The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 02, 1883, Image 3

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Steamer day. Queen, out;
The Miles goee to Gray's harbor
with a. big cargo this morning.
C. H. Cooper is among the re
turning passengers on the Stoic this
Portland experienced a slight
shock of earthquake at an early hour
Saturday morning.
The Scottish Tar arrived down
yesterday. The Abcrlcnuto and Ilor,
burgtlihr. are roady for sea.
Hunting parties are daily coming
and going, with indifferent, luck so
far, but it is early in the season.
Several truck-loads of rice are
being stored in the cellar of the Odd
Fellows' building. It will not lose in
weight while in bond.
The PaciGc Journal, published at
Oysterville, W. T., is one of the
unehtest ot our exchanges, ana a
credit to its ontcrpnsing proprietor.
The great 50,000 race between
lho famous flyers St. Julicn and J. I.
C, at Fleetwood Park, New York,
last Saturday, was won by the latter
time, 2.19.
Gapt. Alexander is still quite ill
at his lodgings in this city, tho severe
attack of pneumonia not justifying
him in taking charge of his vessel on
its outward trip to-day.
The heavy rams of tho past
forty-ei"ht hours have cleared the
atmosphere, and effectually disposed
of the fires that have so persistently
smouldered during September.
What rate of postage should be
charged on a letter weighing two
ounces prepaid by one throe-cent
stamp, mailed at Astoria at six o'clock
Sept. 30tht to have arrived at Port
land yesterday afternoon?
Owners of land bordering on the
slough that runs from the lake north
of Ilwaco to the head of Shoalwater
bay are engaged in digging a channel
and lowering the water, which will
drain their land and benefit them.
. k
Carl Adler is fitting up the east
storo in Kinney's new brick building,
and will move in shortly; B.F.Stcvens
& Co. have rented the store next to
Roscoo Dixon's restaurant, and J.
Strauss will after the 10th, occupy
the old I. X. L. store.
Solved the Problem.
Knappa Notes.
The Pioneers Initiated
Eastern Style.
Into the A Radical View of tho Situation.
A McMinnville special of tho 30th
ult., says: G. W. Smith, the mur
derer of Mrs. Petch of Yamhill coun-
Kxappa, Sept. 20, 1883
Ed. Astoria-: The Pioneers
We, like tho Astoriana, are very hero to take part in the excursion j to Astoria
I Yillard ha3 slaved his cards to de-
who have gathered ; ft the construction of the railroad
The railroad king of the
ty, who has beon on trial for the past disappointed in the failure of which leaves on Tuesday, can form northwest has never had any intention j
week, was found dead in his cell this &e railroad. But "what's the use of some idea of the energy and ability of mdin; that railroad since he got!
Special Announcement !
mornimr. I he evidence m thc case
was somewhat contradictory, and tho
jury was out forty-eight hours. They
came in Saturday evening at 8:30
o'clock with a verdict of guilty in the
first degree. At 0 o'clock Smith was
put in a cell and told a fellow-prisoner
that he intended to take morphine to
end his life. He said the trial went
against him, ami he did not want to
be hanged. lie took between fifteen
and thirty grains of morphine, and
died this morning at 8:30 o'clock.
Ever3'thing was done to try to save
him, but it was to late. He said
nothing about his guilt or innocence.
He left a note to the Sheriff, in which
he said he did not want his body
opened. He requested the Sheriff to
deliver his body to his wife for burial
and to give his gun, pistol and 37.75
to Hon. W. D. Fenton, to do with as
he chose. He wanted his wife exon
eratcd from all complicity
death. The morphine was concealed
in the lapel of his coat.
sighing." Railroads have been bunt the neople they will und oast, from control of the Northern Pacific. And
before Yillard and probably will be tho specimens who are dealing with j uis false statements now about the
Ion" after his time, and certainly them in the shape uf railroad ascents f tt1A if1 hia w-mf.
put for the various lines cast ot St. Paul.
Such working and scheming
lieen going on among these
some one in the near future will
their shoulder to the wheel and
shrill whistle of the locomotive rouse
this part from its Rip Van Winkle
Bleep and bring to light the undevel
oped wealth of this section.. The
j of sincerity in a more noticeable man-
mi . t -it f-p I
j lie rona win noii cost nicy
prising strangers for the past day or
two. is a revelation to all sober,
steady-going wregonianH. it seems i
;is nns
enter- thousand dollars nor milo. ar- Villard
states, nor more than half that sum.
Hen Holladay carefully surveyed the
u; several years ago, and Thielson,
coal discoveries made here about one that at the last Pioneer - reunion, .lo- wi, w,is then Holladars chief engiu
year since on lands owned by Messrs. U;ph Watt wsa authorized t. confer r uu is now j tne same P03itt0n
Knapp, Shane, Belknap and other.? with the N. I IX. Tt. aiuhtr:Sh-s i: j wltj, Viilard, said thou that the road
are raupinir some excitement, ana i reir.-ird to tho nruivosed exeursjuri, aim I. m f... :iif fur mvnf .-.fiw tThmmand
specimens will he on exhibition at the to select the route i y winch the ex-1 dollars per mile. Villard simply
Mechanics Fair. Desides burning cursnmiits woiuu travei From 5:. 1 wl I wuited to trump up an excuse for de
nicely its lavorable location for ship- to Uucago and thi'iicu j ut'-:. j jayi,,. anj bt ravin" the people of As
A Fallacious Idea.
Occasionally in listening to
a dis
cussion of the railroad cmestion, one
hears it said: "The place is hi"
enough; I don't want a railroad,"
etc. This idea is a poor one. It im
plies weakness on the part of its pos-
sessjr, and a total lack of public
spirit. Rapid communication has be
come one of the necessities of the age.
By it bettor forms of living arc pro
duced, business is quickened, compe
tition is induced and life made in
every way belter worth living. Tho
man or the business that is afraid of
the competition that growth entails
deserves no groat amount of considera
tion. A railroad is not ono of the
prime essentials to a place, yet
present conditions are, lew things are
more potent in making a prosperous
ity than a line of railroad especially
when the city is a terminus, and a
competing point.
inn" recommends it k the favorable 1 he audit t the r-mu3
attention of capitalists, n3 proiab?y agreod t abide by his decision :oui h
S100 would build a road to deep water, choie the St. Paul, Milwaukee A Chi
and we feel assured that Knappa will cao line as the route from St. Paul
nrove one of the wealthiest places, as to Chicago, it bciii" 100 miles the
it is now the nleasantest on the river, shortest, and the Pennsylvania Cen
In your last issue you speak of but tral as the route thence to New York
fnni. cntirw.lo 1w"nrr in nnnMlinn in ihn I Tills Eliltictioll Was aUUOUllCt-d Jilld the
in ins "o "i- -
county. There is is a school m Dist. i. P. K. K. Oo. had the tickets
No. 4, near the wharf, taught by a printed accordingly, and it was sup-
Miss Smith from Portland. This posed that the matter was definitely
district sustains a school for about and satisiactorily arranged, lint this
eight montlis every your. We send arrangement did not meet with the
as representative on tho N. P. excur- approval of one of the competing
sion Mr. J. F. Warren and wish him Hno3, whose agent got after Mr.
Watt, and by some menus induced
him tc agree that the excursion
should "o from St. Paul to Chicago
oyer the Rock Island route. Thi
created much confusion. The xi. P,
having had tickets printed accordiu"
to the arrangement with Mr. Wat
were not nrenircd to mako the channel
aeptemncr oat last me snip juatara , . . . , . . , , ,
rrT t .1 l I
x, captain uaius, m, rIirB:nn Mrrind nut nn the nnrA m-n
Port Townsend, Captain Adams ,gave .,,,,,,, Thc wh2 lla(1 in
1 .1 t .1 t-l ll. L 1 ll. I
a uoi:u lor uuuuic mo uuiuuui. iu iiiu i -i -s;,. v4, . . i - i
UUKCU Jll 1I.ILI. IU U 11. 1 II LIU Jlja liitliU
Manual. The latter claimed to find
The Leading Dry Goods
Clothing Souse of Astoria,
For the next 10 days we will make a
liberal discount on all goods bought to
used them to promote the amount of $10.00 and over previous
tCtTZl to the arrival of our fall and winter goods.
erything in Oregon, he gives them the
Fine Silks and v elvets Reduced,
Fine French and English. Dress Goods
toria. He has
'Bon vovase." with a capacity for
sight seeing sufficient for us all.
We have no sickness, deaths or ac
cidents to report, but expect soon to
be able to record a wedding or two.
Exploits of a Skipper.
Tho bark Oregon, from Port Dis
covery, W. T., June 29, for Esquim-
bo, was wrecked August 29th. The
crew were picked up by the British
ship Leicester Castle, bound for San
Francisco, from Newcastle, K. S. Wr.
Tho captain was drowned.
Dick Surjet of Union county, re
cently reached the Washoe ferry on
Snake river with 450 head of hue
American horses belonging to Surjet
tt Winters. He concluded to swim
them, and put in 150 head, and 48
out of the bunch were drowned. Tho
loss was S5,000.
Thc country to the north and
west of us is being rapidly developed;
claims are being taken up in great
numbers. The expectation is that
when tho projected railroad is run
from the Sound to Gray's harbor
lino of steamers will be put on bo.
tween that point and San Francisco,
i ue total state tax lor ;the year
18S3 is five and six-tenth mills upon
thc dollar, divided as follows: Four
mills on accouut of current expenses
one mill for the completion of tho in
sane asylum building, one-half of one
mill for the payment of tho Indian
war debt, and one-tenth of ono mill
for tho support of thc state univer
Why is it that The Astorian
published at Astoria, Ureon, can
furnish us later news than the Port
land Xcivs. Although The Astouiax
isjmblished one hundred miles further
away and reaches us via Portland
yet it furnishes us later dato than th
Xeics. Curry Co. Post.
The reason is easily given. We get
the first whack at the San Francisco
papers, from which the JVcics gets its
"specials" when it gets anything,
The can Jcrancisco railroad con
ferenco has agreed that the Central
Pacific, Southern PaciSc, Galveston
' Harrisburir and San Antonia, Union
Pacific. Northern Pacific, Texas and
Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande, Bu
lington and Missouri River, Atchison
Topeka aud Santa Fe and the Atlantic
and PaciGc railroads shall pool their
business. Portland is placed in every
respect on the samo footing as San
Trouble is reported in reference to
thc wrecked bark Cairnsmure, a parly
bavins cone drtwn to tho scene of
the disaster and claimed possession
at the same time refusing to recognize
the claim of Brown & McCabe, to
ho'ni the vessel and cargo were sold
for 8450, last Saturday evening. We
are not sufficiently acquainted with
maritime law to hazard an opinion
the point 8ecmin; to turn on the
question whether Captain Gibbs and
crew did or did not no. niton the ves
sel. The question has arisen before
in similar cases, here and elsewhere,
and lias proved a source of litigation
Temple Lodge,
then employed a printer to get up
tickcis to Miit him. and tnrned loose
1 1. i . I I ll : J.'-1 7 1
uacu 10 uporam uio manner, jiicuwu , . . . . . Tr.SftM-ftmf infn
the bond spurious, but when he came
The Cairnsmore.
F. and A. 31.,
-At half-past ten o'clock this morn
mg, t,. u. lioidcn win sen at shentt s
sale 2 casks claret wine, one-half cask
port wine.
Ill was sliding gracefully out to sea,
towed by the Taeoma. Tho marshal
saw her and put out in chase in an
Indian canoe manned by sturdy row
crs aud overhauled thc ship, but then,
tho manlial said, he was confronted
bv Captain Adams who appeared on
the ship's deck armed with revolvers,
Henry rifle3 and other weapons.
Uetore this arsenal the marshal re
treated and hastened to telegraph to
tho collector at Taeoma not to allow
the vessel to pas3 the coal station,
but he found the telegraph wires down.
At Taeoma Captain Adani3 has'.ened
to the collector, represented that the
ship was aground, and hurried away
with speedily procured clearance pa
pers, and then he escaped the marshal
and his bond of SS00. But when
Richard III reached San Francisco,
there were the marshal's deputies pre
pared to take Captain Adams in irons
to Seattle, but the captain could not
be found, although the search has
been continued for more than a week.
jxow it has been decided uy the own
ers to procure Captain Adams, to have
him arrested and placed under bo&ds,
and abide by the result of His perform
ance with the marshal. S. F. Bulle
tin, 2,7.
James rowler, on &lk prairie,
will have in the water this season, or
by the time the usual freshet occurs,
ovor 4,000,000 feet. Campbell &
Patten, on Fern prairie, will have
4UU,UUU teet. Walker cc Soule, on
Fork prairie, will have 1,000,000
feet. H. E. Ellis, on South Fork,
will have 3,000,000 feet, and the two
hand logging camps on South Furk
800,000 feet. This uives a total of
9,200,000 feet of logs put on the mar
ket this fall from the Willapa valley
alone. At the price now paid for
logs $5.50 per 1,000 feet S50.000
will be distributed amonji the lowers
of that section. Pacific Journal.
Gilbert Christiansen has removed to
his old stand where he has rebuilt, and
is ready to do all kinds of blacksmith
iug, horseshoeing, etc, in good style.
Ileuses liothinc but the best material
and guarantees all work as first class,
Shop opposite the old mill-site.
IVciv Milliiiery
At Mrs. Malcolm's. Will have a fall op
ening in a few days.
Oysters in Every S(yl
And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's.
A Juicy ISccfttcnlc
cooked to periection is what you can
get at r rank l abre s.
buying them. Postal-cards had been
sent to many of the excursionists to
ascertain their destination, and the
runners were thus enabled to know
just whom to address. The outlook
yesterday morning wa3 very blue lor
tin; agent of thc line originally con
tracted with, but he was qual to thc
occasion, and met J. M. Bacon, treas
urer of the Pioneers, at the depot
when he came' down from Oregon
Uity yesterday torenoon, aim accom
panying him and Mr. Maxwell, th
ticket agent of the Northern Pacific,
to the Portland savings bank, the lat
ter drew the 20,500 for the excur
sionists' tickets. This settled the
matter, as the Northern Pacific hav
ing only ono kind of tickets could soli
no others, and the Ruck Island agents
threw up tho sponge aud withdrew
from the field. To the great majoritv
of thc pioneers it can make no differ
enco by which route they travel from
St. Paul to Chicago, and certainly
most of them would prefer tho
shortest, especially as theaccommuda-
tions are equal in every respect, if nut
superior, to those of any other line.
But the strife over this matter will
show to our casy-yoini: people how
terribly in earnest our eastern ousins
are in business matters, ami win jrive
them a hint of what they may expect,
too, at every turn or tueir journey
when once cast of the Rockiea. Th
ticket ofiice at the foot of "Ash street
was thronged with excursionists all day
yesterday, aud there were many pleas
ant meetings of old-time friends as
they were buying thou tickets. The
remainder of the excursionists will he
there to-iuorr.iw. as that h the only
place where tickets can be obtained. -
bumhuj Urcfjuman.
'go by."
Mr. Villard is going to Puget Sound
with ail ins . business; and sooner or
later with all his ships. He don't
tiant any commercial port at Astoria,
He don't want any business to go to
i :i : l
:i.iimi:i uuuer u- run ui nver, ui m -m . m qp f J Jt
can be sent over his railroad to the I JjldiiiiC IS Ullli X l'dimClS XUSUliUtJU,
Sound; for the road to the Sound is
now built. Bonds and stocks are is
sued thereon. The holders of these
bonds and stocks will clamor for in
terest and dividends. Mr. Yillard
must rai3e that for his supporters, or
step down aud out. He will there
fore force every ton of freight to tra
vel iust as far as Dossible over his
railroads, so that the roads may bo DfSS SUltS 16(11106(1,
win iiii luiuieai nuu iuuuuuuo. ni-
Ihouah this policy may be death to
Astoria and the people of Oregon,
it will be fun for the Now York mil
lionaires and YillartFa Lords and
Dukes from Europe.
Wo would not discourage the Asto
ria iieoplc in their, eltort to securo
liiilrojd connection to their prosper
ous und enterprising city. But, on
the contrary, we urge them to keop
up the fight. They must sooner or
later have all the people of Oregon,
except Portland, rally to their sup
port. But, if they can get a road
built to Astoria, it will only bo upon
the basis that the people of Oregon
through its legislative assembly adopt
and enforce the bill known as Senator
Clow's bill, of Polk county. This bill,
it it should become a law, would give
an Astoria railroad a chance to com-
Hosiery aud Underwear Reduced.
Our stock of Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Groods is the largest in the
Business Suits reduced,
Gents' Fine Underwear reduced,
Hats and Caps reduced,
Soots and Shoes reduced.
Fipres New Lie !
pete for bu?ines3 in all points in the Can prove by his books that he Is dohiR the
Willamette valley, or along the lines I
of Yillard's system to eastern Oregon, JijbTAUiiAlNT
or use ortnern rnciuc. xnis, tnen, i Tn th oitv. nnit h win tmnmntea to clre
would compel the people of Astoria to ine eest meai ior casn
support tho anti-monopoly movement
inOregon. And this i3 what they
should have done long ago, instead of
sending men to the legislature to vote
for Yillard's attorneys for senators;
for, in doing this, Astoria has simply
cut a club to break its own head.
Anti-monopoly uiean3 and claims for
every section justice and fair play in
all measures and principles. Salem
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to coo M., at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, BKXXKB, Supt.
I At Cost
ImceH, Laces, IacoM,
at Prael Bros. Empire Store: all styles
ami prices, some hue qualities.
Fra;ri:ui I Col fotr
to cheer and comfort, at Frank I'ahre's.
at liis old stand.
At present writing Astoria is
about the best advised city on tho
coast. Every one ono of our contem
poraries Iris some sujiestion. Coil-
flensed, it is: look high, lay low, keep
agitating, say nothing; build a nar
row gauge; get the grant forfeited;
don't say anything about the grant;
tret a road built to Kahuna; make a
now offer to Yillard; build tho road
youraelvc3; start " a road down the
oast; organiw a eompany, etc., etc.,
ad tnJinitwiL Hie fact of the matter
is, Astoria's prospects are not affected
in the slightest -degree: her growth is
uncqualed, her future is assured, her
position makes nnnecessary any as
sumption, and the railroad will be
here just about as soon as Astoria is
ready for the railroad.
Messrs. Mc"ler & WrinhLof the Oc
cident hotel have secured the services of
(J. liarbier, a trench cook of known
reputation and excellence, and have in
troduced other improvements which
mako the Occident a most desirable i
stopping place for the traveling public
Koscoe Dixon's new eating house
is jiow open. r.veryhing has been In
tel up in first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to cat. that at
his place they can he accommodated.
one minute.
A itEi.iAin.K means of eradicatm" lo
cal disease of the skin, viz.: Glenn's
ssummiuk bo.vr.
llir.i.'s IIaii: and Whiskek l)VE.r0cts.
All iron preparations blacken tin
teeth, constipate the Dowels, and give
headache with one exception, that is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Silks, Satins, E)res
at Pracl I.ros.
-The Itev. (Jeo. II. Thayer, of llour-
bon, Intl.. says:"15oth myself and wife
oweour lives toSinr.ou's (."onstmition
CtntK." SnUl by W. K. Dement
-Whv will you cough when .Vhiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief, l'riep
10 cts rfl cts and 51. nl by W. K. Dement.
A true iron medicine, busiuticiHl to
the young as well as the old v.h" suffer
from dvfpepsm, etc., is Drown'-; Im.i
Painting in oil colors by an entirely
new method can easily be lcarm d by
any one having time for a few lessons,
ui)bn application t Miss Lineker, resN
dencc next to uapr. nogers.
Physicians attest : Coldkn's Liquid
deep ionic is particularly usetui m
Dipthcria, Fever, and every depressing
A Xasnl Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh ICemedy
Price "K) cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
Are von made miserable hv Ih.-IJ-
Tiict;mi ("n!i-;tiiin1iiii! l)!vimvc I u .-f
appetite, Yellow Skin V .Shi tub's Vi'.al-
izer is a positive cure, torsuieby W.
h. Dement.
We will sell our entire stock of
In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothing for .
fall and winter, and must have room.
V&ss&gt&xTRsriLa Suits Reduced !
Youth's Suits Reduced !
Look Here!
You are out a treat, and don't you for
get it, if you miss .IEH b Dinner every
day from " to it. Soups, fish, eight kinds
ner cents.
everv day at " o'clock. The best 25 cent
meal m town; soup, ash, seven kinds ot
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Deer, French Claret, tea or
eolfee included. Ail who have tried
nun sav .ieit is me "iiuo.
Sirs! t't!timi M ori:. HooNnnd Shoes,
Can be had r.t I. J. Arvold's, next to
Citv l!ook Store. Ladies and irentlemen
call there for tne finest fitting boots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
.4. O. II. XV.
The society of A. O. U. W. will meet
in Pythian Castle from and after Octo
ber 1st. Meetings will be held Friday
eveninji of each week, at i u r. m.
C. IJkown, C. II. Stockton,
Recorder. Master Workman.
The largest and finest stock of Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods in
the city.
d. a. Mcintosh,
Occident Store, - Astoria, Oregon.
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
AMori'5. &. lYlniieinncca It. It. .tl
The American flair, that boasted em
blem of U.S. liberty, is a humbug in
ilSLUl iU.'lllIlt .Ji ll, VIIUJJ liUUI..
has taken it down in dlsmist. But all
the same he will continue to give the
best meals in town, from 5 a. t to 12
midnh'ht. for 23 cents reeardless of cost.
as he is determined to he the boss.
Trv his dinner from 4:30 to 8 i m., and
compare it with one you pay 50 cents
for. JEFF.
The finest flavored Ice Cream at
Frank Fabre s, Odd Fellows building.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bonrbonnd the best of wines, liquor
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp-
Dei l.
lingers Dros. plated ware ami Woat-
cnholm cutlery ai Jordan & Uozorth's
new store.
Shiloh's Citke will iiumedinfelv
relieve Croup, whooping cough sunt
uroiicmiis. aiiium . jjciuenL.
"llackmetaek," a lastuni and fra-
crant perfume. Price 23 and r0 cent.-.
I Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh liemedy a posi
live cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Yrlien You Come to Astoria
and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank
baure s, at his old stand.
Draco up the whole system with King
ot the liiood. bee Advertisement.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
he bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's druu store, opposite Ociden
hctel. Astoria.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
alwaj's at hand. It cures couglis, colds,
bronchitis whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
mng complaints. 50 cents anmsi a Dot
I S h. w 2 .
p3 s & 3
I Hi!
IS - - n
IB 7-w 2 q h H
II tl n S
rXS j n
vlS q v
Garnets, UpMstery
i IN
Corner Benton and Squamoqua Streets,
East of the Court House.
&st?Ia, - - - Oregeia.