01 t 2?3? HbUu &2StxrrJ8iu ASTORIA, OREGON: SATtTIAY .SKPTBilBEKfiB, 1SS8 IVoticc. i af.er this l4e R. E. Jaekson . f . rthor notice have charge of '.un erf Tmk Daily Asto v ' d 'liver all pjqiers and is ..ihoria-d to collect for same. r. K. HALLOKAX & CO. . r.. Seit- 24. 1. -The Fic'wmi arrived in yesterday w.lh froi ht. VV.ter S. Mow' minstrels will be O-t 'ber 8th and Oth. Ti..' receipts at the Oiympia land arc over Sou, 000 a month. --Ihe Miles Is advertised to fcr Gray's harbor this morning. leave Portland capitalists are h-Ia SG.500,000 worth of said to Tillard ;cks. Tho QHren goes up stream this u.rn:ng, and the Gohimhi sails for s-n Francisfio. J. A. Vaughn loaves this morn i:.j on a two months' visit to Keiths Viilc, Missouri. -Commencing with Tuesday, the 21, tl.p San Francisco stoamera will run on three day time as before. A narrow gauge railroad is tho latest improvement at Capt. Gray'a d"jck. It is operated exclusively by mm power. Olvinpia is to have a 84.000 steam lire engine something the territorial capital has badly needed for some time. Articles of incorporation of the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias for the state of Oregon, have been filed in Portland. Thtro is some talk of having a steeple chase down Cass street, best two in three; the street is in fine con dition for a hurdle race. - The price of logs is reported to be lower on the Sound than for some time past, SG.50 and 7 being the rilling figures at present. - -It is to be hoped that a continu ous rain will clear away this villainous smoko that has praved such a fruitful source of annoyance all summer. - - Huntington is the point selected for the junction of the Oregon Short lUah'JV'O R. ttjST. Co. 'a lines. Jht u"1 nat or terminus of tho former company s lines has not yet been de termined. We are indebted to Bon Woraley for copies of tho Western Fireman, a red-hot, wide-awako journal exclu sively devoted to fire matters. Asto ria is well represented in the corre spondent's column. The Queen arrivod in at half past two yesterday afternoon, with an un usually large number of passengers, u of whom were nicked up out side. Capt. Alexaudcr was seriously indisposed last evening. Birds in their little nests agree, but"cditors on the Sound continue to call each other liars and sons of dark ness: the worst of it is they prove it sometimes. So far the Seattle news papers have the best of it. Capt. Wass brought the Victoria in yesterday. He reports thick weather all tho way up. Cant. Howes is on tho Queen, having been tempo , transferred from the Oregon whuh iias cone on the dock in San Francisco for ropmrs. - The regular fall bear stories come to us from all quarters. One man says he saw two and got a shot at ouo near Easle Cliff, another tells of seeing the tracks of six near Knapp ton on the road to the Nasel, but so far Clatsop county is ahead, as a most trustworthy intormant sav3 he saw three playing leap frog at the Wal luski. The county court sitting as boardof equalization of assessessments has adjourned to Tuesday, October 2, when it will hear and determino all complaints of unequal or erroneous assessments for Clatsop county; in the mean time all persons interested can examine the assessment roll at the assessor's office in the court house. The Walla Walla Statesman thinks the present tendency in the newspaper business is for tho big fish to eat up the little ones: for tho large city newspapers to crush out the 8mallor local papers. There is some truth in the observation, yet a local paper can always command support and influence if kept free from "jobs," or any suspicion of trickery. Mr. Belknap, whose place adjoins Col. Stone's near Knappa, has stripped a vein of good coal, about six feet in width, with alternate layers of slate The coal is of good quality, burns readily, and is a fair indication of the coal measures that underlie this whole country. Coal from iuiappaana the JNehalem will some day bo among regular shipments from mis point. Leave your orders to-day. at Frank Elbcrson's, for baked beans and Boston brown bread for bunday morning. Ifew Millinery At Mrs. Malcolm's. Will have a fall op ening m a lew days. Oysters in Erery Style, AM ctffee at Mrs. Loyett's. L0SSOPTHE cairkbkomb. Ashore, South, cf the Columbia River. The dense fog that has hung over land and ssr for the last two month3 has been a source of continual danger to navigators, as has been oviuced by several marine causalities both hero and olpewhcre; notably the Ions of the liettre off Cape Flattery, the stranding of vosels in tho Sound, and the Queen on Clatsop spit; the Ona at Yaquina and otbjjr causaltles. Yesterday and the day beforo the smoke which hud been blown from Clarke Co., W. T., mingled with the usual gray fog from the ocean and made a haze almost impenetrable to the eye. The ocean steamers Victoria and Queen in charge of experienced pilots crossed in, the latter vessel bringing the captain and crew of the English bark Cairnsmore. A dispatch had been received at noon, concerning the vessel, and the Pioneer was promptly dispatched to render such aid as might be necessary, the Gen. Custer also going down. At iwo o'clock the following was received at this office: fSI'EOXAL TO THE AST01!IA'.j Ft. Stevexs, Sept. 23, 2 p. .m. Tiie nglish iron bark, Cainismore, 940 tons, Gibb master, 155 days from London, came ashore about half past four o'clock yesterday after noon about two miles south ot tho light house at Point Adams, off Coon Head. All hands deserted" her about half an hour after the vessel struck. She is woll on tho shore: the crew is supposed to have been picked up by a tug at six o'clock. There are ;ood many people down here watch- ins her. .1. II. YOUXG, Signal Corps. Immediately upon the arrival of Capt. Gibb and his men, Vice-Consul Cherry look them in charge, the captain fur nishing us with the following report: REPORT 01 THE B1UTIS1I IIARQUK CAIKKSMOEE. Left London on Slay 28th for Port land, Oregon, with a cargo of cement for Balfour, Guthrie & Co., had usual weather to the Horn, where we ex perienced. Heavy weather ana very light winds on North Pacific. Came off the Columbia river about two hun dred miles on the 20th, from which time experienced foggy and smoky weather, not being able at any time to get sights. On Wednesday night the 26th inst. about 11 p. i. the ves sel took the ground, a heavy swell spndiug her further in all the lime, nothing visible toward shore, ship striking heavily, did not hear either bell buoy or whistle; burnt blue lights and showed large flareups. Next morning at daylight could just see the land, with two objects moving; took them to be people; swell increasing from ten a. m., ship striking m or heavily, later in the afternoon shift took a list to port. On consultation with officers concluded to abandon vessel, which with great difficulty. owing to tho heavy sea, we were en abled to do by tho boats. At five r. M. scut boat containing 1st ofiicor to find our whereabouts, but fortunately at C a. ai. were siahlod by steamer Queen of the Purine and taken on board. I hero wish to thank Capt Alexan dor and his officers for their kind treatment of myself, officers and crew; landed in Astoria at 3 P. M. AsTOitiA, On.. Sept. 28, 1883. Tho first mate of the Cairnsmvre was on the ill-fated Fernalenz one of the crew, a lad of twelve ha3 rather unique experience, this being his third adrenturc of tho kiud. There is but little hope entertained of saving the vessel. The Oregonian aud Standard are scalding Mayor Chapman; the ITcics has all the inclination to take his part, out JacKs the aoiuty, ana "none so poor to do him reverence." This last expose is a sad commentary on the prevalence of municipal corruption. It would seem as though politics was a game, and a very dirty game at that, ana any man that engages m it mtiBt either play the same tricks as his op ponent or stay out. "What shall the new state be named?" is still being discussed by the Territorial press. Leave the name as it now is. George was first in war let the new state of Washington be also, like him, first in peace; he was first in the hearts of his countrymen let the commonwealth that is to be be first in the thoughts of emigrating thousands by reason of its magnificent natural gifts and abiding sources of permanent prosperity. Call your state Washington; and thank the Lord that you have a right to name your state after such a great man. Tho most superficial roading of the Northern Pacific's publications shows how bent on "booming" Ta coma property, that Company's di rectors are. The Northwest, for Sep tember, received last'night, speaks of a wonderful enterprise at that wonder ful city, an actual investment of.$30, 000 in the "salmon fisheries," when the wholo salmon industry of tho Sound could be stowed away in one of our Columbia river canneries aud not be noticed except tho cannery superin tendent came along and ordered the salmon fluns overboard as not bein worthy of a Columbia river label. Mistakes in Newspapers. The Poughkecpsie Eagle, jn an arti cle on ''How Mistakes Happen in Newspapers." figures up tho number of type used in a newspaper the size of tho Eagle at G00.000; that is the actual number of bits of metal ar ranged for each newspaper in prepar ing a paper of that size for the press. We suppose few people think of the printing trade as one of the most ex act and particular handicrafts, but it is. In malnng type, vanntion3 that J might be allowed m the finest mithin- ery wouiil renuer type useless- it is very rarely that the type furnished by two different foundries can be used together without a groat deal of trouble, even though they should try to make it after the standard. We read once in a while of a wonderful piece of cabinet or mosaic work con taining twenty or fifty thousand pieces, the maker of which has spent months or even years of labor in producing it, and the people go to see it as a curiosity; but the most elaborate and carefully-fitted piece of work of this kind ever made does not compare, for minuteness of detail and accuracy of fitting, with that which the printer does every day. The man who does the first is looked upon asAjnarvel of skill, and if a hundred of is pieces arc put in wrong Bide up or turned around, it is not noticed in the gen eral ;ffect; but if the printer, in fit ting ten times as many pieces together J in a single oay, puts one the wrong way, everybody sees it, and is amazed. A Ease Libel.- Some one who claims to know says that he helped fix up a lunch basket for one of the excursionists who start ed off yesterday morning and that it containel among other items, 4 bottles whisky, 1 pound crackers, 3 bottles whisky, j- pound tobacco, 2 bottles gin, l can uevneu nam, o Dotues whisky, 1 cold chicken, -f bottles whisky, 1 dozen cigars, 1 bottlo whisky, 1 can pigs feet, and some whisky. It seems like a good many crackers, but then jou can't always tell. The Boston high school girl con demns the phrase "tumble to the racket," as vilo slang. She says precipitate in the direction of the clamor" as a more elegant expression. About 3,000 patents remain un called for in the Oregon City United States land office. Send your certifi cates and get them. Put it off for a few years and some shyster lawyer from the east will come on, pick some flaw somewhere, and make you put up or give you trouble, as they have done in the Western States. Enterprise. The most attractive way to serve watermelon is to remove the rind and cut it up into squares. Serve in a rystaldish with powdered sugar. Standard. May bo so, but it isn't half so much fun to crystal dish the melon as to have the melon all to yourself and just eat it. "Visitors toll U3 what is a manifest fact that Astoria is growing at as pro portionately as great a rate as any city in the country. And this, too, without a railroad or any adventitious effort to create a false prosperity. Next season the work of grading the hills will be prosecuted with a view to comply with the increasing demand for private dwellings. For the next few years the rule will be, ihe water level for business houses and the higher ground for dwelling houses. When the scuthern and western poi tions of our beautiful peninsula begin to be covered with buildings the Younji's bay front will bo a bonanza to those who own it. -The Seattle Herald refuses to a! low its columns to be used for the purpose of "booming" propertj. That is all very well, and to bo commend ed; such clever articles as the Herald daily contains must necessarily result in enhancing tho value of property and heln the material prosoerity of the go-ahead city in which it is pub lished. It is a duty that a daily paper owes to its patrons to give tho first and most reliable news of any thing calculated to help its city, and it is no less tho duty of an honest paper to contemn all selfish effort oft the part of thoso who would gouge the eyes out of a town for an extra ten dollars a month, and refuse to countenance their pilfering schemes. Such dodges never succeed, AVOJIAN ASH HER DISEASES. is the title of a large illustrated treat ise, by Dr. II. v. Pierce, Buffalo, .N Y., sent to any address for three stamps. It teaches successful self- treatment. Ilcst CuMoai Work. Hoots and Slior. Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to Citv Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fitting boots and shoes, and lowest prices. I'erfect lit guaranteed. A Juicy Bcef,tenlc cooked to perfection is what yon can get at t ranK aore s. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now onen. fcverythius has been lu ted up in first-class style, and his well Known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to cat, that at ins piace iney can oe accommodated. Insure against accidents of all kinds iu mu oiu reiiaoie xraveiera ol iiari. ford. Wheeler & Robb, agents. Boys' clothing at cost at the Occi dent store. Life and Accident Insurance ool cies written in the Travelers of Hart ford, uy Wheeler &Iiobb, agents. The Travelers Insurance Co. in sures against accidents of all kinds, and I iays claims promptij. v heeler loub, agents. - Fainting in oil colors by an entirely new method can easily be learned by any one having time for a few lessons, upon application to Miss Lineker, resi dence next to Capt. Bogera. IS 5T POSSIBLE? Ten weary, fool-sore travelers. All in a woful plight, Sought shelter at a wayside inn One dark and stormy night, "Xiuc beds, no mere.' the landlord said. Have I to offer you; To each of. eight a single room. But the ninth must serve for twi." A din arose. The troubled host ' Could only scratch his head: For of those tired men no two Could occupy one bed. The puzzled host was soon at ease Ho was a clever man And to please all his guests, devised This most ingenious plan. In room marked A two men weie placed: The third he lodged in B; The fourth to C was tlion assigned; The fifth retired toD; In E the sixth he tucked away. In F the seventh man; The eieht and ninth in G and II, And then to A he ran, Wherein the hot. as I have said. Had laid two travelers by. Then taking one the tenth and laat- Ile lodged him safe in i. Nincsingle rooms a room for each Were made to serve for ten, And this it Is that puzzles me. And many wiser men. . War Cloud- Some days ago the British ship Scottish Tar arrived in Krt, and the sailors belonging to her had a little trouble about gettiug their wages. James Laidlaw, British vico consul, for some Reason advised that the claims be not paid, and thereupon C. H. Hewett and Yocum & Clarnu, in behalf of the seamen, filed a libel in U. S. courts and had an officer put in charge The captain and consignees were were willing to pay, but the vice consul objected. Yesterday Mr. Hewett called at Mr. Laidlaw 'a office to see about the matter, when he was ordered out by the diplomat, with the information that the latter would not recognize the former, aud a war of words took place between the two gentlemen. A high counter prevented them from getting to each other, and Mr. Hewitt withdrew. The next time Mr. Heweit calls on the British vico consul, he will stick an American flag in his hat and stay to tea. The amount ot the original claims was 10a, but the additional costs will ran up to about S800. Standard. She Took the Sjgn. A woman who opened a small milli nery shop engaged a painter to paint I - r ( 1 . tier ;i aiu. uuu 11 iuim muim mu ther day it read: "Mrss. J. Blank," eta, and she called out, "You have put an extra 's' in Mrs.? and must paint the sign over." The painter saw tho orror but didn't want to correct it, aud re plied: "Madam, haven t you had two hus bands" "Yes, sir." "Yon were a Mrs. whon you lost the first husband?" "I was." "And do you think u woman can go on marrying forever and not lengthen out her title? 'Mrs.' means a woman who is married or a widow. 'Mres.' means a woniau who hits been married twice and is young enough to mam again; and only yesterday a rich old chap w.is in our shop and said if he thought von heart-tree hod come up-" Oh. well, you can uil up the sign, she interrupted. And there it is to-day. -Writing from the Nelmlyi.'! a correspondent of the Register say?-: "It is raiuing in a Jjd, oid-fuehiun- d style, and Xehalem rejoices. I wonder it they won t rejoice again when it quits. One hundred and thirty-five days without rain is severe drouth for any country and not experienced before in Xc1ikSoi:i since its settlement. But I see no delete rious effects; everybody enjoying gHxi lealih, the hay crop and gardens ah tairly good, and potatoes good m quality and tree irom ought. it is true the butter yield is light, but the price will be proportionated higher. It has been a cood time to burn xnd much of it has been done with no seri ous damage. So taking all things into account. I think the Keh&lemites cs.n say, "All tilings work to our good The rain comes down quite fast; smol dering fir en will be put out, the smoko will be settled and the deer and eik will come down from the mouutaiu; the hunters will bo happy and elk meat plenty. Salmon are very plen tiful in Tillamook and jNehalem, boats taking from 50 to 100 a night. But the one cannery could not take caio of all that came in, so they quit re ceiving any from this river, aud our fishermen have faces :i3 long aa the salmon they caught. Having no bar rels or salt to pack in, they cannot profit by the rich Harvest that provi dence casts at their feet." Ijaecs, IiaceK, X.acc. at I'racl Bids. Empire Store: all stylos and prices. Some fine qualities. Fmsraii t Coffee to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. When You Come lo Astoria and want a nice nan roast, go to Frank Fabre's, at his old stand. JJapIe.v Galvanic Bells. Persons wishing to uurchase them will call on .1. W. Conn, who is agent for them, at his Drug btorc opposite uc- cident Hotel, Silks, Satins, Drews oorts. atPrael Bros. ooil Stand to Kent. m? sniLihle for a barber shop and bath, or for other punioses can be had of L. I. Johnson, on the Jtoadway. X.adlct Itnyius for Fall V'cr.r should see those handsome goods and trimmings at the Empire Store. The 35-iiplrc Store has re-opened and displays some hand some dress goods. Save 3Ioney, Time, labor and risk by subscribing at Carl Adlers for whatever newspaper or magazine you want To The Public. We lake this method of cautioning the general public to exercise care in any transactions they mav have with Mr. Harry Boyd, agent of. the Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance company, as our experience with him is of such a nature as makes us positive he is not to ue trusted. Bkrqmax & Berry, Mark Sciilussei.. (Orcyonian copy.) Girl lYnntctl. To eok for a family of three persons mast get breakfast read v by G o'clock a. m. Apply at tins omee. Kcw Se-.vixijr Zilachiues. A lot of latest improved Howe Sew- ttifj machines at satisfactory prices can Of nan at i. .). Arvoid s. Aotice to the F.ndies. Switches made from combings or cut hair; new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable. Call or address Ulir.KXHART & SCIIOEXHE, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria, Oregon. FrastJi Fa?re's Hotel. Frank Fabre has the finest accommo ihitinns for lodgers to be found in As toria, over his restaurant In Kinsey's nuiiding. j-A'eryunng is neat and clean and the beds are new, soft and comfort able. If you wantgood board and lodg ing go to Frank Fahre's Ahuu'Ih & Winnemncea It. It. The American Hag, that boasted em blem of r. S. liberty, is a humbug in Astoria, and Jeff, of the Chop House, has taken it down in disgust But all the same he will continue to give the ln'st meals in town, from 5 A. M to 12 midnight, for2i cents regardless of cost, us he is determined to be the boss. Try his dinner from 4 -.10 to 8 p. m., and compare it with one you pay 50 cents lor. JF.FF. Notice. Dinner at.I EFF'SCnOP HOUSE every day at n o'clock. The best 25 cent I meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, me. pudding, etc. A glass 01 h. i-. ueer, a touch uiaret, tea or rrHPf iiwlniloil All wlin liov trior him say ,Ielf is the '-BOSS." T.oolc Here! You are out a treat and don't you for get it. if you miss JEFF'S Dinner everv day irom ;i to s. aotips. hsh. eight kinds of meat vegetables, pies, puddings, cof fee, tea, wine, S. F. beer, or milk. Din ner ii cents. Oysters. Oysters, Oysters. at the Astoria Oyster depot: a stew. iry, pun roast, or raw at l' ranK t ahre s. For a Scat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran- u'cu quaniy. .y iuu siock: new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Oi.kxx's SfLvntri: So.vr purifies the skin. "IIilts II.vik and Whisker JJVK.--MC. Puck's Toothache Dkops cure in one minute. Brace up the whole system with Kine AJI the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest opposite betel, Astoria. lingers Bros, plated ware and Wost- enholm cutlery at Jordan & Bozorth's new store. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's uuiv. soi uy w . i! ucment. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands wno were sintering irom dyspep sia, neiMiuy, nver complaint, nous, jiu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph wis iw 10 any address. &Sonr 'Joton. Seth W.Fowlf ilAI.K'S HOXKY OF IIOKKIIOUXD a xi) Ta: will arrest every ailment of the lungs, throat or chest LatHirh cured, health and sweet hromh secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Priire ;"i0 cents. Masai Injector free. rnrsaieoy .r uemeiic Shiloh's Couh Cure is sold hv us curif consumption. lUi'llt. ami Consumption on guarantee. It Sold by W.E. De- Iron in a cdorless stite and Peru vian hark, combined with well known aromatius, make Brown's Iron Bitters, tht lest medicine known. Life policies on the endowment plan written in the Manhattan of New 1 oil:. Wheeler v Kobb, agents. Sleepless Niiihts. made miscra 1H that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is th remedy for you. Sold by W- K. De ment Everybody is using, and everyhody is recommending to everybody's friends, Brown'3 Iron Bitters as a re liable iron medicine, a true tonic. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and iiver Complaint V Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold bj W. E. Dement. L'or the genuine .J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, aud the best of wines, liquor aim san brancisco beer, call atthotiera opiiosite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. -The finest flavored Ice Cream at Frank Fabre's, Odd Fellows building. Notice to Taxpayers of School District No. 1 8. milE SCHOOL TAX FOR SCIIOOL DIS- JL trlct So. IS. Clatsop county, state ot Or eson. Is now due. and the School Clerk will be found at his olttee on West Cth street. near Wail street, to ivceive and receipt fori t no same. Taxes unpaid after sixty days Irom the date of this notice will be delinquent. s ive extra cost and pay your tax, C. W. SH1VELY. Clerk School District No. 18. Astoria. Sept. 5, 1SS3. septG-lm A Bwi School "Will be open every TI5UKSIAY EVEiIiVG, AT PYTHIAN CASTLE HALL, A. r. Hi.VEF, Tcnclxcr. IJrass and Striiifr Band Music furnished for Excursions, raraucs anu rarties. Lessons given on the Violin. Apply at the Fiimimre Store of Ed. D. CURTIS & CO. Changed Hands. milE BAKERY ONCHENAMUSSTRI Jl lotmerly owned by Clias. Carow. been boupht by Chas Eberle, who will h after conduct it. Good Bread a Specialty. The public trade solicited. ' has 0. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Special Announcement ! E The Leading TH Clothing Sous of Astoria, For the next 10 liberal discount on the amount of 10.00 and over previous . to the arrival of our Fine Silks and Velvets Reduced, Fine French and English Dress Goods Reduced, Blankets and Flannels Reduced, Hosiery and Underwear Reduced. OUUUIX Ul 77 i r "1 J UrmbiniL" VXOUUS I 3 if o tP I -J UCI.UV Dress Suits reduced, Business Suits reduced, Gents' Fine Underwear reduced, Hats and Gaps reduced, Boots and Shoes reduced, 0. H. COOPER, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING, ASTORIA. G. A. ST1NS0N & CO., BLACKSMITH1NG, At Capt .Rogers old stand, comer ot Cass ana uoun. streets. Shin and Cannery work. Horseahoeinsr. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. the WESTPOET MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 U!&V-?.5Lte , 11c uv jutuiiuatiuic Mill rfuu ouiuica ut. Al quality. Plooring a Specialty . Address all orders WE8TPORT MILL CO. S. C, Bexker, Supt At Cost We will sell BOY'S In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothlag for fall and winter, and must hare room. ALSO: Men's Suits Reduced I Youth's The largest and finest stock of the city. d. a. Mcintosh, Occident Storo, o CO O o u .fa 0 A h 1-4 H C3 o 3 A 0 to a CO s 2 a 02 I L Dry Goods days we will make a all goods bought to fall and winter goods. JLJ Ulllllii OdLAU. vcuuo ,t i 1 ii IS Wie largest ILL lLU5 O IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasiaeBakery & Confectionery. WHY? Because my Goods are the Best and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc., furnbhedfor Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite U. XV. Hmae'0. Prices lit -FOB our entire stock of CLOTHIM AT COST!! Suits Reduced I Hats and Gents' FuralafeiDE Goods in iLstoria Ed. B. Curtis & Go. Carpets, UpMstery TJNSUEPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITUBE, A COMPLETE STOCK . Oregon. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Benton and Squemoqua Stuets, East ot the Court Hons . V,v-