VJIJll'lr Vol. xx. Astoria, OregOD, Wednesday Morning, October 3, 1883 No. 2. ODD THINGS TO BE SEEN IN THE WEST. Since I came into Colorado I have played at snow-ball on the last day of Jul I have seen la dies scrape away the snow and pick flowers from the ground un der the snow, and I have seen red ripe strawberries picked from ireen bushes after kicking off a foot of snow from over them. This at Alpine Pass. f have seen men on horseback along the railroad tracks, where we have men afoot, as track-walkers; have seen these horsemen draw out a red flag and ride bare back a dare-devil gallop over the ties, to flag a train. 1 have seen the ticket agent at .Marshal's Pass, 10,725 feet alti tude, sitting by a roaring fire in his oftice, July 20th, while outside ladies were gathering wild flowers and berries, the thermometer 44 degrees in the shade. 1 have seen Mexican girls with castinets dancing a fandango, wearing: nothing but a few sun flowers in their long back hair, unabashed in the presence of a hundred onlookers. I have seen in the streets of twenty saloon towns open gamb ling hells, with a sign above the . door, "Cards and Rum." I have seen on the streets of Denver splendid houses, the occu patiou of whose female inmates was too plainly indicated by a transparency gas lamp suspended in the vestibule. I have seen mountains of rocks thousands of feet high, with the stones arranged la-er upon la3er, as if built by a mason, as regu larly and carefully laid, and I have seen standing in the middle of a plain a flat stone, on its edge, SCO feet to the top. And I have seen in the Royal Gorge a moun tain over 2,000 feet high, all seeming one solid stone, without a crack or crevice, actually one big solid rock. I have seen specimens of coal brought from the same mountain, one from an anthracite vein prov ing up S9 per cent carbon, and another of bituminous coal from vein eight feet thick, and from a tested field of 3,500 acres owned by one man. I have seen an open Bible lying on an elegantly carved oak altar at the entrance of a rum shop and jrambling den at Leadville, and above the Bible a sign painted, saying, "Please kind friends, don't swear." I have ridden in a palace car on a Rio Grande railroad, the name of "which, painted on its side in gilt letters was, "The Blood of Jesus," followed by another car named "Heart of the Savior. I have traveled neartly 2,000 miles over territory west of the Missouri river in a land which my .mind had peopled with Indians, and have not seen an Indian on the whole trip not one except two filthy squaws on the station plat- ronn at Che3'enne. Cor. Ex chanye. It is strongly suspected that the recent fire at Olympia, which de stroyed the U. S. land office, was an incendiary act to secure the de struction of records which would implicate certain parties in the crime of fraudulent land entries. An ugly disclosure in the affair. too, is the wretched carelessness on. the part of the TJ. S. govern ment in not suitably protecting such valuable records against loss by fire. It seems that be sides housing the office in a com bustible building, there was not even the precaution taken of pro riding a night -watchman. Spo kane Chronicle. Forty Chinamen Killed. Yesterday afternoon a fearful explosion occurred at the Califor nia Powder company's works, which were located about a mile beyond Powell Station, Contra Costa county, and some 200 yards from the bay. The report was distinctly heard in Oakland and in this cit', and the trembling of the ground from the terrific concus sion could be felt for over fifteen miles distant from the works. The first and chief explosion occurred in the mixing house, where ex plosions usually occur. It ap pears that the mixing house and the packing house at the Califor nia works are very close together. The explosion therefore caused a complete wreck of these two de partments. At the time of the explosion forty-two Chinamen were at work in the mixing and packing house. When the smoke cleared away from the scene of the explosion, the people in the neighborhood, familiar with the fearfully fatal re sults usuallv attending such disas ters, rushed to learn the result. At seven o'clock last evening but two Chinese survivors could be found. The loss of life, so far as learned, at that time, therefore, is one white man and forty China men. The name of ths white foreman was Weller. The bodies of mairy of the victims are muti lated badly. S. F. Bulletin.' 30. A Victoria, B. O., 8un corres pondent says: Underground rail roads from China are in full opera tion and the business of smug gling Chinamen across into the United States is well organized and tolerably prosperous. China men in Victoria have not the least trouble in finding a British subject or a coast Indian, who will engage for three, five or ten dollars to set him ashore on the soil of the United States. An intelligent revenue officer at Port Townsend said 1,000 is a low estimate for the Chinese smuggled across dur ing the past, ten months. The Chinese themselves look upon British Columbia merely as an open' gateway to the United States. They do not live here as they do at Portland and Seattle. Their oolony in Victoria is mani festly unprosperous. In Helena and other Montana cities, the Chinese own considerable land. No Chinaman has yet bought an acre of land aloug the Northern Pacific. The cod fishermen of the Banks will hereafter endeavor to go to sea provided with a liberal allowance of oil with which to calm troubled waters. There is no doubt about its efficacy. The plan was tried by many vessels of the Gloucester fledt during the re cent heavy gales, and probably saved many of them from being badly damaged, if not entirely wrecked, by the terrible seas. The effect is almost magical, as the oil dripping into the water prevents the sea from breaking and the vessel is enabled to ride safely on the waves. The Nickel-plate Railroad, which was supposed to have been acquired by the Vanderbilts through their purchase of $26,000, 000 in stocks, is about to be con tested by the holders of the first mortgage bonds in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. A convention of representatives of all classes interested in annual industries of the United States will be held in Chicago, Thursday end Friday, November loth and 16th, for conference concerning contagious diseases among domes tio animals. A correspondent of the Phila delphia JPress, noting the sudden rise and rapid growth of towns along the line of the North ern Pacific railroad, says: "Ten years ago there was hardly a hut on the long line through Dakota. The great ma jority of the settlers came on the railroad, not as the first pioneers. The pioneers of to-da' cross the Alleghanies and the Valley of the Mississippi with all their eastern civilization as thoroughly develop ed as at home. The ladies dress in the fashion of the day. Their chinaware and glassware are fine, and they eat with silver forks. Some piano fortes have already arrived, and others are coming." Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity. strength anil whalesomeness. More economical tlian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Snldonlu in canx. Hov AL ll.YKIXG Powdek Co.. 10G Wall-st. X. Y. establish r.n IX ISM. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twine?, Brooms, Brashes, Baskets, PnllS Tub. 'Hnrtis, tVnsIibo:irI, Hope Cordage, Wrapping l'min. Taper Has. UulldlHS Papers, Matches, Handle. Clothes Wringers, Car pel Swecprrx, Feather Met ers, Stationer-, Ac. 230 and 232, Front Street, SAX FRANCISCO, CAU THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. S. FRANKLIN'S, XEXT DOOR TO ASTOEIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. window curtains made to order. ZSTMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. CMHJMMM&CO. REAL ESTATE AXD General Commission Brokers. Oftice on Genevieve street, in the rear of E. K. llawes' building. A General Agency business transacted. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING- MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. .ASTORIA. - Oregon O vNL oc g a x 2 Hip I si si f . s 1 11 1 -ilis g ir sit WhotiUt and retail dexter 1 MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, rnopicv.i. ash homkstio FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJohacco.Cig-rrs FOASB & STOKES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In llume'sNew KuUrting And are Heady to Supply the "Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY SCSS SUSIES, Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. J3y-All goods warnintcdasreiiresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. In chronic dyspepsia nnd liver complaint,! ana in chronic constipation and other diseas es, Hostetter's Stomach Dittors is beyond all comparison the best remedy that can betaken As a means of restoring the strength and vi tal cnerey of persons win aro sinking under the debilitating effects of painful disordors, tbis standard vesctablo invigorant is confess edly unoqualcd- PIANOS -AND- OEGAN SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS Slieet XEixsio, Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED STECK & ENABE PIANOS ! -USED BY "President of United States "Governor of Oregon," And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs nf many leading makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. ! I ( fl ELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARK EE HOUSE, !I. II. PARKER. Prop., ASTOIITA, - - - OREGON. E. P. PARKER, - Managor and Agent. Al. CROSBY. - - Day Clerk Phil. BOWERS, - - Night Clerk. .Ins. DUFFY ha the Bar and Billiard room. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE IIOUSE. IT IS A FACT THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. -THAT ICi l:as Always on Hand FRESH Shoal "Water Bay ami East ern Oysters. THAT " JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He has been Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" In Knappton seven years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ?tleals 25 centH and. upwards. . BOULARI), 31.1 IS STUKET. - Proprietor. - ASTOKIA. HOTEL. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened at his old stand in Dr. Kln sey's llullding. HE NOW HAS THE FINEST FURNI ture. and accommodations or any res taurant in town. Nothing has been spared to make it first-class. S'rlvatr !:ixuiisf(ir Ladles or Families. Oysters cooked to order In any of Frank Fahro's celebrated styles. Ice Cream, Ice, Etc. The nicest tnrnished rooms, pood clean bod, and best accommodations for lodgers over the restaurant. is. Si, UKALKU IN May, Oats, Straw. Urns, Brick, Cement and Sand IVooi! Delivered, to Order, Drc.uing, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DKAl.KIt IK W1KSS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. KIIIKT CLASH I. W. CASE, IMPORTS!: ASH WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN 6EHEBAL MERCHANDISE "in:T Ulu-u minis and Cass streets. A -TO Hi A - OREGON Astoria Oil Works. .1. ir.DxFOKCE. Proprietor. P.O.Box 2S1, Astoria, Oregon. ZUauufticturer and Dealer ib FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grease to he good and cneap. A. MacBeth, MERCHANT TAILOE, No. 4. First St, - - Portland. Oregon. Clothing; made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction "uaranteed. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MKS. rOWELL WILL OPEN AN OYS ter stand on next Monday, on Main street next to the Oregon Bakery. She hopes careful attention will secure her a share of patronage at usual prices. l-lm WEI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AXD Boiler Shop All kind? of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK .Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxtox Street, Nkas Fabkkb House, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMMABM&MS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made te Order at Short Notice. A. D. "Wass, Presldont. J. G. Hustles, Secretary. I. VT. Case, Treasurer, jonx Fox.Superintendeht. C. H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS IK Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. Slaop TOTcxrfx. A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of hoat material on hand. C. II. BAIN & CO. LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. f5P-"AIl goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. 1AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodious stearoshlD Ines, STATE LINE, RED STAR, WHITE STAR. - HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full Information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to BOZOBTH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General insurance Agents. ASTORIA, ... Oregon. WR WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST ern. State Investment. Hambunr. Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers' Life and Accident of, Hartford, and the New We have tho only complete set of township mans in the county, and nave made arrange ments to receive appllcatlons-flllngs. and nnai proois on iiomesieaas, .preemptions. blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined In the oftice, upon the payment of a reaxonaoie jee. We also have for sale city nronertv In As totia and additions, and farms and tide land property. Rents, aad other collections made, and loans negoiiaiea. BOZORTH & JOHNS, BUSINESS CARDS. (J B. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. S, over "White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, J. NAT. HUDSON. . Attorney at Iiaw.aa 5fetary FRfelle. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, q tt. FUiroar, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. J Q.A.BOWIiBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treet, - - ASTORIA. OREGON 1 J. CURTIS, ATTT AT LAW. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York jmd "Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4, Odd Fellow3 Building, As torla.Oreeon. N.B.-Clalms at "Washington. D. C, aad collections aspeclalty. V. AiL.ES, Astoria Aseat Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. JjJ C. HOJLDEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. J)B. X. C BO ATM AX. Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Bullilar, ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TXTTTXiE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON . Ostice Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Residence OTer J. E. Thomas' Drug store. jp P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, comer ofCass&ndSqemocqhestret . JR. J. K. LbFOKCE, BEHTIST, Room 11, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas 8.dmlnbtrfri fnr natnloaa mfraotlnn of teeth. Q.ELO F. PARKKR, SURVEYOR OF Clataep CeHHty.an CltrerAsteria Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. J J. JONES, STAIR BUILDER, Ship and Steamboat, Joiner, NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. aarOmce with Bozorth & Johns. E. A. NO YES. Agt. GEO. P. -WHBEI.KB. W. L. BOBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Real Estate bouzht and sold on Commis sion. Accounts adjusted and Bills collected. Correspondence from abroad solicited. SrOfQce In Hume's new building, on Sque moqua street, next door to FoardT & Stokes. Has re-opened his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On the Roadway i near his old location. He will keep the stock of the choicest Clears, and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokersY ar ticles, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will be pleased ta see his old friends at his new stand. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE ZiOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's. ANNOUNCEMENT. MRS. T. S. JEWETT, (Successor to Mrs. E. S. Warren.) Fashionable Dressmaker AND MILONEIl. ' Dealer In Millinery and Fancy Goods. Sqnemoqua street, next door to Odd Fellows Temple. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting DONE BY RUDDOCK & WHEELER. AT fair rates. JUso a complete stock of goods In our line. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Cass street. In rear of I O O F bnildlng, next to Gas Go's oftice.