CM Vol. xx. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 11, 1883 No. 9. THE NEW ELDORADO. The Palouse Gnzdie says: The A leading English journal iu newly discovered Coeur d'Alenc dorses a plan recently formed by mines are creating wide spread an English engineer for founding excitement in this and other teni-. "deep-sea light houses" as a "hope- torieiS. Prospectors are flocking to the ground by hundreds, many of who have located claims and propose spending the winter in the field, in order to be on hand when the spring opens. Experi enced miners report them to be the most promising placer mines they have seen. The Ilvrtei" says a town site has been laid off which is called Eagle City. The gold is of coarse quality, mixed with gravel and is found on the bed rock at a depth of from four to ten feet. The whole country shows indications of once having been under water; the deposits have been washed down from some ledge in the mountains. On Prin chard creek, which with other small streams which cut up the country, is a tributary to the Coeur d'Alenc river, gold can be picked up in nuggets weighing from 2 upward. On the 12th a man named Fisher found a solid nugget in his claim weighing SoS.4S. One miner was seen brushing out the crevices with a rough broom whittled from a piece of pine, and the amount of gold found btlris crude means almost filled a common yeast powder can. j Supplies of every kind are vory scarce in camp, still it will be but a short time before some enter prising individual runs in a stock of goods. Men who had experience in the golden days of California say that the products surpass anything they ever heard of. Of course the mines may peter out, or only be limited in extent, but those who have been there say that color has been found wherever the pros pector has sunk a pick. Men arc averaging from $"20 to 30 per da3, and have only the most primitive tools to work with. It stands to reason that the fine gold is entirely lost. In fact, no effort has been made to save the small particles. All the specimens that have been brought to this city are in the shape of nuggets, running all the wa from pieces as large as a pea to chunks as big as hazel nuts. When the lodes arc struck the Panhandle of Idaho will be a scene of activity never surpassed in the history of mining operations in the world. A man died at sea and the "fu neral was set for an early hour the next morning, tile captain, of course, to read the burial-service. At the appointed hour the vessel was hove to and all hands came aft to attend the solemn rites, f The sheeted and shotted body lay on its plank, all heads were un covered, all hearts brimming with emotion; but no skipper appeared. After waiting a long time, the surgeon undertook to read the service, and advancing to the head of the corpse, prayer-book in hand, began: "1 am the resur rection and the life." Tardy skipper (emerging from below): 'Til be d d if you are! am the resurrection and the life." The Puget Sound Aryu. of the Cd hist., put the Yaquina Bay on the Columbia river bar, according to the caption in regard to the wreck of the Ona, as it says "Co lumbia Uiver Bar Again,' and then goes on describing the wreck at Yaquina Bay. The canning of whales is a new industry in Norway. As the crea tures are not put up in flat boxes heads to tails, it is not anticipated that the business will interfere with Maine's sardine industry. Deep Sea Light Houses. j I ful scheme, which, if carried out, will fulfill a want that has long been acknowledged." As ex plain ed to the London Society of En gineers, this plan proposes the construction of a hollow cylinder of riveted iron work, twenty-nine feet long, and to consist of two sections the upper part to be 1-10 feet long, destined to rear its head above the wavos and fitted as an ordinary light house, while the re maining portion of the tube is to be ballasted so as to sink below the water line, and counteract the force of the wind and waves on the exposed part. The whole ap paratus is to be anchored in deep water by heavy sea cables. 'The inventor claims that it would be eas3' to tow such a structure to the spot selected for it, then, by ad mitting water to the lower sec tion, it would assume an upright position and ride the waves like a bottle. The practical use which this is intended to serve is to give notice of approaching storms by means of telegraphic connection with the shore. It is believed to ! be practicable to found a floating telegraph station, say, 1,000 milcB from the coast of England in mid- ocean, from which comings of ap proaching storms could be given at least twenty-four hours before their arrival. The Trades and Labor federa- tion arc in session in St. Louis. The committee on declaration of principles made a report which was adopted. Its salient points j are that railroad land grants for-1 fcited shall be reclaimed bv the government; equal pay for equal work to both sexes; abolition of the convict contract labor S3stem; compulsory education and the state furnish books and other school materials free; prohibiting children from laboring in factories and mines under fourteen years of age; railroads and telegraphs to become the property of the state; a purely national circulating me dium, issued diroctly to the peo ple; the employers' liability act, holding corporations liable for in? juries received by parsons while in their employ; all trades and la bor unions to be incorporated by the legislature, the same as other incorporative bodies. Speaking of the topographical uses of the balloon, Mr. Simmons, the .-eronaut, in connection with ' his recent vovage across the Kng- - " o lish channel, savs: "Not onl v the ' land lay below us like a map, but the bottom of the sea "12 clearly seen in every direction. Every channel and shoal is sharply marked and forms a fibrous net work. By the aid of instantane ous photographs there would- be no end to the increase of our knowledge of the sea through bal loons, as charts of greater exact ness than ainr yet in existence could be made of the bottom of the sea, at least of shoals shallow enough to offer danger to sailing vessels." Seven million dollars will be ex pended for tunnels and bridges along the Harrisburg and "West Virginia Railroad, the new Vanderbilt-Gowen road. The road was chartered about a year ago, and it will cost about 42,000,000 to put it in running operation. Vanderbilt himself is reported to have 25, 000,000 of the first mortgage bonds. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's rorous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Ex-Senator Gwin, lately inform- . 1 , 1 ,1 I . t .i .. .. f i. .1 U, I'll U ICJJUUll IIIUL III" UIUUIII Holman stood a good chance of being the next President. "There ; are, however," he added, "two! other good men in Indiana, lien-j dricks and McDonald. In regard j to Oallifonda, there is Judge Fit-Id i j who is. however, unpopular at I home, on account of his decisions' on the bench, especially in Chinese cases. Anyway, California will go Democratic in 1SS4. The people there are against the Chinese as much as ever, too much perhaps, yet the Chinese are a curse to us. They are like a swarm of lo custs. A correspondent of the Plain' droit r says the government sur vey at the mouth of the Siuslaw river has been completed and a chart made of the same. There is 7i- feet of water on the bar at low tide and 11 at high tide. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity. strength and wlulcsoinenass. More, economical than the (military kinds, and cannot he sold in competition with the mul titude of low test snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Snldonluin can. Kov ai. Hakim: rownKit Co.. lOG Wall-st. X. Y. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." it is a blootl-pnrifier and tonic. Itnpunt y of the blood poisons the sys tem, dciaiiga; the circulation, and tints In duces many disorders, known by different names to distimrm'Kh thorn according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or Itlnod. Such are Dypcpta, Hllllmisnat, JJrer Complaint, ConMlpaWm.Xcrrmi M order. Headache, Backache, General H'cak nc. Heart J)ix as ;,Dropu. Kidney Ditcatc, Pilot, Ilhcumalixin, Catarrh, Scroftda, Skin Disorder, Pimple. Ulcer. Sicellinyif, Ac. Sc. Itinjr of the Blood prevents and cures bv attacking the cawe. Iminiritv J of the blood. Chemists and physicians reree te',aSft gists, 1 per bottle, fcr-c testimonials, diree- JV0V1?-H'v;Aii,iI.lll,.Ull,et' rTr on i)i-e;ifscs ot the Blood. wrapjH'il around each bottle. " "aSsom, son & Co Props j Buffalo, N. Y. in caiuiiK n "iiie most genuine aim eiticicni KSTAISMSIIKI) IS 1S"i2. ARISES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twiner, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Palls, Tubs, Churns, Waslilionrds, Kope fordasr, Wrapping Tapers, I'ancr Uazs, Uulldlns I'aprrs, Matches. Handles, Clothe lVrlnscrs, Car pet Swecprrs, Feather mist ers. Stationery, Ac. 230 and 232, Front Street, SAX FRANCISCO, CAI- HANSEN BROS. ' SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured xoods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTOUIA. Oregon TAILORIKTG-, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK, BY GEORGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Locb's. i ; fnVn fX POWPER QJJ) STOKES ' WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN in Huih'"'v i:iiiiiintr And are Ready to Supply w . " tne w ants ot uur Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and retail dealer in MILL FEET). Glass and Plated Ware, TUUl'IOAI. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AMD VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,Tobacco,Cig3rs . SOLID GOLD J E W E L R Y BRACELETS, Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, SH.lTERWARS, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. JSrAH ;; warrantedasrepresinied GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. PIANOS AND O EGA SMALL MUSICAL 1NSTJIUMKNTS SPJIEADS AND STOOLS j Slieet Music , j Piano, ai .nd Organ Instructors. j -CKLKr.ILVTKI) - I t GK & KNABE FI&90S !i --""SKI) i: ' i President of United States" "Governor of Oregon." And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading makes, wholesale and n'tail, inclndin CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast, i Instruments of All Kinds TtinEd and Repaired, GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. r Hot Lunch every Day from in to 12 A. M The last of Liquors and Ciptrs on hand. A deservedly popular plaeeot MH-ir.1 nwort. CKO. Hi Leinenweber & Co., C I.Ki:.'K.VWKIKIU tt. WiOWN ESTAUMSIIKI) IStt. " ASTOKIA. OKEUON., THIERS AND CUBERIES, . Manufacturers and LL KINDS OF X-3"n A TTTT3B. axd findings i Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. 9IIighest cash price paid for Ilides and Tallow. ' " 'YgLS AND RESTAUBaKTS, : PARKER HOUSE, II, It. PARKER. Prop.. ASTORIA, OREGON. , lv. 1 . I Auk hi; i At. CKOSP.Y. Manager and Agent. Day Clork Night Clerk. M'wi. boweik. ! -Ik-. Dl'FFV h:i ts ilnr Hnruud Billiard room. jirst Class in all Respects. FIIEK COACH TO THE HOUSE. I IT IS A FACT I -TIIAT- JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. -THAT lie has Always on Hand FIXES II Shoal "Water Bay ami East cm Oj'.stcrs. THAT :JEFFV IS THE BOSS CATERER. -THAT He lias been rroprlctor of the "Aurora Jlotel" in Knappton seven years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A New Departure. At Frank Kabre's. is daily set a TABLE D'HOTE from 6 to 7:30 P M At which A FINE FRENCH DINNER, With Half a Bottle Wine Will lie ftiriilMhed for 30 ccntH. Knurd by the month, - S2. to S30 Uidins can be procured by the day, week or month. My establishment w fitted newly thrHiihout. and everything main tained in the best stvle. FJCAXK. Jb'ABRE. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPK.V DAY ANDNIOHT. Meals 25 cents and upwards. .'. KOUIjAICD, H.ll.V STKKET. - Proprietor. - ASTORIA. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. M11S. row KM. WILL OPEN AN OYS ter stand on next Monday, on Main j Mreet next to the Oregon Uakery. iuii-.- luii'iiu .mciiiuiii in secure iier ' ' vm JEC, 33- FilRKE ,,KAU!KIX yav (JatS, StlW. ' Lime. Brick. Cemant and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Drayiny, Teaminy and Express Business. . Horses ana Carriayes for Hire. DKAt.KIl IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. KlItST C!IiASS i. W. CASE, j IMl'MKTKK AN I) WHOLESALE AND K& tail dkaleu in mm MERCHANDISE 'nier Ct:eii:iinus and Cass streets. TOKIA - - - OREGON A. MacBeth, MERCHANT TAILOE, Xo.4. First St - - Portland, Oregon. Chrihmx made at reasonable prices, ami satisfaction guaranteed. Astoria Oil Works. .1. II. HkFOUCE. Proprietor. P.O.Box 254, Astoria, Oregon. UlnnufUeturer and Dealer ib FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will llnd my Skid Grease to be i;ood and cheap. RE-OPENING. m mm Ml WILL KE-OPEN Thursday. October 11. 1883. .Mnnthlv tickets can he obtained at the ticket ofllee. No disreputable characters will be al lowed. C. W.&A.E.ROSS1 rropT,letots, S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OEEGON. The Pioneer Machina Shop BLACKSMITH -i SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, GANNEEY, AND e STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CAITOERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAXETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BZXTOX STBKET, NKAB PABKE& HOUSE, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND aBii MARINE ENGfflSS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTIWGS , or all Deserlptlens Bade ts Order at Short Notice. A. D.Wasb, President. J. G. HusTLKR.Secretary, I. V. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox.Superintendent. C. H. BAIN & I1K.VLF.HS IN Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. SllOp W OXl5L A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber : Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. C. H. BAIX it CO. LOEB & CO., JOBBKRS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOB, THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. tyAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Ore son. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part ot Europe. I AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodlniu xtnuniaiiin ines. STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR. . HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full information aa to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to I. TV. CASE. BOZOETH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, - - - Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST- 11 ern. State Investment, Hamburg. Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers' Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life, ot N. Y. We have the only complete set of township maps in the county, and nave made'arran ce ments to receive applications, filings, and final proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions, Timber Lands, eta. having all the official blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined in the office, upon too payment of a reoMmablc fee. We also have for sale city property in As toria and additions, and farms and tide-kind property. $aii, and other collections made and loans negotiated. BOZORTHSJOHNS, BUSINESS CARDS. Attorney antf-CoahsIorat taw. Room. No. e, over White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, J. XAT. HHDSOA Attorney At Itaw,aad Notary Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. J. w. Fuivroar, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms Sand C. Odd, Fellows Building. J Q. A. BOWIBY, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treat; - - ASTORIA, OREGON Q J. CJTHTIB, ATT'3f AT LAW. Notary Public, Commtaloner of Deed3 for California, New York end Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4,.OdiLFellawa Building, As toria, Oregon. N. B.-Claims at Washington. D.G, and collections a'speclalty. W. X. NICHOLS, a. x. ABKLS. NICHOLS & ABELS, Atloraeys aad Counselors at Law. Room 4, White House. - Astorlo, Oregon. Praetlce in all-the Courts, Federal and State, of both California, and Oregon. "French and German spoken. T. AJLIoES, Agtaxla Ajeeat Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. JJ C. HQltDEX. NOTAKY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION- AND IN 8URANCE AGENT. JB. ar. C. SO ATM AX, Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Balldinr, ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TUTTItK. M, D. PHYSICIAN AHB SUHQEON ' OlFim Ronin1.4 tinA-9 Tw hlnn n.tllrl. log. BjtfllDKVflJE Dvfl -T ft Ttinmau' Ttr-,,,. Store. p P. HICJiS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON Rooms lb AUftn'fl hnMrilncr ot Cass and Sqemocqhestrer . ' j. b. iafokcjb, Room li. Odd FeUows Building, Astoria, Or. GlkH RdraInttorH fnr nilntiu. n.tlnii of teeth. Q.F.LO F. PASKEX. 8URVEY0R OF Clatasp CeHaty.aBdGitysfAaterla Office :-Chenamus street, Y. M. C. hall NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. a&rO Rice with Bozorth & Johns. E.A.NOYE8, Agt. GEO. P. WHBELKH. W. L. BOBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Real Estate houctht and sold on Commis sion. Accounts adjusted and Bills. collected. Correspondence from abroad solicited. "Office In Hume' new bulldlnff, on Sque moqua street, next door to Foard & Stokes. X. X. 3 oluion, Has re-opeaed his CIGAR AND TOBACCO ST0REf On the Roadway, near his old location. He wdl keep the stock of the choicest Cizas, and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokers' ar ticles. Including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will bo pleased to see his old mends at his new stand. ANNOUNCEMENT. MBS. T. 8. JEWBTT, (Successor to Mrs. E. 8. Warren.) Pashioiiabie Dressmaker AffD MILUZfEB. Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods. Squemoqua street, next door to Odd FeUows Temple. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stoek, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAMQY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully CompoTtndeil