- Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 27, 1883 No. 153. THE PLAGUE AT SEA. The Tragedy oi a Ship's Crew Stricken With Yellow Fever. In the ffray light of u July morning we made a sail dead ahead, close upon the outskirts of retreating night. In twenty minutes we heard the report of firearms from her deck and saw her flag was at half-mast in token of distress- A murmur of excited sympathy ran through the great throng on the deck of the ic. There was another, of disappoint ment, when the purser told us it was a Spanish brig. It was as if we had wasted our compassion an impulse natural to the Saxon breast, born of the fierce blood of those who peered through the stormy passes of the Alps into the Elysian fields of Latin foes. The steady throbbing of the screws slackened and ceased as we closed upon the quarter of the helpless brig. In a light western air, she lay with topsails backed and her jibs and spanker idly swaying to and fro. Four men were upon her deck, and as we approached, lowered a boat astern, hauled it slowly alongside, and entering it left the ship. She was apparently deserted. They rowed painfully toward our steamer, and we gathered on the port side where the rope ladder had been hung, to catch the first glimpse of their faces. This we could not do; the four wore wide sombreros and bent to their oars feebly but per sistently, never looking up. Our captain hailed them impatiently they only waved their hands be tween the dipping of the oars. They were now alongside, and the bow oarsman clutched the ladder and began to climb to the deck. Two others followed him, all three hanging like spiders on the narrow way, resting at every round. The most intense excitement was risi ble in every face that watched them from the ic's deck. .Our captain hailed them from tho bridge, and- as before each man waved a hand in a mechanical way. Then the captain came to the ladder awaiting their coming. The fourth man sat still in tho boat, but those who noticed saw him bending forward as he sat un til tho broad brim of his hat touched the gunwale, and the black locks of his hair showed from behind. He seemed helpless or asleep, but attracted little at tention as the others climbed closer to the deck. At last the uppermost had his hand upon tho btosmer's rail; a few more steps and he would be on deck. A hundred were ready to aid him in what seemed a task beyond his power. But the cap tain thrust them all away, ond reaching forward lifted his hat from his head. A general excla mation of horror broke from our eager group. There, not two feet from the rail, looked upward the visage of Death a yellow, shrvivelled face, and eyes that burned with the weak and cruel fire of wasting life. Long and matted hair and mustache sweep ing down made the picture beyond fait. It was the look of tho baser man, alter the divine and human elements of his nature die away in hunger, thirst or bodily distress, leaving in his useless frame the reptile only, from whose depths the strict Darwinians claim ascent. An impulse of terrible dread seized all who looked upon the sallow face, akin in all the fear of sudden death. The captain motioned back the man. He trembled like a' leaf and .spoke for the first time: uWe are dying, senor." "Of what?" "We do not know." But the captain knew, and we shrunk as if from flame at the words: "They are dying of yellow fever." If we had doubted this, the next moment would have proved his judgment right. Tho man re maining in the boat rose suddenly from his seat with a quick, sharp cry, "Santo Dios!" and fell upon fiis back dead. The captain ordered the others back, promising aid on board the brig. They swore they never would return, and began climbing with the haste of desperation. Never will I forget the struggle that ensued. The leading Spaniard clinging with both hands to the rail, held back by the broad hands of the captain, seemed the active personification of the plague, doing battle with the lives of all on board. He was like one mad; he cursed and snapped his teeth, filling the air with bitter oaths, drawing his feet under him to the highest round he could reach, and throwing all his strength into a fatal effort. He made it, and was thrust down again by the same strong hands. But his feet had been drawn as close to his body so that they slipped from be neath him and for a single in stant he hung above the others. Then he fell, striking the next man and the third, and carrying them with him into the sea. The sunk like plummets; in a moment more there were but three broad hats floating upon tho place of their descent. The captain consulted with his first officer, a well-thrown pig of iron crushed through the bottom of the boat, and the bell rang our, "full speed ahead." "When the sun came up, the Spanish brig stood for an instant against the disk and disappeared in the dazzling radiance of its later rays. C. 7' Allen in JVc JTorA: Graphic. The commissioner of the gener al land office in reply to inquiries with regard to laud frauds discov ered in California says: "I have had a knowledge of these opera-, tions for some time, and have had agents out there making investi gations. In consequence of the reports received from them, I have suspended action upon all timber land cases in Califarnia, Oregon and Washington territory. Per sons interested are not getting any patents and they will not get any until I am satisfied as to the hon esty of their entries." In explan ation of the nature of the illegal operations commissioner McFar land said that Congress, by a spe cial act, provided for the sale to individuals of separate tracts of timber land in California, Oregon and. Washington territory; the procurement by one person of a large number of such tracts through the co-operation of others, who purchased them only to transfer them to him, is a clear violation of the spirit of the law. The Pennsylvania legislature has been in continuous session SCO days, and has cost the state $750, 000. Last Saturday was the one hundred and first day of the extra session, which has cost the people nearly $300,000. It is proposed to make an effort to pass a resolu tion stopping the pay of the mem bers after the 30th inst, This ex tra session grows out of the dead lock on the apportionment ques tion. But a great many of the members are not adverse to strinsr ing out indefinitely. Ten dollars a day is more than the majority can make out of their regular bus iness. Tho company organized in Se attle to build a railroad extending from near the head of Big Skook um bay westward into the dense body of timber lying between that bay and Chehalis river, have about 2A- miles graded and will begin lay ing the iron in October, when it will be turned over to them by the Seattle R. R. Co., who will have substituted the broad track for the present narrow guage. The Mason county road will also be narrow guage and will use steam engines for motive power. Cour ier. ""Why is it that a little country like France ie, in proportion to re sources, so much richer than America," asks an exchange, and the Buffalo jVbu thinks it is be cause Frenchmen sell American women bonnets. The Verbiage of the Courts. "I was in court a few days ago," said a time worn litigant, "when -a young lawyer, arguing before Judge Joseph Barnard, read from one of the papers in the case in cluding the usual verbiage. The judge suggested a briefer state ment on the point, probably be lieving with the judge of the supreme court in the anecdote, that justices may be presumed to know something of the forms of law. The young man theu stated his point in plain and condensed English. The idea then struck me, when would it be possible to relieve the law of all the flummery o the verbiage now emplojed, In actual proceedings before a magistrate this verbiage is dis carded as absolutely unnecessary in argument; yet it is religiously maintained in all matters of plead ing and in all orders, injunctions, etc., granted by the courts. Half the delays grow out of this use of verbiage. Half the quibble out of which some unscrupulous lawyers make their living are based upon this needless use of unnecessary words." A lawyer who was pres ent could give him no encourage ment to look for a speedy reform; on the contrary, he irreverently said that the verbiage of the law was as necessary to the existence of the lawyers as the flummery of some religions was to the success of its advocates and ministers. JVeir YbrJc Tribune. Never in the history of this coast, was there such furor for planting hop yards as this season. In California there are 17S3 acres of old 3'ards, to which 2372 acres have been added this season, in seven middle and northern coun ties; in other districts of California increase has been about tho same. J In Washington Territory thej acreage last year was 700 acres, and this season it is fully double. Iu Oregon the increase is quite large. sofyteSy Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity, strenxth and whslesomeness. Mora economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold In competition with the mul titude oi low test snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Bor al BAKirftrTowDKu Co., 100 Wall-st. N. Y. Hardware ana1 Slip Chanfllery A. VAN DUSEH & CO., riKAr.Kits ik Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements. Sewing Machines. Pa iiitx ami Oils, Groceries, etc. WBI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. City Taxes. fJOTlCE IS IIEEEBY GIVEN TITAT THE lA city assessment roll for 1833 Is now In my hands lor collection, and all persons that are indebted tor the same may save fire per cent by paying said taxes before October li 1683. J. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer, t?T Ab 19! FOR i n a I B bl "1 M A Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Sreli ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. J.'.oosj Oil $j a iafe,ure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entail but the ccxaparatlrely trifling outlay of 50 Centa, and txerj on tuffer ing trith piln can bare cheap and poitlva proof of 1U claim. Directions in Herea Languages. BOLD BY ALLBBUGGI8T3 AITB DEALERS Itf HEDI0IHE. A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore, If. 3. JL. SYMPTOMS GF WORMS. The countenance Is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes of a clr cumTiled spot on one or both checks ; the eyes Ikjcouio dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-! Id ; the nose is Irritated, swells, and .sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or t!in!bin of the ears; an unusual se cretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morn ing; apjx'tlte variable, sometimes vora cious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach ; at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains iu tho stomach ; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the alxiomeu; bowels irregular, at times cosaive; stools Filmy, not unfrcqucnUy tinged with blood : belly swollen and hard ; urino turbid ; respiration occasionally diffi cult and accompanied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, wltlirlnding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable. Whenever the above symptoms are i'tumd to exist, mi. C. 3IcLAXES VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a enrc. In buying Vermifuge Ikj suro you got the genuine DR. C. JIcLANE'S VERMI l'L'CE, manufactured by Fleming Jtrcn., -'1 Wood Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. The market Is full of counterfeits. You will be rlKht if It has the signature of l'lem inc Uros. and C. McLane. ir your storekeeper docs not have the genuine, please report to us. Send us a three cent stamp for -1 hand some advertising cards. FLEMING UROS., Pittsburgh. I'a. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all," It 13 a blood-purifier and tonic Impurity of the blood Hisms tin- svs to:n, deranges the circulation, and thus in duces imuiv disorders, known bv different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or lliood. Such are Ducpta, UillltwsncfS, Liver Complaint, ConMliKilinn, Xetmni Dis order. Headache, Backache, General Wcak fiesa. Heart Disease, Dropsy, Kblncy Disease, Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Disorders, Pimples. Ulcers. Swelling, lc; lr. ICInp ol the ISlnod prevents and cures these by attacking the cause. Impurity of the blood. Chemists ami nhvsicians airree In calling it "the most genuine and eilU-lent preparation lor tne purpose." Sold by Ditig gists, 81 icr bottle. Sco testimonials, direc tions. Sc., in pamphlet, "Treat ise on Diseases oi thft Blood," wrapped around each bottle. D. HANSOM. SON & Co.. lrop Buffalo. N. V. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. AND PLANING- HILL. A lull stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA. Oregon BMs MMs ! Drawback Entries, Bills of Lading, Manifests, Etc. Legal Blanks. Mortgages, Warranty Deeds. AT The Astorian Office Any blank or form not In stock will be printed to order. nil! TTf?rlc 1 J!tir TTnflq T?onit HnnVo Fish Talleys, Cards, Tags, and commercial paper of all kinds printed to order at The Astorian Job Office. For Sale. O NE TEAM OF LARGE HORSES, ONE set of double harness and wason. Also. one new two seatea ouggy. Inquire or- A.G. ALLEN, tr Fort Stevens, Oregon. I OTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARSER HOUSE, 11,3. PARKED. Prop., ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. E. P. PARKER, - Manager and Agent. Al. CROSBY, - - Day Clexk Phil. ROWERS, - - 2ilsht Clerk. Jas. DUFFY has the Bar and Billiard room. Pirst Class in all Eespects. FREG COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT tiiat JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT IU', hns Alvrays on Hand FRESH 2Iionl Water Hay and East ern Oysters. THAT "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER? THAT lie lias been Proprietor of the "AHrora Hotel" in Knappton icvea jears. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. UlealM ." rents anil upwards. G. OTJ1jA2:I, 3IAI.V STKEI7T. Proprietor. - ASTORIA. 0. PARKS X. DKALKU IK Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wootl Delivered to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business, Horses ana Carriages for Hire. nRAr.r.n ix WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. A, . Allen, Wholesale and retail dealer' In MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TttonCAL AND D0MK3TIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsTobacco, Cigars . BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Salmon ifet Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND CORK 1KB LIMB LIKES, Finn 2'ound. Seines, and Xets Imported to Order. A. Larp Stociof Nettiflff, FisliLines AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. 5?Agent.s for the Pacific Coast FQABB & STOKES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In Humc'SiS'cw Building And are Ready to Supply the "Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting DONE BY RUDDOCK & WHEELER. AT fair rates. Also a complete stock of soons m onr une. Estimates grren ana work guaranteed Cass street, in aar of I O O F tmlldlns, S. ARNDT & EEKCHEN, ASTOBIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHO Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, ATD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bmrrox Sxbkkt, If kas Pabkbb House, ASTORLV. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anfl MARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTIIfGrS , Of all Descriptions Hiado to Order at Short Notice. A. D."WA8S, President. J. G. Hustlkk, Secretary, I. VT. Case, Treasurer. Jons Fox.Suporintendent. C. H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS K Doors, Windovs, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. Sliop w qttJsl A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on band. Cn.BAUi & CO. LOBB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. td&All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon, GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. mils or hxenange on any Part oi Europe. T Ail AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING JL well known and commodious steamship ines, STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR. HAMBU KG-AME R ICAN. DOMINION LINE. NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European Dort. For full information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to I. W. CA SE. BOZOETH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, Oregon, TTE WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST- T T em. State investment, Hamburg. Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panics, and represent the Travellers' Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New iurMjie.ui.1. i. We have tho onlv compete set of townshln maps In the county, and nave made arrange ments to receive applications, uungs. anu final proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions, Timber Lands, etc.. havlne all the official blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined in the office , upon the payment of a rcasonaoie ice. We also have for sale citv nroDertv in As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. Rents, and other collections made, and loans negotiated. BOZORTH & JOHNS, EEMGYAL. The Astoria Passenger Line TT7TLL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS if beadauartcrs at Its Stables next to TV B. Franklin's, two doors below Thr Asto kiax office. Firat-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per uuur. wimugw uu application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will leave ior upper Astoria irom the stables. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. BUSINESS CARDS. Q It. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. 6, over White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, 3 XAT. HUDSON, Attorney at law, and A'otary Public. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. J Q.A.BOWI1BY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treet, - - ASTORIA, OREGON Q 3. CUliTIS, ATT'i AT LAW. Notarv Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California. New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows- Building, As toria. Oregon. N.B.-Clalms at Washington. D. C, and collections a specialty. Astoria Ascent Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. jg C. HOIlDEX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. JQR. X. V. UOA.T3IAX, Physician and Surgeon. Rooms and 10, Odd Fellows Building, ASTORL, OREGON. J"AY TUTTIiE, M. D. PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON Offick Rooms 1, 2, and 3, Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. JP P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - OREGON Roomu In Allen's building up stairs, comer f Cass and Sqemocqhestret . JQR. J. E. LaFOKCE, 3EiSTIST, Room 11, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. Q.331.0 F. PIRSElt, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and City of Astoria Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. J J. JOXES, STAIR IiUH.BEK, Ship and Steamboat Joiner. NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. csrOfQce with Bozorth & Johns. E. A. NO YES, Agt. OKQ. I WIIKELER. W. L. KOBB. WHEELER & EOBB. GENERAL REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Real Estate bought and sold on Commis sion. Accounts adjusted and BUI3 collected. Correspondence from abroad solicited. JSfOfilcc In Hume's new bulldlnc, on Squo moqua street, next door to Foard & Stokes. Zj. X. JoT ffon, Has re-oponed his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On the Roadway, near his old location. He will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, and Tobaccos, and a full line of smokers7 ar ticles, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will be pleased to see his old mends at hb new stand. TAILOH.IKTO-, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOVETTf Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's. ANNOUNCEMENT. MRS. T. S. JEWETT, (Successor to Mrs. E. S. Warren.) Fashionable Dressmaker Aim MiraiwER. Dealer In Millinery and Fancy Goods. Squemoqua street, next door to Odd Fellows Temple. SOLID (GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. C3TAI1 goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER.