X ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1C, 1S83 Aftermath . It is reported that many stock holders of the Northern Pacific arc much dissatisfied because their stock has depreciated many points of late. Their irritation was in creased by the expenditure of a large sum of the company's money about 250.000, as currently re ported to feast and otherwise provide for the guests at the cere monies on completing the road. They restrained themselves, how ever, pending-the event, apparent ly because of the belief that it and the great excursion of foreigners would result in a buoyant influ ence upon the price of the securi ties of the compaj'. They were disappointed and their disappoint ment grows daily. In their latest grievance, it is said, they have the companionship of President Yil lard. The foreign excursionists whose expenses were guaranteed by Yillard from the time they left their homes until the' might re turn to them, are now returning. They were let loose to follow their own inclinations .after the golden spike was driven and m:fny have since been slowly enjoying their way back from the Pacific coast at the expense of the Northern Pa cific. Some of them evince no disposition to leave it. There are guests of the Northern Pacific who want to see the sights of New York. Some do not want to re turn except op certain steamers. Now that the road has been opened and that the stock, instead of booming, has persistently pur sued a contrary course, the foreign guests have apparently inspired no buying orders from abroad and Villard has confessed to the enor mous floating dqlt and slapped another mortgage of $20,000,000 upon the property, the bonds un der which they are to be sold at a handsome discount, to say nothing of the handsome commission, some stockholders begin to feel that the money that is being ex pended for high-priced hotel bills, wines, and other luxuries for for eign guests might better be ap plied to their own interests. The company is economizing in other respects by dispensing with the services of those employes whose labors are not absolutely necessary for the conduct of business and the operation of its road. It is said that the reduction of the force cxtcniLMYom the executive officers in New York to the train hands and shops, and that the next econ omy will be extended to the pay rolls of the company. According to some of the stories told in Wall street deadheadism ran riot during the trip across the conti nent. "Wki.1. informed parties state that immigration to the Pacific states next year will exceed any thing et known. It is learned from private sources that arrange ments have been going on for some time to induce an immigra tion from Europe to California, in which the Central Pacific is the prime mover. Independent of the exertions of the state immigration bureau, the following figures of ' business done by the land depart ment will give a fair idea of the large influx of settlers for the past twelve years, and of purchases by them. The average annual cash sales of land by their road since it commenced operations reaches S3o0,000, while sales including credits have reached over a million dollars. Last July sales to the amount of S201,o50were made. The largest representation of foreigners during the next year, who are ex pected to settle on the coast, are Germans and Swedes, with a lesser number of Irish. Immigrants from the western states will, in all probability, give Oregon and Wasningtou territory preference, as inquiries from those localities are (generally directed to northern sections. Free Passes. The Seattle Post Inielliiigcncer very justly reiterates its former remarks concerning free passes, and illustrates it by a casein point. It does seem plain. Here we have a man elected to the "Washington Territory legislature, who goes to Olympia on a free pass, and the first thing he does is to pocket 127.20 mileage that the people of our sister territory pay him for traveling expenses when these ex penses were paid for by the O. R. & N. Co. It may be all right, but some people would give that a very hard name. Leaving all matter of "improper influence,5' etc., out of the question it becomes a matter of common honesty; can a man take what he hasn't earned? On the other hand the question arises does the O. R. & N. Co., give a legislator a pass on account of his exalted