The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 08, 1883, Image 3

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The Oregon left out at four j's
trdy x.
John W. Kelly is about befin
ninc the publication of the Bra, a tri
weekly Democratic newspaper, at-Bt
Gov. Mo-idy has Milled a
recommending 1thrciy, the
20th intf. , as a day of praise arid
The telegraphic rate from Port
land to San Francisco are lowored.
It is thought that the Astoria rates .vill
b reduced December 1st.
In General.
John Wood of South Bend, W.
T., is in the city getting some of his
mill machinery repaired. Times are
reported lively in that section.
The Home Guard, a fotir-pagc
tomperance paper; published by Will
G. King, of Corvnllia, is received. It
promises to be an interesting journal.
At the store of Foard & StoV.ea,
at half-past ten to-morrow morning,
E. C. Holden will sell ail the rigging,
ote. , recovered from the wreck of tlie
J. G. Cousins.
Villard is building a new house
on Madison Avenue, New York, that
k goinij to eclipse Yanderbilt's Fifth
Avenue mansion. The adornments of
two rooms cost $150,000.
Three hundred million people in
the far East believe that to-day is the
la3t day of the world, and that it will
come to an ond this afternoon. Wall
lot it; we all can get along just as
well without it.
Now is the time when hillside
residents find sidewalk cleats and rail
ings a very great and present help in port ami export of coin
ilocomotion. Some day we will have
cable cars leaving every ten minutes
nor Young's river.
Parties from the Hecanicum re
port a large area of bottom land near
d fit hwidwators of that creek. This
land is enormously productive and
will doubtless bo taken as soon as
placed in the market.
The busy suburb of Alderbrook
is in favor among buyors of real es
tate, whether as a home or a capital
investment. Next Wednesday E. C.
Ilolden will sell some valuable prop
erty in that locality; sec adv.
Tfca Ejections-
Tlie result of last Tuesday's election
in ton states shows a Hepublicati suc
cess in New York, Pennsylvania,
AiuftsaehnseUs, Minnessota, Nebraska
ami Ooiorsdo. Virginia, Mississippi
awl New Jersey are Boxnocmtic. Yes
terday's Chicago Trihuxc says : "The
partial victory, in view of the enor
mous majority of 200,000 for Governor
Cleveland iu New York last year
against Secretary Folgor it a splendid
triumph. It proves thai the election
last year was not a fair test of the rela
tive strength of the two parties, and
that New York k still a doubtful
state. On the other hand the size of
the majorities against some of the stal
wart candidates for the legislature, re
moves all doubt as to whether the po
litick sins of " Mr. Hoscoe Conk-
hns have been t'nwttcn or
fonriven. It inav be doubtful
whether President Arthur, when In
studies the returns will look npcm
there result with unaiiojed satisfac
tion. Clearly the footing among re
publican in Massachusetts, New
Yurie and Pennsvlvania i that the
party lias been punished enough, and
purified through suffering sufficiently
to doserre mrjin the snnport of the
musses of the people.'
A Comprehensive Documsnt.
A voluminous document was yester
day Sled for record in the county
clerks office, being a mortgage from
the 0. & C. railroad company of the
first part; the Farmor Loan and
Trust Co., of Now York, of the sec
ond part, and Pv. D. Peebles, G. H.
Hopkinson, and P. Buchan, of tho
third part. The instrument recite
the circumstances attending the or
ganization of the railroad ccmpa,uy,
the gift of lauds to aid iu the con
struction of its lines of railroads, in
cluding the road from Portland to
Astoria via McMinnviHe; the fact
that the 0. & C. claim the right i,f
succession to uie lormer company;
thst on tho first of June, 1881, the
lands had been mortgaged to II. Vil
lard, H. White, aim C. E. Brother-
ton; that $12,000,000 preferred stock
has been issued; that a uewi oi must aicC.Ws As:ij; 2000.
dated. I una L'u, JoSl, to a. niaro, j nl j v to j
Hsal xstate Trnnsacticns-
V. and M. Trnitt to R. Power, lots
S aij, block 37, McCIure's Astoria;
H. Stowell to I. R. EutterSeld,
lot8 1 and 2, and S W4 of N E Sc.
3-1, T G N, R 10 W; J 35. 70 acres:
J. 0. and A. M. Bozorth to E. A.
Sooloy, lot I, block G, Ocean Grove;
W. D. Koxter to L. M. Hoxter, 1
Give him a lift ! Don't kneel in prayer,
Nor moralize with his despair:
The man is down, and his great need
is ready help, not prayer ami creed,
uT:is lime when wounds are washed
and healed,
That the inward motive be revealed;
But now, whateVr that spirit be.
j Mere words are but mockery.
One cram of aid just nov. is more
To him than tones of saintly lore,
Pray, if you must, in your heart,
But "give him a lift, give him a start.
The world is full of good advice,
int. in lots 1, 4. C, 8, block 93; and1 auu Pra,3e aml preaenwj
lots 1, 4, block IS, Adair's Astoria; But the'generous souls who aid nian-
J. 0. -and A. M. Bosorth to Mrs. E.
Scott, lot 1,
Clatsop Mill Co. to J
lots 1 and 2, block 13G, Shively's As-:
torn: 47500. i
af i. i r.-h. - KL-Jr l?.,M.1 want . ",cc nan "l03 So to Frank
. w nw : raorc s, at ins old stand.
2, Adair Astoria; art of Sot 4, block;
10, Adair's Atmi; lot 1, 1 Jock fi2,
i ainu
Are scarce as gold, and hard to find.
i.ii 0 r n iMivc liiwe a kihu man spcaK in ueeus,
bloc 2, Ocean Grove; . A ,lob!e Hfc.g the best ofl crecds .
! And lie kluill wpsrarnvnl rrown
'-"""": nfiwn.
When Xoxi Come to Astoria
I'ranlt ralr?s ilotei.
Frank Falre has the finest nccoinmo-l
a ln-m Idntions for lodsers to be found in-as-
1? n P..w V. n I'.rPtborton i . ". reswunmi in ivinseys
. - partoi .i ir.ri unoD.o iynaiiini ; huikllng. JSveiy tluna is neat ami clean
was alsii executed t) secure tlie per-
Fall and Winter!
The Publiof Astoria and surrounding districts
are coNtally invited to inspect my
G. K. Grimes to Jss.
lot 2, Mock G, Ooetu; $100
Same to W. li. Fry
Standing Still.
Money isscarce inPortlandand none
too plenty in Astoria. The reasons
are many. In Portland the last sum
mer's boom credited a temporary
standard of fictitious value, and now
comes a oorrefpoudiag season .f de
pression. It is simply the swing of
the pendulum. The greater the arc
described, Uie farther it swings. The
completion of the railroad brings a
new order of things. The railroad
company no longer uisouraoa rua.
The 0. &
T. flurry cost Oreg m e3,oUa,WU
which drained from tlie Willamette to
Wail street, where it stays. Those
whom it did not cutcn made cau
tious. The mistaken commercial
policy which sends our wheat across
the sea in foreign bottoms also takes
mnch uood inony away. With this
comes the natural disposition in times
of dulneas to hedge, to o slow and
take no chances. This idea, carried
out alwaj's withdraws a good deal
from circulation. The same spirit
sifTtcin certain Since of trade, more
especially finance and investment.
Here there is always an exieeted sea
son -of inaction, "our j ear being simi-
formance of certain conditions speci
fied at length; therefore in view of
tho fact among othur facts set forth m
the same nation thai the said com
pany "propose to complete us ran- Ocean; 100.
road from a point at or near Forest
Grove to tide water at or near As
toria," and ihat the trustees have
beon authorized to execute a second
mortgage of $10,000 a mile in addi
tion to the mortgage of $20,000 a
mile already exocuted, therefore,
the 0. & C. railroad com pan
issuts bonds secured by the instru-
- 1 " . Hitle If vii!i t'tuui linnni inirr
i ing o to Frank Fabre's
i :nii"iis v.ongn
1 t ;r is sold iy u .
lot 2, idtrck 21-lMn!' consumj-.ilor..
! ment.
and Consumption
on Guarantee. It
sold by W.E-De-
t.. s. a. sTiTttel.
A motto on a circular much
force in the seutiiuout, "Not to ad
vance in business is to retnigrade.''
There can be no standstill in busimsi
occnmtion, is tho meaning intended i nw countrv.
in tlie motto, there is a worm (!
truth in the statement. The mm
who thinks the time hsa come for him
Importer and wholesale dealer iu
Cizars anil Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles,
riajia vanis. timcry, aia
flnufr. Etc.
Tli larcest anl finest stock of JIEEU-
SCllAUM ami AMKElt (500DS tn the city.
ranicuiar stv-nuoii pam to oniers iroin
ment in question, dated May 20,1883, f rest, and at the same time expect
. ' ., , . his businc-s to move on, will soon Imd
on "all the railroads m said company , . . - ,
constructed and to be contrnetetl, that of customers. "There is no discharge
is, from Portland to Astoria, in this war." Business demands al
and of all the rolling stock and other tention specific, direct and constant.
ipany no iwugcL u. o' - f . it a mercnant makes no advance,
is for construction; it collects and property present and future of said but at th(J end of each year finUs he
icsaUthe difference between im- company of every dtscnption, except in about the same position, he is retro-
tho Janus grained ay tno united grading, tie is not 01113' growing
Statea to aid in the construction of older with the passage of time, but is
the said railroads." 03,n Merest on capital ho should
1 nro nnnnmn nrnn as it tor. mil 411
The instrument goes on to grant Jry gQod9 merchant during she week
and convev from the comnnny and
former trustees, the Fanners' Loan
ami Trust Oompairy, which is the wn-
stitutsd trustee, all the constructed
lines of the company, "aud also all
the railroads of said Oregon and Cali
fornia Railroad company, to be here
after constructed, that is to saj' from
a noiut at or 'near Forest Grove to
who has boon in uninterrupted trade
for forty years, and j'et no better oil"
iu vorldlv troods than he was after the
first five years of business. "If I
make a living, and find at the eiul of
tho 'ear that profit ana !og about
balance, I am &)nteat," vrs his an
swer to the inquiry why he had n-t
achieved more distinction and success
in his long business career. Inaction
will not do in this age of steam ard
Astoria, in accordance with the Act of J telegraphs. Men must work to win
Twenty-four councilmeu wore
elected in New York City last Tuos- lar in pome rospeola to the farmer's
with its
saasons of seed time and .l
da3'. The Gotham councilmeu get
$2,000 a year each; somb of them
have beon known to spend $3,000 to
get the office; illustrating the thirst
;for official dignity.
At the O. P. & ST. Co.'s office is
71 liandsome walnut ticuet case in
iwhick are several tickets for different
portions of oar beloved country.
Thov are of wonderful carrying ca
pacity, and are of extraordinary
leugth. They come high, but are m
aispsnsable to any one contemplating
an Eastern trip.
P.esctie jubilee troupe have con
eluded to open our winter amuse
moil fs with .1 rrand masnueradc ball
on Thnnksgiving cvoning at the rf:at
ing rink. The i)revious grand suc
cesses of the troupe in the matter of
balls and entertainments, gives every
assurance- that this one will be a grand and sloped for San Franciico. A tele
affair as the opening carnival of the gram was sent to Chief Crowley to sr-
-season. rest him upon his arrival.
-In view of the belief that whole- Mr. Cooper had helped Inm at vari
matter of taking up
"Washiii"ton Territory official informs less he develops better principlen than
n5 that under new instructions the an- he showed while here his future conrse
iriicant is now asked, under oath, "If will be conducted at public excuse.
the timber were cut from this land
you npply for, would grass grow on
?H" TF the anniicaut sav3 "yes, ins The treislit on
Uontress ot ilay 4tii, lbiU, saving
and oxcepting all tho land grants, un
sold lands, and possible futuro grants
as security ot tno bonds wlilcti are
payable in April, 1933. The com
nanv covenants with the trustee that
it shall uroceed with all reasonable
dispatch to complete the rimd from
Portland to ban rrnncioeo, but is
silent relative to any active work on
thi3 end of the route.
Tho instrument is in the original,
and bears the official signature of
many London and Kew York mag
nates. There are nineteen of tlfsse-
documents and they are papers of
much travel. Tho mortgage was ex
ecuted Slay 2Gth, and the copies have
been travolinc around Europe and
America ever sinco. The last sigua
ture to them was appended on Oct-
ber 25 th.
success with body as well as brain.
They must not only toil, but save; for
an open spigyt will drain the ca3k.
however full. hx.
Some six mouths njjo a young man
named C. II. Bailey came from ium
Francisco as salesman in C. II. Coop
I. X L. store. His first throe
months wore satisfactory to his em
ployer, but of late he developed
tastes that to gratify needed more o!
the wherewith than his salary
afforded, and ho supplemented
the deficiency by appropriating
sundry coins at sundry times from Mr.
Cooper's cash drawor- He was finally
caught and ewnod np to having .stolen
$43.30. He begged Mr. Cooper not The following is given as a tost by
to diaerage him and promised to make which tho presence of oleomargarine
. -11 it f. . o.,i ,,,,,.. I may OO uciccifu. juuii. awnij a luutii
o I .if ..m.n nf ln lml?nr m n snmll
IVotieo to the J.snlic.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order from
the best innmrtcd hair, in anv sluule de
sired. Old switches rtMiatretl. AH
work warranted. liatcs reasonable.
Call or address
Uni.KxiiAirr Sciiokxiik,
Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria.
Tit ro. BR ACKER. Slanacer.
Ctienanitis Street. Astoria. Oregon.
ammoth Stock !
1 Fa! art liter ijratat !
During the present week I will display on my
centre counters the largest and most
elegant line of goods ever
shown in Oregon.
ij fioois in Eirj 9pM!
To Hunters. Fishermen. Ranchers.
x ket nrfee for your produce, uo to
THIS sev:
antl Favorite Uoat
i oui 1m; charteml for excursions, special
iutrtie. otc. at nfa.-touame rates. A ccuenu
irteamboatiUK busiiifss transacted.
V. DUELLING, Master.
Bry &oois ani ClotMng Honse of Astoria.
(Weather ierinitthig.)
The new Steamer
1- 3?"XS3jljIO.
N. r. JOIIANSEN. - - - Master.
Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on
ikii1v to J. (;. HUSTLER. Mam
sret t Wharl, Astoria : ALLEN & LEWIS.
l'orf"an;l:.J. L. STORY TiliainooK.
Oystcrw, yters. Oysters.
it the Astoria Ovsier detwt: a f-tew.
fry, in roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's.
Dinner at "J EFFSCHOl' HOUSE
ovurv ilav at .1 o elrxk. 1 lie ihis 2: pent
meal in town; soup, tab, seven kinds of
meat, vegetables, lie. middinx. etc A
siast; of S. F. IJeer, Freneh Claret, tea or
eoflfee included. All who have trt?d
him sav .loft! is the BOjS.
Gas and Steam Fitting
) fair ntK. Ateo a comnlete stock of
ewis in oar li-u-. Estiinaies given anu
Casssiret. in rear of I O 0 F building.
next to Gas Go's office.
flares lew Lie !
Can prove liy his hooks that he is doing the
Diggesi uusiness 01 any
In the city, and he will guarantec'to give
the best meal lor casn.
0PER. i
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to $0o M., at the mill or delivered.
We atso manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
riooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, Bennek, Supt,
forms the Ii:Jies of Astoria, that her
nwms on Cuis street opposite Odd Fellows Soapf Pins, Lha nSi WatCn6S.
Hulhliiur. She returns thanks for their nat- r-oai 1 1 "Oi wuaiiioj n aiunooj
nnaa 111 the imst, and solicits a continu
ance of the same.
Suits made, from S7.CO to S15.00.
Ail Worli tyarrniitctl,
Astoria. Nov. 1st, ?
sirivetl from San 1'raneieco. Iceter-
day lie tinned on iord tiie Oregon
ilialjow oisn, lost aoouc iare euouu
fcfi hold this ouautitv: nut a niece .f
wiekin-: iuto the liquid; liht one ond
thnt is nrotrudiug above the surface;
alter a few minutes extinguish the
flames and inhale the smoke from the
wick; oleomargarine gives tho familiar
, f-ands arc being committed in the ous times, aud when lie was sick suv odor of a smoking caudle wiek, while
dtorof taking up timber claims, a that he was iroiHy ered for. Uu- butter gives otf the odor of fried but-
AstoriR Preights.
his The freight 0:1 car loads of goods
sapplication is refused. If this riaicu- consigned to Astoria from the cast is
Irmc nl.msn n'nbiins. no olio CHll si muitorof nresent di&CUSfilon. At the
rtip a timber ciaim. With such rains time the schedule was issued we in
and sucli a soil as wc have in Wostern Astorm were of the impression itiat 11
TkmcTf.ii nnrl Vn5liinron. frass will an Astoim merchant shinned a car
grow an3'where out of doors where it
"eta half a chance
lleM Custom M'orti. Roots anil Mutes,
Can bo- had at I. J. Arvold .s, next to
Git v l?ook Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne finest tilting boots and
shoes, and lowest nrices. Perfect lit
Comi:xk Liovh TJbbk Toxic pro
motes diuestion ; admirably adapted for
females in delicate health. Ofdruggisst.
Catarrh eurd. Inialth ami swwt
bn:ath secnrtnl by Shilolf Catarrh Kim
edy. lrie rent. Masai Inj-ctnr free.
r r sale by . h. IJt'iiient.
For the genuine J. 11. Cutter oW
F,-;:rK;i. am, the bet oi wiiK, liquor
a:;'t ban rrauriNco lKer. cai! atimisin
tt---.tstUs tlii hl! tsn'ir. and w (!awit-
Croun. Whoooins Couslt aiul Hron
chitis' inimediatefv rrlievt-il ly ShiSolt's
Cure. Stid by V . rL Dement.
Tai: relieves coughs quicker titan any
other medicine.
Puck's Tootjiaciik I)j:ois cure m
one minute.
Assessment Notice.
-jyroTrcK is hekeky i-en that tiie
Assessnnut Itoll of School DLstrict No.
I. Clal.-opi-ouhty. Oregon, lor tne year issj
nas 1 ins imii nay 01 uriuui-r. inm. utoi
ikruril bv tho Directors of said district and
1 vLnmnt itKtieil tn tlif clerk for the collec
tion of the taxes therein called for within,
sltv uavs from said date.
Said it Is now due and payahle at the
oflUw of the uiMW.sitnied 111 Astoria, in said
district, afcu will be deemed delinquent mi
le so laid within the time above specified.
CJer!c School Dist. No. I
Clatsop Co. Oreson,
Of everj description.
Hie finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria.
SA11 goods warrantedasreprcsented
Reafly for Business.
The Portland and Astoria
Is prepared to contract with masters and
consignees of vessels for the
Loading and Unloading of Vessels
Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed
in all cases.
Oyslers iu Every Stylo,
And coffee atIrs. Lovetl's.
Sleepless Nights,
made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shihih's Cure is
the remedy lor yon. Sold by V. 15. De
AJ1 the indent mediciiu's advertisid
in this najier, together with tlie choicest
lertunwry, ami loilrt articies, etc can
leuougiitat the lowest prices, at .1. v..
I'.sc Dliinnttt's Coush Hnlsani.
V. W. Batterion, Columbia, 3fo.,says
1 cannot sav too niucli for lJiininitis
Couiih Balsam, for it always cures my
load f taWht ta. v em point SSpS'JSSPi &jSL',m- 0rUn
to Astoria lie wouui pay tne same raie meni cc uo. s.
a a Portland merchant would pay on!r he 1,'crav,an sPl ltvts. CKm.1 thoa
. - -r 1 j - I sail us wno were suuerins irom ovmh-i
tiie same class in goods, useomsiiow k uerfection is what, von can sin. dobllltv. liver comnlaint. bifs. ha
3y the Xislit. I.iy, Week op 3Xontl,
vrrn ou without board,
Willi ifcw of Tarlor, Ljhntrj' and all tlie com
forts or a home. 1 erms rcasonauie.
Am!y to 3IR-?. E. C. HOLDEN.
Cor. Iain and Jtrffcrson Sts.
li. toeether with thirty cows, seventeen
head ofyoung cattle, one horse, one wagon
Hiiil othtr l.trmlntr imnlemcnts.
This is a rare chance for anyone to secure
axood dairy orstocK num.
For iwrticulars iiuiuire of
,1-wtf J. W. GEARHART
m it
Iss 10
The Yakima Eecord thinks thore
is little difference botween a district
court and a district school. The main
f f ,i;m.rAn is tW. in the for- the U. 11. uo., uww wraXeal ?-it(inir Boot
mer those who answer to the roll-call mont come in only whenever railroad 0r Shoe, jr0 to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
, . .1 nnniian is made to Aetona. As namus street, next aoor to i.n.vnbe.
ana stana up ana eu aown .mu wue - . I Ail soous 01 the best mane anil gunran
off their hats and don't whisper are
to be o inteqiretod and applied by set at Frank Fabre's.
th d. TL & Co.. tliat such state-
frequently gray-haired men, older than
the teacher, and have boys as old as
he. If, in the latter, you should
.misspeak, or talk out loud, or sit down
when you should have stood up, or
iorget to remove your hat, or niisun-
derstood tho teacher, or blow your
nose out of tune, m broad and frea
America, to think, act, do or say am
. thing as you please, why tho modern
. teacher, just like so many aneiont
. ones under despotism, gets a6 red in
the face as a turkey gobbler in the
.spring of the year, and stamps and
ifnmra and frets out of all reason.
matters now stand, tlie freight tantl to qualilv. A full stock; new goods
: ti. "NT r T? o. i virtnallv constantly arnvinc. custom worK.
protlioltory. iiimuicw '-ri"' tT,c Rimcilf t' fousli Ralsani.
where the rates charged are beyond j. 1. Yantis, Swcoc Springs, Mo.,
n ..rt-inl tn tho intorest writes: -.My motlier has liad bronchial
mors, female complaints, etc. Vamim
lets free to any address. Scth W. Fowl
AsboiK ya'ton.
Kor lame Hack, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Pne 2T cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
For Rent.
jL M. Joliiifon & Co. Apply at the store of
rrael Bros., or to
t- tots Tf Sl'IT. FROI 5 ACRES TO
i. 4e acre trct in S. W. corner of Chas.
ctavdiK' n i' Tiilft nerfect. For particu
lars immire at office of N. D. Raymond. City
Hall ; or on the premises of O. J). loung.
Astoria, Nov. 3d, 28S5.
muii b, i uuiii s. cilia jDuy
nd Winter Olothini
Of Smeary Description
Just opened at the Occident Store.
Suit all ! Quality to Suit ail !
Prices to Suit ail 2
The heading
Ed. I). Curtis & Co.
and milmonarv affection for forty years r.ww r;ni siitih Artisir.r
of the compauy to so adjust its charges and in that time has tried almost every- juarnutefil to cure you. Sold by V. K.
.. . ... , i Timiir iiiir lipvnr liiinwi nnvn i i!r in l'ivi? i .......
a in viwl tu aitiMnrHf t tmicticai i""'z . " "V"V ,n jcuiohi.
"J --T--- r - - I iinr r in riior I iintm iir : I ni!"ii m.tismi
didcrimin&tiou aeaiiist the community, has." At W. E. Dement & Co. s.
i Notice.
That Hacking Cough can be so , NOTICE IS UEREitY GIVEN TIIATTHE
quickly cureil bv Shiloh's Curt-. Vf undersigned has been appointed the as-
guarantce it. S(!d by W. K. Dement. rtsnce or the nrm 01 a. m. ;
.u. ..11 imrvntw imviii" cirimis affiimst sam
Will yu stiller witli Dyspenria ami : "lrt.i tntM..:itinvoirice in Astoria. Ore-
con, within three mouths from tins tiate,
Urttiber 17th,
Corsets :x:il Umtcriresr.
All the latest nut
seks and ladies
Bros.' Empire stoje!
vour wife's health ncor? Are
kes and styles of cor- your children sickly? Give them
umierwcar ai rraei i3r0wn'a Iron Hitters. It will revive
. i
.It the 3!mpirc Store
You will find tlie linest lacts and em
broideries, of richest quality.
Skuto., S!iats, Sk:itcs!
. . I fliil cb-fitn fl!iiiMr Rl::itf. sll S17.ftSt
There is very little difference between oxvcs vtfCl& 'cw york Novelty
the two schools except, perhaps, tno btore.
Clatter is the better of the two.
Fine lrcss Goods.
:V woman to do general housework.
Koscoc Dixon's new eating house
is now open, isveryiiiing nas been nt
tcd up in first-class style, and hi- v.cll
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to cat, that at
Ins nlacc tncy can ue accommodated.
Vnrnilipl or nnfiirnisliPfl front
-t . I. . I r j O ! VT 1 fl.
roomsatir. vainpuuiis, mi: wvmi jjoOtSj 21iO",,,
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
A splendid line of ladles dress goods is Apply at the Astoria bakery, Chcnamus for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz-
feelng displayed at the Empire store. street. ziiiess and al l symptoms ot Dyspepsia.
fa - . Price 30 and 75 cents per bottle, bold.
Hosiery. Hosiery, Hosiery!
Tho latest novelties in ladies and
-ckildrcns hosiery at Prael Bros'.
B. F. StcvcKS & Co
Are offering extra inducements to any
one in need of a Piano, or Organ.
Frairran I Coffee
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's,
at his old stand.
As a true .and
one that excels all other iron medi
efficient tonic, and
cines, take Brown's Iron Bitters.
by W. E. Dement,
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
uroncniiis, wnoopiug coun, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
uing complaints. 30 cents anaa a ooi-
Fall and Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Gents' I
Furnishing Goods,
Silk Umbrellas, Blankets.
Trunks, Yalises, Rubber and Oil Clothing of
rtla Ha iriSii5
The Boss Merchant Tailor he has the .Largest and Pinest
Assortment and the Lowest Prices in town. ,
;k M .2 til g
b g S I J
m 4
j CO y
rjets, BsioMerj 1
Corner Ben ton and Squemoqua Streets,
East oi th9 Court Hoiue. '
A.8toria, - - - O reges ,