I CD Arctic Exolorations. SHIPPING NOTICES. TRANSPORTATION UNES. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. .SEPTEMBER 25, 1S3 COMMERCE AMD TRADE VPQRT OF ASTORIA. SAILED SUte of California, tm Dehnr. S t" Sept 25 ARRIVALS PROM SKA. Columbia, S F, September 21 Idtho. ss Sitka Sept 34 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. 0 Qbofobrough, Am ep Highland Light. Aia.ip Ha larry -Morse. Am sp '"orslca. Amsa Imtwrial. Am so Koacer. Am ep TiUn.-Am Indiana. Am sp, . Olive S.Soulhard. Araip Western Uclle. Amep Hirer Xitli. i'.rhi. rinlnmr. Aberismno. Br bk Hod Cross. Am sp KoxbarRfthire. 15r bk Geo. HewJfly. Br bk St. Lucie. Am sp Devonby. Ur bk Seottish Tar. Ur bk Nairnshire. Ur sp MOVjutbington, Am p Crasmere, Br bk (risodbln. Br sp c iarrio "Winslow. Am bk Wijrtonfbire. Br bk Ohnsoa. Br bk Itavenitosodalc. Brbkl c, D Bryant. Am bk Slicnlr, Br bk VHSSRLS OX THE WAY. Prosit Foreign PortH, for IHO Columbia Klvcr Uarganj-. Itrop April 23 Clyde Mcncfutl, Br sp May 14 London Banffshire. Br bk April i London Uttelan. Br sp Liverpool May 12 Ofcac Colesworth, Br bk Liverpool Olty of Madrid. Br Bp Mar S Clyde OUy of Carlisle, Ur bk Greonook Aug It Uairnstnorc, Br sp London April 2" ll&kdktc. Brbk Liverpool July 26 Plery Cross, Br rp Sidney Gleaperis. Br bk April 23 Cardiff Cirran, Brbk April So London Harry Bailey. Br bk Rnenos Ayrcs Inobgreen, Brsp 1091 Grcenoek, .Iune2 IreaeUe. Br bk Greonook May 19 llo ef AucloMa. Brbk Mar 5 Liverpool Tanot McNeil, Br bk Juno IS Oiaow KiHeckan, Br sp Newcastle ICapanda, Br sp London April Lako Brie, Br sn London April 20 MaHegate, Br bk Liverpool May tl Oban Bay, Brbk Mar SI Cliwgew Oaknortk, Br p IVb 30 London Olxron. Br bk Hull June 38 Oberoa. Brsp London J Dive M Sltar of Krin, Itr sp Glasgow June 19 Spirit of the Dawn. Br bk May 2 London ScUlt Prino, Br bk Melboarne, Aug 4 2-Vom American I'orts. ilerm, Amsp.N Y August 17 M V Watte, Am bk New "V ork May 12 Sea King, Am sp X Y July 4 Sovereign of the Sets, Am sp New York June 2 Tlllie E SUrbuek, Am sp Jf Y June 21 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables oi united suites Const surrey High Water. t Low Water. Date. a. . P.M. A.. II. P. u. 20... 21... lH lSi... s on..... 4 10.... 2 00 Z 55 4iuZ .... 4 4i .... 5 42... . 6 47.... 7 54!.... . S St) 10 0I.... ..ll 02!.... ..ll 521.... .... 9 01 1014 ... U 35 11 05 r. lr, c 35 7 SI 30 41..... 10 J 21 21..... 11 S7.., .10 25.. ... .. 0 OS .1131 1 12... 0 4 2 17 3 IS..., 4 10 r 07.... fl so.... 1 Tfi 3 OS 4 12 f.14 Gl Columbia Hlror bcpori. N .JANUAKV ftS. SW.87 bus. wheat . 1 sfi7 blA flour. S 30c;0 257,17 Total. cargoes............... . S 53.4C -.S 170.1P3 ... I44,4fi51 - S 328.801 yxituAi:r. wihmu, m.m !hk., mine Flour, 2S4w) bbls., " Total, 5 cargoes MAltCII. Wioat (1S7.JS bnliuM) I'Iouri5.141 bWs) Salmon (2WKS (saes).............. Lumber (W 51 ) TokiI (8 cars) AIOtlL. FlMir,24.MiebWs Luinbor, K7 I . 210,7TiO S3H,1U7 18,030 CJO0 S3,311 Sisvbi 40.000 Total, s cargoes. ..?1,E&1 XAY. ll)iirX,S25 Jibte $ 17,ftl Wheat 1B,212 bs hO.OOC Tottd, (1 earjftt) .UTlt. Flour. Wi liWs SulHMii, 87,7W c Total, (t cargo) JULY. Hour. l.Wl bWs SmIihom, llP2cs 57C.977 4,970 1SS.WS $198C5 .5 7,073 .. 501,010 Total, (8 cargoes) -S5U9.233 AUGUST. Flour, 4.PflKbbls S 21.005 SHlmoilt72,US7CS 3G9.1S5 Total, 2 cargoes 58S5.1W) SEITKMBKK. 3 To Quccnrfoicn per Romlhu. Wheat 71,312 bus ?C1,200 Domestic Brrort3. The receipts of certain articles of Or econ produce, at Sn Francisco, from .January l, 18SS, to Sept. lflth, inclu sive, nave uecn as loiiows: Flour, qr sks...... ............ Wheat, ctls............. ............. Oats, cUs Sal in on , bbls ............... ..... M bbls pka8ZZZZZZZ..ZZV...Z Apples, lilpe, bs . Butter, pkire . . Potatoes, sks............................... Wool, bales Hides. So . ......... Tallow, pkgs . Beef, bbls I lay, bales Quicksilver, llasks Fruit. Dried, pkgs . Leather, pkgs ...... .-: Hops, bales.................... ... Hams, pkgs -........ Cheese, cs Flaxseed, sks torn, ctls ., Canned Goods, es..... . Iinl. pkgs........................, Bacon, .. .... 32.C9S 115,819 34.178 1,456 S10 233.421 399 8,300 2S.421 30.733 30,312 701 9 23 14 0.490 813 409 9 33 4,109 11 4Ji 1 IS MAGNUS 0. 0R0SBT, Dealer In HAOTABS, M, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTER Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IROH TIN AND COPPER Casnery aui FMermens Snplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM F1TTWC Done with neatnoss and dispatch. None but llrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALE? . Constantly on hand CflFRCII DIRECTORY. Rrace CirrRcn Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at ll a. M-and7 :30 p.m. Wednes dav eveninj: service at 7 i30 o'clock. Rev. SI. D. Wilson, itector. FutsT PitEsnYTEni ax Chukcu Ser vices at 11 A. M. and 7z30 P. M. Wednes day evenins prayer meeting at 730 o'clock. Rev. J. V. Milligan, Pastor. Conoeeoatioxal Chcrch Scnices at 11 .v. jl and 7:30 p. M. Rev. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholtc Cnxnicn Services at 10:30 a. M. Rev. h. Dielman, l'astor M. E. Curncn Services at 11 a. m ami 7:3ui.m. Lecture and Prayer 3Icot- iii 2. Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. Wm. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Cuntcir. Services each Lord's Dav at 11 a. M- and 7M p. m. Praj-er Meetinc on Wednesday, at H p. m. iter. is. s. jicL,anerty, pastor. Common Council. Regular mectlnes Focond and fourth Tuei' dav ironinira of each month, at 7U o'clock i9Ponons ucsirinc to Hare matters actoa upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present tho satno to the Auditor ana Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council bolus its regular mooting. TIIOS. S. JEW MT, Auaiior ana uierc. Astoria Lodge No. 40. 1. 0. G.1. at 7"o'clock. at Pytiian Hall, Astoria. Mcm Iiptq nf the Orcier. in rood f tandinc. are tnviL ed to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday of each month. By order ' W. C.T. Tomplo Lodge. Wo. 7 . F. A. M. Kecnlar Communications frst andVy fir third Tuodars in each month. at7ii V " r i o'clock, v. V.. at tho llall in Astoria. Members of tno Order, in gooa stasum?, are inrited to attend. Br orde: of the Y . M. American Legion of Honor. Regular mectU:j:ot Astoria Council Ko.OWi. Is held on the llrst and third Tuesday or each month, at 7 o'clock r. m. By order of Council Commander. R. V Moxteitu, Sec'ty. AftTOItlA FIICE JmAJCT.lIK.T W. J. B.VRRY. Chief Engineer F. 1. HICKS 1st Asst. Engineer. J. G. C1LVRTERS .2d Asst. EtiKtneor BOARD OF DELEGATES.--Regular moot ing fourth Monday in each month, at 7 i30 r. m., at hall of Astoria Engine Company No. 1. Officers. C. J. Trencliard. rresident; A. A. Cleveland, Secretarj'; K. L. Parker, Treasurer. Delkoates. L.E. Sellg. C. J. Trencliard, Ohas. Stickles, o Astoria Rnginn Co. So. I ; Win. McCormic, V. Is. Parker, II. V. Prael, ol Rescue Engine Co. Ko.2: Ed. D. Curtis. F. ,T. Tavlor. A. W. Berry, of Alert I look and Ladder Co. No. l. ASTORIA EXG1XE C02TPAXY XTo. 1. Regular meeting llrst Monday in each month. Ori'icitits. W. W. Parker. President ; U E. Selig, SecreUrj' ; Whl Bock. Treasurer : S. G. Ingalls, Foremau : Chas. Wallman. 1st Asst. Foreman ; Henry Miller, 2d Asst. Fore man. RESCUE EXQIXE COMPANY I'o. :. Regular meeting llrst Monday in each month. Officers. C. W. Fulton. President ;R. F. Pracl. Secretary; J. D. Merryman, Ass't Secretarj': F. L Tarker, Treasurer: F. li. Parker. Foreman : II. F. Pntel, 1st Asst. Foreman; James Hare. 2d Asst. Foreman. ALERT HOOK AND LADDER Co. Xo. 1. Reguhir meeting second Monday in each month. Officeks. J. O. Bnzorth. President; C. Brown, Secretary ; J. Tuttle. Treasurer ; F. 11. Elberson. Foreman ; F. W. Fcrgusou. 1st Asst. Foreman; J. W. Ferchen, 2d Asst. Foreman. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. Genenil afsortincut of table stock conetaiitly ou nand. such :is Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGS. BUTTER. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FIS55, POVLTTRY AIVI GAIE In the season. CIGARS A3TD TOBACCO. Uv.st of VIXES AIVI All chean for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. w. Case's store. J. RODGERS. WasMngtoii Market, Alain Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGZTA2T D KERRY T1 ESPSCTFULLY CALL THE ATTK.V JLL tion of tho. public to the fact that the abovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! AThich will be sold at lowost rates, wholesale and retaiL bpeclal attention given to snppls ng shies. LOOK HERE ! Wo resneclfullv inform the imblic that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh, and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Glass-ware. Crockery- and Shins. Hotels and Boardinir Houses sun pneu on iiDerai terms. A share of the nubile natronam Is resoect fully solicited. dtf, WARREN ft THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS OPPOSITE OCCIDENT XJ.OTEI., CIIEXA3IUS Street, Astoria , 0r. W. E. DEMENT & CO ASTORIA, - - - OREGOX Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET" and FAKGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded L. K. (x. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer lu Clear anT Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, 1'iayiRS uara.s, iHtiery, sia HoRcrr. Etc The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS in the dry Particular attention paid to orders from ine country, Theo. BRACKER, Manager, nenaraus etreer, Asiona. uregon. No Whiskey! Brow's Iron BrrrERS is one of tlie very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. Rice, editor oi die American Christian Rc vietv, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Gn.,0.,Nov. 16, iSSi. Gents: The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief! SLIGHT ODDS. A Little Story ivitli a Larue 3IoraI One 31 an who Knew his Own UusineHH. ".No. my dear," said tho rencrablo keeper of a country store to a timid little girl whose head scarcely came up to tho level of tho counter. "No. my dear, woharcn't any red flannel, but wo haro somo first rato New Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that sho didn't think that would answer tho purpose quite as well, tho child went her way in arch of tho article sho wanted. "Haro you BENSON'S CAPCINE PLAS TERS?" ashed a gcnUeman of a certain drug gist whoso name could bo Kircn wcro it de sired. "I am troubled just now with n touch of my old friend, tho lumbago, and the Ben son'; Plaster seems logo to the spot almost as soon as it touches tho skin." 'Not at present," replied tho druggist, gen ially " but, wo haro loU of plastors just as good. Thero is Allcock's, tho Capsicum and othors won't one of them do as well?" My dear sir," retorted tho gentleman. with a slight show of temper, "1 say notbin again;tthoso article?, hut I am a business man, and always ask for precisely what I want, and for nothing else. I may enlighten you, howorcr, when I say that sometime ago, for another disease, of which the Capcino has sinco cured me, I tried all those you mention. with no appreciable benefit. They aro ineffi cient, every ono of them, tho menncst act of tho proprietors of some of them being this : that