he gutty gtstoran. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY XOVEMBEK 14, 1S33 AS IT IS. The eastern Oregon dweller, says the "Wasco Sun, can dig and plow and harvest, but when he comes to dispose o his harvest, he is snubbed by a power which declares, ?'we own the only way to market The passes on each side of the Cascades we own. "We will not allow a boat on the river to carry passengers or freight tins magnificent river is virtually ours; we have by the power of our capital by carrying passengers at 25 cents each driven off the people's line which carried them for $2.50 and we now rejoice in charging &LS0. "We have control of everything con nected with the marketing of the products of labor transportation, telegraphing, expressing; we virtu ally fix the price of wheat and all products, for are not the Improve ment companies and the Transpor tation companies ours? Coal and wood are ours; and no man can operate in lumber unless he bows to our charge. The public need not think they nre a power. Can't we forco them to go to Portland, 25 miles out of their way, and pay for handling all their products there? For we are prepared to do it; we get the profit "Won't we charge what we please, for no competition can ap proach us? "Wo need not build the road from Portland to Astoria or any lino under our legitimate charter, yet hold an empire of land in Oregon." Hon. Cassius M. Clay has written a letter in which ho says: "Ex-President Samuel J. Tilden having de clined the nomination for the nresi- dency in 18S1, Governor-elect Hoadley of Ohio, is the man. With genius, common sense, and great experience iu affairs, bold, individual, and mag netic, altogether of such stuff as heroes are made of, let Hoadley be our nominee for president in 1881, and the Republicans will go." Fouit years ago the question that agitated the minds of western "Wash ingtonians was "who is Hall?" Hall was ostensibly a land agent at Olym pia, but a mjstery to everyone. He finally disappeared. It now trans pires that his name was T. C. Calvert, of Bowling Green, Ivy., whose ideas on the acquisition of property were so indistinct as to occasion his hur ried departure from the blue grass region. The Prince of "Wales, in closinc the International Fisheries Exhibition at London, announced that the substan tial surplus would bo devoted to im proving the condition of the fisher men. Ho expressed the hope that hygienic and inventors' expositions would be held soon, and said he pro posed to have a colonial exhibition in 183G. C After is in his grave, a group of informers are drifting about on a British vessel, afraid to land in any part of the world, a detective in the Phoenix Park murder case has just been driven by the persecutions of the Fenians to attempt his own life. and McDermott is afraid to leave his English prison Tor fear of sgsassina tion. xi "Tnn Republican party of the na tion," Senator Frye of Maine says, "is in n much better condition to-day than it was nine months before Gar field's election. The trouble is, peo ple forget. The Republican party will win ui 18SL" Mb. YiLiiAnD has stabled Old Nig, the horse which drew the first and last loads of rails for the Northern Pacific roadjComfortably in New York, there to p:iss the remainder of his days in peaceful enjoyment of all the oats he can eat It is somewhat noteworthy that, while the aggregate vote for govern or iu Ohio was 718,1GG, there were, as the official count shows, only 11 scat tering votes, all the rest being given to the four regularly nominated candidates. Tnn Chicago Times has been sued by the People's Railway Company of America, for $500,000 for saying that the company "is as villainous schtmie as was ever concocted to rob poor simple people of their money. It is estimated that over L000 hunt ers are engaged in slaughtering deer and buffalo along the line of the Northern Pacific, between Mandan and Livingston, Montana, and the game is fast disappearing. A fierce tornado swept over the Northern and New England states last Monday, causing widespread dis aster to shipping, resulting in great loss of life on the lakes and Atlantic coast There are Democratic Governors twenty-Bix of the thirty-eiffht States. including New York, Pennsj'lvania and Ohio, and yet the presidential year abounds with uncertainties. Among the 50,000 postmasters in the United States, S8,000 a year is the highest salary, and five cents is the lowest. There are forty-seven who recefte one dollar a year salary. San Fbajjcisco freights are so low that ships are going elsewhere in search, of cargo. EXECUTIVE STYLE. Coxtbaby to the usual custom President. Arthur is scrupulously careful concerning the letting out of a single word of his annual message until congress lias first read it He will probably write his message, as he did last year, at high pressure. The sheets will bo written in the presi dent's little private room, and the first light of dawn will tinge some of them, for the president thinks he does his best work after midnight The chief magistrate, as he writes his message, has no companions but some choico cigars, and his desk is heaped with reports, documents and .manuscript Last year President Arthur was very nervous lest his message Bhould get to the press before it reached con gress. Ho sent for the public printer and said: "Mr. Bounds, can I depend upon you to put my message into type and keep it away from the news papers?" "You can, sir," said Bounds. "Very well; Pll try you, and shall hold you personally responsible for its safety." The public printer took tho manu script, rushed back to tho govern ment's great workshop, cut the man uscript into very small takes, took off his coat, put on his apron, and with his chief clerk, set the typo for the most important parts. The presi dent sat up all night reading the proofs as they were sent up, galley by galley, from the printing office. The public printer watched eaoh proof as closely as though it had been a government bond. At six o'clock the message was in type, re vised, and the president went to bed. At noon it went to congress. From beginning to end it will be seen that it is no child's play to write and send to congress a message of this sort. The debt of the United States gov ernment was diminished by $10,301, 793 during tho month of October. The present interest bearing debt of this country is $L312,41C,050. The Prussian Government has made offers for the purchase of six railway lines, which, if accepted, will put the entire Prussian system in the hands of the state. E L TWO NIGHTS ONLY. 3IOXDAY, November 19th, TAKEN FROM LIFE. TUESDAY. November 20tli, TICKET OF LEAVE MAN. EIGHTH SEASON. Two Ureal Companies Consolidated! Tho European Company After an extended tour through Enpland, Ireland and Scotland, having Just returned and consolidated with MR. RIAL'S AMER ICAN Company, will travel during the seasons of 18S3-J, supporting Louise 3ttl2 Appearing in a carefully arranged Repertoire of STANDARD PLAY8. "Winninpr supremo recognition by seven seasons or. care, circumspection and dili gence. Reserved Seats at the New York Novelty Store. Prices as usual. MEETING NOTICE. TIIE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pythian Land and Building Association will be held in Pythian Castle, on Wednesday December 5th 1683. Immediately alter the adjournment of Astor hodge No. c, K. or P., for tne election of ofll cers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. E. A. NO YES Secretary. Astoria, Nov. 9, 1883. dtd ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! $101,000,000 Appropriated in 1883 for PcnHions. AN ACT to relieve soldiers from the charge or desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, and to grant soldiers marked as DESERTERS honorable discharge papers. AN ACT to extend the arrears of the pen sion act and continue it In force so far as widows and children are concerned. AN ACT allowing pay for horses and equipments lost in service, etc Nearly every person Js entitled to an Increase. PcnHlonH, Bounties, L.RHd Claims and Patent attended to. For particulars call or address C. J. CURTIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of Claims and Patents. Rooms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows building, As- una, urcgou. ASMIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt and Refitted Thjronjrhont. The Best of WIXBS.IilO.UORg, AND CIGARS For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Daaielson's Best." Corner West 9th and WaterStreets, Astoria. n9-6m Assessment Notice. TW"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLt Assessment Roll of School District No. 1. Clatsop county, Oregon, for the Year 1883 nas mis iwn aay ox uctoDer, 1883, been ap proved by the Directors of said district and a warrant issued to the clerk for the collec tion of the taxes therein called for within sixty davs from said date. Said tax Is now due and pavable at the office of the undersigned in Astoria, In said district, also will be deemed delinquent un less so paiu wimin me lime aoove speciueo. J.O.BOZORTH, Clerk School DIsL No. 1. Clatsop Co. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. A T MRS. GEO. HILLER'S, NEXT DOOR xt. w wesion iioicl Notice of Dissolution. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLi partnership heretofore existing between RudolnU-Barth and Michael Meyers has been thlstlay dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. juann win continue tne business in his own name and on his own account and will pay ail debts and collect all accounts and notes due the firm. RUDOLPH BABTH. MICHAEL MEYER. Astoria, Nov. 2d, 1883. d-30d A. MacBeth, v MERCHANT TAILOR, 2fo.4. First St, - - Portland. Oregon. Clothing made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. on HTM, 11 SELECT MASQUERADE BALL. RescneJnleeTronpd, Fifth Annual Masquerade Ball, Thursday Evening, Sov. 20(h, ISS3. At the Skating Rink. HOXOKAKV COMMITTKK. Capt. Geo. Flavol, Hob . Wm. Chance. Col. R. It. Spedden, Hon. A. .1. Mcgler, Hon. John llahn, Hon. J. W. Hume. MANAGEMENT COMMITTXK. N. Clinton. F. L. rarker. C. H. StocUtou, F. C. Blake. KECEI'TIOX COMMITTER. MEMBERS OF THE TROCPE. IJTVKSTIOATIKO COMJUTTEIT. C. H. Stockton, J. Y Haro. J. W. Brown. IXVXTATIOX COMMITTEE. F. L. Parker. N. Clinton. J. Hepburn, J. D. Hare, A. A. Cleveland. (,rlcea cf Admission. Lady Maskers. - - - - fkek. Gent Maskers. - - - - $l 50 Lady Spectators. - 50 Gent Spectators, - - - l Oo Tickets may be procured of members of me rroupe. Maskers' Tickets can be procured only at the store of F. I Parker. Two elegant prizes will te awarded to best sustained lady and gentleman character. Drugs and Chemicals 4J.E. THOMiSyi DRUGGIST AXD Pharmacist, A ASTORIA,? Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. BANKING ANDJNSURANGE. X. W. CASE, BROKER. BANKER INSURANCE AGENT ASTORIA, OREGON OFFICE FLOURS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. II. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Hntnal Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. HOUOITTOX- Ch as. R. Story.... Gno. L. Story .. ....lresldeiit secretary .Agent for Pon Capital paid up in U. S. gold! coin ?? 300 OX) ot) 1. W. CASE, Agent, Chenamus street. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART. FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Representing a capital of 9G7.0O0.O0O. A. VAN DDSRN. Asenu SLIGHT ODDS. AT.lt tie Story -with a Iirgc Moral -One 31 an tvlio Knew lilt Own BnHlneMR. "No. my dear," said tho venerable keeper of a country store to a timid little girl whoso head acarcoly came up to tho level of tho counter. "No, my dear, rro haven't any rod flannel, but we have some first rate New Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that she didn't think that would answer tho purposo quite aa well, the child went her way in search of the article ehe wanted. "Have you BENSON'S CAPCINE PL AS TERS?" asked a gentleman of a certain drug gist whoso name could be Riven were it de sired. 'I am troubled just now with a touch of my old friend, the lumbago, and the Ben son's Plaster seems to go to the spot almost as soon as it touches the skin." "Not at present." replied the druggist, gen ially " but. wo havo lots of plasters just as good. There is Allcoek's, the Capricorn and others won't ono of them do as well?" "My dear sir," retorted the gentleman. with a slight show of temper, "I say nothing against thoso articles, but I am a business man, and always ask for precisely what want, and for nothing else. I may enlighten you, however, when I say that sometiino ago, for another disease, of which the Ca peine has since cured me, I tried all those you mention. with no appreciable benefit. They aro ineffi cient, every one of them, tho meanest act of the proprietors of somo of them being this that they mako plasters with similar sound ing names to dectivo tho unwary into bcliov- ms tney aro tne same thing. Experience taught mo the difference. I'lf go to tho next man in your line. Good day." Boon i our guard against imitations. The genuino has the word CAPCINE cut cleanly in tho middle of tho plaster. All others ore impositions. Soabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. B. EL e .a e: E 3E DEALER lit Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Weed Delivered te Order, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALKR d WINES, LIQUORS AND' CIGARS. FIRST CIiAJSM New Store. The New York Novel MAIN Jlns aponeJ m the Toys, Velocipedes. Boiler Skates, Jewelry, Silver and Placed Ware, Baby Carriages. Bird Cages. Japanese Goods. Accordeons. Violins. Sheet Music.. Stationery, Cutlery. Notions, and other Novelties too numerous to mention. Only one price for nil' is our watchword, ami a nn? willing to Stnud or fall" oy Our Itecord. "Honesty Is .the fovst pollev," and owr jt action are a puurantee for our future Intentions. Ow Ing to our large increase of bushies; t Isae had to oorni in mare onimiiiHlious quarters. We invite the publte to give iu a call and thus satMy themselves that notluni: Is misrepresented, as we take great pleasure In showint; oar kihhIs. We make a siu-calty of Baby Carriages, Accordeons. And A complete line of HOI,i:AV JOOSS unsurpassed anvwhere will be opened shortly. Our prices defy com'K'liiiuu Call and oe c onvinecd. New York i Formerly Old Main Street, - Rea