ASTORIA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY... ..SEPTEMBER 19, 16S3 Will Help Finely. The Portland papers are smack ing their lips over Yillard's letter to the Astoria Chamber of Com merce. The Orcgonian rubs it in by expressing regret. The clos ing sentence of Sir. Villard's an nouncement is a model of irony, where he says that he is ready to do whatever lies in his power to bring about any course by which the road can be constructed. This is infinitely obliging. Should we of Astoria conclude to build the road ourselves, or enter into nego tiations with others to build it, Mr. Yillard stands ready to use his potent influence with those hard hearted English and German trus tees that the land grant be given up; he is willing, of course, to not only return us the survey papers that cost the citizens of Astoria $7,000 several years ago and which his satellites retain after a promise to return if they were obliged by a loan ol them, but will doubtless turn over the estimates, field notes, and papers which arc the result of the survey which his engineers and surve3'ors have just completed. He will speak favorably of the project and regret that nothing but its extreme cost as calculated by himself prevents him from building the road. This is only a slight percentage of the good lie will do us, for has he not declared that he will aid all he can in the work. "For he hims'elE has said it, and 'tis greatly to his credit." Ix a series of tax cases brought against the Central Pacific Rail road Company by several counties in California, Justice Field, of the Supreme Court, rendered a dc cision that under the State Con stitution railroad companies shall only be taxed on the value of their propert- after deducting the amount for which they arc mort gaged. These cases have at tracted much atluRtion, both as regards the interpretation of the law on this point, as also on the large amount involved. In an other case, covering the right of the Railroad Commissioners to rejrulato fares and freights of steamers and other ycsspIs hailing from California ports, Judge Field decided that all sea going vessels were under the jurisdiction of -the United States, and were, therefore outside the control of an individual state government. The bark Jiriilania was lost on Sable Island off. Halifax last Sun day, and the captain's wife, three children and the crew were drowned, including the first aud second mates'. The captain and the remaining three seamen have arrived in Newfield. The surviv ors were three da's on the wreck when rescued. They had at tempted to reach the shore on a raft, when a heavy sea swept them all off, including the captain's wife and three children. Three sailors were saved, and the captain was able to reach the raft anain, carry ing with him two of his children, but they died shortly after. A bill has been introduced into the Italian Parliament to secure to jvomen the right of suffrage. Un der its provisions a woman voter must be twenty-one years of age, paT an assessed tax, never less than five francs, and must be able to read and write. She can vote either in person or Send her vote duly certified, in a sealed enve lope, by a third person. This bill, which gives Italian women the right to vote, also makes them in elijrible to hold' office. The Massachusetts commission ers of emigration report that 30, 000 emigrants landed at Boston from Aug. 3, 1SS1, to June 30, 1S83. Of this number, seventeen were lunatics, idiots, or persons unable to take care of themselves The commissioners say the worst class of paupers they are called upon to provide for come through Canada, and additional legislation is asked for to prevent such an in flux. The postoffico department de cides that when the new letter postage act goes into effect in Oc tober, a two-cent stamp will carry a letter to Canada, but that three cents will be required on a letter from Canada. The postal agreement between the two countries is that the local rates of postage shall govern. Snnsct Cox's Sagacity. Hexey Yillakd ought to feel very grateful to Sam Cox. The latter says he started Villard out of Washington. Villard used to come in and see him nearly every day. Yillard was a fair corres pondent in Washington, but he was not much more. After a time he got into the rut, and was going on plodding, when Cox stirred him up. "Villard," said Cox, "are you going to stay all your life in "Washington?" "I had not thought much about it," said Villard. "Don't you think," says Cox, "that you have been here about long enough picking up mere gos sip and news? An entire life of that sort of thing is no life for any one. Don't you think vou had better get out of this town?" Villard took this