7 - ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY.. ..SEPTEMBER 20. 15?- OCrflMEfiGEAfB TRADE PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Ravenstondale, Br Wt Quoistown. Sept i rESSELsTxrnE in yer. -O MtWaahinKton. Am sp ItichUad Light, Am. sp "orsica. Am U Reaper, Am p Indinna. Am fp. Western Belh. Aa.ep ('oloma. Grasmere, Br bk Grisedalo. Br sp Carrie Winslor.Arab"c Wictonshire. Br bk Crimea. Br bk C D Bryant. Am bk Slienir. Br bk Chesebroujrh, Am ip Harry Morse. Am fcp Imperial. Am sp TitAtj. Am iJIWe S.Southard, Anup River itb. HrJsD Atwrlrmno. Br bit Ked Cross. Am sp Iloxbcrchire. Br 1fc Geo. Bowley. Br blc St. Lucie. Am up Darenbjr. Br bk Saettish Tar. Br bk Nalrn.bire. Ursp vesskjS y.v tub v-'a r. I'ntni Forei-jit Prfn. fur the ColiirnltJa Itlver 1'arcany. Brs-p Ap:il Clyde Wencfotl. Br ftp Slay 1 1 London Itenffwliire. Br bk April i London listen, JSrsp Liverpool May 12 Ob ft. tJotesworth, Br bk Liverpool City of Madrid. Br sp Mar 3 OJvdo City ef Carlisle. Br bk GreBoek Ass H Cairnftraore, Brsp London April 27 ISskdale. Brbk Liverpool Jul--25 Fiery Crass. Br sp Sidney Glenperis, Br bk Apri! tSJ OartllS Girran, Br l)k Ajwil 20 londen Hurry Baitey. Brbk Bunaos Avres Incbercen. Brsp HIS! G roenock. JaaeS Ironside. Br bk Grecnook ilay 19 lsle of Anslesea. Br bk May 5 Liverpool Janet McNeil, Br bk June 3 Glasr KiKeaiian, Br sp Newcastle K'.puoda, Br sp London April 7 Lsko Eric, Br so London April S MclUf-etc, Br bk Liverpool May 21 Oban Bay, Brbk Mar SI Gins:" Oatvrorih, Br sp Feb 20 Lortdaa Ubcron. Br bk Hull June 39 Oberon. Brsp London June ltt Star ef Hrin, Br sp Glacow Juao 1 Spirit of the Dawn . Br bk May 2 London Scottish Prince, 2Jr bk Melbourne. Aug i Prom American Vortn. Merara. Ain fp Y August 17 M W Watts. Am bk New erk May 1 Sea King. Am f p S T July i Sovereign of the Se, Am sp New York June 2 Tillie li SUrbuck. Am sp X Y June 21 TIDE TABLiE TOR ASTORIA Fiwm tau'.es of United SUiU-s t-urvev High Water. Lev Water. K. M. 1'. Date. A. il. 1. 20 21 Zl at 4 'St...... !G T. 15 29 . iw . 4 lu...... . 10 . C 25. 7 l. - ....., . 41 .10 35..... -11 21..... .11 57..... U 01 ... il 35.. -..10 2T.. ... 0 0s 1 J2.. ...1014 ..1 1 OS "ll.ll .. 0 45 .. 3 41.. - 4 411...., .. 42f . . . .. 47!...., .. 7 SA .. S KM -10 0l..... ..11 021..... ..11 521..... .. 2 17 :: is .... 4 n; 5 07. ft). ISO r.05 4)2 514 C12 SHJTMKNTS VOhKtHZ. UR&M'JTUr.ATIOX JAXCAXY '?. rs.tr.7 iMs tkr....."y. . ZZ'ZZ TmJkI, cairje vr.ui'.i asv. VMmt. mjm hm., -ltto .. hVir, 4)TWs., ' .. Tl. 9 izuw- MAKI1I. 17.54 IttuhfW) ltiwmVW.141 Iibte) ShIiikiii ilRnt casus) LHEiUerlfilW.M ) Total (ScarjK) Al'IMU 257.170 t S5K.1SC 17S.10 .. 144,4ST. SIGSO ,.fU.107 1X.0W G.S00 S8W11 FJour,2i,K30 Iritis Lumber, 7orI.... 40.000 Total, 3 mt)4c$ MAY. Kl our 3,525 Mite "Wheat 4,2i2 bus ...1SV,4 $ 17.fil .. BO.VM Total, .ICXB. Flour. 9ai bids Sitliiion, 87,73 os .. Total. (1 cargo! JULY. Flour, 5.S8I lrtds. Salmon, usj&ics S7C.S77 & 4.&70 18S,V. SIaS45 $ 7,073 - . 601,010 Total, (seaioes) ....-S6it9.2S3 AUGUST. Plour. ;.CiJbbl S 21.565 Salmon,72,W cs 3C0,1SS Total, 2 cargoes ... SS35.150 seitrmbicr. 3 To QiifcnoiCTi per RomVm. Wheat 7112 bus $05,200 23 To Qucavttawn per Ravenslondalc From Portland 45.411 bus. wheat... $13,400 " Astoria 10.700 " ' 18,370 GT.,171 $C2rT70 Domestic Esportc. The receipts of certain articles of Or rgtin produce, at San Francisco, from .January 1, IRSS, to Sent IDUi, inclu sive, have been a follows: Flour, qr sks ..... A2.WS Wheat, ells ns.819 Oats, ctls 1.178 Salmon, hbls ......................... 1.45a iif bbls . 10 cs 2W.421 plcgs nny Apples, KiiK, ixs . 8,300 Butter. pkf 272 Potntoe. sKs . 2S.424 Wool, bales S0.733 Hides. Ko...... ...... .... Tallow, pkgs 704 Beef, bbls............................. y Hay. bales 2S )uicksllver. llasks 142 Fruit, Dried, pkgs c.t&o l-c;llier, pkgs . . . S13 Hops, bales 40j j lams, pKgs................. li Cheese, cs....... . ,.... 33 Flaxseed, sks 4,isi Corn, ctls . - n Canned Gods, es 72c J-anl, pjtgs 13 itacou, as........... is MAGKUS C. 0R0SBT, Dealer In HARBWAI1E, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, FLTJMB3SBS AND STEAM FITTER6 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IROH Till AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTINC Done with r.catness and dispatch. None but'flnst class workmen employed. A large assortment of; SCALE.? Constantly on hand CilDBCn DlKECTQgY. Grace Church Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 11 a. 3L, and 7 :30 r. m. "Wednes day evening service at 7 SJ0 o clock. Itov. First Presbyterian Church Ser vices at 11 a. il and 730 p.m. Vedncs- day ercnins prayer meetinc at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. J. V. Milligan, Pastor. Coxgreg atioxa l Churck Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 v. m. Rev. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Romax Catholic Cncr.cn Services at 1050 a.m. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor N. 11 ("Hrncn Services at 11 a. m and 7iWr. m. Lecture and Trayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. m. ltev. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Church. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. u and 7 p. m. Praj-er Meetin; on Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. J3. S. I'lcLafferty, pastor. Common CounciL Rcrular mootines second and fourth Tuo;- day oromnes of each month, at "Yi o'clock SS" Persons desiring to have mattors zicM upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must t;rosont the Fame to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday ovenin? prior J to tho Tuesday on which the Council holds its i regular meeting. THUS. i. J KW hTf. Auditor and Clerk. I Astoria LiOdrje No. 40, LO.G.l. j Rcralnr Mectine every Tuesday Krenins at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Aftoriu. Mem bers of tho Order, in ood standing, are invit ed to attend. DcKtco meeting 1st Monday of onch month. By order W. C. T. Temple Lodge, ko. 7 A. F. A. t. Uegular Communication? 5rst aajyV third Tuesday" in each month. at7Vi V o'clock, v. it., at tho llnll in Astoria. Members of .tho Order, in cood standin?, aro incited to attend. Bv orde: of the W. M. Kenvcr Lodcc Xo. 35, 1.O. O. Z Rejrular meetinc everv Tiiursdav evening at lialt-past seven o'clock, at J tiie .Lodge room in Uud Fellows Hall, Astoria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing cordiallv invited ti attend. By order S.G. American Legion of Honor. Regular meetlKC of Astoria Council No. (tic, j Is held on the lirst mid third TmJtv nf . each month, at 7 o'clock i: m. : By order of Council Cosnmandor. i R.V MoxTBmr. S.'c'iy, ' ASTORIA. FIRE DEIAJtTj2 EXT W. J. BARRY Chief Engineer F. r. HICKS 1st Asst. KuKiiiecr J. G. CHARTERS .2d Asst. EiiRlneer BOARD OFnELEGATES.-KMndiwmwt- int: fourth Moudavin uich jnonlli.at 7a' J.'. sr., at hall of Astoria Engine Company i iXO. 1. Officers. C. J. Trencliard. rrosldcnt; A. A. Cleveland, Secretary; l'.U l'jtrker. Trcasun'r. DKLKOATSs.-L.li SelIg.C. J.TifDchnn!. Chas. Stickles, ol Astoria linginn Co. Xo. 1 ; "Win. IdcConnlc, F. Ij. Parker, II. 1 I'rael, of Rescue Engine Co. Uo. 2: Ed. I). Curtis. F. J.TavIor. A. W. Berry, or Alert Hook ami Ladder Co. No. 1. ASTl,ItT.l EXQIXE COMPANY Xa. Jteguhir meeting flrst Monday in iich niunMi. Officeils. W. W. Parker, President ; U E. Selig, Secretary : Win. Bock. Treasurer ; S. G. Ingalls, Forcmau : Chas. Wallmaii, 1st Asst. Foreman ; Henrj' 3Illler.2d Asst. Fore man. RESCUE ENGINE COMPANY No. 2. Rcgulnr meeting lirst Monday in each month. OFFICKUS.-C. W. Fulton. President ;IL F. Prael. SetTetarv; J. D. Merrvinan, Ass't Secretary-: P. 1. Pftrkcr. Treiisurer : P. I.. Parker. Foreman : II. 1. Prael, 1st Asst. Foreman; .James Hare. 21 Asst. Pot email. AJjERT HOOK AND LADDER Co. No. J. Regular meeting second Monday in each IlKUltlL Officers. J. O. Bororth. President ; O. Brown, Secretary; J. Turtle. Treasurer; F. K. Elberson. l'oreinan ; F. W. Ferguson. lt Asst. Foreman; J. W. Ferciien, 2d Ast. Foreman. MARKETS. CENTRAL il ARRET? ' ?.i -nil as?ortment of table stock coiwnmM, on hand, such a Canned Fruits and .Icily, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, Bi'TTER. CIIERSK. Fresh Frnits and Vegetables, VISI3. POULTRY ANI .t3tF In the season. CIGARS AXU TOBACCO. IScj.1 of WIXES AK1 JUKcUOKS. AH cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission, opposite I. w. Case's store. J. RODUERS. Washington Market, Main StrecU - - Astoria Oregon BERG MAX C BERRY IE.SPSCTFULLY CALL TIIE ATTKV Ytion of tho nublic to tho fact that lLe above Market will always be supplied with a FULL YA P.IETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AMD CURED MEATS I and retail. Special attention riven to ecptdj- DC EU1DS. LOOK HERE ! We resncclfuilv Inform the imblic that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Presli and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh FniiLs, Vegetables, Crcckerj- and Glass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses ?up plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited. UU, WAltRtiK & THOMl'SON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0MPAKY, Fresli and Cured Meats, "Vegetafoles, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEI, CKKVAaiUS Street, Astoria , Os W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded That Hacking Couch can be so quicKiy curea oy aniion's uure. Euarantee it Sold by w. E. Dement No Whiskey! J Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com . 'posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for w-hiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor oi die American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Gn.,0.,Nov. io, iSSi. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul- ' gencc of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested Tor dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief TUTT'S PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. from these sources ariscthrce-fonrths of tho diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: juoss of Appetite, Bowclo costtrc, filclc Headache, fullness after cat iuST,aTcraioxi to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritabil ity of temper, X.ow spirits, A feeling before tho eyes, Iilplily colored Urine.COXSTXPATIOA'.nnd demand the use of a remedy that acts directly on tbcldver. AsaldvcrmcdiclncTUTT'S have no equal. Their action oa the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impuriUcs through these three " scavengers or the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and u vig. orousbody. TL'TX'S PlJCtS cimsoiio nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Jxld-eTerywuerc23. 01iice44MurraySt.N V. TOTFS HAIR DYE, GnATHXin on Whiskees changed in stantly to a GLossr Black bv a sinnin uiijjuuuLiuuoi unsung jsoui oy uru LSLs.ursunt oy express on receipt or Office. 44 ilurrav Street. Kew Ynrlr. ' Y rurro zinruAii c? tnsruii acnEra rase SLIGHT QBDS. A Little Storyivith a Xiar;c atoral One 3Inn who Knrwlils Own UnsinesH. "So. my dear," Eaid tho venerable keeper of a country storo to a timid little girl whose head scarcely camo up to tho lorol of tho counter. "No, my dear, wo haven't any red flannel, but we have somo first rate Now Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that she didn't think that would answer tho purpose quite as well, tho child wont her way in eearch of tho articlo sho wanted. Have you BENSON'S CAPCINE PLAS TERS?" asked a gentleman of a certain drug gist whoso namo could bo given were it do fired. 'I am troubled just now with a touch of my old friend, tho lumbago, and tho Een eon'3 Plaster seems to go to tho spot almost as soon as it touches tho skin." 'Not at present." replied tho druggist, gen ially " but, wo havo lots of plasters just as good. There is Allcock's, tho Capsicum and othera won't ono of them do as well?" "My dear sir," retorted tho gentleman. with a slipht show of temper, "I say nothing against those articles, but I am a business man, and alway3 ask for precisely what I want, and for nothing clie. I may enlighten you, howovcr, when I say that sometime ago, for another disease, ot which tbo Capcino has since cured me, I tried all thoso you mention, with no appreciable bencSt. They aro ineffi cient, every ono of them, tho mcincst act of tho proprietors of somo of thorn being this : that they mako plasters with similar sound ing names to dectivo the unwary into believ ing they aro tho samo thing. Experience taught mo tho difference. I'll go to tho noxt man in your line. Good day." Bo on i our guard against imitations. Tho genuino has tho word CAPCINE cut cleanly in thomiddloof tho plaster. All others aro impositions. Scabury & Johnson, Chomists, Now York. GERJIANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Cnmiycs Sthect. Astoeii. The Beat of Lager ii Cts. a Glass Orders for tlie Gslelratei Colnmbia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly amend ed to. SNo cheap Saa Francisco Beer sold at this place WJI. BOCK, Proprietor. L. K. a. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer iu Clear ami Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, riaylns Cards, Cutlery, Sta- The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHADm anil AmET nonris; in ti oitv Particular attention paid to orders froni luc uuuuiry, TnEO.BRACKEB, Manager. Chenainus Stmt, Astoria. Owson. A Hard Life. A correspondent of the Chicago Times writes: A worJ about this French Canadian housewife, though she deserves chapters. I have drifted of lato into some of the most dcsolato and poverty stricken collection of huts which the mind could conceive which, indeed, is next to impossible for an American to conceive at all hamlets where the men, with praunr, burnt faces, long matted i ..,.:... ? :.. ,:.:,ii i hair, forms twisted in miutlle ae j -,i . .. , .. as with us at eighty, by reaot: ot , privation, exposure and unsettled hopelessness, and tlie cloilis alto gether indescribable in their mean ness, appear to the vision like speetres from some rntt ot ;t I MeJusa." Cut even here I !kw no woman, voutv or old, whe was ' J I not nent in her persons.! appenrnnce, ' painfully clean in the care of her home, and apparently in the l.aLit of doing three-fourths of all tho work that was done. The amount of labor that this pner but con tented creature performs is noth ing less than mavelcs. Premis ing that before the age of 35 she is usually the mother of ir.'in six to twelve children must French j Canadian girls are. married hef re they are 155 let ns t..'iiicr her work for a moment: She has, first of all, the care of her chil dren, which is not a slight thing, even though thev am the most careful and self-reliant ol" ail the world's urchins; then she does all of her cooking; making her bread out in the sun in a stone oven built near the house; she does all the washing and mending of clothes; she does all her own new- j ing and knitting, and, in tome j parts, spinning; she keeps all the j money of the household and makes j all the purchases; she scrubs the front steps and all the lloors of the living rooms in her house every day, and she whitewashes the out side of her house once a fortnight or so; if they have a cow she milks and cares lor it; and then (we have dealt thus fur only with the incidental occupations by which spare moments are filled up) she works all day in the field with the spade, hoe or rake. If she is near salt water, she also salts down barrels of tomcods and Uounders for the family's winter use. If she lives near a town she also goes in with the hotse and char ette to the market, and knits while she is not selling produce, on two days of the week. The race does not anywhere afford a more su perb spectacle of industry than this woman presents. And with it all she manages to keep, if not a fresh, at least a bright and cheery look upon her face; she dresses herself for church well and tastefully, and carries her good clothes as if she was accustomed to nothing else; and her children, particularly the girls, are models of cleanliness and good order. This, bear in mind, is as true of the poorest and most isolated hamlets as it is of the well-to-do suburban villages. AND - AFTER TOMENONLYjYOUNGQRGLD, WHO arc suffprlng from Nnivors I)ebu rrr. Lost Vitautt. Lack cp hoivu ForxK axo Visob, Wjlstixo AViiKsrasis, anil alt those tllscascs of a Peesoxai. KATeac re Fultlug from Abcses aal OTuns Cavses. Speedy relief and complete restoration of Health, Yioor and JIaxuood O it aeantkki'. Tho trrandest discovery of Uio Nineteenth Century. Send at onco for IUustrateu Iam phletfrce. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. ASK FOR- Union India Rubber Cos Tur Tara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. nnWAKK OP IMITATIONS ! Re sure the Boots are stamned CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE uuai iiriujGS on tno toot ami instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as lonj? as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc COODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. U. PEASE. Jr. I Agents. S. M. RUNYON, San Eranclscd. I. "W. PASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEMLAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OREGON 1 1 ! mm A Skin. Sealp and Ll.dcf Itehinr.Sea ly.l'imply Scrofulous Inherited, and Cob ta;ion9 Humors, K.ovl roifon?, Ul eersf, Abscesea, aad Infantile Skin Tort ure?, the CirricvBA UKjtKPfCM are infalli ble. CfTlCUB-V Kk-fM-.vsrr, the Jw IjKkmi I'uriaor. Uiu retic. and Aperient, oxpfls dicaso rerms from the blood and por- ?piratHMi. nd tho remores the tatur. cirri cvk, the jereat bkin Corn, instantly allays jtMnt .na ifiaMtio.. clear the &ia and ieaip. aeais necrs ana orts, restores me rMni-x;oll. vti.to a-'. .wuwite Skin rteantificr and Toilet Requisite, U iadfa l'Ciwaiile in t eating- skin lrea?e, nd for roHfth, ehai't rd or .- ea.y Skin, blaekliemi, Motefaw. ami baby humors. Cpt:tr.v Rsx Rities are the o'r mfl.ib!e blood puriStr aMlskin UeauJiCer-. I 'hx;. i!(McshtWH. Ijtu.. lawyer. ?H State street P-oston. report a cn.- of Salt KheiiHi urnier his oUierratim fr ten yearv. which cowed thratierfs body and limb?, ami to I : which au nown lneinua- oi ireniniiwi. nan applied wiih.it, benefit, which waa completely eartd .liy by Ice Cnicun kkmewks, i ring a eiean arai healthy sum Jlr. .iu4 3I. Everett Sob4iMs, Hclchar Ukh. Mnt . write: Our.lii ln boy waa terri bly alfiieted with Serofnla. Salt Hheuut and Kry?il'elas ever since be waj born, and neth inr we could atvo him helped him until we tried CfTt-.TRv !j:fcii35, which uradwaHy cured hint, until he is sow as fair as ary child li. K. 'r;pair. Hemic ron. N. 1., nred oi Proriati or Lcpnyy. f twent? years' standing, by Citu vkv ilai:iMs. Hie most wonderful cure on reeurd. A dnntDan fuM m denies ien irom mm uany. i Hysi-eians ana i friid thought he must die. Cure worn to b-freaiuMiMiif tha t:eae and Homier- son's most prominent citizen?. j linn. V.' m. TvSir. Health ammtariuner. I BoHun. ay: Aficrthroa months' usa of thei Ci'TR't a.v Kr! i.3, and twelre years tf asj ctKwiant mfferinK from Serofnloas Itumorof the faee neck and scalp as was ever endured. ! 1 can my thi.t 1 am oured, awl pronounce my case the most remarkable on reeurd. j Sol i by all drosgists. Cirrirca., 30 cenU; Resolvent, il , StAi25eant.-. Pi.trni: Davit ASi ChwicA'. C.. i'ostoii. Mas. Sofltt fr "nw to C";t rr .siiln DIseaRes.' ffJT.TlTfS' ii A OA P. Absolutely t.ure J U JLJL highly incdie nal. indorsed by physicians i'eferrel by tho elite. Sales ISSt and l.H",'- ;' calve'. Sold e ry where. Tlie Great Balsamic Distilliitiou of "Witci. HasoT. Amnricaii Piae. Cuindian !Fnr, I&arigoltl. Clover 22osson. Stc, For the imineJhto relief and Permanent Cnre ofeverj' form f Catarrh. from aimple Head Cold or Influenza to tho Los-s of Smell, Ta.ite. and Ilearintr. Cough, Pronehitis and Tneipi ent Comminution. Iteliefin fivo minute- in any and cvory ca?e. Nothing like it. Grate ful fragrant, wholesome. Cure begins trotn nri applieation, ami is rapid, radical perma nent, and never failing. Ono bottle Radical Cure. onoTk: Catarrhal Solvent ami Sanprnl' Inhaler, all in one package, forming a complete treatment, of all druggist? for il, Ask for S.VNFit!'a It AwcAi. Ccrk. PoTrr.R Darn asi Ciicmical Co., lloston. ...... .. , 'LmSxc.V9 writ" a 1 '"00' nstcivanu UagU at pain. Ujc eTerywhere. ' Or THE OLDEST AND K0ST RELIA5LI REMEDIES IN THE W0HLD TOR TriE CURE 0? CoiigHs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Eronchitis, Influenza, As.tlima, "Whooping Congii, Croup, and Every afTectio-n of tho THROAT, UIKGS AND CHEST, including A WELL-KNOWN PHYSlCIAfi WRITES: " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the case teLtad, as is the case with most preparations, bd Isosens it, cleanses the longs and albys irriutkn. thus removing die cause of complaint." DO NOT 2JE DECEIVED by snicks beat S similar nasaes. Be sure yos get DR.WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vith lbs .signature of" I. BUTTS " oa the wrapper CO Coats and SI. OO a Itottle. r.-rpartd by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Bos "M.Masi. Sold Iivdnigsuscd dealers r.cncji NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are HEREBY CAUTIONED Not to Trespass upon the follow ing described property, to wit: The NW 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 8 N., R. 8 W.. Clatsop County. Oregon. The said property lieing the property of the undersigned. JOHN ROGEiiS. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT NEXT DOOR TO ASTORLYN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select Windowcurtains made to order. E5?My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper win uc lounu convenient 10 my patrons. Changed Hands. milE BAKERY ON CHENAMUS STREET. JL formerly owned by Chas. Carow. has been bought by Chas Eberle, who will here after conduct it. ootl Bread, a Specialty. The public trado solicited. wl I SSfpi For the relief and preven . JVt"iil Vo7 tin, tiir Ihkihik It is ajs V VOLTAIC' p 1 id, of h iienma! ism .N ou vVViiJ ralsria. Sciatica, Cough?, XVTv iv,i Weakliaek' Stomaeh -i -ard llowels. Shooting Pains, '"YrXlASC1 i'a'piiation. Iiy?peiwia,Liv vVvV n Complaint, UiliousFever. ' ' Malaria and Epidemic, uee Sc rVVnirt. v ":!iH'.s IMsicrsian Elcc- SHIPPCsG NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. . TOR PORTLAND- (FAST TIJtE.) ,Y r. .r steamer FLEETWOOD, Vh;-.-h h i? been refitted for the comfort o itatsfHetrs wltt leave WflMR and VlbcrN dek vrry Xtwday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at PwUand at ' P. ii. l.Vtuniine iexves Portland every 7ut&dzy& end Thursday at 6 A. N. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. U. A h ndriitkiiial trip vrtl! be made ou Sunday of Each Week, Irving Portland at O o'clock rKrty 31 urn ins:. Pa-eMPgers by toss rowi earnest at Xalama tor 3umt p1s. U. li. SCOTT, 1'reswent. Astoria and Portland. gStr. WSSTPORT, F. II SHERMAN, - - - MASTER Will ri.a reetdar trios in Portland and Atforia. leaving Ibirnells doek, foot of Mor rioi Mtrwt. Portland, at i aj. Saturdays. Ami will leave Wikon ft Fisher':? dock. Aston:, at 8 a. . inurs4lays. f$V"Fnij5ht trried at reasonable rates. Steamer il ESLIC.?? WT! I VI Kit TPITK: c; ,f Y w UrJ-! i'OI.i.OWb: oTT, , . , , , To OUN GS i:i KR, Mondays, Wednesdays- aul Satunlavs. SiieeuU trtiis as required. Will b:ive WI1mii ft Fishers wharf at 9 o!oclc sharp, each momimr. LEWIS C. H AAV EN, l'lper Astoria, Mater. RE&DLAB STEAM PACKET. -Daisy." and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Gluey, and Hewl of Ynuncs River, Daily, at S a. x., (except Wednesdays and Sundays.) Returning same day. For Landings on Lewis Sc Clark's Jtiver. Oh Vt'ednesdays, ut S A. itf., leturniiig Mint' day. flWKnr Preight or Paasaice. apidy on bonnl, or at Gray 's lock, where PreiBht will be re ceived and stored. If neeesary. J. II. D. GRAY. TORI MORRIS. T2E2S 2TS3W ami Favorite Kent TS NOW READY POR RUSINESS AND JL can be chartered for excursions, special jmrties, etc., at reasonable rates. A gener.il steaitiboatmg business transacted. V. HOKLL1NG, Master. h ftrt Crij anfl Dvace. ON AND AFTKR SATUSBAY, SEPT. 23d, The Steamer MOUNTAINEER Will-make daily trips from Astoria.to Fort Canby and Hwim-o." Ia1ng Wifeow & Fisher wliarf at S A.M. daily except Siuwlays. Freight. Passage. One Dollar per Ton Fifty Cents Good time made; acuemmodations afforded. For freight or passage apply on board to H. PETIT, astar J. II ESS. A. M. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS,' TASPAULIISTS, And everythinjr else pertaining to or ' Business. Lowest Price and Best "Work For your Money, At tlie OH Stand, Leave your orders ami get your work done at once. ,1. II ESS & CO. Astoria, - Oregon. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON fgHHS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OP JL tiki Sisters of Chanty, is now ready for t hi reception of patients. private nnmis for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis,day or night. No phyMcian has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United tstalOM 3Xarine Seamen who nav nespital Dues, aro enti tled to Free care and attendance at thisHos- nital duriuff sickness. Permits mint be ol- tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SiSTjeits of Cn.utiTv KSTAnLISIIKD IX 1832. MUSES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twine?, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, S'aHs,TMl4, Churns, Washboards, Hope Cordage, Wrapping 1'aprrs, Paper liass, Knlldlng Papers, jlalciics, Ilauillcs, Cloihcs Wrlnscrs, Car pet S-ivoepiT.s, Teathcr Oust ers, Stationery, tc. 230 and 232, Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. J. H. D. GrEAYv Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED, Hay, Gats, Straw, Wood, Etc - LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria Oregon. Steamer TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation On and After April 1st, (883, 0e:ui Steamers will sail from Portland and San Francisco every three lay. leaving Amsworth Dock, Portland. at.mld nbjlu. and Spear St. wharf San Francisco, atJOOOA. M. TllVOUirls. TielcctM soli! tn nil nrinMrta eittes iu tlfo United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after Sept. 