The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 01, 1883, Image 3

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-Faast of All Saiate.
-The Uregm is duo lo-dar.
-'Boot time fur no;v cklor.
E. Ji. Bawes is putting in some
fine heaters this season.
Gas is being introduced into sev
eral of our city churches.
Wra. Edgar lins one of the most
attractive show windows in the city.
On and after this date the jirice
of single copies of The Astoria:. will
be fiv cents.
First mate Iiatcholder uf the
Chescbronglt is at the Itospital. and
will probably recover.
In those days the question is,
'Whore can get n good, reliable
nn F At Sposartii's.
A varied assortment of goods is
advertised t be sold at auction hy E.
0. Holdwi next Saturday morning.
An exchange says "the jxiKtical
pot is beginning to boil." It fails to
add that the candidates are in the pot.
To-day being' a liolv day of obli
gation in the Koman Catholic church;
there will be mass at 0 o'clock at St.
To snyona wishing a pro G table
investment the valuable properly of
fered for sale by John W. Goarhart,
would be an unusual opportunity.
The reduction in the wise of
Xew York newspapers is reported to
be a failure. It is exactly the reverse
in Astoria. The new subscription
list steadily increases.
Geese and ducks are coming in in
ireat numbers. Venison is also mak
ing its appearance ; likewise clams,
crabs, oysters, trout, etc. Astoria is
well supplied with game.
Fire3 have been started in the
new public school building, and work
progresses. It is thought the pupils
can be transferred from thsir present
undesirable quarters nest month.
The Portland board of trade has
cclectcd Donald MacLeay r.a its dele
gate to the national board of trade
which meets in New York next Janu
ary. The Astoria chamber of com
merce has not, as yet, mado its selection.
Jo. Bachman Arrested A Clous
Shave Two Explosions
in London.
Portland, Oct. 31. Ever since the
discovery of Bachman Bros', failure
there has been a feeling of indigna
tion concerning' the manner in
which tho '-failure" was brought
about ; more especially is this the case
among many poor depositors who lost
their all. This afternoon Celia
Logan, a keepor of a house of ill
fame, who said she needed the money
"in her business,' swore out a war
rant against Jo. Bachman, and
had him arrested on a
charge of embezzlement. She had
fourteen hundercd dollars on drposit.
Bachman gave bonds in the sum of
$10,000, and was released from cus
tody. It is considered certain that
other arrests on the same charge will
Sxrwi Her Charter.
The IJritish bark lioiclaiul Hill,
which arrived in from Victoria, in
ballast, was hurried to h;r dock and
laid alongside at 2, this afternoon.
Jicr charter party oxpirou at sunset.
It road "If not ready to receive cargo
at sunset on October 31st, 1833, char
terers may cancel at option." By con
siderable effort the vessel was lined
this afternoon, and before the sun
went down, Capt. Vaughan roport
cd that he was rotdy to receive
cargo. She had been chartered
by Dixon, DeWolf & Co., of San
Francisco at sixty shillings. As the
ruling rate to-dny is forty shillings it
will be seen that the ship thus s.ives
about $G,000.
An Explosion.
Lokuok, Oct. 31. By an explosion
on the line of tho Metropolitan
Underground railtravy to-day forty
persons wore seriously injured in two
separate explosions. Four carriages
were completely demolished. The
cause of the explosion was at first at
tributed to foul gas. but later investi
gation shows that it must have been
infernal imichinc. The evening news
papers declare it to be the work of
Fenians. Four infernal machines
were found in the tunnel near Hraed
street station.
One That May Revolutionize the
Beer Industry and Break up
All the Hrevrerlea.
The J?airnftirc, JJoncttby and
Chesobrouffh crossed to sea yesterday;
the cchoonor Jcsic Niclxrson arrived
in; the Tom Morn brought the
schooner Vcta down from Wcsiport,
lumber laden. The Grimlale ready
for sea.
Senator Armstrong, of Missouri,
has been here on a pleasant trip for
the past week. While at tho Capo
Hancock life station last Tuesday, he
assured Al. Harris that upon his re
turn he would use all his influence
with Representative Cox of 2Tcw
York and others to have the efiicioncy
of tho service increased.
The important problem of "How
to keep warm," has been solved by I.
"NY. Case in his handsome bank by a
large heater in tho basement, the prin
ciai feature of winch is an ingonious
contrivanco that creates a downward
current of cold air, thus ventilating
the apartments in a most thorough
The attention of the reading public
directed to Carl Adler'a double-
coliimn advertisement. On the prin
ciple that a nimble sixpence is better
than a slow shilling, this enterprising
merchant has determined to take a
new departure by placing the price of
books and periodicals so low as to
make a necessity of what was formerly
luxury. By reference to his adver
tised rates it will be seen that tho
ending publications of the day can be
procured at prices below what has
heretoforo been paid; the reduction
r tends to the works of standard
authors. His shelves are filled with
well bound volumes that will be sold
at such prices as cannot fail to be
satisfactory to all. So larye and ex
tensive i3 the display in every branch
of his business that a visit to Astoria
cannot be considered complete with
out an inspection of his elegant stock.
That his establishment is nut equaled
in appearance north of San Francisco
is the general verdict of all who have
visited it.
Tho long delayed instructions re!
ativc to tho life station at Cape Han
cock, wore yesterday received from
headquarters by Capt. Al. Harris, and
to-day he musters in his crew. The
requirements of the service are not
proportioned to the pay by any means,
With, provisions at the price they are,
forty dollars a month is not very daz
Gon. Phil. Sheridan takes com
mand of the armies of the United
States to-day, superceding W. T.
Sherman. It is, howewer, somethiug
of a joke on Philip that after waiting
patiently these man' years for this
day to arrive, that the title of "Gen
oral" should coase with the retirement
of Sherman, and that in taking com
mand he can but retain his old title
i'mundi afternoon.
Sic transit "loria
jS Increasing Circulation.
fij Yo are busy changing names from
jiour Weekly to our Daily list, so
& many who formerly took tho Weekly
Kwrite saying "Send me The Daily
IAstokiax, and credit me with th
samount to my credit on the Weekly.
s If subscriptions to the Daily- continue
j? during tho present month as they havi
gduring the last week, our desired list
of 1000 will be mado up farm advance
5o our most sanguine expectations
iThe value of The Astouiax as an ad
Svertip'incdium it so crer.t that but
casual reference need be made to th
Anyone doing business in Asto
his business, the news
paper, and the community in general
Sby placing in our columns an advor
ytisement. It is our opinion that no
91 .
.newspaper m tho country has ever
fljdone less in the matter of solicitin
advertisements than The Astorian
&has. It is now attaining such a circu
ivlation that nurclr as ;i matter nf hp!
wish consideration, apart from motives
ft of public spirit, no merchant can afford
to neglect an opportunity to call atten
tion to their goods.
frria can help
A New D2parture.
"What other city in the United
States can show as much relative
progress as Astoria has exhibited in
the past season? In every depart
ment of industry, in every branch of
business, in every part of community
life, progress is apparent. The ad
vantages that our incomparable little
cityoffers become cvory season more
upparent, and what was "good
enough for ono season is left far be
hind by increased competition.
G. Washington Childs, the editor of
the Philadelphia Ledger is supposed to
bo the champion obituary bard of the
country, but Orogon will snatch his
laurels away unless he bestirs himself.
Appended to the usual death notice of
a little child in Polk county, we find
the following in the Itcmizcr :
Tho letter published below was re
ceived by Dr. H. E. Hoekle, of St.
Louis, Mb., and fully explains thi3
extraordinary phenomenon:
Gary, Dakota, Sept 25, 1S83.
Dr. H. B. BocMcDear Sir: In
our neighborhood lives a German
farmer named Liebig who claims to
have mado a discovery which seems
to me so remarkable that I have con
cluded to report it to the press. He
is quite a scientific man and has a di
ploma from some big agricultural col
lege in Germany, the name of which I
have forgotten. Hi3 neighbors call
him tho Latin farmer. Thi3 is what
he says: Among his cows i3 one of
English breed, the best milker in the
lot. Some time ago the milk from
her had a bitter taste and a brownish
color, which rendered it totally unfit
for use. This gave him considerable
distress and he could not account for
it. Later on he discovered the cause
of the trouble. He saw the animal
coming out of his barn, where he has
his hop tiins. Evidently the cow had
oeen feeding on hops and naturally
the milk had acquired the objection
able taste. He commenced a series
of experiment, the reasons for which
he gave me, and which seem quite
plausible. His arguments were: If
the food has such a direct influence
on tho taste and color of tho milk,
have wo not the means at hand to give
the product any character we choose?
Ho evidently regards the animal econ
omy of the cow as a sort of chemical
laboratory. So ho went to work to
try to produce a drink similar to beer,
and if his statements are true (as 1 be
lieve) he succeeded completely.
He continued to feed hops, for which
she had a general liking, then malt
and then corn. Gras3 and hay would
not do, because under it tho liquid
resumed its natural milky charactor.
The product under this feeding was a
turbid, light brown liquid, with a
sweet, slightly bitterish taste. Warm
from tho cow he adds some yeast,
sets it in a warm place, and lets it fer
ment. This seems to generate a cer
tain amount of alcohol and the liquid
at the same time becomes clear. It
the fermentation is, however, uot in
terrupted at a certain ataire, the stuff
gets sour and is unfit to drink. He
stops the fermentation by pouring tho
liquid in a strong jng, corking tightly
and letting it drop down in a deep
well. Two or ihreo days after he
draws it up. It i3 then a clear. li"ht
brown color, effervescing, forming a
creamy foam on top and tastes delici
ous to me a creat deal tetter tuan
most of the beer I ever tried. In
short ho has got a brewery on four
legs, which, in case prohibition should
prevail, be can take along across the
borders. When I first expressed
some doubts of the success of his ex
periments ho met me with an argument
which I had to admit was quite plans
iblo. Starting with the fact, mi
doubtedly correct, that all physicians
order beor freely to women in confine
ment when the generation of milk in
their breasts is in abeyance or scanty,
ho says: ''If beer in the animal
economy can be transmuted into milk,
why cannot tho elements of milk, un
der proper food, be transformed into
beer in this natural laboratory?"
m Yours truly,
S. E. Jouxsox.
A beef famine is now likely to oc
cur at any moment. People may ex
pect to hear of all the vast ranches in
the west being transformed into beer
breweries and of dairymen abandon
ing their milk business to go into the
more profitable sale of beer.
Prompt Action.
At the last regular meeting of the
Astoria chamber of commerce it was
resolved that a committee bo appoint
ed to Bend a memorial to the Wash
ington Territory legislature, praying J
Bo Yon K
That you can subscr;.. .- Harper's
Leslies or anv other p...ljation, ten
ner cent, less" at Adlers Subscription
News Depot than you can get them
direct from the publishers. Special
reduction made bv ordering two or more
periodicals ?
that honorable body to pass an act
prohibiting the catching of salmon in Dinner at"J EFF'SCIIOP HOUSE
i t-;- j...:.... i' every dav at 5 o'clock. Thebest25cent
tne ooiuraom ncr uu.,s w.u muuu. ? mcaf ,n fewn. SQUp ggn kimIs of
of Aoril in each year. In accordance meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A
m,h thereat of ,Uo chamber -UiSS'fTSSiSi
following House bill Ao. 4 , was pre-j him say Jell is the "BObb.
sented by Mr. Blackweli, of Pierce loolc Ileref
county, on tne u in uu. . You are out a treat, and don?t you for-
act et it, if you miss JEFF'S Dinner every
m . ... , ... day from 5 to 8. Soups, fish, eight kinds
itr umtuu .n. in iiipfir. veireiames. mes. iuuuiii"3. col
lating Salmon fisheries on the 'ft. tea, wine, S.F. beer, or milk. Din-
n?r cents.
A Juicy Beefsteak
is what you can
Columbia river and its tributaries,";
approved November 14, 1879.
Section 1. Be it enacted bvthe Lg 'cooked to perfection
islative Assembly of tho Territory of
Washington : That section 1 of an j For a ZVcat Tittin Boot
act entitled "An act regulating snlmon Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
.. . . rt v t , inamus street, next door to I. W. Case.
lislienes on tne uommoia mmj . nfuicnf !, i,a mVf nnil mmi-jin-
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
its tributaries," approved November
14, 1879, be and tlm same is hemby
arm.n.lwl a., hs to riml : I When You Come to Astoria
Sec 2. That it .hall not -.vft.I j ?rnitallVt5&f1St' K
to take or hah fur salmon in
I and Winter!
The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts
are cordially invited to inspect my
Mammoth Stock !
Frnnlc Falirc! Hotel.
luinbia river or its tributaries b
meant whatever, in year
after, aunii" the umnt'is or
April, August and September, twr ;.t Mm. vtr ,Il5?5' restaurant In Klnsey'a
a 1 liuilriiiiir.'rvtlnnc? is neat anil clean
tue wecuiv close times in tuj moiiius
VmnV Vhiv lm flir fitip5f ncpiimmn.
M.trch, datum- for lodgers to be found in as-
of May, June and July; that is to say,
between the hours of six o'clock in the
afternoons of each and every Saturday,
until six o'clock of the afternoons of
Sundays following; and any peraon or
persons catchirg salmon in violation
of the 'provisions of this section, or
purchasing salmon so unlawfully
caught, shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined in the sum of not les3 than
five hundred nor moro than ouc thou
sand dollars for the first offense, and
for each and every subsequent offense,
upon conviction thereof, shall be fined
not less than one thousand dollars, to
which may be added at the discretion
of tho court, imprisonment in the
county jail for a term not exceeding
one year.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect
from and after January 1, 1SS5.
ami the beds are new, soft and corafort-
lUh. 1C you want good board and lodg-
ng go to t ranc enures
ZYoiicc to t!sc Tatlics.
Switches made from combines or cut
isir: new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de-
Old switches repaired. All
.Rates reasonable.
work warranted
Call or address
L niiKXHART & ScnoEXire.
Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria,
VTHi be open every
Instead tf Thursday evening, until further
A. F. NA13F, Tcaclier.
The Lead Pencil.
Ono of the funniest sights is ( ee
anyone who uses a lead pencil wot the
end. They might as well wet a scis
sors or the other end of the penholder.
By the way, there is no lead pencil,
and there has been none for fifty
years. There was a time wheu a spir
acle of lead, cut from the bar or sheet,
sufficed to make marks on white paper
or some rougher abrading material.
The name of load pencil came from the
old notion that the nroducis of the
Cumberland mines, Engiand, wt
lead, instead of being plumbago, or
graphite, a carbonate of iron, capable
of leaving a lead-colored mark. With
tho original lead pencil or slip, and
with the earlier styles of tho "lead"
pencil made direct from the Cumber
land mine3, the wetting of the pencil
was a preliminary of writing. But
since it has become a nianu
tacture the lead pencil is
adapted, by numbers or letters, to
each particular design. There are
grades of hardness, from the pencil
that may be sharpened to a needle
point, to one that makc3 a broad
mark. Between the two extremes
there are a number of gradations
that cover all the conveniences of the
iead pencil. These gradations are
made by taking the original carbon
ate, and grinding it, and mixing it
with a line quality of clay in dilFering
proportions, regard bcunj; had to :ho
use of the pencil. The mixture is
thorough, the mass is squeezed
through dies to form and size it, is
dried, and incased in its wood en
During the present week
centre counters the
elegant line of
shown in
I will display on my
largest and most
ofoods ever
if Ms in Every Beprtmt!
A Meii Sciol
Mi and (Mil House of
I 21 L
Bras anil Strine Eand Music furnished for
Excursions, raraucs aim ranies.
Lessons civen on the Violin. Apply at
the Furniture Store of Ed. D. CDRTIS&CO.
Ity the XIcht. Day, A eek or Slontli,
With use ot Tailor. Library and all the com
forts of a home, lcrms reasoname.
Apply to miS. E. C. nOLDEN.
Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts.
Importer and wholesale dealer lu
Cimr ninl Tobaccos, Sniolicrs' Articles,
risij lux cams, crtucry, sia
The tarsest and finest stock of MEER
SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS In the city.
rartlculnr attention paid to orders irom
the country,
Tiiko.BRACKER, Manager.
Clienainus Street, Astoria. Oregon.
The Astoria Passenger Line
Y T headnuarters at Its Stables next to B.
B. Franklin's, two doors below The Asto
lHAXonicc. First-class Livery service. Carts
with horse furnished, for one dollar per
hour, carnages on application
The Astoria Passencer Line Hacks will
leave for Upper Astoria from the stables,
noises taken to board.
Figures lew Lie !
Dealer in
Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridges.
Can prove by his books that he i doing tho
Diggest Dusiness oi any
In tho city, and ho will guarantee to give
the best meal for cash.
Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches,
Of every description.
The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria.
5&-A11 goods warrantedasrepresented
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to GOO SL, at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
Tlooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
8. C, Bexkek, Supt.
Seaiy for Business.
The Portland and Astoria
Is prepared to contract with masters and
consignees of vessels for the
Loading and Unloading of Vessels
"Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed
in all cases.
As yet no attempt has been made
to fathom the depths of the Bachman
brothers' business, and it looks as if
the matter would, soon blow over, and
that a new wholesale house would bo
opened. Standard. .
Kent Custom Work, Root and .Shot.
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne finest fittlne boots and
shoes, and lowest prices.
Terfect fit
Our darline Belle
This evening at two
"We bid you farewell
Hereafter hope to see you.
My watch is running, your heart is
We'll miss you crawling, and submit
to God's will.
Our friends were kind, she suffered
And yet her little mind near got
Death's sting came, she looked at
Ma and me,
And in the home what could she see.
We did all we could the Dr. too.
Was kind and good, he could not give
her over.
But alass she's gone and me and you
4 1 1 '
Farewell Our darling Belle.
a purse with some gold, silver and
stamps. mder will leave it at
tins oflicc and will be rewarded.
Have Wisrar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
jung complaints. 50 cents and-Sl a bottle.
Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a posl
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. " Sold by W. E. Dement
A Nasal Iniector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra-
Sold by W. E. Dement
Indications of consumption are al
Pike's Tootjiacii Dnors ( cure in
one minute
XcwSloclc of ZffouldliigK
Of all kinds; Sash, Doors, etcanda fine
Fragrant Coffee
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabrc's,
at ms uiu auum.
Are von made miperahle bv Indi
gestion. Constipation. Dizziness. Loss of
appetite. Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Yital
izer is a positive cure Jforsaieoy w.
E. Dement
Brace ut) the whole svstera with Klnc
ot uie jjioou. isee Advertisement.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
Remember, if you want health, and f1.1 w,b0 .ke good things to eat that at
strength of mind and muscle, us
Furnished or unfurnished front
rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem
his place they can be accommodated.
Brown's Jron Bitters.
Whv will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will cive immediate relief. Price
I0cts50ctsand$l. Sold by W.E. De
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etccan
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
uomrs otuk store, opposite uc?iaen
betel, Astoria.
Ojtcri, Oysters, Oysters,
at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew,
fry, pan roast, or raw at i rani: i atire s.
Oysters in Evcrj' Style.
And coffee, at Mrs. Lovctfs.
The liev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour
bon. Ind says: uBoth myself and wife
owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumition
Coke." Sold by W. E. Dement
Cmits, fever, amic and weakness are
cured by Colden's Liquid Bcef Tox
ic -fltf; for Coldcn'8: of druggists.
Eyes brighten, cheeks become ro3y,
nnisck'3 gain strength by the use of
Brown'3 Iron Bitters.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquor
"and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite me oeii tower, ;anrsce ;amp-
Shiloh's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough aud
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Will you suffer with Dyspcjwia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize is
uaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Dealer In
Fall and Winter C o
Iron PipB and Fittings,
Goods and Tools,
Garaery anfl FlsiBrmBns Supplies
Stoves. Tin Ware and House
. Furnishing Goods.
Done with neatness and dispatch.
None out first class workmen employed.
i A large assortment ofi
Constantly on band
Men's, Youtli's. and Boys ! !
ithins !
Of Every ZD ascription
lust opened at the Occident Store.
Styles to Suit all ! Duality to Suit all'!
Prices to Suit all !
33 c A0
Th.e Leading
Overcoats, Clothing,
Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps.
M.D.Kant, tlie Boss Merchant Tailor
1 Eh A g g
1 5is S
1 m Sg i S
Em H s -d r
$H 5 -r 0
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Carpets, IiMsleir
Corner-Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court Homo.