CM) ASTGltIA, OIIEGOX: SATURDAY. OCTOIIER 0, 1SS3 (HHaMEBGUfflD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. IUronstondale, I5r 1V Qu"jjwn, Scjit "& ItoxbarcWre BrbV QueettstswH Oct 1 .Aberlemnn. BrbV u'enstown .Oct 1 4WiRton!birp. I?r Wc Queenstffwn October 2 River Jfith. Br sd Qneenstown Oetbr i ARR1 VALS FROM SEA. Columbia, S F ..October 5 Banffshire. Br bk Brisbane Oct Z VESSELS IS THE Rl VER. O (Tliepobroajrh, Am sp Harry Morse. Am sp Imrwrinl.Am sy Titan. Am olive S.Southard, Aiufrp U?d Cross. Am (iuo. Ileulny. Ur bk K', Lucie. Am sp DoTcoby. Itr lit Scottish Tar. Hrbk Nnirhir. Hr s Slienir. Itr bk I'icry Cross, Br sp Kitnunda. Brsp Alton. Oct 3 MtWasbincton, Am sp Highland LicM, Am. up "orsica. Am sh Reiner, Am p Indiana. Am t-p Western Belle. Am sp Colon: a. (Irasinprc, Br bk fSrisedjil. Brsp barrio Winslow.Am bk Br bk f ! D Bryant. Am bk Martba I'islier, Scottish Prince, Br bk VESSELS OA THE tt'A Y. From Forclun Zort.s. for the Columbia ISirrr Barcany, Brsp April 23 Clyde Blentrfcll, Br sp May II London Bhotan, Br sp Liverpool May 12 Cliav Cotesworlli. Br bk Liverpool City of Madrid, Br sp Mar3 Clyde City of Carlisle, Br bk Grot-nook Auk 11 Kskdale. Br bk Liverpool July 26 Sleiipcris, Br bk April 23 Ourdilf Jirran, Brbk April 2C London Harry Bailey. Brbk llueaos Avros Iuclijrreon. Brsp W91 Greonook, .Jutte? lronoWo. Br bk OwnKk May 19 Iblo ef Ansioeea. Br bk May S Livarpoul Jant McXcil, Brbk June IS Olasow Killaehan. Br p Xoivcaeilc I.aUe Krie. Brsp London April 2H Mallscatu. Brbk Livt-rjHtol May 21 Oban Bay, Brbk Mar 31 (;iac-.v Oakviorth, Br sp Feb 20 LmthSoh Oberon. Br bk Hull Juno a Oboron, Hrsp London June Ht .Star of Krin, Br sp Glasgow June It Spirit of the Daw n . Br bk May 2 London From American Ports. Astria, Am sp X Y Sept IS Merom, Am sp -N V August 17 M WWattR, Am bk Sew ori May 1 Sea King, Am sp X Y Julr i Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp Now Yark June Tillio K Starbnck, Am spN' Y June St TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United Slates Coast Sun-vy iiigh Water. ', Low Watr7 Dnto. p. it. a. is. 4 5 r, s y 10 1 1 12 is:. . Z-i . . . n r7..... . 4 ro . .. 4 ", - : 42..... . 7. 10 S'-IO.... 10 sr. .... 2 ft; s it .... 2 ail 8 ! 3 111 y'io 4 00 10 02 .... 4 rev, i r.i. 5 T , 0 22 ; ."wi i 07. . -S 07 2 IS .0 27 .10 01 .10 4B .11 :ti jl.1 oro .-211 9 181. lo . :: 3!i 1 i;.. Columbia' K.tror JCxportn. SHII'MKNT. kouuh:n. KIUJAr-lTULATIOX .IANUAUY 'tsl. 29I.K78 bus. wheat. $ :kxvuo .. 2,57,17 s m.w &5,'J67 bbls Hour.... Total, A cargoes KK1JKUAUV. Wluwt. lco.flort 1ms.. value Hour, 2S,4uO bbls., .S 17.10.S .. 111.1! 'Total, 5 cargoes .-fta.coi MAltCII. Wheat (I07.r2i lmsliels) 210.7.') llOUrtGS.l-11 bW eu hit txiliuon (2rj eiset).; LZ".Z'".'.... is!80 Lumber (500 5r )..... Total (ft c:irj;tc).. Al'jnu I(Hir,-S!noMtl.: , LtunbiT. :7f "SI Total, 3 oftrKo,! MAY. Ioiir.5.K bbls WMwai 41,"312 bim .. Total. (1 carso) ll'NH. Flowr.Hii bbi Hahnon,:r7,7ii.i-s Total, (i carso) .iuly; Flour. lBl bbls Salmon, 118122 cs.. Total, (8 cargocO JWKvMl JSlXvTO 14,000 SlHt,rl S 17.FS1 r. .o;h; S7rt.77 S 4,070 1SS.VGT. 510S,fl.t 7.C73 -$5!0S3 Flour. 4.Wllibls Salnion,72,7cs Total. 2 arsoo3............ SKPTKMimiL 3 To QucctktioWH iter l!tstlhn. . 0U,lN' snas.if-o Wheat 71 12 b4is .