and distinguished character as a private individual? By no means. John Smith never could get a pass, but the Honor able j. smith, Legislator from Po dunk can easily get one. For what? Value received, and noth ing else. CojQrissioxEi: McFAiiLAXDjOf the general land office, rendered a de cision recently, which, if sustained by the secretary of the interior, will restore to the state of Kansas more than one million acres of public land, previously certified to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. It was averred by the state that the grant made by con gress March 3, 18G3, to Kansas, to aid in the construction of the road, was on conditipn that it consist of odd numbered sections only of un appropriated public lands, within ten miles or less of the line of road, and branches proposed to be con structed, and that all the lands which, previous to the approval of the act, had been certified to by the United States or otherwise dis posed of by competent authority, were excepted from appropriation by the act. The land office rec ords show, it is said, that there has been certified to the state, for the benefit of the road, an immense quantity of land in excess of the amount to which the company is entitled, as the line of the road was not duly located within the terms of the act, and the Neosho valley branch, for which lands were withdrawn, was never built. The value of the land restored to the state by the commissioner's decis ion is said to be about 5,000,000. Appeals will probably be taken by the company to Secretary Teller. The frequency of divorces among people in the humbler ranks in Switzerland is accounted for by the custom of allowing young per sons to marry with the clear under standing that if they grow tired of each other's" society at the end of a year they will go before a court with a petition for a divorce on the ground of incompatability of tem per; and this petition is generally granted. The Wall Sired Ncics is in formed that eighty per cent of the Pacific trade, originating in New York, is going via New Orleans and the Southern Pacific as against the Union Pacific; also that all the trade, destined to Washington Territory and Oregon, for fall and winter consumption, has been dis patched over the Northern Pacific. The total interest bearing debt of the United States on the 1st of Otober was $1,313,G17,100, and non-interest bearing $54:2,GG3,25S; total, $l,S64,924,52d. Taking from this the money in the treas ury and the actual debt of the nation is reduced to 1,521,811,1 50. With the retirement of General Sherman from command of the army on the 1st of November, the title of "General" will expire. It was originally created for Grant, and when Sherman succeeded him it was agreed that on his retire ment the title should lapse. Lieu-tenant-General Sheridan assumes command, retaining his present military title. The Beechers arc never happy unless they are shocking some body. Henry Ward came through hero sometime ago shaking up the dry bones and sending an earth quake through the religious strata, and now Thomas K., his Elmira brother, has shocked good and bad people by saj'ing that a man has power over his life, and has the right to commit suicide if he feels like it. Sexatoi: Edmuxds states most positively that he does not intend to retain the position of president pro tern of the senate. He intends to resign immediately after organ izing the senate, and Senator An thony will be elected in his place. A committee of Invincibles is said to have been formed at Dub lin, having paid spies throughout the British colonies and in North and South America to hunt down and exterminate all informers. Iow.v gives a Republican major ity of 25,000, and elects a Repub lican legislature who will pass prohibitory laws. Ohio gives a Democratic majority of 14,000 and defeats prohibition by 7000. The Bolivian senate has ap proved by a . large majority the motion to treat alone with Chili for peace, on condition that Bolivia secures some territory on the Pa cific coast. It is now estimated that one hundred and fifty million bushels of wheat will be required to supply the English home market. in:i At .Skainalcawa, Oct. 1833. Mrs. Anna C. Carlson, wife of John Carlson, a native of Sweden, aged 37 vears and 18 days. NEW TO-DAY. Check Lost. OX LAST THURSDAY. A CHECK ON the First National Hank of I'ortlanil, for 51.2., drawn hi favor of Win. Kellv. Payment of the above has been stoppeil. A reward of S3 will be paid for its return. AV.M. KELLY. Astoria, Or. Oct. inth, 1833. iwk OKO. I. WIIEELKi:. w. i j Minn, Notary Public WHEELER & EOBB. GENERAL Eeal Estate I Insurance Apnts. We have very desirable property in As toria and Upper Astoria for safe. Also, tine farms througtiout the county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. "We represent the Itoyal, Norwich Union ami -Lancashire Insurance Co's With a combined capital or $:tG,000,00. THK Traveler JLIfe and Accident Insur ance Co, or Hartford, and the Man. hattau lilfe Insurance Co.. or 2Cev York. We an agents for the Dally ami IVccUly Xurthiccst Xew, and the Orctjon VMttte. All business entrusted to onr rare will rc celve prompt attention. NOTICE. Tlie splendid A 1 P.ritish Iron KILL 0 CHAN Jlggr Will be shortly on the berth for SAI.MOX in lots to suit shippers. For freight and in surance apply to Messrs. ISALFOUIt. (5 UT1IU1E !c Co.. Portland. Or to 1. L. CHEEKY. Astoria. FOR TILLAMOOK. THE Str. GEN. MILES Will leave Astoria forfiRAYS HAUHOR. on At C o'clock A. yi. lteturninx. will leave Garibaldi at 1 1 .m. For particulars inquire or CLAUDE T1LV YElt. Tillamook, Capt. Whitcomb. onboard, or- . J. H. D. ( ; RAY, ArcM. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer B AMI AUK, Master. FOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. Hl'STLER. Main street Whan. Astoria : ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland ; J. L. STORY Tillamook. Xi. X. Jo"h son, Has re-opened Ids CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On the Roadway, near his old location. He will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokers ar ticles, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will be pleased to see his old friends at his new stand. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Draying or all-kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME ARE hereby notified to settle their accounts by the 15th Inst. Any accounts remaining unsettled oer Out date will be put In the hands of Wheeler & Robb for .collection. Stf WM. HOWE. g&; at m Ladies desirous of procuring Goods tmequalea in Style and Finish will take pleasure in "examining our Stock gi SILKS, SATINS and BEESS GOODS IS THE GENTS' FUENISEXKG DSPAETMEBTT, Everything is Complete and of the best . PEAEL BUGS, Jorda Have a Full Line of ffll JL fi 6 Etc., Corner Ctaais BANKING AND INSURANCE. BROKER. BANKER an: INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, OREGON OFFICE HOC IIS: FKOM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UKTIL O'CLOCK P. M. Hone Mutual Insnrasce Co., OF CALIFORNIA. .1. F. Houghton Ciias. It. Stoky. Gko. L. Stoky. . President Secretary .Agent for Pson Capital paid up in U. S. goldf coiu .. $ .109 I. W. CMSTv. .Agent, Clienamus street. Astoria. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOnON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURVNCi COMPANIES. Representinc a capital of snr.UOO.OOO. A. VAN DUSEX. Awnr. Wilson & Fisher. SHIP CHANDLERS. I)EAT,KRS IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ghair.s, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKE S. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING. PROVBSIOKS. FLOUR A3tt DULL FF.IIJK Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, in Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA. Oregon Cleaning It ep airing. NEAT, CIIEAF AND QUICK, BY GEORGE IiOVETT Wain Street, opposite N. Loeb'a. I . I i educed U' Site, ai Beneim Sis.. Drugs and Chemicals An mmjM 5 DRUGGIST " 4 lm Prescriptions carefully comKuiHkd Day or Night. PLUMBXMGf, Gas and Steam Fitting Done p.y KirnnocK ct wheelkk. at fair r.t-s. Also a complete stwek of soods in nir line. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Cass street, in rear of I O () K budding, next to (Jns lVs office. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer .md wlioiesale dealer in t'Jgar-i amt THhccm. Smokers' Articles, l:aj-iiK Cants. Cutlery, llouery. KU. the largest and finest stock of MKEU SCIIAliM and A3IP.KK (K)ODS in thecitv. Pxrtieular attention paid to orders from the countrj. Tmko. UK ACKER. Manager. Clienamus Sheet, Astoria. Oregon. LUMBER! LATH AND SHINGLES, in Quantities to suit at Short Notice STOXK & DAVIDSOX. 11 Opp. Parker House. ESTA1U.1SIIKD IX ls-,2. AEMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twine:, Brooms, Brjshes, Baskets, X'aiN,Tu::, Churns. Wsliln::rIs. Kope Carriage Wrapping- I'apns, I'aprr Itass 'luHding Paper.s. Matcfers, Handles. Clothes Wringers. Car pet .Su crprrs, l-Vailjcr Mist ers, Stationery, Vc. 230 and 232, Pront Street, SAX FRANCISCO, CAI-. G. A. STINS0N & CO., BLACKSFiliTHiNG. At Capt. Ropers okl stand, come of Caa and Court Streets. Sliip and CHiiHery work. fIorsslioeini:. unions made and reimired. t.ood work Kit ran toed. NOTICE 0 GAHHSRYMSF ! T MLL 31AKE I50XE3 XEXT SEASON JL in any amount required, and guarantee to have them satisfactory in even- resm-ct. Jly price for sliooks will be J3 cents ; for uniled boxes 17 cents. Any one wishintf to make a contract for cases can confer with n . J.C. TIIULLINGEK. ocU-3ai Proprietor West Shore Mills. Prices cizfiffii Mastoria.c A CD .v Frei ii "& TER npriv to the Captain, or to E. I. Parker. i . - --; j isrrcEssoR to .iackins & Montgomery.) PLU&lBiNG, GAS RTTlftG, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. cat A3S.CS STKKRr, Xext to C Jj. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL Til-; Of A PUXI, STOCK AX.T7 AYS ON HAND. Two doors enat of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. CHAS. HEiLBORN, JIANUPACTUKER OF FTJKNITTJRE S BEDDING AND DEALER IH Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Fflonidings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every brancb. M. iUE.V. -f. I5USTAFSON". A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN So GO. DEALERS IN FURiNlTUBE S5 BEDDING. Corner and Squemoqna Streets. Astoria. Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER5 ETC V Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI1, liO'IiS OP FUKIS2TITKH IIEPAIISEW XXI) VARrSIS2IEI. Main Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by Ordinance No. .TCiot the City of Astoria. Clatsoj) County, Oregon, and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 2Dtli day of September. 1S8.', and was ap proved on the 1st day of October. 1X&", street, in the Citv of Astoria, as laid out snuth side of Astor street to the south vided bv Ordinance No. ri and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 10th day of July, 1SS;;. ami was approved on the 11th day of" July, lSSJ, on each of the following described lots fronting on said Krtion of said street, is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer in U.S. gold eoin, and unless paid within live days from the expiration of this notice, viz: Tuesday. October J.'i. Lss:;, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collect ion thereof. The assessment is as follows: p a g o S S. e . 2. S" 3- i' S : : r s r 2. r 2 2 a I : 5 ? 5 ? i ill r P I W w l'arker I 4 I 47 I iooii2o I I 'J-'IS 55 foii8;; 7o MN'owIen.'S " 128 20 1 454 113 50 24170 F Herendes 4 7.", 50 G1 10 102 25 50 89 W) G W Parker 4 ' r.0 VA 10 1.T0 "A 75 JS 85 (I W Parker n " " CA 10 120 i?0 00 94 10 I IJergman and A V Eerrv 5 " u IU 10 120 30 00 94 10 AAlTwombly .". 4 88 100 12S 20 435 108 75 23G 95 Mrs II A Snow 5 " " 128 20 ;S9 97 25 225 45 II B Parker 1 4C " 128 20 ' 222 55 50 183 70 II B Parker 8 " li 128 20 454 113 50 241 70 Mrs Jane Badollct 1 72 ' 12S 20 241 IW 25 188 45 Mrs Jane Badollct S " 12S 20 240 GO 25 188 45 A D AVasS 1 89 " 128 20 435 108 75 23IJ 95 P Duffoy S " 128 20 389 97 25 225 45 CITY OK ASTOKIA. Crossing of-Jfain and Court streets. 154 00 400 100 00 254 00 Crossing of 3Iain and 7th streets... 154 00 83 :vi 20 75 174 75 Crossing of .Main, and 8th streets . . . 154 00 11294 323 50 477 50 By order of the Common Council. Astoria, October 4. 1883. PABKER. CLARA PARKER Eugene D. Brock, Master. - "rH or TOWING. FREIGHT or CHAR Agent. IS. B. 1AR2S:. DE.VI.KE IN Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stores and Kanges The Rest in the marker. Pmrabing goods of ail kinds on haHd. .lor work done in a workmanlike manner. RANGE C.VN BE JL.H IN AS TOKIA ONLY OF & fi, HAWB8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOl WILL BE TLEASED. E. R. HALVES is also agent for the M patent CooMi Stove And otlier first-class stoves. Furnace "Work, Stonn Fit tinSs etc.. a specialty- for the proposed improvement of Main and recortled by John McClure. from the side of Eighth street in the manner pro T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk.