- : . - tVS Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregoo, Saturday "Torniag, September 29 3 No. 155. CROSSING TEE ISTHMUS. The DlrtiC3t Town in tbe Continent. Three days in the Caribbean sea and the next sunrise reveals the dark green mountain range of the isthmus, and a few hours later the engines give their last throb beside the dock at Aspinwall. A few years ago the place had SOU population; it now claims ten times that number. The great canal has given it a wonderful impetus. The French are there by the thousand, and other nationalities are drifting in for the benefit of trade and barter. Buildings are springing up at every hand and lent at fabu lous prices. Residents admit that it is the dirtiest town on the west ern continent. The stranger's im pression is that it would be a good thing to turn the hose on it and on a very large percentage of the people, too. The better class live in a suburban section, known as the -'Bench road." This runs be side the shore, and the houses, whitewashed and of a light frame construction, face upon it Their inmates see little of the filth and degradation of the town, and cer Uiinly need not wish to. An Eng lish resident said: "Oh, this isn't a very bad place, you know. There arc not many deaths among the whites." This statement may be true, yet it is not surprising. No respectable person would care to die in Aspinwall if he could get an' other place ou the face of this earth to make his start into eter nity. The Panama railroad runsouth- east forty-seven miles, from Aspin wall to Panama, winding among hius, vith some appalling curves. It wrecks a freight train or two daily, and it has a ticket system which wrecks the mind and reason ing facilities of the stranger. In God's country (otherwise known as the United States) your fare is cheaper if you take a through ticket. Here they charge 25 for a through ticket of 47 miles that is. if vcu are a stranger. But if you arc a resident, and it makes no difference whether you go to day or next year, you can secure a ticket for about $10. Even this fierurc mav be bettered. A irentle- inan who came down on a steamer. and who was conversant with the peculiarities of this most peculiar ticket system, purchased a ticket for a part of the distance for $3 He left the train at the midway "tation to attend to a business matter, and the following day paid onh 2 for the remaining distance The scenery along the road is at tractive. The operators upon the canal are in view at many points from the car windows, for the route of the canal traverses very closely the line of the railroad The dredging machines are deep ening the Chargres river, which will be utilized for a considerable distance. The landscape is dotted with the white stakes placed by the survevinir parties. Ganjrs of workmen are eating into a hill side at one point; at another filling up a gulch. A contractor pointed out a spot where there are to be forty-two acres of filling to height of from thirty to sixty feet It seems an anomaly to run canal on the top of an embank ment, but it will not be an un common thing on mauy parts of the line. From the train there is a panorama of beautiful tropical secenery. The foliage is luxuri ant, and strange trees and flower ing shrubs meet the eye every where. Tho cocoanut, palm, the orange, lemon, pineapple, banana and similar growths become fa miliar sights. Beside the road are frequent groups of native huts of a single story, earthen floors, an roofs thatched with palm leaves The natives, ofmixed Indian an negro blood, are of a brown hue and rather undersized. Thei clothing is in the interest of economy. The men are satisfied with white cotton shirts and breeches and broad straw hat The women find most comfort in a single white cotton garment, al ways in immediate danger of fall ing clear to the ground from the shoulders, which are not half covered. With the little children danger is often a reality. In dustry does not burden any of these people. A days labor fur- ishes for a week such supply of food as they require beyond what nature yields them free of charge. Carlisle. The Chicago 7'ribune furnishes an excellent excuse for Mr. Keely's delay in completing his alleged "motor," which has not yet moted" anything but the money of the stockholders. The Tribune ays: Mr. Kecly hardly deserves the revilincrs that have been visited upon him for his delay in com pleting the motor. A thoughtful man must see that it is best for a great revolutionary discovery like this to come slowly and gradually. The industrial world should have ample warning; to supply a new fe to the millions of engines that travel over the land and toil in the factories must hav. a serious effect on the labor market. Armies of workiHgmen depend on the pres ent svstera of steam-power for their occupation and daily bread, and it is not to be supposed that Mr. Keely would suddenly an- T it i 1 .1 nounce a aiscoverv iiiai, wouici make their labor valueless. If under the new system one can do the work of three, and a small and economical boy take the hice of a skilled engineer, it is evident that its sudden intro duction would be a calamity to a large body of wage-workers. Then, too, the heavy investments of cap ital in the present style of engines should be considered. To destroy their value with one fell discover' would be practical confiscation Inventions that finally bless the world are attended with great in- j convenience when first put in use, and the evil effect of the Kecly motor in this respect would he beyond all comparison. Mr. Keely cannot proceed any too slowly and cautiously. It is well that iie gives forth at intervals re peated warnings of what is coming, but delays the actual achievement, lie has given many intimations, and if the industrial world is not prepared for a revolution it will not be the fault of Mr. Keely. The Oregon City Courier says: "A prominent and intelligent farmer living up the river says that he sent to Oregon City some time ago asking the price of plaster per barrel. The reply was S4. He wrote a note to a firm in Port land tellins: them to send him four barrels. They charged him 2.75, exclusive of freight. Xow, why is it that Oregon City merchants, who oug-ht to take great pains to compete with Portland, do the contrary? Can t they compete, perhaps? The editor of this small newspaper knows little about the mysteries of the miscellane ous business ot a country storekeeper, but it seems when the same farmer, by the way, a good business man, says that in buying a miscellaneous supply of the necessaries of life, sufficient to last a number of weeks, he can do 10 per cent, better in Portland than in Oregon city, there must be a screw loose or missing some where. House and store rent in Portland is outrageously high; taxation in Multnomah county is 3 per cent. Can't our merchants go Portland one better?. There is no attempt in this article at cap tiousness. There would b neither profit nor plesisure in such a course. If all this till: about the desirability of trading in Portland was mere gulf, there is no oue who would be more pleased than the editor of the Courier. If it is not, let us acknowledge the fact." An old gentlemun was talking with a Tribune reporter yesterday about tho recent rifle match and recalling the time when he used to catch tin a nistol and shoot through key-holes and knot-holes without trouble. "You never saw Recover Hackett shoot, did you?" said bfi ""Well, he. was a great pistol shot. Men used to hold up pennies between their fingers for him to knock out. His daughter was accustomed to stand with a lemon on her head and her father would pierce it every time. Mrs. Horace Clark, a member of the Vanderbilt family, who was stay ins at the house, once held the lemon as a target for Mr. Ilackett. One day Ilackett and sonic friends were down on Long Island at a club house, and Hackett was amus ing himself shooting twigs off the trees. His father sat a Httle way oft reading a newspaper unci smok ing a ckrar. 'Now ," said Hackett, 'see me knock the ashes off his cijrar.' He fired, and the ball whizzed between the paper and the cijrar. The old man jmimbled but sat rigid. Another shot knocked the ashes clean off. That made the old gentleman disturb ed, and he called out: 'Oh, John, stop 3'our fooling, can't you?" JT. T. Tribune. The city of Canton is the wealth iest and most active in China. Apart from its large foreign trade it has a great domestic trade, a considerable portion of which is carried in coasting vessels. Any blockade of this port would very seriously interfere with the com merce of China, and it would cer tainly be the objective of a block ading squadron. But in the city of Canton a portion of ground is set apart for foreign residence un der conditions similar if not iden tical to those which prevail in the other treaty ports of the empire. If the assumption that foreign res idence deprives a hostile power of the right of blockade be sound, Canton is a free city, but no na tion would submit to a construc tion being placed upon conven- "ons "Ue with neutrals wnicn should deprive her oi one of the most formidable means of coercion and stultify, in great measure, her I naval forces. Sing of the Blood Is not a "curt all," It Is a Wood-partner and tonic, hnpuritv of the Wood jwLsons thesys tem, deranges the circulation, and thus in duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, hut beinc really brandies or phases of that great generic disorder, Impurity ot Itlootl. Such are Dutncnsla. IllllUnisncsx, Liter Complaint, Constipation. Nertftus Di ordcr. Headache, Backache, General Weak ness. Heart DUcac, Dropty. Kidney Disease, Pile, Rhatmattum, Catarrh, Scrcftda, Sl:tn Disorder, Pimples. Ulecrx. StccllinfJK d-c. Kins of the Blood prevents and cures these bj attacking the caitte. Impurity of the Wood. Cheinlstsand physicians asoee in Killing it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Prug !ts. i$l ier bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c, In pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases oi tun 15100U." wrappeu around eacn noiue. D. i: AXSOM. SON & Co.. l'rops Iluffalo, N. Y. Ul (0 g CO p fell Si if Vm, EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, mmUZ ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOKIAX OFFICE. A very large Stock from -which to select. "Window curtains made to order. STMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be louud convenient to my patrons. County Treasurer's Notice. milEUE IS .MONEY IN TIIE COUNTY Jl Treasury t pay all Countv Orders pre sented prior to October 12th, 1832. All such orders will eease to draw Interest after this dare. CHAS.HEILBORN. , t a Treas. Cl3tsop County. Astoria, August 20th, 1833. 5 S P -i lit 3 CO 2 V) H 2 fi tkafilf j fflh S E- PARKER. - Managerand Agent. XrMi ' AI.CK05BY. - - Day Clerk fjrSIJ i I'liH. UOWE1W, - - Night Clerk, fl 5&51 J- . DUFFY luw the Kar and Billiard room. W L JW- Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Scro Throat, SivaK ings end Sprains, Bums and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Hccdacho, Frostsd Feet and Ears, end all other Pains and Achos. No reparation cn earth eqcp.la Sr. J.'.coss Oil as a safe, sure, simple aaJ cheap External Bwntdjr. A trial entail Irai-tbe ctwparaiiTfly triCbp outlar cf 50 Cents, and ererj ne suffer ing Tilth rain can iirre choap tnd pitiTo probf of ita claims. Itfrectiona in Eleven I r.j,aagj. BOLD 3T ALLBBUG0IST3 AITD DEAIESB IN MEDICTHE. A. VGGSISK. & CO.,- ZlaZtUtzorc, 27(5., V. ?. A. Jim Smith, who was released from the Tennessee state prison the other day, is a master mechanic and tool-maker, who can earn $i a da'. He worked in tho niauhin c shop 2,S30 days, and his good be havior cut two years and eleven months off his term of ten years for robbery on the highway. De ducting the com of his support, estimated at eighteen cents a day, he earned $10,746 04 nct for the state. SYMPTOMS OPia'ORSflS. The cYuutenR::cc is lale and leaden colore.l, with oo'nsMtva! flushes of a cir- eumM-ribetl x't on one r Iiotii cheeks; the eyes lxv:tit Cull; the pupil dilate; an aziirf he:niclrvk- ru;..- along tiie lower eytvlm ; the dim? w irri;atc!, wt j:s, ami Rome! linen Weeds : :i swelling of liie upper lin: oemslonal hendmhe.AvUli humming or throbbing of the oars; an uuuiukI i-e- cretion or saliva; luny or rurreii tongue; Inz; api-fille variable, smmelimes vora cious with a miawinie sriisjition of tho Ftoiiuu-li : at others. entirely gone: flcvtine bream verv roui.imrnctuerivin me uioni- pain in the Moma-ii; tfceasional nausott mid vomitlilkr: iolent rmins throughout the Hixi.nnen ; nowcis irr.xuinr, at nines costive; stools slimy, rot unfreUo:it5y lingcil wiin nioou; o?uysv."itfiiaii'i nru; urine lurbhl; respiration H-ea.stona!!yl:!fi-rult nd new iinnniued by hiivonuii : tHut::i sometlinesilr"rtnd eonvutsive; unea-yaml disturb. leei,wltbgrindhiof tiietetli; tenitH'r variaiiie, inn. generally irni :ie. Wnenover the above yinpioiiM Hre found to exist, mi. C. HcLAXE'S TERMIFUHE will certainly eirect a mrv. III buying Vormifnq;o ho sure yoi t:t. UaijnuInelHt. O. McUNK'S V!tV.l-i-t':K, manufncturetl by i'hmiiim Itr-i., St Woixl Stnel. Pittsburgh, IV. fiw in irkft is full of counterfeit!. Von iil b- nsbt If It bus the stfRiiature FI: tc in tiros, and V. MrLann. 14 yonr storokeP5er doo iKt !:.f." i..K K'iuine. pJejLs. rc)rt tf us. ;e id lis :i tlirtH eent ktainp ftv i ; nnu iu1-o.:5uk eanis. PLIDHXG BROS., PKtsImnrit. I-::. In forcrand.Apio districts, in troj ical and other rccions visited by enidemics. and in deed in nil localities whero tho condition? aro unfavorable to health, this famous vejotablu invisorant and alterative, iiosteltcr's rftoia ncb Hitter?, has been foundapotentsnfoguard even to fccblo consti utions and fraeil fr.iniep. while as a euro for indigestion, biliounw5 and hinureu complaints, it is without a rival For 5alo by all Drupdsts aad Dcalors generally. J. E. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General htorase and Wlinrfazu on r-au-able terms. Foot of P.ei ton street. As'vKn Oreaon. For Sale. ONE TEA.M OF LAEGE nORSliS. ONE set ot double harness and wagon. Alo, f'm i ujjuiiisjUi ; H caEBIWTED one new two seatea uugjry. Inquire of A. G. ALLEN, tf Fort Stevens, Oregon. 1 1 y.'SLS AND RESTAURANTS. In HFPTl TT r TT CfT7 . B. t'ARKER. Prop., ASTORIA. - - - OREGON". Pirst Class in all Respects. Kli COACH TO THE HOUSE. JT IS A FACT THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ox Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT I W lias Always on Hand FRESH Slxml "Water Bay and Enst- TIIAT "JEFF?? IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT Sir I::: been I'roprlclor or the "Aurora llniol" In Kimppton seven years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. 01'EX DAY .VXD NIGUT. Heals 25 ct'iitM arm uptvarilH. C 150UIi.VIt!. - - Proprietor. ;.:ai.v sTuzurr. - - . - - ASTORIA. 2? JBu REE It. Hajr, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand V'nol 3cliverel to Ortler, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Hert3 una Carriages for Hire. IJKALEU IX WtWES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Ik 'W Wiiolesale and retail dealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TosctNer with Wines, UqiiorsJofaacccCigars BUY TEE BEST ! OURS Srish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry. and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES AND GGM m LEAD LIKES to;imb, Wciuey, and XetH Imported to Order. A Lane Stocfcof Hsttinrr, HstLines AHD FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. :-rAents for tin' Tacific Coast F0ASD & STOKES WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In Iliime'sXew Building And are Eeady to Supply the Wants of Our Customers. s A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting DONK BY ItUDDOCK & TVHEELEK. i