(4) CI1UHC2I OIUECTOIfST. SHIPPING NOTICES. TRASSPOHTATTOIS" LINES. 1 owe my T " L'. .OCTOBKK ae. 19S3. " I SATCRr.Y. tout of anoxia. Gramrc. Br fe (.'n . 4 i.t 1 lanj: Mart. Ant X.ivenxv4 Oct TT Chvt, lir Mc London. Oc. K jlJ-Rf KALS yfOi SEA. Obcren, lirsp London Oct. 19 Aiuni, Br sp Wilmington Oct 1 VESSELS IN THE RIVER. Chesebrouch, Am sp JttWashincton, Am sp ImporinJ. Am bp Highland Light, Am. cp Titn. Am ''orsica. Amsh Olive S.bouth&ru. Amtp Reaper, Am up lied Cross. Am sp Indiana. Am sp, Col oma. GrisedalA. Brsp 'Jarrin WinsIow.Am bit O D HrjanU Am bk Martha Fisher, Scottish Princn. Hr bk I'.anffshire, Brbk Killochan, Br sp Wendell, Brsp M. Lucie. Am sp Dorenby. lJr ik Nairnshire, l(r sp Fiery Cross. IJr sp Kapunda. lir sp Alton. Oct 3 Ice',Klnc. Am sp Virgo, Sir bk Helicon, Bbotan, Ilrsp VESSELS OH THE WAV. FroRi Forelcu Ports, for Ifce Columbia XHver llarcanj, ISrsp April 23 Clyde Cbas. Cotewortb, Br bk Liverpool City of Madrid, Br sp Mar 3 Clyde City of Carlisle, Brbk Greenock Aug J4 Kskdale. Brbk Liverpool July 2G Glenperis. Br bk April 23 Cardiff Girran, Brbk April 26 London Harry Bailey. Br bk Buenos Avrcs Inclisrccn. Br sp I09X Greenock, June 2 Ironsido. Br bk Greenock May 19 lale of Anclesca, Brbk May 5 Liverpool Janet McNeil, Br bk June 13 Glasgow Lake Erie, Br sd London April 29 Mallszate, Br bk Liverpool May 21 Oban Bay. Brbk Mar 31 Glasgow Oakwortb, Br sp IVb 20 London Obcron. Br bk Hull J uno 30 Star-of L'rin. Br sp G las-sow June ID Spirit of the Sawn. Br bk May 2 London From American I'ortH. Mcroni. Am sp A Y August 17 M V Watts, Am bk New 1 ork May 12 Sea King. Am sp NY July 4 Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp New York June 2 Tillie E Starbuck, Am spN Y June 23 TIDH TABLE FOR ASTOKI. From ttbles or United states Coast Survey High Water. Low Water. D:ite x. u. A. M. 19 20.... 11 2 nil. -i or. :i i7...... ... 5 03 4 1C ... C 01 S 181 ... 7 03 C 211.... 8 0L 7 351 9 03 8 10. 0 M...... II J2 10 :!2 10 411 11 03 11 32 ,. s :c .. : 23.... .10 IS..., .10 in .10 53 .11 45 ..11 10 - - . 0 II 02 .. 1 40 1 39 .. 2 41 252 2o.. .. 3 VS 3.r.S .. 4 24 4:A .. r irj Columbia Rivnr Exports. SHIPMENTS KOKK1GX. ItECAPITULATIOX JANUARY 1S1.67S bus. wheat. .... 56,257 bbls flour. ,..S 30010 .. 257.176 Total, 3 cargoes . FEimUABY. Wheat, ldb.90G'bus., valued.. Flour, 29,41)0 bbls., Total, 5 cargoes ., MAKCIL A heat (197.524 bushels) FlouriCS.141 bbls)...: Salmon (2600 cases).... . Lumber (500 M ) . S 5S3.4S6 S 17JU0S 141,41)3 $.323,091 , 210.750 $3.1U7 13.030 0,900 Total (8 carsces).. S81K3.311 Flour, 2i;w) bhis... J Al'Jtll S135.554 40.000 Lumber, 375 SI.. Total, 3 cargoes MAY. Hour 8.555 bbls Wheat 49,212 bus Total, -(i carpi)...'. junk. Flour. 991 bbls Salmon, 37,793,es........... Total, (1 cargo) .im.Y. FIour,"l.M bbls Salmon, lij322s , Total, (3 cargoes) ai;ol'.st. Flour. 4.99.34bbls S:ilmon,72,037 cs .....L.S180.554 S 17.8S1 59.03G 57C.S77 ? 4.97 188,!C5 S1934)33 S 7,fi7 591.010 -$599,283 S2U.G5 360,185 - Total, 2 cargoes .SKITKMBKlt. . 3 To Quccnslmcn per Iiosxdliu. $385,150 "yiieat 7W12 bus A SCoSK) 25 To Quccntmcn per llavcnxlondale. rom I'ortiand 45.411 bus. wheat S43.4O0 " Astoria 19.7C0 " " 18)70 Totats. ai,171 $0270 OCTOr.KlU 1To Quecntmcn ;cr Ahcrlemno. i-rom I'ortianu 41.0G1 1ms wheat ... $37,850 1 To giiccJu(oirn per Iloxhuruthirc troinutorlland 40,400 Ims wheat SsSiWO Astoria 13,182 11,600 Totals 532 2 Jo Quccnstuwn, per Hirer Xitli. $50,500 From Portland 44 JIS bus. wheat...$41,430 Astoria 20,450 " 19.070 C4.99S $6000 2 To QuecmU)wn,pcr Wigtonshirc From Portland 46.1C0 bus. wheat... $43352 " Astoria 6,666 " wheats 0,400 52320 $50,252 8 To Quccnsfotcn per Western Belle. From Portland 33.013 bus wheat $29,800 ' Astoria 24.517 " .... . 22,801 Total.- 57,560 $52,601 10 To Qiiccnstown per Scottish Tar. From Portland 39,281 bus wheat . S3S.302 " Astoria 29,158 " " ... 21,409 Totals CS.442 13 ToQucCTw'dirn per Shailr From Portland 46.428 bus wheat.. " Astoria 18,895 " $59,721 ,.$4471 .. 18.139 Totals 65.323 $02,710 16 To Quecmtotcnpcr Gcnrye Bcwlcy. From Portland 45.883 bus wheat S12.750 r Astoria 12,987 " .... 12J37 Totals 58.870 $55,0S7 17 To IArcriiool per Harry Morse From Portland 41.419 bus whpat.. ,$37,277 .. 27,970 jvsiona z;3 ...... Totals... 69.672 18 To Qiuxnttoicn per Grasmcre. From Portland 27.770 bus wheat ...... " Astoria 14,097 " " ...... Totals 41,807 18 To Iandon per Chatca. Fromrortland 3,172 bbls flour ...... " Astoria 11.879 bus wheat " 11,466 cs salmon...... $65,247 ..$25,820 .. 13,111 $38,937 ..$14,270 .. 11,285 .. 5730 Totalt..... $82,885 -Holy roininunion , first Sunday ol every moid a. Mindav MTvicesatllA. t., and 7 p.m.V dnes- tiav eveiihic service at 7 o'eJo c. Hov. ..I. D. Wilson, lector. Fxiwt Ir.i:KYTr.;:i.v3;CmiP'": Scr- vieti!, at 11 a m. and 7 r. M. ' dncs day eveiun? jiraycr ineetli at 7 o'clock. .J. V. JiilHsan. P or. ! Coxtkhcatjosai. Cnuncn vices at 11 a- M. mid 7 l. m. Kc'.. am'l 1 Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Ciirncac s vices atlO::X) A. sr. J lev. L. D:c!ma:i. .isior JI. Jl Cur i:cu Services at : m. and 7 i m. Lecture andPrav ,lcet- inr, Wednesday, at 7 r. ii. JV . Wm. ttouens. rastor. Baptist Chukcik Services er.ch Lord's Day at 11 a. "m- and 7 i. m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. 3i. Rev. B. S. McLafferty, pastor. Common Council. Regular meetings second and fourth Tues day flvenings of each month, at IVt o'clock - rcrsons desiring to have matters actoa upon by the Council, at any regular mooting must present tho same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to tne luesday on which tbe Council holds iu cgular meetings. TliOb. b. J LW M I, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G.I. Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Astoria. JI em bers of the Order, in rood standing, aro inviL ed to attend. .Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. By order W. C.T. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. Regular Communications first and"VV third Tuesdays in each month. at"W V o'clock, p. m.. at the Hall in Astoria. .Members ox tne uraer. in eooa standing, aro invited to attend. By orde: of the W. M. Reaver XiOdsc So. S3, 1.O. O. i Tleuular mectins every Thursday evening at half-past seven 'o'clock, at the Lodge room in Odd Fellows Hall, Astoria, bojottrinng members or tne order in good standing cordially invited to attend. Uy order 2.ii. American Iiegrion of Honor. lnmil.ix t.tAn4lrrTnf li-tnrl-1 (tnnnll (Ml? Is held on the first and third Tuesday ox each month, at 7 o'clock r. m. liy order of Council Uoinmaiuier. R. V aIontkith. Sec'ty. Astoria Itetail jlarket. Flour per sack S1.50. Wheat, per cental S2.00. Oats, " 2.10. Bacon, sides per lb, 1G els. Shoulders, " 15 cts. Ilams, 44 1G20 cLs. Lard, 44 17 cts. .Butter, per roll 90 cts. Egcs, per dozen 40 cts. Fotatoes, per lb 1 cts. Apples, green, per box 1.50. Cheese, per lb 20 cts. 4 Cornmeal, per lb 4 cts. Oatmeal, 44 GXcts. Beans, 44 4G cts. Coffee, 44 1240cts. Tea, 44 65c SI. Kice, 44 8 10 cts. Sugar, 44 1014ct3. Syrup, per gallon 75c SI. lloney, per gallon SliK). Salmon, per kit $5. Onions, per lb 2 cts. Apples dried per lb 12K cts. Peaches 44 44 12 (4 18 cts. Plums. " 44 12K 16 cts. Candles, per lb 25 cts. Chickens, per dozen SG. Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per fl 10 15 cts. Oils, per uallon. boiled linseed. 75c raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lard $1.25, Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1, issn,to October lotn, incut sive, nave been as ioiiows: Flour, qrsks . . 36.305 Wheat, ctls 1S1.0M Oats, ctls 34.178 Salmon, bbls...........w l,74 h! bbla M 970 CS 245,883 - l'kgs 49 Api.Ies.ltlpe.bxs 864 Huttcr. pkps 369 Potatoes, sks 28.444 Wool. b:Ues 32.481 Hides. No 32,300 Tallow. pkKS.......M.......... Reef, bbls Quicksilver, ti'iisks................. Fruit, Dried, pkgs . Leal her, pkus.... m Hops, bales... . Hams, pkgs ............................. Cheese, cs.................... Flaxseed, sks ...... .... Corn, ctls ... . Canned Goods, cs...... Lard. pkgs...................... liacon , cs...... 11 23 14 0.490 873 499 IS 49 4,804 16 MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard EGGS, BUTTER. CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FISH. POULTRY AjSD GAME In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best or WINES AND LIQUORS All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite L w. Case's store. J. KODGERS, Washington Market Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon . BERGMAN BERJtT -RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN XVtion of tho public to the fact that the above .Market will always b suppnoa witn ULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will he sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retaiL bpeclal attention Riven to supply us ships. LOOK HERE ! "We rcsDectfullv inform the public that wi will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and mass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup puea on iiDerai terras. A share of the public patronage Is respect ruiiy solicited. dtf, TVAKREN& THOMPSON. GltACl! ClIUKCH- The Secret of the universal success o:. Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever mr.ee; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, a:v' docs just what is claimed for it no more and no jess. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. TV Dearborn Ave, Chicago, Nov. 7. 1 have been a great suScrcrlVota a very weakstoaaach, heartburn, and dyspepsia in iu worst form. Nearly everything I ate rave me dwtress, and 1 could cat but little. I liave tried everj'thingrecoraraended, have taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, but sot no relief until I took llrown's Iron Bitters. I feel none of the old troubles, and am a new man. I am getting much stronger, and feel first-rate. Itira a railroad engineer, and now siat.e raj' trips regularly. Ian not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C. Hack. Brown's Iron Bitters does not contain whiskey cr alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c Use only Brown's Iron Wtters made liy Krown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Cropd red lines and trade aark on wrapper. THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. Chas. Wallman has ononed a boanlinsrand lfKlRin house south of O'llrien's hotel, near 1110 Kits w orKS. iiie lauio is suppiica witn me oesi tne market affords : good food and clean beds will be liirnishPd at tne regular prices. uive nie a can anu sausiy vonrseives, CILS. WALLMAX THE LATEST STYLES IX WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOPJAX OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. J3T-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Pajwr mil ur luuiiu coovcoii'iu iu my jiainius. Hardware anil Sbip Cliilerj A. VAH DUSEtl & GO.. IlKAI.KltS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure OH, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements Sewing rrlncliinos. Paints and Oils. Groceries, etc STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0EIPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats Vegetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS OPPOSITE OCCIDEXT HOTEL, CIIEXA3IUS Street. Anlurla. Oc UK. DYES 3 I BEFORE -AND -AFTER 2Ie.