Estate The Favorite Astoria Suburb. Eligible Site for Homes. Little or no Grading for Lots or Expenses on Street improvements. Plenty of Vood and Good Water. If you ivant to make monev while you are asleep, seize this opportunity to INVEST IX ALDEKHItOOIv I'HOl'EKTr.and !oub!c your money next spring. This Is no fiction for It is well known that Alderhrook lots sold at auction last year nave since oeen som lorturco times tne amount tney urouguc men. Ami in view ot tne extensive milling operations contemplated to be reeted at an early clay in Altleibrcok similar results are sure to ioiiow a jtuiii'ious Instructed by Messrs. Kozorth & Johns, Wednesday, Noyember At my Auction Rooms. I will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder?, PO eligible lots In the town of Alder brook. TERMS : One half cash, balance In easy payments to suit purchasers. Title perfct. Warranty deed. Maps showing location of Lots to be sold can be seen at my office or at Ilozorth & Johns'. E. C. HOXjDEN', Auctioneer. EMPIRE Fine Goods - Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Einish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IS THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best. PRAEL BROS. CHAsl HEILBORN, ?tIAUUFACTTJRER OP FUBNITUE.E S5 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every oranch. NOTICE T 0 CANNERYMEN ! I WILL MAKE BOXES NEXT SEASON in any amount required, and guarantee to have them satisfactory in every respect. My price for shooks will be 13 cents ; for nailed boxes IT cents. Anyonp Avishlnc to make a contract for cases can confer with J.CTKULUNGEU, ocU-Om Proprietor "West Shore Mills. THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. Avery large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. 0My patent Tri miser to cut Wall Taper will b lound onT8nIsnt to my patrons. if Store I! STREET, jmWie u full line of all kinds of Reading Matter, lovelt I. X. L. Store, Astoria, Oregon. invesuneni o: a :ew uunurcu now. on 14th, at i:30 P. M. STORE T Wall Paper, Mirrors, j Hardware lib SMp Ghanfllery A. VAH DUSEN & CO., DKALFJXS IX Hardware and Ship Ghandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, -Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints ana Oils, Groceries, etc, SK L. Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. TEIi apply to the Captain, or to E. P. Tarker, F- STEVENS & Co. CITY BOOK. STORE. HAVE JUST RECEIVER A Tin young and old, rich and Agents for the Kranich & Bach Western Cottage Organs. Orders for all kimls of Music or Instruments will be promptly filled. B. F. STEVENS & CO., City Book Store. Jordan & Have a Full Of ctcoiy Platedwa Cow Chains (SUCCESSOR TO .TACKIXS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIXERA31US STREET, Xcxt to C. Iu Parker's Store. aSTORX, - ORKG02T THE NEW MODEI A PULI, STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Two doors east of Occident Hotel. 4sTj)iLIA jj-gS' jr. OLSEN. J. GUSTAFSOX. A.JOHSSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner Slain and Mqucmoqua Streets. Astoria, OresOH. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER' ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KEVDS OF FIJIINITIIRE REPAIRED AIfJ VAIMOSHED. GERMAKIA BEER HALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Cncmrcs Stbeet. Astohia. The Best of Imager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the CelelirateS Columbia Brewery Lelt at this place Trill lie promptly attend ed to. -Xo cheap Sao. Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK, Proprietor. J. EL D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUJ?, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot ol Benton street, Astoria Oregon. PARKER. f Vegetables 8TEAMEK CLARA PARKER Eugene D. Biock, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR- Agent II. Ii. PAKKEB. lAOIOTH STOCK OF BOOKS. poor can all be accommodated. and Mandsfeldt & Notni Pianos and Bozorth Line of Stc. and. Kerave Sit DEALER iy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ol HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents tor aiagee Stoves and Kanges The Best in the market. Piumblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. J RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA. ONLY OF Mm Mm BAWB&g AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HALVES Is also agent tor the Ml patent Mn Stove And other first-class stores. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tisCs. etc., a specialty. J. HESS. A. I. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, And everythingelse pertaining to our Business: Lowes tPrice and BestWork For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and get your work done at once. Glassware, re, Cutlery. J. HESS & CO. - ' Oresonv Astoria,