The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 28, 1883, Image 3

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On iud after this date R. E. Jackson
i:til f itrttai notice hr.r; charge of
th ty route of Tm. Daily Asto
ia an: wul delivr all px)M-r ami Is
.. Mn auUiorizfd U i t-iU-vi for awe.
r :or.a. Or.. SefM. c.
The Queen is 1jhi this morning.
-The Man Hogarth has arrived
If we all thought alike on every
subject what a funny old world this
v.uld be.
The boss salmon of the season has
been caught in Coos baj', and weighed
forty-eight pounds.
OvcrSS.OOO was cleared by the
state agricultural society at the last
annual Salem horse rare.
Deacon Parkinson, editor and
proprietor of the Carson, Kev., Tri
bune, is in the city takinjj notes.
In pleasant contrast to Portland's
bad smelling municipal situation is the
record of the Astoria city council.
--Several Northwest babies have
been named after Henry Villard up
to date, with some few back counties
to hear from.
-A now style of variety show to
1 owned by a "stock company" with
an itinerant adventuror 3 chief come
dian, is talkod of.
Some of the little fellows who
catch tom-cod at tha dock make from
a dollar to a dollar and a-lmlf a day
selling their strings of fish.
The liojrkHnjdiire is loaded; the
River 2?Uk needs twenty tons to com
plete cargo. The Mi. Washington
started nj stream yesterday.
Mayor Chapman, of Portland,
acknowledges that ho made that con
tract with Besscr, and thinks he has
done nothing to be ashamed of.
Henry Ward Beecher cleared
SI 3,000 on his recent Pacific coast
trip. If he and Iugersoll will agree to
debate, and appear each for a half
hour m joint argument they can make
Receipt is acknowledged of coni
tjontary admission tickets to the
fifth annual exhibition of the Port
laud Mechanic's Fair, beginning at
Portland on October 11th and closing
Oct. 27th.
Navigation on the Columbia in
this season ef fog and rather
a ticklish undertaking. Pilots have
to run by compass in many instances,
and all progress is occasionally brought
to a standstill.
The increasing business of the I.
S. N. Co., necessitates more oflica
room, accordingly a new ticket office
lias boon built for the use of the com
pany on Gray's dock; the old office
being used by Capt. Gray.
A Walla Walla job office adver
tises that hereafter bill heads, letter
heads, otc, will bo put up in blocks
for 40 cents a thousand from their old
rates of Si per thousand. Tux Asto-
mx job office doe3 that gratis for all
its customers.
The C. D. Bryant is to bo hove
down and ropaired atPortland. Some
of the men working on her have been
ordered to quit by the 'Longshore
men's Union, on the ground that they
were workinc for S3 per day, instead
of $4 regulation wages.
If there is anything better in tho
eating line than tho baked beans and
brown bread that Frank Elberaon
serves up to his customers on Sunday
morning it nasn t made its appear
ance yet. Pumpkin pie is good, but
those baked beans discount it.
On the 1st of next month W. J,
Barry turns over the charae of the
Astoria Fire Department to Dr. Hicks,
the newly elected cluet engineer.
Barry has made a splendid chief, and
has filled the position with credit.
During the last twelve months there
has been an unusually large number of
fire alarms caused principally by de
fective flues.
The Astoria: has already com
mented upon tho cases of those two
women who are confined in the county
jail. The interests of justice would
be just as well served by a commuta
tion of their sentence, and doubtless
wcro a petition circulated setting forth
the facts, it would receive numerous
signatures and favorable consideration
at the hands of the governor.
Goo. T. Myers, of Fisherton, W
T,,, who has a cannery at Milton, on
the bound, says: "1 never saw
salmon jump more lively than they
do this season, but the catch amounts
to nothing. This time last year I had
3,500 cases packed, against about 100
casc3 this year. The fish keep in deep
water, so that the fishermen cannot
catch them. The same thins occurred
in 1878. I do not think the salmon
that jump ever do come into shallow
water. I have talked with men from
British Columbia, all of whem state
the catch is very light there. The
Colombia river is the only stream so
far reported that has made anything
like a creditable showing this sea
Pioneers Excursion.
