SES3S3EC f -f- ASTORIA, OREGON: T7EDNESDAY. .-.SEPTEMBER 12, 18S3 mmSUM TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. A RR1 VALS FROX SUA. Tf&irnsuire, 11 r ep Glascow Sept 11 Shenir. Br bk Newcastle Sost 11 VESSELS iy TllE RIVER. O Ohfliebronch, Am ep Harry Morse. Am sp Imperial, Am bp Titan. Am OJire S.Honthard. Amip Hlver Kith. 15r hp Aborlemno. Ur bk Red Cros. Am sp Roxburcshire. llr l.fc Goo. Beulej-, Ur Vk Kt, Lucie. Ara ep Dovenhy. Ur lik Seotlirt Tar.Urbk Highland Licbt.Am.sp "orsica. Am nil Reaper, Am sp Indiana. Am BP. Western IJelie. Am tp fVloma. Grasniere, Rr lk Gntwlale. Brsp f ferrie AVinslow.Aro blc Wistonsbiro. Br bk Phasca. llr tik Ilavenstonedale, 15r bk V D JSryant, Am bU PKSSKI.S OA' THE WA Y. f'roirs Forciirn J'orlM. fur Hit' Columbia River Bat-cany, Ursp AptilSS Clyde ISlencfeil, UrxpMayl4 London Itauffsliire, llr bk April 4 London Hhotan, Br ep Liverpool May 12 Obas. Coteavrortb, Br bk Liverpool City of Madrid. Br sp Mar 3 Clydo City of Carlisle, Brbk Greenock Aug 11 Uairnsmorc, Brsp London April 27 lkdale. Br bk Livsrpool July Fiery Cross, llr sp Sidney Glcnperis, Br bk April 23 Cardiff Glrran. Brbk April 26 London Harry Bailey. I5r bk Uueno Arras IncHgrecn, Brsp 1091 Greenook. June 2 lronsido, Br bk Greenook May 19 Ible of Anslesoa, Brbk MayS Liverpool Janet McKcil, Br bk June IS Glaegefr Killocban, Br fi Newcastle Kspunda, Br sp London April 7 Lake Brie, Br sp London April S8 Mallsgatc, Brbk Liverpool Ma;--I Oban Bay. Brbk Mar SI Olnsow Oakwortli, Brsp 1'Vb 26 Lobdw Ubcron. Br bk Hull J une 38 Obaron, Brsp London June M Star of Urin, Ur sp Glasgow June 19 Spirit of the Dawn, Br bk May 2 London From American I'ort. Merom, Am sj A V Aucutst 17 Mt Washington, Am sp New Vork April IS M W Watts, Am tk New Vork May 12 Sea King, Am sp K V July 4 Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp Kctr York .Tune ' Tillie K Starbuek, Am fpK Y Jnne2i TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables oi United Slates Cg.iV. Survey Rich Watur. Low Date. a. X. p. si. I k. it. p. y. A. X. H ' .... - -1 Jl.... . 6 17.... - 0 14 . 7 IS...., . s ir...... . II 17 .10 20.... .11 19 . 0 10 P.M. - .... 8 1 0 ...... Jt 4SJ. ... 4 7...... . r. 311 ... fi :m. . 7 M aw...... ... 9 ...10 -181 11 4CJ .. !l 12 .... .. 1 4S. io .u .. o oi. .. 1 oi .. i f. ... 3 01.. ... . 4 02..... .. ft 01. .. 6 32...... -.16 2; ..11 11 i 111 u 12 IS 14 15 "llS . 023 .. 123 2.TC .. r oo .. G03 Columbia Xlivur Exports. 8HirIKNT.3 rOXKlCK. KIICAlMTUruXTlOK .TAKOAKY caL7 bus. wheat W,7 Mils llnur. 'S8. .$ :wio .-. 2V57,17li Ttul, 3 airgocs FltltHUAKY. Wlittnt, msm bus., value Putur, ai.4biy lWs., " Total. 5 cargoes Wlioal (1721 buslieteV inor(.S.l bills) Sttlinmi (2S taim.'.s).... I.DiW(sr vWK) I ) .5 178.1MS . in. ids .$ .TK.M41 .... 1J!,'J) Total (8caiKOi-s). ..4Mn Al'KlU Flour, ai.fao bbls., lAiiubrtr, :.7 ?I ...?13SM 4-1.000 TWlll.S OHifcOftj MAY. 1'Ioju .25 bbls W'lumt 4,til2 l)HS Total, (I cargo) .$18,S1 17.8S1 . l,0!6 .VCfiTi 11oitr.9l bltls Sulino!i,S7,7ics Total, (l cargo). JULY. Flour. 1,54 1 iWs Salmon, usjierjcs Total, (Xeargoe) N AUOUST. Flour, 4KiJ.gliblp 3iilnton,72.US7cs ............. Total, 2 cargoes fKrTRMllKlC Wluait 71.SJ2 lm 4,70 ... 1SS.MS $ 7,073 .. 601.010 .-8S0D.283 5 21.005 S3R"..150 NOTICE. The splendid A1 British, Iron Clipper Ship, "GRISEDALE," vn ko on the berth at Astoria, on or about UICIOUIOI bJilTHMJilii:, FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT, For Freight ami rates of Insurance npplv to Jlosgrs. IlALKOUlt, Cm UTIIItIK & CO.. Toitland, -tf Or to P. L. CIIEKRY, Astoria. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are HEREBY CAUTIONED Not to Trespass upon the follow ing described property, to wit: The NY 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 3 N.. R. 8 VY..-C!atsop County. Oregon. Tlui saitl property being the pmpcrtj' of tht undersigned. .JOHN ROGERS. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND BOOR FACTORY, AHD PLANTING- HULL. A full stock of home niannfaetured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronace so licited. ASTORIA, Oregon HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, flIIIS INSTITUTION, UNDEItCAItK OF J. the Sisters of Chant, is now ready foi the reception or patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all hnuis,day or night Ko physician has exclusive right, even patient is free to and lias the privilege ot ejnploylug any physician they prcrer. Suited Status Zllavliie Seamen who nay IIosnit:d Dues, an nn. tied to Free cure and attendance at thLs Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States llariues at the Cus tom House. Sisters op CnABrrv CHUKCII DIKECTORY. Rhace Crrrncii IIolv coniintinioii first Sunday of every month. Sunday seniccs at 11 A.Mand 7 :C0 p. m. "Wednes day evening service at 70 o ciock. j;ov. iL D. Wilson. Hector. "FutsT PiiEsiiYTLiuAX Church Ser vices atll a. M.and 70 r.M. Wednes dav evening prayer mectiiiK at 70 o'clock. I lev. X V. Milligau, Pastor. CoKGREGATioKAi-CnuKCii Services atll A. M. and v. M. licv. bam I Wood, Pastor. Kom.vk Catholic Church Senices at 10 0 a. m. Kev. L. Uielman, Pastor M. E. Church Services at 11 A. m and 7s0v. m. Lecturcand Prayer fleet ing, Wednesday, at 7 r. M. licv. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Cnuncii. Services each Lord's Day at 11 A. M.. and 74 v. M. Praj-er Meeting on Wednesday, at 114 p. m. Kev. B. S. McLaflerty, pastor. Common Council. Kczularmcotinn second and fourth Tues day evenmss of each month, at IVt o'clock e) Persons uosinne to havo mauors acted aion by tho Council, at any regular meeting most urcsent tho same to the Auditor end Ulork on or boforo tho Friday evening irjr to tno Xuosany on wbich the Council holds its rwmlar moetin. TI10S. S. J EV MT. Auditor and LierK. Astoria Lodffe Xio. 40. 1. 0. Q.I. Hemilar Mcctinc everr Tuesday Ercnine at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Astoria. Mem bers of the Order, in good Etandinp. are invit. od to attend. Ucbtco meeting 1st londay of oach month. By order W. C T. Templo liodge, No. 7 A. F. A. M. .. . . .. . ii. iteguiar uommunicaiions arsi uau h y third Tuesdara in each month, at 7V, v o'clock, r. ii.. at tho Hall in Astoria. Members oftho Order, in pood standing, aro t -1 i i i t.- 3n. r .1.- American Lecrion of Honor. lNrnlar meet ii:ir or Astoria Council Xn.OlC!. is held on the Ilrst and tlilrd Tuesday of eacii inouin. at 7 o ciock v. m. liy order of Council Commander. It. V JIontkith. See'ty BANKING ANDINSURAKPE. a:, w. csase;. BROKER. IHSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IlOUltS : FJiOiL 9 O'CLOCK A. SI. UNTIL O'CLOCK P. JI. Hoig Mitil Iasnrancs Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. HOUOnTON' Chas. It. Sionv..... Gho. l. Stokv ......l'ies:deut Secretary .Agent for (.on Capital paid up In U. S. goldl coin $ 300 000 i I. IV. ('ASK, Agent, Clinamus street, Astoria, Oregon. 67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Ueiirontinc capital of SC7.00(MIOO. A. VAX DDSEN. AwnU 3IARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. Ct-neial assortment of table stock coisi:.utl on imud. such as Canned Fruits and .Tolly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, i:5S, BUTTER. CHEESE. Fresh Fruits ant! Vegetables, FlSlf. S'OULTKY AIVD CAJIF In the season. ClftARS AK! TORACCO. Dcsl of VFTXES AISI T.IQUORS. AH cheap far CASH. Goods sold on com mis.ion. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. KODC.EKS. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Gregw BERGMAN Q JBERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL TllE ATTKN. tion of the public to tho fact that the abovo Market trill always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY of A FRESH AfID CURED MEATS 1 Which will bo sold at lowest rates, trholcsalo and retail. Special attention riven to supplj m shins. LOOK HERE ! We respectfully inform the nubile that we will always keep on hand the best qutility of Fresh and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fraits. Yecetablcs. Crockery and Giass-ware. Ships, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup plied on liberal terms. A share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited. dtf " YVAJIKEN & TJIOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats, FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, ClfEXASEUS Street, Astoria , Ok W. E. DEMENT & GO. c ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, New Life is given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs; in the Fall it enables the tyteni to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be ;o iUity prevented as by the system in per fect condition. Brown's I 'tux Bitters ensures per ac health through the t:";.iiging seasons, it disarms danger from impure rter and miasmatic air, jits it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis- . 5. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5U1, 1SS1: Gcntlcztm: I take pleas ure in stating that I have nscd Urown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nen'ous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "jiist as good." The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. THOSE WOMEN FOLK. How ISnrl-:iendel "Men ftHtimutc Same Thin ivhirh 'J'ln'y Don't Vuder-Mianri. Anybody who has led adonioetic lifo knows how common such things as tho back ache, and rains in tho choit, aro among tho women who do tho work. Often and perhaps generally tho distresses aro borne without much complaint. Tho women get about, and tho machinery of tho houso goes on. Devon d t hi?, thoso oarsc-craincd ani inals whom New England women call "tho men folks' seldom look. ? long as their wives or daughters aro not actually in bed undor the doctor's chfc, the average thick skinned husband and father gives the subject no attention. At tho same time, the poor household drudges who deserve a hotter fata creep around, broom or utenfil? in hand up stairs down stairs and out-of-doors, doing that ti Oman's work, which is "never done." Losses of loved wives and fair girls loses whose suddenness and uncrpcctcdnesi aston ish those wooden -pa ted husbands and fatli ors fall, seemingly out of a clear sky, and form tho'logical sequel to tho story of neglect Now, you men who stand at tho heads of ten thousand such homes, all07 us to drop a word in your recoptiro years. If those worn en of yours are worth having, they are worth saving. That backache that pain in the chest! What aro they but indications of some organic trouble of tho kidneys, tho heart, or the lungs? End it at once by tho application of BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLAS TER. It will sootho that nervous distress. drivo away that pain, banish that dull, weary backacho, give now strength to tho body and fresh hope to tho heart. No other plasters will do this. The Benson's Plaster, however, is not made to sell but to heal. It is a rem cdy which nover yet broke its promise and jicvorwill. Your druggist has it. But before paying your 25 cents and putting tbo plaster in your pocket, look for tho word CAPCINE cut in the middle. Seabury fc Johnson, Pharmaceutical Chcm ist3. New York. pERMAIttA BEER HALL VJ AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CfictAiirB Steket. Astoria TheHest ofXagerG Cls. a Glass Orders for the iia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. EST'No '-heap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. BEFORE -AND -AFTER Slsrfrii Arrlii"': its ztzi a 33 2 its Trlil TO MEN ONLY .YOUNG OR OLD. -!TT7n0 arc suffering from NntvocsJOnBiL- I V III. 1AQ( TlUUili J.v Ponca ajcd Vioou, Wastoo AVmiccpssES, and all thoso diseases of a rEnsosu.,2 A-Ttmc rc- Miiung irom Aiiusts sou jh- Snccuj relief and complete restoration or Tho grandest discovery of tho Mncteent usiiary. acnuavuareiui plilctfrcc Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. WM. EDG-AR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges Teaching School in Folic Co. At the "Wrenn school house, near King's Valley, on last Wed nesday, a desperate fight occurred between a teacher and two des peradoes, in which the latter came out second best. The circum stances arc about as follows, as learned through Dr. Whitney, of Philomath, who attended the wounded men: The teacher had whipped a lit tle boy, step-son of a man-named Ballard, who, it secms, is a rough character. Ballard hecRine raged about the whipping of the boy, and swore vengeance against the teacher. He Imd u ounir son, wiio, in company with n desperado named Miluer, just out of t!? Oa! fornia penitentiary, armed them elves with pistols and knives and bottle of whisky, and wint to the school house on Wednesday mornmir to whin the teacher. Milner got off his hoi se and called the teacher to the door, and as he opened the door Milner struck him in the face and knocked him down. As he rose he drew kcife and struck Milner m tho. throat, cutting it almost from oar to ear. This settled Milner, and Ballard came to tho attack with pistol. The teacher grappled with him and wrested the pistol from his hand, and then beat him over the head with it until he left him almost dead. Ho then dis missed what school he had left,and went to Corvalhs and swore out warrants for the arrest ol the two n. The doctor thinks that Milner will orobablv din. Ballard ill uerhans recover Ballard': father threatens to kill the teacher on sight. Polk (Jo. Item her. The kola nut, largely iwert in tropical Africa to make an invig orating beverage, was subjected some months ago to careful anal ysis, and is found to be richer in caffeine than the best coffee, while containing also the same active principle as cacao iSegroes are said not to touch coffee when they can obtain this mil. It is said by Dr. Daniell to be growing into an important article of com merce in the Soudan, and, it is thought, will soon find its way into European countries. Sam ples have been sent to London medical men for experiment and to plauters for agricultural pur poses. It is believed to aid diges tion and to render people capable of withstanding the depression consequent upon prolonged labor. Others claim for it the power to relieve mental depression and to not only subdue the craving for alcohol, but prevent its intoxi cating effects. "The gratifying action of St. Jacobs Oil in my case," says ilr. John S. Krim, agent for the N. Y. & B. Trans. Co., Pier 7, North River, New York, "gives me un limited confidence m its great general curative power, and 1 freely recommend it,' PIANOS AND a SHALL ilUSICAL LNSTKUMENTS SPREADS AND STOOLS Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED STECK & KNABE PMOS ! USED RY "President of United "States" "Governor of Oregon," And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading inakcs, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. J. HESS. A. M. JOIIXSOX. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, Ami everything else pertaining to our uusmess. LtywestPrice and Best Work For your Honey, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders anil get your work clone at once. J. II ESS i CO. Astoria, - - - O recon. PIT ill reio cleanse the X SkiH.JMsalp aad Til. odol Itchinif.Sea ly.Pimplycroftiloas Inherited, ami Con tusion. 11m mors. Btocd Poisons, Ul cer?, AbseesMa, aat Infantile Skin Tort ares, the Gcticuka Kr.MEPiKS aro info 1 li bit. tYlIClEA Rk soly .nt, the nw liUtod Purifier. Uih- retie, ami Aperient, cxwl Tsea?o re-ms from the Ijlowl antl ier- pirati'rrnd thnr rt mri- the raitxr. Cirri- riR.x. the Msm Uiro, instantly aliaya ltehinrand InHMinatiuit.elears theMtin ami Scalp. IteeU I Jc r and Sorts, rw teres" the Comi)le.itn. Cliiukv i-'oir, an cxquiiite Skin IteaatiCer ami Toilet KeqaUite, is iadU- poneaule in Ireatin? bin di.eao.', ana tr roush, chapi'wl or jcrca.y Skin, blackheils, iHoteuet', and baby Jiuinor. Lt'TirCRV ukm kmis are the only infallible bloott mirifitrs aal skin beaati&er. Ia. S!anlitii. Hst;.. lawyer. t'S State street, l'oston. reiKrU a case of Salt Hheum undor hi observation for ten year?, which covered the ratieoi's body ami limb, ami to whwli all known melhoU ct treatmont had been applied without benefit, which tva couiiiletely cured srolely by ttc CfTiruK. KEMRbir.-i, ieivinga clean and healUiy skin. .llr. nm! Jlr..ilvcrclJStcliIitis, Belcher- town. Mass , write: Our lit'le boy was terri bly affiic leu with Nerofula, bait Khouru end Ensiic!a eTer .inec he bora, and neth- irr we could jare him helpetl him until we tried CtrrirvKi l).xi:Dtf3. which xradnaUy cured him. until be now as fair a? any child II. l. C'arnrntrr. Henderson. N. Y.. cured ot ljorii or ?y, if twenty years' standing, by v l:uiniEs. The mol wonderful cure on record. A dustpan fell of !alcs fell from him daily. Phyrieians and his friends thought he must die. Cure sworn to before a justice of the peace ami Hender son's most prominent citiseiw. Iin:i. Win. Taylor, Health rmmi?oner, Boston, ears: After three months' usoof the CtrrjtTRA KiocKDtra, and twelve years ot as constant sunerim; from Scrofulous Humor of the face neck ami rcaln as was ever ondnred. 1 can say that I am cured, aad pronounce my case the most remarxauie on record. Sold by all drugguts. Cctkcra, SO cents; Uksolvkxt, "1 : boAr, 23 ecnts. Porrna Dkcg asd Chfjjicai. Co.. Koton. Mas'. jjoml for "iJow to Ctir Diseases fiTT.-717C'UItA SOAP. Ab olulely puro Ulili. highly medic nal. indorsed by physician.-, preferred by tho elite, b'ales, 1S5JI and isv. i,m cac. :a everyrv iicre Ihn Grcnt J3.i2sre:Ic Dislillsitlon of Vitcli Hnscl. Ancricaa Pino. Cuuacir.u Pur, Marigold. C2o7(ii Slossoru. 3tc For the i niineJiate relief and Permanent Cura of ovory form of Catarrh, from abiaudu lload Cold or InflucnxR to thn Lo?. of Smell,, ami Hearing, Cough, lironchitis and Incipi ent Consumption. Relief in fivo micutca in any and every cae. IothinR Iiko it. Grate ful, fracrant. wbolorome. Cure le(tiBs from ilrst application, and U rani J, radical perma nent, and never fa ilia. Uno boctle Radiral Cure, onoRox Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, forming a complete treatment, of all dru exist? f.r ?1. Ask for S.srrtRi'a Kampai. Cl'rk. Pottke Dare, .vxo Chrmical Co., Boston. rCf I IKffu For tho relief and ; QUUfc-IiVotion.tlicnisiaist l: ! oven- .v er Comnlaint. RilioasFever. yS Malaria and Epidemics. uso k lectw c J'"1"11'? v.iHSt.ers,an1tl,CK; P'A ctFS with a Porou Plas(crhnd lauRh at iain. 23c overywhore. iializes ar.:I Enrich.1: Blcod, r."-zici ui the jitcm, I.!krs thd Vii: Stron. Builds k;j tbo Krakc I?Tn, lKT;orate tlis Brain, aixl Dyspepsia, SFeiroria Affections, Gea crai Icoility, JfeuroJgia, eFcr and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, 3os- dropsy, Humors, Eemale Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Esmittent Jever, and LL DISEASES OfiKslH.VTIKG IS A B.10 STATt OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOHPAHIED BY DEBILITY' OR A LOW STATE OF IKE SYSTStf. 10VIAN SYI ScppLc? the Hoed vith its Vital rrimuf.le, oi r.ifc i?Imcnt, IKON, iofmias StrfiiRtli Visor aiul o tv l.Ifo tnki all parts cf the vstcm OE1XG FREE FROM ALCOilOL, its trL-"-Rgcficcu are r.o: JoIVrral by cctrrpc-uuL i ;--ac a, tui are pennaacst. SETII W. IOWI.E & Sr!15, Prrktoi, 9 Uzrrbos Avcaue. Butca. Scld L-y U I -uir.isl! Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Conneil of the city of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that portion of West stli street m the City ot Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregoiij as laid out and recorded by John il. Shively, from the south side of Water street to the south side of Cedar street by grading said street where needed to make an even grade from Water street to Cedar street and by planking said street to its full width with new and sound fir julanknot less than three incites in thickness where not already planked and by re moving all defective piles, stringers, planking ami other timbers in that por tion which wa destroyed by fire and by replacing tl o same with new and sound fir piles, caps and stringers and planking, and by building sidewalks eight feet wide on both sides of said street where not already built and by repairing the sewers on botli sides of .said street. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the prop erly iniiiim" on sam wruoii uj. saui street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publi cation of this notice, viz: Thursday. September 20th, last, the Common Council will order said improvement to no maue. IJy order or the Common Council. T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk, Astoria, August 23th, ISSo. County Treasurers Notice. WHERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY jl Treasury to nay all County Orders ore sented prior to October 13th. 1SS2. All such orders will cease to draw interest after this date. CHAS. nEILRORN. Treas. Clatsop County. Astoria, August 5oth, lBStt 0m JvVVtiyivv' ralsia, Sciatica. Coughf, colds. Weak Rack' Stomach rsJk 'X'v ar.l Rowel?. Shoot injfl'atni, -rr C-vVLYV Palpitation. Ry$iewia. Liv- SHITPINC? NOTICES. r-olumbia Transportation Co. (FA3T TTXE.) T, ,u:..r.tuner Vli'--'i has been refttted for the comfort o ;.nn.-Twfll ! WUfoii awl Fr.liers riork every ZoiJatt. Vfedmeday ami Friday at 6 .4.. arriving at Pvriicnd at 7 P. M. llrlccmn?! leaves 1'orttend every Thursdays at 6 A. H. ArriertHf at Asiatic at 1 P. M. An aaduioral trip wtll be made on Sunday of Each Weak, ! .raving Portland at 9 o'clock Saatlay Hloxniiisr. Passengers by this nntt connect at ICalania i rcsiut-iit Astoria and Portland. F. II S1IEKMAX, - - MASTER Will make regular trips to Portland and vstoria. hwikz lsunieii s hock. loot oi xuor- riu stiwt. Portland, at 6 a.m. Satttnlavs. And will leave Wilon & FIslier's ilock. Astoria, at n a. m. Thursdays. Far-r rejjjnt earnest at reasonanie rates. ""Steamer RELIC' . TVl WILL MAKE TltlPS AS JyyrJ FOLLOWS : To YOUXGSKIVEi:, Mondays, Wednesdays ana iaiuniays. Sectal triis as required. Will leate Wilson & Fishers wharl at 9 oVtik shan, each morning. LEWIS G. IIAAVEN. ller Astoria. Master RI&DLAR STEAM PACKET ''Daisy," and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Oluey. and Head of Yoiinas Piver. Daily, at x a. at., (except Wednesdays and JkCturning saiae day. rir Landings on Lewis & Clark's Itiver, On Wednesdays, at A. 31., Jreturaing same day. iWFor Freight or Passage, apply on board, or at Gray's Dock, w!-cre Freight will be re- ceiveit aim Moreu, it necessstry. J. If. D.GRAY Sieamer TQM MORRIS. ,: . ' .gL and ZTaveritc Boat TS NOW READY FOR RUSINESS AND J. cau be cliartcrea tor excursions, special 'turtles, etc., at reasonuble rates. A seaonil McamDoatiiii' ohsiiipss ini:ifu. V.ROELUNC, Master. Chenaraus Street Assessment NOTICE is hereby eiven that the assessment made by Ordinaucc No. .;, of the City of Astoria, Clatsop Count' Oregon, and vhieh ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 22d day of August, 18X1, and was ap nroved on the '23d day of Aiuiust, 1S8;: for the proposed rcimir of Chcnamus strecr, in iiil jiiy oi vsuiria. us tain out and recorded by John 3IcC!urc, from 3Iain street to Jackson street in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 528 of the City ol Astoria and wiuen ontin ance passed the Common Council of said city on the 14th day of July, ISS;;, and was approved on the 16th day of July, 1.S&", on each of the following de scribed lots fronting on said portion ot said street is now payable at the oflice of the City Treasurer in U.S. gold and silver coin and unless paid within five days from the expiration of this notice, viz: Thursday, September 13th, 1S83, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assess ment is as follows: ye.f Lot. y.f Block. A'arne of the Omter. Cmt. O Boeliii'? O JJoelins 0 Eoclint; J AV Gearhart II J J l'arker (Jeorge Hill 1 IJcrsman and A W Uerry I Uersman and A W Uerry C L Parker C h Parker JFBvbec .IFJIybcc O L Parker C Ij Parker J Kamni J Kamni George Davidson . . . George Davidson .lohii ilohson John Ilohson J W Munson .1 Wilnnson Mrs J E Fcr"uson . . Lillian Crosby United States United States United States United States C Li Parker F Derendcs George Flavel George Flavel $0100 fil 00 (51 CO 01 00 10 42 80 42 80 12 SO 42 SO 42 80 42 SO 42 80 42 80 12 i:; 42 80 42 SO 47 54 52 29 20 9 7i 4 88 9 9 21 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 42 80 (il 00 Gt 00 Gl CO Gl 00 24 CITY OF ASTORIA CROSSINGS. Crossing Chcnamus and Polk Streets S175 00 Crossing Chcnamus and Wash ington streets liu oo Crossing Chcnamus and Lafay ette Streets 175 oo By order of the Common Council. T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Or., August 25, 1SS0. dtd Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, tablish the grade of that "portion of Washington street in the City of Asto ria, as laid out and recorded by John McLlure, from the north side ot Sque mouna street to tho south side of 8th street, as follows: At its intersection with Sm?e- moque street, 26 feet At its intersection witii Jeffer son street 42 feet At its intersection with Astor street SO feet At its intersection with Court street 156 feet At its intersection with Sev enth street 182 feet At its intersection with Eighth street 189 feet above the base of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of said city, and unless a rcmoustrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion, of said street nicii wun uio JYimuor aim uieih. within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: ThursdayJb'eptember 20th. 1883, the Common Council will es tablish said grade. Py order of the Common Council. T. S. JEWETT. Auditor anil Clerk Astoria, August 25th, 1SSX Astoria Oil "Works. .1. H. DEFORCE, Proprietor. P. O. Rox Astoria, Oregon. Slsimfactxircr'aiid .Dealer iu FISH OIL and SKID GREASE Loggers will find my Skid Grease to he Koou anu cueap. TRANSPORTATION LUTES. Oregon Railway & Navigation CG3IFANY. O eyjLTS DIVISION. On and After April 1st, IS83, Ocean Steamers v.-ill sail from s.m f. Cisco aad Portland evcrv three davs. I-eavmg Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 -X0 A. 11.. and. lh nnrV Vnrtl at Midnight, Thronirli Tickets sold to all nrinotna cities in the United st.itro. rnmifi nnrf Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after July 22d, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. PasseiiKer Trains leave Portland for East ern iwlnts, at :30 A. M., daily. KIYEIt DtYISIO.V (3Iildlc Columbia); P.oats leave Tcrtland for Dalles at T -.OO A. M. also : Leave Port-! i land for MonlT.We. Thu. Frl. I Sat. Astoria and I I lower Co- I Jnmbia....lBAM A31 SAM GAM 6AM 6AM Darton, Or. ',7 AM, 7 AM 7 AM Salom t....J CAM.... ISAM Vietoria.UC!8AMiCAM fi AMI 6 AM P AM 6 AM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. daily ex cept Sunday. Astoria to Portland. FAST I.IXE. Steamer IVi do "West will leave Astoria for Portland. 1X 21. Returnine. leaves Portland for Astoria, .t.. ah.., unity, v euiiesuays excepieu. Pullman Palaca Cars rnrnlnc hnfwenn Pnrl. land, and Missoula. C. li. PREHCOTT, JOHN M UIR. Manager. Stip't ot Traffic A. L. STOKES, E. I. ROGERS, Assist. Sup't of Traffic. Gen'l Agent HwacG Sieani Navigation Ga.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lliuaco. Connecting by stages for ysteryille and Olympia. jZTK TJntil further notice the rhvaco jsai Steam Navigation Co.'s steamers "6ea. Miles,!J or Gen. Canby" Will leave Astoria Vn Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOB Ft.Stevens.. Fi. Canby and llwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tlie steamer will leave Astoria at o a. m., at formerly, not being conuned strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens , " Canby and llwaco., .EOCtS Si oo ESS'-H'.vaco freiirht, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, tarFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Renton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Oregon & California R.R Co On an after May 13, 1SS.1, trains will run as follows, DAILJl (Except Sundays), EASTSIDE DIVISIOn. Kctvrccii rORTLAXI nnrt LEXIALK 1TAIL THAIS LEAVE. ARRIVE. fortland :7:80 a. jr.lGlenilale 10:33 p. v. (Uenilalc 1:00 A. jr. I Portland 4:25 r. sr. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LKAVE. ARRIVE. Portlan.1 4:00 P. M.ILebnnon 9.2U P. M Lebanon. 4:43 A. M.Portland.10:05 A. ft! Tho Orocon and California Railroad Fom makos connection with all Regular Trains oo Kastsiuo Division. WEST31DK DIVISION. SSctivccn I'orllaiid anu Corvnllls MAIL TRAW LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:00 A. M.ICorvallis .4:30 P. M Corvallis. 8:30 A. M.JPortland 3:20 P. M EXPRESS TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:OOp.M.McMinnviUa..8:0Op.u McMinnvillo.5:43A.3r.Portland .. 8:30 a. it. Closo connections made at Glcndalo with tho Stasos of tho Oregon and California Stage Company." fiJ3Tickctsforsaloat all thonnncipai points in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storaco will bo charred on freight remain 3j? atCompanya Warehouse over 24 hours. Frcicht wUl not bo received for shipmont after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or West side Division. joiln muiu, aup't oi xramc. A. L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, llwaco. ITortli JJcach, Oysterville, Xortli Cove, Petersons JPoint, IIo qnium, Jlontesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Ilarbor. GEN. MILES, ES.l BY, f Strs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY GEN. GARFIELD MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day alter leaving Astoria through trip in GO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. lGeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the homes of customers for S4 a cord. Draying or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION,