The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 18, 1883, Image 3

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Oarl Adlor's crystal pnlacc
The Miles is loading for Tillamook.
A cittcli f sluul has surprisod the
Head Gnrt Adler's advertisement
on first page.
The Columbia arrived in yesterday
morning; the Geo. licwiey crossed to
sea at 1 p. m.
Mrs Hour Miller, living on
Cook's .slouch is dangerously sick from
the oflects of a recent fall.
The Lvirtbardiau has arrived nut;
the liritish bark Muntaban from Vic
toria, is due to-morrow.
Mrs. L. McGregor and Miss Paul
ine Parker arrived on the Columbia
yesterday, from a visit to friends in
the east.
Schuyler Colfax, ox-vice-president
of the United States, addressed
the Washington Territorial legislature
last Tuesday.
The New York Monthly Jtomud
comes with a request that it go on
Tiik Astop.iax's exchange list. It
lifts a circulation of 7;",000 and has
"go" onongh to it to justify its extra
ordinary success.
The man over near llwaco that
was shot in mistake for a bear the
othor day, has given the interior jour
nalists a splendid chance to say that
such a proceeding was making game
of the poor fellow.
A dispntch was received here yester
day from Pilot Wood, who took out
the Ithcr Nith on the 7th, and was
obliged to go to sea on that vessel,
lie has arrived in San Francisco and
will be up on the Oreyon next Satur
day. The Portland News lias made a
showing this summer regarding the
water the Portlandites drink, which
goes far to disprove the old saying
that "Blood is thicker than water."
In future tise of that wise old saw, an
excoption must bo made ancnt Ore
gon's metropolis.
There are a good many singular
things in this beloved country. At
any newsstand in any cityin the United
States, a copy of the Century or Har
per's Mayazine will cost you 35 cents.
If you lived in any city of England
you could get a copy of one of those
excellont publications for IS cents.
Nothing like protection I
The friction of a stream against its
solid bed, fortunately retards the ve
locity of the water. Otherwise the
velocity of the current at the mouth of
a river, whose head is elevated 1000
feet above its mouth, would be abont
170 miles per hour. Such a current
would seriously interfcro with totfage
and navigation generally on the Co
iombia river.
Finding Position at Sea.
The mariner determines his latitude
by observing the meridian altitude of
a celestial star, whose declination or
distance from the equator is known.
In the northern hemisherc for an ap
proximate answer the ole star is gen
erally taken, the altitude of which is
nearly the latitude of the place. If
an observer were standing upon the
equator and looking to the north lie
would see the pole star on the horizon
with no altitude. If he should move
three degrees north the pole star
would have an altitude corresponding.
At Astoria it is above the horizon
about -Hi degrees 12 minutes, corre
sponding to the latitude of this city.
Owing to the apparent revolution of
the pole star about a central axis,
which is the true pole of the heavens,
the accurate latitude can only be ob
tained by observing its least and great
est altitude and taking one-half their
sum. The longitude of any place com
puted from Greenwich, Washington
or other prime meridian, is easily de
termined by observing the Greenwich
or Washington time when the sun
passes the zenith meridian. In other
words, knowing the difference in time
between Greenwich and the place of
observation, the longitude of the
place may be readily computed. A
difference of time amounting
to one hour represents fifteen
degrees of longitude east or wast, as
the case may be. The difference in
time between Astoria and Washing
ton is three hours, seven minutes and
eight seconds, which makes the longi
tude of Astoria, 123 degrees and fifty
minutes west, reck lining from the
legal prime meridian of the United
States, which is that of Washington.
Every ship carries a marine chronom
eter, which ia a time-keeper of the
most careful construction, whose ac
curacy has been tosted with the ut
most precision --which is plainly a
matter of the utmost importance to a
vessel when it is remembered that an
error of four seconds of time repre
sents about one and one-tenth statute
miles, enough to wreck a ship on a lee
shore when the captain, following the
chronometer, supposed himself at a
safe distance from the shoal or shore.
There's an item going the rounds
of the newspapers about a man in In
dianapolis, named F. M. Thayer, who
has got into trouble, lie was post
master of Indianapolis, edited a news
paper, and tried to kiss another man's
wife. Any one of the three things is
onougli to get a man into trouble, and
that Thavcr should have lasted as
long as he did proves him a genius.
The Oreyonian reports that a foot
race for .$2,000 a side has been ar
rancod between M. K. Kittlcman of
Michigan, chamnion of America, and
W. E. Martin of McMinnville, a run
ner with merely a local reputation
albeit one of the best on this co:ist.
Kittlcman gives Martin twelve feet the
start in a 100-yard race, and being Ins
own backer, feels confident of success.
One thousand dollars forfeit ha3
already been put up by each man and
George W. Leihy is the stakeholder.
The race will be run at City View
Park next Friday afternoon.
Waters on Which the Wind Makes
No Waves.
"So much has been said of late re
garding the use of oil by vesselraen
during heavy storms," said Lieut.
Stainm, of the revenue cutter Andy
Johnson, "that many people are led
to believe it reduces a curl
ing, smashing sea to a liquid
mound. It does not exactly
flatten things about just in that way,
but its use causes good results, there
is no doubt of that. And speaking of
oil in water reminds me of the won
derful 'oil spot,' a freak of nature that
I believe was never fully described.
"The 'oil spot' is situated about ten
miles south of Sabine Pasi into which
flows the Sabine river to the Gulf of
Mexico. The river forms the oonnd
ary between the states of Louisiana
and Texas. The 'oil spot extends two
miles along shore and seaward about
three-quarters of a mile. A storm
from the northeast, by way of east to
southeast has a rake from 300 to 700
miles across the Gulf of Mexico
into this mystic haven. During
a gale this spot is wonderfully
defined. Looking seaward the scene
is grand. An acre of towering foam
marks the abrupt dissolution of the
lashing seas as they thunder towards
the shore. This occurs in about three
fathoms or eighteen feet of water,
from which the storm-driven craft,
creaking and straining in every tim
ber, emerges and suddenly finds her
self reposing like a child rocked in its
mother's anus, hemmed in by a wall
of wrath where the weary mariner can
be lulled to rest by the roar of the
winds. The place is termed the 'oil
spot,' not from any known analysis of
its nature, but simply from its condi
tion; it has no troubled water, ft is
to be hoped that some scientist will
unfold its wonders."
English Salmon Market-
Twenty Five Dollars Reward.
Carl Adler's New Store.
Some time ago the increasing de
mand for fine goods in his line led
Carl Adler to form an idea that a
large store fitted with the finest and
freshest novelties in variety and fancy
goods, would soon be an existing want
in Astoria. Accordingly he rented
the commodious premises in Kinney's
new brick building, and selecting a
large stock in San Francisco, has filled
his new store with the finest stock
that money could select, ills open-l
ing of the new establishment takes
place this evening, and anyone that
can find time to get around will be
well repaid by the beautiful sight
which "The Crystal Palace" will
A Gold Medal for Wm. Hume.
The International Fisheries' exhi
bition at London, has been one of the
events of the year. A cablegram from
Messrs. Earll and Cox, the United
States delegates, announces that the
Fish Commission from, this country re
ceived eighteen gold medals, one of
which has been awarded to Wm.
Hume, the pioneor salmon canner on
the Columbia river.
The following notice is being passed
around free at the east in the interests
of humanity, and as the object of the
search may be playing the hermit
somewhere in the extended reaches of
Thk Astorian's bailiwick, it give3 it
gratis purely out of anxious consider
ation for "Dear Hattio Jane" and the
man who may get the $25 reward:
There is a little widow lady who has
recently placed herself among strang
ers and in solitude for the purpose
(she says in her letters) of forgetting
the cause of her sorrow and allowing
it to wear away. She cries so much
that she can read but little, and will
depend upon others to call her atten
tion to this notice. She is about five
feet high, twenty-four years old, dark
hair and eyes, long eyelashes and has
two large trunks with her. Twenty-
five dollars will be freely paid to the
person who is the first to call her at
tention to the following notice:
Dear Hattie Jane :Mr. G is
not married, lie will never marry
any one out you. Jle and J nave
been looking a montii for you. tie
knew nothing of that letter you re
ceived in Rochester. It was a forgery
and written by a woman who wanted
him herself, and who stole one of his
envelopes to inclose her letter to de
ceive yon. Preserve the letter and
start for his factory at once. Tele
graph him and me, and pay 25 to the
hrst one who causes you to get
good news.
Mus. Jekxik Slyhook,
Columbus, O.
Captain Drown reports that four
gangs of 'longshoreman in his employ
went to work yesterdaj, those work
ing in the holds of vessels receiving 55
cents per hour, and those trucking on
the docks receiving the old wages, 40
cents an hour. Oreyoman, 17.
A quiet wedding took place last
evening at the Presbyterian church m
Last Portland, the contracting parties
being Miss Birdie Henley of that city,
and Mr. John Dam of Astoria. Rev
D. O. Ghormley officiated, and sent
them on their way rejoicing. Oreyo-
man, 17.
Tis tire voice of the slugger. I hear.
1 1 1 in (mintlaiu :
For one-half the receipts you can Anock
me again.
Donald Dinnle.
The Astoria correspondents of the
eastern papers wrote some funnythings
about the towns and cities along the
line of the N. P. R, R., and their ex
uberant imaginations were given full
vent when writing their recollections
of Astoria. How thoroughly they
were imbued with the ideas given
them by our brethren up the creek is
shown by the fact that even, half an
hour's inspection of the city failed
wholly to remove such erroneous im
pressions from their minds. Before
us is a letter from Astoria to the New
York Times in which, among other
inaccuracies, is the statement that the
Chinese employed in Astoria canneries
never strike, and never hesitate to
work when a big run of fish comes in.
That tho facts are in direct contradic
tion of the statement makes it all the
worse for the facts. .
Situation Wanted
In a hotel as chamber maid or waiter
ess. Address M. 15. Astoria P. O.
Pleasant Jtooms for Kent
At Mrs. Twilight's; furnished or unfur
Oysters. Ojstrs. Oysters.
at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew,
try, pan roast, or raw at r rank r abre
"When Yom Come to Astoria
and want a nice pnn roast, go to Franl
t nitres, al (us old stand.
For preserved salmon the market is
virtually unchanged, although there
is not quite so much business doing as
there was last week, and the quota
tions have been fully sustained for
Notice to tlie "Ladies.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Hates reasonable.
Call or address
prime brands of Columbia river fish Occident "an: uressing saioon. Astoria.
at and about 24s Gd to 23s Od per' . wegom
case. London Grocer. j vhv will vou cousit when Shiloh's
Salmon 13 111 improved demand at j Cure will give immediate relief. Price
firm rates, except for one or two 10 ctsfiOetsanrtSl. Sold by W.E. De-
brands of Columbia, which experience ,,lrt-
a draggling sale. The short pack of. -The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Uonr
Frazer river fish, which is estimated j Imih, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife
at only half of last years, has helpeu'oweourm'e-sio&iin.oiisoxsuMrTiox
the market. (intcer. om u . j-cuicus
I'.xT I .m-TTl I't.T-T1 nV--t
The demand for most descriptions ,iIHy':,f"tiie dements of nutritious food
of canned goods has been on an ex- Ask for Coldcn's of druggists,
ceedingly active scale, and buyers of - -.
salmon of superior brands" haw Peruvian syrup has cured thou-
shown some anxiety to secure t;hu, jollity, liver complaint, boils, hit
stocks before a further rise 111 prices, ,is. female eoninlrints. etc. Pamnh
which appears inevitable in the near i jets free to any address. SethW.FowIf
future. It seems quite clear that the .Son- Boston.
working stocks held by wholesale audi un..,7.,n- inet.n.r on vi
Price2. and 50 cents.
to strengthen
retail dealers have been for some time ; raut perfume,
past of the most meagre description. Isold bv V7K. De
and almost without exception thev !
have been dealing on the barest hand- J WM. EDGAR
to-mouth system. The demand alii
through the week has been very active, ! Dealer in
especially for high-class brands of Co-i n. T , . n: .
lumbia river packs, at an advance of , UllJdrS, UUdUUU dllU UllJdrBllCS
Is to 2s per case over the last week s
best rates. Stocks of Superior Fnser
river and other well known qualities
from outside rivers are practicallv ex
hausted, and this circumstance h?ts '
given an impetus to husine..-. ;
To arrive there has been j
some inquiry, but as the first ship-:
ments are not due for about two j tt 01.
months no great business has yet re-Saddle and HameSS Shop.
suited. It may he stated, however, as j
affording some guide, that choice
brands command 2Us to 27s per case ! AH manner ot He pairing, etc.. attended to.
(and at these prices business has been . '! ' laKe new building on Cass street.
done) and that transactions could be
repeated. A report from a reliable
source confirms what has been said 111
the foregoing, and adds that the de
mand for salmon in the country is
still maintained, and dealers are con
sequently obtaining more remunera
tive pnees. Really hue salmon is
scarce, and can be readily sold at what
may be now considered old-fashioned
price. Jjircrpool Vorrexpondeiwc Lon-
Ion (wrorer.
Ioolc Here!
You are out a treat, and don't you for
get it, if you miss JEFF'S Dinner every
day irom u to 8. boups, hsli. eight kinds
of meat, vegetables, pics, puddings, cof
fee, tea, wine, S. F. beer, or milk. Din
ner '23 cents.
The Western Union have finished
tho double line along the Kalama ex
tension between Portland and Kalama
crossing the Columbia by cables. A
second wire has been stretched be
tween Kalama and Seattle and b
tween Tacoma and Carbonado. This
gives a direct wire between Seattle
and Portland for commercial and
press business, and an exclusive wire
between Carbonado and Portland, via
Tacoma, for railroad business. It
also takes Astdria off the Kalama
switch and places it in direct com
muuicatton with Portland, via Van
couver. ureaumau. it tho new ar
rangement will result in keeping tele
graphic communication open U) and
from Astoria, three hours out of the
twenty-four, it will be a convenience
that to the people of Astjria will have
all the charm that novelty affords.
Now Stock of mouldings
Of all kinds; Sash, Doors, etc-, and a fine
ctinL' nf fmiclif tifr ivniflo of i If Unli.f?
Frank Falre"s Hotel.
Frank Fabre has the finest accomuio
dations for lodgers to be found in As
toria, over his restaurant In Kinsev's
building. Everything is neat and clean
and the beds are new, soft and comfort
able. If you wantgood board and lodg
ing go to r rank r abres
Dinner at .I EFFS"CHOP IIOl'Sl
every day at . o'clock. The best ." cent
meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds o
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Deer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say .Jeff is t he "BOSS."
I Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridges.
Do You Know
That you can subscribe for Harper's
iji-.mii; s ur any oiuer puoucaiion, ion
per cent. less at Adler's Subscription
News Depot than you can net them
direct from the publishers. Special
reduction made bv ordering two or more
periodicals v
Oysters in Every Style.
And coffee atIrs. Lovett's.
A Juicy Tieeftenk
cooked to perfection is what you ran
get at r nunc t aure s.
Roscoe Dixon's new eatintr house
is now open, bverytiiinji has been fit
ted up in hrst-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
his place they can be accommodated.
Furnished or unfurnished front
rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Cem
-Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a nosi
live cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by . E. Dement.
A Xasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Uemedy
Price TiO cents. Sold by V. K. Dement
For the genuine .1. 11. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best ol wines. Honor
and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
The very best iron preparation, and
the one having the largest sale, is
Brown's Iron Bitten.
SI OI. O0O.000 Appropriated in
1SS.5 for Pensions.
AN ACT to relieve soldiers from the chanre
of desertion ami nuit all such soldiers their
run dues, ami to grant somiers inarKeu as
DKSKUTKKS honorable discharge papers.
AX ACT to extend the arrears of the pen-
Mtm act and continue it in force so far as
widows and children are concerned, aw
ACT allowing pay for lioves and equipments
lost in service, etc. Nearly every person Ls
entitled to an increase. -
I'ensionH. IJountles. Land Claims
and ltents attended to.
For particulars can or auuress
C. J. CUltTIS.
Attornev and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of
Claiias and ratcuts.
KonmsT. and 4 Odd Follows building, As
toria, Oregon.
Best San Francisco Houses and
Eastern Distilleries.
Tumblers Decanters, and All
Kinds of Saloon Supplies.
3-All jroods sold at San Francisco Prices.
Opposite Parker House, Astoria. Oregon.
Physicians prescribe's I.t-
orin Ukek Toxic, for tin weak, worn
and dyspeptic; no other.
Foi Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
vou have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vital izer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Sini.oifs Crr.K will immediately'
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement.
A scientific chemical compound that
gives health and strength is Brown's
Iron Bitters.
Brace up the whole system with Kins
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
lingers Bros, plated ware ami Wost
enholni cutlery at .Ionian & Mo.ortifs
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the ehoiee.t
perfumer), and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at. I. V.
Conn's drug store, opMite OrMden
hctel, Astoria.
Grace Church Parish School.
Itear ot Church Building,
JL dav. Si-iteiuber::.13S:J. The moral train
ing of the Hi'ldren will be carefully watched,
and utadi a special point. In addition to
tin" ordinarv course of study there will be
instruction in the elements of Vocal 3lu-
Htr. Irawinr and Calisthenics. If
found desirable or expedient, classes will be
formed iu I Hgher -Mat hematics. Uotany, As
tronomy. Advanced Music and Drawing,
for winch light extra charges will be made,
Terms s a month, strictly in advance.
KEY. M. I). "WILSON. - - Rector
M ISS ANNIE W. CUKTIS. - Principal
MISS .M.O.TKEN'ClIAItl), - Assistant
For further particulars apply to
JL1 auniial meeting id the stockholders ol
the West Coast Packing Co. will be held at
the office of snhl Co.. on Oet. 2SI. 1&S3. for
the purpose or electing a Hoard or Directors
for ensuing vearaml the transaction of such
other business as may come before the
U onlerof the President.
td Secretary,
To The Public.
the public that we have bought the
: Annie' Parties who have any claim
or claims against said scow should notify us
within :u da s. before all the money Lspaid,
and make arrangements accordingly.
Astoria. Or , October ."lth, 1S83.
Check Lost.
the First National Rank of Portland."ii.i"i. drawn In favor of AVm. Kelly.
Pavment of the above has been stopped.
A reward of sr. will be paid lor its return.
Astoria, Or. Oct. ltUh, 18S3. lwk
Pull stock of Rubber Clothing. Pull line of Oil Clothing.
Sillt Uiiibrcllas. J.iitnn Umlircllas. Ktiblicr Umbrellas
Boot... Shoes, Slippers. Pic. I'tc.. al BKI KOCKPRICES!
Fall clothini? is in order at C. It.
Cooper's 1. X. h. Store. You cannot
fail to be suited. A largo and well se
lected stock.
V.Chi Custom Work. Itools and Shorn.
Can be had at 1. J. Arvold's. next to
City liook Store. Ladles and jientleinen
call there for tne finest fitting boots and
shoes, and lowest nnce. 1'erfect tit
ForalScat Fittiii? Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. ,1. Goodmans, on Clie
namtis street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed, quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Fall and Winter overcoats received
nttue Occident Store.
Fall and Winter !
The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts
are cordially invited to inspect my
Mammoth Stock 1
Fall and. Winter Mportatiois
During the present week I will display on my
centre counters the largest and most
elegant line of goods ever
shown in Oregon.
if GflOuS in Eray Depart!!!!
Dry Goois and ClotMns House of Astoria.
C. H. C00PEE.
Figures Ira Lie !
Can prove by his books tliat he Ls doing the
Digest uosmeaa or any
In the cHy. and he will guarantee to give
the best meal for cash.
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to coo M., at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, Bksher, Supt.
Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! !
Fall and Winter Clothing !
Of S&ery Description
Just opened at the Occident Store.
Styles to Suit al! ! Quality to Suit all !
Prices to Suit all !
d. a. Mcintosh,
jr. "
Th.p heading
9 W tn en
If-4 .2 uj B '
m -Hi
fl A
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Cants, lito!
Corner Benton ad Sq uemoqua Streets.
East ot ths Court House.