-tri: ijpHuai ir uz ca 30 nils' Wd, TO MEH ONLYjYOUNG OR OLD, VHO are Buffering from Kesvocs Debd VV nr. Lost VrrxiTrY. Iacx of Keeve FOKCEASD VnME,WASTECa"WEAKXESSES,and all those diseases o a Pzrsoxai. Katpke re sulting from Aecsxs and OmxR Cacses. 8Deedyrcller and complete restoration of liEJXTlI, VlOOE and ilAXHOOD GrABASTEEO. Tbe grandest dlscoryof tho Xtnetecnth Century. Send at onco for Illustrated Pam phlet tree. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. A Parrot "With, a Ficus Wink. lit our cabin we liad q lite a menagerie of t;i:ne birds ami ani- mals, writes Moncure D. Comra, referring to his recen voyage from Honolulu to San Francisco. When I was sX)ken to by this parrot, i while passing, I turned and t lose- . W inspected his face. It vrtaked. ! There vras sonic'.hinij in its mere wink so pious and bomethin so j unctuous in its voice that I fee! confirmed 1:1 my suspicion that this is tho penitent parrot. Without being in tho least annoyed at any one, and while seemingly looking out in a dream moml over the deep blue sea, this bird would sud. denlv break out with a vollev of mariners' patois and oaths enough to turn the air purple around it. At length, when it wa heard that some ladies had declared that in-v would never again sail on a ship with such a bird, it was rest1 vt d that the parrot, must be cur ed of its bad habits. And it was. Its oaths were in variably followed by a ducking. A large bucket of salt water was emptied on the poor bird's head, each splash accompanied with the remark. "You've ben swearing' Polly was thoroughly cured by this. Once, when the boat shipped a heavy sea, which gave the re formed parrot a seven? ducking, the bird, conscious of its own in nocence, descended from its perch and repaired to the place of the poultry. There it walked up and down before the deluued fowls, avinr to them. been swearing! You've been swearing!' Quick Bread-Making. The Democrat of Carrollton, Mo., says: "On Thursday fim Lawton invited fifty neighbors to see him beat his own time of two j'Gars ago, when his wtf baked bread in eight and a quarter min utes after the wheat was standing iu the field. At six minutes and ten seconds after four o'clock the Buckeye reaper stood at the comer of the growing wheat. Men were stationed every few feet along the line of grain readv to sqi.e an arm ful as it fell from the reaper and to rush with it to the thresher close by. The mill was just sixteen rods distant. At the drop of the hat the mules sprang at work. and in a minute and a half half about. .1 peck of threshed wheat was in a sack and on a horse that began a race for the mill. A min ute and seventeen seconds later the flour was delivered to Mrs Lawton, and in six minutes and thirty-five seconds from the start ing of the reaper a pan of biscuits was passed out to the spectators In chronic dyspepsia and liver complaint, and in chronic constipation and other diseas- cs. Ilostetter's Stomach Hitters is beyond all comparison tho best remedy that can be taken As a means of restoring tho strength and vi tal energy of persons who aro linking under tho debilitating effects of painful disorders, this standard vogctabloinvigorant is confess edly uncounted. Leinenweber & Co., C. LKI2.