The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 11, 1883, Image 3

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...OCTOHHU 11.16.S8
-The Grimmer' is reported ashore
:tt Martin's Island. .
To-night Hoss I'.ros. skating
opens for the season.
Nov: Tacoina has forty lawyers,
Seattle, seventy-three.
The salmon market shows signs
uf improving. Ts about time.
Walla Walla has :i justice of the
ponce who recently lined himself ten
dollars for getting drunk. lie paid
it. too.
Schuyler Colfax, an extinguished
American statesman, is in Portland.
Schuy. was vice president from "fiO
to 7i!.
Iregon's -100 insane patients arc
being transferred from East Portland
to the new building prepared for them
at aleiu.
How it Blew.
Union Salmon Company.
ami Can-
He was a bronzed and weather 1 In the California Orocc
beaten sailor and as he talked to a re- tr of the Gth, appears the following:
porter he chewed tobacco-, "which is a j A brand of salmon has appeared
i r'tiAr -ill c.ntnoi, lorn ' I UPOIl the IIUrKCt. WtllCIl IS in
Franlc Falrcs Hotel.
Frank F.nbre has the tinest accommo-
I'll imir,lir . '.llll in .1- .
toria. over his restaurant in Kinscy's
building. Everything is neat and clean
.....I lw l.n.1.2 -l rt lift,,- nft ii..l .M.nrn-I I
nvAri' ( ilHH 4lll nvu , -". mint "iiui'i
- . If vim M'ont ninil Ilmuvi! .iiwI Irwin.'
The splom'.Mt A 1 Kritwh Iron
" .... ,1;,,. A... 11 '?""
"Speaking of storms," said he. "Ii ' TtTl ,Tl, " tw h railK ttams
A New York clam opening 'con
test last week resulted in a victory for
lohn Weinhart: time, one hour:
clams opened, 4.rI).
It. is reported on the Sound that
the Oreqm will be nut on the route
between San Francisco, Victoria and
the Sound in place of the Mrrirn.
The Sodlhlt Tar is read' for sea:
the Killochau is discharging 250 tons
coal for Capt. Gray at his wharf: the
Qreen is due from San Francisco this
The thrifty Olympians are mak
ing money out of their legislative vis
itors. For table board $7 a week is
asked, and furnished rooms command
l; a month.
Portland property owners are try
ing to keep Chinsc from obtaining a
foothold. To be successful a mov
have experienced a. few in my time,
but about the toughest time 1 evor
went through was when J was second
mate of the ship Srraphu, from Cadiz
bound for Pordoaux. We hud good
weather till we was about "J00 miles
from port, when we got a storm that
shook us up some, I tell you. I had
the helm on the night 1 was speakin
of, -and to prevent myself going' over
board without time to collect my dun
nage, 1 was lashed to the wheel. All
hands were on deck, and all hands
were pretty tired. The cook had
tried to build a lire in the galley so as
to make some coffee, but
came swashing over the deck so as to
put the lire out, and by and by a big
wave came and knocked in the Mue of
the galley. Pretty soon another big
Will KoiMi thebfrtSi
t Astoria on or about
Itrst fusion! Yl'orl:. Knots nail Sliorv.
Can be had at J. .1. Arvolds. next toj
City Hook Store. -Ladies ami gentlemen i
rail there for tne linost fitting boot, and
shoes, and lowest prsef-. Perfect lit
follows: "Columbia River Salmon,
Packed by the Union Salmon Com
pany. Fidelity Brand, Anderson &
Sons, Agents, Astoria, Oregon.' The
tIR MlfUU IMC ItlUCl m ! ..... . ..I
clasped hands. The I'nion Salmon j -",ni"1' 1 u'
Company is a figment of the scheming j oystvrs in Ererv Styic.
brain of some packer, who cannot rc-1 AM, t.(ffop at A,rs Lovt.t-s.
alize money fast enough by legitimate i . - - - - -
means. The firm of Anderson fc Sons, j .Jniey XSccfMouU
Astoria, aro of the same flimsy mate- to M?rfe.-tion is what mii ran
i rial as the Union Salmon Company, ..vt at Frank I'abre's.
and are too unsubstantial to cost n. -
shadow. In other words there neitherj 3.oo!i Him:
exists such a company as the Union i You are out a treat, and don't you for-
Salmon Company, nor such a tirm at , iSS
Astoria jis mat oi Aimersoi u omis. ol-,lu.aU v-uW.-s. pies, pudding-;, .-of
As lor tne goous inns laueieu, muj
For Liverpool Direct.
Fr frrt?Ht a int rates of insurance apply to
Mer. I: A I.FOl" R. G UTU KIE . Co.,
Or I., l I.. CHElIltY. Astoria.
T ttil.l. maui: boxes next season
X hi :in iiinouut required, and guarantee
m ii::v Jlu t:i sjit Hiai urv In even- resuect.
.My price for shocks will he 13 cents; for
it niiM !uxi's 17 Lvnts. Any one wumnK to
inaKi' a fc'itnir tor caes can comer wiui
oi-t l-::ni I'roprii'tor AVest Shore Mills.
... I. .Li
the water 1 are sl,ort' weignt, wnicu is prooaoiy
the only tiling in tneir lavor, ami are
known to a few people as seconds.
The real packer of these goods, who
has sought to conceal his identity be
hind so shallow an artifice, is the firm
T.f A .V. r-n f intiirk if 1
wave came and tok tne ship on the j rPt ' r iu..i;.r
i llILll.'. ilia icuauu iui iii-K
tiunrter. it was a nouncer, mat these L'oods with their firm name is
wave, and I thought Daw Jones too nhvious to reauire comment. This
firm evidently belongs to that class
which does not hesitate to realize
through the worst of, trade frauds, if
only tolerably certain of immunity
from detection. We are informed,
from a trustworthy and reliable source
that the fish packed under the biuel
ir'7 limnH r llii V:triPtV known as
and the captain s wife was just about steel-heads, being neither a salmon
dead with cold and fright. We got) nor a sturgeon, but a sort of bastard-
bernntof tho cnbiii and into thu ir.ed specimen, combining the undesn
able characteristics of both, being
-liit iti vilnr lrv in tsistt?. Our 111
my ro()in -the only hit or liquor mere fornianfc teiis ... tilat 5.000 cases of
w:is on board. I got it and inured these fish have been packed, and are
....... . 1. 1 .1 11.- ...
Kmn.- mvn lnf . 1 litn:it it. Jinnrir oeinil Iliaceu oil liiu niiiiivui, 11, in
liad me, sure. It knocked the star
board bulwark into kiudlin wood and
knocked a big hole in the cabin. The
first mate took the helm, and the
captain and 1 went below. There
were three feet of water in the cabin,
fee. lea. wine,
nrr 'J.i cents.
K. beer, or milk. 1 in-"'rs. Oysters,
at llu Atoria (Hster depot: a :.
fry. jkui roast, or raw at Frank Fabre'-. 1
Wlicii Yoti Con:i' So Atoi2n
and want a nhv nan roast, go to Frank '
Falres. at hi oid tand. t
rVi(ieo o I lie JnEiivs. j
hwitehes made from combings or'cut j
hair: new switches made to order from I
the be-t imnorted hair, in any shade de-I
sired. Old .-.witches rewired. All
ork warrsnueu. Kal
Call ir address
Uhli-vhakt fc SfHoKXiu:.
Occident hair dres.-ing miIoou. A .-toria
i Bail School
Will !h opfii every
A. F. XAEF. Teacher.
strangled her to death, but it did her
good and she kind o' come to. Then
I clawed my way aft and g'ot to the
poop just in time to sen the storm
trysail blown away. Jt went with a
bang like thunder, ami we saw
it go kitin away to leeward like
deed, they have not already found a
market. It is reported that .1. A.
Armsby & Co., of Chicago, bought a
lot of Booth's "Columbia River," for
$1.05 per dozen, which we .ire told
Mr. Booth denies. We have just ver
ified the raport refeired to above, and
are in a position to assert positively
that J. Iv. Armsby &Co., of Chicago,
have purchased tho whole of a large
Dinner at -J EFFS"CllOP IIOU.sK
very day at "i o'clock. The be-tn rent
meal in town: soup, Kinds ot
meats, vegetables, pie. pudding, etc. A
lass of b. r. Ueer, rren-h Clarel.tea or
olTee included. AH who hay.' tried
him a .left" is the "BOSi.
a balloon "one mad and run awav.
- -,,t.t uTi' i i?. t i i .. r ft..
r v nf .f .. ;;k i,.i ,tq diock oi tne "X'laeiuy oranu oi ju-
I ' I lmnliin r-innr- coltiinn Wn lirlVi. flir-
that kind needs unanimity, and will tor rigged that up, and it did very well, ter ascertained that they are offering
that reason, probably result in lailure. consul en n the loreto gallantmast salmon in tho east at 1.321, guaran
came tumbling down. Well, to make teeing it Columbia river, but refusin
a long story short, by niornin' there
(Gilbert Christiansen has renmved to
is old stand where lie. has rehuilt. and
ready to do all kinds of hlaeksmith-
uir. horseshoeing, etc.. in good style.
Ileuses nothing but tlie best material
and guarantees all work as lirt class.
Shop opposite the old mili-site.
Some of the members of the pres
ent territorial legislature who traveled
to Olympia on a free pass and yet ac
cepted mileage must
ideas on the subject of financial eth
to rame the brand. It is almost be
.l U.i:,.f u-..r1i'nc: ctllfi
ll'l'nf lllllrlt it till chill .Sl'Tllirt I - ...
1 could find a market at such tigurcs.
Knf !-! 1-V1V..T- .nicto llllll Tlio 1 tr 11 . 11 .1 il. . . 1..
have peculiar ...... ....... ve wouiq auvise an iiiusuin uiu imuu
; , ,. cauin was mil oi water, mere was live to nave absolutely nothing to uo wuu
When a man tells you he's been
out of town for a week back, common
politeness, if nothing else, will sug-
icet ot water in the hold and scams
had opened all over her. However,
the storm had passed away, and,
though there was still a tremendous
sea on, we rigged up jurymasts, stop-
any brand of salmon unidentified with
the name or well-known label ot some
reputable packer.. This question of
fraudulent manipulation of food sup
plies has become the nightmare ot
trade, and it is a matter of surprise
gest the expressed hope that his back ped the leaks :ls hott vc cona and that reputable houses will lend their
is stronger, but there's nothing to get . -,-oin and in three d to eiihanro ila hidcousneaa. Trade
mad about. 1 pumps .i-goin anu in mree fraU(i j,ee,na to be epidemic m Cht-
3fev Seiviiifc r?I:te!rir:e..
A lot of latest improved Howe Sew-
: machines at satisfactory prices can
had at 1. .1. ArvoldV.
Oil the last steamer arrived sixty
ise- of fine goods for C. II. Cwpers I.
L. Store. Will be glad to show the
itest stvles and novelties to all.
Fall ami Winter overcoats received
the Occident Store.
All iron preparations blacken tho
teeth, constipate the bowels, and
ive headache, with one excep
tion, that is Brown s Iron Uittcr?.
davs we got into port, and right glad
The Portland longshoremen de- h waa to seo the place. Take my ad-
clare that after the 15th they will advice, young man, don't ever go to
make a demand for ;. cents an hour
for day work and Si per hour for
Sunday and night work, and that nine
hours shall constitute a day's work.
The Lost Mississippi.
A Chinaman is running a job
press in a Victoria printing otlicj.
oigo, and in falsification, manipulation
and fabrication of food products, un
lit to fatten the hogs from which they
manufacture their rotten lard. Chi
cago need fear no rival.
The decree of nosilivenesa with
which our 'contemporary asserts th
above, conveys tho impression that
there is something in it, though it i3
The wrecking steamer Whitdaiv has
been moored for a week by the iost
iUmmppi at beattle making prepara- hardly probable that such a well known
tions to get her .iltoat again. 1 he ad responsible house as A. Booth &
It looks as though Ohinameu were first bulkhead has been pumped out, (jo. would descend to such practices.
doing tho press work in some vasit- and found to be water tight. The Simolv as a matter of policy and
ington Territory printing otlices from ship will have to be moved forty feet business shrewdness no Columbia
the appearance of our exchanges. before work can be commenced on river canner could afford to jeopardize
The damage to the bark Forest the second blkheod- r this pur- hi3 deputation by putting inferior
;.ii i.,.. I . ., , . i r
Onvt,t. by recently ''rounding in Pn- " l"""""l"l'u' oods upon tne mari:et unuer over oi
' I L ' 1. Til 1. . 1 11 1 . . I . - . M m
lot Sound, seems to be of a more se- "mcu wm uu ! M,r,,Utt u -V- a spurious label. The Urocer and Van
t t : u r.- I . ....... . ..
rim imfiirn tlmn was .it first ni.nre- "lwuvl LU I"8U "ul I"'8"1"" "M iier has called attention several times
tins work to be done, three heavy tb;s summer to gross frauds in relation
uuauio uccu iu.i .iihiu to the packing oi Sacramento river
around the ship. Two pontoons, sev- -w- anii wjth everv show of truth
enty teet m length, will be attached to ana , this instance the firm against
these at low tide, which are
to raise her on the Hood.
expected I
bended. It will cost the vessel a pro
tracted delay at Tacoina, and the in
surance companies a round sum of
We are in receipt of a telegram
from Jo. Suprenant, dated Chicago,
October Dth, in which he says that the To supply the demand, butter is
Pioneer's excursion train arrived at sent to Portland from Elgin, Illinois;
that city all right, that the Clatsop There is something wrong when the
County delegation were all well, and best dairying county in the world ini-
that all hands would
that morning.
whom the charge is made owes it ti
itself to fuilv disclaim the transaction
and meet it with an emphatic denial
Lieut. Hay has telegraphed from
San Francisco that at Pt. Barrrow,
which northern point he lately visited,
he found the ground frozen to a depth
of two hundred
on the part of the Lieut.
Steps are being taken to have
branch telegraph line from the Capo
to 1 1 waco. The project deserves sue
cess. A telegraph line to mat place
would be of great convenience, and
Mr. Ward, the postmaster at that
leave that city ports butter across the mountains. At
present good butter is sold in Astoria
at 05 cents a roll, and even at those
figures the butter is scarcer than the place, and who understands workin
95 cents. telegraph instrument, can have the
line run to his nlaco of business, the
'Merchants m eastern Oregon and question of who should opcrat
feet; the Lieutenant Washington Territory are already could be disposed of.
is iuriner oi uie opinion mm. it win uu i i.usiuy uujctuimj n inujiuacu il- A hsh belonging to a species
a cold winter at Point Barrow, which I bate on freights which will inuro I which only one or two specimens hay
lfw1trit(ia nil nlicnrfinii nrn if mind I tn flu lioiicfit. of Portland. This is been tnKen previously, w.-is brought to
one of the things that is. hard to
adjust. It is perfectly natural for
railroad company to allow rebate to
beavv shippers on the well known
Tho American ship Hiahlaiul
Lhjlif, has been in port disengaged,
for nearly eleven months. The Amur
ican ship Highlander has been in pore principle of wholesale prices being
. - r i I Ulilll ICtUll
at oan xrancisco lor nearjy iwu yviiia.
The latter vessel could have had a
charter for 03 shillings to load wheat between Ft. Stevens and Sinrborough
for U. K. some time ago, but refused. Head, was successfully laid under the
Atpresent rates 39 to 45 she will supervision of Lieutenant Allen yes
tfirdav. This uracticallv completes a
work of the sreatest importance. In
be likely to remain some time longer.
The total business tailures m
Oregon during the ninety days ending
on the 1st hist., are twenty-two; lia
bilities S1S8.9D9; assets, $100,212.
Failures in Washington territory for
the same period, twenty-one; liabili
ties $2,875,110; assets, 195,030. This!
is a considerably larger number of fail
ures and liabilities than has ever oc-
stantaneous communication between
Astoria and the bar will shortly obvi
ate the vexatious annoi'ances and de
lay consequent upon the lack of facil
ities in the matter up to the present
time. It is now nearly three years
since our Astoria enamour oijwuu-
mercc started to iimvo in this matt er,
so important to the commerce of the
qurred in any previous quarter in the northwest, and their efforts have been
JSorthwest. attqnaea witn intimate success.
KcwStocIc of Iouldings Furnished or unfurnished front
Of all kinds; Sash, Doors, etc., and a fine rooms at.Mr. uampbeus. oenue uem
stock of finishing woods, atC. II. Bain's. 1 saloon.
San Francisco a short time since from
Alaska. It is about live feet loin
and from back to belly is about eig
inches wide through its entire length
The head has some of the char
actensiics of the fish, while th
appearance of the mouth exhibits
similarity to that of the serpent, being
cable across the Columbia large and wide, exhibiting slender
herce looking teeth. In the roof of
the mouth are three teeth about
inch long. But little is known of tho
species, but the Esquimaux and In
dians of Alaska state that they inhabit
deep water and are very ferocious
so much so that they frequently attack
Ilnivs :ml String Kami Music f HniLshcd for
I-.xmrMMi-. rsraues ami rartles,
Violin. Apply at
reawat'. 'tni- runmnrMon'oi i-.n. it. i-iuiinKuu,
lvms given on tin
Fragrant C'ol!?
cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre'
iU ohl stand.
Vi c'J
S c
vt -
Union India Rubber 'Co's
I'ure Tara (turn
Mirethe Hoots are stamped CRACK
Fall clothing is in order at (Mi.:
oopers l. a. Jj. More. ou eanmn
fail to be suited. A large and v.ell se
lected stock.
Boscoe Dixon's new eating bouse
is now open, r.veryihing has i?cen lil
ted up in first-class style, and hi- well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good tilings to eat. that at
his place they can be accommodated.
For the genuine .1. 11. Cut;r old
Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquor
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opiMisite the bell tower, ami see Citmj-beil.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands v.'ho were. suiTcring from dystH'p-
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free to any address. .N-th . r ov.-if
As Soil' 'soston.
-Rogers Bros, plated ware and Wost-
enholm cutlery at .Ionian A: Boorth's
new .store.
Shiloh's :s what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, l)jz-
zmess aim an sympioius oi wysiH-psia.
Price 10 and 7" cents per bottle. .Sold
bv W. E. Dement.
-That Hacking Cough can he so
nuicklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee iL Sold by W. K. Dement.
P.'OOFon the lu-els. anil have the PURE
a u 31 Sl'niXdS on the foot ana instep,
vv'.ii.-ii iitvvfiit iheir erackincr or breaktntr.
We a:e now making them with RUBBER
.l.V ASBESTOS Soles which will make
tsiem last more than twice :is lonj; as any
ICnliher hoots made.
ING.'nixr.s. cLoniiMi,
It. 11. I'KaSK. .Ir. i AKents.
s. M. i:UN t)X. f San Erancisco.
Fail and
Winter 1
The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts
are cordially invited to inspect my
Mammoth Stock !
FaB and. Wmter IijoMoiis !
During the present week I will display on my
centre counters the largest and most
elegant line of goods ever
shown in Oregon.
lew Gflois in Eybit Department!
Dry Goois aM ClotMni House of Astoria.
Fipres Mer Lie !
Dealer In
Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridges.
DivJit in
Iron Pipe and Fittings,
Goods and Tools,
Can prove by his books that lie U doing the
biggest business 61 any
In the city, and he will guarantee to gtre
the best meal for cash.
"We will take orders for lumber from 100
to 200 ii.. at the mill or delivered. '
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
3. C, BEiflfEK, Supt.
A true in:n inpliciiu,
tho young as uvll as tsu
fer from dyspepsia, etc.
miii jsittcrs.
loiidi:ial lo
old who auf
. ia I'rmvn's
Ij.viMii who pnsst'ss llir f:iu.t coin-;
p!ixioiis art ainoiiir llu patrons of)
Ci.uxx s .Sri.i'iiri: Nur. II ah: Dyk. Mai'k or lirowii.
Slct'iiless Nisihl. mailt' miseralile
hv that terrible coush. Shiloli's t'ur' is
tlii romi'cly for you. Sohl by W. K !)-
All the natiMitimrdicinw; adwrtist'd
in this paper. Ut'thfr with Jim choicest
KTluinery, ami loui'i ariu'iis, i-.cran
w bought at tht lowest priivs. at .1. W.
Conn's driit: ston. opoo.sito 0":lcn
hcti'I. Astoria.
Dvsi'Ki'ic and nervous poop'.-, "out
if sorts, C' Liirn Ukkk
Toxic will cun jifiijor i nuian ; jio
other. Of driiKJJists .uoiu'rally.
Stoves, Tin Ware and House
Furnishing Goods.
Done with t eutness and dispatch.
Noiu' lint Hat class workmen employed.
A. InrKf assortment of:
(Constantly ou hand
For Sale.
S; it -k WimhI. which I will deliver at the
1hhis' if customers for a conl.
Drayiuj? or all kinds done at reasonable
rates. ii. k. .makiu.
At Cost Prices ! ! !
We will sell our entire stock of
In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothlig for
fall and winter, and must have room.
Men's Suits Reduced !
Youth's Suits Reduced
The lamest and finest stock of lints and Gents Fiirnishintr Goods In
the eitv.
Occident Storo, - Astoria. Oregon.
Tor Pull, and Winter,
vth -fc3b.o "Lowest; "Prices in Town.
To Adopt.
Any one wishing to adopt a child,
girl or boy. can have an opportunity hv
addressing A. B. Astoria post office.
For a rVcnt Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.. I. Goodmans, on Che
nanius street, next door to I. W. Ca.e
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Good Stand to Kent.
Kooms suitable for n barber shon and
bath, or for other purposes can be had
ot Li. l. Johnson, on the Koauway.
I Si! l
. 5 "
.b 3
Tim ceo a a
iu ti 2
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Cants, IMstery
Comer Benton and Squemoqua Streets.
East of the Court House.
Afttarla, - - - r