, EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. Leinenweber & Co., C I.RIKNWKBKB. H. BHOWJi ESTABLISHED 1SG5. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AND CUBBIES, Manufacturers and Importers of LI. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. s-JIlhest cash price paid lor Hides and xauow. i lOTELS AUD BESTA U KA NTS-. PARKER HOUSE. 13, Si. IWItKUK. Troj ASTORIA. - OREGON E. P. PAKKER. - tUnnngerauri Asni. AI.CItOSP.Y, - - Day Clerk Phil. BOWERS, - - Night Cleik. Jas. DUFFY" has thePirandP.llli:irUrooiu. Pirst Class in all Heapects. FKEF. COACH TO THE HOl'SK. IT IS A FACT THAT JEFF'S' CHOP HOUSE ox Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT H? 1ms Always tin 5 In ml FIlf-ISH SIiohI "Water Bnj- ami Kast cra Oysiers. THAT "JEFF?? IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT lie has been Proprietor r the "Aurora Hotel" In Knappton cTrn yrnr. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A New Departure. At Frank Fahie's, Is dally set a TABLE D'HOTE from 6 to 7:30 P M At which A FINE FRENCH DINNER, With Half a Bottle Wine AVI 1 1 he furntHltecl for .10 cents. Hoard by the Month, - S2. to S30 1-oJtiIiiE m he procured hv the day. week or month. My establishment Is fitted newly throughout, and everything main tained in the best style. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MRS. POWELL HAS OPENED AN OYS terstand and Codec House on Main street next to the Oregon liakr ry. Every attention paid to patrons. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NKJI1T. nseuls sJ." oeniH and upwards. O. BOUliAKI. jiai.y STitF.rrr. Proprietor. - - ASTORIA. THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. Chris. Wnllhiun has owned a boarding nd lodging house south of o'Rrh-n's hotel, near the gas works. Tlie table Is supplied with lhe best the market alTords : giKl food and clean beds will be furnished at the regular prices. (ilve nu a call anil satisir yourselves, CHAS. WLLMA2f. Astoria Sestaurant EDWARD YOUNG Am. ounces to the public that he has located In the rooms formerly occupied by tlie City Rook Store, where he will keep a Restaurant aiii Clou House Furnishing ineuls to ordor at all Iiours. His natrons will find the tables supplied with ten or twelve or the best newspainiry. His reputation as former proprietor of the New EiiL'iand Restaurant is a snfflrient recommendation for his new house. California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic aud Forelsu Clears of the bent II rands. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concomly between Renton and Iifa- yette streets. lm GEORGE CORLIER. S. AHNDT & FERCIiEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 811 op4 Boiler Shop All kiuds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. BUSINESS CARDS. Q K. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. noom Xo. c, over White House, ASTOHIA. OREGON. .1. xat. minso.v. Attorney at Law, and. .Votary Public. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, c. vr. fcltox. a. c fcltox. Fiirrox ur others, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooins 5 and C. Odd Fellows Uuildlnff. i.A. UOVTX.IXY. " ATTORNEY AT LAW. ChenanuB treet. - - ASTORIA. ORECON C. K -1 :. yi eACJIlt AX, Altornej at F.aw. Room 4, Whye House. Q .J.CUKTI. ATT'V AT liAW. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 aud 4, Odd Fellows Building, As toria, Oregon. N. B.-Claims at Washington. D. C, and collections aspeclalty. V. ALLKX , Astoria Agent Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COJIPANIES. Jg C. IIOI-DKX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. Q.KLO V. PAIIKKR. SURVEYOR OF C'latxop Couuty.and City of Astoria OlUce :-ChenamiLS street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. jytl. X. C. BOAT2IAX. Physician and Surgeon. Rooms o and to. Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. J"AY TUTTLK. 31. J. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofkick Rooms 1,2. and 3. Fythian Build ing. Rksidknce Over J." E. Thomas' Drus Store. jfji f. men. HENT1ST, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON Rooms in Allvu's buildlnc up stairs, corner of Cass aud Suemocqhe stret . JK. .1. LnFOltCE, IEXTIST, Room 11, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. G;is administered for painless extraction of teeth. MUSIC. PUOF. T. F. MEl'EB. Graduate of Heidelberg University. Piano Tcnclier. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Biiis of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. I A.M AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING X fl known and commodious steamship lues. . STATE LINE. RED STAP.. WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMER ICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets toorfromauy European port. For full Information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to 1. (Y.UASt. OKO. I WHKKI.KU. W. L. ROBB. Notary Public. WHEELER & KOBB. OEXEISAL Seal Estate I Insurance Aients. We have very desirable property in As toria and Upper Astoria for sale. Also, One farms throughout the county. Accounts carctuiiy adjusted ana collec tions made. We represent the Koyal, Xorwleh" Union akI Lanca Hhlre InHnraiicc Co'm., Wlh a combined capital of S30,000,000. THK Travelers Life and Accident Insur ance Co, or Hartford, and the Man hattan Ijlfe. Insurance Co., of New York. We are acents for the Daily and Weekly Xorthitxslfieics, and the Oregon Videlle. All business entrusted to our care will re ccive prompt attention. CiH. BAIN & CO. Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. 4S1X03P w oris. A specialty, and all -work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford. Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. C H. BAIX & CO. I Lead but Newer Follow ! Is herewith declared. From and after the 1st o November all News papers and Periodicals will be sold at the following prices: 5 Cents Fireside Companion, N. Y. Weekly Ledger, Saturday Night, Arm Chair, Family Story Paper, Boys of New York, "Weeks Doings, Texas Siftings, S. F. Chronicle, Call, Orcgonian, News and Astorian, etc., etc. 8 CIS.. 3 for 25 Police Gazette, Police News. Judge, Harper's Bazaar and Weekly, Leslies Weekly and Chimney Uorner, Argonaut, and many others. I have printed tickets for those papers to make exact change. Back numbers always on hand. r Onn-fo I-eslie's Popular Monthly, VCiiia, Young Ladies Journal, etc. 30 CeiltS. Harper's Monthly, etc. Having made arrangements with all publishers I am enabled to give the public a benefit of the above named reductions 1 have also REDUCED the price for Subscriptions, which will be as follows: Harper's Weekly, per year " Bazaar, " Monthly " All three for Leslie's Weekly, per year Leslie's Chimney Corner, per year " ropular Monthly " Fireside Companion New York Ledger Saturday Night Family Story Paper Arm Chair S. F. Argonant Puck your time to subscribe for the coming year. Remember Carl Adler's ouDscnption xsews uepot. ADLER STILL HOLDS All the following flue cloth bound Books .o cenis. xriiKjtn jtuiwer vy"on i-aiiipueii, speaeer. Jieini and many, many more. Fine line of Novels and Giftliooks. rich Tom Brown's School Days, Tour of the Worhl.'The Fur Country, Five Weeks in a Balloon, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Arabian Nishts. YmuiK Crusoe, Talcs from Shakespeare, Don LOW PS.ICSS. Every article of my new. Hue selected itodc will be sold at prices that will DEFY all coaii'ETrriox. Books. Stationeri". and Notions In endless Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, icodcer Bros. Castors, Cups, Tea Sets, etc, etc., will be sold PIANOS AND ORGANS of the best InBtallmcntH. 3IOSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. Sbeet AIilsIc and Music Instructors of the latest publications. 100 new Music Books just received from the East. fTIrfXTQ I The finest assortment of Toys, Wagons. Velocipedes. Baby Carriages, JL J JLiu I Qic, etc., can only be found at Adler's well known Crystal Palace. Enabled by many years of experience I will suit young and old. I moan to do a square, honest business, giving full value for every dime received. Polite clerks will be found in attendance and no trouble to show goods. JIEIUKUBER I WILL XOT BS U.YXIUlSOLT. The Crystal Palace. Carl Aciler, ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BKOTOK gTKEET, NEAK PAKKRR HOUSE, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND ana IAEIE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Was 3, President. J. G. HcsTwnt, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. J OHN"Fox,Superintendent. Eaeii, Cts., 1 3 for $ 1 .00. Illustrated Times, Puck, Wasp, and 3.75 not -H 00 3.75 4.00 3.50 4.00 10.00 12.00 3.75 4.00 3.75 4-.00 2.S5 " 3.00 2.75 " 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 " 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.75 4.00 4.50 " 5.00 rates. Now is . , , , FORT ! gilt edge, Ked Line edition, formerly $1.50 at llemaus, Tennyson, Hood. - v bound. iornierlv SUM now onliT3 cents. variety. A fine display of Gold and Sliver Silverware, as Knives. Forks and Snoous. cheuier than anywhere else. makers very Low for Castli. or on Easy succeeded in selecting a stock of i:oods which Proprietor. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In LUMBER, KAY, GRAIrJ, POTATOES, AND OOUiYTRT -PRODUCE. Advances made on Consignments. 1 1 y irai :V