ASTORIA, OREGON: T1IU11SDAY. OCTOnnil 4, 1SSS The Nucs carrier is non est. Seattle asks-for a "fo" wiistlc. Prof. Peters of Clinton, Is. Y. has found a new asteroid. Some people prefer a horse. Tho stockholders of the Occident Packing Company hold their regular meeting to-day. The Kate and Anna is being fixed up to take the place of the Ona in the Yaquina trade. A train load of canned corn from Portland, Maine, arrived at Portland, Oregon, yesterday. Walter S. Moss' Boston Operatic Minstrels will play at Occidental Hall next Monday and Tuesday evenings. From experience Seattle has' learned tho necessity of a registration law, and has introduced an act in the legislature now in session, to that intent. There will be two eclipses this month, one of the moon on the loth, and one of the sun on the 30th. This is exclusive of Hoadly's eclipse Ohio on tho 9th. Yesterday was about as near per fect as weather ever gets to be. The air was clear and soft as velvet, the sun shone warm, and the water sparkled in its light. J. C. Trullinger, proprietor West Shore Mills, advertises to make boxes for cannerymen next season, and is prepared to enter into a contract, for any number required. Some land in London was recent ly sold at the rate of 3,300,000 au acre. We liava always said that there might be a place found where real estate was higher than in Astoria, and lo! it is London. A. Little One Sided Four yeara ago 103,487 voters said in California that they were opposed to Chinese immigration, and when the Chinese restriction act was passed over President Arthur's veto nearly everyone on the coast was glad of it, and felt as though it was a good thing that those yellow fellows who live on rats and rice should be made stay at home. And they were right. But it has had the efiect,uuforeseen at the time, of making the whilom meek Mongolian who had been fortunate enough to be here, "stuck up." He knows his worth, and demands it. As!c him to do a job of work, and se cure from competition he calmly sets his price, and gets it. Time was when a Chinamen coulrhe got to car ry a pile of wood or restore a white shirt to its pristine puritv, or put a room to nhts, nut now no is as independent as a white girl. It requires considerable coaxing and blandishment t inducu the cov creatures to work; if what they are pleased to conside their "fecl- Which the Same Applies to Astoria. Discussing domestic matters tho Standard says: The Now Postage Stamps. The American letter writer iias for so many years had his patriotic sym- Tho good wife, who can, in Port- pathies harrowed and his reverence land, set out good substantial break- for the father of his country sorely fasts, luncheons and dinners for a tried by the painful caricature of family of four or five for thirty days, George Washington, with its swollen for any less sum than $40, is entitled jaw, brutal features, and dropsical to tho admiration of her husband and neck swathed in an untidy dinner neighbors. The first is assured of napkin, on the three-cent postage IiOolc Here! You are out a treat, and don't you for get it. if you miss JEFF'S Dinner every day from r to S. Souns. fish, eicht kinds of meat, vegetables, pies, puddings, cof- ner 25 cents. Notice. perhaps 25 more each month with which to pay rent, and possibly $25 j additional for clothing, etc.; tho sec ond are croud of her economy. If 8he does it, she must bo in a constant war with those from whom she buys, or on the alert for bargains of those who do business from market wasons rater than shops or stores. The mar ket men and crocers here pile on the prices unconscionably, else they are stamp, that the 1st of October, with its reduciion of letter p3tagu and new issue of stamps, brought a double relief. The new stamps are ready for issue. In the new two-cent stamp it is to be seen that the aching molar has been puiled, and the facial swelling has subsided, while the head and face bear some resemblance to the por trait in the relinenicnt of the lines Dinner at "J EFFCHOP HOUSE every day at ." o'clock. The best25 cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables. iie, puddincr, etc. A glass of S. F. Deer, French Claret, tea or conec mcuuieu. xn who nave irieu film s.iy .Jeff is the -DOSS." ings" should be hurt, they will quit. Especially is this so in regard to laun dry work. No matter if tho napkins and table cloths coino home in ribbons, shirts with splotches on the bosoms, and cuffs missing, one must bo careful to conceal his emotion or the Ghiua man who has us at his mercy will go on a strike, and we know of nothing like to the acre more m?headed than a Chinaman ona ol country on compelled to make these high charges and expression the teat urea. I here in order to gratify wholesale dealers. J is an improvement in rlu arrange Whatever may be tho relative co3t of ment of the hair and queue, sutrar. couce auu otner stanuara Tlie head tnw rests m an ovai me- articles, meat and vegetables, fruits, dallion on an heraldic shield. Tho fish and many other minor things cost J lettering shows more sharply and dis- much more here than they should, tinctly than in the present stamps; at It is certainly all out of kilter when the ton. the legend, "United States a mechanic getting $90 per month has Postage," and below the medallion, to pay about S40 per month for the "Two 2 cents," standing out clearly mere feeding of his family of four. I on groundwork darker than the body Without an exception the papers of of the stamp; while the color, a pale this Pacific Nortwest are continually I carmine red ink, in which oxide of saying that we of this state can raise iron is a powerful component, suffi more vegetables, fruit and the cientlv distinguishes the denomination than any section without blurring the design. the American Hoi Custom Vfnrk, Hoots nutl Shoes, Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fitting hoots and shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Pikk's Toothache Dnors cure in one minute. A kki.iapi.r means of eradicating lo cal disease of the skin, viz.: ur.KXJTS bi.'M'inrn bOAi. Hii.i.'s IIati: and Whisker DYE.C0cts. Tho double rate, or four-cent Don't Do It The now schoolhousc presents a Gue appearance; the tasteful manner in which it is being painted elicits universal commendation. A four-dial clock would look well in the central tower of the building. In the matter of the writ of habeas corpus in the case of Mamie Adams, who was arrested on the State last Tuesday, Judge McGuire, 3'ester day morning directed that she be re manded to the custody of the chief of Police, until her parents arrived hero to reclaim her. strike unless it be two Chinamen on continent e possibly can, but tho stamp is of a green color, and bears the same lay out. This exclusion busi- prices asked for these things show that I the head of the Horn f Now Or- ness seems to be a sort of boomerang, we don't do it, and the manifest of Means, somewhat less unkempt and as far as Astoria is concerned. every steamer shows that California is I frightful than other government cari feeding Oregon and Washington terri caturing of the grand old Democrat. tory. The fact that a mechanic getting If Andrew Jackson actuallj' rcsem It is with pleasure wc read in the Pcr monttt ana is compelled to bled his postage stamps, he needed Sound papers and that sprightly jour- sPentl nearly halt ot it tor more tood neither military skill nor equipment; nal. the Chehalis Videtie. of the many for nls ama11 family,indicates tho total he had only to go forth and look upon advantages of natural resources and at Per month. Add $25 for rent, his foe "and the red field was won geographical location that are pos- water wood and other incidental The process of printing these stamps scssed by the pleasant places where and unavoidable expenses, asd the re- differs essentially from that of Eng our journalistic brethren publish suit shows that no amount of prudence land and continental nations who their enterorisinir newspapers- and can keeP tne "expenses of such a fami- continue to make their plates directly the fact that any territory, moro es- dovvn to le3S than tho "'come, from the original die, and to print pecially that portion of it immediately When it is tho rule rather than the from raised designs on blocks like near Astoria is so richly favored, is to exception mat men caunot get m tins types. lne American J3auic sso-o us a cause of unalloyed delight. But ,and ot Plenty more than enough to company s process is, however, to cut tin. lfn.:..m lmf mir friomlo nimtinn scantily provide the bare necessities the original die on soft steel in sunken is not wholly unmixed with regretful l existence, it is certain that pome- hues, ard from this, being hardened, surprise, when we find misleading and ing wrong. a roil ot raised transiers ukc type are There will have to be a settling obtainca, ami from these, m turn, are down of rent rates and tho prices of produced plates of two hundred steel produco and provisions, or an ad- copies of the original die, in sunken vance in wages. One of the two j lines, from which things is inevitable and this winter nally printed. too. The British barks Scottish Print, Mowat master, from Melbourne, and Afton, C2 days from Brisbane, arrived in yesterday. The Garfield came in to load at Knappton; the Harry Morse came down, and the Tarn O'Shantcr wont up stream. The Western Belle is ready for sea. The latest from the Cairmmore is that the vessel is broken in two, tho water Bwashing through her. and nothing ot any consequence saved except rigging and ship furni ture. Telegrams relating to legalities and illegalities have been flying back and forth for two or three days, con cerning the vessel, her owners,buyers, salvers, wreckers and claimants, and tho probable result of tho business will be a court of inquiry. hie astokia?. a lew days ago contained an account of a coal find noar Knappa, and the attention of practical men with money being at tracieu, tne preliminary steps wero taken in Astoria to form a joint stock company, to open up the mine and work it. But as sometimes happens those who were the most interested demanded such terms a3 mado it im possiblo to proceed, and the result - -nothing. The moral is obvious. The San Francisco papers to hand give a fuller account of the late railroad conferenco than anything ro ceived here so far. It trancpires that the Northern Pacific didn't got all it claimed as far as Astoria is concerned; special exemption being made in rela tion to this place, tho Central and Southern Pacific keeping the right to ship canned salmon from here at the same rates as the Northern Pacific. But that is of secondary consideration, as tho managers have agreed not to al low tho public the benefit resulting from competition, or in other words, whatever benefit usually does result from business competition shall be pocketed by the railroad companies and not by the public. Wheeler & Itobb have taken charge of the Dallu Neivs route. Persons failing to receive their papers promptly will confer a favor by leaving their ad dress at their office, as the route books oi the former agent are missing. IVew ttlilliiiery At Mrs. Malcolm's. Will have a fall op ening in a few days. unfavorable reference to the Columbia river, more especially this side of that noble stream. In all kindnes3 wo would ask, is it requisite to attempt to belittle any porlion of this country in an endeavor to talk up another portion of it? Is it necessary in set ting forth the advantages of a locality to further disqualifiedly qualify it by disparaging statements relative to the stamps are II Removal. Gilbert Christiansen has removed lo his old stand where he has rebuilt, and is ready to do all kinds ot blaeksmitli- ing, horseshoeing, etc., in good style. He. uses nothing but the best material When "You Come to Astoria and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. FornZVcal Fifiinp; Knot Or Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che nanius street, next door to I. V. Case. ll 1 1 Tk 1.1 i- . uurci pwuca, n, vm.u t us . Iiara1ltm, nii wort oS l5rst olnss. All Pnoils of the host make and "iiaran- though we all have a splendid coun- j Shop opposite the old mill-site. j teed quality. Af till stock: new goods i - constantly arriving, nisumi worK. try to live in and for, and that all I parts of it enjoy a common prosperi ty. While such petty spirit might be excused in small sections, it is out of placo in such a boundless area of nat ural wealth and resources as this, and should be tabooed. Praise your own, but don't run down your neighbor's property. StlkH, Satlnn, DreHS ;oodn. at Prael Bros. Oj'stcrs In Every Slyle, And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's. A Juicy Bcelfitenlc cooked to perfection is what you can get at I' rantc J?abre s. Oj-.sicrs. Oy.sten. Oysters. at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew. f ry, pan roast, or raw at r rank r a ore s, The Empire Store has re-opencd and displays some hand some dress goods. Tho charge of robbery pending against the sailor boarding house run ner tdward Mordaunt, who choked and beat a sailor tn get $3 out of him, and afterwards (led to Sacramento, where he was arrested, was dismissed yesterday in tho police court, but was immediately re-arrested for battery. Jinlletm, S. LiaceH, LaccK, Iiacex. at Prael Bros. Empire Store: all and prices. Some fine qualities. styles Frntrrnnt Coffee to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. jLailleM JluyiiiiC for Pall Wear should see those handsome goods and trimmings at the Empire Store. OOll SllllttI to Rt'Ul. Rooms suitable for a barber shop and bath, or for other purposes can l:e had of L. I. .Johnson, on the Koadway. Sew Sewing machines'. A lot of latest improved Howe Sow ing machines at satisfactory prices can be had at 1. .1. Arvoid s. IVolice lo the Indies. Switches made from combings or cut One of his Indian crows caucht Jiair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Hates reasonable. Call or address Ulir.KNIIAKT & SCIIOEXHK, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, Urcgon. M. II. E. Levy states that salmon are now being caught m large iium bers, 2,318 Urge fish at one haul of the seine yesterday afternoon. It has on ly been during tho past three days that salmon came in from the deep water, so that they could be taken It is more than likely the packers from this lime on to the close of the season will have more, fish than they can care for. Seattle Post-Intrlliyen- cr.r. Albert Baker, who resides on his farm about three miles from Ilwaco, had an encounter with a bear last Saturday, in which he came near los ing his life. Ho shot the bear five times Friday evening, about dark, but not succeeding in killing him, the ani mal hid in the bush. Zext morning Mr. Baker, with tho aid f his dog, tracked the bear and shot him about the jaw. Bruin then showed fight, knocking Mr. Baker down and scratch ing him up considerable. Amos i.m bree went to the rescue, and with his rifle dispatching the infuriated animal. Ztloss Ulinstrcls. This mirth nrovokinsr trouno onens at the isew .Market theater to-night in a new and attractive programme, which iias received uigii encouragement irom the eastern press. An old favorite in Portland, Miss Bessie Lousie King, will appear in conjunction with the compa- songs, me minstrels would a. o. r. iv. The society of A.O. I. W. will nice in Pythian Castle from and after Octo ber 1st. .Meetings will be held v rnlay evening of each week, at 7'J v. m. U. it no wx, u. n. lyroriCTox, Itecorder. Master Workman. -Shiloh's Cupe will immediately relieve Uroup, whooping cough and JronchUis. Sold by W.E. Dement Druas and Chemicals UVJ.K THOMAS, i 2 1 DRUGGIST 1 i Pharmacist, ASTORIA.O - m 9 1$ k i Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. THE BEST Boardinq and Lodqinq House. ciias. "walhnan has onencd a boarding and Ioihnng house south or O'Brien's hotel, near the gas works. nie tauie is supplied wnn me oesi uie nr.irkct nlTnnls : ennd food and clean beds will be runnslied at tne regular prices. (live me a call and sansiy yourselves, CIIAS. "WALLMAN 0. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Special Announcement ! THE I X L The Leading Dry Goods Clothing Souse of Astoria, For the next 10 days we will make a liberal discount on all goods bought to the amount of 10.00 and over previous to the arrival of our fall and winter goods. Fine Silks and Velvets Reduced, Fine French and English Dress Goods Reduced, Blankets and Flannels Reduced, Hosiery and Underwear Reduced. Our stock of Clothing and Gents7 Furnishing Goods is the largest in the State. Dress Suits reduced, Business Suits reduced, Gents' Fine Underwear reduced, Hats and Caps reduced, Boots and Shoes reduced. O. H. COOPER, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS lieadnunrters at its Stables next to B. 15. Franklin's, two iloors below Thk Asto hi,y office. First-cLass LI very service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passciyjer Line Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MKS.T.O'BRIEX. Fipres Never Lie ! OF JEFF THE CHOP HOUSE READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTME. All manner of Repairing, etc., attended to. Shop in Page's new building on Cass street. Can prove by his books that he Is doing the biggest business or any . EESTATJEANT In the city, and he will guarantee to glTe the best meal for cash. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IX THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remalu. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to 500 M., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. Flooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. S. C, Bkxkke, Supt. pERMANIA BEER HALL BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. OHKVAMKSsTttEKT. Astocu. Tin: ISest of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the ueieoratso uoinma Utt at this place will be promptly attend- oi! til. ET"No cheap Saa Francisco Deer sold at this place .u. uuciv, rropnewr. ColniMa Brewery ANtoria JL Wliiiieiunoou IC. SC. Fmiilc Falre IIoloI. Frank Falire has the finest aceommo. daiions for lodzcrs to be found in As toria, over ins restaurant in Kinsey s bmmin. .hverytinng is neat anil clean and the uciis are new, sou ami eonuort able. If vou wantcood board and lodg ing go to l' ranK raures The American Ha?, that boasted cm-. Mem of U.S. liberty, is a iiuiulm? in Astoria, and JelT, of the Chop House, has taken it down in disgust. Hut all the same he will continue to give the best meals in town, from ." A. M to VI midnight, for2T cents regardless of cost, as he is determined to be the. boss. Try Ins dinner from 4 z) to s i m and compare it with one you pay .") cents for. .IKFI -Arc. vou made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation. Dizziness. Los of appetite. Yellow Skin V Shiloifs Vital izer is a positive cure. lor sn: n Y. h. Dement. Why will you cougn when Shiloh's Cure will cive immediate relief. Trice 10 cts 50 cts and 1. aom by w. is. De ment. -A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Hemedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Messrs. Megler & Wright, of Hie Oc cident hotel have secured the sen-Ices of G. Barbicr, a French cook of known reputation and excellence, and have in troduced other improvements which make the Occident a most desirable stopping place for the traveling public. All iron preparations blacken the teeth, constipate the bowels, and give headache with one exception, that is Brown's Iron Bitters. Rogers Bros, plated wan: and Wost- cniioim cutlery at .Ionian & r.uzntili new store. "Uackmetack." a lasttu? ami fra grant perfume, rrice -jr. an-l .' vls. Sold by V. K. Dement. Shi!ohs Catarrh Keniedy a post live cure, for Catarrh, Dintheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by V. E. Dement. Painting In oil colors by an entirely new method can easily be learned by anv one havinc time for a few lessons. upon application to Miss Lineker. rcsi- uence next to uapc Jtogcrs. Physiciaxs attest :Coi.di:n.s Liorm Bekk Toxic is particularly useful in Diptheria, Fever, and every depressing tuscase. opened before this at the Xc.w Market theatre were it not for other companies being previously encased. A cood show and a full house are confidently expected. vrcgontan. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old rrftiir1irit niiH flirt lref rf ttT ro linvtn- n?y and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem Brace up the whole system with Kin: of the Blood. See Advertisement. opixhsite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest pcriuniery, ami toiiei articles, eic can be bought at tne lowest prices. t .1 THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. FRANKLIN'S, xkxt noon to astokiax office. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. gyMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper I will be loiiuu convenient to my pairons. POB LONDON DIRECT ! ! The splendid iron Barque At CHASCA, kW Tons Ueslstcr, PltlOEAPX. Will take At Cost Prices Ml FOB YTo will sell oar entire stock of BOY'S CLOTHING AT COST!! In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothing for fall and winter, and must have room. AJ.SO: Men's Suits Reduced I Youth's Suits Reduced ! The largest and finest stock of Hate and Gents' Furntehinz Goods in the city. D. A. McINTOSH, Occident Stcre, - Astoria, Oregon. MASTER. to suit Shippers, and having large en win gaeements j to be quickly dispatched. in rases for the above named port In lots si ltrei For terms of freight and Insurance apply sinsox. cnuitcn & Co. Portland, Or. or to r. uiiKKKi, Astoria. NOTICE. iilcli Notice. Durinn my absence in San Francisco my brother, Carl Wagner, will conduct my business and attend to it in all its details. Max waoxek. Iloscoe Dixon's new eating house Conn's drug store, onivositc Ot is now open.- .everything nas been lit- nctei, Astoria, ted nn in first-class stvle. and hi well I known limitation ns a caterer assures Have Vistar2s balsam of wild cherrv all who like good things to cat, that at always .at nana, it cures coughs, colds, ins place they can be accommodated. oroncnuis, wjioopmg cougn, croup, m- lluenza, consumption, and all throat and The finest flavored Ice Cream at mng complaints. 50 cents nndSl a bot- r raiiK r aure -s uim r cnows untitling, i lie. The splendid A1 British, Iron Clipper Ship, "GRISEDALE," Will go on the berth at Astoria, on or about. tne 10:1101 sKrx&iUUivtt, FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. For Freight ami rates of Insurance apply to luessrs. UAi-tuuii, uuxiiiiLbsuo., Portland, tt urtor. ii.uiicKtii,Asiorta. H -1 B H S 0 la s h a Ed. D. Curtis & Co. Carpels, BjMstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Benton and. Squemoqua Streets, Eaflt of the Court House . Astoria Oregai