they mako plasters with similar sound ing names to dectiro tho unwary into hclior ing they aro tho satno thing. Experience taught mo tho difference. I'll go to tho next man in your lino. Good day." Bo on i our guard against imitations. Tho ccnuino has the word CAPCINE cut cleanly in the middfo of tho plaster. All others are impositions. Seabury i Johnson, Chemists. Now York. GEPIANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEEP. DEPOT. Ch KrtAVC3 SrsJcrr. Abtosia. The Best of Lager 5 Cls. a Glass Orders for the ratefl CotaMa Brewery BEER Left at this place will he promptly amend ed to. tsyNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tuis ptace wm. uuuh.. Proprietor. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. 3. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. 3ir-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper wiu ue iounu convenient to my patrons. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! $101,000,000 Appropriated 1883 for Pensions. AN ACT to relieve soldiers from the charge of desertion and grant all such soldiers their full dues, and to grant soldiers marked :is DESERTERS honorable discharge paicrs. AN ACT to extend the arrears of the pen sion act and continue it iu force so far as widows and children are concerned. AN ACT allowing pay for horses and equipments lost in service, etc. Nearly every ierson Ls cntuiea to an increase. 1'ertHlenH. Ifonntlcs, Xinntl Claim ana L'ntentH attended to. For particulars call or address C. X CUKTIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Solicitor of Claims and Patents. Rooms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows building, As toria, Oregon. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new.Steamer BABBAGE, Master. TOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU- X" lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, .Main street Wliarf, Astoria ; ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland; J. L. STORY Tillamook. Advices from Professor Xortlen- skjold's expedition to Greenland have been received via Thurso, Scotland. Ther state that the ex pedition started from Autleikvick on the 4th ot September ana reached a distance of 360 kilome ters inland, attaining a height of 7,000 feet above the sea. 1 his is the first time human beings have penetrated so far into Greenland. The whole region is a desert, proving that there is no open fit ter inland. Very valuable scien tific data was obtained. Alonjr the northwestern coast a cold stream flows, which induces a very low temperature, but on tho east ern shore the weather is not so severe and that coast is accessible to steamers in autumn. When the party was 140 kilo meters east of the glacier border the soft snow prevented them from preceeding on sledges. The Lap landers were, therefore, sent on with snow-shoes. The rest of the expedition visited the northwest coast, between "Waigat and Cape STork. They -were informed by the Esquimaux that two memhors of the American Polar expedition had died and that the rest return ed to Littleton Isiami. On the lGth of August the expedition sailed south from Ep-edestnond, making a short stay at Ivigtut, Julianeshaub and Fredersdale, and tried to proceed eastward three times throujzh the sound, north of Cape Farewell, and along the coast, but the ice prevented. They went outside the ice field to lati tude GG deg., remaining continu ally in sight of land. The drift ice was forced south of Cape Don and on September 9th they an chored in a fjord newly visited by Esquimaux, where remains of the Norman period were found. This was the first time since the fif teenth century that a vessel has succeeded in anchoring on the east coast of Greenland south of the polar circle, After having tried vaiuly to anchor iu another fjord to the north they returned and arrived at Reikavik September 19 th. BEFORE AND - AFTER TO MEN QNLYjYQUNG OR OLD, WHO are FUfTering from Net.vousDebil itt. Ijost YrrALmr. Lack ct EKl: l'oncn and Vioon, W'xsrsa Weakxcsses. anJ all those diseases of aPEKSov.it. ATVltl:re mltiug from AncsES and Otiieu Causes. Speedy rcller and complete restoration ot Health, Vioonand JIakwood GrARAXTEEn. The grandest discovery of the MneteentH Century. Send at once for niustrated Iam phlctfrec. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, H1CH. ASK FOR India Rubber Co's I TTmnTt Pure Para Gtun CRACK PEOOP RUBBER BOOTS. nEWAKE OF IMITATIONS ! Be sure tho Boots are stamped ClCiv PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM springs on tne loot ana instep, which nmvent their crackinir or breakintr. We arc now makintr thera with RUDDER Aiiif loiiijol uo C3ute mum nui iiuire them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made, FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE. Jr. i acculs. S. M.RUNYON. f San Eranclsco. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work miarantced. Your patronage so- Iicited. ASTORIA. - Oregon I. "W. OASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND UE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHAIDM V)raer Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & CO.'S DISPATCH LINE For New York. 80 DAYS to NEW YORK The New, and Elegant, Al First Class Steamer. GEORGE S. HOMER. CROWELL, .... Master. Will be ready at Astoria, In a few days for cargo, and having the most of her capacity engaged will have the usual prompt dispatch or this line. Early application should beuiade for the balance of disengaged room or passage to W. SUTTON, Care of Allen & Lewis Portland, Oregon. Consignees in New York. MESSRS. SUTTON & CO. jULjlCI fllw elcaiwe tike SUti. Seafo an ? Eiuodof HehiacSea- ly.linn'lyenrfoloae Inherited, and Con taeias II m morr, Hood Poisons, Ul ecr. tltscca-tw, asd infaatile Skin Ten ure?, tho CviinuKA KntrPiKM are infalli ble. Ci-rirca.v R- rLT PTT, the HW likvul Puriaor. Diu retic and Aperient, expels disease porni from the blood and per- fwiration. und tiimt removes tee tawt. Uim- cura, tho great i-kin Ctira, instantly allays Itchioic and ln5aniatin. clears the Skin and Scalp, neals Ulcer and orcs, restore the Complexion. Ccthtri Sop, an exquisite Skm Hcantificr and Toilet Hetttimte. t icuis peroable in treating fkin rftfeac?, and for rouah. oh an red or xreanr Skin, blackhoads. blntehea, and baby humors. CrrircA Kim- koies are the only infallible blood punnirs &nd?kin ueautifiers. Chns. lloisIilon. fq.. lawyer, 18 State street ftoiton. repotl n case of Salt 1th Kim under his observation for ten yoar?, whieh covered the : atie t'. body ami litate, ami to whieh all knows method of treatment had been applied without benefit, whieh wa completely currd solely by tre Ct'Ticra.x kk.vkdiic, ie.vingn clean ami neaituy sKin. 3!r. snii JlrsuKYcrcttStcbblKs, Belcher town. Mas , write: Oar lit'le boy was terri bly affiieted with Scrofula. Salt Khettm ?nd Erysipelas eror since he Ka- born, and neth irs: wrt roulil giro liini iielnetl him until we tried Ci'Ttrvax hf.mkpish. wbb-h gr.dua;ly cured him. until he i now - fair a cy child 21. K. 'Hrnrnter. iletHlerran. N. Y oared oi P?riau or I.etr-...y, vt twent years' stamling. by Ctiitxav ltMicmiCs. The iHO!t womlerftil cure on reewr 1. A du.timn full of scales fell from him daily. Physieians and his friends thought he must die. Cure sworn to beforeajustieoof the peace and Hender son's most prominent eitizen. 2Xhxi. Wm. Taylr, Health 'omraifriitner, ItaHun, say?: After three months' iifeof tho CiTiccx.i Hrmrdiu, ami twelrs years of as eon?tant differing fr-m Scrofuloai Humor of the face neck and scalp as was over ondured, i can say that I am eared, aad proneaace my case the most remarkable on record. Fold by all druggist. "Ctrrict'RA, 50 eents; Rioi.vKxr, ! ;SoAr,3Tieent'. PorrEK Daco A.i Ch MteAi. Co., itoVton, M.ts.. Send for -Hew to Tcre Sl.tn Diseases." GTTTn yf Vtx.x SOA P. Absolutely puro U A JL highly medic nal. indorsed by pliyicinn--. p-eferred l;-' tne elite, aie. iroi and issj. v'1 cul:cs. ul everywhere. Tho Groat Balsiunic Distillntion of Witch. Eazol. American PIuc. Canadian Pur, Marisold. Clover Blossora. Etc., Fnrtheiminedi ite relief and Permanent (Jure of every form if Catarrh, from aimple Head Cold or Influenza to the Los of Smell. Taste. and Hearing. Cough, Bronchitis and Ineipi- ont Consumption. Jteiict in hve minuted in any and every case. Nothing liko it. Grate ful, fragrant, wholesome. Cure begins Irom first application, ami is rapi J, radical pcrma noot. and never failing. Ono boctlo Radiral Cure, ono Box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in ono ia?kace. forin!na complete treatment, of all druggists for SI, A.k for H a.vF'.rd' KamcAi. Cl'kk. Pott kb Drug asd Ciujiicai. Co., Boston. coi-Viti. For the relief and preren al, lae WKtant It I.h a;i- raigia, ceiaiiea, v-ogn., Col. Weak Back' Stomach "V I'alritntion. Uyspatvia, J.ir- N er Complaint, i'iliousFever. - i cVtdiAv rolIln'sPisterstanlllec i "i5 1 Irlr tlattcry combined PL A "jTP$ with a Porous I'laMerhuid laugh a: pin. 23c everywhere. Vitalizes aud TJnr!?- il.e Ulcotl, i iiet tip the System, Unites tli "Wals Stroni;, Solids wp the Brukcri Inrn, InTijrf.iaitii t.o Smiu, aasl Oil Dyspepsia, ITervous Affections, Gee eral Debility, neuralgia, ifercr and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Siarrhcsa, Boils: 3ropsv, . Humors, FsmsJc Cos plaints, Liver Com plaint, Eemittent J?ever, and til DISEASES 0SiGi:iA71G IK A BAD STAT! OF THE BLOOD. 0.1 ACC0PAK!f.D BY DIBILIP.' Oil A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYRUP SuppLcstbc bfecd wkh its Vital rrinelplff, i Lire I3e:ncni, ?7iO:. infosiag f-lrengrlli Vigror ami "Sex? .if ialo all part of t. : &; itra BEING FREE ritOM ALCOHOT-. i: -.-gu ng cflfcets arc not fallowed ty cx'ri.vs. :c-x ion, but ate prrc ior.cn t. setii v.'. i owli: ."c von . r iarrisoa Avtau. Ea-u.s. vll L uggbti TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVES, and 5V3ALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: iloas of Appetite, Eovyela costive, SIclc ITcadncIie, fallncss after ent iu, aversion to cicrtlonof ljody or xnlnd.ISructKtisnof iood,ZrritablIo Ityof tcniper,X.om:plrIts,Afcclinz; of imvl tifr neglected some dnty,liz 2lncss,PlnttcrlnsatthcIIcart,Dot3 Leforo the eyes, lillily colored Urlne,COXSTrPATIOA,anddcmand tho use of a remedy tliat acts directly on thoLlvcr. As aLivcrmedicIiicTTjrTT'S rrxTS hare no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin is also proutpt; removing all impurities through fheso three " scavengers of tlio system," protluchu; appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin, and n vig orous body. TCTT'S PlIuTsS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere "witii daUy work nnd are a perfect AHTIDOTE TO MALARIA. SoldCTerywhere23. Ollice 44 Murray St.N Y. GratHaik or Wuiskehs changed in stantly to a Gtossr Black by a single appUcatlon of this Dte. Sohl by Drug Sists.orscntbycxpressonrecciptofSl Ofllcc, -14 Murrav Street, New" York. 15370 HiOTAL C? teSIUIi SI35BI5 ?S33. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer i3 guaranteed to pure yon. Sold by "W. E. JJeraent. Columbia Transportation Go. FOR PORTLAND- (FAST TIME.) FLEETWOOD, WbtcU Iven refitted lor the romiort s awr5 will leave WUran ami FistherN doe every 'dendau, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriving at Pwrttand at 1 P. M. i:inrnin? leaves PortbuMl evwy Tup&tiayt and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at IP. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, jr&vcg Portland at t o'clock Snnilny 3Iorninjr. i '.i5seiH-ers by this roit connect at ICalama for?mHlpfrts. U. 15. SCOTT, rrcsiuem. Astoria and Portland. Str. WESTPGRT, P. II SHEI;:IAN', - - PIASTER Will niak reenter trips to Portland and .Vstnria. leaigr BitrncU's doek, foot of Jlor ritHi street, Portland, at fi A ji. Saturdays. Ami will leave Wilson Se lasher's tloek, Astoria, at a. m. Thuratiavs. SaFreisht earrleil at reasonable rates. Steamer " EELIC." WILL MAKE TRII-S AS FOLLOWS : To YOUNGS K I V KM, Mondaya, Wednesdays aim autruavs. Special trjs as required. Will leave Vibon ft Fishers wharf at l) oVZorlc .barp, eaeli roornlnsc. LEWIS G. ILVAVKN, Upper Astoria. Master. B1BULAR STEAM PACKET. "Daisy," and Barge. . Will leave Astoria, from Gray?s Dock, For Qlney, and Head of Youngs River, Daily, at s a. jr., (except AYedncsdays and MiiHiay.s.) Reluming same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's River, On Wednesdays, .its A. 31., Hetuniing same day. car For Freight or Fastiage, applv on board, or at Gray's Doek, where Freight will be re ceived and stored, if necessary. J. If. D. GRAY. Steamer TOM MORRIS. THIS XK'.V and. Favorite Soat TS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND . can be chartered Tor excursions, special parties, etc, at reasonable rates. A general steain!)oating business transacted. V. BOELLING, Master. filr M Canty anil flwaco. ON AND AFTRll SATURDAY, SEPT. 22d The SUHtnter MOUNTAINEER Will make daily trips from Astoria to Fort Canbv and ilwaco. Leaving Wilson Ffalier's wharf at 8 A. M. daily except Sundays. Freight, Passage. One Dollar per ion Fifty Cents Good time made; scoinmodat!on3 afTonled. For freight or passage apply on board to H. rETIT, aster J. HESS. A. M. JOHNSON. hil Loft. Astoria MVNUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, Ami everything else pertaining to our business. LovrestPrice and Best Work For your Money, At tlie Old Stand. Leave your orders and get your work none at once. J. HESS & CO. Astoria, - Oregon HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOJS rg'niS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF JL tlie Sisters of Charity, is now ready foi t he reccntion of uatients. private rooms lor tue aceonamouanou oi any desirlnfi them. i'atienisaumiiieaaiau nouis.uay onugui. patient is free to' ami has the privileged employing auy pnvsicum iney preier. United States tarine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are entl tied to Free care and attendance at thlsHoS' nltal during sickness. Pennits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. bisrxus of CnAnny IOTAULISUED IX 1B32. ASMES & DALLAS, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twines, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets Pails, Tubs, Churns, "Washboards, Hope Cordage, Wrapping Papers, Paper Bags, ttnildln;: Papers, 3Ialches, 2Iand!es, Clothes Wringers, Car pet Sweep. n, Fealher i- list ers, Stntlaiiery, ttc. 230 and 232, 3?ront Street SAN FRiVNCISCO, CAL. J. H. D. GRAY. Vholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AH D FEED Hay, Qats, Straw, Wood, Etc LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General stonure and Wharfesa on reason able terms. Foot ot Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Oregon Railway & Navigation tM3irAXX. On and After April 1st, I8S3, Oeean Steamers will sail from Portland and Sa Francisco every tlireo dayt, Leaving Aiusworth Dock, Portland, at mid night, and Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at it 00 A M. Tiirouirli TIelretM sold tn allnrinclna flues in the United States. Canada and burope. River and Rail Division. On and after Sept. 2nd, 1 883. RAIL DIVISION. Pasaeiiser Trains leave Portland for East-. eru poluts, at 6:15 A. M.. daily. niYEK UmsiOJi' Ollddle Colnmbla). Boats leave Portland for "Dalle at y -imi A. M. Leave Port land for Mon Tu. Astoria and I I lower Co-1 I Inmbia....lSAM S AM Oayton. Or.JTAMj Salem ) I. . ,.l Vietoria.C;g AM r AMIR AM 6 AM Loaves Astoria for Portland at G a. in. daily or cept Sunday. Pnllraan Palace Caw running betvean Port land, and Helena. C II. PRESCOTT, Manager. A. L. STOKES, Assist. Sup't of Traflle. JOHN MDTR, Sup't of Traffic E. P. ROGERS, Gen'l Agent Orep-on & California R.R.Co On an after May 13, 1SS3, trains will run as follows, DAlLi (Eicopt Sundays), EASTS IDE DIVISION. Itctvtccn POKT2AXD and GLENDAX.E HAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. H.IGlondalo 10:55 p. m. Glendale 1:00 A. u.PortIand 4:23 p. u. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. ' LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.lLebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A. 3! Tho Oregon and California Railroad err mokw connection with aU RegalarTrains oc Eastsido Division. WESTSIDE DmSIOJT. Bctivcen lortInnd and Corvnllis UATL TRACT LEAVE. ARRRTE!. Portland 9:00 A. M.ICorvallis 4:30 P. M Corralli3 8:30 A. M. Portland 3:20 P. M KXPKES3 THA1X LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 p. ir.McMinnrille-.8:r.O p. ir Mc3linnville.5:15A.3i.lPortland .. 8:30a. m. Close connections made at Glendale with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. SS5-Tickots for aal e at all the principal points in California and tho East, at Company'? Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo chard on froight remain ing atCompanys Warehouse over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or IV est side Division. JOHN MUIR, Sup't of Traffic. A. L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages for Gysteryille and Olympla. jrJrPrf Until further notice the Ilwaco Sss&sai Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "Gen. Miles," or ftGen. Canby" Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. JH. FOR Ft.Sievens, Ft. Canby and Ilvvac o ox Tvesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. sr.. as formerly, not being conllned strictly to schedule time. Faro to Fort Stevens .cocts .si oo 44 Canby and Uwaco.. Z-Hwaco freight, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, S2 per ton, !3 Vn.Tl.l-nta 'IYurnrr nr f!ti!irtpr .1T1- nlv at the office' of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. 11. U. UllAl, Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Glyrnpia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canny, Ilwaco, XortlxBcacli.Oysterville, North Cove, Petersons Point. Ho qniuni, Jloatesauo, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray narhor. GEN. MILES, if Strs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CAN BY GEN. GARFIELD MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympla, at - - 7 A. 31. On. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in 60 hours. Leave Olympla for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, VVilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Astoria Oil Works. J. H. DEFORCE. Proprietor, P. O. Box 234, Astoria, Oregon, aiannfactnrer and Dealer in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggere will find my Skid Grease to ha sood and cheap. We. Tlin. Frl. 1 Sat. GAM SAM SAM 6AM 7AM 7AM I 1 ,! I IfiAMjP AM I 1