f1) ASTORIA, OKEGON: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER- 2S, 1883 COiilMERSLAHO TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Havenstonetelc. iJrbfc Queonsimm, Sept 25 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. -o Gbooebrouch, Am p Harry .Morse. Am sp imperial. Am sp Ttin. Ara OHre S.SonthftrJ. Amp Hirer NIth. Br hp Abericmno. Br bk Red Cross. Axnsp KoxbnrRshire. Br Mc .Geo.JBowler. Br bk St, Lucie. Am sp JJovenlij. lir bk .Scottish Tar. Br bfc Nairziiiiire, Br sp MtWasbinRton, Am sp Highland UKbt.Am.ip "orslca. Am sh Hoapcr, Am tip Indiana. Am sp. Western belle. Am.Ep C'oloma. Gnwmere, Br bk Grisedale. Brsp riarrie Winslow.ArabV " Wictonshiro. Br bk Clisca.Br bk C D Bryant. Am bk Shenir. Br bk VESSEL. A TUE IVA J". I'rowi rorelen IortM, for f lie folumliln Kiver Bargany, Br sp April S3 Clyde Illcncf oil, Brsp May 14 London " Banffshire, Br bk April 4 London Bbotan, Br tp Liverpool May 12 Ohas. Cotesworth, Br bk Liverpool City of Madrid. Br sp MarS Clvdo Oity of Carlihlc, Br bk Greonook Aujr K Oairnsmore, Brsp London April 2" Hskdalc. Brbk LirirpoolJuly 2 Fiery Cross, Br sp Sidney Glenpcris, Br bk April 23 Cardiff Glrran. Br bk April 25 London Harry Bailey. Br bk Bnenos Avrcs IncbRrccn. Brsp 1031 Greenock, ,fune2 Ironside, Br bk Greenock May 19 Isle of Anslesea, Br bk May 3 Liverpool .lanct McNeil, Br bk June 18 Glargoir lQUochan. Br spNoivcastlo ICapunda, Br sp London April 7 Lake Erie, Br sn London April 26 Mallsatc. Br bk Liverpool May SI Oban Bay, BrbkMar31 Glascow Oakwortb, Br sp Fb 20 London Oberon. Br bk Hull June 88 Obcron, Brsp London June 18 .Star of Erin, Br sp Glasgow Juno 19 Spirit of the Dawn. Br bk May2 Loudon Scottish Prince. Br bk Molbournc. AucJ From American J-'ortH. Astsria, Am sp If Y Sept 13 Merout. Am 6p Y Aucnst 17 M V Watts, Am bk Noiv ork May 12 Sen Kinc. Am sp N Y July 1 Sovoreicn of the Seas, Am sp New York Jnno 2 Tlllie E Starbnck, Am spN Y June2J TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables ol United Stntas Const Mini-t Uish Water. Date. r. u. -10 S5 11 21 -11 Iu...... '. o zi".Z . 1 10 . 1 47. . - 'Si . :t od . 3 57. .10 01 -.11 0...... -.11 521. ... 0 '2C, ... 0 al ... 1 141. 1 37... . ti at .. '2 3jJ ... 3 111.. .. 4 IB 5 07 5 M....- ; 'jit 7 ill...... 7 48 8 14. 8 43 : 10 - 4 12 'S ja :so 1 'fez 4 5 6 .. 514 .0 1! 7 0. .. 7 4: - 81- .. 8 52 ,. 1) .10 01 .10 4(5 Columbia. Rivnr .Sspnrt. Jjjfe,.. HH I Ml KNITS l'OHKIGN. BltCAl'ITULAVlo:, JANUAKY SO 1. 87$ ImS: whi;it. f :C10 257.17C wt?,? W)ls llntir. , "r.:al, A tatrgoes 1 FKUBUAKV. Wlieat. 180.008 1ms., valne. KUmr. ,40 Wrfs., " ToIjU, 5 cargoes . MAttcir. S SSSAkG S 170.19S 11 1.4UK $ 323.W1 V.'lieat 007.52-1 bushels). . 2IG.7S0 Flour(.8.141 Mrts) "..".M4!lU7 Salmon ('iTtrJ cus!fij... Lumoor(.aai y... C.WJ Tolal (S cargoes) 4)S,111 AI'JtlL. Flour. 21.8S0lbls ..SlKJi: Luinbur. :.75 M 4(5.000 Total, 3 cjirsoos .... MAY. 1Klour,52.j bbls Wheat 4U.2I2 bus Totnl, (t cargo) .tui,-r. ..$180,551 S 17.SS1 . 59.O0C ..?7G.77 Flour. 994 bbls.... Sal inon, 37,793 os .....".."! 1SSJC5 Total, (I cargo) S198.1C5 - JULY. !Flnitr 1 T&l HH! c r ftn Salmon, llg)22 cs..7..7.VZr..".nr. 53l',lo .Total, (3 cargoes) lAUGDST. ' -994183 Flouri 4 M3V:iihl.s S 21.f!(T, 300.1S5 Salmou,72,037cs Total, 2 cargoes..... . S3S:..1M SERTEMBKK. i3 To Qiiccnxtnwn per Koxfidhu. Wheat 71,312 bus ....SCjOO 25 To QuccnsUncn per Havcmftmdal From Portland 45.411 lus. wheat. 543.400 " . Astoria 19.7150 " ' 18,970 Ki.171 60270 Domestic Esporta. Tlift rPCPmls fr pprfrsin Jirlir!pt; nf fir cfRon produce at San Francisco, from January 1, 188a, to Sept. I9lh, inclu s;vt nave ueen as louows: Flour, qr sIls.......... Wieat, ctls Oats," ctls. ; Salmon, bbls li , bills . cs nkjjs Apjvles, itlpe, bxs........ Butter, pkjs ...........; Potatoes, sks............ Wool, bales................ Hides. No . Tallow, pkrs . liecr, bbkr. Hay. bales.. ..Quicksilver, flasks SFrultLtDriMl. Tkf' 11 ..81 ai.U8 1.45G 810 233,421 3KI 8C0 72 28.424 30.733 :.3i 7W 14 C.490 &3 499 9 ,11.1 ber, pkgs. Hops, bales............M. Hams, pkgs Cheese, cs........ Flaxseed, sks . ,00711. CtlS ' Ganned Goods, cs . . 1-ard, pkjjs . Bacon, cs.......... 33 4,199 11 18 If to Wilson & Fisher, . SHIP CHANDLERS. 5 DEALKIIS IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, N'ATLS AND SPIKE Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, ,2 5f PROVISIONS, Agents for Salem Flouring Mills u.uu capital riour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD .Vt' S OJLLES. All sizes, at Portland Trices, in Stock Corner Ghenamus and llRmilton Streela -rCroup, Wliooning Cough antUJroii cliitis immediately relievedbyShHoh'i Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement, ciiuxrcn directorx. Gr.ACE Ciirr.cn Holy communion first Sunday of every montli. Sunday services at 1 1 A. rand 7 p. m. Wednes day evening service at 7 SO o clock. Rev. m. v. v nson, ncctor. First PEsnYTi:niAX Church Ser vices at 11 A. 3i.and 7:30 p.m. Wednes day evening prayer meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Kev. J. V. Milligan, Pastor. Cong rbg atiox a i. Church Services at 11 a. r. and 7:30 i m. Itev. bani'l Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Church Sen-ices at 1030 a. m. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor M. E. Church Services at 11 a. m and 7 So r. t. Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Cnnncu. Services each Lord's Day at ll a. m.. and 7k: i r. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7$ p. yi. lier. is. S. jacLanerty, pastor. Common Council. Reffular mcotlncs socond and fourth Tnc day evenings of each month, at lA o'clock CJi-i'orsons uesirinj to navo matters acttu upon by tho Council, at any rcsrular meeting must present tho same to tho Auditor and Clork on or before tho Friday evening prior to too xuesday on rviiich tho Council liolao its ; ocular mooting.. xiiu. . Jfciwu, Auditor acu uterK. Astoria ljodge No. 40. 1. 0. G.I. TtesTilar Mcctinsr every Tuesday Evenins at 7 o'clock, at ly thian. Hall, Astoria. 31 em bers of tho Order, in rood Handing, are mvu. ed to attend. Desrco incetiajr 1st -Monday of each month. Ey ordor W. C. T. Templo ifOdgo, Wo. 7A.F.A. St. third Tucsdayf in each month. at74 v o ciock, v.ii.. nttne nail in Astoria. Members of the Ordor, in Rood standing, are invited to attend. Bv ordc: of the W. M. Beaver Jiodcc So. 3., 2. 0. O. h Regular meeting every Tliurday evening at naif-past seven o'clock. t the Lodge room in Odd Fellows Jlall, Astoria. Sojourning members of the order m cood standintr cordially niviled to attend. By order T. H. American L-egion of Honor. Keimlar mectlr.i: ot Astoria Council Xo.fiflS. is held on the first and third TuewlMV of each month, at 7 o'clock i: ji. Uy order of Council Commander. 11. V Montkith, See'ty. ASTORIA. FJLEE JDEPAIIMIKST W. J. BARRY. Chief Engineer F. P. IIICKS . 1st Asst. Entfnecr J. G. CHARTERS j2d Asst. Enrfneer BOARD OF nELEGATES.-llogiiUr meet- liiKlourtu jvioiiday m eacn montli, al 7sw "r. m.. at hall of Astoria Ensdne Company 2o. l. OFFiCElts. C. J. TreiiPharu. I'resideiit: A. A. Cleveland. Secretarv' : K. 1 Parkor. Treasuntr. JJELF.GATRS.Li. YU bCllfT. U. .I. J n-IU'llHril, j Chas. Stickles, of Astoria linsino Co. Kt. 1 : j win. McCormie. F.Jrarkcr. 