(4) ASTORIA, OREGON: niritsDAY. OCTOBER 16.18S3 COMMERCE AND TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Iiarrr Morse. Am p Liverpool Oot Yi SAILED Geo. liewlcj-, Brbfc Quecnstojrn, Oct 17 ARR1 VALS FROM SKA . Columbia.. S F. October IT VESSEL IX THE RIVER. O Ohesrbrouch. Am 6p Imperial. Am sp TiUn. Am Olive S.Soutbard. Amsp Red Cross. Am up KWLucie. Am sp lOTenby. Rr bk Nairnshire, 1'r sp Fiery Cross. Rr sp Kapunda. Br up Alton. Oct S Ice Kins. Am sp Virco. Sw bk Helicon. MLWashinetcm. Am fD Highland-' Licbt, Am.tp orsica. Am bd Reaper. Am ep Indiana. Am sp. ' Coloma, tJrasmerc, Br bk (irisedaln. Rrsp C'arrie Winslow.Ambk ( "h-sca. Br bk C D Bryant. Am bk Martha Fisher, Scottish Prince. Rr bk Banffshire. Br bk KiUocban, Rr sp VESSELS OA THE WA Y. From Foreir 5rlH, for tlie Colunibla II I vi! r Rarj-anr. Rrsp April 23 Clyde Rlencfell. Rrsp May 14 London . Rhotan, Rrsp Liverpool May 12 Cbas. Coteswortli, Rr bk Livertool City of Madrid. Rr sp Mar 3 Clyde City of Carliblo. Rr bk Greenock Abe 1 1 Kskdale. Rr bk Liverpool Ju!y2C Ulenpcris, Rr bk April 13 Cardiff (iirran. Rrbk April 26 London Harry Railcy. Rr bk l!ucno Arres Inclicrcen. Rrsp 1WI Greenock. June 2 Ironside. Rr bk Greenock May 19 Ile of Anclesea. Rrbk May 5 Liverpool Janet McNeil, Rr bk Juno 15 Glasgow Lake Erie, Rr sp London April 29 Mallscate, Br bk Liverpool May 21 Oban Ray. Rr bk Mar 31 Gtascow Oakttortli, Rrsp Feb 20 London Oberon. Rr bk Hull June: Oberon, Br hp London June 10 Star of Erin, Br ep Glasgow June 19 Spirit ofthe Dawn. Rr bk May 2 London From American Ports. Merora, Am sp V Aucust 17 M V Wills. Am bk Xovr orfc May 12 Sea King, Am sp X V Jnly 4 Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp New York June 2 Tillie E Starbnck, Am sp X Y June 23 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United States Co;ist Survey High Water. J Low Water Date. A. M. . S 40 . 3 39 .10 rr. .u ji I o sCI - 1 21 - 2 LI . :: 11 . -l ih-... P. u- ... S 07...... a i8i -.to -.11 41 . 0 03 0 3S 1 W 1 -111. -.2.111. -. 3 17 A. U. p. M. 11 12. in....; 14 15 1C 17. IS 111 y 2 IK. 3 19 A 1(5 " 10. r, 57 a :w 7 IS-.... . 7 r.s...... s :a. :i 2S 2 11 ... 4 -04 7 41 ... K 30 ... is .I0 a ..10 Columbia. River Export. HniFMKXTS FOKKIGJf. KKCAl'ITOLATION- JANOAItY 'S3. 2M.S78 bus. wheat .. $ 30fi,310 w,i. uuis iiour....... 257.1 Total, s cargoes.... ... .. KKISUUAUY. Wheat. 1G0.90G bus., value Flour. :Si.4iK) bbls., " Total, 5 cargoes.. MARCH. Wheat (107.524 bushels) FloiircG8.l41 bbls) Salmon (2fi0t cases).............. Lumber (MX) M ).... .. .- Total (S cargoes) A PR II- Flour. 21,R.T0blls Lumber, 37.ri M Total, 3 cargoes ......... MAY. Flour S.R25 bbls Wheat 4l,2l2 bus . Total, (l cargo) ; FlOlir. 9IU. bills t Salmon. :t7,70.Jes S 5C3.4SC S 179.W 144,4a S 32S.C91 2IG.750 s:m.io7 13,ft GfiOO $8!;;n -.... S13T.JV 40.000 ..S180.5M -S n.m -S70.977 S 4.9 lSSJ"! Total, (1 cargo).. Flour. 1-Tifii libU.... -.$193,935 .1 t'LV. S 7.C73 Kalm(jH,-llSJ22cs., . 'S91.61U Total, (3 cargoes) -S599.2S3 AUCl'ST, Flour, 4.9iWJbbls s 24 almou,72,037es 3cot 1.185 Total, 2 cargoes . SKI'TKMUEU, 3 To Quccnrtoicn ricr Rok&iMu S3S3.150 "Wheat 7112 bus $a"i 1,200 25 To Qucrmtnicn 7rr ltapcntUmdalc Froin rortlnuil 45.411 bus. wheat S43 " Astoria 19.700 " is 'Totats. -C5.171 -?C270 .- oirrnimi? &$$ucemfawn per Ahnlcmno. ihroma'ortiand 41,001 bus wheat S37.850 1 To Qiiccnxttncn per lioxhuruhirc From Portland 40.400 bus wheat SSSooo . ; Astoria 13,182 44 ii.ooo Totals 53,52 sooo 2 To Quccnslown, per Hirer Xith. From Portland 44.54S bus. wheat $41430 (Astoria 20,450 44 44 19,070 i 1 H ' w-9:18 "icooo " J2 To Quccnrtoicn, per ITlgtbnshirc. "From Portland 40.100 bus. wheat 13 85 Astoria G.cco 44 wheat 0,400 fl . ? .522C 50,252 8 To Quccnulmrn'pcr ircscrn Belle From Portland 33.04S bus wheat 29.800 " Astoria 24.517 " 22,601 8Total-..,.j..ftl57C0 fc 52,001 lTbQuctnxtownlpcr'ScuUl.sh Tar. i-rom I'ortland 39,284 bus wlieat.....-.$3sy2 4 Astoria 29,15s 44 21,409 Totals C$,442 59,721 13 To Qwenstown per Slicnlr FronijIJorUand 40.428 bits wheat S44.571 l" !itoria 18,s9."i 4 . 18,139 Totals fi5.323 $02,710 16 To QuunsUncn per Gcorur Hewlcjj. From iFortland"45.8S3 bus wheat 42,750 Astoria 12.9S7 44 44 1237 Totals-. 5S.870 55,0S7 17 ToLircJ7ooIpcr Harrv Mortc. From Portland 41-.419 bus wheat 37,277 " . Astoria -28.253 27,970 Totals.. C9.C72 05,247 of ippetite, Yellow SkihV Shiloh's Vital- Izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. CKDHCn DIRECTORY. Grace Ciruucn Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 11 a. sr., and 7 p.m. Wednes day evening service at 7 o clock. Kov. 3I."D. Wilson, Rector FlKST PjlESIIYTEIUAX ClIUIK'H StT- ices at 11 a. m. and 7 r. m. Wednes day evening prayor mcct'ini at 7 o'clock. Rev. .1. v. ililliean, Paslor. Coxcueoatioxal Cliur.CH Services at 11 a. m. and 7 r. M. Rev. Sam 1 Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Cirur.cn Services at 1030 a. m. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor M. E. Chckch Services at 11 a. m. and 7 i. m. Lecture and Praver Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 r. m. lev. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Battist Church. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. Mn and 7 r. M. I'rayer ."iieeting on Wednesday, at p. m. Rev. B. S. McLafferty, pastor. Common CounciL KeeuLirmeolinn second and fourth Tues day evenings orooca monta, at 7i o clorK mar Persons desinntr to have matters actea upon by tho Council, at any regular mcotinK must presont tho samo to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds iu regular meetings. iUOb.a.JunMi, Auditor anu cierK. Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G.l. Itemilar Meeting every Tuesday Erenmg at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Jlall, AFtoria. Icm hnni nf tho Order. in rood standing, aro inviL ed to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. By order W. C.T. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7 A. F. A. M. Recular Communications first andVfV third Tuesdays in each month, at 74 Ar o'clock, p. it., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in good standing, are Beaver Lodjre So. 33, 1. 0. O. F. Keirular meeting; every' Thursday evening at half-past seven o'clock, at the Lodce room in Odd Fellows Hall. Astoria. Sojourning members of tin order m good standing cordially invited to attend, uy order .v; American Leftion of Honor. Keuular meetluc of Astoria Council No. 995. is held on the first and third Tuesday of eacn niomu. ac v o ciock r. si. By order of Council Commander. 1L V MoxTKiTii. Sec'ty AHtorla Jtetail larkct. Flour cr sack SI .40. "Wheat, per cental S2.00. Oats, . - $2.10. Bacon, sides per lb, n cts. .Shoulders, " 15 cts. Hams, 14 1(J((E0 cts Lard, 44 17 cts. Butter, per roll 80 cts. Eggs, per dozen 40 cts. Potatoes, per lb 1 cts. Apples, green, per box $1J0. Cheese, per lb 20 els. Cornmeal. per lb 4 cts. Oatmeal. !t cts. Jieans, Coffee, Tea, llice, Sugar, " Ti CIS. 44 lGcts. " (GcSl. " 10 CIS. " 12K14cts. -allon ".le (fv Si. Syrup, per Ifoney, per gallon Si JiO, Salmon, per kit$T. Onions, per lb 2 cts. Apples dried per lb 12 els. Peaches " 44 12 (in ir els. Plums. " 44 124 f' 111 cts. Candles, per Bj 25 cts. " Chickens, per-dozen SG. Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per H 10 15 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lard $1.25. Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1, 1SS3, to October 10th, mclu sive, nave been as lonows: Flour, qr sks.... Wheat. ctLs Oats, ct Is Salmon, bbls . hi bbls 30,393 ig4.ax 34.178 1,751 970 cs 215,88: pkgs : Api.Ie.s,ltii)e, bxs Nutter, pkgs .... Potatoes, sks-.. ........ Wool, bales....... Hides, Xo Tallow, pkgs ...... Beef, bbls Hay. bales Quicksilver, llasks Fruit, Dried, pkgs Leather, pkgs- Hops, bales... Hams, pkgs - .. Cheese, cs... Flaxseed, sks. . Corn. ctLs... ....... Canned Goods, cs Lard, pkgs .... Bacon, cs 49 ,-8r504 28.444 32.481 32,:0 774 11 23 14 C.490 S73 49J IS 49 4,801 11 14 18 MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FISH, POULTRY AKI G Alt IE In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best f WINES AKI JLIQUORS All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission, upposite l. w. case's store. J. RODGEKS, Washington Market Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon JSERGMAX cD BERRY Ti ESPECTFOLLY CALL THE ATTEN J tion of tho public to the fact that the abovo jtiarket will always be supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rate,wholosale and retail, bpeclal attention Riven to supplj nc ships. LOOK HERE ! W'e rcsDectfullv inform the nubile that w will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries Fresh Fruits. Vecetables. Crockery and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup puea on unerai terms. A share of the public patronage Is respect may souciiea. dtf, "WARREN & THOMSON. The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it no more and no jess. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches ever'- part ofthe system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 7; Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nor. 7. 1 liave been a great $ufi"ererPOin a very weaVstomach, heartburn, and dyspepsia in its worst form. Nearly evervtninsr 1 ate cave roe cisircis. and 1 could eat but little. J. liave tried everythingrccoramended, have taken the nrescripuoas of a dozen physicians, but cot no relief until I took Brown' Iron Bitters. I feel none of the old trouhles. ana am a new man. I am Retting much stronger, and feel first-rate. Itim a railroad engineer, and now make ray trips regularly. Ican not say too much in praise of your wonder ful raedicins. U. C. Mack. Brown's Iron Bitters does not contain, whiskey or .alcohol, and Avill not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Crown's Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed red linci and tradr-arfc cn wrapper. BEE0RE AND AFTER Sh-tic ipjliiire: are tesi cs 33 Dij: Crh!, TO MEN 0NLY,Y0UNB QR OLD, WHO arc sunrlns from Nntvors Drau itt. Lost Vitality. Lick ok Nr.uvn Force axd Vioon, Wasting Wjiaksksix, ami ull those UUeases of a Peksoxai. Xatvue re sulting from Arusns and Other Causes. Speedy relief ami complelc restoration of HEALTH, VlOOU and MANHOOD GrAIIAXTEEl. The crandest discovery of the Nlneteentk Centurv. Send at once for Illustrated ram phletfrec. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. Chas. Wallinan has owned a loanlhi"aiiil 1o1rUik house youth of O'JJrien's hotel, near ine sas worKs. me lauie is summed wiui uie ocsi me market affords : pood food and clean heiLs win oe lunusiieii ai me regular prices. uive me a call ami saitsiy yourselves. CHAS. WALLMAN. THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOKTO ASTO RTAX OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select, Window curtains made to order. tsy-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper win ue lounu convenient to my patrons. Hardware mi Shis (Millery A. VAH DUSEH & CO., DEAI.KUS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing ItZacIiiiics. Pa 1 11 fx and Oils. CJrocorles, lc. GERMANIA BEE II HALL ANU BOTTLE BEEK DEPOT. CHE5XMU8 STEKKT. ABTOEIA. The Rest of Lager 5 Cts, a- Glass Orders for the CeleWei Columbia Brewery JBTJbUbrS. Left at this place will he promptly attend ed to. tyXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at mis piace WM. BOCK, Proprietor. "When a bummer lias spent his last cent at a certain Chicago bar, and proposes the opening of a run ning