ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY- NOVEMBER 14, 1SS8 ISSUED EVERYIORt31KG. (Monday excepted) J. F. HAliLOEAN & COMPANY, rUBLlSHEltS AND rKOmiETOItS, ABTOIUAI BUILDING. - - CASSSTUECT Term of.Subcrlptioa. Served by Carrier, per week Sent by Mail, per mouth ... " f " one year 15cts. . 00cte.4 tree 01 postage 10 suoscnuers. t2BAdvertIsements inserted by the year t Hie rate of 2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each Insertion. Around tlie City. Tho A. B. Field crossed out on her way to Tillamook yesterday. Reserved seats for the Jay Kiitl troupe at the New York Novelty store. In a short time Cedar street will be one of the prettiest thoroughfares in the city. Tho Oregon board of pilot commis ionera will meet next Tuesday in Port laud. Among other enterprises that are being talked of, a seaman's home is one of the latest. Tho Chinamen have struck a bonanza in tho charred timber at the site of the Clatsop mill. If the State gets down from Portland to-day there will probably be a marriage in Astoria this evening. The present weather is a thing of beau ty while it lasts, and if it were continu ous would be a joy forever. Receipts of salmon at San Francisco from April 1st to November 1st, cases; corresponding psriod in 1882, J01,133. Chas. Slay is removing his stock to the store formerly occupied by A. John son & Co., and will bo ready for businjpKS next week. Tho now pilot schooner City of Xapa, fourteen days from San Francisco, ar rived in yesterday afternoon, and came to anchor below. The Miles began running yesterday be tween Hwaco and Astoria, and will con tinue on that route till further arrange ments are made. The Fleetwood which laid over oue trip to put in a new propeller arrived down jesterday afternoon m good time. The new propeller works well. In the police court yeslcrdav afternoon, in the case wherein "W. Ericks was charged with smoking opium, the de fendant was fined five dollars. In the case of Jas. Cook, charged with keeping open a house for tho purpose of smoking opium, the defendant was dismissed. AtDEUBEOOE Pnorcirrv. The sale of Alderbrook property at E. C. Holden's this afternoon is deserving of more than passing notice. Situated as Astoria is. it is the natural desire of the frugal and thrifty, and saving, to invest their earn ings in a manner that will bring them as Rured benefit. To anyone who has a lit tle money to spare, tho sale this after noon affords a most desirable opioriuu ity. The constantly increasing growth of tho city, the new enterprises in con templation, determines a purchase of real estate ol the naturo offered as a good investment. Wood Business. Tho increasing pop ulation of Astoria occasions increasing demands in every lino of trade. In no way is this more apparent than in the augmentation of tho wood business. This season, it is estimated, that there are 300 men engaged in the business of supplying wood to Astoria. It consists principally of spruce limbs, vine maple, alder and fir, and comes in scows from Gray's River, Deep River, Lewis and Clarke's, Knappa and elsewhere, princi pally from the "Washington Territory Hide". It is a hard life, and the men en gaged in it well earn what they make at it. New Couktt Seat. Word comes that tho bill has passed the Washington Ter ritory legislature transferring the county seat of "Wahkiakum from Cathlaraet to Skamokawa. This will bo a big benefit to our Wahkiakum county neighbors. The greater part of tho population of that county will find it much more con venient to go to Skamokawa than the present county seat to transact their business. Information is also furnished that Mucklo Bros.? of St. Helens have bought the mill site just below Monl- fomery's mill at Skamokawa, paying 1,000 therefor, and they intend putting up a saw mill "next season. Lots are al ready Belling for 100 apiece in the neigh borhood. A Mkmted Compliment. Capt. Pal mer of the ship IJalaJclara, reports to the Commercial Herald that ono of his sailors named Robert Ray, while lying at ABtoria, was taken ill and was removed to St. Mary's hospital, where he shortly after died, owing to the serious nature of his illness. Tho captain says the hos pital is one of the finest he has seen for years; that one might travel for thou sands of miles and not find one so com plete in all its departments, so carefully and satisfactorily kept, and so pleasant for patients. He speaks highly of the sisters who have charge of it, and states that charges are very reasonable, and that it is a pity ship masters are not gen erally awaro of tho many excellencies of the Astoria hospital. A Portland Justice Court. Rumors were afloat yesterday to the effect that an-encounter had taken place on Saturday out at Keegan's court, coin munly known as the "Court of Death," in which Aleck and Jack Keegan engaged in a life-or-death strugglo, and the judge came out first best. Inquiry failed to develop the minutta? of the struggle, but sufficient information was gained to war rant public mention of the fact, to show how a certain ono of the justices' courts is now run in this city and by what class oi dispensers. Aleck and Jack have been at swords' points for a week past, and on Saturdav the culmination of their ill-feeling was reached in a personal encounter m the saioon aajoimng tno vnounai ot justice. It was nip and tuck for a while, both be ing powerful men and evenly matched as to size and strength, bnt tho judge find ing his wind about to fail him and a fair prospect of Jack's mopping the walk with his legal carcass, whipped out si knife and inflicted upon his victorious brother three or four stabs, that sent him to grass, and may cost hini his life. Jack was immediately conveyed to his room and a physician summoned, who sewed up his wounds and carefully attended him during the entire day. "Strenuous efforts have been made to suppress the transaction, out without avail. Aora. Attention. All members of Rescue Jubilee Troupe are required to attend this "Wednesday evening, at their hall at 7.:w r. m. Jiv order, C. H. Stocktox, President Arc "5en Insured X If you want insurance in reliable com panies go to Wheeler & Robb. They represent the Norwich Union, the Lan cashire Royal, and the Union Ins. Co., of San Francisco, with a combined capi tal of $36,000,000. They are also agents for the well-known Travelers' Acci dent Insurance Company, of Hartford. THE CITY C0OT1L. d'eoeral Routine Ccslne&s. The city oountil mot in regular session last evening: Mayor Halm in the chair; present. Councilman Carre there. Cooper, Hume, JoliHK and Tren chard; in attend ance, T. S. Jewett auditor and clerk, F. D. Winton, city attorney. C. W. Laugh roy, chief of police. After the reading of tlie minutes of the last regular meeting and of the last spe cial mooting, n petition from West Sth street property owners was referred to committee on streets. Ordinances regarding Cnshintfs, Court and "West 7th street wore returned with the mayor's veto. These ordinances were declaring the probable cost of improving these streets; the communication was re ceived and placed on file. A request from Carl Adler asking for permission to erect a clock in front of his store, was referred to street committee. A communication from the Independ ence fire department asldng the price of a second-hand engine, on motion of Councilman Hume was referred to fire committee with power to act. A proposal to build a crane back hose carriage, to csrry 1000 feet of hoae, for $G0, was receive! from the Gntta Percha manufacturing company of San Fran cisco. On motion of Councilman Treuch ard the proposal was referred to the fire committee. The htrect committee reports on the Hamilton street improvement, and the Genevieve street improvement, were ac cepted and placed on tile. The committee'lo whom was referred the charges against Police Officer Hun ter, reported that the evidence did not sustain tho charges. On motion of Coun cilman Hume, the report was adopted. The reports of police judge, street superintendent stud city attorney, were referred to appropriate committees. An ordinance making appropriation out of street fund to refund assessments to Lilian Crosby raid John Hobson was read first and second time and patted under suspension of the rale. An ordinance making similiar appro priations for the improvement of the Cass and Squeinocpua street crossings was passed undos the KUrfpeusion of the rules. An ordinance making similar appro priation for the improvement of the Cass and Jefferson ntreet crotwing was passed under suspension of tho rules. An ordinance making similar appro priation to pay the salary of the city treasurer was 'passed under suspension of the rules. A similar ordinance to pay bill of "West Shore lumber mills was passed un der suspension of the rules. An ordinance declaring time and man ner of improving Genevieve street was read third time and referred back to committee. An ordinance making estimate for im provement of Hamilton street was road tho third time and passed. Ihe v;to of the mavor m Sue ordi nances declaring probable coat of im proving Cushmg s court and West bev- enth streets was sustained bv a unani mous vote of the council. The following bills were ordered paid: "Wilson &, Fisher, $7.K); Astoria Iron Works. S72.SU; W. A. Sherman, n.'.'Jj: C. H. Cooper, 2Ar; Surprenaut fc Ferguson, $2lZ; Tm: Artomax. $47.9.; 5B;W: J. G. Hustler. .$220.21: M. Conley, 1); T. Dunn. $2; M. Ellis. 9: Gutta Percha Rubber Co.. $G.Cr.. $GG5.W. $90J0: C. Alexander. $00; S. G. Fisher. 20.5)0; Gus Lingo. 7.rQ; Gil! & Clinton. 7.Cd; A. Ahl, $2i.20: West Shore Lum ber Mills, 200: W. B. Headington. 288; Mrs. Jane Radollett, $80; W. R. Head ington. 822: R. Carruthers. 1; A. W. Rerry, 10; J. D. Mermnan, ; F. J. Tavlor, 30; W. W. Parker, 1; C. Adler, 25; O. F. L. & R. Association. 20.50; Jay Tuttle, 1. Un motion council adjourned. Alenr the hacks. Tlie Blenafell finished loading yester day; tho Viryo eanie down; the Imperial and Scottish Prince are expected to-day. The British barks Harry Jiailey, Sin clair, master, from Ruoaos Ayrcs, and the Jioltvia. .. 1'axley, master, from Callao, arrived in yesterday. Tho Reaper and Isle of Analesea crossed to so. Lives of greet men all romind us That our lives are short and jorky: And it's time that we should find us Fach i fat Thanksgiving turkey. Via JS. t 11. 11. Fresh Baltimore oysters packed in ice at JetTs. Tor The 3aii:cntric. Masquerade sniU rented at reasonable rates in largest variety by 31. v. n.vsr. cooked to perfection is what yon can ctat rrank iabres. FttraJi'cat Fitting; float Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Chc nanius street next door to 1. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A lull stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Fine Dress Goods. A splendid line of ladles dress goods is being displayed at the Empircstnre. Ilosicrj-. Hosiery. iIosirj-I The latest novelties in ladies and childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'. ml. F. Stevens & Co Are offering extra inducements to any one in need of a Piano, or Organ. Frajrrcint Coffee to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. "Wiicn Yon Come to Astoria and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank Fahre s, at his old stand. Fran It Fores Ifofcl. Frank Fahre has the finest accommo dations for lodgers to he found in As toria, over his restaurant In Kinsey's building. lA'eryiiimg is neat ana clean and the beds are new, soft and comfort able. It you want good board and lodg ing go to Frank Fabre's Oysters. Oysters. Oysters. at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, fry, pan roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's. Notice to tlie fculics. Switches made from combings or cut hair; new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in anv shade df sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable Call or address r Unr.TCxnAjrr & Schokxhk, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, Uregon. mors, female complaints, ec 'Pamph lets free to any addross. Seth W. Fowlf sbonr yoston. A Kasal Injector free with each bottle ot Minolta catarrh uemcdy Price CO cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Brace up the whole system with King ot the iiiood. oee Advertisement. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Compiaint, vou have a printed guarantee on even' bottle of Suiloh's Vitalizor. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem The Peruvian syrup nas cured lima sands who Avcre suffering from dyspep sia ilfiiillitAV !5nr rntnr.loiiit- Iwiils hn saloon. . DEEP RITEIt DISTRICT. From An Occasional Reporter. Esrros Astosus: Deep riverisa tributary to the Columbia and from Stark's point to Shaw's ranch all tho vessels in existence could find a snug and safe refuge on its deep, tran quil ana piaciu waters. The present banishes the past so quick ly on this golden Pacific slope that to the younger Generation of to-davit al ready seems n very dreamy and distant ceroic past. There are aboutfortv families of Rus sian Finns located in the Deep river, Salmon creek and tributary country. They are industrious and encrsretic and just tho right class of settlera for a new country as they can grow rich and get fat on trout, salmon, ducks of all kinds, pheasants and the fat of tho land. Messrs. Shaw, Suis, Periiia and Davis assisted by Shaw Jr., and Louis Hcrsey, are doing all thoy can do to promote edu cation in the district. They have three good school houses. It would bo desirable to keen these schools open as long as possible. With the limited means derivable from the school fund it is impossible for tho di rectors to do justice to the children unless they solicit outside aid. 'I'l.. r 41. f 1 1 i . -nit: ttuLiiic ui tut; uvjuic nm i laj supplemented by another larger whistle of a steamer about to be launched from the establishment of Mr. Jenkins. The owner of the Coyote will bo the owner of this larger steamer, which will do much to develop the hidden and untold resour ces of this new section of country. Ev ery new industry and enterprise 'should be encouraged. To new and intending settlers no field offers such inducements as this section of country. Thousands upon thousands of acres of land await here the advent ot tho fortunate settler who wishes to create a home. This might well be termed the ''Poor Man's Para dise.' The new settler on tho lookout for a home may rest assured of one thing that he will be aided and not fleeced in his endeavors to make a home in this section of country. In a few years from now thousands of dollars will lio given for land that can now be had for the mere filing. With good landings and good roads in the near future Deep River will bo known all over the Pacific slope. In my opinion coal and oil mines of untold wcafth are awaiting tho aid of capital and conse quent development. A great future awaits this district. Stark has a bonanza in his "Point" if he only works it as a summer resort for pleasure scokcrs and invalids. Anren. (Jirl Wanted. To do general housework in a small private family: no children. Address Astonan omce. licst Custom Work. Koots aud Shors, Can be had all. J. Arvold's, next to City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fiKin.g boots and shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. Corsets anil ITmlerwear. 1I the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bros." Empire store. I'sc Oiiiimltt's Cousli Balsam. Richardson & Co.,St Louis, one of the largest wholesale drug firms m the Uni ted States, writes: 4Ve have handled Dimmitfs Cough Balsam in our trade for the past sixteen years and have, bought as much as one hundred gross at a lime, and lrom our knowledge of its merits believe it to have given perfect satisfaction to our customers" At W. E. Dement & Co.'s. ZSotice. Dinner at-J EFF'S"CliOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. The hest2r cent- meal m town; soup, usii, seven Kinds ot meats, vegetnbles, ine, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. AH who have tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS." At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. Oysters in Krcry Slyie, And coffee at Mrs. Lovetfs. Skates, Skates, Skates! Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes; lowest prices. New York Novelty Store. Tnlxcti Out of KriJ. Dr. 11. Y. Pierce, Buffalo, 2iew York.: Dear Sir I have to thank vou for tlie great relief received from your Favorite Prescription. My sick noss had lasted seven years, ona of which I was in bed. After taking one nottie l was aoio to oe aoout tne house. Respectfully, Amanda K.Ex xi.s, Fulton, Mich. For the cenutne J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquor and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Hale's IIoxev of IIokkhounij and Tak charms away a cough, cold, or m lluenza without anv bad effect Pikes toothache iii:op cure in oue minute. -Suiloh's Cintn will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis, bout ny w. i. ucment. -Win will vou cough when Shiloh's Cure will trive immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De ment. All llio n.itimt mpiliiMties mlvertlsed in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can Up hnimht nr. t he lowest iiriees. at.L W. Conn's drug store, opposite. OcMden uciei. Astoria. uH;iflririttirt." n lasttnf rinil fra- rrant perfume. Price 2T and CO cents. oid by w. is. uement If you don't want to freeze when it s cold; suner lrom excessive per spiration when it's warm use Brown's Iron Bitters. Shiloh's Catarrh Itemed y a posi live cure for Catarrh. Dintheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement Are vou made miserable bv Indi gestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital ize r is a positive cure. For sale by AY. E. Dement. The Iter. Geo. II. Thaver. of Bour bon, Ind-, says: "Both mj-self and wife owe our lives tobnir.ou's consumption Ct-r.K." Sold by W. E. Dement. Itoscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Evemhmg has been fit ted up in first-class style, and hit well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat. that at his place they can be accommodated. Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic im- . i ii. i - i i.. i ? i iians sirenuui to uuuy aim niiiiu. iv otltcr. Of druggists. Guard and protect your health, make use of that true and efficient tonic medicine, Brown's Iron Bitters. For Rent. m HE STORE LATELl'OCCUriED Bit A. JL 3L Johnson & Co. Apply at the store of rraeiEros.,orto c.s.uundjskso: Fashion Xote. Very long ovorskirte are worn with plain skirts. Sapphires arc the fashionable stones.! ior engagement rings. Plush will be much used for children's suits and wraps. Plaids, blocks, checks and stripes re features in fall fabrics. The nowest plaid costumes have the material cut on the bias. Imported hats and bonnets are notice ably larger than those of last fall. Capes or large collars are worn on tight ! walking jacketa by young Indie?. j tY. singular fancy is to combine nuiiua of roses with gold color. ; Ajwlonaise for winter wear will lmve' a full waist to be worn with a belt. New shoulder capes are cut to iwodnce a tun epameite enect on tue shoulders There is a tendency tovra Sfoa1; ot colored wraps tor occasions ceremony. i Coffee-tinted lace is the latest. Tbo ladies wear it to the theatre; it matches - their escorts breath. Wide worsted braids are much use! in : trimming fall suits. Sometimes a line of fine gold soutcne edgts the wide - but this is oulv for houe wi-ar. Just now it is said to be a craze amoiie: fashionablc ladies to own valuable cows, Wffi3i. SffilHARBIARl, MS, STEEL must go. For dressv winter evening toilets.; transparent stuffs of all colors will le; worn, such as silk, gold and silver grazes and nets, with satin, velvet, chenille and j feather embroideries, the figures verv 1 solid while the ground? are very open. Gathered sleeves are becoming ecci :i-: trie, and modistes are not satisfied with putting them very high on tho shoulder, but even those who are usually charv of ranningftito extremes, are setting stiff muslin puffs under the top of the sleeve lining Vb make the sleeve fullor and high er. 1 his padding with i he leg-o -mutton sleeve is merely n revival. x-ansian unues uo noi wear "iovi aur- the altar without gloves. A prayer-lwok i covered with ivory or with pearl is cr- neu oy tne onuo insieau oi a oouquei. What a p?cnltar shade is that? "What do you call it:"' broke in a young lady, turninc to a Tassing costume of dark red, which emitted spasmodic gleams of in- uemuio wuito jis us Tearer niovcu cm. That." replied tho elderlv lady, criti cally, "was meant, I should sav, to repre sent crushed raspberry upon which the cream had- soared. The f ashionablo modistes who remained lato in Paris in search of novelties are displaying costumes made entirely of velvet, or elso of velvet in combination with Sicilionne, Bengalene. Victorionue, or other soft ropped silk, in late importations plain velvet has tho prefer ence to the large-figured brocades, which are mostly used for wraps or for the fronts of "dinner dresses: when figured velvet is cho?en. it is chieily in very small designs. REMOVAL. Fhe Asioria Passenger Line WILL AFTI'tt THIS HATE HAVE ITS f i headquarters at its Statrfrs next to It. 1J. I'ranklhfs. two doors below Tnie Aro- kia: office, first-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for imsc- dollar )r Dour, carnages on applicant The Atoiia Passenger Line llaokn will leave for Upper Astoria from tin- taMe$. Jiorso.s taken to imam. :u:s.t.o,i;rien. ixcnse. GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK! I'lnest titled up lSllHard!!ri Samirie ltwrns in tne t uy. Everything first-cla throughout. At tho entrance to the O. K. & X. l)H-k. PLUMBIMCt, Gas and Steam Fitting Doxe by nunnccK & wiikflkk. at fair rates. Also a complete stwfc of goods in our ltr.r. Ivtiuia es given ami won: guarantecu. Cass street. In iir of TOOT buHtiiiiK. next to Cias Co's oulce. HANSEN SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, ASTD PLAI'IIIsG- MILL. A full stock df hnnif manufactured zoous constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work suaraulecd. Your lmtnmase so licited. ASTOIUA. Oregon Brewery Beer Hiiloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every la" from l to 12 A. M The best of Liquor and Cbsira on hand, i desen'eilly Kjular Aacc of social reMrt. f.l'O. HILL'.:. FOR LIVERPOOL DiREGT- The splendid A 1 P.ritish Iron itip, siSjSSSt- Will heihortlv on the berth for SALMON In lots to suit shippers. For freight and in surance apply to Messrs. BALKOVK. G CTIUHK .t Co Poitlaml. Or to T. Ifc CHEItltY, Astoria. G.A.ST1NS0S & CO.. BLACKSFfllTHING, St Capt. Kosers old stand, corne: of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. llrMlMeiiuf. Warrons nuulc ami rpjsiie. ( ;-. wnk Euanuiteeil. -n i ' n rosier s t STOKES. A FULL LINE OF Fancy Groceries, WINES LIQUOES A "? Tl "KF A 1? T5! iii.ltJJ AND SMp Chandlery: i. Fruits and Vegetables. In Hume's New Building ' lwJ" Magnus 0. Crosby He ale.- in iron Pips and Fittings, Plumbers and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, .Qf - JCCT ICAFi QTR'D ICAfl i uuu uum ulku SHEET ;ROPI, S?1t? and Copper. n j thi . i Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING !N SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUXBIS'G and STEAM FITTING Done with hgatness and dispatch. Hone luit first class workmen employed. 3'rtMGIlt of SCALES I'oastiuitly un tim-l L. IL Gr. SMITE, Importer and wholesale dealer hi i'f2Rr and Tolsaccn, Smokers' Articles, S'SaylaK anls. Cutlery, Sta tionery. Ktc. Th; largest and finest stock of MEER KCHAIiJA and AMU Hit GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the eonntrr. Thko.UILVCKER, r.ranaAer. Chvnamus Streer, Astoria. Oregon. NOTICE. To Hunters. Fishermen Ranchers. TF YOU "WAXT THE HIGHEST JLVlt kt prkt for your produce, go to JEFF'S, Steamer TOM MORRIS. THIS XIZXV and Z'avorite lloat SS NOW KKADY POE BUSINESS AND c. ran be chartered for excursions, special parties. t,. at rea-onaWe rates. A general .tenttHKi:"ms huslnt-ss transacted. V. ROELLING, Master. FOR TILLAMOOK. (Weather permittim?.) The new Steamer N. P. JOIIANSEX. - - - Master. Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on iTtOU SAILING DATES AND rARTICU ' lars apply I .1. G. HUSTLEU. Mam street Wlwrf. Astoria : ALliEN & LEWIS. Portland;. I. I ffOUY Tillamook. BSESS&AEXH&. TS'TItS. KIIYCK RESPECTFULLY IN lliL forms the tallies of Astoria, that her uusiiM'ss is carried on as formerly at her rooius on Cas- street opposite Odd Fellows Builtlititr. she returns thanks for their nat- romue lit the pa!, and solicits a coutinu- anct of the sam. Suits inade, from 37.00 to Slu.OO. All Woric Warranted, Astoria, Nov. 1st. 1883. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Iy ttie Xicht.Iay, IVccIc or Month, WITH OR WITHOUT EOAKD, With ue of Iarior. Library and all the corn- torts of a iioine. 1 ernis reasonable. Allly to MltS. E. C.HOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jellersou Sts. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS TTNOWN AS THE P. GEAPJIABTFAP.M e y toKCinvr wun tiiirty cows, seventeen head otyoiuiK cattle, one horse, one wagon and other farming inmlements. This Is a rare chance tor anyone to secure a stood dam or mock larm. For imrtii'ulars Inquire of d-wtf J. W. GEAKHABT Notice. TtJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE xi uuuerstueu uas uecn appointed me as siifiicc of the firm of A. M. Johnson and Co, and all persons having claims against said firm are notmed to present the same duly verified to nit, at mv office in Astoria. Ore gon, within three montlis from this date, uctouer 1 Tin. ik. tl-8w A. W. BERRY, For Sale. TrniVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY II EM- JL' lock WiMMl. which I will deliver at the houses of customers for St a conl. D.-ni tug i-r all kinos done at reasonable rat-i. P.. It. MAKION. K's a Cdd Day when the Boss Gets Left ! PRS He rtlll takes the lent In IFiNE CLOTHING AND FA1H Mffl Merchant Tailoring A fair, square deal to all who buy their PALL CLOTHING OF JSL. TR:. A .The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fall and The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts are cordially invited to inspect my ammoth Stock I Fall anfl Winter g During the present week centre counters the largest and most elegant line of goods ever shown in Oregon. if Sofiis in Eray Bepartment! I LARGEST STOCK ! FINEST GOODS ! and THE ZiB.DZ1TC Dry GooSs anH CMMdi House of Astoria. C. H, C00PEE. IXL . IXL Fipres.iw Lie ! -AND JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he Is doing the biggest business of any EESTATJEANT In the city, and he will suaraatee to elve the best meal for cash. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of vcr)- description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. SyAll gooJs warrantelasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. nVERMlTC 1 1 1 laiiuun 1 w Men's, Youth's, and Boys I ! Of 3i7ery Just opened at luit all ! Prices to 9 Th.e Xeading CLOTHIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND HATTER. 1W rt GO SiB is 15 s 2 i 1A PI "I Winter! IioMons ! I will display on my LOWEST PRICES ! FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to MX) 31.. at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. riooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. S. C, BEJtlfKB, Supt. Ready for Business. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDORE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with misters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. 1 1 Description the Occident Store. Quality to Suit all ! Suit all 1 Ed.D. Curtis & Co. Carpets, Upholstery TJNSTJBPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH, NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. S.B, PHOTOGEAPHEK, Comer Benton and Squemoqua Streets, - East of the Court House. Astoria. Oregea 7