gll.C SilalB StStoy&llTU LaSt cnins'a Performance. The Mississippi Jetty ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY-. .OCTOBER W, 1SS8I SPECIATj NOTICE. Fifteen Cents Per Week, Beginning on Saturday, October 2? 18S.'!, The Daily Astokia:-' will le delivered to all pails of the city for fif teen cents per week, pnynble to the car rier. .. a. JiALLOIlAX & LO. Astoriax Office, Oct. 22, 1S83. All-Hallovr-eon. To-night all single folk have their fortunes told. Bosorth & Johns will sell Alder brook property on the instalment plan. Little Arthur Foley was conscious j-csterday and hopes arc entertained of his recovery. The bill to repeal the Washington .Territory Sunday law has failed to pass the legislature. Villard is rcjwrlod to have; bought heavily of 0. II fr K. stock rfurimi the flurry last week. of worse looking the Lewis county but never saw one. We've heard newspapers than Beyond a certain dimness of light yesterday there was nothing seen in Astoria concerning the laut solar eclipse of 'S3. Hereafter the San Francisco steamers will arrive at Astoria on Mondays and Frid.-'s, and leave here for San Jrancisco on Wednesdays and Saturdays. There will ba'u good many things to give thanks for on the next recur rence of our national "Thanksgiving day. .Not the lonst among these is the completion of that lively thor oughfare known in history as Cass street. First mate Batcheldor, of the Chcscbrouyli, is not hurt as badly at Grst roportcd, though the injury is a sevoro one. Jt scorns the block struck a slanting blow, breaking throe ribs and "lancing off. He is in a fair way to recover. bpurgeon says that a man may practice on the cornet and be a Christ ian, but it is hard for his next door neighbor to bo a Christian. Yon can't always toll. We know a Portland in surance agent who recently preached a first-rate sermon in an Astoria pulpit. iNew lork rcstauratuers serve their customers this winter with rich and juicy steaks served a la Chautc briand. It is simplj a beefsteak cooked between two other pieces of raw meat, so that the juice of the two side pieces shall penetrate into the steak placed in the middle. The State of California arrived down at 3:30 yesterday afternoon and sails to-day. The captain and mate of the Whistler go to San Francisco. The barkentine Webfwt and tug .Escort crossed out: the Gen. Elites arrived in; the British bark Antwerp, Smith, master, arrived in from Victoria. mere win be a meeting at o'clock on the evening of November Oth, in the Swedish Evangelical Lxitheran church in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther. Rev. J. McCormac will address the meeting. Rev. J. W. Skans. of Portland, and Rev. J. J. Hoikka the pastor of the church, will also address the meeting in the Swedish language. Everyone is invited. The sixth quarterly concert of the Astoria Musical society was given at Liberty Hall last evening, in the pres ence of a most appreciative audience. Tho3e who were present at the last entertainment given at the Occidental Hall, and heard tho pleasant music furnished by tho society, wero like wise present hist evening, reinforced by many others who also availed themselves of an opportunity to hear the excellent vocal and instrumental music for the rendition of which thiB society is justly famed. The opening chorus, "Hail, Festal Day," as rendered by Mrs. F. R. Stokes, supported by the entire soci ety, was followed by tho stirring strain of Faust's "Battle March," also given by the whole class, after which Abt's delightful aria, "Fly Away, Birdling," was sung by Mrs. C. W. Fulton and Mrs. M. Eaton, tho cloar soprano of the one 'blending in melody with the flute-like alto of the other. The double quartette, "Roll On, Majestic Ocean," voiced by Messrs. Mcintosh, Thompson, Bar ker, Tan Dnsen, Grifliu, Wright, Boz- orth, Taylor and Gwirge, was greeted with the sumo meed of appreciative applause that merit always elicits. The vocal gem, "Forget Me Not," was sung by Mis. F. R. Stokes, whose clear voice was never heard to better advantage m lhau in that lovely solo, the favorite of the gifted Gatiz, its composer. Sir Michael Costa's "Zion Awake' was rendered in grand stj'le by a quartette composed of Mrs. C. W. Fulton, Mrs. M. Eaton, Prof. Cook and D. A. Mcintosh, after which the society fav ored the audience with a chorus, "The Flower Dance," and Miss Fannie Dickiuson, supported by the society, in the silveriest soprano sang a mirth provoking solo entitled, "Don't Mind What They Say," thus closing the first nart. The second part opened with three widely varying selections b the society, followed by W. H. Barker, who in manly bass told of a "Warrior Bold in Days of Old," to the intense gratification of his listeners, after which Mrs. 0. W. Fulton, Mrs. M. Euton, Prof. Cook and Mr. Barker went through the Iaughabio sketch en titled "The Piofessor at Home." Tho doubly quartette previously named intoned the patriotic son;, "Unfurl Our Glorious Banner." after which 0 Silutaris Hostia," was sung by Mrs. M. Eaton with an amount of feeling and expression that left noth ing to be desired. The pleasant chant concerning "Spring's Delights," was followed by the beautiful trio of "Sweet Home" by Mrs. C. J. Trenchard and Misses Jennie and Winnie Craug, assisted by the society. Throughout the entertainment Mrs. D. A. Mcintosh presided at the organ with her usual grace of execution. Miss May, Prof. Cook's talented daughter did like servico at the piano, and the l'rotessor nnnseir, to whose careful drill much of the merit of the performance is due, conducted the whole. To speak of applause, bou ouets and encores, would transcend our limits. Suffice it to say that such a performance :is those preseut had the pleasure ot hearing last evening will insure a most enthusiastic re sponsc from the music loving public of Astoria at any future time. Tho superb piano that added iu no small degree to the success of the enter tainmant, was loaned for the occasion by Carl Adler. Every little while appears in some paper hostile to the matter of river improvement, mean little items con cerning the alleged failure of Eads' jetty system at New Orleans. The following is no surmise or rumor, but a fact: On tho 38th inat., the largest ship that ever reached New Orleans passed successfully through the channel made by Capt. Eads' jet ties, and anchored in the stream op posite the city. The vessel is the British steamship Sicerfotcn, built for laying cable. She is 4035 tons regis ter, 338 feet long, 55 feet beam, and 34 feet C inches deep. When the fact is noted that before the jetties were finished vessels drawing over 19 feet could not get to New OrleaiiH, it will likewise be teen that the jetties are sn assured success. The same system is in the process of construction nt Gal veston.. Texas. Wo hope to chronicle, in the future, the arrival of vessels of deepest draft at Astoria, through the relief afforded the Columbia bar by the same process that has resulted in such splendid success at tho Crescent City. Opening Night. THE BABY. Who is it coos just like a dove? Who is It that we dearly love The brighest blessing from above? The baby. ; display; dimples deenl The baby. So Tou Iviiotv That you can subscribe for Harper's Leslies or any other publication, ten per cent, less at Adlers Subscription News Depot than you can get them. direct trom tue publishers, special reduction made by ordering two or more periouicaisv IVotice. 0. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Dinner nt"J EFF'SCHOP nOUSE 25 cent MM. IfLnnn, ,,r- oil ntn.1.. uu 13 tb cecils us iwi ',.,.. .! I K tl- Throughout the night till day dolhli0.0". areas, ,- vmtf.i A;0 ! glass of S?F. Beer, FrV eofleo included. AH . . When mamma goes outside tho door. ' him say lcff !s tne "BOSS." Who is it that doth madly roar, And like O. Twist, cries out for more ? Lools Here ! Tho baby. You are out a treat, and don't you for- Becanse it has a stomach-ache? The babv fcinds of :.etc. A ret, tea or tave tried Who is it swallows every pin. gi-t it, if you miss JEFF'S Dinner every nay irom a 10 a. aoups, nsn,eigut kiuus Great chunks of glass and scraps of ,if meat, vegetables, pies, puddings, cof ti, ,., , foe, tea. wine,, or milk. Din Ami then yells all the time like sin ? ; nvT cents. The baby. Who Is it that mav jrrow up mad. I A Juicy Becftteak And make his mother sick and sad, ! cooked to perfection is what you cau Then thrash his kind, indulgent dad? .get at t ranK t aores. The baby. ! If one could guago the future suc cess ot a new ousmess venture iu a rapidly growing and prosperous com munity by its opening night, then may it well be said that the New York Novelty store, which opened its doors to the public in Astoria Ia3t evening, 13 bound to prosper, .as from tho time of opening to the timo of closing, tho place was besieged by an eager crowd of both visitors and purchasers, all in tent upon examining the lino stock of new holiday goods and other novelties therein displayed. All goods are marked in plain figures, the motto of the house being "One price for all." The proprietor assures us that chil dren will receive tho same treatment their elders, no advantage being taken because of their youth. All who were present last evening express themselves as being bojh surprised and woll pleased with what the' saw. Taken all in all, it may safoly be said that the opening of the New York Novelty storo last evening was "tho event of the season." "I'll cure any cough 3011 evor heard of, and with one of the simplest remc- ies you over saw," said a lady vocal ist of considerable reputation on botk sides of the Atlantic. "It's oysters Just plain, simple, uvery-da raw os- ters. I've sung fourteen years here nd iu the old countries, and you may imagine that the climate lies often got the better of my lungs, but I rely upon oystere aud thoy can bo depended on. My husband told me of lhis kind of niedicino, and I don't know how many years 110 lias used tnem. mey act just as beneficially on my children, and the next time 3ou have a cough to the oyster bar instead of the drug store." A Lam Buck. Tho mellow sunlight of a glorious October afternoon as it yesterday en tered the south windows of tho court room fell upon 217 Mongolians who with open eyes and mouths stood stolidly staring at tho proceedings in which two of their number, Ah Foy and Lam Duck were charged with outraging the peace aud dignity of the state of Oregon I13 striking, hitting, assaulting, wounding and injuring Mike Sullivan, at whose instance the suit was brought. The testimony was voluminous and conflicting, but his honor solved the problem by discharge ing Ah Foy, and holding Lam Duck in $1,000 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. ijieut. U. ii. ft. 00a lias some splendid sketches iu his portfolio of landscapes and watorscapc3 in the vi cinity ot l't. Cauby. One painting of Mackenzie's Head is highly praised by those who have seen it. The scenery of the lower Columbia ii worth the pen of the poet and the pencil of the painter, and several gifted artists are transferring to can vass inimitable portraitures of the grand original. 1110 union l'aciuc is now uomg considerable busiucss with Oregon aud Washington Territory over its lino from Ogden to Garrison, on the North ern Pacific. A large depot is now being built at Garrison to accommo date the business over this line. Tho roadbed of the Oregon Short Lino to Boise City is completed, and the-track is nearly laid. Tho O. R. & N. Co. will soon effect a junction a little west of Boiso Cit. The new city at the Gray's Har bor terminus of the Seattle, Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor railroad comprises lots 1 and 2 of section 28, township No. 17 north, range 10 west, and the portion at present sub-divided covers between fifty and sixty acres, with a froutage along the harbor of half a mile. The blocks are numbered -"Monej makes the mare go," but the recent experience of Portland cap italists illustrates the inability to make tho animal stop. -The onterprising inhabitants of that portion of Wahkiakum county bordering on Gray's river, have long felt the need of better communication with Astoria than that afforded by sail and occasional steamer visits, and some time ago organized "The Gray's River Transportation Company." The result is the trim little steamer Union, which has been built and equipped, and will hereafter run regularly be tween Astoria and Gray's river. in tne suit in equity lor an in junction to prevent the Northern Pa cific R. R. Co. from bridging the Wil lamette river, J udge Deady has filed an opinion in the United States Dis trict Court which in substanco says that the company has the right to build bridges over navigable streams granted by tho charter, subject only to -judgment of proper court as to construction of same without unnec essary injury to navigation, and the case is dismissed; a foregone conclu sion. -The newspaper has becomo the legitimate inheritor of tho patronage of advertisers. It offers advantages that no other vehicle possesses, and it costs less than most others. It can not be assumed that the advertising pages of a paper are so carefully read as the news portions, but it has grad ually educated the reader to look for what ho or she wants in tho advertis ing columns, and thoso who read tho paper quietly at home are far more in clined to go over their wants and look where to supply them than the man on the street, who is probably think ing more of selling his own goods than of buying his neighbor's. Then tho scope of this method of advertising is almost endless. It takes in a business card or two-lino notice, or it m3y cover an entire page, and there is a chanco for literary display. Potatoes should always be boiled in two waters. The nrst water gets them clean and the other cooks thorn. Common fir wood, when soaked in petroleum, becomes as durable as cedar and nearly as tough ai boarding house beefsteak. A mixture of glue, gum arabic. molasses and fluid rubber well boiled together and allowed to cool, will keep chair tidies in place. Two ounces of borax and half an ounce of alum dissolved in one quait of lukewarm water will kill ranches. Drop tho roaches into it. The only way to clean house com fortably and thoroughly is to wnit un til your husband breaks his leg, and then do it while he is in tho hospital. The only sure way to get clothes washed perfectly whito is to pnt the boiler, soap, blueing and soda in tho closet and send tho clothes to a Chi nese laundry. Always bo around the kitchen on baking days and let your husband know it. When the bread turns out good he will smile sweetly and listen to your description of the last milh nery opening. When it turns out bad, just hint that you need a new girl. Best Cahtom AVork, Boots and Shoes, Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fitting boots and shoes, and lowest prices. guaranteed. Perfect fit The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou sands who were suffering irom nyspep- sia, debility, liver complaint, uous, nu mors, female complaints, etc ramnn lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowlr &Sonp Boston. SillLOU'S Cuhb will relieve Croup, whoopln immediately Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tiv euro for Catarrh. Diutheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Di-ment. A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents, bold by W. is. Dement Xcw Stoclc of 3XouItling8 Of all kinds ; Sash. Doors, etc., and a fine stock of ' finishing woods, at C. H. Bains. For D yspepsia andLiver Complaint, vou navo a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Uill'MUClUbll. I KUllUi, aim 111.- irrant nerfuirie. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Indication's of consumption are al laved by Hale's Honky of Iiohe- TinnvT a?,d Tau Pike's Toothack Dnors cure In one minute. Arc vou made miserable uy appetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yital Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at .Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem saloon. izer is a positive cure. E. Dement. For sale by W. Fra -Trail! Coflc from 1 to 43, and the streets runniug t0 ciJecr anii comfort, at Frank FabreX gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of ---1 ... . .v i . Lf ).;ni.i ctnn.i ' IfiTinoHfp Villfiv Skin ? Khtlnh'A Vital. east anu west, parauoi witn me uar-1 " bor, are named respectively, Chehalis, xork, Owings, Columbia, Pitt; thoso running north and south, at right angles to the shore, Wharf, Bergen, Gray, Ocean, Newell, Elliott, Han ford and Harbor. The lots are 60x120 feet, 10 in a block, andhe streets vaiy m width from CO to 100 feet. Many of the blocks and lots are fractional, owing to the angle of the shore with the lines of the. govern ment sub-divisions. Remember, if you want health and strength of mind and muscle, us Brown's Iron Bitters. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price I0cts50ctsand5l. Sold by W.E. De ment. Diaries, memoranda, account books, in great variety at Strauss' New York JSoveity btore. Brace up the whole system with King ot tue jJiooo. see Auvcmsement. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now onen. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and his well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place thoy can- oe accommodated. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfuraery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden nctei.Astona. IF. If you your lips Would keep from slips. Five things observe with care: Of whom j'ou speak. To whom you speak. And how, and when, and where. If you your ears Wonld save from jeers. These things keep meekly hid : Myself and L And mine and ni , And how I do or did. ; For aXcat Fitting Boot i Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che- jnamus street, next door to.i. vy.uase. A1I goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. Aa full stock; new goods j constantly arriving, uustom wont, i WIimi You Come to Astoria land want a nice pan roast, go to Frank 1 1 aare's. at his old stand. Frault Falire's Hotel. Oysters Will Do It. 1 Frank Fahre has the finest accommo- Illations for lodgers to be found in As toria, over his restaurant in Ainsey's building, everything is neat and clean and the beds are new, soft and comfort abb. If you wantgood board and lodg ing go to i ranK k aore s Household Hints. mo anonyraous'iettcr-writer is abroad again. Onh villians write anonymous letters, and only fools are disturbed by the contents of such. x.ast rortland V indicator. Votic-to tlic Thirties. Switches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to- order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable. Call or address L HI.ENTIART & SCHOENHE, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, Oregon. 1883. 1884. Fall and Winter! The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts are cordially invited to inspect my Mammoth Stock I OF- Fell and. filter Imprtations ! During the present week I will display on my centre counters the largest and most elegant line of goods ever . shown in Oregon. if Ms in Every DsBartment! LARGEST STOCK ! FINEST GOODS ! and LOWEST PRICES ! A Mcii School "Will be open every SATURDAY. EVEXXXG, Instead ot Thursday evenlnp, until further nonce, AT PYTHIAN CASTLE HALL, A. F. KAEF. Teacher. THE X.K&BIXTG Goois ait Clothing; House of C. H. COOPER. Astoria. IXL IXL Rrass and Strinc Band Music furnished for Excursions, ranules ana rarties. T-Mttins irivi'ii on tho Violin. ArtDlv the Furniture. Store of IiD. D. CURTIS & CO FURNISHED ROOMS, TO LET By the NIcUt. Day, Week or Month, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use ot rarlor. Library and all the coin- torts 01 a Home, lenns reasonaoie. Apply to MRS. E. C. HOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. ? Fipres Sew Lie ! L. K. Gr. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer Iu CJzars am! Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, riayins cams, luuery, tiu llonerv. Etc. Tli lar-rcst and finest stock ot MEER SCHAl'M and AMBER GOODS In the city. Particular attention paid to orders from tne country, TiiKO.BRACKER, Manager. UheiiamiM street, Astoria, uregon. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line! WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS hendnuaners at its Stables next to B. D. Franklin's, two doors below Thk Asto- kiax (ifllcc. First-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application 1 The Abtorhv Passenger Line Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. aKeu to uoani. JEFF OP THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he U doing the biggest business of any KESTATJRANT In the city, and ho will guarantee to give the best meal for cash. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to 00 M., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. Flooring -a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. S. C, BKXXER, Supt. SOLID GOLD Horses U MRS. T. O'BRIEN. "Win'-? Hop Iiiin; Ai Co. Beg to announce to the ladies and gen tlemen 01 Astoria, mat tney win open a first-class .Japanese store In the UuildinK adjoining George Humes' grocery store, formerly occupied by the California store, 011 Tuesday, October JOtn. where tney win dismay in snow cases and on counters all kinds of fancv work-boxes, fans, caned ivory goods, sandal wood, gloves, handkerchiefs. aces, elegantly carved card cases, pin cushions, vases, China crepe ties, silk anukerclucfs, carved cigar holders, writing desks; also, ladies' hue under wear, hose, etc. The ladies of Astoria are respectfully invited to attend their opening on Tuesday evening, when they win nave attentive cierns to snow tnem beautiful line of Japanese goods. Also, in the same store. Sue Ling Lung & Co. will open a full line of teas, sugar. rice, oil, Chinese provisions, etc. at wholesale prices. Ten lus. best China tea, S3 .75. OLE OIXO IjVSG K CO.. Astoria. W32. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Drier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. ELET Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. 3jTA11 goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. lm for s. The Portland and Astoria STEVED0KE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. I OyiCOATS ! ! Oysters, Oysters, Oysters, at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, fry, pan roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's. Oysters in Every Style, And coffee atilrs. Lovett's. The Rev. Geo. ll.Thaver.of Bour bon. Intl.. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSmi.on's Consumption Cure." Sold by w. E. Dement. Cihilp. fever, ague and weakness are cured by Colden's Liquid Beef Tox ic. JLSKjor uoiaciV8; of druggists. Eyea brighten, cheeks become rosv, muscles gain strength by tho use of Brown's Iron Bitters. MAGNUS G. CROSBY, Denier In Fall and Winter G o HARDWARE, fflOE, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, pltj mbers and steam fitter Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER,! For the genuine J. II. Cutter old 1 Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquor anu aan irancisco oeer, cau act net-em : opposite the bell tower, Sand see Camp- Den. Stoves, tin Ware and House furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTINC I Done with neatness and dispatch. Xone nut flrst class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj SCHLEP Constantly on band IS NOW MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Overcoats, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! ! ithins ! Of BTOry Description Just opened at the Occident Store. ivies to Suit all ! Quality to Suit all ! Prices to Suit all ! D. A. McINTOSH, Th.e heading CLOTHIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND HATTER. Ed. D. Curtis & Co. Camels, Upholstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. M. D.Kant, the Boss Merchant Tailor m isi n 'as j IB h H al m es o .g. a ! uj -a u PHOTOGRAPHER, Comer Benton and Squeraoqua Streets, - East of tne Court Bouse. Astoria,