t jCrji'Jtt IT Vol. xx. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morninjr, October 24, 1883. No. 20. VILIiARD'S BOSSES. The banking syndicate which loaned the Northern Pacific Rail way Company large sums of money to construct the road, taking a first lien on the land grant for security, are now in a position to dictate the management of the road because of the necessity of the company to borrow 20,000, 000 more This $20,000,000 is required to fund the floating debt, to make bridges, tunnels and bet terments on the main line and for the construction of branch roads. By the last report of the directors it appears that the main line, ex cluding the division from the mouth of Snake river through the Cascades to Tacoma, which is only begun, created debts as follows: General ful mortise 8 40.000,00r Old bonds..: ."..SJUOO Dividend scrip due isss 4,010.820 Total S m&r2.W20 Add the 20.000,000 new loan now asked for purposes as apove stated and we have a total debt of $70,5,2,020. The $40,000,000 first mortgaije bonds were floated at SO and therefore realized no more than 32,000,000 cash for construc tion purposes. The $20,000,000 new loan will probably fetch no more than SO, or a cash return of $10,000,000. This, plus the 32, 000,000, plus $5,891,200 of old bonds, plus 1,G4:0,S20 dividend scrip, at a par for the last two items, foots up a total of cash re sources for construction of main line, 1001 miles and branches, 010 miles; total,' 25.77 miles .and fpr all betterments -o"C $583?,Qp! j Now when we reflect that the di-,j rectors of the Central Pacific line j from here to Ogden represent that their road, without branches or betterments, cost within ,000 000 as much as these 2577 miles of Northern Pacific, with better ments, it is astonishing that thp New York bankers who loaned the above $40,000,000 in bonds worth $32,000,000 in cash, should refuse the new loan, or hesitate about it, but on the condition that Yillard should resign the presi dency of the company. They think his financial management was 'extravagant. They forget that he labored under pressure and was forced to the completion of the road, without regard to ex pense, to save the land grant and therefore to save the security of the 40,000,000 loan, least con gress might intervene by an act of forfeiture. It is said that these bosses would surely have compell ed the resignation of Yillard had the vice-president of the Pennsyl vania accepted the position, which he will not, since he is likely to be made president of the Pennsyl vania very soon. Contrasted with the money spent or pretended to have been spent on the road from San Francisco to Omaha, the Northern Pacific road has been constructed with marvelous ccono in The actual cash debenture is, on the main line and branches, including this new loan of S$20, 000,000 asked now, but a little over 22,700 per mile. Testimony adduced in Boston shows that the tanning of human skins has been extensively carried on for the past eighteen years. One witness saw several whole hides of women that had been tanned. He said they were per fect and looked natural. Another witness carried a piece in his pocket for two years. Kankakee has a justice who beats them all in the way of doing up a job of matrimonial splicing with neatness and dispatch. This is his formula: "Have 'er?" "Yes." "Have Jm?" "Yes." "Mar ried, $2." I How Shall We Get Good Dairy j Stock- j j Since dairying is to become a business of prime importance, tnose wno wish to taKe advantage ot opportunities must begin to raise dairy stock, v or tins pur- j pose introduce a Jersey or Hoi- ; stein male into a neighborhood and i breed good grade milkers, and you will soon see results. Two years will bring good half Jersey heifers with their calves; and in four years the successful breeder will have a herd of three-quarter blood Jerseys. For dairy purposes these are 'fully as gootl as the full blood Jersey. For butter alone the Jersey may be the best cow, but if cheese is wanted any part of the year, the Holstein is the cor rect thing. Holsteins will make excellent butter and cheese and main- say they are the best for the average fanner to have. It is no doubt true that either will an swer the purpose well and make extra choice butter. The fanner who will prepare himself with grades of these breeds, can soon have good milkers to sell for town cows and will get well paid for his trouble. At the present time a good milking cow will sell to a towns man, who expects to feed his cow all the time, and wants plenty of rich milk and cream, for $75 to 100. Cows have become impor tant members of the community and have the say so in many re spects, so the breeder of cows has a safe business.- grocery 'concerns advertises that they bring a thou- 1 , ( . l i .tut, aim may i uiccv iiiv iuicu uuu sand pounds a week o the best of t ' . J . gilt ednjed Jersey butter from No doubt such butter Elm,, Ills. Mi, , e .i j sell by tens of thousands ' , m i nftf, cverv woek. There are 10,000 1 . , ' o i ... -0""5 -"1 I who would gladly pay HO cents per " pound for choice Jersey butter the year round. Such being the fact , our fanners should lose no time in supplying that demand. It is not uncertain, but certain, to double in I quantity within the next two years, i J&ood butter will always control I the market. ' The Oregon fanner must show enterprise or he will be badly left. The railroad has brought another era, a new set of people, more ox- j travagance, if yon will call it so, : or more appreciation of excellence s will be a better phrase. People ! with particular tastes have a right j to, if able to support them. Taste is expensive, but the prosperous worldlings who have the meftns to ' gratify their appetites arc no dis advantage to the producer. They create a market specially distin guished for excellence, and the i iw ' , farmer who can achieve excellence j nrofits by the exclusive demand. ! , lt becomes, therefore, a great point with producers to attain the excel- ; lence that commands a premium. ! Every neighborhood has num- bers of good milking cows that j impart something of that excel-! lence to their offspring. Breed such cows to a male of good but ter pedigree, and the result will be that the impress of the long line of butter making stock, through the agency of the male, will cre ate a new race of dairy cows very little short of the best known. If our stock and dairy farmers will begin immediately to work up a high grade of good milkers we soon shall have dairy products for home use without looking to Cali fornia or the West or to Elgin, Illinois, or any other dairy produc ing region, Eastward. Meantime we are expecting hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to secure good dairy products for our own use. The business increases rapidly and we must be up and J doing at an earnest rate if we ' have any hope of maintaining our- selves independently of other states in supplying dairy products for home use. Willamette. Foi'tnci: All for Love. On the 10th Miss Laura Clark, a young lady aged about 20 years, committed suicide at the Cottage Grove hotel, Dane county, by tak ing a dose of morphia. She was employed at the hotel at the time of the tragic event; had been em ployed there about six months. J. Y. Thornton, the proprietor of the hotel, went to her room to wake her up in the morning. He found her room locked, and heard a sus picious noise on the inside like one gasping for breath. He called his wife, who managed to get into the girl's room. She was found lying in bed, breathing very hard, with her face almost purple. Mrs. Tkornton shook her vigorously and endeavored to arouse her, but without success. A physician was then hastiby summoned. The lat ter did everything human to save th liff nf tbf itnfnrf nnnto vminrr woman, but without avail. She soon uiea. xv Dottie partiauy filled with the salt of morphia was found in the room. The following note was also found: Cottage Grove. Oregon, ) Oct. 1G, 1SS3. "All for love 9 o'clock and 15 minutes. "May God bless the angels that carry me home, for I leave no one to love me, and nof one to love. , 1 ,. to in some future time, when he will love me as I love him." rriL. l ji ine coroners lury returned a ,. , verdict of death from a dose of poison, self administered. Absolutely Pure. Th's powder iicvt varies. A marvel o imniy.MreiiKiii aim wii Jicsomeiipss. .More economical than the ordinary, kinds and i uiiiiiiuL in- Mini in coiiineiiiKm wim me iiihi- Htude of low test .short weight, alum or J nmospiiaie iKiwuers. soiaoniuin can. Itov- ! Baking Powokk Co.. ioo Wall-st. X. Y. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." It Is a blood-purifier and tonic Impurity of the blood poisons thesvs tem, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known bv different names to distinguish them accordinir to ef fects, but being really brunches or phases of ort ?s oj mn net plia uiai great generic disorder, impurity oi IIloou. Such are Dytpepula, BlUimime, Liver ComplaintvConstlixillon.Xcmiu Dis order. Headache, Backache, General Wcak tiCM. Heart Dliet$z,Dropyt Kidney Diteasc, Pile, Rhcumalixm, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Dixordert, Pimple. Ulcer. Swelling, Ac, dr. Kins: of the Blood prevents and cures these by attacking the came. Imparity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree In calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases of th Wood." wrapppd around each bottle. D. RANSOM. SOX & Co.. Props Buffalo, N. Y. Check Lost. ON LAST THURSDAY, A CHECK ON the First National Bank of Portland, for $51. 23, drawn in favor of Win. Keliv. Payment of the above has been stopped. A reward of S3 will be paid for its return. WM. KELLY. Astoria, Or, Oct. icth, 1BS3. lwk yP W (royal Fir.-;? j MM POWDER hotels and REspvuivrs. PARKER HOUSE, ir n PiiMf pip .. ASTORIA, OREGON, E. P. PARKER. - Mamujerantl Agent. Al. CROSBY. - - I):iv Clerk-' Phil. BO WEILS. - - Night Clerk. Jas. DUFFY has the Bar and liilliani room. I First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT THAT- JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT He lias Always on Hand FRKSII Shoal "Water Bay ami East ern Oysters. THAT "JEFF? IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He lias becu Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" In Knnppfon seven jean. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A DepaitlirS. At Frank Fabre's, la daily set a . TABLE D'HOTE from 6 to 7:30 P M At which j A FINE FRENCH DINNER, With Half a Bottle Wine Will be furnished for 50 cents. Hoard liy the month, - $. to $.'IO Lodgings can be procured hv the day. week or month. My establishment is fitted newly thrHUghout. and everything main tained in the best .stvle. Jb'KAXK FAB ICE. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPKX DAY AND XlfiHT. nrVals 25 ccut.s anil upwards. ;. rtouii.iti. - 3IAI.V STICKKT. - - Proprietor. - - ASTOItlA. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MItS. POWELL WILL OPEX AX OYS ter stand on next Monday, on .Main street next to the Oregon Ilakery. She hopes careful attention will secure her a share of patronage at usual prices. Mm THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. Clias. AVallman has opened a boarding and lodging house south of OT.rien's hotel, near the gas works. The table is supplied willi the best the market affords : good food and clean beds will be furnished at the regular prices. Clve me a call and satisfy yourselves. CIIAS. WALLMAX. FOARD & STOKES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In Muiue'sNew Uuildinj: And are Ready to Supply the "Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and retail dealer in Provisions, MILL FEED. - Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccuCigars ' ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The pjoneer Machjne sh I i BLACKSMITH SHO Boiler All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WOBK Promptly attended to. A. specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxton Stkekt, Nkar Parker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anft MARIES EN&mES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of alt Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. AVass. President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. johx Fox.Suporintendent. G. H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak. Ash, Kay, and Walnut lumber : Ore :ou and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. C. II. BAIX & CO. 1. W. CASE, IMPORTER ANI WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''onier Chenamus and Cass streets. i ASTOItlA - - - OREGON A. MacBeth, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 4. First St., - - Portland. Oregon. Clnthini; mailt' at reasonable prices, ami satisfaction guaranteed. Astoria Oil Works. J. H. DkFOHCE. Proprietor. P.O.Box 2W, Astoria, Oregon. 3Ianufacturer and. Dealer in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grease to be gootl and cheap. X. JoTiason, Has re-opened his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Ou the Roadway, near his old location. He will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, and Tohaceos. and a full line of smokers' ar tioles, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will he pleased to see his old friends at his new stand. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET" and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compo unded ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand.. A deservedly popular place of social resort. L GEO. niLLER. I Lead but Never Follow ! ADLER'S MAGNIFICENT NEW STORE I $20,000 Worth Finest Jewelry Store. BeauUfal stock of Solid. Gold Jewelry, Watches. CIockM. sad. HoIId Silver and Plated Ware. All goods warranted. Fine Watch repairing; by flrat-cIaHM workmen. CD CD B3 I Buy Cheap Largest Book Store. Fall Htock of Blank Books and Stationery of nil description. School Bookx; BookH of all Cele brated Authors; Mlwcel laneouB Books. Subscription News De pot. Will not be Q.ELO F. FABKEB. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and City ef Astoria Office : Chenamus street, Y. 31. C. A. ball Room No. 8. NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. fifS-Offlce with Bozorth & Johns. E.A.NOYES, Agt. BOZOBTH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN THE "WEST em. State Investment, Hamburg, Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers Llle and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life, of N'.Y. we have tho only complete set of township maps in the county, and nave made arrange ments to receive applications, filings, and final nroofs on Homesteads. Preemntlons. Timher Lands, etc., having all the official blanks tnereior. uur maps can be exam ined in the office, unon the payment of a rcannahlc fee. We also have for sale city property in As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. Bents, and other collections made, and loans negotiated. BOZORTH & JOHNS, GKO. P. WHEKLER. W.T..ROBB. Notary Public. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL Real Male I taraie Apts. "Ve have very desirable nroDertv in As toria and Upper Astoria for safe. Also, tine farms throughout the county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. we represent the Beyal, Xonvloh Union and .Lanea gnire insnranee Co'a., With a combined capital of S36,0OO,0OO. THE Traveler Life and Accident lnHHr- ance Co, or Hartford, and the Man hattan ljlfe Innnrance Co., of New York. We are acents for the Dailu and Weeklu Northwest Xetc, and the Oregon Vidette. All business entrusted to our care will re ceive prompt attention. CENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. V Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. 1AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodious steamship lnes, STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR, HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full Information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to I. "W. CASE. of New Goods ! Leading Music Store. Agent far Decker Bros., Behr Bros., Fisher and EaenaB Planes, iatey, Chime, Palaee. and Mason ft Hamlin Organs. Sheet Mnsle and Music al Inatraatenta. for CASH ! Oldest Toy and Variety Store. Baby Carriages Veloci pedes, .Bird. Cases, and Fine Toys, at faster Prices. Undersold ! BUSINESS CARDS. Q K. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. c, over 'White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, J A AT. HCDSOS, Attorney at Xaw, and Set&ry PRBlIe. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, c. w. Fouox. a. a ym.TOX FUITOK BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. J Q.A.BOWIBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treet, ASTORIA, OREGON J, CUftTIS, ATT'Y" AT LAW. Notary Public, Comrabsloner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon. N. B.-Clalms at Washington. D. C, and collections a specialty. V. AL1.EK, Astoria Agent Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. jg C. XIOLDEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. JQIt. X. C BO ATM AX. Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TUTTIiE, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and S, Pythian Bulld Ipg. Residence Over J. E. Thomas Drug Store. P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, corner ofCas8andSqemocqhestret . JB. J. E. LaFECE, DENTIST, Room 11, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. ANNOUNCEMENT. MRS. T. S. JEWETT, (Successor to Mrs. E. S. Warren.) Fashionable Dressmaker AH D RXUXIftER. Dealer In Millinery and Fancy Goods. Squemoqua street, next door to Odd Fellows Temple,