-. S&"30 25 To Qiieaixtmni w Htivctifhrndalc From TorUatMl 15.411 bus. wlu-at .Sis.ioo :J "Astoria I0,7t;o " is,7o TotatS.i C3.171 .?C270 OlTOItKlt. J To Qhcchshvh per Ahcilcmm. From Portland 41,031 litis wheat S87,sro 1 To Quccwtotcn per tnrhurjT)irc. From Portland 40.100 bits w heal .Si:jt(v " Astoria i:;.i82 n,tw Totals ....K,riS2 To00 2 To Quechstown, per River Xtth. From Portland 44.518 bus. wheat 41.430 ' Astoria 20,450 " lJ.07o 1,WS 3oeo 2 Tiiftemstuon, per WijUi:hre. Vidxn Portland JC.iro'luis. whoal t?52 " Astoria C.oo. " wheat o.-ioo r2.S2rt 50,252 't Domestic Exports. The. receipts of certain articles of Or cgon inoduee. at Sen Francisco, from January 1, 18S3, to Sept. 2(5th, inclu sive, have been as follows: Flour, qr sks..... ... Wheat, ctLs Oats, ctls Salmon, bids Id bbls . cs............ ....... ......... , UlCJW Apples, lllpe.bxs M, lluttor. pkjrs Potatoes, sks....... .............. Wool, bales............ . , Hides. No 34.478 120.412 S4.17S Slfl 233,-121 :u 800 72 28.124 M.K71 74 U 23 142 0,490 S51 4ltt 9 33 4,111) 11 72G 13 IS Tallow., plies .... Ui''f hit bis 1 Hav. bains Quicksilver. llxsks Fruit, Dried, pkgs Leather, pkys 1 1 ops, bales...................... Hams, pkgs Cheese, cs lHaxSeed, sks : Com. ctls ... Canned Goods, es... ; Lard, pkgs....... . Bacon, cs CliUitClI OIHECTOKY. Ghaci: Cnriicir Holy comimmion first fc'umlayof every month. Sunday services at 1 1 a.m., and 7 :30 r. m."VY ednei day evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. M. I). Wilson, Rector. Fill ST I'KESBYTKKIAX Ciilt.cii Ser viced at 11 a. m. and. 7 :30 p. m. Wednes day evening prayer meetiim at 7:30 o'clock. Rov. .1. V. M illigan. Pastor. Coxo into ati ox a i. Ch uncii Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Kcv. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Curitcii Services i 10:30 a. m. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor M. E. Chl'iich Services at 11 a. m and 7:2Wp. M. Lecturcand Prayer lect in;:, Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist CitritcH. Services each Lord's Day at 11 A. M.. and !: p. m. Prayer Meetim on Wednesday, at V$ v. m. Rev. J3. S. McLaffert', pastor. Common CounciL Regular moetines second and fourth Tuci day ovenings of each month, at 754 o'cleck esr Persons dosiring to have matter iictou nponby tho Council, atany regular mcetinc must presont tho same to tbo Auditor soul Clerk on or beforo tho Friday orenins prior to tho Tuesday on which tho Council hhl i: regular meetinBs. TROS. S. J KM" TT. Auditor and Cleil-'. Astoria Lodge No. 40. 1. 0. G.I. Itogular Mcetins every Tuci1bv hvcning nt 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, As-toiia. .Mem bers of tho Order, in good standing, are invit. ed to attend. Degree meeting lt Momlsy of each month. By order AV. C. T. Temple Lodge, Ko. 7A.F. il. Regular Communications Urst nd')f third Tuesdays in each month. at7' V x o'clock. i'. ii., at tho Hall in Astoria. bombers of tho Ordor, in good standing, sro invitod to attend. Ur ordo: of the ikl. Iteaver Lodse So. 3, 1.O. O. i Regular nicelinp every Tluir.-day evening at lmit-past seven o'clock, at the Lodjre room in Odd Fellows Hall. Astoria. Sojourning mouthers of j In order in owl stindin? eoniiaiiy invited to attend. By order N.(i. American Lecrion of Honor. Reeuhir inrel ins ol Astoria Cowiril No. !5, Is hi'bl oti tlie first and lluid Tuesday of ea;h month, at 7 o'clock l. w. P.y order of Council CommainU-r. K.V MoNTKITH. Stv. Astoria Itctail 3Iarl:et. Flour per sack Sl.10. WlieaLiicr cental S2.00. Oats, " $2.10. Bacon, sides per H, IG ets. Slioulders, " 15 ets. Hams, u 1120 ets. Lard, ' 17 cts. Butter, per roll 80 cts. Ejrjrs, per dozen 40 cts. Potatoes, per lb lj cts. Apples, reen, per box Cheese, per lb 20 cts. Cornmeal, per lt 4 cts. Oatmeal, " 14 ctF. Beans, ' 5 ets. Coffee, " 10 cts. Tea, " mc1. Rice, " 10 cts. Hnar, " 12J -14ct. Syrup, per gallon 75c ?l. Honey, per jiallon 1.50. Salmon, per kit Onions, iter lb 2 cbs. Apples dried per fl 12 els. -Peaches " " 12 loci. IMunis. " " 12'iH Ifiets. Candles, per Si 25 cts. Chickens, per dozen 5. J lay, per ton $25. Jlidi'N, per U 10 t' 15cls. Oils, per gallon, hoiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c ; coal oil, 40c ; lard 1.25. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General :issortraent of table stock constantly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Baccn, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, i:t;s, ?ttte:k. ciikkse. Fresh Ffuits and Vegetablss, FJSI5. POULTRY AIYI A;i In the season. i!3A16S AXI TOKAC(. West r vi?KS xxi t.iqs h:s. All cheap for CVSII. (!oods sold on com mission. OPl Ksit e 1 . W. Case's st ore. .1. UUDCKKS. WasMngtoii "Ia,rket, Alain Xlreet, - - Astoria Orctjuv BERGMAN C llEJiiiY RESPCTFULLY CALL TUB A1TK tion of the public to tho feet that t:it abovo Markot will always be cuiilied xrith a FULL VA MET Y BEST QUA LITV op FRESH AWD CURED MEATS 1 Which will bo sold at lowest ratos, wholesalo and retail. Special attention piven to supxIj- KZ fihlDS. LOOK HERE ! V"e respectfully inform the public that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh, and Cured Keats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share or the public patronage Isirspeet fullv solicited. dtf. WAIHU'N' & THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COHPAfcFY, Frcsli and Cured 31 eats, VegetaTbles, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEIi, CKEXAjIUS Street, Astoria , Os LUMBER ! LATH AND SHINGLES, In Quantities to suit at Short Kotic STOXE & IAVIDSOX. tf Opp. Tarker Ilouse. STRONG FACTS A great many people arc asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Lrrrn:s is good for. It -will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Drops, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning st the foundation, and by building hu the system, drives out all dUees. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Italtimorc, '.!.. May 7. itta. ly bcsUh was much shattered by liJtcMmatisrn when 1 coaimcttccu ulciHg Urown's Iron IHtters, awl I scarcely hd s-trenph cnoush to at tend tJ my daily buuchoM duties. lamu-T iiinK lUc third bottle and I sjh ttjinin Mrcnglh dsuty.-and I cnecrmlly rccontmcd it to aM. I caimot sy too mch in lti: of It. Sirs. i!.nv E. Khahsak. 173 l'tc:inst. rdney Diseace Cured. Christianslair;, Va.( 1SS1. SufS-rin from kidney dicas, rum which I could get 110 idiel', 1 tried llrown's Iron llittcrs, vhki cured roc completely. A child mine, rcco-criHg from scarlet lccr. had HO appetite and did ih1 sreid :j he able to cat at alL I jta-ehimi; -1. Uittcti with the happht reult. J. IvVLS ilM.TAtJ-k- Heart Disease. Vine St., HarrUboric. Pa. Dec 2. it:. After trj-ing difiTereat physicians and many remedies for pjJWaiK'i of the heart wiUtout receivmg ?!- benefit. I was advised totry Hrw:- -Iron Hitters. I have used two 1- i ties and never found anything u.-t Cave znc io much rclkC Mrs. Ju.ia lino. For the peculiar troubles to which bdies arc subjecl, BROWN'S Iron Bitters is in-aluablc. Try k. Bs sure and get the Genuine. MAGNUS G. 0R0SBY. Dealer in umun, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS A'D STEAM FITTERC Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Canaer? anfl Flsbennens Sngglies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JODBl.'W A' SHEET IR0U, Till, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTIUf Done with neatness and dispatch. None tail. Urst chv. tKtrSiinen employed. A lare aasortnibid of; SCALES (instantly on tn.nd ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! xiw .uuu.ui.u Aiproirzuicl in for Pensions. AX ACT to relieve soldiers from I lie chanre dilesertiHi ami ; allsiieh soklieis their full dues, and ti frntnt soldiers marked as Iihhl-.KI Kits hononible dieharsre papers. AN At"T to extend the arrears of the pen sion ael ::nd continue it in far as widows and einldren are eoneemed. AN AIT allowing pay Tor horses and equipments lo;t in sen itv, ete. Nearly every ieison is eiuiueii io an inerease. X'eitsions, Itottiitlex, Iinnd Claims niul C'otents attended to. For particulars call Or address C. J. CUKTIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of nanus aim ratcnis. ItiHimsn and 4 Odd Fellows building, As- xonn, uivson. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail deader in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AN D.FEED Hay, Qats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. I'teiien-lstomjieantl WharfAC? on rejtv.r(. al!e lenas. I'oi.t f It.i ton .street. Astoria Or;wm. 5 The Jlcv. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, IudM saj-s: ''Both myself and vife owe our lives tosiiiLoirs consumption Cdrk." Sold by W. E. Dement. O . Vs. a;? u 12 Negro Superstition. To let a child sec itself in a lookinyn-lass or a brook of run ning water, especially if the tide is running out, is equal to making its shroud. These coast Neirroes have many superstitious about the tide, some believing that only "when de tide run back to catch de sea can death release de soul." "I know my soul am clean as new cotton," cried an old Baptist, "cause I was emersed when the tide was running out." They bathe all swellings with an out going tide; a'nd nothing can in duce them to begin to churn with a willing hand when t! tide is runninir out, becausf Imitrr will" not come with but a rii-ing tidt?. When a child is cross an! ir.tful, without a known cause, tlur first question that is asked is: "Whar J...1. .t...x t :n 1. . . vou uau uiai enii uie ism nine. nl tin tnntlnr if if ivi in i Im I anu no matter it it u;b m me Rnbl n .nr.,l5 nr. :i,uri... ',V-'VJ ' til .1 IIV.ljJ.IUUl o house, some member of the family is sent to call the child's spirit, as they say it must have wandered too far away to hear the mother when, upon leaving, she called it. Their faith in this supcrstion is so strong that I have known a mem ber of a family go to Charleston for no other purpose than ' call the spirit of a child whoso mother, upon entering the boat, forgot to say: "Come spirit, come! 1 gwiue home now. V. 1". ImUpvmlrnt. The German armv is tlio most perfect military machine in exis tence. Each corps is constructed so as to form in itself a complete little arm' that can without in convenience be at anv time de tached from the main body. Dur iny; peace everything is. kept readv for mobilization - in case of war. If the decree for mobiliza tion were to be wired to-morrow from Berlin, the whole Held would be readv in a ftnv hours to march. Ten years ago two loving hearts were separated by a little quarrel owing to the miscarriage of an ex planatory letter. Ife went west and married; she stayed ist and married, and now both art free lie litis eight children and the jaundice, and she seven and the d3spcpsia, and neither has any idea of marrying again. Truth may be stranger than fiction, but it is not so romantic. The newest nicety a to perjury is found in San Francisco. One Pcrazza had been convicted of the crime, but the suprenu court re versed the conviction on the ground that the point that the of fender was sworn to testily to was not material in the proceed ings and therefore his testimony could not be perjur. TUTT PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From theso sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicnto their existence: oss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Hick Headache) fullness after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritnbll . fty of temper, Low spirit, A feeling of IravlngneRlected some duty ,l)lz zIiieS8,FlutterlnRttheIIeart,lot8 before the eyes, highly colored Urlne,C03rSTXPATIOA,anddemand tho use of a remedy thatactsdircctlvon the Liver. AsaLivermedicincTDTT'S PirVLS have no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys and Slcln is nlso prompt; removing all impurities through these thrco scavengers of the system," producing, appetite, Bound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TUTU'S PILLS causeno nausea or griping nor interfere Willi daily work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE. TO MALARIA. Koldereryuhero23i. OUico41 JlurraySt.N V. GRATUjunoaWmsKEns changed in stantly to a GLOSsr JJlack bv a slnglo application of this DTK. Sold by Drug. R?sts,orsentbyexpressonrecciptofSL Office, 44 JIurrav Street, New York. nrr3 kiotaxi or n x:n?ra rssz. GERMANIA BEER HALL JVND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHBTAircs Stbket. Astoria. The Best of Lager o Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celebrates Columbia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. C5?"Xo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at uiis piace WM. BOCK, Proprietor. 'Iowc my UW ioXcallh "P ' Lrand Bcaulv to ITic CUT1GU.RA DISKir.URIXK IlHamr. lluwiHatinic Er Hpiwns. ItrhiBsTortHre. Sersfula. Salt Itheum, ami Infantile iliimorf cured by the Cctktka ltetaedie. t'tUiftirn. Rrsolvcnf. the new blood u rificr. i-leane the blood ami ierspinition of iinimritte and iwi-oroiis eiutentj and thus remove? the ronr. C'titit'lira. the xreat Ski a Cure, itwtantly allay Jtehias and infhtwation. clears the Skin arid scalp, heals I.'krrs and Sore?, ami rettTe the Hair.) t'utlrura fonjt. art e.'.ui9tleSkin HesiHi fieraid Toilet ituisite. jirotwred; from t'f Tit Vkx. is imiUMMiable in treatiacSkin Dis ea:?. Baby liMiuor.-". Skin ltiiui.-he!i. San Inirn. md Kttaah, Chapped. ort)reay Skin. tTntlr.ura Itemed hs, are absolutely i-ire aaJ the only real It'ood l'nriliers "and kin Ilcaatifietii, free from mercury, arceaie, lead, zinc, or any other mineral or vegetable iHti son wliat-oever. lt WouItl re,,iro this entire paper to do i-,,,' t aderiidim uf the eared porforaied by ,c cuthtu KmotvoT tatemaily. mul CtTKiaA a34lttTict ahoir.tcrnally. Kpzernanfths palms of the haml and of thecndortlicnnjrer?, verr diranut to treat ami usually eonMderet! incurable: small imttltei of tetter aad ait rheum on the car.-. :o-e ami 5ide ot the faee Sra!l Heads with hie- of hair wit limit number, head covered with dandruff and tealy emotions, especially (4 children ami ia- fantf. many of winch iinee btrta hed been a tnHft ot seal?; Itohinir. bar inc and scaly torturer that baffieileven relief from ordinary remedies. foothetl an.; hcsilctl a by magic; lnnriui!x. lei.riwv. and other friahtfnl forms ot .-kin trisome?. H-rofuIous ulcer.-, old 5re. ami dihtrsins rwnl?, each aad all nl which have been ixxxtuy, uermanenlly ami eeoiioniteauy caret I by the lUTirraA Kknkoiis when idivsicina hospitals ami all other remedies fadeil, as proven by a vat :iuniuerr sworn twtimonial-- in oar i?e itHi. which vce will cheorfallv mail to any ad- Ure?.-. Sold everywhere. Price: CiTirt KA. 50 ct ItiaoLvt-sr, 51 l-"Ar, centi. I'oitkr Dku; and CiihKicti. Io., Boston, .Ma&, Scml rr"IIw to "uri' Sliin I! "PT? A T7lT,'r For Kwieli. Chapiied a" d l3iliilU i. X (;rea?y.hin.I5!ackncails i'hnples, and s-kin lileuiUhes ue Cithika ao.r. SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE Head Colds. Watery I'fcchanres from tho Aoise and eyes, l.insinertoifcsin the Ilcau Nervous Headache and 1'evcr instantly re lieved. Lbokins mucus di-locMl. membrane cleans ed and healed, breath sweetened. mell.tate ami hearinc mtoreil. ami rarsce cheeked. Couzh. l;ronehiti., Droppim into the Throat, l'a in in the Chest. Ovswisia. V. :it iiiK ot MrinIh and r ieu. Lots of Meei. etc. cttrel. One bottle l.adical Care, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr, anford'. Inhaler, in one iKtckage. of all drumts. for SI. Ask for sax Four's Kawc i. Ci'kk. a rare distillation o Witch Hazel. Am. I'ine. Ca. Tir. .Marisold Clover l!!ii.--.-iiis, etc. l'iini tL'r.t(! xiCi.m icai. t o . Uoston. ti'ftl I IRff l'or thereliefandprevcn-.VjUUt-li(?tJnt(i1,. instant it Is :tp V VOLTAIC' pticd, of hhenmatiim.Ncu- NvVvi' VaC' raleia. sciatica, toush., VV ' V Cold?. Wcakllack' Stomach Mfc-iT -Xj'- and liowew.Shootins Pains, -"5" (7p-Ov Palpitation. Dy?icp4ia, Liv sk. vcS?vV cr Complaint. liiliou?Fcvor. yfL N. lalaria and Epidemic, use I rcTRIC.,,,lr,''I1:s,!"i!ni:icr- A.i trie Rattcry combined "LA ST fct5 Tritn a SMa.sterhwitl lanjrh at iin. U3c everywhere. VllaJiies nnd Enric3n-s tbo Vlood, up tbo System, Slakes tli W-bIi Strong, Eailds up tho ISroer dctrc, InvigHrates tbo Brain, and CURES Dyspepsia, iTervous f. rf cciic-ns, v n eral Dsbility, ;k einalgi;;, rexr anrl Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea. Boils, Drcpsy, Hnmors, Tesiale Cos plaints, Liver C021 plaint, Ssmittent Fever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING IX A GAD STATT OF THE DL0OD. OR ACC0S3PAf;iD C: DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE . OF THE SVSTEM. ,2 5v SurpLi s the llacd x;i:h it Vital T'rintiulo, r.ifo lllciiient, IKON", i?.u-ir t-'vcnizV, Icor and cv Life i:ito?'l par:, :. ? .:.: BEING FREE FROM AlCOlI 'l.. i:-. c '..r-. Iiik cftects ate iwi f :iowt.l Ly C-rrc:;;:..l;. i r. : Ion, but arc permanent. dsrrisoa Avenue Btcc Sv!d by all I -Bga: Grace Church Parish School. Hear ot Church Building. miHS SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN 310N JL day, September 3.18SJ. The moral train ing of the ch'ldren will be carefully witched, and made a special point, in addition to tlie ordinary course of study there will be instruction in the elements of Vocal 3iu sic, Irnwinz and CaliMtlienics. If found desirable or expedient, classes will be formed iu Higher Mathematics, Jfotnny, As tronomv. Advareed Music and Drawinc, for which light extra charges will Ihj made. Terms $2 a month, strictly hi advance. OFFICKnS. REV. M. D. "WILSON. - - lfeetor MISS ANNIE W. CURTIS, ' - Principal MISS M. C. TREXCHARD, - Assistant For further particulars apnlv to REV. M. D. WILSON. SKIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transoortation Co. FOf? FORTLAf-5D (FAST TIME.) T1m jM,fular steamer FLEETWOOD, Whicit ha len rrSttetl for tho comfort o psteieicers will leave tl?on and Fisher' doek every Holiday, Wednesday ar.d Friday at 6 A.m. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. letnnihat h'ave-i Frtlaml every Turarfaus ( Thursdays at G A. HI. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. u additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, leaving Purlhuid at O o'clock Scnrfay Honiinj:. P.uiacers by tld rwti connect at Kalama f.r SiHind jairts. V. 15. SCOTT, l resuieni. BE6DLAR STEAM PAGKET. -Daisy." and Barge. Will leaw Astoria, from Clraj's Dock, ForOlney. and Hesul of Yoho-s IJiver. Daily, at k a. m.. exeeit Wednesdays and Mnniays.1 Ki tuniiii same day. l'or Ijtmliitgx on Lewis & Clark's River. un cur.csda.Ts. at S A. .11.. Ki-mriiin;; ame day. i"For Frebtht or Passage. apily (i hoard. or at t.ray s Dock, wnere Ireij(lu will He re eeived and Mr d. if HCcessary. (5 KAY. Steamer TOM MORRIS. . THIS XKW :nl I'avorite I!oat TS NOW READY FOR IH'SINESS AND J. ran be chartered for excursions, hpecial parties, etc.. at reasonable mtes. a general teamuoatiitK Killings iniu-aeteti. V.P.OELLINC., Master. .1. HESS. A. M. JOHXSOX. Astoria Sail Loft. JTAX U FACTT REUS OI; SAILS, TENTS. AWNINGS TASPATJLINS, And everything else perlainini? to our uusmess. Lowes tPrice and Best "Work For your Money. At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and set your work done at once. .1. H ESS & CO. Astoria, - - - Oregon. ID 3BUVIAN BITTERS !, A StT-CUKL!Vt VViimerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria HOSPITAL, ASTOltIA, - - - OltEGO nilllS INSTITUTION. UNDEIt CARE OF JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready foi t recention of natients. private rooms for the accommodation ol anydesirme them, patients admitted at ail houis. dar or nfclit No nhvsician lias exclusive risiit, even patient is free to and has the privilege ot employing any pnysieian iney preicr. L'nited States llavlac Seamen who nav Hospital Dues, are enti tied to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital ilurinir sickness. Permits miust be oh tained for United States JIarines at the Cus tom House. StSTKKS OP ClIAKITT BUY THE BEST ! Irish Flax Salmon B"et Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES A.ND fish Ponnds, Seines, and Xets Imported to Order. A Lar AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. STAgents for the Pacific Coast. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oreuon Railway & Navioation V03IPAXY. OCEAiV DIVISIOST. On and After April 1st, 1883, Ocoan Stftamors will t:i frnm Tnrtl!inil nd San Francisco every three darn. .caving Ainsworin ijock, I'ortlaud. at mid isht. and Suear St. wharf San Francisco at io oo A. 1. TIlffl1lll T!nl.-ltkl C(l,l fn nil nnnllno eities in tlie United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after Sept. 2nd, 1883. ' RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East m points, at C :13 A. 31., daily. " I! ITER BSVISIO.V (Middle Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 -.OO A. M. also : Leave Port-l land for Mon Tu. We. UiU. Fri. I Sat. Astoria and lower Co- laraliia... . Is AM 6 AM RAM SAM SAM 6 AM Uavton. Or. IT AM! AM; 7 AM Salem L ... Oorvallia.. SAM Is am!'fi AMjC AM sam6am;pam!pam cept Sunday. land, and Helena. " . H. I'RESCOTT. JOHN MUIR, T , Manager. Sup't of Tranic .L STOKES. E.P.ROGERS, Assist. Sui)'t ofTraffie. Oen'l Agenf Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after May 13, 1S&I, trains will run as iomow?, vj-uMi tisxeapt aandaysj, KASTSIDH DIVISION. Kelwccn POIITL.VXD and CLEX1VII.E MAIL TRXVX LEAVE. ARRIVE. ' 7;30a. ir.lRlomlila ih.t: Olendnle 1:00 a. ir.portland.."..4:25p. v ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE IPUTvr Prland 1-flft P M I l .tmnm. o oil o , Lobaaon......4:j5 A. MlPortIand3lO:05 A.M Thu Oropnn nnil nf,l!riirn?a Dii'lrnoJ l makes connection with all KesularTraina oc Eaabido Division. WEST3IDK DIVISION. ltvce:i Portland anrt Corvnllls HAIL TRAIS LEAVE. AOTJTirp Portlanil !):00 A. M.lfToT-irnllla J.sno v Corrallis 8:30 A. M. Portland -.'..3:20 P M EXriIES3 TKVIX T.EAVE inpivu Portland 5:00 r. a. McMinnville.8:00 p. u McMinnville.5:45A.M.Portland 8:30 a. sr. CIoso connections mado at Glendale with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. lickets for sale at all tho principal pointi in California nnA thn Vnat at Pimnonrii Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bochar?vl on freight remain ing at Company Warehouse over 'li hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on eithor tho East or viesisiuo uivimn. JOHN MUIR.Sup'tof Traffic. A. L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Trafllc. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCIIEDDIjE. Astoria to Fort Steuens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages for OystervHle and Olympla. sr?7? Until further notice the Ilwaco 2aadato Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gen. Miles," or "Gen. Canl)y'? Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Ft.Sievens, Ft. 'Canby and Ilwaco ox Tuesdnys, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tlie steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. m., a formerly, not beintr confined strictly to schedule tune. Fare to Fort Stevens cocts ... SI 00 Canby and Ilwaco... HS-lhvaco freteht. br the ton. in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, EST-For Tickets, Towage or Clmrter ap ply at the olllce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Ronton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, Ilwaco. Xorth Bench, OystervIHe, North Cove, Petersons Point. Ho qnium, Jlontesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Ilarhor. GEN. MILES, ) or v On Columbia River. Strs, GEN. CANBY, J GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. MONTESANO " Gray's narbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympla, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Olympla for Astoria on same days. To M Canity ani Ilwaco. ON AND AFTER SATTJEDAY, SEPT. 22d, The Steamer MOUNTAINEER Will make daily trips from Astoria to Fort Canby and Ilwaco. Leaving Wilson & Fisher's wharf at 8 A. M. daily except Sundays. Freight, Passage, One Dollar per Ton Fifty. Cents Good time made; accommodations afforded. For freight or passage apply on board to II. PETIT, aster SmLon's Cup.e will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. . Dement.