thought and worked it out. He found that Washington had been to him a very valuable school, 1-uit that he had gotten about all the good there was out of it, and that if he were ever to make any money he must go to a commercial city. So he closed up his news bureau at the end of the season, and entered speculative circles. There are plenty of men who believe that Villard is the coming king of the street; that while he has not the brilliant, dashing genius of Gould, he is an eminently safe man, who pursues a conservative course more in accordance with the real business requirements of the situ ation, -brilliancy appears to be at a discount at the present time. It will appear, now that Henry Villard has done one of the won derful things in this world, and the companies he is in withstand the raids of Wall street and prove their strength, and he has nothing to do but to go on and develop an empire, that quite a number of persons are responsible for him. In truth he had money, and was an expert in using it safely and profitably before he ceased to be a newspaper correspondent. Among the curious lawsuits arrisins from the Casamicciola earthquake is the following: A couple of married people, G. and F. 13., perished under the ruins. Thev were worth about ten million francs. Now the relatives of G. B. sav that he died after his wife F. B. The relatives of the wife sav that she died after her husband, G. B. Hence the fight. The examination of the bodies has been ordered, and a staff of doctors will make necroscopical examinations in order to determine who died first. ' C. P. Huntington of the South ern Pacific is expected in Wash ington this week to make an ur gument before the secretary of the interior, in the matter of the ap plication of the Southern Pacific to the United States for the grant of the Texas Pacific. Secretary Teller lias returned to his desk, and doubtless the case will soon be taken up. There is excellent rea son ior tne statement tuat tiie ue cision will be adverse to the claim of the Southern Pacific. Next to New York, Chicago is growing more rapidly than any other American city. Its growth is marvelous. Only half a century old it is already the third city in the Union in population, and claims with show of truth thatin a quarter of a century more it will have distanced Philadelphia, and be second only to New York, which great city must always hold preeminence as the New World's metropolis. The new official danger and distress storm signal code, for signal service sea-coast stations and mariners, has been published by the chief signal officer at Wash ington, with full instructions for day and night signalling. In using these lights the letters of the international code are made by burning single and combined lights, corresponding to the latter The amended liquor law in Ar kansas included cities of the first and second class in its provisions By a majority vote of the inhabi tants the sale of intoxicating drinks may be prohibited within three miles of any church or school house. Women are allowed vote on the question. - to The postmaster general says the reduction on letter postag will cause a loss to the government of over $2,000,000. - The French government has withdrawn its orders to an Eng- lish firm to construct river gun boats for service in Tonquin on account of inability to agree upon the terms of the contract. The Jlepvhlique Francaise urges that it is to the material interest of all European .powers to make com mon cause with France against the raising by China of barriers to commerce. Sixpence will send a telegraph- message from any point in Eng land to any other poiut in the same country. Several large man ufacturing firms celebrated the re duction by wholesale sending of telegrams, one chandler sending 50,000 telegrams the day the cheap rate went into effect. Tueke has been a great deal of excitement over the proposition to open Shakespeare's Strat ford, but the design will not be carried out, the Mayor having pub lished the determination of the Common Council to throw any one attempting the act into the river Avon. The city of Devil's Lake, Da kota, known to the postal authori ties as Creelsburg, is not 3et 100 da's old, but already choice lots in it are sold as high as $2,000 apiece. It has seven large hotels, two banks, two papers and man' shops and factories. Sitting Bull attended the Capitol corner-stone laying at Bismarck, and did a thriving busi ness by selling his autographs to the Englishmen and Germans of the Villard party at 81.50 apiece as souvenirs of the chief who killed Custer. It is said that kerosene oil' is extensively smuggled from Penn- sylvania into Canada. A raft is made up of a number of oil barrels which is towed across Lake Erie to some secluded spot on the other side. The elder Booth, famous as a tragedian a generation ago, died at Manchester Mass., last Monday. His son J. Wilkes Booth, was President Lincoln's assassin. San Fiiancisco Democrats have bought the Alia California for $50,000, and it will hereafter be run as a Democratic newspaper. Yellow fever is decimating Guaymas, Mexico, and all who can are fleeing from the plague stricken city. A coiriuNY has been organized in San Francisco to work mines in Alaska. .1IE1. At Netarts, Tillamook Co., on the 3rd hist, John 011 am, of scarlet fever, aped 13 years, nine months and twenty-nine days. On the 17th, to the wife of J.3L John son, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. Hi. X. Jolison, Has re-opened his ,C1GAR AND TOBACCO STORE, On the Hoadwav, near his old location. Ho will keep the stock of the choicest Cigars, Tnlli(Ur "lYiil full llnnnfemnViinl nr tides, including the finest meerschaum pipes. He will be pleased te see his old menus ai ins new stanu. JJK. 3T. C. BOATJIAX, Physician and Surgeon. Booms a and 10, Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. EOE GRAY'S HARBOR. THE Str. BEN. MILES Will leave Astoria forTILLASIOOK, on TUESDAY, SEPT. iatli.lSS3. At G o'clock A. 31. Returning, will leave Garibaldi at 1 r. sr. For particulars Inquire of CLAUDE THA YER, Tillamook. Capt. Whitcomb. on board, or .1. IL D. G RAY, Agent, ESTABLISHED IN IS4Q. SUTTON & CO.'S DISPATCH LINE Por If ew York. 80 DAYS to UTEW YORK The New, and Elegant, A1 First Class Steamer. GEORGE S. HOLIES, CROWELL, - Master. Will be ready at Astoria, In a few days for cargo, and having the most of her capacity eniTaCOd Will llH.VI till Ildinl nmmnt 1icimtr.Ii of this line. r 1 Early application should be made for the balance of disengaged room or passage to , . W. SUTTON, Care of Allen & Lewis rortland, Oregon, Consignees in New York, MESSRS. SUTTON & CO Changed Hands. mUE BAKERY ON fiHKV AMITSRTnKPT JL formerly owned by Clias. Carow. has Deen uougm oy unas UDerie, wno will here alter conduct It. Good Bread s Specialty. The public trade solicited. For Sale. TEN SHARES SCANDINAVIAN PKG. Co. Carmen stock. Also two (Uhinir "boats with gear complete, together with lot Old web, C.W.STONE. EMPIRE JGJ1 Ladies desirous of procuring (rooeis unetjualed in Style and Pinish. will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS G IN GENTS' FUBHISHING BEPAE Everything is Complete and of the best. Jordan Have a Full Line of Platedwara, CutSerfi Etc., Comer Ctes Water Street Assessment. ' NOTICE is hereby siven that the as- j sessment nlado by ordinance No. of , the City of Astoria. Clatsop county, Or- ci?on, aim wmcn ordinance passed me Common Council of said city on the 2Sth day of August, I8&J, and was ap proved on the 1st day of September 1883, for the proposed improvement of Water street, m the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John 31. Shively, from the Urcst side of West (Hh street to the West end of said Water street in the manner provided by ordi dance No. 534, of the City of Astoria, and which ordinance passed the Com mon Council on the 24th day of .luly, 1883. and was approved on the 25th day of July, 1883, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion I of said street is now payable at -the of fice of the City Treasurer in IT. S. gold andsilver coin, and unless paid within five davs from the expiration of this no tice, vi'z: Friday, September 21, 1SS3, the Common Council will issue war rants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows: Xame of Oaner oJaiU .ten went. James Taylor ...... W P Parker A C Kinney ... MrsS F Wood llB Parker and W W Parker James W Welch and J) II Welch 50 IStt 83 78 28 (3 -IS 74 L'S "114 CO S! 20 00 50 00 33 20 21) 00 29 00 20 00 James W Welch and J I) JL Welch J W White J W White J W White J W White Oregon Hail way & Navigation Com pany Oregon " Railway & Navigation Com pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany A C Kinney A C Kinney A C Kinney James Taylor L KG Smith Mrs Ii Ward MrsSF Wor.d James W Wclch.Mrs SF "Wood, John W "Welch, D II Welch and Mrs 31 1 ller rcn W W Parker and George W Parker. J W White J W White J W White 34 29 00 3S 00 30 3(100 20 00 29 00 50 ISC 18 70 G8 75 107 00 133 G 00 113 91 113 91 113 91 113 0L 40 00 74 (2) 74 09 74 GO 74 G9 134 J W White Oregon Railway & Pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com- pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Coni pany Oregon Railway & Navigation Com Pan3' Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany 133 74 C9 74 G9 74 GO 174 GO 74 G9 74 GO CITY OF ASTORIA. Crossing of Water and "West 9th Streets s 19 00 Crossing of Water and West 7th Streets 250 00 By order of the Common Council, T.S. JEWETT, , . . Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, September 4th, 1883. NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. ffB-Offlce with Bozorth & Jolms. E. A. JiOYES, Agt. City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE city assessment roll for 1S33 Is now In my hands lor collection, and all persons that are Indebted for the same may save live per cent, by paying said taxes before October U. 1883- J. G. IIUSTLEK, City Treasurer. NOTICE. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE .. U1??. 01 rael Bros, are requested to call and liquidate their Indebtedness. PRAEL BEOS. 3 8 - fteauceaJrrice THE S7FV T, Stc. il Drugs and Chemicals 1 J. E. THOMAS, 'i tU3 'y -isXi.UAJ.XJ JL 5 Ti:TTrrTCrn Pharmacist, AST0RlA.O Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. Hares lew l JEFF OF THE CHOP HOXTSE Can prove by Ills hooks that he I doiii? tlie basest business of any KESTATOAKT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for cash. Will. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier PipeS, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. Messrs. Wm. E. Hooper & Sons BALTIMORE, fVSD., Have given us the EXCLUSIVE SALE for Pacific Coast of their Celebrated "W00DBEES.Y TWINES ROPE, Including a Full Line of G0TT9H SEINE TWINES, WRAPPING TWIHES, SAIL TWINES, ETC. In addition to above, we have on hand a complete Assortment ol Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and Wrapping Twines. HENHY BOYLE & CO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SALE. - T OFFER FOK SALE MY BOAT FACTO- JL ry and Mill, with all the machinery, tools, etc Parties intendinz to buv can cet fidl in formation In regard to terms by applica tion to "WM.IIOWE. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer in Cigars anil Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, Playing Cards, Cuttcry, Sta- tlouery. Etc The largest and finest stock of MEER SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, TnEO.BRACKER, Manager Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon. mm at WW FRANK L. Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. We have to-t!ay finished opening and putting in order, the M' Sf-osls of Goods Bought in San Francisco by B. F. STEVENS. C. T 3IOFFJT will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. 3. F. STEVENS & CO. TER aj;ly to the Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL A miili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3. IFT.A WES, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. iSCCCF-SSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Aitended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CUEXAJHJS STREET, Xext to C. Iu Parker's Store. ASTORIA, OREGON CHAS. HEILBORN MANUFACTURER OF FUBNITURE 3$ BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Oloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Laca Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CDRTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. jr. onsBX. j. gustafsox". a. jouxsos-. MARTIN OLSEN & GO. DEALEUS " IN FUB3STITXJRE 3s BEDDING. Comer Ulaiii ami siqucmoQua Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER1 ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. axjl rcirms of fukmture repaired aisj varkisiied. CHAS.I.IILLIAISON&CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Ofllcc on Genevieve street, in the rear of E, It. Ilawcs' building. A General Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTKIE. All manner of Reuairing, etc., attended to. Shop in Page's new building on Cassstreet. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Eabre Has re-opened at Ills old stand. Ice Cream, Ice, Etc. PARKER. Vegetables K STORE. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eugene D. Brock, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or GHAR- RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGE"NT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. is also agent for the It And other first-class stoves. Farnaco Work, Steam Tit tin2s. etc.. a specialty. DEALER IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Best In the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Leinenweber & Co., C. ISrXEKWEBER. H. BROWK ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AND CUBBRIES, Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF ii. AND FINDINGS 1 Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. c3-HIghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. not Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. IT Ttie best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HELLER,