ASTOEIA, OREGON: THTJItSDAY..... NOVEMBER 1, 1883 Peovincetowx, Massachusetts, has hauled in about 10,000,000 pounds of codfish this year. Subset Cox recently said in an interview with a press representa tive: "You might as well ex pect to run a powder mill in hell as an honest government with an overflowing treasury." Articles of incorporation of the United States Central Railroad with a capital of 75,000,000 have been filed in Denver, Colorado. The road will run from Denver to San Francisco, and when com pleted will be the shortest and easiest grade between the two cities. The Helena, (Mont.) Herald claims for its place that "it is the the richest cit in the country in proportion to the population. There are fifty men whose incomes are above 10,000 each, and quite a number of these enjoy aunual receipts of 100,000. Tins, for a population of 7,500,- is certainly a comfortable showinir. Tue New York Herald thinks that Mexico is just about reach ing that stage of political prog ress which our country attained when articles of confederation were iramea unaer wnicn we waged the war of independence Her greatest need is the same with which heaven supplied our coun try during the period in which our constitution was adopted and the present federal government organ ized. A statesman with the fac ulty of Hamilton or Gallatin would bo worth more to Mexico to-day than all her renerals. The report of the Commissioner of Pensions shows that there were 303,G5S pensioners on the roll at the end of the fiscal ear, June 30, 1S83. During the year the names of 3S,1G new pensioners were added and the names of 70 G whose pensions had been dropped previously were restored to the roll, making 38,958 pensions added an excess of 10,G45 over the pre ceding year. The average annual value of each pension wasSlOG.lS, and the aggregate annual value of all pensions was $32,245,102, an increase of 2,901,090. The amount paid for pensions was G0,0G1,009, exceeding their an nual value by several million dol lars. The bulk of this excess was on account of arrears of pensions covering the period prior to the al lowance of claims. Ax important chapter in the constitutional history of Norway has been opened. The whole of the members of the Norwegian ministry have been impeached by the lower house of the national as sembly before the Rigsret or Su preme Tribunal of the realm, and the trials open to-day with the case of Mr. Selmer, the prime minister. The ministers are charg ed with acting contrary to the interests of the country in having advised the king to refuse his sanction to the bill which has been carried by three successful storth ings for the admittance of minis ters to seats in the national as sembly, to a bill involving a ques tion of supplv, and to a bill empowering the storthing to elect two additional members on -the central committee of government railways. Some daj's ago the plea set up by the council for the ac cused ministers, declaring some of the members of the court disquali fied to sit as judges, was rejected and the court had declared all its members competent to sit. As each of the eleven ministers will be tried separately, it is not likely that any result will be made known for another three or four months. The postmaster-general's order lorbidding delivery of mail to the New Qrleans National bank be cause it was the- agent of the Louisiana Lottery company is like ly to bring a good deal of atten tion to the most shameful condi tion of things in a certain way to be found in anv state. The bank has got the New Orleans postmas tor enjoined from obeying the order, and, if the suit is properly defended, a judicial decision will be reached upon some imporlant points. The bank suit is in fact brought by the lottery company, and should finally test the ques tion as to whether that concern must be recognized as a legitimate enterprise. The company was got up at the close of the war, became rioh and powerful, and in 1879 had its charter incorporated in the constitution. It silences criti cism by constant gifts to charities, bribes to silence half the news papers in the country with high priced advertising, and prevents official interference at home bv maintaining a dictatorship in state politics. It has made and unmade governors and judges, and elected legislatures, and there are open charges that the federal judges there dare not decide against it in the present suit. NEW TO-DAY SpBGialAuctioii Sale. Saturday, Nov. 3. at 2 P.M. At Holrtcii's Auction Room. I AM INSTRUCTED HY CONSTAW.E Oliver, to sell at public auction in re Poretto vs. Cassellini, a lot of Cljrars, Wines, Liquors, Syrups ctc.and oncYVliiteha 1 Boat, with oars etc . complete. Also I will sell 20 pairs Blankets, Comfort ers, Rubber Boots and a lot of Clothing. Crockery and Glassware, Bedsteads, spriup; Mattrasscs, Cooking Stove, second hand Sewluz Machine in good running order, and a lot of sundries. E. C. KOIiDF.X. Auctioneer. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS KNOWN AS THE 1'. UEAlMIAItT FARM together with thirty cows, seventeen head ol young cattle, onb horse, one wj;ou and other farming implements. This Is a rare chauco lor anyone lo secure a rood dairy or stock farm. For particulars inquire of d-wtf J. V. GEAKIIAKT. A Good Gup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. - MKS. TOWELL HAS OFENED AN OYS ter stand and Concc House on Main street next to the Oregon Bakery. Every attention paid to patrons. MUSIC. PROP, T. F. ItlEYER. Graduate of Heidelberg University. Piano TcacJicr. NOTICE. To Hunters, Fishermen, Ranchers. IF YOU WANT THE HIGHEST MAlt ket price for your produce, go to FOR SALE CHEAP, ALDERBROOK PJtOPERTY IN LOTS to suit purchasers for cash or on the In stalment plan. BOZOHT1I & JOHNS. Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Wong Pont, Wong See Gum and Wone Iinr Gum. in storckcen- iug business. Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Wong lug Gum has bought the in terests of the other naitncrs, who are going to China, and he will continue business at the old stand. Wontr Iih? ftnin tmiv nil of the debts of the firm ajid collect all ac counts due it WONG PONT. WONG SEE GUM, WONG ING GUM. For Rent. EL OUSE WITH 5 ROOMS, HARD VIS- isueu, lot and h table. Enquire of BOZORTH & JOHNS. For Rent. mnE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY A. JL M. Johnson & Co. Apply at the store of C S. GUNDEItSON. rrael Bros., or to A FARM TO LET. OF 100 ACRES, ON YOUNG'S BAY. AND adlolnincthts citv. on which is a bouse. good spring, and about thirty acres cleared smooth, suitable for gardening, dairying or pouury raising. j . TAYI.UK. Delinquent City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. the undersigned, Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from the City Council requiring me to collect the tax es assessed for the year 1883, and now delin iiuont ill ton the list sinri in.iko return nf rlio same within sixty days. All parties jto in- ueuica win increiore please laKe notice and govern themselves accordingly. C. W, LOUGIIERY, Chief of Police. Astoria, Oregon, October 25th, 1SS3. Notice. 1Y undersigned has been appointed the as- dimnanftlmllnnnf A HT TALnonn -. aim nil ptTMms uaving claims against sam llrm are notified to present the same duly verified to me at my office In Astoria. Ore gon, within three montlis from this date, October i7th,lSS3. d-Gw A. W. BERRY, Assessment Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Assessment Roll of School District No. 1, Clatsop county, Oregon, for the vcar 1E83 has thts 15th day of October. 1&B3. been ap proved by the Directors of said district and a warrant issued to the clerk for the collec tion of the taxes therein called for within sixty days from said date. Said tax Is now due and pavable at the office of the undersigned in Astoria, in said district, also will be deemed delinquent un less so paid within the time above specified. J. O. BOZORTH, Clerk School Dist. No. 1. Clatsop Co. Oregon. Stockholder's Notice. NOTICE IS ID3REBY GIVEN THAT THE aunual meeting of the stockholders of the Washington Packing Co. will be held on Wednesday. Nov. 7, 18S3. at 10 o'clock, a. ji.. at their cannery near Astoria, for the pur pose of electing five directors, and to trans act such other ouslncss as may legally come before them. Attest J. W. GEAIUIART. FRANK NOLBERG. J'res. Sec'y, Astoria, Oct. C, 18S3. G-sod X. X. Jolison, Has re-opened his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On fill T?fiiHirav niii.ilc nTil Iniwitlnn TT will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, Jitifl Trtli!fne ryrA n full llnanfcninl-nKi ar ticles. Including the finest meerschaum Eipes. He will be pleased to see his old lends at his new stand. Foster's Mm. GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK! Finest fitted up Billiardfand Sample Hooras In the City. Everything first-class throughout. At the entrance to the O.B.&N, Dock. Hartore ui SMd Chanftlery A. YAH DUSEIi & CO.. D KALE ItS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Imp emeu is, Sctrturr ISIi; chines. i Paints :iuJ rtlN. fJrnrorit'S. ! ! Astoria Oil Works,! J. H. DEFORCE. Proprietor. P. O. Bi ; Astoria, Oregon. 3ltuufacturnr and Iculr m ! FISH Oil and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid (Jr-ns- lo be good and cheap. ?lltmbihg7 Gas ajid Steam Fitting DONE BY RUDDOCK & WIIEKLKX. AT fair rates. Also a complete stock of goods in our line. Estimates siren mm! work guaranteed. Cass street, in rear of I O O K building, uest to Gs Go's office. KSTARLISnnU IN" 1832. AUMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Imiwters of Wooden and Willow Ware Twine", Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, X'nits, Tuus, C'lxurnh, Washboard. Hope 'ordasc, Wrapping X'apris, r?:r IlaKS T:nildiug l'.ipcr, 32a!c!rs, Handles, ('Jollies WrlnKcr.. Car pet Swccprrs, Fratiier ast ers. Stationery, Vc. 230 and 232, Pront Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. AND o 3T Jll SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS Slieet, Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED STIK k ENABE MflS ! USED BY- "Presiiient of United States' "Governor of Oregon-' And other prominont persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading make, wholesale ami retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Ooast. Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. isros., .tS -Yd. 165 First St.. Portland. Oregon. Leinenweber & Co., C. TiKIX UN W KHUlt. .1 . JtHOWS KSTAU L1SII 130 ASTORIA. OK3SUONt mmm m cubbses, Manufacliirrrs hud :np'niy of 1.1. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS J WhdfcsaJe Dealt-rs In OIL AND TALLOW. cij-JIIchest cash niiee nald for HuIm stnd ThIIow. NOTICE TO GANNERYMEU ! I WILL JlAlE BOXES NEXT SEASON in any amount required, and guarantee In IinVA 1 1 Will vntlcfinlfin- ill nivin. ku-iu,1 Jly price for sliooks will be J3 cents ; for icuivu uiiAl-3 1 CCUUS. Ally OI1C ISIlinR lO inake a contnict for rases ran confer wiUi .T.C.TKULLINGEK, oct t-3m Proprietor "West Shore Mills. Steamer TOftl MORRIS. THIS TiF.W and I'avorltc Itoat IS NOW BEADY FOB BUSINESS AND can ho chartered for excursions, spechU parties, etc., at reasonable rates. A general steamboating business transacted. V. BOELUNG, Master. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The splendid Al British Iron w . Ship. KILLOCEATJ Jgggf Will be shortly on the berth for SALMON In lots to suit shippers. Forfreight and in surance apply to Messrs. BALFOUK, G CTIIBrE & Co.. Portland. Or to P. L. CHEBBY, Astoria. FOR TILLAMOOK. (Wcatlier permitting.) The new Steamer N.P. JOIIANSEN, - - - Master. WiU leave for TILLAMOOK, on FOR SAILING DATES AND rABTICU larsannlv to J. G. 1IUSTLEK. Main street Wharf. Astoria : ALLEN .t LETVVLS. roruana ; .1. 1 siunx xiiininooK. To The Public. WE. THE UNDERSIGNED, NOTIFY the public that we have bought the scow AnnIe" Parties who have any claim or claims against said scow should notify ns within 30 dats, before all the money is paid, and make arrangements accordlncfv. OLOF. THOMPSON, O.V. CARTER. Astoria, Or., OptoberStn, 1SS3. r M Iff 111 SUP ,"lPijff iAJaOY l!iOUISi&JJS. .JL Splendid Steele of Tofs5 Movefiles and Foreign importations nrPHiiiPP" The lew York rmrirar EB-OPENIHG ! liieCioocls at Eedneedl Ladies desirous of procuriiig Goods unequaied in Style and Pinish "will take pleasure in examining- our Stock of SILKS, BATH'S and BBESS GOODS. IU THE SEATS' FUHNISHIKG DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the Tbest. CHAS. HEiLBORN, MANHPACTDEEK OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER 111 Carpets, Oil Cloth. Wall Paper, Mirrors, WmdGV Shadss, Lscs Gur tains.. Picture Frames and cuidings WD5DOTV COKNICES AND CQETAIN POLES Complete In every firancb. XK, j?5 S5: S3 7 DEALKK W Hay, Oats, Straw.! Ume, Brick, Gemsn'i and 3am! Wooil delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALER IX WIfiES, LIQUORS AKD CJCARS. LOEB & CO. JODBKKS IN WiNSS, LIQTJOES, AKD CIGARS. AGENTS FOIi THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. CS-AIl goods sold at San Francisco Trices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker Houso. Astoria. Oregon. ASK 1'OK- Tlnion India Eufrber Co Pure Tara Gum CRACK PROOF ' RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF 1MTTATIOKS ! Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF an the heels, and have the PURE OUM SPRIXGS on the foot and Instop, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make Hiem last more than twice as long as any. Ilubber boors made. FOU SALE BY ALL DEALEIlS. ALL KENBS KUBBEIt BELTING. PACK ING, IIOSE.SPP.INGS. CLOTI1LNG, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc COQDYEAR RUBBER CO. R. U. PEASE, Jr. I Agents. S. M. EUNYON, J San Erancisco. Top Hi a Novelty Store!! Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS IN S fron, steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, i TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROY85IGFJS, FIOUR AMD MUX. J?EEI. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, In Stock. Cornnr Clienamus and Hamilton Streets ASTOKTA, OREGON. Drugs and Chemicals lvJ.E.THOKAS, DRUGGIST Pharmacist, Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or KIght. vAST0RIA,O A I k A S3 fS FRANK L. Fresh Fruits imgygte-- f-' -m or TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAPv TER aprb" to Hie Capiahi. or to E. P. Parker, Agent. Zl. IS. PARSER. CITY HAVK JJ'ST ISSCEIVEI5 A lAItOIOTir STOCK OF BOOKS. The youns and old, rich and poor can all be accommodated. Agents for the Kranlch & Bach and Mandsfeldt & Notni Pianos and Western Cottage Organs. Orders for all kinds of Jlusie or In.-tnaiicnts will be promptly filled. B. F. STilVJESS & CO., City Book Store. Have a Full Line of ummBf Blassware, Platedware. Cutlery. lour Cteaii THE I NEW M0DET, A FDIL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. IE2.. 77 AWBS, Ttt-o doors east ol Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. - ' r - (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AMD CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. C1IJEASIIJS STREET, Kext to L Parker's Store. jr. onSKN". J. CUSTAFSON. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE 35 BEDDING. Corner Itlain and Squenioqna Streets. Astoria, Orcson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIfflIHGS; WALL PAPERI ETC A Complete Stoclr. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT. KIXDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AIVD TARZSISHED. West-Eighth Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by Ordinance !No. 560 of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 10th day of October, 1883, and was approved on the 11th day of Ociober, 188.:, for the pronosed improvement of West-Eighth street, in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John M.Shively. from the south side of Water street to the south side of Cedar streetinthe manner pro vided by Ordinance 2o. 567 of the City of Astoria, and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 23d day of October, 1883, and was approved on the 24th day of October, 1883, on each of the following described ipts irontmg on said portion or said street, is now payable Treasurer in U. S. gold coin, and unless paid within fiv ation of tills notice, viz: Thursday. .November 15. 1883, th issue warrants for the collection thereof. a- P o o' g Xante oOimer. 1 2 &5 1 g) li s S jJS s ? I ! f Is. P I . Sisters o Charity 125 ij T5 4t 11 50 17380 185 30 W W & G W Tarker 125 U 134 SG2 50 199 70 2G2 20 Jas W Welch 1 Mrs S F Wood I John W Welch 125 1 135 62 50 62 50 1) H Welch Mrs 3f I Ilerren J By order of the Common Council. Astoria, October 26, 1823. FAEKER. Vegetables ozorth ai kimm Sts., KANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TOKLV ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. i:. II AWES Is also agent ior the Ml patent CooMEf Stove And other first-class stoves. Fnrnnco "Wort. Stoara Fit-inCs- oto.t a specialty- DEALER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ol HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for ftlagee Stoves and ftanges The Best In the market, l'nmihlng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. at tne omce or me uity c days from the expir e Common Council will The assessment is as follows : T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk.