ASTORIA, OBEGON : SIM)AY ..SEPTEMBER SO, 18S5 IVoticc. On mid after this date It. K. Jackson will until further notice have charge of the city route of The Daily Asto kiax; will deliver all papers and is horchy authorized to collect for same. J. F. HALLOKAN & CO. Astoria, Or., Sept. 24, lt?8U. Walla Walla has thirteen church ors?nitiom. Better consolidate. The little Gnu which struck on Yaquina bar last Tuesday, is a total If all iales be true, there is rn ' in the matrimoni- i. upending 4,bo H ncukct. Sirs. Powell advertises good cof fee and oystera nest door to the Oi cion bakcrv. 1 he cUy treasury was enriched several hundred dollars lnfc week by the sale of swedrv license. Col. It. R. Spodden returned last evening from an extended trip to eastern Washington Territory. The -lecture of Eev. Mr. Mc l.aflerty on "Things k be Abomina ted,'" given iost Sabbath evoning.drew h fitfe audience. A Waitsburg clergyman who bo-l"-ves in tho adage "Watch and pray" has eleared SC00 from his watermelon patc'i tlu year. Rev. II. S. McLafTerty delivers the second of tho promised series of lectures to-night. Mis subject is "In fidelitv of Groat jfen." There will be divine service on boprd the ship Cltaica lying at Kin ney's dock at 4 o'clock, Rev. J. W. McConnac officiating. Thcro will be Divine service con ducted by the Rev. M. D. Wilson, in the Chapel of the Holy Innocents, Upper Astoria, to-day at 3:30 r. i. The regular monthly mooting of the vestrj of Grace church will be held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is spocially de nired. The Washington Territory Legis lature convenes to-morrow. J. A. Burke represents Cowlitz, Wahkia kum, Pacific and Chohalis counties in the council, and I). Barlow and M. Z. Goodell in the house. B. A. Seaborg, of the Aberdeen cannery, who is running a cannery on Gray's harbor, reports the catch light, Xartly on account of the fall run hav ing not yet reached its height, partly 'ie the current is so swift He has about 2,500 cases to date. Capt. Whitcomb brought the Miles in from Tillamook last Thursday evening, with a cargo of salmon and other freight. He reports everything lively in that favored section. Yes terday he was busy loading for Gray's harbor for which place ho sails to morrow morning. The Abericmno is ready for sea; a few ship's lengths above her is the H'igtonsliirc, which will be ready on Tuesday; further up is the Iiarcnstvn- dale, also ready for sea. Tho Cliasca and Geo. S. Homer are still loading salmon; the Clara Parker put off 800 cases for the latter vessel yesterday afternoon. --The county court sitting as board of equalization of assessessmcnts has adjourned to Te'.:' October 2, wh t will hear and determine all com n' aim m uueoual or erronco assessment fur Clati"i county; in ihe mean time all persons interested can examine the assessment roll at tho assessor's oilicc in the court h"U e. Astoria has suffered great hard ship from inadequate water supply this summer, but it was one of tho t'jings that couldn't be helped, and therefore of no use to grumble about it. The season has now come when wcan have plenty clean, wholesome water, and by the time the next dry season comes there will be a bounti ful Bupply. Uur urays river menus are about to have a steamer that will prove of great convenience to people living in that section. One man who was in yesterday, and who spent the better part of a day beating across in the for. said that it had been three years since his wife had been to As gloria, when that steamer is running tho bdies can come over in an hour and a half, to do their shopping, re turning the same day if desired. - While the Queen and Columbia were lying here Thursday night, one of the passengers on the former gave a waiter two bits to take a letter to tho latter vessel, and that individual had no sooner got on tho dock than he went plump into the water, being unaware of the fact that, there was slip at Cass street. The affair cau3ed considerable hubbub, bnt the waiter was finally'rescued. On getting out ho insisted on finishing his errand and delivered tho much soaked cive. iA. O. U. W; Tbe societyfof A- O. U. W. jwill meet in Pythian Castle from andafter Octo ber 1st Meetings will be,lield Friday evening or eacn weeic, aOTisw p. m. C BBOW2C, U. M?aTOCKTOX, Recorder. Master Workman Council Proceedings. At a special meeting of the city council list evening, Mayor Hahn presiding, couiicilraen Case, Carruth- era, uoirs md irencn?rd presont, a petition of property owners asking for J an additional street lainn on Polk and Concoralv street was refcired to street t C9ramittce. The reports of the street superintendent, police judge and ton for August were accepted. The report of the committee to whom had been referred the matter of utirchpj ing Cedar street lots wa? accepted. An ordinance "prondiug for tho im provement of Cass street was read" Dirt and second times and under sus pension of the rules the third time 4-Jid phased. An ordinance providing for the im provement or Mammon .trcot was road firt and second iinvs and under suspension of the rules va3 read the third tune and paased. An ordinance providing for the'eon- fraction of a bulkhepd .-long the lino of Chonamus . trect was read Grat and econd tiroes, rud leferred to the street committee. An orriin: oce authorizing tho issue f a bond to the amount of $5,000 to the Clatsop Mill Co. for the purchase jtfr. Miller was handed what was sup of lots 4 and 5, blk 06, McClure' As- py3(vd to be his sack, and a few mo- tona wr.s read first and second times nd under suspension of the rules was read third time and passed. These lots are purchased for the purpose of connecting Cedar, Astor, Cnshing's Court and Jefferson strot3. An ordinance providing for the im- rovement or west o:n ana ceaar treats wa3 read first, and second times and referred to street committee. An ordinanco declaring the probable cost of improving M?m street was read third time and passrd. An ordinance declaring the proba- ble cost of improving Coui-omly street es read third time and paswd. Au ordinance authorizing the city of Astoria to contract with the Asto- ria Gaslisht company, to licht the street lamps and public buildings of the city for a prriod of twelve months from January 1st. 1SS4. was read third time and passed. Tho followinz claims were ordered paid: i. A. s;ninn, 5;j.i'j; a. u. Fulton, $5; W B. ITeadingtou, 357.83; Jno. Spencer, SI. 70; L W. Case, $27; S. M. Coffinbury, $5.10; W. W. Parker; $10.25; John Martin, $1.70; E. Thompson, $1.70 Astor, $53; Chas. Iloilborn, 2.50; J. P. Ilalloran & Co., $103.50; Jo. Cascula, $27.91), Jno. McNess, $33; A. F. Beaslcy, $2.50; I. W. Case, $39.70; M. Elliott, $100; W. B. Ueadington, $701; IL C. Harrison, $900; C. U. Hines, $28.33. A resolution was adopteu concern- 112 the improvement of west Gth street, and at twenty minutes to eleven the council adjourned. The "Wrecked Bark. At au early hour yesterday morning two of the tugs went to the stranded bark Cmmsiiorc. She i3 lyinc on c narrow ridge of sand some distance off shore about two miles south of Point Adams. She lies in twelve feet of wa tor head on, pointing north east, with all sails set except fore top gallant and one other. The tugs went to within few cables length of her, in three and Halt tattioms ot wator, but the sea was breaking badly and no attempt was made to board her. There were half-a-dozen people on the shore, but no evidence that anyone had been aboard except Messrs. Allen, Ford, McKenzie and HcCabe,who examined her yesterday afternoon, at which time the vessel had made no water. Capt. A. W. Berry, Lloyds agent at this port, and Capt. Prideaur of the Chasca formed board in accordance with whoso recommendation tho ves sel and cargo were sold by E. C. Hoi- den last evening. The vessel as she ie3 except the personal effects of the crew, was cuocl:ed down to iirown o; SIcCabe for $425. The three ships boats in which tho crew made their escapo from the vessel were sold to J. W. Welch for S100; Brown & Mc Cabe made the only bid that was of fercd n the cargo and got it for S25, Its value intact is 34,000. Marine Movemeuts-The Columbia Cable. The fog hung low over the water yesterday, and the stream in front of the city w?.s alive with steam and sail craft of every size. Tho Queen left up at eight o'clock; the Columbia left for ban rancisco about tno same time; the schooner Maid of Orha,s ar rived in from Humboldt with red wood, and the Tarn O'Shanter from ban jL'raucisco witn general mercnan- diso:on the Tarn's forward deck lie lour large arums containing uio caoie which is to cross tho Columbia be tween Fts. Stevens and Canby and connect tho cape and signal service station with the world. When fin ished, the station at that point will be the onlv one on tho Pacific-coast ex cept San Francisco, where thore are a life station, a signal service sta tion. and a light house. The advantages of telegraphic communi cation will be manifold. Daily bnlle- tins from the cape will be published in The Astokiax every morning and all movements of vessels, tho conditiou of thft bar. etc.. will be known here. tbtiR avoiding the anuovin" delays of the nast. lieutenant Allen will immediately proceed to have the cable stretched . v : .t..c if. in TJ': oicticu ibjcsiu v-wm v win oe complete. A. Different Affair- Joe Miller went to' police headquar ters in a temble stow la3t night. He said that he deposited in the Astoria bank lt Monday week a sack con- t:,inine S6.3C0 In sold. Whea he cot rc.aly -to leave the city he was handed a ' ck similar to his, which ho took UQ . in .Am"n.S uer upon open;nc lho concern it was Eex-Mound to contain 180,- all in silver aouars. Arriving at ponce neaaiuar- ters he told his story, and a dispatch was at once sent to Astori?, when to his surprise the answer came back that hi3 sack was at the Astoria bank all right. Miller considers it a narrow escape. The above appeared in last Sunday's ATercus'i. The facts of the case are ?s follows: Mr. Miller came to As toria and had some negotiable papers which were presented at the bank of I. W. Case and cashed, Miller placing the amount $0,500 in a canvas Back gave it to the night clerk of the hotul where he was stopping for safe keep- ing. The same evening (Japt. hit- comb, who was going to Giay'a har- bor on the Gen. Miles the next day. handed the sime clerk a sack contain- ing $500 in silver which was jJso put jn the hotel safe. The next morning menls later Cunt. Whitcomb was civen hi on application. Miller stopped off at Cathlamet, transacted some bus- mess, and in due time reached Port- land, with the still unooened sack. On presenting it for deposit at a Port laud bank, it was found to- contain bnt $500. The frightened "Miller tel egraphed to Astoria to find to his great relief that Capt. Whitcomb had jnst returned from Gray's harbor, and had immediately gone to the hotel proprietor "with a sack full of gold," which on being counted wa3 found to amount to $0,500. It is hard to say who was the most surprised Cap t. Whitcomb at Gray's harbor or Miller hn Portland, when oach opened the sack. All's well that ends woll, and nobody is out a cent; our chief reason for making any mention of tho oc currence is to make plain the fact that "'the Astoria bank" had nothing to do with the mistake. Sad Death. Charles Woods, formerly editor of the 2feics, died yesterday morning while being removed in an express w. gon from the city jail to the cojm ty hospital. Several days ago Woods was found in an uptown saloon intoxi cated, aud upon taking him to tho police station it was found that he was suffering from delirium tremens. He was sent to St. Vincent's hospital, where ho bc.same very violent, and the sisters being unable to control him, telephoned for the police to come and take charge of him. No body at tho city jail knew tho poor WIow until Policeman Flynu, formor by a reporter on the 2Teio, recognized Woods and notified some friends of his, who arrived jnst in lima to hear of his death. The dead man wa3 32 ycars of a2 "ve of California. He leaves a wife and a little sou who pre residing at present in Massachu setts. His father was at one time a banker in San Francisco, and Woods himself had performed some merito rious work on various journals in the Bay city. Oregonian, 9. An ingenious method of pile-driv ing has been successfully adopted in nu king the foundation of the Palais de Justice at Brunswick. Instead of the ordinary pile-driver, a simple framework is erected to hold tho pile iu position. Attached to each pile by sUoles nre two tubes of jabont two inches in diameter. Theso-are carried to the pointed end of the pile, where they terminate and turn inward to ward one another. Thei ' pper ends in communication by flexible pipes with tho city water mam. When the water is turned on it rapidly excavates a hole, in which the pile sinks by its own weight, but should