The Oregon Pioneers go on their
excursion next Tuesday. It will bo
an eventful occasion to many who
came across the plains in the first
flush of youth a generation ago, when
as they passed that silent expanse
their shadur pointed westward in
the rays of the morning sun and the
glow of morning youth. Now when
their sun of life is half way down the
western horizon thy retrace their
steps, their shadows pointing eastward
in the sun3et glow of day's decline.
To Clatsop county came some
of the sturdiest of Oregon pioneers;
from Clatsop county return some ef
those who penetrated the wilderness
in the early forties. Some came as
children and return in middle life;
others were to manhood grown, and
wear the honorable badge of hearty
old age. Greater still is the number
of those
"Whose part iu all the pomp that fills
The circuit of the summer hills,
Is, that their graves are green."
And whoEe resting places are scat
tered from Clatsop plains to the scene
of the Whitman massacre. Aniong
the Astorians who contemplate going,
are Mr. and Mrs. A. "Van Duscn, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross. Mr. and Mm. Mun
son, Mrs. Megler, Mra. Wadleigh,
Mrs. Hall, Judgo Callender, W. H.
Gray, John Hobson, Capt. Whitcomb,
H. B. Parker, D. K. Warren, J. F.
Warren, Byron Kimball, and Alex.
Campbell. Several go on this morn
ing's steamer, the remainder, to-morrow.
A Matter of Sell Preservation.
Several dinners whose position enti
tles their opinion to a hearing are of
the opinion that a due regard for the
interests of Columbia river salmon
packers suggests that a Cauners Pro
tective Association bo formed. The
use and purpose of such an institu
tion would be apparent. Many arc
the abuses to which they are subject,
and which could bo remedied. Promi
nent among them is tho matter of
piracy. OntBide establishments, nota
bly in San Francisco have been charg
ed (and the charge has not been de
nied) with putting up rotten fish and
labeling it with a fictitious Columbia
river label. It is bad enough to in-
uro tho market for cannsd goods by
sending out. unmarketable stuff
but it is the acme of dishonesty to at
tempt to trade on tho acknowledged
reputation of tho Columbia river
salmon. That the Columbia river
salmon is superior to any other is so
well known as to require no further
evidence; tho Columbia river canners
owe it to themselves to take steps to
secure the distinctive appellation.
Man' years ago it was decided that
Georgia planters could not mark their
cotton "Sea Island Cotton." The pre
cedent is an excellent one to follow.
Make the words Uoiumuia river on a
can of salmon not packed on the Co
lumbia river a penal offense and the
piracy would cease.
Second the Motion.
En. Astouian:
Now that the applause has subsided,
Yillard and party departed, and tho
peeches and reports received and
placed on file, would it. not be in
order to hear the report from the
Cascade locka and canal? There being
nothing now before the board, the
Astoria-Forest Grove railroad ha3
been put on the table, so if in order,
we should like to hear from some of
the gentlement that have the interest
of "the whole state" at heart, on this
subject; it is probably of more
moment to us in Astoria than to ithe
Willamette folks, vet an occasional
airing ot that great undertaking
would ba as good news, to some of ns
at least, as the "Slado Snliivan slug
ging" or tho famous Julian and Jay
Eye See trotting.
Do I hear a second?
Yours, truly,
Riveu Navigation
Astoria, Sept. 27th 1883.
A. Narrow Escape.
.Last luesday evening a young man
employed as a waiter in one of the
restaurants sought his room over
drug store in this city after the labors
of the day were over, and after going
to bed solaced himself by reading
novel and smoking a cigarette. He
flung tho stub away aud feeling drowsy
went to sleep. After a while a dense
smoke attracted the attention
others occupying the building, and
getting the door open the smouldering
bed clothes, ignited by the cigarette.
burst into a flame. He was awakened
and the fire put out without doing
any material damage, beyond givin
all concerned a scare. He says ho
will smoke no more cigarettes
A private letter from Harrisburj
says that Jno. Waters, a well-known
resident of that place, was drowned
on Saturday last, by falling 'under
saw log. ne was to nave been mar
ried next day, and his affianced, Miss
Dora Hendrex, was by and unable to
render him the slightest assistance,
To Tlie 1'uTblic.