account, lie is informed that it can't be done. But if he prefers warmth inside to outside, his coat, vest, or hat will be purchased, and payment made in drink. The dicker stops only at his trousers and shirt. The stock thus obtain ed is put on sale in a second-hand-clothing branch of the establish ment. A man may here liter- allv drink the clothes off his hack. The advertising columns of the London papers furnish abundant evidence that ihere are proportion ately man more unemployed per sons there than with us. Servants continually advertise lor places where "no remuneration is expect ed." and it is the usual thing for men to pav premiums to iret their sous a situation. There hangs upon a nail in the bar-roo.ns of the Depot hotel in Albany a wooden stirrup with the following notice: "This stirrup was made bv Daniel Boon, of Kentucky, in 1700, brought to Texas in 1S20, from Texas was brought over the Rocky mount ains in 1S3G to Oreiron." Present ed bv Colonel Kelsav. Two electric light companies are battling for the privilege qf illumi nating .Toliet, Ills. The fight has reached the stace where both com panies propose to light the town for nothing, and the citizens are holding off in the hope that the companies may yet offer to pay for the privilege. Mr. Bergh, the S. P. C. A. man savs it is crqeltv to animals to catch fish with :i hook. There wouldn't be much fun in fishing if a man had to dive under the water and hold chloroform to a fish's nose until it becomes unconscious, and then bit it on the head with :i ham mer. MAGOTS C. 0R0SBY Dealer iu HARM ABE, II, STEEI Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTER Goods and Tools.. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER rt nnnn v Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM PITT INC Done with neatness and dispatch. None but tlrst class workmen employed A large assortment of SCALE,8 Constantly on hand 3 CO 2E ASK FOR TTnion India Rubber Co's Ture Para Gum CRACE-PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWAKE OF IMITATIONS ! Uc sure tho Boots are stamped GItACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GU2I SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which prevent their cracklni' or breaktnji. We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as Ions: as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K.li.l'J2AijK..ir. i Af-enis, S. M. RUNYON, San Lranclsco. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. DraylUR or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. 0 VSv 2 X2 tHl OF THE OLDEST AKD MOST REUABLl REMEDIES IN THE WORLD F0F5 THE CURE OF Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Bronclutis, Infiueriza, Asthma,, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Evory affactioii of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND' CHEST, including' COWSURBPTgOlfl, A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: ' It (Joes not dry up a cough, asd leave the c -.itv iiliind, as is the case wltlt most prcpar:icas, xz. lyyxr.s it. cleanses the lungs and allaj irritation, htt removing the cause of complaint." BO NOT 1JE DECEIVED by ankles bea: ng simOar names. Dc sure yea cet DR. WISTARrS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. vith tl signature of ' I. R"Tn"3" on the wrapper 50 Cents aail $1.00 a l'otlle. rieparcd by SET! I FOWL1 & SONS. oa. Mass. Sold h v dnjyi; and dealers ReiwraS AND G A SHALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS Piano, and Organ Instructors -CEl.EiiKATEn - STECK ti KNABE HAHOS -t'SED r.v - President of United States" "Governor of Oregon Ami otIur iromiiii'iit iictroih. I'isikk mtil Orpins or many leuilin uiakcs wholrsalr anil rt'tail. riicluilinK CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS Largest Honse on Thi3 Coast Instruments of Ail Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNER Bros. 165 First St.. Poriland, Oregon EE. ua, 3S, 2 UICVI.Kit IN Ha7-, Oats, Straw Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand . Wooil 2cIIverctT to Orsler, I Graying, Toaming and Express Business Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DBA LRU i:.' WINES, LIOUCSS AND CIGARS FlKST CliASS SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches Of every description. The Guest stock of Jewelry' In Astoria. C5TAll goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Leinenweber & Co. O. LEINKNWKHKi:. li. HKOV. ESTABLISH BO 18S5. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS ABD CUSSR1S, 'JManufacturers and Importers or A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS lWhoIesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. caITlshest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COILIPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, "V gctablos, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXArtlUS Street, Awtoria, Off SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. . FAST TJTUE.) Tli. (r!.r steamer FLEETWOOD, V:.:-t lum hrvn roRttwI for the comfort o :,avrnyT will lrva Iisoh and Fi-lirrV Itwk every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving (ft Portland at 7 P. M. Ilf tnnti'u: leaves PortlaHd evry Tuesdays and Thuradaifs at G A. M. Arr'wtng at Astoria at 1 P. U. Ah ndrfitimmi trip will ? iimhIc on . Sunday of Each Week, I-eaviHR PortlaiMl at 9 o'clopk Wixnrtay Irlornins:. ;Lveiicors bvthte nmte connect at Kalama lor miihi pons. v. i;. mjuii. rresideat. llftEAR STEAM PACKET. "Daisy." and Barge. Will Icavi Astoria, from Gray s Dock, Yot Olney. and Head of Yonnes River. Daily, at s a. jc, (eett VdtKsday- and buiways.) Kt-niriitiiti samo tlay. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's l.iver. On i1eInciitays, at s A. 31., Kcturuiii.sunie day. rtffFor Freitiht or ravage, apply on hoard, or at (iniys Ii(H'k. where Freight will he re- ceiveu :iu sioieu. u necessary. J. II. 1). GRAY, Steamer TOM MORRIS. antl favorite ICoat TS NOW RKADY FOR lU'SINESS AND X can Sw eharteretl for exei rsions, special jKirt es. etc.. at reasonaine ni' es. A general sle:inuHaliiig niismess iniusaeieo. . uur.LiiiMi, Piaster. .T. HlSS. A. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANl'FACTl'RKKS OF SAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS. TABPAULINS, And ovt'ryUiiii!! else perlainins to our lillSlllL'SS. iiowes tPrics and Best Work For your jroney, At the 'Old Stand Leave vour onlers and 0t your work done at once. j. miss co. Astoria, ... Oregon BITTERS !, VVilmerding & Co., San Francisco Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OKEGOIS njlHIS IKSTITUTIOX. L'NDERCARE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the recent Inn of mtients. private rooms for the accommodation ot anvdesinnc them. Vatlents admitted at all houi.. day or night N"o uhvsician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of eiupwyoig any jmjMciau nicy prvivr. United States marine Seamen who nav Hospital Dues, are entt tied to Freecjire ami attendance at thisllos- oital during sickness, rennits miLst be ob tained lor Unitetl States Marines at the Cus- totu House. Sistkus of Charity BUY THE BEST ! Irish Flax Salmon 2fct Threads VYoodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES AND CORK AND LEAD LIKES Visit 2'onnds, Seines, ami Xet Imported to Order. A Large StocMltiiiJisliIfflS AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. SETA-jenls for the Tacific Coast. THAN SPORTATIOH" LUTES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPASY. OCILVX DIVISION. Cn and After April 1st, 1883, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland and San Francisco every three days. leaving Ainswonn ijock, ioniauo.at mid niglit. and Spear St. wharf San Francisco, u IU OU j. dl. Tlivonsli Tiel-ets sold to all nrincina ities in the United States. Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. Ortand after Sept. 2nd, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 0 :15 A. M., daily. ZlVT.ll DIVISION" (Middle Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :00 . M. also : Leave Port-1 i land for Mon Tu. "We. TllU. Frl. I Sat. Astoria andl lower Uol lumbia Ifi Ail Ifi AM RAM 6AM RAM 6 AM Davton. Or '7AJI AM J 17 AM 1 6. AMI Victori3.BC;fi AM16AM fi AM 1 S AM P AM ! R AM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. dsilv nr. ccpl Sunday. Pullman Palaca Harn mnninff uf.irffnri Pfi land, and Helena. C. H. PliESCOTT. JOHN MUTE. Manacer. Sun't of TrafflR A. L. STOKES, ' E.P.ROGERS, Assist, bup't olTrauic. uen'l Agent Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after May in, 18S3, trains will run as follows, daily; (isicopt Sundays), EASTSIDE DIVISIO-i. Kclvrccn POKTt.tXD and CLEXDAXE VXIL TRACT LEAVE. ARRTVT?. Portland 7:30 a. w-IGlondnln in as i. v. Glcoilalo 1:00 A. M.lPortland 4:25 p. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRTVT?- Portlnnd 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:13 A. M. Portland.10:05 A.M Tho Orecon and California Railroad 1? errr makes connection with all KetralnrTrains on East5ido Division. WESTSIDK DIVISION. JSettvcen l'ortlantl and CorvalllN UAIt. TKA15 LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9:00 A. M.ICorvallia 4:30 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.lPortland 3:20 P. M exi-kess Tit,vrx LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 p. v. picMinnvillo-:C0 p. u JMcMinnvilIe.5:45A.M.Portland 8:30 a. m Closo connections rnado at Glen data with tho Stages of tho Orogon and California Stage Company. BTickets for sale at all tho Drincmal Dointa in California and tho East, at Company' umco. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Ktnrncra will tin MinrirB nn frnitrlif tatyioiti. inn atCoinpanys Warohouso over 24 hours. Freicht will not bo received for shipment aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on eithor tho East or Uestsitio Division. JOHN MTJIR, Sup't of Tranic. A. U STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traftlc. Siwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaco. Connecting by stages for Oysterville and Olympia. TTntil fllrflioi- ttntinn tUa TltvonA S Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers 'Gen. Mies," or "Gen. Canby'' "Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco ox Tvesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m.. as formerly, not being .confined strictly to seueituie tunc. Fare to Fort Stevens cocts " " Canby and llwaco SI 00 EgIlwaco freicht. by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, SrFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap plv at the oflice of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Shoalwaier Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, llwaco. North. IJeacli, OysterYille, North Cove, Petersons Point. IIo qulum, JZontcsano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Ilarhor. GEN. JULES, btrs. or On Columbia River. (JEN. CANBY " GEN. GARFIELD " MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for OJympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving atMontesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. To Fort Caij ani llwaco. ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, SEPT. 22d, The Steamer MOUNTAINEER Will make daily trips from Astoria to Fort Canby and llwaco. Leaving "Wilson & Fisher's wharf at 8 A. M daily except Sundays. Freight. Passage. One Dollar per Ton Fifty Cents Good time made; accommodations afforded. For freight or passage apply on board to H. PETIT, aster "Uackmetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement.