TK English papers speak of an BEAL ESTATE ASTORIA. OREGON: "WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26. 18S3 Northern Pacific Matters. A N. Y. dispatch of the 24th says: In response to a dispatch of inquiry from Anthony J. ThomaSj vice-president of the Northern Pacific road, to Fred erick Billings at Woodstock, Ver mont, Billings replied to-day: I have just received your tele tgrara of yesterday giving the sub stance of an article in a New York paper, which is utterly without foundation. 1 had no communica tion, either verbal or written, with Mr. Gould about Northern Pacific stocks. I have not said they were selling too high, and 1 have not sold a share of my large holdings. A person said to me that Gould was willing to go into a pool to buy Northern Pacifies. I replied that it was not in mv line to sro into Wall street pools, and I did not trust them". I was very busy at the time, and turned off the person quite abruptly. My faith in Northern Pacific is stronger than ever. The floating debt when added to the bonded debt will not make the totnl debt more than 31,000 or 32,000 per mile, and that for a road laid with steel rails, magnificently equipped and having great land grants will be a small burden. Fkuukkiok Bim.ixws. The followiug oflicial statement been issued by the Northern Pacific railroad and branches is as follows: Main lines including the line from St. Paul to Sauk rapids, 1954- miles; branch lines, -JUG miles. Total bonded indebted ness, main line 39,522,200; add to bonded indebtedness outstand ing dividends and scrip, 4,04.0, S21; add excess of expenditures over proceeds of bonds (for which funding arrangements have been made), 8,000,000; total, $52,1G3, 021; bonded indebtedness of branch lines, 4.4G miles, at 20, 000 .per mile, 8,920,000, upon which interest does not accrue for eighteen months or two 3'cars; the estimated earnings of the twelve months from September, 1883, are $15,000,000; the expenses, includ ing rentals and taxes, will be GO per cent $9,000,000; remainder, 0,000,000. The interest on fixed charges, as above, viz., G per cent on $52,103,021, is 3,129,781; sur plus, 2,870,219. The interest on 34,522,200 on bonds was provid ed for two years in the proceeds of the sale of the bonds. The week opens with removed depression in Villard shares, and lower prices all round. Oregon and Transcontinental is down to 52, against 50 at the close of Sat urday. Northern Pacific sold down 2 to 32i,and preferred to Glf. The decline in other stocks ranged from to It is said the Northern Pacific company will is sue 25,000,000 debenture bonds, at G per cent., to complete the road, furnish additional equip ments, take care of the floating debt, etc. The New York Shipjing lAst thinks that the time when state laws should be applied to the general business of the country has passed. The railroad, the telegraph and the modern methods of trade have long since outgrown the boundaries of states. Conse quently, when each state under takes to legislate regarding com mercial matters which affects the whole country, trade is not only hampered, but great injustice is certain to be done to the residents of different parts of the country. Already the revolution in business caused by the agencies to which we nave relerred, has made it necessary that the federal court be opened to suitors who would other wise be without a full remedy in law. At an early period in the history of the country state bank Jaws answered the demands of trade, which was largely restricted to state limits, but now the rapid trausit has brought San Francisco nearer to New York, when measured by time, than was Buffa lo fifty years ago, a national bank ing system is demanded by a com merce which has become national For the same renson the important matter of bankruptcy should be subject to national legislation and the Jcderal courts. The British are rapidly extend ing a network of railways over India. About 30,000,000 will be spent this year in the construction 01 new roads. - Brown-Sequard claims to have made. It is an anesthetic which suspends sensation without affect ing either consci ousness or activi ty, and may be used for a day, or for a longer period with impunity. Iu other words, he has "invented" a drug which will-enable a sick person to perform all the natural functions and to assist in his own cure without enduring any pain. The exhaustion which comes of in tense suffering will be put an end to; but there will be no sus pension of those activities the ex ercise of which are necessary to recover. The republication of the cipher dispatches, which exposed the scheme to buy up South Carolina for Tilden for 30,000 in 1S7G, leads The Charleston JSTaos and Courier to make the statement that Mr. Tilden agreed to con tribute 85,000 to the expense of the canvas in that state, "that 5,000 were spent on the faith of Mr. Tilden's promise, .and to this day Mr. Tilden has not repaid a solitary cent of that which was ex pended in his name." Alexaxdei: III is the despair of opera managers in St. Peters burg. Once the Czar was a boon to them, for the announcement that he would "honor the perform ance," was sure to crowd the house. But now, the mere sus picion that he may attend scares the public away, for they see vis ions of bombs, dynamite and sud den death. According to the Boston Com monwealth before General Butler would accept the Democratic nomination for Governor of Massachusetts last year, he de manded and secured the raising of 100,000 from the liquor dealers as a common fund. People who invest in lottery tickets ought to suspend such pur chases for awhile until they figuro out their chances fqsuccess in such a lottery as that of Cuba, whose net profits last year, after paying heavy expenses, were over five million dollars. Tiierb are over 520,000,000 acres of land in the south, of which 70,000,000 are in cultivation. In 18S2 these cultivated lands pro duced crops valued at $900,000, 000, an increase of 214,000,000 in value over the productions of 1S80. General Beauregard says of Governor Butler: "Ye are ner- fectly willing that he should be gorernor of Massachusetts, but as presidential candidate he would not be likely to receive strong support." Reports from tho Arctic Ocean states that it has been a very icy, bad season there, with but little outside whalinjr. Walrus were plenty and increasing. Twice as many were seen as last season. Two Republican and two Democratic members of the new congress have died since their elec tion, and the chances are that three, possibly four Democrats will be chosen in their places. Stanley, the explorer, after penetrating far into the interier of Africa, has returned to Stanley Pool, and will retrace the country covered in his former iournev along the east coast. Canada has received 138,384 immigrants during the eip-ht monhts ending August 31st, which is 8,474 more than "for the same time last year. Two expeditions to explore New Guinea have been fitted out and dispatched by rival Melbourne journals, the Age and the Argus. NEW TO-DAY. THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. Chas. Wallman has oneneri a linnrrffnf nnri lodging house south of O'Brien's hotel, near me gas worKS. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords : good food and clean beds win oe iurnisnea at the regular prices. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. CHAS. WALLMAN Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Occident Tacking Co. will be held at their office October 4, 1SS3, for the purpose of electing a board of directors and trans acting sucn otuer business as may come be iuru 1110 mceung. W.L.KOBB. dtf Secretary Examination of Teachers. mHE QUARTERLY EXAMINATION OF applicants tor teachers, certificates will be held at my-offlce, opposite the Catholic TXi,v;l-t'naay 5111(1 Saturday, the zstn and 29th Inst, commencing at 9 a. at. SLOOP. td . Co. Supt. Instruction, AT AUCTION. Wednesday, Sept 26, 10:30 A.M. Instructed by the owner, Mr. C. Sutton. I will offer for sale, on the promises, at Public AucUon, Lot 12, in Blk. 2. Shively's Astoria. Together with the neat six roomed Cottage Residence and all other convenient build ings erected thereon. Also, all the Household Furniture con tained therein, and one line ynunj; Milch Cow. Title perfect. Terms at sale. E. C. HOLOEN, Auctioneer. HOTEL. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened at hi old stand in Dr. Kin ney's JSuihllng. HE XOW HAS THE FINEST FUKNI ture, and accommodations of any res taurant In town. Nothing has been spared to make it -class. Private XIoo his for I.niJies r r Families. Oysters cooked to order in auy of Frank Fabre's celebrated styles. Ice Cream. Ice. Etc. The nicest furnished rooms, good clean beds, and best accommodations for lodgers over the restaurant. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & CO.'S DISPATCH LINE Eor New York. 80 DAYS to ITEW YOKE The New, and Elegant. A1 First Class Steamer. GKOIiOG S. 1EOITIER, CltOWELL, .... 3Iaster. Will be ready at Astoria, in a few days for cargo, and having the most of her capacity engaged will have the usual prompt dispatch of this line. arly application should be made for the balance of disengaged room or passage to W. SUTTON. Care of Allen Ss Lewis rortland, Oregon. Consignees In New York, MESSRS. SUTTON & CO. EOR TILLAMOOK. THE Str. BHJ. MILES Will leave Astoria forTII.LAr.IOOK, on At C o'clock A. 31. Returning, will leave Garibaldi at 1 r. ai. For particulars inquire of CLAUDE THA YElt. Tillamook. Cant. Wultron lapt. Wbitromb. onboard, J. II. D. (5 RAY, Agent. BUSINESS CHANGE. QUOXfi YEE GEE HAVING GONE TO , China has sold his interest to Vonir "Wall, who will continue the business under the same sign, lie has all kinds of China goods, Tea, Rice, and Oil. Also Agent for China Xiabor. WONG KEE. LUM KONG GEE, seplT lm Partners. County Treasurer's Notice. milERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY JL Treasury to nay all County Orders nre- scnted nrior to October 13th. 18S2. All such oruers win cease to uraw interest alter tins date. CHAS. IIEILBORN. Trans. Clatsop County. Astoria, August 20th. ZSSX For Sale. iNE TEAM OF LARGE HOUSES. ONE KJ set of double harness and va20n. Also. one new two seatou Muggy. inquire 01 a. i. aij1.1'.:, tl Fort Stevens, Oregon. Q 15. TII03ISOX, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. c, over "White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, Notice to All Whom it May Concern NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A certain promissory note made by M. J. T. Ilorchers in favor of J. F. II. Coliund. for the sum of sico.09, will lw contested for want of consideration. In whosoever hands the same may ie xounu. J.T. UUKCUKKS. Dated this 10th Sept., 1SS3. lwk For Sale. "EUVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM- JL lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for SI a conl. Draying or all kinds done at reasonable rates. k. 1:. aiAitiON Assessor's Notice. NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN TIIATTHE time for the completion of the assess ment roll of Clatsop county for 1S83, has been extended to the hist Monday, the 24th day of Sentember. 18S3 : and at that time said roll will be completed and In the hands 01 111c ixara 01 iquanzaiion. ai me court house in said county when all persons Inter ested are ron aired to annear and make ob- Jectloas to such assessment and roll if any tney nave. W.W.rARKER, County Assessor Clatson Co.. Oim. Astoria, Sept. J, 1853. dtd For Sale. TEN SHARES SCANDINAVIAN PKG. Co. Cannery stock. Also two Ashing boats with gear complete, together with lot old web. C. W. STONE. Notice to the Public. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO ME ARE notified that I have placed my accounts in me nanus 01 Mieiman is. .Morten, lor coi lection. Anv account remaining unnaid after the 30th of this month will be handed to my at torney mr icgai action tnereon. N.JOHANSEN, ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! SlOl.000,000 Appropriated iu 18S3 for Pensions. AV APT In Wkllnt-a cnl.llnic fwim tliA nhnn. of desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, and to grant soldiers marked as jJKbKih.itt Honorable uisciiarge papers. AN ACT to extend the arrears of the pen sion act and continue it In force so faras widows and children are concerned. AN ACT allowing pay for horses and equipments lost in service, etc. Nearly every person is euiiueu 10 sn increase. PonHlons, Bounties, .Land Claims anu t'ntontK attended to. For particulars call or address C. J. CUKTIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of vjianns anu raients. Rooms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows building, As toria, Oregon. For Sale. CE ASIDE LODGE NO. 12. A. O. U. W.. BE kj Ing about to move their lodge room, offer for sale some substantial furniture, consist ing of tables, cltalrs. desks, carpet, etc. Any one wLsinng 10 ouy can examine tne iurni tur by applying to the committee. W. B. KOSS. BOBT. HAMILTON, tf L. HART WIG. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. S. FRANKLIN'S NEXT DOOR TO ASTO P.IAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. 0T"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper win OB iounu convenient to my patrons. EMP1 RE-OPENING-! . ine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Pinisli will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DSESS Iltf THE GENTS' PUENISEING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best. Jordan Etc-, r Ctam BANKING AHDJNSURANGE. X. W. CB.SE, BROKER, BANKER .VXD INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IIOUIW: FKOSL 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK T. 31. co; OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. HouonTOX I'rosldoat Ciias. 1L Sgrouv.............. Secretary Geo. L. Story..,. Aiicnt for O"oa Capital paid up in U. S. sold com .. ................... ..... ..5 aw wrj uu I. W. CAfZF Agont, Chcnamus street. Astoria. Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL ABB LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON ANJ) EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Representing a capital of SC7,000,0OO. A. VAN DUSEN. Auent. Wilson & Fisher, SKIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS I (ron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ghains, TAR, PITCH, CAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISION Agents for Salem Flouring: Mills, and Capita! Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, In Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Grace Church Parish School. Rear ol Church Bulldlne;. millS SCHOOL WILL KE-OPEX 3I0X JL day, September 3.1883. The moral train ing or the children will be carefully watched, ami made a special point. In addition to the ordlnarv course of study there will be instruction in the elements of Vocal 31 li me, JJr.ivrins: and Calisthenics. If found desirable or expedient, classes will be formed in Higher .Mathematics, Botany, As tronomy, Advanced Music and Drawing, for which liRht extra charges will be made. Terms $2 a month, strictly In advance. OFFICKRS. KEV. M.D.WILSON. - - Kector MISS ANNIE W. CUimS. - Principal MISSM.C.TItENCIIAKD, - Assistant For further particulars applv to KEV. if. D.WILSON. NOTICE. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE Arm of Prael Bros, are requested to call and liquidate tholr Indebtedness. PKAELBROS. Have a Full Line ot 3 9 8 w ca a a tosh, c H W V4 nmniLvvviHV iri Platedware. S Come 2 -I p If s lip 185 g -: if 3 ra m - h kx & J? 23cc. id BeneYieve & I Drugs and Chemicals ?, t i? nil 0. ill. L. A DRUGGIST g7 .Pharmacist. j A ASTORIA.? i I w i I Prescript ios carefully compounded Day or Sight. j -AND SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS Slieet Music 9 Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEfiliATED STICK &INABE PIAIOS! -USED BY "President of United States" "Governor of Oregon' And other prominent persons. Tianos and Organs of many leading makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of AH Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St.. Portland, Oregon. TO THE TRADE ! ftf essrs. Win. E. Hooper & Sons BALTIMORE, IVJD., Have given us the EXCLUSIVE SALE for racJlic coast or tneir ucicuraicu WOODBEEEY TWIMEB 1 ROPE, Including a FuH Line of COTTON SEINE TWINES, WHAPPIHG TWINES, SAIL TIVINES, ETC. In addition to ahove, we have on hand a Complete Assortment of Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and Wrapping Twines. HSNEY BOYLE & CO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. FOE SALE. I OFFER FOK SALE MY P. OAT FACTO ry and 1111. with all the machinery, IOOLS", CIC. , rartiesIntenUlnjrtobuy can cet full in formation In regard to terms by appllca tion to "W'il. HOWE- 9 rn if fllf Fresh Fruits FANCY GBOOEBIES. CITY BOOK STOEE. We have to-day finished opening and putting in order the nought in San Francisco by U. F. STEVENS. O. P. MOFF1T will be found behind the counter. Ilis long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TKU aiilv toth(;'.ita;i.jrlrt A FULL STOCK Two doors cast ot Occident Hotel, THE NE W MODEL (SrcCESSOR TO .TAClvINS & JIONTGOJIERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CEIEAAJIES STREET. Sext to C, Ju Parker's Store. CHAS. HE1LBORN, rANTJFACTTJRER OF FURNITURE Sb BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lase Curtains, Picture frames and Mouldings WINDOW COEJrECES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete- In every branch. 31. OtiSKN. J. CUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE Ss BEDDDsTG. :orner 3laln unci qucrnoqaa Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMM1KQS; WALL PAPER- ETC A f ouiplHe Slock. PRIGSS AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. CHAS. I. WILLIAMSON & CO, REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. OflJce on Oenevieve street, in the rear of E, 11. Hawcs' building. A General Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A.VeLOUTME. All manner ontepairing. etc., attended to. Shop in rage's new building on Cass street. LUMBER ! LATH AND SHINGLES, In Quantises to suit at Short Notice STOSE & BAVXDSOX. tr Opp. rarker House. BEER. $ Vegetables STEADIER CLARA PARKER For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR SI. P. PAKKEJR. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. IS. IIAWES is also agent for the It And other flrst-clas3 stoves. Furnace Worlr, Steam Tit f iags. etc., a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. SKAIiBR IK Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A. General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magce Stoves and Eaiiges The Best in the market. Puimblng poods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. AvJOHKSOX. Leinenweber & Co., C. LKTNT.XWEr.EE. It. BEOWX ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AM GDBBEKS, Manufacturers and Importers of LL THNDS OF AJSTD FINDINGS iWholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. 9rllighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best ol Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO, KSXER. 4 J