fair rates. Also a comnlete stock goods In our Hoe. Estimates given and worn Eunranieeu. Cass street. In rear of I O O F bulldln: next to Gas Co 3 ofnec. S. AENDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA, - OREGON. he Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds or ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WOEK PrompUy attended te. specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bektox St&ket, Nkab Pabezs House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAfflaiflHABMGIHES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. CASTINGS, Of all Descriptions made te Order at Short Xotlce. A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Johk Fox.Superintendent. . H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. S3iop Wor3s. A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak. Ash, Bay. and Walnut lumber ; Ore Ron and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds or boat material on hand. C. H. BAIN fc CO. LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUOES, AND CIGAK8. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. BT"A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. T AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING JL well known and commodious steamsnij Ines, STATE LINE, RED STAR, WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, aftd AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For Inll Information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to 1. Y.UjS.3JU B0Z0RTH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, Oregon WE WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST ern. State Investment,. Hamburg, Bre men ami Korth German Hre Insurance Com panles, and represent the Travellers Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life, of X.Y. We have the onlv complete set of township maps In the county, and nave made arrange ments to receive applications, filings, and nnai proois on nomesieaas, x-reempuuiia Tlml,;. T.J. nf n hnnlniT all tho nfflfff blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined In the office, upon tne payment oi xva ion hiva fnr mIa rltv Tironertv in AS toria and additions, and farms and tide land PBentsand other collections made, and loans negotiate!. bqZORTH & JOHNS, REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line XTTTLL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS- T T headquarters ai us aiauics next jd. B. Frankllns. two doors below The Asto- with horse furnished, for one dollar per Dour. oarruigB-" ou appuuaijuu The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will leave lor upper Asioria ixom me sxauitw. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. BUSINESS CARDS. Q B. THOMSOK, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Boom No. 6, over'Wlilte House,. ASTORIA, OBEUOflV J. NAT. HUD 8 OS, Attentat law.tad Smtaaej PHblle. Odd Fellotvsmndlnff, Astoria, Ortgoa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms S sad 6. Odd Fellows Building, J q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AT JUAW. Chenamus txeet, - - ASTORIA. 0RE0O2t Q J. CUitTIS, ATT'x AT LAW. Notarv Public. Commissioner ol Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. . .Kooms 3 ana 4, uaa euows nmiaius, ab torla, Oregon. li.B.-Clalms at Washington. V. CH ana collections a specialty. Aateria Ageat Himburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES.' HI. NOTABY PUBMui' AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. JB. X. C. BOATMAX. Physician and Surgeoa. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellow3 Bulldlajr, ASTORIA, OREGON. JAX TUTTUE, M. . PHYSICIAN A1W SUBGEON OrncK Rooms l. 2. and 8. Pvthlaa Build ing. Residexoh Over J. E. Thomas' Druar Store. . . P. MICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms In Allen's buUdlnsr ut) stairs, corner t Cass and Sqemocqhe stret . DENTIST, Room ll. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for nainless extractloa of teeth. QEL.O F. JPARKEK. iv SURVEYOR OF Clatsop CoHHty.ajid City f Asterla Office : Chenamus street. Y. M. O. A. hall Room No. 8. J J.JONES, STAIB BUILDEB, Skip and Steamboat Joiner. NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. aarOftlce withBozorth & Johns. E.A.NOYE8, Agt. OKO. T. WHEELER. "W. L. EOBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Real Estate bought and sold on Commis sion. Accounts adjusted and Bills collected. Correspondence from abroad solicited. "Office in Hume's new building, on Sque moqua street, next door to Foard & Stokes. X. X. J 033JB033L, Has re-oponed his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Ou the Roadway, near his old location. Ha will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokers ar ticles. Including the finest meerschaum Eipes. He will be pleased to see his old lends at his new stand. TAiLomisra, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'a. ANNOUNCEMENT; ItlRS. T. S. JEWETT, (Successor to Mrs. E. S. Warren.) Fashionable Dressmaker AND MILLINER. Dealer In Millinery and Fancy Goods. Squemoqua- street, next door to Odd Fellows Temple. . SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, SILYEHWARE, Of every description. The fln. at stock of Jewelry in Astoria. yAU gyods warrantedasrepresented GUSTA&HANSEN, JEWELER.