C3J ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBEK7, lSS Snow :it The Dalles last Snlnrd.iv. Gapt. AJ. Strewn witi command the now Shoaiwstcr JJay boat Hunter. Considerable wheat is being trans ferred across the Cohirabia to the Sound. Portltmd is import tng ifjgs from St. Pl, buttor from Elgin, and ham from Philadelphia. The oyster business at Shoalwator bay is picking up; the present season is a prosperous one. Nathan Jone3 is back from the Coquille. IIo reports a prosperous season at Gctcholl's cannery. It is rumored in Portland that Judge Stott wiil resign at New Years and practice his profession. Miss Clara Woods got $4000 dam ages in a breach of promise suit against Dr. G. H. Davis, in Portland, last Monday. Clark Loughrey is circulating around these days, ready and willing to accommodate auy one that want a tux receipt. The stockholders of the Wash ington Packing company will hold their annual meeting at len o'clock this morning. The editor of the Roseburg Plain jlcalcr will eat any squash that beats a 142i pound one raised or grown near Canvonvillc. Mr. George Werner, the enter prising business manager of the Gris-mer-Davies troupe, leaves thi3 morn ing for Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle. The wife of J. J. Findlayson was beaton to death with an ax near Al bauy. Linn county, last Saturday. Her missing fifteen -year old stepson is suspocted. By the last steamer arrived a large quantity of desks and furniture for school district No. Vs now build ing. The directors intend to have it second to none in tho northwest. The scenery along the lower Co lumbia is of a nature that elicits the warmest admiration. The banks arc linod with foliage that glow in flame and gold and crimson, while high or up, the stately dark green firs and fluted basaltic cliffs Jond fitting back ground lines to the brilliant hues. H. L Scott, formerly of Sneil ing, Merced county, California, is wanted. Tho last heard from him he was working in a salmon cannery in Oregon or Washington. He is thought to be dead. F. M. Husted, 420 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cala., will thankfully receive :my in formation. There is somo little trouble in Portland, and here, too, over some insurance business in which the Bach man Bros, acted as agents. The gen eral feclmir is that "a tratte is a trade," and if a man pays his premium and gots his policy he is or should be free from subsequent demands for re payment. Wc hear some good names men tioned for mayor, among othors, John Hahn, the present mcumbont, who has worthiljr filled tho office, D. K. Warron, W. E. Dement, F. J. Taylor, C. S. Wright, A. F. Johns and others. Some good man will be found who has the wit to see the rhjut and the sand to stay with it. At the Now xork Novelty store is a lame consignment of handsome baby carriages. One in particular de serves special mention. It is worth $50 and some fortunate baby will ride in the prettiest vehicle of tho kind in tho northwest, if his papa or mamma should bo the holdor of the lucky .ticket. Tickets, one dollar each. Tho circulation of The Daily As toman has reached such a figure that wo direct the attention of busincs anon who believe in pushing their business to the desirability of this paper as an advertising medium. It reaches nearly every family in Astoria and vicinity, and is read by a daily in creasing constituency. Cape Disappointment is still mis applied by some of our cotemporaries for Cape Hancock. It is time now thinks the Commercial Herald, that the world has daily communication with Cape Hancock, that the "disap pointment" of tho after seafarer be dropped. It may be well for tho Portland board of trade to post up in he history of Capo Hancock. The body of an unknown man was found on Clatsop beach last Saturday, At the inquest it was found that the drowned man was about 30 years old 5 feet 8 inches high, weight about 150 pounds, light brown hair, had on gray pants, blue woolen shirt, black vest. No. 7 leather boots; in his pocket was S4L55. The deceased was giveu proper interment. Beyond that given above there was no other means of idendification. Skates. SIcntcs, Skates! -Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes; lowest prices. 2s ev York Novelty tstore. That fine K. of P. charm will be raffled at B. F. Stevens & Co.Js this evening. ONE TEAR AGO. The British Ship Amann labeled. IsrBCTAI. TO THE ASTOBIAN.l Portland, Or., Nov. Gth. Tho Portland tug company began suit to day in the U. S. Conrt in this city, against the firm of Smith & Service of Liverpool, for salvage on the ship -tVefco which v.-jus readied one year ago to-day by the tug Pioneer, while in distress. (The British ship Neho was t towed across the bar on the af;crnoon of Nov. 4th, 1832. The next day a aonthwost gale dismasted her. On the 7th, Captain Pease heard of her con dition and heading for Shoal water bay he found her and making fast a hawser towed her off shore. Capt Millie asked to have the Pioneer tow him t San Francisco, but the salvage of a ship and cargo worth 150,000 was hardly worth bothering about, so came back again towing in the Zumora and letting the Nebo shift for herself. Pilot Doig meanwhile got theJPortcer down the coast in a search for the vessel, going as far as San Francisco and returning from an un successful search on the evening of Nov. 14th 38S2.) The vessel got her spare spurs up and finally made her home port in safety. The Amana is now in port and owned by the same firm, and the libellants ask that tint vessel bo li beled for such salvage as the court may deem just. The complainants value the ship at $75,000, and the cargo at 75,000 more. Cli'jr.!. The Northwestern Trading Co. made a shipmont to day by the Idalio, of machinery for tho manufacture of chum at Killisnoo, Alaska. It con sists of apparatus for drying fish, af ter the oil hiss been pressed out of them. Its total cost is about $5,000. The product of this fish dryer i3 called chum". It is a first class fertilizer, and finds a market in everv quarter of the world. This will be the first industry of the kind on the const. Something New. The Wkuki.v Aktokiax is read by thousands of people, to whom we make the following offer: For $3.50 wc will send the Weekly Astouiax, post paid, ami the WceJAy S. F. Chron icle, from now until January 1st, 1885. This is an opportunity to get all the news at a cost hut little exceed ing the cost of a single paper. Tirn Astoriak will contain one-third more reading matter that: before, and be improved in otnor material respects. Of the Chronicle it need but be said it the best weekly newspaper pub lished in California. For $3.50 you will get the two from now till Janu ary 1st, 1885. Wo want to add 1,000 subscribers to our weekly list. We think this will help. Any old sub scriber in renewing chu have the same privilege. The newest tiling in tho way of town sitos is a location at the head of navigation on the Nchalcm in Tilla mook county. Coalburn is the name, aud it may, one day, be a busy place. Thore is great water power and tho finest forests of cedar, spruce, fir, hemlock and maple. The greater portion of the road to the upper town canneries, from Booth's to the White Star canner)', is m vorv had condition. Jr it is a county road it ought t be kept in something like repair. We under stand it is in oo:ile mpletirtn to extend the plank road from Johansen'd aiou the beach to Alderbrook. This would be a decided improvement and it is in be hoped that the inovmnent will be successful. The loggers and mill men on the Sound have locked horns. The log gers say that ihe way labor and food is selling the' can't afford to give Iog3 for tho price mill men offer. The mill men say the way manufactured lumber is selling they can't afford to pay what tho loggers ask for logs. It's a good deal like the couple in Port land. The wife has hvatoric3 because the husband drinks. De drinks be cause his wife lits hysterica. Talking about newspapers, Bob Inecrsoll sacs: "The papers of tho future, I think, will be 'news' papers. Tho 'editorial is getting shorter and shorter. The paragraphist is taking tho place of the heavy man. People rather form their own opinions from the facta. Of course, good articles will alwavs find readors. but the dreary, doleful, philosophical disserts tion has had us dav. The ma5a7.1r.es will fall heir to such article." At Occidental Hall last cvenin tho scenic nlav of "Tho World"' was presented. The stage effects neces sttry to its proper production wore not extraordinarily lavish in their profns ion, and somo ot the nncst passages wore necessarily wunewhat deficient in their presentation: Mr. Gristner took the part of a conservative English gentleman who mcots with all sorts of adventures, and was well supported hy Miss Davies and the entire troupe. 15. F. Stcrcus & Co Are offering extra inducements to any one in need of a Piano, or Organ. . iVauteil, A woman to do general housework. Apply at the Astoria bakery, Chenamus street. As a true aud efficient tonic, and one that excels all .other iron medi cines, tako Brown's Iron Bitters. An Adventurous Voyage. The Honoulu Saturday Tress of Oct ober 20th prints a story to the offcot that several Honolulu men, moved by .1 spirit of adventure, about a year ago purchased for $3,000 the snail brig 27iHtii, with the intention of barter ing with the savago3 of the southeast coast of Africa and also of hunting for gold there. Just then a Swedish sail or named Permien appeared and por suaded them to go to Siberia to . com bine gold-hunting with salmon fishing, and he wo3 placed at the head of the expedition. March 21st last the 2inito, laden with salt for salmon, flour to trade with, mining tools and fishing tackle, sailed with .1 full crew and eight stockholders of the "East Siboria Fishing and Mining Com piny" on lward. But the captain and mate forced th pacsetigcrs to wrk, and the captain and one Nolson conspirod to run for tho nearest laud, to land the passengers, then 10 sel: the veasel at the next port, then to pocket the proceeds and abscond. Forty day3 out the brig sailed into" the pmt of Hakodati, Island of Jesso. Nelson here tried to rob a passenger named Mason, aud Mason, aeeiwr a chance for tho passenger party to gain the as-1 cendancy, tried to kill Nelson, but failed. So thu discordant ship's com pany again sailed out together. At Yladivostock, Siberia, where mining operations were to have beon begun, it was found that no miuing could be done without the permission of the Russian government. Mason told an Englishman then, about Pormien's share in the venture, and Permien handed Mason over to a Russian offi cer on a charge of attempting to mur der, but he was not held. Mason sold out to Permien, worked his way to San Francisco, where he arrived with only three dollars in his pocket. Af terward he returned to Honolulu. One of the crew is said to be in Sacra mento, he having deserted while 111 Siberia. It has been ascertained that the r .1. - 1. spawn, tnrown irom me sauuon uumg put up at tho hshonea on tne river, is hutching and tilling up the streams with a new stock of salmon. It has been a prevailing opinion for years that the fisheries on this coast would ventually get away with all the salm on, but now it turns out mat moy ire now advantageous to propagation. Salt water, it was thought, would pickle the spawn, but from that thrown overboard at the cannery, it is said, the water is a moving mass of 1 r. .. ir -m. IT t.l young salmon. iOpim- ony jicraiu. The trado in salmon in Glasgow is quiet at present, merchants apparently delaying to purchase in the expecta tion or lower prices when the new pack come to hand in a month. Rales remain much as thoy were: Fraser river fish realise from 21s to 22s per case, while Columbia brands, .vhich are reported to bo an extra good catch this season, can be bought at 23s Gd to 24i. borne standard brands of the latter bring Gd more money. Though the Fraser river pack is said to be of poor qnalit and scarce, that does not affect the Glas gow market, the trade in that city de- ponding chiefly on supplies from the Colnmbia. Giasyow Corr. Lvndon Grocer.. An Eastern paper has made an unwarranted attack upon Captain Rogers, master of the new iron ship, Ttuic E. blarmci:, winch mot with misfortune on tho way out from Ches ter to the Columbia. Captain liters has always suataincd the highest rec ord as a shipmaster, his owners have perfect confidence in his ability, and contemplate building another iron ship which will he constructed under his personal supervision, and on com pletion win be conmunuoa ny nun The owners of the StarbucI; are piob- ably the be3t iud3 of Cautnui lut" ers ability, aud they certainly have not lost confidence 111 him. Ihe pa ner referred to has a reputation for accurate knowledge of maritime af fairs, but its judgment in this cAse is at fault. The btarbucl: was the first iron sailing ship built at the yard from which sho was launched, aud it was subsequently found her standing rigging wa3 weak, she was improperly loaded, and there were other detects that will fully explain her misfortunes without attributing any blame to her able coinmnnder. Golden 3Iedio.nl Discovery. For all scrofulous and virulent blood-poisons, is specific. By drug cists. Card or Than Us We take this method of sincerly thanking the kind friends who assisted us in paying the last sad tribute of re spect to our little dead daughter last Monday. Particularly to Mrs. E. V. Schlin, Mrs.lt. It. Marion, Mrs. John Jtogers and jurs. bnamicy. O. Hansen, M. Hansen V.cst C'uMtim Work. Roots nt:l Shoes, Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to Citv lkok Store. Ladies and uentlc.nion call there for tne finest fitting boots and shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. Oysters irx Ercry StyJe, And coffee at Mrs. Lovctfs. Use IHmmKl's t'nttsh Ralsam. Richardson & Co., St. Louis, one of the largest wholesale-drug firms in the Uni ted States, writes: "Wc have handled Dimmitt's Cough Balsam in our trade for the past sixteen j-ears and have bought as much as one hundred gross at a time, and from our knowledge of its ount-ve it 10 nave given periect satisiaciinn to our customers. ji v Is. Dement & Co.-s. Is your wifes health poor! Are your children sickly? Give them jjrown a iron .outers, it win revivo them. is now open. Everything has Ecen fit ted up tn nrsc-ciass style, and ins well known reputation as a caterer assures all who, like good things to eat. that at ins place they can be accommodated. Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem saloon. JToticc. Dinner atJ EFF'iTCUOP HOUSE cverv day at o'clock. The best 25 cent meaf in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of ntnnt; ,.aerataliln 111.. tiHTiI5mt ..In A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. AH who have tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS."" A Juicy I3ccitcak cooked to perfection is what you can get at Frank Fabrc's. ior it Z?e:it Fitting 2?oo Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-: nainus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of tlie best make and "uaran- tt-rd quality. A full stock: new goods I constantly arriving. Custom work. : When You Couic to Astoria and want a nice jn roast, go to Frank Fabry's, a his old stand. ? t'ra:i! I?alros Hotel. Frank Fahre has the finest aeeonimo- dations for lodgers to be found in toria. over his restaurant In KitiscvV huiidinu. fcveryl!iiii2 is neat ami clean : and able. the beds are new. son and eoiufnrt - Wy&andml in'' 7j"o1Im; it tin; JLatJEcs. Switchers made from combines or out hair: new switches ma.-te to order from the best imported hair, in any sitadc de sired. Old witches n'jmired. AH work warranted. Hates reasonable. Call or address Unr.i:xiiAKT it Sciio::xhk. Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria. Oregon. Oysters, Oysters. Oysters. at the Astoria Oyster depot: a tew. ry. pan roast, or raw at r ranK r aim; 3. Fragrant Cofffcc? to cheer and comfort, at Frank FabreV, at his old stand. Hraee up the whole system with King 'the Dlood. See Advertisement. of Coi.dkx's Liquid Bi:kf Toxic nro motes digestion: admirably adapted for females in delicate health. Of druggist. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by bhiloh's Catarrh Uem cdy. Trice T0 cents. Masai Injector tree. t or sale ny w. ii. uemem. For the scnutne .1. II. Cutter old Uourbon. and the best l wines. liquor and San Francisco beeicall at th (Jem opiosite the b'll tower, fttsj see Camp bell. Croun. Whoonin' Coueh and Bron chilis immediate!)' relieved by .Shiloh? (Jure. Sold by V. E. Dement. Hale's IIoxky opIIokkuoi'm axi Tai: relieves coughs quicker than any other medicine. Puck's Toothachk Drops, cure in ne minute. Sleepless Nights, made nii.crable by that terrible, cough, bhiloh's Cure is the remedy tor you. Sold by W. E. De ment All the nateut medicines advcifiacd n tiiis miner, together with thu choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc enn nc oougiiE at me lowest prices, ni .j. i . Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel. Astoria. The Peruvian synip-nas enred thon sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, Inn's, hu. mors, lumaie cohiiuuiums civ. 1 mnpii lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowl &Sonc Boston. Will von suffer with Dysoeimir. and IJvor Comilaint ? Shltoh'a v. italixor fe unrauteed to enre 4f Sold by v . S. Dement. p Sluloh'5 Cougti ana Consumption Cure is sold hv us wi guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by YV.K. De ment. For lame Back, bide or Chest iue Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Pne 25 cent. For sale by . E. DemnU That Hacking Lough can be so quickly cured by Shi;oh Cure. Wc guarantee it. Sold l W. K. 1 Vnu'nt. FURNISHED ROOKS TO LET TSy the Xisixt. a5y. Xi rt-k op Month, with on wiihoi t no.vut With use of Parlor. I.tbr.ir aMl ill llie eom- ruris 01 a Home. 1 onus rer.sonaiMc. Applv to It IS. H. 0. HOLDKN". Cor. y.nhi and .1 rfTerson St Delinquent City Taxes. -VTOTICE IS HEKHHY C.IVHX TH T T, J-i the umicrsiKiit u, t mci 01 ronee, nave Im'ch funifchvd with a warrant fiom the li ty Council requiring me in ttoiteot :lie fax es assesscu nr me yer iw, aim now crim ipient upon tlie list and make return 01 tli anic within sixty rias. Al! iartiM st in IHi'cd will ttureforc p'.oas lake uotiiv ami govern tli' Uisclvcs awml ?! , v.. i.vt iiir.ii i. Chief of PoMee. oria, Oregon, October 25th, isra. Stockholder's Notice. Notice is iiei:ei: given that the annual meeting of the stockholder of llie W'aslilngton TackineCo. will be bold on Wcdnt-sday. Nov. 7, 18S3. at 10 o'clock, a. at their cannery near Astoria, for the iwir posc of electing live directors, and to trxns xct sueb oilier lntine?s as n:ay legally come before them. Atti-st .1. W.GILVRIIAtrr. FICANKNOLDEKG. 1-. Secy,- M.toria, Oct. C, 1883. .KKl NOTICE SO GAiTNSEYMS I WILL JIAKE TOXE. NEXT SEASON in anv amount reU)r.-d, and xnarantee to have tliein satisfactory in every rrsirct. 3Iv price for shooks wll) be I." cents ; for make a contract for cases can nfcr with .I.U. illUl.M.MiliK, oct4-3m 1'ioprictor W est hhorc Mills. FOR SALE. piipj tci TN LOTS TO SUIT. VIVW XOacre twet In b. w. nm.n. ..f rii: Stevens' D. IT. TlUe perfect. For irtlcu- ars in.iuire at office of N. 1. Raymond, Ci v flail or on the premises or O. 1. Youi. Astoria, Nov. at, ISffl. For Rent. TTOUSE WITH ROOMS. It RI) FIX- JLIL I shed, lot and Stnble. Xmpiiro of IT WILL TO CUY Fail and ni IIUI UiUHltl Furnishing Goods, "Rnrvts. Shass. Hats. Cans. Trunlis, Valises, Snbber and Oil Clothing of The Boss SEerchant Tailor Assortment and the Weaso-UTatttl retell detUr:n MILTj FEED. 5 and Plated Ware, . Qp S' rJiOWCAI. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AMD VEGETABLES. w?jnpo ! m'trtra Ynhnrm Hinsri l ",ui i UUdoLU,wiydr; , w S- BBfflEBfT & GO. ASTORIA. - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET" and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded THE LATEST STYLES IX WAUL PAPER AT S. L. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOUTO ASTOUIAX OFFICE. A very targe Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. 5&My natest Trimmer to cut Wall Paner wit) 1k irnind convenient to my patrons. L. K. Gr. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer in Claars and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, riayin? Cards. Cutlery, Sta tionery, eic Tlie lamest anl finest stock ot 3IEER- SCHAUM and AMIJEIt GOODS in the city. farttcutar attention paid to onlcrs from the count rv, Tiir.o.DItACKER, Slanaser. Cheitanius Street, Astoria. Oregon. NOTICE. To Hunters. Fishermen, Ranchers. JF YOU "WANT THE HIGHEST ilAlt JL kct ltrice for ytmr produce, go to JEFF'S, Steamer TCF.1 MORRIS. iZXzzL. and Favorite Boat TS NOV.' KEADY FOn BUSINESS AND can he chartered for excursions, special name, etc.. at reasonan e rates. A ecuerai stenint'oating business transacted. . nuc.iiuu, Piaster. FOR TILLAMOOK. (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer H. T. .TOIIANSEN, - - - Master, AVHI leave for TILLAMOOK, on TCTOtt SAILING DATES AND TAItTICU- L' LtTSXm.lv to .1. G. IIUSTLEi:. Main rtrci t Whari. Astoria : ALLEN .t LEWIS, Portland ; J. L. STOKY TUIamooi:. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting TOXK RY RUDDOCK. & WHEELER. AT LJ fa5r rates. Also a cojnpletc stock of goiils in our ic. intimates given anu work L'liariinfwwL Ca. street, in war of I O O F buildinff. next to lias Ofs otllec. DBBssMAKnra Ti.rr:s. liitvcK jipsi'ectkclly in- ivi. forms the relics of Astoria, that her tHKiivs is i riled on as formerly at her roni; en Cass street opposite Odd Fellows P.uiliHiit;. ihe returns thanks for tlicir pat- rona :e 111 the past, and solicits a continu- aue or the same. Siiiti iujmIc, rrom S7.CO to S13.00. All V.'orl; Warranted, As:siria.Nov. 1st, I$S. Assessment Notice. TOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT TnE LH Assessment Roll of School District No. I.Clatsop county, Oregon, for the year 18S3 has this 15th day of October. 1S3. been ap proved lv the Directors of said district and a warnnt issued to the clerk for the collec tion of the taxes therein caned lor wiiuin Ktv iluvs from said date. Said hx is now due and pavable at the office ot the undersigned In Astoria, in said district, also will be deemed delinquent un less so ikiki wiiuin ine tunc auove specmeu, J. O. BOZORTH, Clerk School Dlst. No. 1. Clatsop Co. Orcson. FOR SALE CHEAP, A LDEKBROOK PROPERTY IN LOTS jHlIo suit purchasers fr cash or oa the In stalmcnt plan. UOZORTH & JOHNS. DAIRY FARf.l FOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS TTNOWN AS THE V. GEAIUIARTFARM ,IA tonetacr witn tuirty cows, seveniccn head of youns cattle, one horse, one wagon ! and other famiins Implements. lais isa rarecuance lor a: gxi jp ?r ff. For imitlcutars Inquire of ''-'vj J- w lnis in ;t rait.-iu uiijuut; iu scenic GEARHART For Rent. r?1i!K STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY A a M. Johnson & Co. Apply at the store of rrael Bros., or to u. s. u i uisr.tu. PAY YOU YCCR n. c Gents J-, yiuiuuuiui Silk TTmbrellas, Elankets he has the Largest and Tines Lowest Prices in town. 0. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fall and The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts are cordially invited to inspect my ammoth, Stock ! OF Fall and Winter During the present week centre counters the etecrant line of shown in LARGEST FINEST GOODS ! and if tOoJs in Ever? Department! the XiSdhtc Dry Goods and ClotMi House of Astoria. C. H. COOPER. Rpss M Lie ! XSD JEFF OP TEE CHOP HOUSE Can piove by his books that he U doing the Digsesi Business 01 any RESTAURANT In the cltv. and he will Guarantee to ctre the best meal for cash. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of every description. Tlie finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. JA11 goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! ! Of Svery Inst opened at PS 10 51! noes io Tlie Leading CLOTHIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND HATTER. IH rt CO tn I CSO ft ft Winter! Iiirtatas ! I will display on my largest and most qroods ever Oregon. STOCK ! LOWEST PRICES IXL FIRST QUALITY THE LUMBER. MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. Wc will take orders for lumber from 109 to POo 31., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. flooring a Specialty . Addross all orders WESTPOBT MILL CO. S. G, Bkxxkk, Supt. Reafty for Business. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOBE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER POP.T. Promptness and satisfaction guarantee in all cases. Description the Occident Store. uality 10 Suit all ! all! Ed.D. Curtis & Co. Carpls, Dlolsierr UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHES, Corner Benton and Sq uemoqua Streets, East of the Court House. Aateria, SH, I J I