ASTORIA, ORKGON: WIilNHSl)AY OTmitltK . 11S8 Not Troubled. In n rooewl Xovv York inter view Hanry Vttkrd said Utnl he was not lrHWl alxxtt ho fall in Xrtkem rWilk shocks: t.hnt tlicv w? k&A for tH control of nwW 4iW&r&K&. He consul -crs tto& invofltaaofVtigxKKt and pro state te road wk5 arn it ft ecu "How 4o yv projx-o lo fund Jhf artlvont Pacific Uoattug iht?" rtfwtfltv ktd. "Xtfwtfacrn Pacific lws no lloat lng; doHt," iVIr. Villa rd answered, with much earnestness. "It has Ikhmi by the Oregon and Transcontinental company, we cotikl not issue second tnortrarc bonds without, getting the consent of our stockholders. We do not contemplate anything of that kind, we have discussed it. There is no neod of any new issue of bonds, because there is no float ing debt, for the Oregon and Transcontinental Company holds satisfactory obligations of the Northern Pacific, railroad, as in business a merchant ma borrow money on his note. I consider every obligation of the Northern Pacific just as good as gold.' One hears occasionally, says the IPorA, through the English socie ty papers, of the presumption, arrogance, vulgarity, and impu dence of American tourists in England, but we doubt that the English papers can furnish an American example combining all these qualities that will at all com pare with her distinguished son, the young Earl of Onslow. He solicited and obtained an invita tion to join the Villard excursion party. Then he demanded an en tire car for himself, and turned up his nose at the other guests. Then he refused to allow any of the guests to pass through his car. Considering that ever' one of the guests cost the railroad five hun -dred dollars, and the Earl of Ons low has four persons with him, it will look to most Americans as if this son of nobility were little better than a free-lunch fiend and a professional dead-head. Oxk of the cleverest brochure we hava.lately read was received on yesterday's steamer. 3t is a book of 95 pages entitled U,S4, a political revelation," and in in cisive English gives a history of political movements in the United States, from the summer of 1S83 to the summer of 1SS4, when in the National Republican Conven tion at Philadelphia Blaine was nominated for the presidency, and in the National Democratic Con vention at Louisville, Ky., Ben But ler received the Democratic nomi nated for that exalted position. It is seldom we mention the books received at this office, but anyone who will send to Donnelly & Co., 223 Carter street, Philadelphia, for a copy of the work, will be inter ested, amused, and, possibly, in structed. The New York Examiner says: "A Methodist preacher of long ex perience (a doctor of divinity, too) lately remarked in a southern pa per: I have known hundreds of men and women, who made no pretensions to holiness, who had experie.'iced no 'second blessing,' who sought no 'higher life,' who, in fact, were just as pure, true and holy, in life and conversation as the best so-called 'holiness peo ple' ever saw, and not half so troublesome in the church.' There is nobod who- can stir up so many church rows, and keep them boil ing so long, as your brother or sister who has received the 'sec ond blessing,' and is living the 'higher life.' " The vast population, traffic and turmoil of the world's metroplis are strikingly suggested by the simple statement that 2,200 trains leave the railroad stations of Lon don every twenty-four hours. The run of salmon on the north west coast has ceased. The Rivers Inlet Company packed the past season 0,500 cases, the Victoria Packing Company salted 2,000 barrels, the Aberdeen and Inver ness Canning Companies liave each G,500 cases, the British American 100, White & Cuthberts, at Balmoral, 500, Weltleakatia U, 000, Warren & Co., of Nass Har bor, 9,000 cases and 2,000 barrels salted, Crossdale & Co., 1,100 cases at Bella Coola, McDowell & Co., "300 barrels. The steamer brought down 0,000 cases from Skcena and 100 barrels from Alert Bay. Oregon Short Line engineers report the line from Burnt Puver to Lewiston practicable. A no ticeable feature of their report is that though they represent that there will be some cuts, rock work, and in one case a 1,500 foot tunnel, 'et they place the cost of the road, ready to operate, at $:5, 000 per mile. It is evident that if such a road can be built for $35,- 000 a mile, the alleged estimates of Yillard's engineers are grossly exaggerated. Ax exploring expedition, equip pedjwith four canoes and a score or more of men, is to be sent into the Florida everglades by the New Orleans Times-Democrat. The everglades have, never been thor oughly explored. Hundreds of Seminoles are supposed to be liv ing in their recesses, and to hold nejrro slaves. British Columbia, contains 12, 000 Chinese, and receives 100 more every month. Ix 18S0 there were 75 female and Gi,0G2 male lawyers in the United States. Statistics show that the Indian population of the United States is increasing. NEW TO-DAY. Concomly Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 552. ofthceityof Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city oil the 2ath day of September. 188a, and was approved on the 1st day of October, 18S3, for the proposed repair of Concomly street in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by Jobn McClure, from Main street to the western end of said Concomly street in the manner pro vided by ordinance No. 530, of the city of Astoria, and which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 14th day of July, 1883, and was ap proved on the ICth day of July, li'83, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer in U.S. gold coin, and un less paid within five days from the ex piration of this notice, viz.: Friday, Oc tober 19, 1833, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection there of. The assessment is as follows : Xante of Oicner VfJiUt. tuent. P J Goodman I 5 I 2 I 50 $42 80 42 80 42 SO 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 :i7 :w .'57 : ,T7 38 'Si 3S til 00 01 00 01 00 l 00 01 00 Gl 00 01 CO Gl 00 20 25 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 37 38 37 38 57 38 37 38 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 A Himuan Daniel Graham Daniel Graham G il Brown &C II Page .' Lstate of J S Kussell M Dillon W W Parker Estate of ll U Turner Estate of II L Turner Marshall Kinne'... Jacob Kamm (ieorgc McEwan ... James Taylor M Nowlen M Nowlen E C Crow E C Ctow II B Parker James Taylor C L Parker M Itogers W II Grav W U Grav Mrs II O Forth C Boeling C Boeling C Boeling J T Gray J D Merryman George Hill O Baltis Morns Wise C A McGuire C Baltis 8 9 10 11 C W Knowles and C T Thomes G Reed Mrs J WItobb.. 11 1j Turner and- Davis T A llyland W W Parker.... WW Parker.... W W Parker.... 13 14 W W Parker Mrs Marion chard Mrs Marion chard Mrs Marion chard Mrs Marion chard Trcn- Tren-Tren- Trcn- CITY OF ASTOBIA. Crossing of Concomly and Madi son streets $175 CD Crossing of Concomly and Jack son streets 157 03 Crossing of Concomly and Polk streets 175 CO Crossing of Concomly and Wash ington streets 78 50 Crossing of Concomly and La fayette streets w 175 00 Crossing of Concomly and Main streets 70 0D By order of the Common Council. Attest: . T. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Cleric Astoria, October 3, 1883. Notice.. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME ARE . hereby notified to settle their accounts by the 15th insL Any accounts remaining unsettled ofterthat date will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. 3tf WM. HOWE. West Sixth Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby Given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, ! Oregon, propose lo onler the Improve ment OL UIHl portion III tt OI.Mil street, in the city of Astoria, Clatsop County. Orcson, as laid out and re corded by .1. 31. bhively. from the north side of Water street to tho south side of Wall street by iradin? and planking the same to its full width, and by build ing ?ide walks on both sides of said street, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final pub lication of this notiee, to-wit: Saturday, October 27, 1833. the Common Council will order said improvements to be made. Bv order of the Common Council. Attest T.S.JEWKTT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria. October ', lc:. FOR TILLAMOOK. Tin: Str. ffl. MILES Will leave Astoria forOItAY:. Ii A It BOB, on Wednesday. Oct. 3d. At 0 o'clock A. M. Ketuniin, will leave Caribaltli at 1 r. M. For particulars Inquire of CLAUDE THA YElt. Tillamook. Capt. Wliilcoinb. on board, or .1. II. D. OKAY, Agent. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer A 33. FIELI5. KAKIJAOK, Master. TOll SAILING DATES AND PAKTICT J; Jars apply to J. G. Hl'STLKK. Main street Wharf. Astoria: ALLEN . LEWIS, Portland: J. L.STOKY Tillamook. rOE LONDON DIRECT ! ! The splendid iron Barque At CW Tons Kcslstor, PKIDEAUX, MASTEK Will take S -5L Xj 3SZ O jNT in casts for the above named port in lotw to suit Shippers, and having large en gaKements will be quickly dispatched. For terms or freight ami insurance apply to RIRSON. CHURCH St Co.. Portland, Dr. Or to r. I- cnEKKY, Astoria. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & C07S DISPATCH LINE Por New York. 80 DAYS to NEW YORK The New, and Elegant, Al Class Steamer. First GEOKGG S. HOSIER, CROWELL, - Master. Will be ready at Astoria, In a few days for cargo, and having tlie most of her capacity encased will liave the usual prompt dispatch of this line. Early application should be. made for the balance of disengaged room or passage to V. SUTTON. Care of Allen A: Lewis Portland, Oregon. Consignees in New York. MESSRS. Sl'TTOX & CO. BUSINESS CHANGE. "yjOXfi YEE CEE HAVIXfi GOXE TO v China has sold his interest to Wong M'uti, who will continue the business under the same sign. He has all kinds of China goods, Tea, Rice, and Oil. Also Aent for China Iabor. AVOXtt KEE. LUM KOXC GEE, sopl7-lm Partners. For Sale. OXE TEAM OF LARGE HORSES. ONE .set of double harness anil wagon. Also, one new two.eatert buggy. Inquire of A. G. ALLEX. tf Fort Stevens, Oregon. For Sale. FIYE HUXDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses or customers for $t u conl. Drayhig or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R, p.. MARIONS City Taxes. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEX THAT THE i city assessment roll for 1SS3 Is now in my hands for collection, and all persons that are indebted for the same may save five per cent, by paying said taxes before October 11, 1883. J. G. HUSTLER. City Treasurer. For Sale. SEASIDE LODGE NO. 12. A. O. I. W., P.E ing about to move their lodge room, offer for sale some substantial furniture, consist ing of tables, chairs, desks, carpet, etc. Any one wishing to buy can examine the lurnf tur by applying to the committee. W. 15. ROSS. KOBT. HAMILTON, tf . L.HARTWIG. For Sale. TEX SHARES SCAXDIXAYIAX PKG. Co. Cannery stock. ALso two fishing boats with gear complete, together with lot old web. C. W. STOXE. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEX THAT the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Occident Packing Co. will be held at their office October 4, 1RS3, for the purpose or electing a board or directors and trans acting such other business as may come be fore the meeting, W. L. ROIJD, dtf Secretary NOTICE. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE firm of Prael Bro3. are requested to call and liquidate their indebtedness. PRAEL BROS. Notice to Taxpayers of School District No. 1 8. THE SCHOOL TAX FOR SCHOOL Dis trict: Xo. 18, Clatsop county, state of Or egon, Is now due, and the School Clerk will be found at his office on "West cth street, near "Wall street, to receive and receipt for the same. Taxes unpaid after sixty days from the date of this notice will be delinquent. Save extra cost and pay vour tax, C. "V. SHIVELY. Clerk School District No. IS. Astoria, Sept. 5,1833. septc-lm Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Stylo and Tinish. will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and BEESS GOODS. IK THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAE Jordan Have a Full Line of Crock Sic, ans BANKING ANDJNSURAHGE. X. w. gsss, BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - OREGON OFFICE IlOUIiS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL O'CLOCK P. M. 8 CO., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. JlOUOnTON ClIAS. It. STOUY... UhO. Ij. Stoiiv ..........Presidont Secretary .Asjent for Pon Capital paid up in U. S. gold; coin .. .. S SCO 000 W . AV. CASS, .sent, Clieuanuts street. Astoria, Orcpon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOnON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Koprcsontins a capital of 867,000,000. A. VAN DUSKX. Acent. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS IK Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. FLOUIt AUTO IfllJ.T. FEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Trices, in Stock. Corner Chenainus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Hartore ani Slip Chandlery A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. DEALEItS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oif, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints anil Oils. Groceries, etc, Pluto a & as Corn Cta T 3 Prieesj US, we Site, ai Gbmmb Sts.. Lf Drugs and Chemicals J. E. THOMAS, AND rvj Pharmacist. astoria.o V j rrescriptions carefully conipotiiHtal Day or Xfclit. TO THE TEA3S ! Messrs. Wm. E. Hooper & Sons BALTIMORE, RID., llavr given as tlio EXCLUSIVE SALE Tor I"a itic Coast or their Celebrati'il "WOGDBEEEY TWINES E0PE, Inclmlm;; a Full Line of COTTOH SEINE TWINES, WRAPPING TWINES, SAIL TWINES, ETC. In add it ion to above, wc liave on hand a Complete Assortment of Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and Wrapping Twines. KERRY BOYLE & CO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. j. h. d: gray, Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Kay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able tenas. t not of Iter ton street. Astoria. Orecon. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! $101,000,000 Appropriated itt 18S3 Tor Pensions. AX ACT to relieve soldiers from the charge of desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, ami to grant soldiers marked as DESKKTEKS honorable discharge papers. AN ACT to extend the arrears of the pen sion act and continue it in force so far as widows and children are concerned. AX ACT allowing pay for horses and equipments lost in service, etc. Nearly every person is entitled to an increase. Pensions, Ifuiinties, Xand Claims and Patents attended to. For particulars call or address C. J. CURTIS.. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of Claims and Patents. Rooms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows building, As toria, Oregon. Sl5 6iP8SWilifi i I i 1 FBMK L. Fresh. Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. sm-z ?fcs TK1I ;'iH to the Captain, or to E. IM'arkcr, (srC'CKSKOK TO JACKIXS & MONTGOMERY.) Jjfagft PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIKSOIUS STREEr, A'cxt to C. Iu "Parker's Store. aSTORS., - OBEGOIT THE A xUIiTi STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND, -rra ts "Ssr Z5. S-aCSL CHAS. HEILBORN, iTANUFACTUKER OF FUPvNITHR.E 35 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and RSouIdings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. J. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO- DEALERS IN FURNITURE 5 BEDDING. Corner ami s?qcmoqna Streets. Astoria, Orcson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER" ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AM, KWfiJS OF FIIKX1T5TKE REPAIRED AIVI VARNISHED. Grace Church Parish School. l'car of Church Building. millS SCHOOL WILL I'.E-Ol'EN JION JL ilavtSeteniher3.1SS. Tlie moral train IiiK of the eh'hlren will be eart'fully watched, and made a special point. In addition to the ordinary course of study there will be instruction m the elements of Vocal Jin Nit. Drawins: and Calisthenics. If found desirable or expedient, elasses will be formed in Higher Mathematics, 15otany, As tronomy, Advanced Music and Urawing, for which light extra charges will be made. Terms $1! a month, strictly in advance. OKriCKRS. HEV. M. D. "WILSON. - - Kcctor M ISS ANNIE W. CUirriS, - Principal MISSM.C.TliEXCHAKD, - Assistant Tor further particulars annlv to KEV.M.l). WILSON. W. S. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAHGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded PARKER Vegetables STEAMER CLARA PARKER Euqens D. Brock, Master. orTOWlXG, FREIGHT or CHAK- Agent. II. IJ. PARKER. DEALER IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. Piumbiiig goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. EW MODEL RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PJASED. E. K. IIAWES 13 also agent for the Blot patent Coofi And other first-class stoves. Fnrnnco "Work, Steam Pit tisSs etc., a spocialty. A. JOIIXSON. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CL0UTKIE. AH manner of Repairing, etc., attended to. LUMBER ! LATH AND SHINGLES, In Quantities to suit at Short Notic STOXE & DATIDSOX. t f Opp. Parker House. GERJEANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHE-iAiira Street. Astoell. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for tho CttaM CotaMa Brewery 33 33 352 3EL Left at this place will bo promptly attend ed to. -No cheap Saa Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK, Proprietor.