Site gailD Another Titrable. OCCIDENTAL HALL! ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY OCTOKSK 5, 1SS Excursion Echoes. Eastern papers comment se verely on the. disclosures being made of the conduct of some of Villard's and Hatch's excursion ists. The Tribune says. "If a full history of the recent railway excursion in the northwest should ever be written, some extraordi nary incidents would be revealed to an.. astonished . world.. . . Alto gether, jLhe jnobles nnd aristocrats "have" regdf3p&,thc Yellowstone and the Northern Pacific cxcuri sions as-public scrambles, out of which they were to get all they couM. The smartest man was he who snatched first at whatever he wanted. As for mutual respect and courtesy, which are supposed to prevail between the master of a feast and Ins company, it is hard to find any trace. The worst of fenders appear to have been Eng lish gentlemen." . The . evening Post editorial de nies, apparently by authority, the Tribunes cjiarges against the Yil lard excursionists, and says: "The thing which we, for our part, con sider most discreditable in the whole affair is the fact that vol umes of coarse abuse should have been hesped upon the heads of a score of strangers and guests by American newspapers, without a single case, that we have heard of, of any pains having been taken to get at the facts from any- trust worthy source." Some wise man has said that happiness is only relative; that we enjoy only, by comparison, and that our pleasure arises from con trast with inferior conditions. This being the case, it is for us on this coast to be happy in the in formation that though railroad men can do pretty much as the' please, yet matters arc still more binding in -lower latitudes. It seems that a is about to be built in GuaUMnalaaud the en terprising president of that heated republic has levied a compulsory tax of 4. per year on all persons whose salary exceeds 8 a month, as subsidy to the road. True, the same thing is done here, but not in so direct a manner. A Chichio dispatch says: The prospect of a cut in passenger fates between the east and San Francisco is not regarded as liboral. The TTrthl says: ltTJic fare between Omaha, ev.'ii at 05, is an outrage 1,90J mil. at five cents a mile." Tl$ Times says: "The question is why rates on railroads built at the cost of the people should be twice as much on local travel as chyges on roads built by private enterprise," and concludes by saying: "The Northern Pacific, in entering the pool, will retard the growth of the northwest, proving . a thousand fold more injurious than if a through liberal rate were offered to encourage travel. In a recently published pamph let, John Roach, the Chester ship builder, says that in the last eight een years this country has spent only. $3,000,000 for new naval vessels. As the naval appropria tions during that time aggregate 383,000,000, it becomes an in teresting question where the odd or even 3S0;OOO,OOO went. Prob ably Robeson could partly dis close. A wulosopiieu of the New York Herald thus sums it all up: "Life consists of cutting teeth in childhood, of the pangs of unre quitted love in youth, of dyspopsi: in manhood, of a fear of death in old age, and an oppressive certain ty that the lawyers will contest your will and pocket most of your monev. General Gnooii says he didn promise the Apaches immunity from punishment. The thought he promised and he couldn't make them understand he had nopower in the matter. A New York dispatch says stocks are weaker and slower. In early dealing there was a decline of A to 1, the latter Oregon and Transcontinental, and -which sold down to 52f. Subsequently it' rallied one-eighth to one-half. In the afternoon -prices fell off perceptibl, and the lowest figures for some time for many shares were current. Northern Pacific declined per cent, to 33f ; pre ferred to G0. Oregon and Trans continental, 3g to 49, the lowest figure ever touched; Northwest, 1 to 122; preferred, 1 to 143; Omaha, 101. - In other active shares the decline ranged from to If per cent., Kansas and Texas and Texas Pacific sufierinr the most. The market srencrallv closed lower. It is stated that .the sharp de cline in'Oregon and Transconti-j nental was occasioned by a f ived j sale of round amounts of stock j The bears also reported that the Gould part had broken their ranks, and pointed to the decline in Kansas -and Texas and" Texas Pacific as evidence. Rumors of fresh iron failures were frely used by the boars against the share list. The bears also circulated a report that the Pennsylvania Company had de cided to resume the practice of paying a commission to ticket agents, which, it was claimed, was almost equivalent to a notice that rates will not be maintained in the future. There was no lack of oth er rumors and decline in prices. Jennie June has been talking to the women of New York, and her text is ""Work is infinitely more important to woman than a vote." That is so, and yet one of the best ways to secure work is the ability to vote. The average legis lator respects votes more than arguments. According to the Pev. Ileber Newton a quiet movement among church-going people. has sprung up to wear the plainest of clothes to church, as many poor people have been kept, away by the meanness of their clothing. It is saidthat there are enough iron furnaces in the United States to produce all the iron the country can consume, and more, ioo. The growth of this industry in the last ten years has beeu enormous. SEW SO-DAY. NOTICE. mnitEE tigs came into my enclos- JL ure to-day. I have shut them up. The owner is requested to rail, prove propertv. pav charges, and take them awn v. MAXWELL YOUNG. Ahlorbrook, Oct. 2nd, 1SS3. 5-41 Notice to Taxpayers of School District No. 1 8. THE 5CIIOOL TAX FOR SCHOOL Dis trict No. 18, Clatsop county, state of Or egon, is now due, and the School Clerk will be found at his office on West cth street, nenr Wall Mreet, to receive and receipt for the same. Taxes unpaid after sixty days from the date of this notice will he delinquent. Save extra cost and pav vour tax. C. Y. SH1VELY. Clerk School District No. IS. Astoria, Sept. 5, isss. scpto-iiu Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO JIE A RE hereby notitled to settle their accounts hy the mill inst. Anv accounts reinainiu unsettled otter that date will lie put in the hands of an attorney for collection. :ttf ' "WM. HOWE. For Sale. milX SHARES SCANDINAVIAN PEG. JL Co. Cannery stock. Also two fishing boats with gear complete, together with lot ld wel. C. W. STONE. Changed Hands. mm; bakery onchenamdsstreet, JL founerly owned hy Chas. Carow. has been bought by Chas Eberlc, who will here after conduct it Coed Bread aSpcclalij'. The public trade solicited. BUSINESS CHANGE. "VUONG YEE GEE HAVING GONE TO VJJ China has sold his Interest to Wong Wall, who will continue the business under the same sign. He has all kinds of China goods. Tea, Rice, and OIL Also A;rent for China Labor. WONG KEE, LUM. KONG GEE, sepl7-lm Partners. For Sale. ONE TEAM OF LARGE HORSES, ONE set of double harness and wagon. Also, one new two seaicu. uuggy. Inquire of A. G. ALLEN, tf Fort Stevens, Oregon For Sale. JL? lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Draying or all kinds done at reasonable rates. n. h. jwauiun, City Taxes. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J city assessment roll for 1SS3 is now in m v hands for collection, and all persons that are Indebted for the same may save five per cent, by paying said taxes before October It, JS53. d. J., City Treasurer. 1 W.STECIiriAN. - MANAGER Two rfiglHs QulyZ Commencing Monday Evening. October 8th. KiiKngcmriit of Boston Operatic Minstrels, fiilitary Slr::ss Baud. HISS BESSIE LOUISE KING, Jlnttr.iTs favorite I'riiiia Dohiih. Tlie mirror Quartette. ARTISTS. 20 20 Indorsed by the entire press as iK'ing the finest Minstrel Ornniitioii oh the road. Iw)k out for the street parade. POPULAR PRICES. EE-OPENING. M WILL RE-OPEN Thursday, October 11, 1883. Monthly tickets can be obtained at the ticket office. No disreputable characters will be al lowed. G. W. A. E. ROSS, Proprietors. NOTICE TO CANNERYMEN ! I WILL MAKE P.OXES NEXT SEASON iu any amount required, and guarantee to lmve them satisfacturv In every respect. My price for shouks will be 13 cents ; for nailed boxes 17 cents. Any one wishing to make a contract for cases can confer with J.C.TRl'LLlNGEi:. Proprietor West Shore Mills. POP TILLAMOOK. Will leave Astoria forG RAY'S HARBOR, on At G o'clock A. 3i. Returning, will leave Garibaldi at 1 r. m. For particulars Inquire M CLAUDE T1IA Y'EK, Tillamook. Cant. Whitcomb. on board, or J. H.D.GRAY, Agent. FOR TILLAMOOK. Tin new Steamer BARRAGE, Master. TOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU JL1 lars apply to .1. G. HUSTLER. Main street Wlmrt. Astoria : ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland ; .T. L. STORY' Tillamook. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & C0S DISPATCH LINE For Hew York. 80 DAYS to NEW YORE The Hew. and Elegant, A1 First Class Steamer. s. 3:o:ur:ii, CROWELL, - - - - Master. Will he ready at Astoria, in a few days for cargo, ami having the most of her capacitv engased will have tlie usual prompt dispatch of this line. Early application should be made for the balance of disengaged room or passage to W. SUTTON, ('are of Allen ic Lewis Portland, Oregon. Consignees In New York. M ESSRS. SUTTON & CO. CHAS. WILLIAMSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AND ' General Commission Brokers. Office on Genevieve street, in the rear of E. R.IIawos' building. A General Agency business transacted. West Shith Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the Citv of Astoria. Oregon, propose to order tho improve ment of that portion of West Sixth siret't, in the city of Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, as laid out and re corded by .1. M. Shivelv. from the north side of Water street to the south side of Wall street by grading and planking the same to its full width, and by build ing side walks on both sides bf said street, and unless a remonstrance signed by the. owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be- filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the fmnl pub lication of tins notice, to-wit: Saturday, October 27, 1SS3, the Common Council will order said improvements to be made. JJy order of Uie Common Council. Attest T.S.JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, October 2, 1SS3. Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria until Saturday, Oc- toiier issj, at i o ciocir p. yu, for the improvement of the crossings of Cass and Squemoqua and Cass and Jefierson streets in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, by removing all defect ive piles and stringers and replacing the same with new and sound fir ones, and replar.king the same witit new and sound fir plank not less than 4 inches in thickness. Said repairs to be made on the grade established by ordinance No. "' of the city of Astoria. Bids must be accompanied with a guarantee signed by two responsible taxpayers to the effect that if the con tract be awarded to such bidder that he will within forty-eight hours after no tice or suelt award, enter into contract therefor with good and sufficient sure ties for the faithful performacc of the work. The right to rejact any or all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the Common Council. J.W.CASE. C.J. TRENCIIARD, It. OAKRUTHEKS. Committee on Streets and Public "Ways. Astoria, October 4, 1883. THE mz Sir. GEN. MILES EMPI1E 3 5S. ine Ladies desirous of procuring Goods un equaled in Style and Finish, "will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATIMS and DBESS GOODS. IH THE GENTS' FUBHISHma DEPART Everything is Complete and of the host. Jordan Have a Full Line of Platedwifi. GitSiiiL Cow Ctaamns and. BANKING AHEUHSURAHCE. BROKER, BANKER a;;d INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, OREGON OFFICE IIOUILS: FROM 0 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL :i O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mutual Imrame Ca Or CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOUGIITOX .... ClIAS. It. STOIIY.. GKO. Ij. STOKV. .. .t'reslnit ... StcrHary .Agent for (ou Capital paid up In U. B. xUI coin s .100 COO to I. W. CASH. ARClit. Clicnaimis street. Astoria. Orcou. 67,000,000 capital:. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Ropresontinff a capital of SO7.OaO.C00. A. VAN DUSEX. Accnt. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING. PROVBSIOEIS., FXOUR AND 9X1X7. FK53S. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capita Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices. In Stock. Corne.r Chenamus and Hamilton Strceti ASTORIA, OREGON. Mf are an! Slij Clianfllery A. VAN DUSEN & CO., DKALEItS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canyas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints and Oils, Groceries, etc, 2 e as i&eaucea races ?3 cfii CM Stc. fl M8 Concomly Street Assessment. NOTICE hero'oy Riven that the assessment made by ordinance Xo. 552, of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council of, said city on the Jfltli dav of September. 188.'. and was approved on the 1st day of October. 1SS:;, lor me proposed repair ot toneomiy street in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hy John McClure, from Main street to the western end of said Concomly .street in the manner pro vided by ordinance Xo. r'X), of the city or Astoria, and wliicn ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 14th day of July, ISSo, an.l was ap proved on the iith day ot .July, i?s.. on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of the Citv Treasurer in U.S. gold coin, and un less paid within live days from the ex piration of this notice, viz.: Friday, Oc tober l'X litSS, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection there of. The assessment is as follows: Xante uOtmer .1 (ioodman Ailiu'iian Daniel Craham Daniel Graham HRrown CH Page Estate of .IS Russell. M Dillon V V Parker 50 $4'2 SO 42 80 42 SO 42 80 42 SO 42 SO 42 SO 42 SO 17 ;s :nr :s :7 :s .'17 "IS i;t oo lil oo (il oo oi oo til oo ;i oo cl oo til oo 20 25 01 00 Estate of 11 Ij Turner Estate of II L Turner Marshall Kinney.... Jacob Kamm George McEwau James Taylor M Xowlen M Xowlen E C Crow EC Crow II IJ Parker James Tavlor CI, Parker M. liogcrs V II Grav WllGrav Mrs IlO'Forth C Hoeling C lloeling C lloeling J T Gray J I) Merryman George II ill C Halt's Morns Wise O A McGuirc C Halt's C W Knowles and C T Thoines G Heed MrsJ WItobb II Ij Turner and Davis T A Hyland W W Parker Gl 00 (il 00 (il 00 (11 00 (il 00 lil 00 10 (il 00 (il 00 lil 00 (il 00 (il 00 (il 00 Gl 00 Gl 00 :s7 :ss 7 8 11 1.". :.7 :$s 14 42 SO Vv W Parker W Parker W W Parker Mrs Marfan chard Mrs Marion 42 SO 42 SO 42 SO 42 SO Tren-Trcn- chard Mrs Marion Trcn chard Mrs Marion Tren chant 42 SO 42 SO 42 SO CITY OF ASTORIA. Crossing of Concomly and Madi son streets 175 00 Crossing of Concomly and Jack son streets 157 CO Crossing of Concomly and Polk streets 175 00 Crossing of Concomly and Wash ington streets 7S 50 Crossing, of Concomly and La fayette streets 175 00 Crossing of Concomly and Mam streets 7G 00 Uy order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, October :i, 18S3. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSFvliTHING, At Capt. RoRers old stand, comer ol Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. a, w Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. TI!U apply to t!i C:ipl:'J:i. orti K. I. Parker, i--rcrE.ssoi?-ro JACKINS & JIONTGOMERY.) PLUMBiPJG, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIET.AJSL'S STKJEET. A'cst to C. I- Tarkcr's Store. THE A FULI. STOCK Tyo cltwrs cast of Occident Ifotel. CHAS. HE1LBORN, LI AN U!F ACTUliER 0 FURNITURE S3 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Olotli, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete lu every branch. .r. orK.v. . j. custafsox. a. joitxsox. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO DEALERS IN FURNITURE $ BEDDING. Comei 3Ia;n and rSqueinoqun streets. Astoria, Orcson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER: ETC . Complete Sloclw PRICES AS GHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ATjJj KISJ;S OS F5J51?Ti TUKTE KEPAIKE AKI VAKiXISHEn. Main Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by Ordinance No. 553 of the City of Astoria. Clatsop Comity, Oregon, and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 29th day of September, 1883, and was ap proved on the ltt day of October. 1883, for the proposed improvement of Mam street, in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, from the south side of Asfor street to the south side of Eighth -btrcetin the manner pro vided by Ordinance No. 52(1 and which Ordinance passed the Common Council of said city -on the 10th day of July, 18S3, and was approved on the llth day of July, 1S83, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion ot said street, is now payable, at the oflice of the City Treasurer in U.S. gold coin, and unless paid within five days from the expiration of this notice, .viz: Tuesday. October 23. 1833, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows: X)e t O tetter. W W 1'arker E Nowlen F Kerendes G Parker Vr W Parker I Bergman and A V Berry A M Twombly Mrs II A Snow IL B Parker II B Parker Mrs Jane Badollet Mrs Jane Badollet A D Wass PDuffey CITY OF ASTORIA. Crossing of Main and Court streets. Crossing of Main and 7th streets . . . Crossing of Main and 8th streets I 4 I By order of the Common Council. Astoria, October 4, 1S83. Vegetables STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eugens D. Btcch, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR- Apcnt. II. 15. PARKER, r DKAtKR IJ Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Vare. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ( Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best In the market. ruunMug goods of all kinds on hand. Jol work done lu a workmanlike manner. NEW MODEL RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXjUHNE IT, YOU WILL BE TLEASED. E.LMIAWES is also agent for the Bid ptent Mm Stove And other first-class stoyes. Furnaco Work, Steam Flt iaSs etc., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. 47 I 10015128 20 I 222 55 50IS183 70 12S 20 454 102 139 120 120 113 241 70 3 Gi 10 G4 10 Gi 10 Gi 10 128 20 128 20 128 20 128 20 128 20 128 20 128 20 128 20 154 00 154 00 154 00 89 GO 98 85 94 10 94 10 236 95 225 45 183 7a 241 70 18S 45 188 45 236 95 225 45 34 30 30 108 97 1C0 435 3S9 0)0 1 r- 454 113 GO GO 108 97 241 240 89 435 3S9 400 3(3 300 00 254 00 83 20 75 174 75 323 50 477 50 1294 T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk.