ASTORIA, OKEG02K SHXnAY SEPTEMBER SO, 1983 A Probable .Repeal. Dciaxo the past summer the commissioner general of the land iffitn Viae liafl in fVtn cUtnc nrl territories where there are large quantities of unsold' public lands, a large force., of special agents engaged in detection And investi gation of fraudulent entries, under the pre-emption, homestead and timber culture acts. The reports of these agentJ"reveal such a con dition of facts, that in all proba bility the secretary of the interi or, in his annual report, will recom mend a repeal, not only of the pre-emption laws, but of the tim ber culture act also. Among the conditions which it is believed will be urged in this repeal, are, first, that practically, the actual settler can get titles to his farm as soon under the homestead act as under the pre-emption law; and, that there is no need of two methods to attain the same object; that -while the laws remain, the settlers may take advantage of each and ac- ijuire a title to 480 acres of public land, by paying cash for 1G0 acres, and, taking the remainder under the homestead and timber culture act, a quantity, which is suggested is greater than a settler should be permitted to obtain on such easy terms. Under the present con dition of affairs, it is claimed that both pre-emption and timber culture laws offer a premium to dishonesty, as is clearly shown by the jrrcat number of fraudulent entries which have been detected. Should the act of June 3, 1878, be repealed thenumber of "news papers" in Oregon and Washing ton Territory would be reduced one-half inside of sixty days, and the "patent outside1' industry would receive a severe blow. The London Fire Brigade has but fifty steam engines and 500 firemen. The estimated value of the property to be protected is j i i i r : r inmi. i Tji. sr per cenr. ion years ago CaptShaw asked in vain for an annual appropriation of 8000,000, which is only $100,000 more than he gets to-day. Yet, this very in sufficient fire service notwithstand ing, the losses in London are com paratively very small against those here, and a chief reason is that a rigorous building law requires the party wall, dividing one house from another, to be carried up several feet above the roof. Con sequently a house is frequently burued out without its neighbor being any wise injured. The roofs are slate or tile, and usually en tirely devoid of wood cornices. A dispatch from Vienna states that Russia is making extensive military preparations along the Austrian and German frontier. Tenders have been asked for 30, 000 military 'beds. All the rail roads have been ordered to have military cars in readiness. A list has bsen made to private steamers in the Black sea, and their-cap-,.. tains have been ordered to prepare for the transportation of ammuni tion, troops and provisions. These vessels have ceased executing pri vate orders and the carriage of corn is thus interrupted. Enor inous provision depots have been established along the frontier and an army corps has been distribiyj txi man d "iSuir been made of the event of id from Poland fussia. ngs arc brought fdbiquitous news who tire always in other peoples' iSan Francisco the is a serious one. jo an artesian well Jtbe new city hall; and e ot furnishing suf- jr to dispense with a Ply supply. In a short .began to act strange - it leaks out that ere directly inter- lilure had caused a lent to be dropped in 5? it as "solid" as the fuore's cargo will -be when rater cjets at it. E only purely ChrWtls.ii coun- the world is believed to be uie island ot Atata. in )Utb Pacific, where every a member of a ofe'ur ck. According to a Roman Catholic statistician the pagans are still in the majority, numbering about 816,000,000, against 212,000.000 Catholics, 124,000,000 Protestants, 84,000,000 "dissenters and schis matics" of various sects, 200,000, 000 Mohammedans and 7,000,000 Jews. This statistician figures out 423,000,000 of Buddhists, 103,000, 000 "Brahmins" and 230,000,000 of idol worshipers. Oxe of the greatest tributes to the efficiency of our public schools, says the New York JSun,' is the at tendance of children of well-to-do parents, who could afford the ex pense of private schools if they did not prefer the others. These little ones should make good citi zens, for they are impressed early in life with the Democratic princi ple of equality. Timber claims in Kansas have, as a rule, been held as a marketa ble commodity, or "boot ' in hors; trades, and when their cultivation has been attempted, the act has been an insult to the ground, death to the tree, and an- unmiti gated swindle on the owner emphatically so if he happened to be a non resident. No news from "Wall street for three days, beyond a general state ment that stocks were "firmer." TO-DAY. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MBS. POWELL WILL OPEN AN OYS ter stand on next Monday, on Slain street next to the Oregon Uakery. She hopes careful attention will secure her a suare oi patronage at usual prices. Hm FOUND. A PURSE WITH MONEY IN IT. Owner describe it and take it A. 5L TWOJICI.Y. TOR TILLAMOOK. THE Sir, (M MILES "Will lpave Astoria forGKAYS HARBOK, on Wednesday, Oct. 3d. AtC o'clock A.M. Returning, wijl leave Garibaldi at 1 r. ii. For particulars Inguire of CLAUDE THA YER, Tillamook, Capt- 'Whltcomb, onboard, t). ii. v. uiiax, Agent. TILLAMOOK. The .new Steamer i I5ABBAGE, - Master. TOE SAILING DATES AND PAETICC jb? lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER. Main street Wharf. Astoria: ALLEN & LEWIS. x-oruanu ; .j . u. oiuit i xiuaniooK. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & C0.JS DISPATCH LINE For "New York. 80 DAYS to NEW YORK The New, and Elegant, A1 First Class Steamer. S. HOMER, CEOWELL, ---- Master. Will be read v at Astoria, in a few days for cargo, and having the most of her capacity engaged will have the usual prompt dispatch of this line. Early application should be made for the balance of disengaged room or passage 'r. Care of Allen A- Lewis Portland, Oregon. Consignees in New York. MESSRS. SUTTON & CO. THE BEST Bearding and Lodging House. Chas. "Wallraan has onened a boanlhurnnd lodging house south of O'Brien's hotel, near me gas worKS. The table is sunnlied with the best the market affords : good food and clean beds wm oe iurnisneu at tne regular prices. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves, CHAS. WALLMAN. For Sale. nw i emu T mn'C x-n m i r it tit tt VD lug about to move their lodge room, offer ior saie some suosranuai iumuure, consist ing of tables, chairs, desks, carpet, etc Any one wisinnc 10 ouy can examine tne jurni tur by applying to the committee. W. B. ROSS. EOBT. HAMILTON, tf L. HART WIG. Notice to the Public. LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO ME ARE :-iKUUbxI thfct I have nlaced mv accounts in me nanus oi aueiman is. siorton, ior col lection. Any account rcmalnlnc unnaid after the 80th of this month will be handed to my at torney jur jegai acuuu uiereon. Stockholders Meeting. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the JL1 annual meeting of the Stockholders of tne uciment packing Co. will be held at lueir omce ucioDer. isw, tor tne purpose of electine a board of directors and trans- actlncsuch other business as may come be- iore xue meeting, W.L.EOBB. utf Secretary Notice to Stockholders I. X. L. Packing Co. nuns is to notify stockholders JL that one-half of a share of stock will be sold. Any stockholder wishing to buy same musi iuukc u Known oeiore uct. 1. 1883. JAS. OSTROM, Pres. Astoria, Sept. 15, 1883, td ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! 9101.000,000 Apiironriaictl in 1S83 for Pensions. AN ACT to relieve soldiers from the charm of desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, and to grant soldiers marked as lDOPiiTi?m.' .. i.i .1 : . l AN ACT to extend the arrears of the -oen- sion act and continue it in force so far as widows and children are concerned. AN ACT allowing pay for horses and equipments lost In servicer etc Nearly every person is enuuea 10 an increase. PeHRteHS, BeaRtics, IiSnd. Claims anu i.-nicHts auenaeuio. For particulars call or address C. J. CURTIS. i Attorneyaaa Counselor --at Law, Solicitor of oijfcims Aim j-ienis. - . Sm63 aad 4 Odd Fellows ImlWlflg, As "WHY IVOT save Monet Time, Labor and Risk, in Getting Your EfSPAPERSIMA&AMES BY SUBSCRIBING "WITH GAEL ABLER, Astoria, Oregon. Subscriptions received for any Periodical In the world. Special rates if several Papers and Maga zines are ordered at qncc. Prices of iKHlodicals given on application. It will certainly pay you to call before sub .Hcribtug or f-h Ins su order for your periodi cal reading matter. Order Early ami Save Ielay. HOTEL. OYSTER AHD COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened at his old stand in Dr.KIn sej': Building. TTE NOW HAS THE FINEST l'URNI JOL tun, and accommodations ot any res taurant in town. Nothing lias been .spared to make it first-class. Prlvnle Rooms for JLnriicx or I'uiuIIIca. Oysters cooked to order in any of Frank Fabre's celebrated styles. ice Cream, Ice, Etc. The nicest furnished rooms, good clean beds, and best accommodations for lodgers over the restaurant. I. "W. CASE, I&lPOKTOt ANP WHOLESALE AND KE TAIL DEALER DT GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cbenamus and Cass singly. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON Astoria Oil Works. "...DEFORCE, Proprietor, P.O.Box 251, Astoria, Oregon. Manufacturer ami Dealm in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grease to be good and cheap. A. MacBetii, MERCHANT TAILOR, Xo. 4. First St, - - Portland, Oregon. Clothing made at reasonaMc prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. FOR LONDON DIRECT ! ! The splendid iron Barque Al CHASCA, CfJS Toms Kcslsfer, rRIDEAUX, "Will take jL Xj TE C jKT Incases for the above named port In lots to smt Whinner, and havinsr lanrc en gagements will be quickly dispatched. For terms of freight and insurance apply to SIBSOX, CHURCH Co.. Portland. Or. Or to P. L. CHERRY, Astoria. J. EL D. G-BAY. Wholesale :ind rcUiil lRler in. GROCERIES, FLQUR, AHD FEED Hay, 0 J:, Straw, Vcod, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and WJiarface on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Fimires toerLie ! AND JEFF Or THE CHOP HOUSE Can nrove bv his books that lie is doinc the blRKest business of any BESTAUKAUT In the city, "and be will cuarautee to nive me ucsi meat ior casu. lOTIC The splendid Al British, Iron Clipper Ship. "GRISEDALE," "Will go on the Inrfli at Astoria, on or about, the loth of SEPTEMBER, FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. to Messrs. UAT.FODK, GUTIIBIE & CO., roniana. If Or to r. L. CIIEREY, Astoria. NOTICE. 1 LL PAliTIES INDEBTED TO THE f nrm or j'rael llros. ar TPonpsfpd tn can ;uiu iHiuiusie iticir inueuiciine.s. JJiAEIj BROS. For Sale. OMJ TE.M OF LATtGE UOHSES, OXE hct of double luinioss and avucoil. ai. one net. iwo seated oujn. liinuire oi A. G. ALLEN, tf Fort Stevens, Oregon. For Sale. TEh SHAIJia SCANDnfAVIAN FKG. Co. Cjinnery stoclc. Also two flsliinpr hoats wit li gear complete, togrcther wltlilot uiu v,cu. u. W. STOMS. For Sale. "E1IVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HELM ioc'ic wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for 54 a cord. Draylng or all kinds done at reasonable nucs. it. k. JLRION. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Treasury to mv nil Coimtv Onlors nr- sented fnior to October i.ith. ir.v ah snh qrdcis -ttill cease to draw Interest after this aaie. CHAS. HEILBORN. . , Treas. Clatsop County Astoria, August 20tli. 1S50. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer iu .'Icars and Tabaoces, SiuoUcrs' Articles, Vis jIrs Cards. CMUerxT 8la Ueutrr. Etc The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM and AMBER-GOODS In the city. Particular attention paid to orders from uie country, Theo.BRACKER, Manager. viiien&aus auTiat, Asiona. uregon, Empire ine Goods AT Ladieu desirous of procuring Goods uneauaied in Style and ITinisli will take pleasure in exaiininrng our Stock of SILKS, SATmSand'BESSS GOODS. m THE GENTS' FUKNXSEI1G DEPAETBIEHT, 4 Everytliing is Comi)lete and of the best. PEAEL Jordan Have a Full 23ic, Gour Ctaii BANKING AHDJHSURAH6E. 2- "W. C? AXD IH8URAHGE AGEHT. - - - OREGON ASTORIA, - - OFFICE HOURS: FR031 9 O'CLOCK A. IK. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. ii. Home Mntial Insurance Go., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HOUGHTOX-. Chas. IL STOiir.... ....IVesident .SecreJapy GKO. L. Stort. Capital paid ui la U..S. r.oUH coin .. s wj I. TV. CASH. Apn. Chenamus street. Astoria. Grepou. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL A1D LOOS AND GLOBS, NOltfH BRITISH A2?D 31ERCAS- TILE OF LOON AlJD EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF UART- FORD, A2TD C03LMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. P.oprosantins a capital of .Ki7.000.OCO. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. MAGHD8 0. (1R0SBT. Dealer in IARDIME, IBM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLTJSIBERS AND STEAM FITTERC Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP 'LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnisuin.g Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBNB and STEAM FITTINC Dodo with neatness and dispatch. Noue Dut first class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj- SCALE? Constantly on band ESTABLISHED IX 1832. AEMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twines, Brooms, Brashes, Baskets, Pnl!,TuiH, Omrus, dashboards, Kopc Cordage, Wrapplas Tapers, Taper Kass, Xialldlas Pancrs, 3Iaiclics, Handles, Clothes Wrlnscrs, Car pet Sweepers, Feather Oust ers, Stationery, Vc. 230 and 232, Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, GAI Grace Church'Parish School. Hear of Church Building. mms school "will rk-ope- -kuyx JL dav.Sentember3.iftKl.Thft mnmi train. Ing of Uie children will be carefully watched, and made a special point. In addition to the ordinary courso it study there will he instruction in the elements of Vocal SIii Klc, Irawins and Calisthenics. If found desirable or expedient, classes will he formed in IURher Mathematics, Botany, As tronomy, Advanced Jlusic and Drawing, for. which light extra charges will be made.- Terms-$2 a month, strictly In advance. .44 OFFICERS. 4 ItEV.M. D. "WILSON. - - Sector MISS ANNIE W.CDirnS, - Principal MISS M. C. TKENCHARD, - Assistant For further particulars apply to M.D.WILSON. sto aee nees BE Lins of iff Ebbbto Drugs and Chemicals I 1 1; THOMAS, DRUGGIST Pharmacist. AST0R1A.C? J 'Prescriptions carefullj compoumlod j ; my or Night. 1 A AND EG AM SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS S3ieei Mrisic , Piano, and Organ Instructor: CELEKIL1TED STECK k KIABE MOS ! USED BY "President of United Siatcs" "Governor of Oregon' And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leadiiif: makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of AH Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNEB, Eros 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. TO TEE TEABE I Messrs. Wm. E. Hooper S Sons BALTIMORE, RfiD.Js Havepiven us the EXCLUSIVE SALE for racuie uo;ist or uioir celebrated WOOBBEEEY TWINES I E0P2 Including a Full Line of GOTTOH SEINE TWINES, WRAPPING TWINES, SAIL TWINES, ETC. In addition to a'oovc, we liave oa hand a Uompjete Assortment or . Needle Brand Seine. Twines. Palmetto Seine and Wrapping Twines. EENEY BOYLE & GO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAH FRANCIK0. City Taxes. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE Jci city assessment roll for 1SS3 is now In my hands for collection, and all persons that are Indebted for the same may save five per cent, by paying said taxes before October U, 1SS3. J. G. HUSTLER, WL m City Treasurer. FRASK Ec Eresii Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. Wo lsave to-day finished opening ami putting in order the Bought in tian Francisco by B. F. STEVENS. C. P. MOFF1T will he fonntt behind the counter. His loiig established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B, F. STEVENS & GO. TEJ :.vpl tw the Capta n. or to 12. P. Parker, THE NEW MODEL A FUIIi STOCK Two doors east of Occident Hotel, (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CJnsa: ASiSJS STREET, Soxt to C. J. Parlcer's Store. GHAS. HEILBORN, ilANUFACTUBER OF rTR.TsTTTTTR.'R Sa BEDDING AND DEALEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Souldinos TnNDO"W COKXICES AIvD CURTAIN POLES Completo in eTery branch. 31. ohskx. J. GUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN 80 CO. DEAIiEP.S IN ITOENmJRE Ss BEDDING. Corner 3Xnin and riqncinoqun StruetM. Astoria, Oregon. WIHDOW SHADES AKD TRIMPfllNGS; WALL PAPERS ETC v A Complete Stock. " PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD, CHAS.EIILLMS01J&C0. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. OHlce on Genevieve street, In the rear of E, It. Ilawcs building. A General Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTKIE. All manner or lteoairlng, etc., attended to. Shop In Page's new building on Cass street. LUMBER ! LATH A3STD SHUTG-LES, In Quantities io suit at Short Notice STOSE & I)AV31SOy. r Opp. Parker Ilonse.- PARKER. Vegetables T h CLARA PARKER Eugens D. Brock, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCnAll- n. 15. paiuki:. Agent. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF 3 5s CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE TLEiVSED. E. K. nAWES Is also agent for the And other first-class stoves. Fnrcaca W orlr. Stoma Pit KiJiE3. etc., a specialty- ALWAYS ON HAKD. ASTORIA, OREGON . Tin, Sheei Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and .Ranges The Best in the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Jot) work done In a workmanlike manner. A. JOTTS'SOX. Leinenweber & Co., C. IiUKfE-TWEEEE. II. BROWX ESTABOSnED 1865. ASTOKIA, OREGON, ffd TAMERS Affl CDBBS1ES, Manufacturers and Importers of yLL KINDS OF AND BINDINGS IWhoIesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. ssrHIghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. f5 The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Da? from 10 to 12 A. BI The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. CEO. HILLEK. AGENT