any unusual resistance bo met with, weights are fastened to the top of tho pile. By these means and under favorable cir cumstances, a twelve-inch pile can be sunk to a depth of fifteen feet in ten minutes, .bach pile requires, on an average, 200 gallons of water. Attention No. 1. Regular monthly meeting, Monday evening, Oct. 1st, aS83, at 750 P. if. A full attendance Is desired. By order J j. E. Selio, G. P., Sect'y. President. Xew Ulillincry At Mrs. Malcolm's. Vill have a fall op ening in a lew days. Oysters In Every StySe, And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's. Kcst Casfoiu Work, Hoot and Shoe, f'.nn lir linri nf -T Arvnlil's no-rt in City Book Store. Ladies and centlemen call therefor tne finest fitting boots and I cliAns nnrl Imvncr nrirtAc Perfect fit guaranteed. A Juicy BecfTstcaU cooked to perfection is what you can get at i' nunc aure's. l?ncn TMvnu'c n rut' nntfnrr limicA is now open, .veryllnnc lias been fit ted up m lirst-ciass style, and his well Known reputation as a caterer assures all who like cood things to cat, that a tus place they can be accommodated. Insure against accidents of all kinds forrt- In the old reliable Travelers of Hart Wheeler & Robb, agents. I Boys' clothing at cost at the Occi dent store. Life and Accident Insurance pol cles written m the Travelers of Hart ford, by Wheeler &itobb, agents. Painting in oil colors by an entirely I new method can easily bo learned by lesson?. upon application to jhiss LiineKer, rest dence next to uapr. itogers. Hps and Downs. A dispatch wa3 received at San Prnc ro last Sunday, from Yreka, to the effect that two weeks ago ex Lieutenant Governor Chillis called upon Mr. Borcu at Myrtle Creek, in this state, beiug ill and destitute, and was provided with tho comforts of 'a home and medical assistance. He re mained in a semi'Uncunscions condi tion, suffering great bodily pain until tho 17 th, when he died His remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery at the expense of tho friend whose shelter he had sought. He had no papers about him to indicate who his friends were. The deceased was ona of those who enmu tu the front in the Republican party in 18G1 and helped sustain California in the Union. He owned and operated :i sa:vmill in Trinity county, abtut Iwulve uules above Weaverville. In that year lie was elected lieutenant governor upon the same ticket with Laland Stanford. At the close of his two years' Urm ho went to Nevada, rhd .for the pW twenty yeara hss boen almost con stantly in tho territorias. At one time he amassed quite a form tin in Nevada, but .subsequently Ivnt it in unfortunate speculation. Fie :w about seventy year of age. f . . The Insurance Recortl Ark. of Hoah'G The ohampiou He of the century, to the effect that Noah's Ark has been diecovercd on Ararat, has given rie to mny humorous comments. The New York Tim;s is not behind the other newspapers in this respect and gives a purported interview between its reporter and an officer of an east ern marine insurance eomp.iuy; as fol lows: Mr. Dennis said that although his company was one of the oldest in the world, it had the records of very few vessels of 2,300 B. C. Upon search ing through the "inspection minutes," however, lie found the following re cord: Tire Anx. Built by Noah: owned by Noah & Son; tonnage; 42,413.95; length over all, 525 feet; breadth of beam, 87 and 6 inches; depth of hold, 52 feot C inches; built of gopher wood; bow ports, and trenailed throughout; used as a passenger and cattle transport; rated A 1. "Can you inform me what the ark was insured for?" risked tho re porter. "I should not feel at liberty to make that mattor public without con sulting the proprietors," replioc LY. Dennis. iiSces, fiiices, Laces. at Pracl Bros. Empire Store: all styles ana prices, some mm ,u.:utie?. Frn!;ran Cce . r to cheer and comfort, nt Frank Fabre's, at his old tami. When You Come to ANiori:i and want -. nice pan roast.-go to Frank b ;;br' at ms old stand. J)ui)!cc fi:tvaiie Hells. Persons wishing to purchase thorn will call on J. W. Conn, who is agent for tjiem. at his Drug JStoru opposite Oc- idunt liotuj, Silk, Satius, Dress Coods, t Prael Jims. Co oil S(mil io ISosit. Booms suitable for a harbor sliou and bath, or for other purposes can lx had ot L. l. joimson, on tJ:e i;odway. Ladies fSisyiu for s?ili Voar hould see thofe handsome tooth jwul trimmings at the Empire Store. Th e Eni p 1 r o ?S t or e has re-opened and displays soma hand some dre-?s goods. Save 3Io!iey, Time, labor and risk by subscribing at Carl Adler's for whatever nowstmper or magazine you want. The Travelers Insurance Co. in sures against accident ot all Kinds, and pavs claims promptly. Wheeler & tobb, agents. AU iron preparations blacken the teeth, constipate the boirois, and give headache with one ' becoption, that is Brown's Iron Bitter Physicians attest : Coldjcx's Lioni) Bekp Toxic is particularly useful in Diptheria, Fever, and every depressing disease. Life nolicics- nn the endowment plrtn written in the Jitmhatlan uf Now York. Wheeler & Kobb, agents. -Piki:'s Tootbtactik Duoii cure in one minute. A. reliable means of eradientmc Jo- cnl disease of the 5Kin. viz.: ( Sut.viiuk Soap. Hill's IlAir. and Whiskkr DvK.50cts, A truo iron medicine, benclicinl to the young as woll as the old wh jtnfifer from dvEDepsia, etc, is Urowns Iron Bitters. -for the eenulne .1. iJ. Cu;ter old Bunrbon. and the beat ot wines, iiouor and .Son Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and s Camp bell. -The finest flavored Ice Cream at Frank Fabres, Odd Fellows building. A Nasal Injpctor free with each bottle bf Shilolfs Catarrh Kemedv Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E.Demput The Rev. Geo. Jl. Thayer, of Bour bon. Ind.. savs: "Both myself and wffe owoour lives toaiiiLOH a coxsomptiio;j Cuke." Sold by W. E. Dement- . Why wiil you cough when Shtloh-s Cure will clve immediate relief. Price 10 ctsS&ctsnnrtSl. Sold by W.E-De- raem- Foi DvsncnsiaandLiwr Complaint, Jon have a printftl guarantee on every ottle of SnUoh's Vitalizer. It nevor falls to cure, hold by w. 12. Dctnont "llacbmetaclr." a lasting and fla grant perfume. Price 25 and cents, gold by W. 11 Dement. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of anDPtitc. Yellow Skin ? ShiloYa Vital izer is a "positive cure. Tor sale by W. E. Demea . , Rogers Bros, plated ware amlWost-. enholm cutlery, at JonIalvfe Ikaorth?-? new store.. '"v - T Tho Pttblic. We take this method of cautioning the general public to exercise care in any transactions they may have with Mr. Harry Boyd, agent of the Hamburg Bremen lire Insurance company, as our experience with him is of such a nature as makes us positive he is not to be trusted. . t , Bekomax & Beery, Mauk ScnxrssET- (Orcfontan copy.) Jsrl tVniiictl. To cook for a family of three persons must get breakfast ready by 6 o'clock' a . m. Apply at this office. IS err JScvrins Machines. . A lot of latest improved Howe Sew ing machines at satisfactory prices can bo hud at 1. J. Arvold's. A'otice to flic tallies. Switches made from combings orcut hair; new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in tiay shade de sired. Old switches repaired, All work warranted. Rates reasonable. rCnll or address L'nr.EN'lLVKT & Scuoexhe, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, "Orexon. Frank Fabre's Hotel. Knuik Fabre has the finest accommo dations for lodgers to be found in As toria, over his restaurant in Kinsey's building. Everything is neat and clean and the beds are new, soft and comfort able. If you wantgood board and lodg ing go to Frank Fabre's Astoria & IVlnuemurca It. IX. - The American flag, that boasted em blem of U. S. liberty, is a humbug in Astoria.'and Jeff, of the Chop nousc. has taken it down in disgust But all the same he will continue to give the best meals in town, from 5 a. m to 12 midnight, for 25 cents regardless of cost, as he is determined to be the boss. Try his dinner from 450 to 8 p. 3L, and compare it with one you pay 50 cents for. Jeff. IVoticc. Dinner at "J EFF'S" CHOP HOUSE every day at ,1 o'cSock. The best 25 cent meal in town ; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, puddimr. etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or couee included. Alt wno nave tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS." Iioolc Here! You are out a treat, and don't you for get it, it 3'ou miss .1 js J? 's Dinner every day from J to 8. Soups, fish, eight kinds of meat, vegetables, pies, puddings, cof- cof- ice, tea, wine. fc. F. beer, or milk, nor 23 eentf . Din- Oysterx. Oysters, Oysters. at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, fry, pan roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's. For a Ifent Pitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che- namus street, next door to I. w. Uase. AH coods of the best make and cuaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving, custom work. Uraee up the whole system with King oi iiu liioud. tje Advertisement. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest If i" s. at J. "W. i oimBcu!,' store. uiTrWsite Oclden- ttel, JCitoria. Have V." Istar's balsam of wild cherrv always at hand. It cures coughs, colds. bronchitis, whooping couch, croun. in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints. 50 cents andJSl a bot tle. THE LATEST STYLES TV ALL "'PAPER AT S. i. FRANKLIN'S, NltXT ixoi:to astokian office. A vary larse Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. v&TSly iiteiit Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will bf louad convenient to my patrons. Will be open every -AT PYTHIAN CASTLE HALL, A. r. Tcnolicr. Brass ami String Band Music funilshed for lixciiRfloiis, Parades and Parties. Tysons civon on thR Violin. AddIv at the Fumlturrt Store of Ed. D..CURTIS & CO. Changed Hands. milE BAKERY ON CnENAMUS STREET. en by A foimeily owned by Ch:is. Carow. has been boiipht by Chas after conduct it. Ebcrie, who will here- od Bread a Specialty. The public trade solicited. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are HEREBY Not to Trespass upon the follow ing described property, to wit: The NW 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 8 N.. R. 8 W.. Clatsop County, Oregon. The said property being tho property or the unuersigneu. JOHN ROGERS. HarilwBre awl SUg Clifllery A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. Hardware, and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, 1 Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements Sewing machines. laiutjs sud Oils, Groceries, etc BUSINESS CHANGE. QUONG YEE GEE HAYIKG GONE TO , Chtn.i ha told his interest to Wonir AViili. who will continue the business under the same stem. He has ?U Idnds of China goods, Tea, nice, aud 0 1. Alsn Asent far Chlnn Iaber. TiTOXG KEE. LTJatKONG GEE, Partners. sepl7-lhu iiiM Sciioel C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 7 Special Announcement THE The Leading Cloibing House of JLsiorm, For the n'eTO liberal discount;:6if all goods bought to the amount of COQ-and over previous to the arrival of our --fall and winter, goods. Fine Silks and Velvets Reduced, Fine French and English Dress Gbod& Reduced, Blankets and Flannels Reduced, Hosiery and Underwear Reduced. Our stock-, ot -Clothing and .Gents' Furnishing Goo is the largest in the' State. w Dress Suits reduced, Business Suits reduced, Gents5 Fine Underwear reduced, Hats and Caps reduced, Scots and Shoes reduced. C. H. COOPER, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. A. STINSON & CO., BLAGKS?.!THING, M o.J Btaad, tioraer o: and Court Streets. Sliln and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THJE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY TS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO JL remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to BOo M., at the mill or delivered. we aiso manufacture lath and shingles ot Al quality. Plooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. 8. C, BKKKKKrSupt. At Cost Prices ! ! ! FOB T7e will sell onr entire stock of OH CLBTHH6 AT COST!! In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothlag for fall and whiter, and must have room. ALSO: Youth's The Ir.rcest and finest stock of Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods in the city. IX .A.. Occident Storn, A ! m S S ri n 6 S 0 I XL Dry Goi ;dkys we will make -a- IT PAYS "WHO? . FRANK ELBEESON, SeasifleBaiery & Conftctionery. W JtL"32"? Because my Goods are ihe Best and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnished for "Wedding, parties, on abort notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Oppeaite J. W. Haae's. Suits Iteduce(3;fl i3t Ed. B. Curtis UNSURPASSE IN STYLE AND FINE NEW FURNITUR A COMPLETE STOCK. S.B.CRaW, P50T0GKAPHEK, ,: r Corner Eestoa sad Sqadsoqaa Streets . - , v- E&st of tk Ceart Hoas . IMliMllll III I Carpels, Mols