-KNWEBER. II. r.ltOW.V ESTABLISH:!) 1885. ASTORIA. OREGOH, TAMERS Affl CMEEES, llanufacturcrs and Importers of LL KINDS OF XjTF? , tgIEg "3EL A1TD FINDINGS IWholesale Dealers In OIL Am TALLOW. armghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. ffOSTETTEn 2$A (Restoration II ."J .TS I TiSi I... r.INT Hnmors, Hun Hiatms r- option -. lU-hinsTrlnre, ckrrofhin. Salt .Liu:a. and lrfantite 11 n mors cared uy die ttlsura Kiiveiit. the bw Wo- .l pr riner. el en the hluml ami pr.irt ion tf imiMiritie ami tKtiatcous elemitt. ami tho? removes the timte. Cuticura. tbe rreat Skin Care, insJr.ntly nllays Itching and Inftitmntion. clean the i:kin and scalp, heals Uleers and Sores, ami restores the Hair. Cntictira Soup, an ex'tubite Skin Boaati ner ami Toilet Uqaiite. prepared: from Cu nrrK. is imliieiijable in treating Skin Pi? efes. .baby Humor?. Skiu Hlcmishes. Sun burn, ur.H Koufch. Chaiiel, or (iroa?y Skin. (Tnlicnva Itfjji(tic. are absolutely pure and the only real Wood Purifiers ami Skin 1'enutinero. free fro in mercury, araenie. lead, zinc, or any other mineral or vegetable noi- son whatsoever. It iio::id require this entire iajer to do justice to a description of tho cores oerformcd by he CtrrrXKA KFrioi.VK.vr internally, and Ccticl'ka and Cctici'xa SoAr externally. Kczrinaof the palms of the lutnd? and of the cniH of the bnsrer. vcrv mntcnlt to treat awl u.ca!lv considered ineurale: small patrne t letter aiwl fait Theuin n tne eare. nose and sulro of the face. Scald Heads with lt?$ of hair without number, heads covered with daHdruff and ?caly eruption. esje?ially of children and in fants, many of whieh since birth had been a mas of scabs: Etrliiiiir. burtins and svab tortnrcs that baffled even relief from ordinan remedies. sootheU and healel as by magic; tscriHsii. lenroar. and other frisatfnl forms ot skin diseases, scrofnloas ulcere. ol.I sori. and disch.nrpin? woamis. each aiT.l nil of wluoh have been sitceiiily. :ermanently :ml economically cured by ths trTiriu.v Kkmkimks when physicians hospitals and all other remedies failed, as proven by a vast nmabcr or sworn testimonial iir Hsses- KH). which we will checrtnlly mail to any atl drw. Sold everywhere. Price: Cith vka. 50ets. ItKsoLrtcT. SI. oap. 2T cents. I'OTTKK Druc ami L'iikmnwi. Co., JScston, 3taw. Sent! rir"IIAr I C'ttrr Sfiin lll..eac' T"CT A TTmTT For i;ouch. Chapped and IJJlirHJ JL Creasy Skih. IHack Heads Pimples, ami skm Jtlemi'hes iisu Ci'Tli ettA iou: mi t3 ii S SANFORB'S RADiGAL CURE Head Colds. Watery Picharce3 from th Nose and eyes. Kinging Xoiscs in the Head Nervous Headache anl revcr instantly ro Hcred. Chokinz mucus diloced. membrane ele:ins cd and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing restored, and ravage checked. Cough, llronchitis, ' Dropping into tire Throat. Pains in the Chest. Dyspepsia. ast ing of Strength and Flesh, Loss of leep, etc. cured. One bottle Kmlical Cure, one Ix.v Catarrhal Solvent ami one-Dr, SanfonPs Inhaler, in one lckace, or all tlniKgists, torsi. Ask for tAN Fokp's. ItAPlrAi. ft ki:. a pure distillation o Witch Hazel. Am. Pine. Ca. Fir. Mariradd Clover loso)ns, etc. Pottki: Drio sdChem icai. Co , Iwolon. r.T1 I IKlni For tierclicfandprevcn LVJu,"ll,"o?tln, the instaiit It Is ai V-y VOLTAIC ypllcl,ofUheumatism.Neu VvA.i M SjS - ralgia. i-ciatica. Couehs kA snrVC Colds. WeakKack Stomach z-, - and JSowels. Shooting Pains, 0, Palpitation. Dyspeiia, Liv- v1 cr Complaint, ISiliouscevcr, 'V? Jlalana and l-.piHeiiues.iis c 1 f ftTRi M v Col !i:s" I'las. cri an Y.Vtt fS-c ,r,r iSa'lepy combined "L A STEv with a i'm-ons I'Iaiicrand laugh at pain, ffic tTerywliere, m Or THE OLDEST AHD K0ST REUABLl REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Wliooping Cough, Croup, and Evory affection of trio THROAT, LUNGS AND GHES including oowsuaaPTeoga. A VELL-KHOWfl PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It decs not dry up a cough, and leave tbc ex tchlnd, as I: the case rridi most preparation, Li boseas it, cjeanses the lungs and allays irritation. ttus rcmoviag tbe cause of complaint." . IJO OT BE IECEIAED by articles beat sgsunuar names. H sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAK OF WILD CHERRY, vith the signature of "I. I1UTTS " on the wrapper CO Cents and S1.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETII V. FOWLK & SONS, Foi W. Mat;. Sckl v drs acd deakrs gcat raS' QEU aiANIA BEER EALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CfiK.-iA.il re SrKHrr. Astoria. The Best of Imager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celeteteti Colcaliia Brewery Icft at this place will be promptly attend ed to. J2T"Xo cheap San Francisco Deer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. PITii Qoiymbia Transportation C. FOR PORTLAND, l FA ST TIHK FLEETWOOD. refi trl for th? M:rifcvrl lwweiirir wlB ler-Te VflypB and ' VT anmM. Monday, Yeliesdc'j and Friday at 6 AM. arriwn jci rortlaad at t. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. 1 mliiUhwsa trip will bo ir.mie on Sunday of Each Week, Lftiving Portland at O o'clock Sunday Ziloniin. 'as.onerrx ly tUls route connect at Kalama r Sotmd wrt?. V. U. SCOTf , iTesiut-ni. REMJMR STEAM PACKET. ''Daisy." and Barge. ill leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, or Olisev. and Head of Ynnmrs Illvcr. ailv. at s a. m.. (except Wednesdays and tiiMay--.) i;ct:tr::in same ay. For Ijiid":iips on Lewis & Clark's Kivor, (mi o:iiesdays, at S A. ..s., l.Vtiiniint; same day. awl'or Frehrht ir Passage. :tjiily 011 hoard, or at (! ray's Dock, where Freight will he re- viveii aim Momi, 11 necessary. J. If. I). OKAY Steamer TORI MORRIS. asul I'avofltc Iloat fs now i:kady rti: r.rsiNEss and -t ran 1m cliartcrfd tor osi:irions, siMrcial jmrties. et-.. at rcHMHiaJriV nitcs. A geiicnil tPRtniioatiiiK !hisihns inui:ic(i. V. r.y iilJil.NU, 3l:tcr. .1. HKSS. Jl. .10HNSON. Astoria Bail 'Loit, J A X l' FACTU 1 C K KS OF SA5LS. TMTS, AWNINGS TABPATJLIHS, And cvfrythinjr else jMrtainiuir 1 our Lowes tPrice and EssfWork For yottr 3Iotu--. Aii-U L'ilvy J?1JL tJ UiZi.iA. JiC.tve votir tirdt'rs ar.d t;ct your work ilone at once. .I.IIILSSiCO. Astoria, - - - Oregon EBUYIAE BITTERS t Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. 53- 3 fc 2ET DEALER IX Hay, Oats, Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Drayingt Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALEli IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CJGARS. FIRST CIjANS BUY THE IEST ! Erish Flax Salmon JTet Threads Woodfaerry. and Needle Brands. SEINE TWINES. XSJ) CORK AND LiAD LINES Fish Pounds, Seines, and A'ets Imported to Order. A. LarpMof Mi, Mines AND FISK HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. "Agents for tho Pacific Coast. 3reon Railway & Navigation On arid After April 1st, 1GS3. Ocimi S;nmr will sil Ircm Poitiantl md Sn yraadneo every f-rc 3:rs. vr.r A'fsvorth Dork. Vort!:'! f'. at t-V- jt&iti. oau. 3jM.ar be. m .1:1. i bn i ranei&Co, at WW X M. TTrT:s,t Ticltets W to rJl prinel:.i i.ie; in l.ic Uuitcd StaU-s, Cuujk. aJ Europe. River and Rsl' Division. On and after Sept. 2nd, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. rnsseneer Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at G :13 A. 51., daily. UYEK DIVISION' OHddlc Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :00 . JM. also : Leave Port JjTonjjruJ I We. Tlui. Frl.lsat. RAM 6AM CAM 6 A3! 7AM 7 AM IgamI fiAM6AMP AM P AM land for Astoria and Iwcr Co- Intnl.;. CAM CIV Dayton. UrljtAMi Victoria.lt Cjfi AM'.GAM Leaves Astoria far Portland at 6 a. in. dailv nr- cept Sunday. Pnllman Palaca Cars rnnnincr between Port land, and Helena. C. II. rilESCOTT, JOHN JIUTR, Manaser. Sudt of Trarac A. 1 STOKES, E. P. ROGEKS, Assist, hup t . General A cent of Traffic. Passenger Dep't. Oreeon & California R. R. OUEGO N TRAN S CONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On an after May 13, 1883. trains will run as tollowd, DAILY (liicept Sundays), EASTSIDK DIVISION. Itctwccn roitTlAXD and G XXXI) ALE UAH. TEA IN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Arf Innd. 7:30a. jx.(;icndale..10:3." P. v. (Jlendalc. 1:00 A. m. Portland 4 Air. w. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.ILcbanon 0.20 P. M Lebanon 4:io A. ;i. t'ortland.ll):0a A. 31 TboOrocon and California Railroad lferr makns connection with all Regular Trains on EaaUido Division. WiaTSlDE DIVISION. ISctirccii Por timid and CorvuIIlH MAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 'J:0O A. M.jCorvallis ....4:30 P. M Corvalli3 8:30 A. M.U'ortland 3:20 P. M KX fit XCSS TltAIX LEAVE. ARRR'E. Portland 5:00 p. u. McMinnvillc.S:U0 p. m McJIinnvillo.5:15A.5t.l,ortland. S:30.v. . Clogo connections mndo at (Jlcndnlo with tho Stagos of tho Oregon and California Stage Company. B4"TicketsforsaIo at all tho principal point in California and tho East, at Company's" Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will faochard on freight remain inK atComimnys Warououse over 4 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or Vpstsido Division. K.KOEHLER. JOH.VMUIB. Manager. Sup't. of Traffic. A, L. STOKES, U. P. KOGEUS. Ait Sup't. General Ak'l of rraffic. Passenger Dop't. ISwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ihuaco. A Connecting by stages for Oysterville and Olympia. Until further notice tho Ilwaco slhsS Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gcji. Miles," or Gen. Canby" AVill leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. Fort Ft.Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco ox Tvesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A. .v.. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens rocts :. $i oo " Canby and Ilwaco... Z3T-Ilvaco frcicht, by the ton. in lots of one ton or ovei, S2 per ton. nl v at the ofllce' of the company, Oray's wharf, foot of Renton street. ,). Jl.iJ. liltAl, Agent. Shoalvvater Bay Transportation Co. srjsraiER route. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco. Xortli Iieach, OyHtcrville, A'orth Cove, Petersons Point. Ho qnliim, Jlontesano, nd all points on Shoalwater Bay, and G ray Harbor. GEN. JULES, btrs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY GEN. GARFIELD " 3IONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gniy's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OHEGOH THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, is now ready for the reception of patients. private rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patients admitted at all horns, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, everv patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States marine Seamen who pay nospltal Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters of Chabitt The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Intl., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SniLon's Consumption Cube." Sold by Y. E. Dement.