We take this method of. cautioning tl
general public to exercise care in any
transactions thev mav have with Mr.
Harry Boyd, agent of the Hamburg
nt-amon Wirn TnciimiffA (finiTlJlTlVv S?
our exnferiencc with him Is ot such
nature as makes us nositive lie is not to
"be trusted.
Bebgma?- & Bebry,
- Mark ScnrussEn.
(Oregonian copy.)
The Astoria Railroad Question.
Astoria, Sept. 2i, 1883.
To the Editor op the Obegoniak:
You ask in to-day's Orcgoman,
What do the people of Astoria
think of Yillard's answer?" It may
ne considered presumptuous for your
correspondent to endeavor to reply
or "the people of Astoria, but as
his opportunity for forming an opin
ion on the subject is, perhaps as good
any other citizen, he proposes to
lo so, first premising that tho conclu
sions he has reached aro tho result of
conferences held with individuals, who
are not only personally, and largely,
interested in the growth and prosper
ity of Astoria, but who are also capa
ble of calmly and dispassionately re
flecting upon the issue involved on
the proposition made by Mr. Yillard
in his answer to the questions put to
him by the Astoria chamber of com
merce, asking "it a contract to ouiia
the Astoria-Forest Grove railroad
could be let at $30,000 a mile, and
terminal facilities provided, if he
would then commence to build'' to
which Mr. Yillard replied in the affir
mative, provided the contractor would
construct the road according to the
plans and specifications of his engin
eer, and accept in payment $20,000
in first and $10,000 in second mort
gage bonds, which, he adds, are .ill
the available means the company has
to expend for that purpose.
It must be evident to every intelli
gent hu3iues3 man that such uu un
derstanding and such a .proposition,
involving as it does the outlay of mil
lions of dollars, requires careful con
sideration on the part of the parties
interested, and however desirous they
may be to see the work speedily com
menced, a considerable time must nec
essarily elapse before a definito answer
can bo given to Mr. jYillard'a offer.
We believe it is the opinion of the
majority of tho substantial citizens of
stona that Mr. Yillard lias an
swered tho question of the chamber
of commerce fairly aud honestly, and
that when he states that his otter in
cludes nil the availablo means the
company has at its disposal for this
work, ho means just what ho says,
and he asserts it in good faith and
with the best of intentions. It is a
fact that prior to Mr. Yillard's state
ment that, according to the estimate
of his engineer, the road would cost
50,000 per mile influential men,
capitalists, who hare had experience
in contraction for the construction of
railroads in sections where great engi
neering difficulties had to be sur
mounted, had, with a presumably fair
knowledge of the country through
which this road would pass, stated
that it could be built for less than
$30,000 per mile, and intimated that
there would be no diiliculty in u tiding
bidders whenever a contract should be
called for. It is by no means certai n
that such a contract cannot be let,
even now. But, as tho road mast, in
accordance with Mr. Yillard's offer,
constructed according to the
plan3 and specifications of tho com
pany's engineer, it is necessary that a
copy of these plans shall be submitted
to and examined by tho parties in
tending to take tho matter of con
struction into consideration. Our
chamber of commerce has made a for
mal request for a copy of said plans,
specifications and estimates, and as it
is an indispensable prerequisite, no
ubt the request will bo granted.
Until these are .received, things must
remain in statu quo.
In connection with this subject,
permit me to add that Mr. Yillard's
decision has not by any means pro
duced a panic in Astoria. Had he
declared the other way, doubtless
pectators would have endeavored to
create a boom in real estate. Per
haps we are better off without any
such boom, with its consequent future
reaction. Astoria is growing rapidly
in size and commercial importance.
Its present growth is hoalthy and
legitimate, because it 'is produced
simply by natural requirements, and
there is little doubt but that the time
will soon arrive, if it has not already,
when it will pay to build n railroad to
Astoria, if it is only an extension of
the Portland-Kalama. But this will
not satisfy Astorians, as long as that
much talked of (and as we think.
much abused ) land grant is
ini2 existence. And just here
permit me to say that Astoria is
far from being a unit on the subject
of the torteiture ot the land grant, a
demand for which has lately been
circulated and is to be forwarded to
tho secretary of the interior, who will
probably treat it in as disrespectful a
manner as it is worded and email
blame to him. Influential parties
have said they could negotiate for the
construction of the Forest Grovo road
for the land grant, and Mr. Yillard
has courteously informed the chamber
of commerce that ho will help in this
or any other way to securo tho con
strtict-on ot tne road, and corre
spondence is already opened with him
on this subject, and will doubtless re
suit in our knowing just what can and
what cannot be dono in this direction
Astorians are naturally very anxious
to securo better communication with,
and a market to and from, the Neha-
lem valley, with its immense foresU
of timber and rich coal mines, and,
continuing from thence, to tap the
Willamette valley and jnve the farm
ers there an outlet to tho sea, where
they can ship their grain without pay
ing txiDuto to l'ortiana; DUtamaior
ity, we believe, are disposed lo think
that if this cannot be accomplished
with a valuable land grant to reward
the company which undertakes to do
it, it will not be dono during the pres
ent ceueration, and therefore they do
not demand tho forfeiture of the land
Best CastoHi Work, Boots and SIioch,
Can be had at I. J. Arrow's, next to
CirvBook Store. Ladies and centlcmen
call there for tne finest fitting boots and
shoes, and lowest prices.
Perfect fit
Iron in a colorles3 state and Peru
vian bark, combined with well known
aromatics, make Brown s Iron Bitters
"the best medicine known.
Life policies on the endowment
plan written in the Manhattan of 2ew
York. Wheeler & Robb, agents.
The Travelers Insurance Co. in
sures acrainst accidents of all kinds, and
pays claims promptly. Wheeler it
llobb, agents.
Painting in oil colors by an entirely
newmemoacan easily be learned by
any one havinc time for a few lessons.
upon application to Miss Llneker, resi
dence next to vapi. i;oger.
A New Butter Test.
"Say!" exclaimed a hotel guest,
calling the attention of an urbane
waiter, "this is a terrible deal you aro
giving me in the way of butter."
"It's slightly off color, isn's it?" in
quired the waiter.
"1 should saj' it was."
'You bet."
"Strong as a mule."
"And fearfully frowy?"
"Worst I ever saw in my life."
"Yes; well that proves it's genuine
butter, don't it? If it was oleomar
garine there wouldn't be noihiug the
matter with it. There is considerable
difference nowadays between churn
butter and painted tallow. Sifiinat.
A Good Record.
Thirty odd years of newspaper
work otf and on, lias made us some
what familiar with the ins and outs
of the business. Precarious health
has interfered with consocutive work.
But looking back on what we have
written, which, if published in book
form would make many larg.s vol
umes, we thiuk wo have n right to
say that there are not a dozen lines
we wonld wish, so far as any evil in
fluence they might exert is concerned,
to have blotted out. Seattle Herald.
- -She had been looking over tho
blankets in one of the dry goads
stores and said: "Well, I didn't
mean to buy. Was just looking lor a
friend." Clerk politely: "Don't
think you'll find your friend aniong
the blankets. We've looked them all
Girl "Wanted.
To cook for a family of three persons
must get breakfast ready by U o'clock
A. i. Apply at this office.
Xcw Sc wills' 3ZaeIincs.
A lot of latest improved Howe Sew
ing machines at satisfactory prices can
be had at 1. J. Arvold's.
iYotice to the Thirties.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made lo order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Jiaics reasonable.
Call or address
Occident hair dressing saloon. Astoria.
Aiaces, liaccs, Jjacci.
at I'racl Bros. Empire Store: all styles
and prints. Some fine qualities.
Fragrant Cofloc
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's,
at his old stand.
When You Come to Astoria
and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank
abrcs, at ins old stand.
"Duplex Galvanic Bel is.
Persons wishing to purchase them
ill call on J. W. Conn, who is accnt
for them, at his Drug Store opposite Oc
cident Jlotol,
Silks, Sat!n, Dress IoodH,
at Pracl Bros.
ootl Slant! in iCo;:t.
Booms .suitable for a barber shon and
bath, or for other purposes can be had
t Ij. i. .lonnson, on lite Jioauwsy.
Iadieri liuyins for 2'all Wear
should see those handsome goods and
trimmings at tlie r.mpue btorc.
has re-onened and disnlavs some hand
some dress goods.
Saro Ifloucy.
Time. Jaiwr and risk by stUtttriUing t
Carl Adter's for whatever licwapajHT or
magazine you want.
A Juicy I5crfr:oa!
cooked to perfection is what yim can
et at r ranic abre s.
Gr.KN.N's Sum'huk Soap purifies the
skin. uIIii.t."s JIaii: and Whiskki:
one minute.
Brace uu the whole system with K'we
of ths Blood. See Advertisement.
All tho patent medicines advertised
in this pair, together with the choicest
icriumery, aim lowei arucius, nc can
e ooiisiit at tne lowest prices, at .1. w.
Conn's drtic ston, npimsitc Ocidon
hctel, Astoria.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cougn, cronp, in-
mienza, consumption, and an throat and
nine complaints. 3) cents anfll a ot-
Shilolfs Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Diz
ziness and all symptoms oi Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 7o cents per ooitie. bold
by W. E. Dement.
-IIaj.e's Honey of JIouni:orxi
and Tak will arrest even- ailment of
the lungs, throat or chest.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet-
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Kern
cdy. Price f0 cents, Masai Injector free.
ior sale oy w. js. jjemenr.
Shiloh's Cou"h ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. K. De
Sleepless iuhts. made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. bold by . h. ue-
Everybody 13 using, and everybody
13 recommenoing to everybody a
friends, J3rown a Iron Bitters as a re
liable iron medicine, a true tonic.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you.
Sold by W. E.
For the genuine J. 11. 'Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best'of wines, liquor
and San Francisco beer, call atthe Gen
opposite tlie bell tower, and see Camp-
Boys clothing at cost at the Occi
dent store.
Life and Accident Insurance noli
cies written in the Travelers of Hart
ford, by Wheeler & Jtohb, agents.
The finest flavored Ice Cream at
Frank Fabre s, Odd lellows building.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating houe
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and hi- well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that-at
his place they can be accommodated.
Insure against accidents of all kinds
in tho old reliable Travelers of Hart
ford. Wheeler & Robb, agents.
Frauk XaTro's Hotel.
Frank Fabre has the finest accommo
dations for lodgers to be found in As
toria, over his restaurant In Kinsey's
building, bverything is neat and clean
and the beds are new. sotc and comion-
able. J f vou want good board and lodg
ing go to Frank Fabre's
Aptorla &. YVlnncmuccii IS. It.
The American Hag, that boasted em
blem of U.S. liberty, is a humbug in
Astori.t. nd Jeff, of the Chop House,
has taken it down in disgust. But all
th- same he will continue to give the
I: incals tn town, from r A. ii to 12
midnight, for 25. cents rcgardl ss of cost.
as lie is determined to be the boss.
Try his dinner from 4 i3Q to 8 p. and
compare it with one you pay 50 cents
ior. Jeff.
every day at 5 o'clock. The best 2 G cent
meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. AH who have tried
him sav Jeff is the "BOSS."
toolf Here I
Jffi!?S?SSSSaFie amount -?f 810-00
fee. tea, wine, S. F. beer, or milk. Din-
ncr 25 cents.
Oysters. Oysters, Oysters,
at tlu Astoria Oyster depot; a stew,
fry, in roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's.
ForaJiont fitting- Boot
Or Shoo, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
nanius street, next door to l. w. case.
All goods of the best make and Guaran
teed quality. A. full stock; new goods
uuiiMumiv arriving, uusiom worK.
Time. Labor and Risk, in
Getting Your
by sniscniniNGwrnr
Astoria, Oregon,
Subscript ioa received for any Periodical
in the world.
Special rates If soveral Papers and Maga
zines arc ordered at once.
IMces of periodicals given on application.
It will certalnlv nav vou to call before sub-
HcrilmiK or giving an order for your perlodl-
Order Early and Save Delay.
A. EEacBeth,
o.-l. First St., - - Portland, Oregon.
Clothing made at reasonable prices,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Tlie splendid iron Barque Al
GSft Tons ItcstsliT,
Will take
in cases for the alwvc named nort In 1
to sun shipper., and having largo en
eata'meiits wilt bcnulcklv disnatched.
l'or terms of freight and insurance apply
Portland, dr.
Or to 1. L. cnEKKY, Astoria.
FImi lew Lie !
Can prove by his books that he Is doing the
irtgwM iusmes oi any
In tlie city, and lie will guarantee to bIto
lie oesi meal ior casn.
splendid Al British, Iron
Clipper Ship,
Will ko on the berth at Astoria, on or about.
me luin oi MU'iiuiiiEii,
For Freight and rates of Insurance apply
to .Messrs. UAiiSUUic, uuiiutLbsiu..
u ur 10 r. i untKKi, Asiona.
Mice to Stockholders I. X. L.
Packing Co.
JL that ontMiulf of a share of stock will be
sold. Any stockholder wishing to buy same
must inaKe it Known ueiore uct. i. jssj.
Astoria, Sept. 15, 1833, td
to Taxpayers of
District No. 1 8.
JL tnct Xo. IS. Clatsop coun
enoii. is now due. and the Sch
bo found at his office on "West 6th street.
near wall street, to receive and receipt for
tho same.
Taxes unpaid after sixty days from the
date of this notice win oe delinquent.
Save extra cost and pay your tax,
C. W. smVELY.
Clerk School District No. 18.
Astoria. Sept 5, 18S3. scptG-lm
A Bans School
AVill be open every
A. T. WAT2F, Tcaclicr.
Excursions, l'arades and Tartlcs.
Lessons Riven on the Violin. Apply at
the Furniture store of kd. d. cuictis suu.
Changed Hands.
mm? i'.ivpuv nvmrevAMnssTHEET.
X foimerly owned by Cbas. Carow. has
been bought by Chas Eterle, who will nere-
aiierconuua it.
Good Bread a Specialty.
The public trade solicited.
Special Announcement !
The Leading
Clothing House of Astoria,
For the nest 10
liberal discount on
to the arrival of our
Fine Silks and Velvets Reduced,
Fine French, and English Dress Goods
Blankets and Flannels Reduced,
Hosiery and Underwear Reduced.
Our stock of
Furnishing Goods is
Dress Suits reduced,
Business Suits reduced,
Gents' Fine Underwear reduced,
Hats and Caps reduced,
Boots and Shoes reduced.
At CapC .Rogers old stand, ooraer of Cass
ana uourc aireais.
Shin aud Cannery work. Horseshoeing.
Wasons made and repaired. Good work
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to coo M., at the mill or delivered.
Yt e also manufacture lata and shingles or
Al quality.
Plooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, BEKKER, Supt.
At Cost
We will sell
In order to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothing for
fall and winter, and must hare room.
Men's Suits Reduced I
Youth's Suits Reduced
Tha larcest and finest stock of Hats and Gents' FursIsklSC QOQds in
tho city.
Occident Store, -
1 td
I 11
I ! ft
H rk O H
I '
s Ji jj
1 A mi
Dry Goods
days we will .make a
all goods bought to
and over previous
fall and winter goods.
Clothing and Gents'
the largest in the
SeasirleBaiery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles etc., furnished for Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction,
i Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite a. W. Haaae's.
Prices ! 1 1
our entire stock oi
Astoria, Oregon.
Ed. D. Curtis & Go.
Carpets, Upholstery
Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East oi the Court Hoaee.
Astasia, - - - - Cngsa