2nd, 1883. HAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East em points, at G :13 a. M., daily. KrVEK DXUSIQS- (llldaic Colnmbia). Eoats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :0O AT.SO : Leave Port land for Won Tn. We. iTlm.l Frl. I Sat Atoria and I I lower Co-1 I luailia....lo AMIS AM Dayton. Or.JTAJI,1 frrallis!; SAM Vletoria.KOn AM ! CAM SAM SAM SAM ;am 6 AM 7 AM I RAMlGAMIk'CAM Leases Astoria for Portland at G a. in. dallr ex cept Sunday. Tnll-asti Palaeo Cars running between Port land, and Helena. an. PiiEscoTT. Manager. A. L. STOKES, Assist. Snp't of Traflle. JOHN" MUIR. Sup't of Trattlc E.P.ItOGEP.S. Gcn'I Acenf Oreo-oii & California R.R.Co On an altor May 13, 1SS3, trains will run as follows, DAILY (Except Sundays). EASTSIDK DIVISION. Ketwecn PORTLVXD and GiEXDAlE JfAII. Ta.VI3 L3AVB. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. lr.JGIcndale 10:53 p. u. Glendalo 1:U0 a.m. I Portland. 4:25 p.m. ALBANY EXPHESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:C0 P. M.JLebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon......4:43 A. M.PortlandlO:05 A.J1 ThoOreson and California Railroad orrj mates connection with ail RcguiarTraina or. Raido Division. WKSTSIDK DIVI3I0.1. Hot ween lrllaad anil rorvnllfM 1TAIL TRACT LEAVE. ARRRT:. Portland DrOO A. M.tCorvallis ,TO4:S0 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. Al.U'ortland 3:20 P. y, KXrEESS TRATK LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00p.M.McMinnville-.S:G0p.M Me3Iinnvil!e.5:45A.3t.lPortland.. 8:30 a. si. Cloeo connections mado at Glcndalowith tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stage Company. CSTickots for snlo at all the principal points in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will be charpwl on freight remain iac atCompany3 Warehouse over 21 hour3. Freight will not be received for shipment after S o'clock P. M. on cithor tho East or Westsido Division. JOHN MUIR, Sup't of Traflle. A. L. STOKES. Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. ilwaco Steasn Kavigation Oo.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Steuens, Fort Car.by, and llwaoo. Connecting by stages for OysterviHe and Olympia. ?jp7x Until further notico the Hwaco SseiStti Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gen. Miles, J? or Gen. CanL3r" Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fi.Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwac o Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tin? steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A. nr., as formerly, uot being confined strictly to schedule tune. Fare to Fort Stevens ' " Canby and Hwaco..., .wets ,Sl 00 Z3IIvaco freisht. by the ton. in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, SSTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap plv at the onlce of thu company, Gray's wliarf, foot of Benton street. J. 11. li. UltA.1, Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER EOUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, llwaro, North. Keacli, Oysterv.IHc, Xorth Cove, .Petersons Point. IIo quicru, lontesano, Ami all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES,) Str. or y On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, ) " GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. ' 3IONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portagea, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrivinc ai&Jontesano the day alter leaving Astoria l!ramgh trip in 60 hours. Leave OIympIa for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Astoria Oil Works. J.n. DEFORCE, Proprietor, P.O.Box 251, Astoria, Oregon, manufacturer and Dealer In FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find nay Skid Greasa to b good and cheap.