11. V. Prael. of Rescue EiiRine Co. Ko.2: EtLI). Curtis. L(. ,i. Taylor. A. v. uerry.oi Alert hook aim IidderCo. No. 1. ASTORIA EXG1KE COXPAXY Aw. 1-. Regular meeting Ilrst .Monday In cacli mouth. Offickiw. W. "V. rarlcer. I'rcsidcnt : Ta E. Sclic. Secretary : Wm. Bock. Treasurer : S. (1. lngalls, FonMnan : CIims. Wallmaii, lt Asst. Foreman ; Henry 31iUer,2d Asl. Fore iiian. RESCUE EXGIXE COM PAXY Xo. S. Regular meeting lirst ilonday In each mouth. OFFirnnf.-C. V. Fulton. Presklent :R. F. Prael. Sccrelan'; J. D, Slerrj'man, Ass't SecreUirj : F. L. Parker. Tn-Asurer ; F. U j'arKer. iroreman : Ji. Lr. J'nici, 1st Ass!. Foreman ; .James Hare, 2d Asst. Foreman. ALERT 1WUK AXD LADDER Co. Xo. 1. Jicguiar meeting secouu iuonuay in cacu mouth. nvi-Ti-uic T n V.n7nr41i r-nat . C Brown, Secretary ; .I.Tuttle. Treasurer: F. B. Elberson. Foreman : F. W. Fergus.n. 1st Asst. Foreman; .1. "V. Ferchen, 'M At. i'ui email. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. Ceiiera! assortment of table stock wt3it. ou luuid, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Earns, Shoulders, Lard, Fresh Fruits ant! Vegetables, FISH. IOUI.TItY AW Iu the season. C2GAKS ASD TOBACCO. Icsl ofiraES AHI T.IQTI2.N. All ciioan for CASH. Goods sold on co:n- rousr.iou. Opposite I. "VV. Case's store. .1. RODttERS. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Qrcgc BERGMAN C: BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that the above Market Trill always bo supplied vith a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will bo Eold at lowest rates, wholesals and rotaiL Special attention riven to pupplj nc shins. LOOK HERE ! "e respectfully Inform the public that we Avill always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh, and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and Class-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage Is respect fully solicited. dtf, "WAEREX & THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COfflPAOT, Fresli and Cured Meats, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, US Street. Astoria. , Os w:b. dement & go. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY 'ARTICLES. .Prescriptions carefully Compounded -xiiac liacmng uoucn can be so quickly cured by Slillofi's Cure. We guarantee it. isoia by W. JS. Dement jf o Whiskey i Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed t bc"a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of die American Christian Re viczv, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Gn.,0.,Nov.i6.iSSi. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds w1k resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters lias been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, Sic, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief TUTT'S TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. r roni t hose sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: lo of Appetite, Tlovrels costive, KIcls Headache, fullness after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mlnd.Eructa tion of food, Irritabil ity of tcmpcr,I,owBpirits,AfcclInK bcrore the eyes, highly colored Uritio,COA'STlPATlOA,anrtdcmand the use of a remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. As a Liver mcdicincTUTT'S 1IIIS have no equal. Theiractlonon the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three scavengers of tho system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and n vlg orousbody. TUTT'S PJTVns cause no nausea or griping nor intcrfero with dally work and are n perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. fcoldererrvyliere25S.Oincc4IlorraySt.N V. OUATHAnt OR WHISKERS cliaugcd in- stanUy to a. Glos3v Ulack by a single application of this Dm. Sold by Drug rists.or sent by express on receipt of tu Ofllcc, 44 JIurrav Street, New York. STzra HAiiWL cp tnzruL ssssipco 1212. SLIGHT 0BSS. A. Xaftlc Story with n Jarge 'loral -One rsJan who Knevrliis Oviii ftuNlnes. "Xo. my dear," said the vencrablo keeper of a country store to a timid little girl whose head scarcely camo u to the level of th counter. "No. my dear, we haven't any red flannel, but wo havo somo first rato New Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that sho didn't think that would answer tho purpose quito a.s well, tho child wont her way in search of tho article she wanted. "Have you IlENSON'S CArCINE PLAS TEItSC" asked a gentleman of a cortain drug gist whose namo could bo given wore it do- sired. I am troubled just now with a touch of my old friend, tho lumbago, and tho Bon son'? Tlaster seems to go to tho spot almost cs soon as it touches tho skin." "Xot at present." replied tho druggist, gen ially " but, wo havo lot3 of plastors just as good. There is Allcock's, tho Capsicum and others won't ono of them do as well?" ".My dear sir," retorted tho gentleman with a slisht show of temper. "1 say nothin against thoso articles, but I am a business man, and always ask for precisely what want, and for nothing else. I may enlighten you, however, when I say that sometime ago for another disease, of which tbo Capcino has since cured me, I tried all thoso you mention with no appreciable bcneSt. They aro incur cient, every ono of them, tho meanest act of tho proprietors of somo of them being this that thoy make plasters with similar sound ing names to deccivo tho unwary into beliov ing they aro tho samo thing. Esperienco taught mo tho difference. I'll go to tho nozt man in yoar line. Oood day." Bo on i our guard against imitations. The genuine has tho word CAPC1XP2 cut cleanly in tho middle of the plaEtor. All others are impositions. Seabary & Johnson, Chemists, Xew York. OERMANIA BEER HALL BOTTLE DEER DEPOT. Ohk ajjcs Steeet. Astoeiju The Best or linger 5 Cls. a Glass Orders for Uie ia Brewer 35 IhjjJbjJBL Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. SXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tnis place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer Iu Cisars and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles I'laylRs: earn, cutlery, sta tionery. i:tc The largest and finest stock of MEKR SOHAnjfand AMBElt dOODS In the cltv Particular attention paid to orders from tue country, TnEO.BRACKER, Manager, uuenamus street, Astoria, ureson. FILLS Gosip Aboutthe Astor Family Name. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Record says the Astors do Jiot appear to have kept a very correct list of births, marriages and deaths during the first half century of their stay in this country, and some very im portant dates are lacking even in the main line. This is the more remarkable because the original John Jacob Astor was a inot methodical man but he had no family pride nor care for "vital sta tistics.7' Mr. Astor seems "to be unaware that the family name was originally "Ashdoor." An adver tisement in the New Yurie Gazette of April 11th, li'So, mentions a "dark brown horse, about fifteen hands high," as stolen from the first immigrant of that iiKine. "lhree guineas reward for ino horse, saddle and bridle." "For the thief, horse, saddle and bridle, ten guineas will be paid by Henry Aslmoor. llcnrv neu cniiuiess and left half a million dollars nc quired by the art and mystery of butchering to his nephew "Wil Ham B. Astor The change of name appears to have been mude prior to 1790, for in Mav of that year the inhabitants in tho neiirh- borhood of the Fly market peti tioncd that the stall of Henri Astor, butcher, be removed to the lower market, because it obstructed the entrance, and this was done. There arc 275 miners employed at uaroonauo, mininsr. nut com pany has an incline 850 feet long from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the mines, which cost 10,000. The plant of the company is estimated to have est $75,000. There ir, mined daily 00 tons of coal, which requires 150 cars to transport it to the coal bunkers at Tacoma. ASIC FOR- TJiiion India Rubber Co's Pure Para (Juni OSACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWAKR OF 13X77 ATIONS ! Re sure the Roots are staiuned CRACK PROOF an the heels, and have the PURK GUM SPRIXGS on the foot and lnsten. which prevent their cracking or brynkiup. we :ue now iu:ixin iiieui muii i; utuit.it AXD ASUESTUS Soles which will iimke them last more than twice as HKg as any ikUiiner dooi.s maue. FOUSALU BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KIXDS ltUBBEK 15ELT1MJ. I'AC'K- IX O, HOSE. SPKIXOS. O L( Tll IXO. BOOTS AXD SHOES. Hlr. COODYEAR RUOEE CO. R. II. l'EASK..Ir. i Agents. S. M.RUXYOX. f San Eranei.cn. I. "W. CASE, IMl'ORTER AXD WHOLESALE AXD KK TAIL DEALER IX GEMSBAL MRGHASBEE ""orner Chenanius and Cass straots. ASTOKIA OHKGON Hardware ai Ship Ciiaiilerj A. VAN DUSE1J & GO.. BHALKKS i: Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Scivin Mncliiues. Paints and Oils, Groceries, clc. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLAimre KILL. A full stock of home manufactured Roods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All worlc guaranteed, licited. ASTORIA. - Your patronage so- Orcso n J. H. D. GSAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AMD FEED, Hay, Oais, Stray, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Return street. Astoria Orejton. THE LATEST STYLES WALL ''PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORLVN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. JMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Taper wiU he lound convenient to ray patrons. NOTICE. PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE LL call and llanldate their Indebtedness. PRAEL BROS. To cleanse Ike .V.-'.iv'K J. Skin. Scalp n ft; ) 'V lUnnilnf t telling Sc SV'is. -T ? ly.l'imi.lyerofulous Irtberiled. and Ct n tsgiou? 11 u mors, b'ood IVsobs, Ul cer?, Abscesse. asd infaatile Skin Tort ure, the CrnruRi KEcnit re infalli ble. Cmrmv ItK- anLVi'ST, the new Bkxxl Purifier. Diu retic, and Aperient, oxi-l d:case ?erm rom the Uocd and per spiration. n-J thus niDore the (AN. Cirri ccrv. the jfoat M;in Care, instantly allsys iicmiir ami ji;nanja:nw. riears me 8tn ami Sealn. neal L lcers and EorM. r&sterea the Complexion. Cpti'Tev ?or. an exanbfte Skin ISeaatiucr and Toilet Requisite, is indis- " nonius wguaii.il , imi ivi rongji, ctiapr ca or icreasy ikin. Maekhoaiu, blolche, and Laby humor. Cmn u lloi XfriES are the oily infallible btood purifiers ami skin beautiner'. fha-i. KoHBlilKR. I'm1... lawyer. V8 State street Pustn. ropotUa caw of Suit Kheum unHor his ob-ratbn ftr ten years,- whieli corereil tho ratio-.t Ixxly and limb. anl to wbieh all known methods .t treatment had been riiieti without benefit, whieh whj coranletely cured folehr by tre GrrrrcRv HicxKriES. le viae a clean and healthy skin. Jlr. ni:I Mr.Kvere: Stebbins. Eelcher town. M . write: Oar lit:le boy was terri bly afliieted with Scrofula. Salt Kheuni nd hry.-i,elas ever ino he was bom. ami ncih irK we rouM rire hint haloed him until we tried Citi:i r isEiintira. whi-h snulua'lv cured him. until he i r.owas fair as ary child EI. K. Cnrpenf rr. IlemlerMn. X. Y.. ire 1 it rs(riai- or beprfy. f lwcnt years standing, by Ci Tin k v h.Ttr.pi'js. the isot wonderful euie on recori. A dustpan full oTwalos fell from him daily. Phyoeians and hi friends thoucht he must die Cure sworn to before a justice of the peaee ami Hender son s most prominent ettisens. itrti;. v ni. TaytHr. Health oumissMfser. Boston, say: After three mouths' use of the Citicvk Kmr.iii, ami twelve years of a constant suffering from ccrotuloos Hunter o: the face neck and scalp as wa ever endured. 1 can ay that 1 am eured, asd pronounce my case tue most remarkable on record. Sold by all drugcWs. CcncrR , 30 cents; Bksolvkxt, -1 :boAr,SS cents. I'ottj: Ukvo axo Ciivjccai, Co.. L'Mton. Aiass. Sint Vr JIhiv i't Curt Skin SKeacs., ftTTrTrCKAOA2. Absolutely pure v U JLa uielily mccie nal. lmtorywl liy physiciacs, prcferreil by the elite. Sales. 1SSI ami l.w.'.m o cakc- oIa evcrywhere- Tlin Greni. 23alsainic Distillation of "Witch. Hnaol. Asxaricaa Pine. Cnundian i?ur, Mnrisold. Clover Blossom. Et c.. Kor Ihelmtnclinto relief and Permanent Cure of even frnt -f Catarrh, from abimule Head Cold or Influenza tn the Lo of Smell, Taste. ami Hearin?, Cough, limnehilia ami lncun ent Consumption. Kelkfin tivo minutes in any anl every ea?e. Xothms liko it. tirate- t:il rrazrant. waoleome. uure wgirs irom arrt application, and is rapid, radie il perma nent, and tiever failing. no bottle Radical Cure, oneRox Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford'3 Inhaler, all in one jMwkace. forininjf a coinpleto treatment, or all druggist fr SI, Ask for SAN-K.itij !LmcAi. Clrk. I'orTM: Drug asi Ciiik:Ai. Co., Roston. - -Ml 1 lr Mi. 1r anil nrsVnn 'QUl-uJiY tion, tnr iit.stHRt tt U nv ;l !!, of Kheumatuui.Xeu ralsia. Sciatka, Coiiah?, liaiteri' eonihinod with a Torous riasterland lan;h at pa:n. 23c everrvrhere. ME Of THE OLDEST AND K0ST REUABLl RC4ED1E3 IH THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Congiis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Congh, Croup, and Erory affection ortlio THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST including OOMSIgRfaPTBQK, A VEll-KN0Yfl PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It docs not dry up a couch, sad leave the caxiu bcliiad, as Is the esse with cost prtparatiofis, bu loosens it, cleanses the Iunjs and allays trrkadon Ihus removtac the cause of conplalr.u" BO JOT EE DEC32IYI by ankles beat ngsimSarnarscs. B; sure you ct DH. WISTAR'S EALSAH OF WILD CHERRY, ctth the saaturc of " I. BUTTS " on ths wrapper 50 Conts and Gl.CO a Uoitle. Trcjarsd by SETII V. FOVLE & SONS, Bos oa. Mass. Sold h v dm cwu aad dealers jncraJlr NOTICE. ALL PERS0SS are HEREBY IAUT3 "ED Not to Trespass upon the follow ing described property, to wit: The NW 1-4- of Sec. 2S, T. 8 It, R. 8 W.. Clatsop County. Oregon. Tliosnid property being the property ot tnc unuersigneii. JOHN ROGERS. Astoria Oil Work J. I f. DEFORCE. Proprietor, P.O.Itos 2.1 Astoria, Oregon. 33annCacturer ami Jea2or m FISH OIL and SKID GREASE Loggers will ilnd my Skid Grease to be gooti aim cneap. Administrator's Notice. RTOTICE IS HEREBY GREN THAT THE j-T utuiersigneii lias been appointed bv the county court of tlie coiintv of Oatson. In the state of Oregon, administrator 01 ute estate ot jiazr.n a. Parker, de ceased ; :dl persons having claims naliLst said estate are hereby requested to present the same to the undersigned at his office on Chenamus St,, near corner of Benton St.. in Uie city of Astoria, iu said cout-, within six uHjmii iruiij 11113 UMKf. AY. AV. PARKER, Administrator of tlie Estate of Hazen A. Parker, deceased. Ns " fyy. Colli. W ealcUaek stomach Jt. i--ari Roweb.Shoolinjtl'aini, '"jT Y -iiVr' l'alpitation. Dy.i0?ia, Liv--O' a;'Os cr Complaint, liiliousFercr. ' yXJ N. Malaria and Epidemics. use Astoria, Ale. CO, issa, d&vrSt Sni?PlG MOTTOES. Columbia Transportation Go. FOR PORTLAND. FAST TIME.) LEETWOOD, W:.-: l;a been rentteu tor ;ac eomiors o itaeniefswui kave w ugon aa Frbera Avck erery i-or.dc.u. Wednesday ami tnaay at o A., wiving ai Portland at 1 P. ft Klvri?n inTes Prtland erery Tutvdxys and Thursday at G A. Arriving al Astoria at P. at. An additional trip will iw made on Sunday of Each Week, fearing lnrtlmid at O n'cle!t SKday 31 or si in sr. "veneers ny this roat eonweet at Knlama f,.r Siuind t-r: U. 15. SCOTT, I'resiuenr Astoria and Portland. F. Il.SIIKU.M.VX, --- MASTER WII niak lvjrnla trliM to lnrt;and and sbTria. leaving HunieH's dock, foot of Mor- .in; in s IMl rl.m strrvt. rurtlaniL ai 6 AM. Satuntavs. Ann viil leave Wilson irlsnera uock. Astoria, at a. x. Thursdays. 3Frvfaib,t cAnicil st reasonable rates. Steam ei ELXC." WILL JLVKE TKIPS AS FOLLOWS : To YOUXGS ItlYKK. Mondays. V.'edneMlays ami i.-uruavs. Special trips its required. Will leave Wilson & Fteheis wharf at 9 oYiocli .harp, each morainjc. LF.WIS O. HAjVVBX, Upper A-orIa. Master. RE&ULAR STEAM PACKET. "Daisy and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray s Pock, For Olney, and Head of Younps River. Daily, at 8 A. m., (except Wednesdavs and Sundays.) Returning same day. For Landings on Lewis Clark's River. on licuaeaunys, ats A. 31., Returning same day. "For Freight or Tasaiucp, apply oh board, at Orav's Dock, where Freielit will be re ceived and stored, if necessary. J.II.D. GRAY. Steamer TOM MORRIS. T5?S TmRW and FaTOi'iic l.oat TS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND J. can be cliartered for esenrsloiw. sueeial mrties. cte.. at reasonaMe rates. A general steambnntins btiiuss tninnted. V. IKjELLING, Jiaster. To M CanW anil. Ilwaco, ON AND AFTKR SATURDAY, SEPT. 22d, The Steamer MOUNTAINEER. Will make dally trips from Astoria to Fort canny ami inraoo. I-eavic AVitomt & Fisher's wharf at 8 A. M. daily except SniMlays. Freiqht. One Dollar per Ton Fifty Cents Passage.. Gool time mmle: aceemmodations afforded. For freht or jxtssage apply on board to II. PETIT, aster T. IIKSS. A. JOHNSON. Astoria Bail Loft, MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TEMTS, AWNINGS., TAEPAULIFS, And everything olse pertaining to our LowestPrice and BesfWork For your jfonc-y, At the Old Stand. f ieave your orders and get your work done at once. J. II ESS & CO. 1 Astoria, ... Oregon. HOSPITAL, ASTOP.1A, - - - OKEG02S mms iNSTrrcTtoN. under care of jL the Sisters of Charity, te now ready foz the reception of patients. private rooms for the accommodation ol an v desiring them. Patients admitted at all boms, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has tho privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. United. States marine Seamen w1h nay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital iliirint; sickness. Permits must be ob- tRined for United States Marines at tho Cus tom iiouse. StSTsns op Cn.VEiTT BEFORE -AND-. ri::L-i: Ajpcccs aro sast e 20 217:' Msl, TO MEN 0NLY,Y0UNGQR0LQ, 5,'4;ilO are suffering from Nekvous DEan VV ITT. Lost Vitality. Lack ov eeve Foncs asd V100R, Wssnxa Wsakxisjes, and all those diseases of a Vzbsoxai. XxtvKz rc j.ul:inp from Acrsra and onren Cacsts. Speedy relief and complete restoration or IlnAi.Tir,ViooRand JlAxnoon GrAUASTEsn. The frrandeat dlicoveryof tho J,.neteonth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Tarn pUlctfrcc. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, f;HCH. Saitoh's Yitalizer 13 what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per battle. Sold by "W.E. Dement. AFTER) TRANSPORTATION" LINES. OregGn Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCKAA' DIVISIOJT. On and After April 1st, 1883, Ocean Steamers will sn.il from Portland and Pan Fraucisco everv tbrcc lays. Leaving Ahiswortlt Dock, Portland, at luld nwhr. and Snear St. wharf San Francisco. at 10 CO a. Throuzll Ticket sold tn.illnTlneln.i ritles; in the United States. Canada and Kurope. River and Rail Division. O n and after Sept, 2nd, 1 883. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at C :13 A. M., dally. KSTEK D1YISSO.V (SXIddlc CoTnmblnl. Boats leave Tortlanil for Dalles at r -oo A. M. ALSO : Leave l'ort-l j land for Moii Th. Ye. Tim. Fri. I Sat. Asteria and! I lower Oe-I lHjBb;a..lGAM 8 AM SAM SAM DavtoD. Or. 17 AM ! 7 AM ! SAM AM Salem....i c at! I Ir am uorvallu)..) j 1 Vlctnritt.BCjg Alr. AMfi AMIS AMj CAM BAM Learos Astoria for Portland at G a. m. daily ex cept Sunday. Pallrnnn Palace Cars runniDR botwean Port land, asd Helena. c. n. rikHscoTT. Manager. A. L, STOKES, Assbr. Sup't ofTraflle. JOHN MDTR, Sup't of Tratllc E. P. ROGERS, Gen'l Agenf Oregon & California R.R.Co On an aftor May 13, 1533, trains will run as follows, DAILY Excopt Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. Ccnvccn lM)ItTJL.iAD and GLEXDALE LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:.10 a. ir.'.Gler.dale 105 p. it. Glcndalc 1:09 A. sr. I Portland 4:25 p. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlund 1:00 P. M.iLcbanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon i-.AH A. 31. Portland...l0:05 A. M The Oregon and California Railroad 1 err? mat a? connection with all KosnlarTrains on Eastido Uivision. WB8TSIDE DIVISION. ISetireert Portlnml anI Corvallls irn. tkaw LEAE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:00 A. JLICorvallu ....-1:30 P. M Corvalli3......8:50 A. M.l'ortland 3:20 P. 51 EXritESS TKAUf LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 r. n.McMinnville-.8:lO p.u 5Ic3Iinnvillo.5:I3A.3t.lPortland....... S:S0a. m. Close connections made at Glcndalo with tho Stages of tho Orcson aad California Staea Company. &irTickots for salo at all the principal points in California and tho East, at Company' Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo charted on freight remain ins atCompanya Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipmont after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or Wctsido Division. JOHN 3IUIR, Sup't of Traffic. A. L. STOKES. Asst. Sup't. ofTraffle. Iiwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages for Oystervillo and Olyrnpia. - pp?. Until further notice the nwaco Srclgfe, Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gesi. Miles," or "Gen. CanLy" Will leave Astoria Or. Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A. jr.. as formerly, not being confined strictly to sehedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens 50cts ' Canby and Ilwaco ?1 CO ap-Ihvaco f reicht, by tho ton, in lot3 of one ton or over, $2 per ton, S-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the olllce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Renton street. J. II. u. ultAY, . Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUM3IER ROUTE. Astoria to Clympia, Touchius at J-'ort Stevens. Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Xortli Tteach, Oysterville, Xorlh Cove, iPetcrsons Point, IIo qulnni, JIontcHano, tVnd all points on Shoalwater Eay, and Gray ITarbor. GEN. MILES, ) Strs. or J- On GEN.CANEY,) GEN. GARFIELD " 44 MONTESANO Columbia River. Shoalwater Eay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in GO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agenis, Astoria. BUSINESS CHANGE. iUONGYEE GEE HAVING GONE TO China has sold his interest to Wong Wah,vho will continue the business under the same sign. He has all kinds of China goods, Tea, Rice, and Oil. Also Ascnt for China tabor. WONG KEE, LUM KONGr GEE, scpi7-im Partners.