The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 26, 1883, Image 3

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On nrt after this dale II. E. Jackson
will until further notice have charge of
tlie city route of Tjib Daily Asto
kiax; v.HI deliver all papers ami is
licroby authorized to collect for same.
J. F. 11 ALLOR AN fc CO.
Astoria. Or., Sept. 21, 1SS3.
The jlfifo goes to Tillamook this
Ben Holladay is. on hi way to
Portland, from Washington.
The county court wan sitting as a
board of equalization josterdnj'.
The Jlaecnttvhdalc carries G5.172
bushels of wheat to Queoustown.
The Victoria sailed from San
Francisco j'esterday for this port.
Tra valor from Klaskanine Yia the
Wnllnski tell of bears and bear's cubs
upen the highway.
Which is the beat buy; N. P.
stocks or Astoria real estate? Orego
uian Probable Pitzzie Column.
For charging a citizen with
shwoting hogs, Orcnt, editor of the
Palousc Boomerang, has been arrested
for libal. Probably it was pig3 or
awine tho man shot.
At half-past ten this morning, E.
C. ITolden will offer for sale on the
premises lot 12, nlk. 2, Shivoly s As
toria, with the house, furniture and
improvements thereon.
A railroad employe named Young,
who was working for J. B. Mont
gomery, ner.r Kalama, was found
murdered near that place last Mon
ilny. The perpetrators are unknovrn.
The secretary of the Portland
board of trade in his annual report,
speaks of "Cape Disappointment," at
the mouth of the Columbia river.
He probably refers to Cape Hancock
A carpenter named Tucker em
ployed on the roadway near the new
dock met with a severe accident yes
terdaj afternoon by a pile of lumber
falling upon him, breaking his right
leg at the ankle.
If you lived in Chicago aud
wanted to gc to Indianapolis tiie rail
road company would take you tliero
on a first class car for fivo cents, and
give you a chromo. To us it is an un
cmbraced opportunity.
A new ten-inch hawser has been
put on each of the three tugs, Pioneer,
Brcnham and . Columbia. These
hawsers aro about 125 fathoms in
length, weighing considerably over a
ton, and are worth about 400.
At tho regular meeting of the
city council last evening Mayor Hahn
presiding, councilmen Case,Carrutherfl'
and Trenchard present, there being
no quorum, an adjournment was
made till nert Saturday evening at
half-past seven o'clock.
Tho Boxburgshire, Hirer 2Uh and
W&tcrn Belle aro finishing cargo; the
Mount Washington, is unloading car
trucks and railroad material; the
Ravenslondide is ready for sea; the
Cliasca and Geo. S. Homer arc loading
Judge Field of the Unitod States
Supremo court has rendered a sensi
bla docision to tho effect that the
Ghincae restriction act is valid aud to
be judiciously upheld, and that Chi
nese bom in Hongkong are to bo ex
cludes equally with thoso from any
other part of the empire.
- A letter from Sidney Dillon,
president uf the Union Pacific railroad,
to A. F. Parker, the proprietor of the
Nes Parce JNVie, says that the com
pany have no design of extending the
Oregon Short line at present beyond
a connection with the 0. Jl. &. N.
Co. at Baker city, but that the practi
cability of extending the road down
Snake river to Lcwiston and beyond,
will be taken up in proper time and
considered on its iierits.
Captain Scott, of the Fleetwood,
ia going to build a propeller this fall
that ho intends shall pass any boat on
the Columbia river. It will be 175
feet long, 28 feet beam, seven feet
depth of hold and will make the run
between here and Portland inside of
five and a half hours. Captain
Scott has a habit of making a success
of whatever he undertakes and will
have a boat that will be a credit to
himself and a convenience to the
traveling public.
In preparing his annual array of
figures, Mr. B. I. Cohen who occupies
tho proud position of "statistician to
the Portland board of trade," includes
in "die trade of Portland, Oregon,1
little matter of C18,332 cases of aalm
on. A brief explanation of the pro
cess by which Mr. Cohen arrived at a
justification of the above claim might
prove of interest to the outside public.
If Mr. C. knows anything he knows
that Portland has as much to do with
the salmon pack of the Columbia
with the gold yield of the Sierra Ne
Notice to the tatlics.
"Switches made from combings or cut
hair; new made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work -warranted. Rates reasonable.
Call or address
Occident hair dressing salooir, Astoria,
Contemporary Comment
If the; Columbia river was made
navigable there would not bo much
danger of monopoly in transportation
to the sea. IFcsfon Leader.
The Northern Pacific having been
favored in an extraordinary manner
by congresa, the company ought to
servo the people by. establishing low
rates, and not unite with these who
control other liues in a pooling ar
rangement or agreoraont to plunder
the people. 2?. Y. Times.
It seems rathor sudden; but just aa
soon as Villard faced for the east
the papers who fawned upon him
most began to growl about his ex
cessive freight charges. Wston Lea
der. Delinquent subscribers to this paper
will please forward their photographs.
We desire to see how a man lodks
who will not pay for his paper.
Prinevillc Nem.
It occurs to us that the government
is penny wise aud pound foolish in not
protecting its property. A secure
vault, costing but a a mall sum. would
have contained the valuable records
and papers H the offices destroyed in
Olympia on the 12th and saved them.
A like occurrence happened at Colfax
last year, and others are happening
every little while. Chronicle.
Gen. Nesmith in the procession,
the Pioneers being requested fo tako
tho rear by General Morrow, replied,
"Tho Pioneers follow nothing but an
ox team and God Ahuightj'.' "'Then
tako what place you please,' replied
Morrow, and Nesmith took the head
of the procession. GJumbian.
In Juno last Northern Pacific pre
ferred stock soid in Wall street at 90
Northern Pacific common at 52 and
Oregon Transcontinental in April sold
at 35. Last Saturday Oregon
Transcontinental sold at nil, North
ern Pacific common at .'MJ, and pre
ferred at G4f. But those, quotations
do not indicate the value of these se
curities. Oregoniau.
A combination of robbers and
thieves, who got into position by set
ting up the pretense of reform, con
trols the cit' government of Portland.
This is plain language, but the situa
tion demands it. There is no use of
mincing words. Corruption and
scoundrolistn rule .the city. Oreqon-
Au unusual number of wealthy
men irom various sections ot the
country will spend portion of tho
season in Washington. Among those
reported to be coming are D. 0. Mills
of San Francisco and New York; C.
P. Huntington, Henry Yillard, Fred-
crick Billings, late president of the
Northern Pacific; Leland Stanford,
William Sharon, Charles Crocker and
others. Their coming is accounted
for several reasons by different gossip3.
Some say it is due to the probable
movement to induce the irovcmment
to purchase tho Western Union;
others possible legislation aflfecting
nearly all the great land grants made
to tho various raiiroads, particularly
the Southern Pacific and Northern
Pacific roads. Washington JTcrald.
It begins to ioofc as if a railroad
will bo built from Forest Grove to
Astoria after all, and that Yillard will
no longer be looked upon as a "swell-
head" bv the canners bv tho soa.
Notwithstanding the complotion of
the N. P. railroad, -'and the vast in
flux of population," houses and rooms
for rent aro daily becoming noro
plentiful, and prices are looking down
ward. )y elcome.
Much disappointment is felt by the
residents of this place over Yillard's
failuro to build the proposed railroad
from here to Astoria. It is a surprise
to many that the road should coat
more per mile than the Portland-
Dalles ros'l. It is also a matter of
surprise that a man or a company of
men mat can spena .uu,uuu lor an
excursion, should lack funds for road
building. The question now is, will
our representatives and senators try
to havo the land, so long kept out of
market by the railroad company, re
vert to the Government? Forest Orove
Corr. Standard.
Jffair-nnnaeu mon cannot sco any
serious damage to Portland in the
building of a railroad to Astoria.
Surely the oldest town iu the North
west should enjoy some of the jollifi
cation from the new order of tilings.
If the pioneers admire their sons, and
tho Columbia is .such a wonderful
stream, there iB no honest objection
that its confluence with the ocean
should not hear the scream of the iron
horse. Portland justly feels proud of
the known fact that Yillard has more
than established its railroad center.
Soon, perhaps too soon, another may
be at the helm. "Those who laugh
last, laugh the loudest." There is an
organization of young men who say to
old Oregonians as well as new com
era, "we were born in this country
and. 'by tho internal we mean to con
trol it." Such an organization is the
spirit of the Willamette valley and of
t Oregon generally. These young men
givo credit to their sires and honor
their memories; but when he who
comes among them, however much he
may have studied land titles, attempts
to ignore tho first laws of settlement,
will find a foeman worthy of his steel.
They know the value of their home
birth, and Astoria is their headquar-
tere. Portland will loso nothing by
aiding tho construction of a railroad
to the sounding sea. Old Tntn in
Competing Lines.
The Central Pacific is now com
pelled to admit that it has competi
tion for tho through traffic. The rep
resentatives of tho Northern Pacific
aro therefore likely to be conservative
in the present council, believing that
they havo largo interests at stako and
not enter into a pool unless assured of
a fair share of the business. The
Union Pacific is believed to bo neutral
in the promises. It has a contract
with the Northern Pacific by its Ore
gon Short Line and will by next Jan
uary have established a through con
nection, independent of the Central
Pacific, with San Francisco and will
also have a communication by water
with Portland, Or.
Tho Central Pacific owns a majority
of the Atlantic and Pacific stock and
can dictate the policy aud manage
ment of that road. The Southern
Pacific is the western outlet of ths
Atlantic and Pacific, which taps the
former road at Needles, A. T. The
eastern terminus of the Atlantic and
Pacific is at Albuquerque, N. M.,
where it taps the Atchinson Topeka
and Santa Fe. These two roads
namely the Southern Pacific and tho
Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fo
have interests iu common.
The St. Louis aud San Francisco
railroad is virtually within the control
of the Central Pacific and tho South
ern Pacific syndicate and is thus pre
pared, if necessary, for a sharp com
petition with the Northern Pacific.
Stanford, Huntington and Crocker
also control the Atlantic and Pacific
road. S. F. Chronicle.
Mysteriously Disappeared
We copy the following from a Cress-
well correspondent to the Harrisburg
Disaeminator: "York E. Hines. a
former resident of Cresswell. has
rather mysteriously disappeared from
Astoria, where he was at work in a saw
mill. He left his family one moraine
with the ostensible purpose of going
to work as usual, proposing at tho
samo timo to leave $40 with his wife,
which she declined for the reason that
she did not like to have it in the house
in liia absence. Tho next heard from
his father-in-law, Mr. Robinett, of
Cresswell, received a letter from him
mailed at Portland, requesting him
(Mr. Robinett) to como and get Mrs.
Mines and the children, as he did not
expect to see them any more. Mr.
Robinett went down immediately and
brought home the distressed wife and
children, but could find no cluo to
the disappearance 61 Mr. Hines. The
afflicted family have the sympathy of
the entire neighborhood. Mr. Hines
was an Odd Fellow, and industri
ous man, but of lato years given con
siderably to hard drink. The family
is almost destitute and Mrs. H. an
invalid makes the affair still more
It is doubtful if any city in the
northwest to-day exhibits better evi
dence of prosperity than Astoria.
Though all things are not as we would
all wish, yet in what plaee is the state
of things wholly satisfactory? There
exists no municipality where all points
are iu such a Utopian state of beati
tude that no further improvement is
practicable. One of tho best criter
ions by which the prosperity of a com
munity can be judged is tho price at
which real estate is held. Astoria
property is above par, is a good buy
at present figures, and real estato
owners aro not at all anxious about roll
ing except the prico is wholly satisfac
tory, and even then the terms of pay
ment must be definite. If any doubl
ing Thomas there be, he can easily ver
ify our statement.
is the title of a large illustrated treat
ise, by Dr. R, Y. Pierce, Buffalo, N.
Y., sent to any address for three
stamps. It teaches successful selt-
ForalVcat Flttiiiff Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
namus street, next door to- l. w.uase.
tVM uoods of the best make and cuaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
cunsuiuiiy urriYin, iriisiom wurtv.
"When You Come to Astoria
and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank
Faun; s, at ins old stand.
Duplex Galranic Belt..
Persons wishing to purchase them
will call on .1. W. Conn, who is agent
for them, at his Drug Store opposite Oc
cident JIOIUJ,
Silks, Satins, Dress Goods,
at Prael Bros.
Good Stand to Itent.
Rooms suitable for a barber shou and
uatu,or lor otner purposes can
be had
of L. I. .Johnson, on
he Roadway.
Ladles Ituyins for Fall Wear
should see those handsome goods and
inmmings at tne empire biore.
The Eutplre Store
has re-opened and displays some hand
some uress goous.
LaccH, LaccB, Laces.
at Prael Bros. Empire Store: all
and prices, borne line qualities.
Kcw Sewing Machines.
A lot of latest improved Howe Sew
mg machines at satistactory prices can
be nan at I. J. Arvom s.
Insure against accidents of all kinds
in the old reliable Travelers of Hart
ford. Wheeler & Robb, agents.
Iron in a colorless state and Peru
vian bark, combiued with well known
aroraatics, make Brown 8 Iron Bitters
the beBt medicine known.
JLiife policies on the cudowment
plan written m the Manhattan of New
1 ork. w heeler & Robb. acents.
me iraveiers Insurauce Co. in
sures against accidents of all kinds, and
pays ciaims promptly, w heeler
Robb, agents.
Painting in oil colors by an entirely
new method can easily be learned by
any uae uaving time ioraiew lessons
upon application to Miss Llneker, rest
ueuco next w wapr. xtogers.
FrnnU Fabre's Hotel.
Frank Fabrc has the finest accommo
dations for lodgers to be found in As
toria, over his restaurant in Kinscy's
building. Everything is neat and clean
and the beds are new, soft and comfort
able. If you wantgood board and lodg
ing go to Frank Fabre's
Astoria & ITlnncmucca II. 11.
The American flag, that boasted em
blem of U.S. liberty, is a humbug iu
Astoria, and Jeff, of the Chop House,
has taken it down in disgust. But all
the same he will continue to give the
best meals in town, from 5 a. m to 32
midnight, for 25 cents regardless of cost,
as he is determined to be the boss.
Try his dinner from 4i'!0 to 8 r. sr., and
compare it with one you pay ."i0 cents
r. JF.FK.
Dinner at -JEFF'S"' CHOP HOUSE
every day at " o'clock. The best25 cent
meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, nie. pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say Jeff is the "BOSS."
Louie Here!
You are out a treat, and don't you for
got it, if you miss .JEFF'S Dinner every
uay irom 5 to 8. boups. tisti, eight Kinds
of meat, vegetables, pies, puddings, cof-
iee,tea, wine, a. r . beer, or milk. Din
ner 25 cents.
Oysters, Oysters, Oysters,
the Astoria Oyster depot: a stew.
fry. pan roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's.
Rc-4, Custom VJ'orlX. Coots Hurt Shoes
Can e had at I. J. ArvoJd's, next to
City Book Store. Ladies and centlemen
call there for tne finest fitting boots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
Fragrant Coffee
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabir-'s,
at liis old stand.
Save Money,
Time, labor and risk by subscribing at
Carl Adler's for whatever newsnaneV or
magazine you want
A Juicy Beefsteak
cooked to perfection is what you can
get at Frank Fabre's.
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. JL Dement.
Gi.kxx's Sci-rim: Soap purifies the
skin. "Hill's Haii: and Whiskkk
Dye." 50c.
Puck's Toothache Ditop cure in
one minute.
Brace un the whole system with Kin"
ot the Blood. See A dvertisemenL
All tho advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
ertumery, and toilet articles. etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hctel. Astoria.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherrv
alwaj-s at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
mug complaints. 50 cents andl a bot
tle. Shiloh's Couch aim Consumotiou
Cure is sold hv us nn miarantpe. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by .Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents. Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. lienient.
Sleepless NiiihLs. made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by v. K. De
ment Hale's Hoxey ok HouKiiouxn
axt Tau will arrest every ailment of
the lungs, throat or chest.
Everybody is using, and everybody
recommending to overyb(lv's
friends, Brown's Iron Bitters a3 a. re
liable iron medicine, a true tonic.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint V Shiloh's Vitalizer is
Guaranteed to euro you. Sold by V. K.
For the cenulno J. Jl. Cutter old
Bonrbonand the best of wines, liquor
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Canip-
Boys' clot him: at cost at the Occi
dent store.
Life and Accident Insurance poli
cies written in the Travelers of Hart
ford, by Wheeler &Itobb, agents.
Rogers Bros, plated ware and Wost-
eniioun cutiary at .Jordan a itozortirs
new store.
The finest flavored Ice Cream at
Prank Fabre's, Odd Fellows building.
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up inhrst-ciass style, and In well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
uis place they can be accommodated
For lame Back. Side or Chest use
JsMlolrs I'orous riaster, I'nre is cents.
r or sale by w. JS. Dement.
-Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Los3 of Appetite. Diz
ziness ana an symptoms ot Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
The splendid Al British.
Clipper Ship,
Will co on the berth at Astoria, on or about.
llin tntti nf tSlMTI?Mlliri
For Freight aad rates of Insurance apnlv
tt Or to P. I CHERRY, Astoria.
A Dancing School
Will be opeu every
A. F. NAEF. Teacher.
Urass and Strin Band Music furnished for
Exclusions, Parades and Parties.
Lessons given on the Violin. Apply at
the FurnltuMrStore of Ed. D. CURTIS &CO.
Changed Hands.
formerly owned, by Chas. Carow. has
been boucht by Chas Eberle, who will here
after conduct it.
Geed Bread a Specialty.
The public trade solicited.
Time. Labor and Risk, in
Getting Your
r. siT.scmiiiNTrWrni
Astoria, Oregon.
Subscriptions received for any Periodical
in the world.
Special rates if several Tapers and Maga
zines are ordered at once.
Prices of periodicals given on application.
It will certainly pay you to call before sub
scribing or clving an order for your periodi
cal reading matter.
Order Earl $ and avo Delay.
C. H. BAIN & CO.
Doors. Windows, Blinds, Transoms
Turning. Bracket Work.
A specialty, and all work guaranteed.
Oak, A!), Uay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore-
pon and Port Orford Cedar.
.Ml kinds of boat material on hand.
A. MacBeth,
No. 4. First St.. - - Portland, Oregon.
Clothing made at rcasonablo prices,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
The Astoria Passenger Line
T i lieadmtarters at its Stables next to B.
Ji. Franklin s. two doors below The Asto-
mAXonice. Urst-class Li very service. Carts
with horse funiLslied, for one dollar per
nour. uarriages on application
The Astoria Passencer Line Hacks will
leave for Upper Astoria from the stables.
ziorses iaKen to ooaru.
Scarf Pins. Chains, WatcheSj
Of every description.
The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria.
JSAII goods warr.uitedasrepresented
The splendid iron Rurnue Al
K5S Toim Kcslster.
Will take
in cases for the above named port In lots
to unit rtlnoncrs. and bavins larce en
gagements will be quickly dispatched.
j or terms oi ireiut anu insurauce appiy
Portland, Or.
Or to I. I CHERRY. Astoria.
Fwtbs Never Lie !
Can piove by his books that he is doing the
Digi'3i Business oi any
In the city, and lie will guarantee to glre
the best meal for cash.
Notice to Stockholders I. X. L.
Packing Co.
that one-half f a share of stock will be
sold. Any stockholder wislilnc to buy same
must make it known before Oct. 1.1833.
Astoria, Sept. 13, 1SS3, td
Notice to Taxpayers of School
District No. 1 8.
JL trict No. 18, Clatsop county, state of Or
cgou, is now Hue. and the School Clerk will
be found :tt his olTice on West Cth street,
near Wall street, to receive and receipt for
th? same.
Taxes niiimid after sixty days from the
date of this notice will be delinquent.
Save extra cost and pay your tax.
Clork Sehool District No. 18.
. Sept. 5, 1PSJ. septc-lm
Blarts ! Blasts !
Druwlmck Entries,
Bills of Lading,
Manifests, Etc.
Legal Blanks.
Mortgages, "Warranty Deeds.
The Astorian Office
Any blank or form not In stock will bo
pnnteu to onicr.
mil IT an. la 1 rttar Ilnorlo Tnoint TfrvAlro
Fish Tallevs! Cards, Tags. 'and commercial
paper of all kinds pnnteu to order ac
The Astorian Job Office.
The new Steamer
BABBAGK, - Master.
X larsaDDlv to J. G. HUSTLER. Alain
street Wharf, Astoria; ALLEN & LEWIS
Portland ; J. L. STORY Tillamook.
Special Announcement !
The Leading Dry Goods
Clothing House of Astoria,
For the next 10 days we will make a
liberal discount on all goods bought to
the amount of 10.00 and over previous
to the arrival of our fall and winter goods.
Fine Silks and Velvets Eeduced,
Fine French and English Dress Goods
Blankets and Flannels Reduced,
Hosiery and Underwear Reducedr
Our stock of Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Goods is the largest in the
Dress Suits reduced,
Business Suits reduced,
Gents' Fine Underwear reduced,
Hats1 and Caps reduced,
Boots and Shoes reduced.
a. A. STINSON & CO.,
At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoelnj.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
"We will take orders for lumber from 100
to 500 31., at the mill or dellTcred.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
Plooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, Bkxxek, Supt.
We will sell
In ontar to make room for our large stock of Men's Clothing for
fall and winter, and must have room.
Men's Suits Reduced !
The laruest and finest stock of Hats and Gents' FurnisMDS GOOls in
the city.
d. a. Mcintosh,
Occident Sioro, -
1 M Sg & k
zh p8 '3 S
m .s o
SeasiieBafcery & GonfeGtionery-
Because my Goods are the Best
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles etc., furnished for Weddlnt;
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite ii. 1V. Hume's.
our entire stock of
Astoria, Oregon.
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Camels, iljMstery
Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court House.
Astoria, .... Or8K