(0 r No. 33. Astoria, Oregon. Thursday Morning, November 8, 1883 Yol. xx. FURTHER PROGRESS STOPPED Colonel Baker's Tomb. Fear has been expressed that the Canadian Pacific would not be able to find a practical crossing over the Selkirk range o the Rock ies, through Kicking Horse pass. No effort nor expense to secure the shortest and best route across the mountain has been spared by the company, as it is well known that the company has been at enormous cost keeping engineers in the Rockies for two years mak ing surveys and explorations with views of securing the best route. At this late hour when the track has been laid far up the Bow river pass, to within thirty-five miles or so of the summit, it has been dis covered that after all it maybe im possible to cross via Kicking Horse pass. Engineers arc on the work in dispute. Some claim that it is impossible to go that way and avoid the crossing of the range by Home's pass. In order to go via Home's pass it will be necessary to deviate considerably, and to do so seven or eight miles of track already laid would have to be lifted. The engineers could not come to any agreement, so they were called in, and the matter was laid before the general manager and other officials. When it was seen that there was but little pros pect of an agreement among the engineers on one route, and seri ous consequences might result by further prosecuting work this sea son, when it was not definitely known that that pass was feasible, it was deemed best to stop all work for two years, and orders were accordingly sent out to that effect. In the meantime the most efficient engineers will be put to work to ascertain the best route. Several hundred laborers have to Winnipeg. They state that all the workmen, between 4000 and 5000 in number, have been dis missed. Work on all sub-contracts, many of which were let quite recently, has also been stopped. Many workmen had been led to expect that they" would be given work in the winter, in consequence of the heavy work in the mountains. It is expected that two hundred will arrive daily until the entire number is brought to that city. The majority of them belong to the United States and will proceed there. All will go to St. Paul first and many will re main there. The Laws of Trade. Early in the present month says the S. F. Chronicle, a letter was published in an eastern journal, stating that during the triennial conclave a few ex-soldiers from Pennsylvania, "who still retain vivid recollections of the early scenes enacted in the late war, and especially the one which end ed so disasterously to the Union forces under the lead of the gal lant Edward D. Baker, at Ball's Bluff, Va., October 21, 1801, visit ed his tomb, which is situated on a commanding elevation in Laurel hill cemetery.'' According to the article thev found the monument crumblinc- and covered with mold r nnnared for, "the 4.ltl bare, unkept ground lloweness and void of any vestige of ever green." The article aiso sum lu.u. the party of visiting soldiers raised a fund, which was sent to this city, the interest of which was to be used annually in keeping in order and preserving Colonel Baker's tomb". Inquiry among the vete ran organizations of tiiis city fail ed to disclose any knowledge of such . fund. Just before last Memorial duv a small sum was supplied the cemetery authorities for decorating the grave, and it was all used and more with it for thnf. mirnose. Thev sav that this is the only monev they have re ceived to decorate or keep the tomb and plat in order. Recent ly Colonel Baker's son died in Oregou and the remains are to be nro fnr interment in Laurel hill. Then, perhaps, some thins- will be learned of the fund and what use has been made of it. A Twin Story. Henry and Alfred Groves of St. Helens are twins, and look almost exactly alike. Henry has a wife living in Kansas, but he did not let that interfere with his flirting w:th Lettv Avery, the pretty daughter of a neighboring farmer. To test the depth of her love lie "popped" the question and she snapped him up like a gold two-and-a-half piece, and before he could stop her she acquainted tier parents with the glad tidings; who with business-like celerity named the 21st of October as the time for the wedding. Henry was in n dilemma, but he made a clean breast ol it to his twin brother, Alfred, who with real fraternal sac rifice, agreed to stand in the mar ried brothers stead and wed the Avnrr irl. Alfred plaved the " J o - deception so successful!' that he married Miss Avcrv,she being un der the impression that he was Henrv. All went smoothly until Alfred, who had learned to love her and wanted her to return the affection, told her of the decep tion. She was indignant, left him for her parents, and at last ac counts Alfred was in this city hid ing from an indignant father-in- law. The East Portland I indica tor in closing a column account of this match says: "The Groves and Averv families no longer visit each other and a divorce case is expected in that section of coun try soon." BAHHHQ-AHDJHSUBABCL BROKER. BAKKEB iHSORAHCE AfiENT AS'S'OKIA, - - ORKOOS OFFICE nOUKS: KKOM 9 O'CLOCK A. II. IJKTIL O'CLOCK P. jS. Mil Ibhob & OF CALIFORNIA. J. V. Hou;kts- irnlf i.l Oiias. it. Snmv ttwrtwy I.. Stoxy. A ft o -)B rv. .Jt..t mi in "I! JV eukH rSi. '.7." :.:...:...J.....r." i. Vt. CASK. Agent, CnraftnuLS street. Astoria, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. t 15. THOMS05. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Koom Nu. 6. oyer "White House, astoi:l, Oregon, ver Follow XAT. IIUDSOS. Attorney at liUiv.anil Xotary I'nblic. Odd Fultow ButMlng. Astoria, Oregon. 867,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOv,W AND Ui.OBE, NOIITII BttlTISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF KAUT FOP.D, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES RaprMDtin::& CBpitclof SG7,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent, c. r invros. c. c. fui.to . PVT.TOX BKOTHEISS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Homw 5 and . 0hl Fellows Building. J . A. KOWT.ISV. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cheimmws tivet, - - ASTOP.L, OREGON J. Attorney at T.aiv. Ko&i i, White Ilowse. iVTTV AT LAW. REVOLUTION!! Votary Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and "Washington 'ler- ritory. Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows r.uildlng, As toria. Oreeon. , X. II. -Claims at "Washington. I. C, and collections sspeclalty. Is herewith declared. From and after the 1st of November all iNews- papers and Periodicals will be sold at the following prices. NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS GOMPAHY Are Now Ready For Business. raOfflcc with Rozorlh & Johns. K.A.XOYE5. At. Ex-Senator Eaton of Connect! cut, is a Democrat in whom there is no guile. When he was in the senate ho was distinguished for his common-sense speeches, and it ap pears from an interview recently had with him that the old gentle man is still in his right mind. In Hartlord, the other day, u brother Democrat asked him: "What do you think of the prospects in '84, Senator?" "Don't know." " ell, aren't our prospects pretty bright?" "Don't know." "Hasn't Ohio cone Democratic?" "Why, yes." "What's the trouble then?" "I'll tell you," said the senator, pressing his thin lips together, "the Democracy, twenty years ago took out a patent for making d d fools of themselves, and it has never been infringed upon." & ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTOUIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH g0gjB& ' Boiler Shop TSSg Astoria Acent Hamburn-Mandeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. 5 Cents Each. iOTAi;Y PUULIC, AUCTiONKLK, COMMISSION A Nil IN SUKANCE AGENT. SURVEYOR OF Clntsop ountyantl City ofAalorla Olftco :-C!ienamus streat, Y. M. C. A. hall KouuiKo.S. Physician and Surgeon. INkhiw 9 ami 10, Odd Fellows Building. ASTOUIA, OREGON. All kinds or Axn STEAMBOAT WOBK i'romptly r.ttcndetl ui. A specialty nuulc of rt:airini: CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF IrAYETTK STRKIfr. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. DKI.TOX STUKKT, KKAR 1'AHKKlt HU?R, ASTORIA. - ORKGOX. PIIYSICrA2T A2JD SUEGEON Oyyirs Roms 1 2, ami 3. rythian Build-inir. liaM:iwcic-Owr - E. Tlwinas' Dny Store. ."15NTIST, ASTORIA, - OREGON "TwenU'-three dollars for that 'ere stove!" she exclaimed, as she held up her hands in horror. "Yes-tn, twenty-three." "But iron is down." "Yes." "I've seen in the papers during the last month where as many as six big iron companies have failed." "Yell?" "Well, that ought to make stoves cheaper, and 1 know it." "Madam, in the last two months death has laid his hands upon as many as twenty-five young'uns in this town." "Yes, poor things!" "But are nursing bottles any cheaper than three mouths ago?" "N-o," she slowly admitted. "Of course not, madam. The laws of trade are immutable. The best I can do is to throw in a horse radish grater if you take the stove at twenty-three dollars." It was estimated that both skilled and unskilled coolie labor ers now receive from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, more pay than when the Restriction act went into effect. During the scarcity of farm laborers the past summer, hop pickers have received twenty five cents per hundred weight more than last year, and harvest hands received an increase of twenty per cent. About the same increase was asked by cigar makers. The Chinese are report ed to ask hisrher waces for fruit- packing than white women and children. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varle. A ii.arvel o economical than the ordinary kinds, and ...n......! Iw cxilit in nmnitiMnil wltll lllrt 111HI- titudc ol low test short weight, alum or phospha'e imwders. Soldonluin ttin. Rov ai. Baking I'owdku Co.. loc Wall-st. N. . Our government has determined to enforce a proper respect for the rM" fl:o-. It has stationed a war o steamer in the harbor at Canton :v six gun monster of the deep, floating forty-six American sailors nnrl mnritlGS. How the five hun dred millions of wicked heathen must tremble in their boots at this paralyzing menace. . Canada offers the munificent sum of 5 to every able bodied man who will lose himself in the continuous woods of British Co lumbia as n bona fide settler. Even with that splendid indncc- mnnt t!ir fiflf of fiini?rratlon to wi v " " zj that region is not overwhelming. J 0 CaEBRTE0 "1 GENERAL MAOHIHISIS AHD BOILEB MAKERS. U BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Worn a specialty. Ofall I)fScrIptloK to tr:Ir at S!ioPl A'olice. A. I). Was. "President. J. O. Hu-STLKi:, Secretary, I. W. CASK.TreaMin'r. iohx Fox.SuporlnlewIet. G. H. "BATE & GO. Doors. Windows. Blinds. Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. KtMMtts Ih Alli-siV lrtiikllnjj up stairs, comer of Cjus jutd Sqejnow.he strct . .DKXTXST, Uikhm n.OI.l I'tllows Bnlliling, Astoiia.Or. (Jas a4wlnlsterert rr painless extraction of teth. MUSIC. i'.nwiimttf ot IleMelberg University. Pirtjio Tcaclier. GENEBAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills Gf Exchange on any Part ol Europe. m- .-.r . t,vw I'nii TI wnr.T ftWIXfJ JL wK known aiul eommodious steamship rrFATK LIKE, P.KI) STAR. WHITE STAR. HA3nufiti;-A3iEniCAX. DOMINION LINE. NATK)NAka'l AMERICAN LINE. Fireside Companion, N. T. Weekly Ledger, Saturday Night, Arm Chair, Family Storv Paper, Boys of New York, "Weeks Doings, Texas Sittings, S. F. Chronicle, Call, Oregonian, News and Astortan, etc., etc. 8 Cts., 3 for 25 Cts., 13 for $1.00. txo; a-ot Pnllnp. Atp.ws. Illustrated Times. Puck, "Wasp, and Judge, Harper's Bazaar and Weekly, Leslie's "Weekly and Chimney Corner, Argonaut, ana many otners. I have printed tickets for those papers to make exact change. Back numbers always on hand. O P5 fcm o Leslie's Popular Monthly, &Q VUlltbi Young Ladies Journal, etc. 30 -GeiltS. Harper's Monthly, etc. Having made arrangements with all publishers I am enabled to o-ive the public a benefit of the above named reductions- 1 have also REDUCED the price lor SUDSCnptlons, wnicn win iaa Harpers "Weekly, per year " Bazaar, " " Monthly t: All'three for Leslie's "Weekly, per year Leslie's Chimney Corner, per year " Popular Monthly " I?;mctfli Pnninnninn New York Ledger : 2.75 Saturday iNight. - - I Family Story Paper Arm Chair S. F. Argonaut Puck $3.75 not 8400 3.75 3.50 10.00 75 3.75 2.85 2.75 1.75 2.75 2.75 3.75 4.50 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 . 5.00 And a others too numerous to mention at the same rates. Now is j-our time to subscribe for the coming year. Remember Carl Adler s Subscription iNews Uepot. mil HOLDS THE FORT ! Xjools at This I All Hie tallowniB fic cloth bound Books gilt edge. Red Line ! edition, '9erly Signt ont -S-llulwer Lvtton. Campbell. Spencer, Hemans, Tennjson, uopa. Moore. Jean In-elor. Crab!,, .Pope, SUakespearc. Ooldsinlt CBfr. wiena. ue. Artnn. Won.luortli. l.omrfellow. Holmes. Bayard Taylor, Shelby. Kodgeis. Barns, Cooper, and many, ma:ij moix-. rrivateereman. Youuk Forester, 1'eter the Whaler, and hundreds more. Even-article of mv new. fine selected stock will be sold at prices that will 1EFY ATilj COJIVKTli'IOX. nooks :tatioiien- and Notions In endless variety. X fine display of Gold and Silver toSVSS Kodper Bw. Sllvenvare. as Knives Forks and bpoons, :orcniiw;Tea Sets, etc., etc., will be sold cheaper than anywhere else. PIAXOS AND OKGANS of the best makers very tow for Cash, or on Easy XiistallmeutH. vr7L-ItfT?T.TiM- Xr TXmVl USICAI.INSTRIENTSor,.ye VV xi iuiui.Jxuk. vvr j.t.u-i.-'' i of the latest puoiicauons. iwiicwiuiumuduumjiuu rimxUri llekets to of from any Knropoan Vor urn i;raitiwi " milfm: duys. eto, ppiy io r.w. r. W1IKKI.KH. Ntnry Public. v.'. i- r.oni Said an expert penman to an other of the same guild who was examining two pieces o writing: "What has that 'that1 that that7 I that that 'that' that you made re resembles to do with this 'that'?" The other replied that he desired to answer by counsel. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It -cures consumption, Sold by W.E.De-aent. "Wyoming may come into com petition with the eastern petroleum districts, as it has two oil basins that have been discovered, the Shoshone and Beaver, which ex perts think will exceed the rich est deposit ever struck m Pennsyl vania. "The darkest day," said Horace Greelev, 'in any man's earthly career, is that wherein he first fancies there is some easier way of gaining a dollar than by square ly earning it.V The center of the Brooklyn bridge is four feet lower than it ! was originally, having settled, but it is still above the limit which the law allows. STOMACH 1TTERS Tl t,..n.. tinin on IntlinM in irlliph this ftcrlimr invigorant and anti-fcbni medi cine has failed to ward off tbo complaint, malaria. Hundreds of physicians havo aban doned alUho officinal specifics, and now pre scribe tms narniiesj vesexaoio tunic ir chuk and fever, ns well as dyspepsia and nervous affections, llostctter's Bitters is tbo specific you neca. . . . - For sale by all Urnpnsis ana ucaiers eencrally. A. V. Allen, GENEKAL vbotesaleand retail dealer; In BbI Mb 1 Insurance Agents. , ,. .l.vuiraliln urntM'ttV ill AS- Uirin suul Upper Astoria for safe. Also, line fariHS Mroisnoiu iiw mu .y . Account eareuuiy tlos nrnjle. ISonl. XorvficU Union r.uI JLnxica sairc IiiHurancc Cos., WUhacombinetl capital of S.'JG,000,000 THE Travelers late "t Acciilcnt Insnr- inttaa jiiicinsuniHcu v.. of New York. Astovia Oil WOTks.ateW ii entrusted to our care will re- .T IL DitFOTtCE, rroprletor, I. O. Iox ceive prompt auenuwi. Astoria, Oregon. 3IaatifUcturer and Iiralir m mf-ra The llnest assortment of Toys, "WaRous. Velocipedes, Baby Carriages, lOlP ! etc., etc, can only be found at Adlers well known Crystal Palace. Enabled by many years of experience I succeeded in selecting a stocK oi eoous which I will suit younjc and otu. . I mean to do a square, honest business, giving f idl value for every dime recen eu. 1'olltc clerks will be found In attendance and no trouble to show goods. IHHXSaXBEIt 1 WITiL XOT UK XLIERS01iI. A specialty, and all work Kianuitrtd. Oak, Ash, Kay, and Walnut liuniH-r ; Ore ion and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material oh hand. C JS.I5AIX & 0. 33.e Crystal Carl Adler, Proprietor. BOZOUTE & JOHNS. 4 Real Estate and General Insurance PeoYisiosSg MtLL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOriGAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wmas, Uquors,Tobacco,Gigars That Hacking Cough can be so auicklv cured by Shiloh's Cure we guarantee It. Sold by W. E. Dement. FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. rrPts will find my Skid Grease to be gowi anil caeai'. TAILOBJiSTGr, Cleaning Repairing. xkatTciieap -VND quick, k GSOUGS IiOVSTT. Main Street, opposite K. Loeb's. A, MacBetli," MEECHAHT TAILOS, Ko.4.PIrstSU - - Tortland. Oregon Clotlrinc made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! astoria, IOl,OCO,000 Apiropriaiel in I8SS for i'cnsions. Agents. Oregon. . ... . rm w.llnvn cnliliprc from tllft elianrC ! of desertiou and grant all such soldlew their v,.Vvr. ' -...i in imnt cnliUpnt marked as n&KItiBHS honorable discharge papers. slon act and continue it in force so far as ACT ailowing pay for horses and equipments lost In service, cic c.uij h-j entitled to an increase. JjensionH. Bounties, Iinnrt ClainiB ainl Patents attended to. For iMiruciuais can ui uuui C. J-CURTIS. Attorney aud Counselor at Law, Solicitor of Claims anuiairuw. T-nnmss and 4 Odd Fellows building,-As toria, Oregon. WE WHITE POLICIES IN THE WWI 1 V ern. State Investment, Hamburg, Bre men and North German Pire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Tnwelleis Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New We have the only complete set of township maps In the county, and have made arrange ments to receive applications, filings, and final proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions, Timber Lands, etc.. having all the official blank3 therefor. Our maps can be exam inui in the office, tinou the payment of a reasonahle fee We also have for sale.city property in As toria and additions, and farms and tide land Pentsfand other collections made, and loans negotiated. b BOZORTH& JOHNS, FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. k T3IS. GEO. liiuutuo, iuw. Jta. to Weston uoiei. For Sale. 17MVE HUNDRED CORDS DKX IIBI : lock Wood, which I will deliver at the uraymg or au &iuus uoh m. icuauu.iuic rates. iv. is. iu-a.mu.rt. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In LTTMBEE, HAY, GRAIN", POTATOES, AND O0UJSTRT PRODUCE. Advances made on Consignments.