HJftC SnilU SttfUijm ASTOKIA, OREGON: Tuesday . September li, 1ES3 Continued from 1st Page. and trade in a country which emererea out uiteen years irom a civil war whose sacrifices of able- bodied producers and of accumu iated wealth had never been equaled appalled its creditors by paying its debts.and impoverished its lenders by the reduction of in terest they submitted to, to es cape the payment of the principal. Just and well tried confidence in the character no less than in the ability of the sponsors for the ulti mate outcome of the outlay I mean of the eminent men who have conducted and are conduct ing the affairs of this company has formed the controlling, the unfailing, the indispensable ele ment in that laitti among men which has supplied the means for this completed structure. To j'ou, Mr. Villard, and to you, Governor J Smith, to you, Mr. Billings, and all the other presidents, present or absent; to you, and all others who have felt your arms lean on them for support, this day crowns your labors, and we, -our fellow citi zens, and these forcigfii quests, ap plaud your triumph. I cannot sta' your train to un fold the manifold qualities in tho management of this enterprise, which deserves illustration, but I may insist for a moment upon a few principal traits. I cannot discover that there has ever been engrafted upon this enterprise any construction oompairy to suck the prosperity that belongs to the or- 1 .1. t J ..A- . :, - . 1 u.a.,., ui terest for money or of payment for J m 1 labor or materials for want of money, have imposed upon the enterprise burdens disproportion- nit: tu iiiu vaiuud which lis uc- benturcs or its stock fairly renre- . t j. e i J bcnu j uo no, unu any jus. -i r. ... :.. . i:.: i jruuuiu. W,...n...L ... 1''" 11 1 nues with subsidies wmch, for the . ' 1 ' . - or uiccbsivc, j.ur l.uiu inu ul'itiii ning to the end the enterprise has not received a uonar irom the public funds. I find no fair ground for cavil at the land grants of the government along the zouto, as improvident or showing no ad equate return or value either to the treasury or to expectant set tiers on the public domain. Even li we looK at the government m the mere light ol a private pro prietor, who will not himself incur the expenses and the risks of opening communication between his unpeopled wilderness and the laud seeking population, we find the government without a dollar of outlay, made more than whole for the lands it has parted with by the enhanced selling value of its whole domain. But when we con sider that the future settlers on the company's lands, as well as in the reserved public lands.forever contribute to the taxpaying wealth of the people, and the strength and power of the nation, we see that there is no sensible analogy be tween the interest of a private person in the ownership of land, and that of the government as an administrator, for the general wel fare of the public domain. And finally, the settlers who will follow vour track, and at once find their frugal means and farm products at no disadvantage from distance or isolation from market; but on a level with all the world, will easily understand that but for the wise liberality of the government in the matter of railroad communication. either the lands would have re : i : - .1. 1 waiiicu ..mucu-.u.u tu agi.uuitu.oi settlers, or would not have been wortn tneir acceptance, as a gur, with a bounty besides The Northern Pacific railroad thus completed has, Mr. Presi- dent, through vour seasona ble and successful connection of its system t,n . . n 1 1 j i f 11 with the well developed and fully nnoputinrp cnl,nm f , f- ..uiiiu ui ji cguu ijauway ana JNavigation system, This meeting Is called for the purpose of hv thp firm tips nf ict;n on,i ; approvingaud accepting tho school build oy me nrm ties ol justice and in- inj now in process of erection on block 74. cissitudes and disasters to which, inu, with less prudence and less good fortune if. mirrht. Itnvn lnnn . . ... . posea. it is not, men, merely continuous track that TOU have just established, but also, upon the united and imprest- naoie cuain oi travel anu iramc between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, that your company looks coasts, that your company looks with satisfaction and your guests 'tion and vour miesta offer the"lr conrratulations. iur. rresment and gentlemen, the magnitude and rapidity of tho recent strides of our country's pro gress in material development, dwarf and belittle the steps in our advancement which we used to consider with complacency and admiration. Less than forty years ago, as lately as the year 1847, in the little state of New Hampshire, the energj' of its people, allied with the wealth of Boston, had pushed their northern railroad over the narrow ridges of high- Lands whlch diyi(e th(J narrow bottom lands of the Merrimac from the wider valle' of the Connecti cut. The opening of this section of the road, from Franklin to Graf ton, was an occasion of great exul tation, and a distinguished com pany of the solid men of Boston had come up from that city, in a forenoon, to meet the gathered citizens of New Hampshire in a grand celebration. The roid tra versed the farm of Mr. "Webster, and he took part in the pride and pomp of the occasion. Magnify ing, as an orator should, the greatness of this triumph over the obstacles which nature had inter , , t; d y , J and portraying the advantages which were to flow from it, with out the least sense of hyperbole, he exclaims, "Fellow citizens, can we without wonder consider where we are and what has brought us here?" How vast all the dimen sions and proportions of the com pleted enterprise we now applaud, seen by the side of the achieve ment which the great orator and statesman of our countrv thus nrniullv commemorated, to these ' o 1 wondcr. This last achievement of ii- , the intelligence ana energy ol our i i- tu . fV. of mountains which divides the ( continent between the . . e i i Tj. two great oceans of the world. It , , . , J dest;nies o a great pe0ple, who lock from the Tviirlr oT tlipir nnmf ntinn the horses ot the sun as thev rise t t f(i from the stormy waves of the At lantic, and ag:un when ther quench their fire in the smooth waters of the Pacific. It forms one more portage for the water-borne com merce which plies between Europe and Asia. It brings new fields of tillage adequate to feed tens of millions, under whose healthful and happy toil their seed time and harvest shall never fail, and tens of millions more, less fortunate, who crowd the worksops and the fac tories, the cities and the mines of Europe and America in this age of industry. Tt will help to assu age inequalities of nature and dis parities of fortune among our people and to spread peace, plenty and prosperity to other nations. Nor docs it lessen our gratitude and gratulations that this is not the first, and that it will not be the last, that this wide land of ours witnesses on the same great scale of effort and benefi cence. As our flying footsteps leave these heights of moral and natural vision, 1 am sure this company will feel this occasion was not un worthy of assemblago whiqh the secretary of the interior honors Avith his attendance, and tho illus trious soldier, after following his own fame around the world 'finds attractive in its interests; to which the ministers of the powers o Europe lend the favor of thei countenance, and which collects so many eminent men of our own countrv and of the old world to assist in this international celebra tion. 3IARRIKD. In Astoria, SepL 11th, by Jtcv. J. V. liuigaii, .urs. a. itappies-ea to jonn NEW TO-DAY. Special School Meeting Distric No. 1 , Clatsop County, Oregon. NOTICE IS nEBEBY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District No. 1, ol Clatsop County, Oregon, that a special meeting forsaid district will he held at the I OIU SCUOOl JIUUbC OH UIOCK Ol JUUl.UrC 3 I Astoria, beginning at tne nonr 01 z r. si. on of John JlcCIure's Astoria, Oregon, and of takinir into consideration and determining tne propriety of auUiorlzing the Directp rs to COinpieto the same In part or in full this according to tho jdans and designs For tho further mirnose of authorizing the I Tlrpf nr in tipml laf a Innn nf fl sum or i ---t, ------- sunisoi jnoney on notes, or oonus 01 mo hulldlng to the present time, and the cost of I Done by order of tlfe Directors, vthfs lot J.O.B0ZORT1I Picked Up. O'JJJSPL- ?2J. wine, boots.' tobacco, etc.' Par- ticutarscfi G. W. BTONJS. NEW TO-DAY th, MEECHANT TAILOB. No. 4. First St.. rortlantl. Oregon. Clothing made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Picked Up. rVF CLATSOP SV1T : J 1 Fringe knlttius: machine. 6 cans lanl. 2 boxes (. 1 l)or lions, 3 doors. 2 coffeo rams, 1 uwx drugs, nail oox outers, pari raso ovsters, part case navoring syrup, all-in a damaged condition, which owners can have uy applying at Kinney's docK, proving prop ertv and paving charges. A.McKEXZlK. and otheis. U -St OCCIDENTAL HALL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Sept. 13th. and 14th. AnnoniicBineut Extraordinary ! From the Occident to the Orient. Grand Tour ot the Eminent Comedian, Mr. eorge Holland Supported by .!. P. HOWES Bush Street Theatre Company, Direct from the most Brilliant Season at the Ruh Street Theatre, San lranclsen. The Contrdies will be Illustrated bv the fol low! ns well known, anil Favorite Artists. Eiich one of whom has achieved succe and reputation of the highest order in San Fran cisco. MISS CONSTANCE MURIELLE, MISS CASSANDRA BONNER. MISS KATE CI.KVF.LAND, MISS 11ESSIE LEE, MISS .TESSIE BROWN. 31R. V. n. BUCKINGHAM, MB. W.C. DEAL, Mil. T. J. Ml Bit AY. MB. JOHN RYAN. AND MB. GEORGE HOLLAND. TI!UItS2AY, XIGIIT, SEPT. I.'Jtli. Tom Taylor's Funniest Comedy OM AMERICAN COM, The Success of the worltl, in which Mr GEORGE HOLLAND will ulay NO LIVING EQUAL. Cliause of Bill Xfshtly. VATIPP VAlimllirtniwIfnrt IliA onnMiinno expense of thl iL- nmntmninnt l'rirA Will IP the same as uuaL Itesen-cd Seats may be secured without cxtm chaise at Strauss' Cuw ork Poverty btoi-c. TUTTJS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From theso sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Xoss of Appetite. Bowels coctlvc, Sick Headache, fullness after eat- iiip, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Ernctatlon of food,IrrItAbIl Itsrof temper, Xowsplrits,Afccling ofhaTlnneglectedBomcdntyDiz- ztness,i:iattermattnciicart,iJots before the eves. Jiichlv colored TJrIue,COXSTlPATIOAanddemand the osc of arcmcdy Uiat nets directly on theLlver.AsaLlvcrmcdlclneTTJTT'S have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; rcmovinc all impurities thronKh theso thrco " scavengers of the jiystm," prouucuiR appeuic, sounu uipcsiion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orousbodv. TDTT'.S lII.r.S cause no nausea, or griping nor interfere Tritii tiany worK anu arc aperrecc ANTIDOTE TO MA LAP I A. Soldererrwljerc25a. Ottiee41ilurravSt.Ny. TUTFS HAIR DYE. GnATllAia onWmsKKns chanced in stantly to a Glossv JIlach by a singlo application oi uns i jvk. &oiu oy Airuc (9Sts,orscntbyexprcs3onrcceiptofSl Ottlcc, 41 Jlurrav street, New York. Assessor's Notice. TVTOTICE IS IIERKIJY C1VF.:; TIIATTHE Vs time for the completion of the assess- mont roll of Clatsoii county for 1SS3. has been extended to the l:;st Mondav. the 'Jlth day of September. 1SS3: and at that time cnifl rnll M ill lu. cnim.li.tn.l in.) li. lin liun.lu oi me uoara oi r.quaii7iiuoii. at me court uouse lusiuu county wnen ail persoas liner- estca are remurcu toaniiearanit maue on- jections to such assessment and roll if any inev nave. W. W. PAUKElt. County Assessor ClatsonjCo .Osn. jvsioria, ooju. i, isnj. , uiu Notice. To p WIIO.M IT 3IAY CONCEItN. ALL nersous nickinir tin canro iettisoned from stcainshin "Oiipcn of the Pad He." are hereby notified to deliver same at O. R. & N. Go.'s Hiain street dock, file their claims inr salvage anu taue receipts lor goous ue - ami i;ihe receipu lor guous nc- 'crsons picking up this property i and are hereby warned that they iseeiited If above is not complied E.A.NOYKS. are Known an will be prosec with. tf Aeen: Oregon ltailwav &Nav. Co. HiCked Up. FROM T1IR CARGO 01' THE QUEEN OF the Pacific: as plow beams, l barrel of oil, 1 box of cod- nsn ; also some united Mates property found at the same time. Owners will please call at Ribson's s:iloon. onnositi tlin Astnrt.i Iron S'nllv0 1)roicrt' ,a-v C,,ar'es aU(l takeitmwij. c. SIVERTSEN. Picked Un. IIE FOLLOWING NAMED GOODS fere nicked mi from Hie wrMk nf llii Queen of the Pacific : l Parlor table, l barrel of spirits. 5 chairs, i7f ill eW1 " irror' r 0Z1IS",S. butcher knives. 2 cases of lanterns. 1 case of oil. a lot of tov wairons. The owners can liave the above named goods by proving propeny aim paying cuarges. S-3t S.M.COFFINBORY. Notice to Taxpayers of School District No. 1 8. T IIE SCHOOL TAX FOR SCHOOL Dis trict No. 18. Clatsop county, state of Or egon, is now due, and the School Clerk will ne lounu at ins oiiice on west Cth street. thTsa'Se1151"61, l ,1CCelVe a"d reCe,1,t fr Taxes unpaid after sixty days from the date of this notice will be dellmiueut. Save extra cost and pay vour tax. C. W. SHIVELY. Clerk School District No. 18. Astoria. Sept. 5, 1 653. septG-lm NOTICE. TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN. ANY PARTIES WHO nAVE PICKED up cargo jettisoned from steamship gueen ot tne racmc. are nereoy notinru to deliver the same to E. A Noyes. at O. It. & N. Co.. Uiking his receipt for all Roods de- livered to him. Parties refusing or neglect- ing to make such delivery or to notify the undersismed of the goods In their possession will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. t GEO.FLAVEL. JIUCUl iJUjUU VI UUUCl MUCIS. EMPIRE RE-OPENINC oods Reduce ft Ladies desirous of procuring Goods line quale d in Style and Pinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATDTS and DRESS GOODS. HJ THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best. Jordan Have a Full Water Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given th.it the as the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, f )r- ei;oii,aiiu v. men oruinauee jiuml-u imr WUI.l 1IIW 1 1 VUUIIUll UL S.IIU Utl 1HL OU U IY UL AIIUIUU lOOtl. UIIU U13 .1 r proven 011 liiu i.it uu) ul oi:jiciiiuui 1R83. for the proposed improvement of Water street, in the City of Astoria, as laid out ami recorded bv John M. Shivcly, from llic West side of West (itii street to the West end ot saut water street in the manner provided by ordi nance Xo. 554. of the City of Astoria, and which ordinance passed the Com mon Council on the 2-ltn day ot .linj, 18&t, and was approved on the 2oth day : of Julv, 1SS5, on each of the following deserihed lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payauie ac ine oi- fiee. of the Citv Treasurer m L.t. sold and silver coin, and unless paid within five days from the expiration of this no tice, viz: Friday, September 21, iSSS, the Common Council will issue war rants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows: 5 s-?i? Name of Owner eLot. James Taylor W V l'arkcr A C Kinney 78 2S IE', 48 71 2S MrsS P Wood 1IIJ Parker and W W Parker 1114 00 James W Welch and 1)11 Weleli James W Welch and! I) 11 Welch r.ooo :s 2i) 211 00 2U 00 211 00 .1 W White J W White J W White J W White Orejicn ltailwav & nanv 20 00 : tt) Oregon Jlailway & rtavigatiou Loin nany' .7) Orcson Railway it : oo Navigation Ccm nany ."41 Oregon llaihvay & 20 00 Navigation Lom nany Oregon Jtaihvay & Navigation Coiu- 20 00 igation panv ;V C Kinney IS 70 i x i;"" I Jvinney 107 00 James Tavlor Jj KO Smith (j 00 113 01 n::oi 113 91 Mrs L Ward Mrs SF Wood James WWcich.Mrs 5 WOOII..I01I11 w Welch, D II Welch and 3Irs M 1 Her- ren W Y Tarker and 113 01 -50 00 fieorge V Parker. 1W J W White .71 no 74 (ai 71 ( 74 oy J r White . 1 j y White .... j WllltO t -w AVhWo A " " ,,5V '. V Oregon Iiaila & Navigation Com- pany i: 74 ( uregon Jtauwny & Navifratinn (am- pany. 71 C9 0 vSCws1 " Navigation Com pany 1 (li) uregon itauway A: Navigation Conv I no,... Ofegoiriiaifwav"& Navigation Com- 74 GO pany Oregon liaihvav & 74 Navigation Com- pany. 71 CD CIT OK ASTORIA. Crossing of Water and West Olli Streets S 10 00 Streets 230 00 By order of the Common Council, T.S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, September -1th, 18S3. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer iu Cigars and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, i jajinsiarus, cutlery, wa tlonery. r.tc SCIIAuKaAIG In tVS ii,Eal5S& attention paid to orders from The largest and finest stock of MEER- TltPO.'RRAr'irF.li Mnnnpnr Chenaraas Street, A6toria. Oregon. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO. REAL ESTATE JU blk C5 : this property is improved. Also lot 4, in blk It; also business lots on the roadway and ulney street. AVe also have very cheap lots In good lo cation, suitable for residences. We have lots and blocks In Adair's Asto ria, splendid location. And in Alderbrook in loi; f nr sxn eacli. Three hundred feet of river front for sale at S32Jx) ner front f oof Fanns for sale near the city from S1.500 to I 93,VW. urecscerf yiassware, Platedware Cutlery. Stc, Stca Corner Cta ai (tame Sis., ST nce Line of Drugs and Chemicals J. E. TE mu AND fP Pharmacist. vAST0RIA.O Prescriptions carefully compounded I)y or Nisht. ASIC FOR Union India Eiibber Co's Pure Para Cum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. r.KWAKC OP imitations! Re sure the Roots are stamiied CUACK PliOOF on the heels, and have the PUiiE hum spiiiAUS on tne loot ami msten. wiucii prevent tnetr enicKtU: or ureaKing. e are now maKiug mem witu ituvutiL AXl) ASUESTOS soles wltieli will mK them last more than twice as long as any imuuer noois niHtie. FOR SALE RY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RURBKR RELT1NG. PACK ING, HOSK.SrRlNGS. CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES. Etc GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. lC.il. PEASE. .lr. I Agents. S. M. RUN YON, j San Francisco, ANNOUNOEMEN T (Successor to ilrs. E. S. Warren.) Fashionable Dressmaker AND HHTXXiirraR. Dealer in Millinery and Fancy (!ooK Souemo4iua street, next door to Odd Fellow icinpie. HOUSE, SIGN, AND CARRIAG PAINTING. Paper Hanging. Kalsomining, Etc And all kinds of work In my line done in prompt and satisfactory manner. S?"Shop next east of Grace Church. . REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS headnuartcrs at its Stable next to R. R. Franklin s. two doors below Tub Asto i:r ax office. Eirst-class Livery' service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per nour. uarriages on application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will icave ior upper Gloria irom ine staoies. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'RRIEN. A Daacto Moo "Will be open every AT PYTHIAN CASTLE HALI A. F. IjAEF, Teacher. Rrass and String Rand Music furnished for Excursions, Parades and Parties. Lessons given on the Violin. Apply at tne Kurnttura store ot liD. u. tui:n& csuu, FOB, SALE. W OFFER FOR SALE MY ROAT FACTO JL ry and Mill, with all the machinery, toois, eic Parties intending to buy can get full In lormauon in rogani 10 terms ny appuc:i lion to Y.'M.IIOWK- Picked Up. fXFE CLATSOP SPIT, 0 KEGS REER. w box Glass, 2 bbis Ale, 4 pkgs plow beams and Handles, whlcli owners can have by apinj uig ai jvmney a hock, proving property an u paying charges. 8-3t ANDREW SOHURING. BASK Le Fresh. Fruits FANCY GEO0EEIES. x We have to-day finished opening aiul putting in order the Eought in San Francisco by B. F. STEVENS. C. I JIOFF1T will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable-salesman is all that need be said. You Villi Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. 3. F. STEVENS & CO. TER apply t tlu- Captain, or to HE NEW MODEL XL rUI.1. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Two doors east of Occident Hotel, (SFCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended io Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CilEAASirs STRERT, Xext to C li. Parker's Store. CHAS. HE1LBORN, MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AKD DEALEK IN Carpets, Oil Oloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings vmxpovr cornices and curtain poles Complete In every branch. J. OCSTAF30N. IS1 ARTIN OLSEN 8c CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE SS BEDDING-. Corner illatii ami S5aemoqua StrectM. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ; ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AX.T. OP JTIJIHSITITKE ISEIAIREI XXD TAIMflSHED. GHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & GO. HEAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Ofllce on Genevieve street, in the rear of E, R. Hawes' building. A General Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CL0UTRIE. All manner of Repairing, etc., attended to. Shop In Page's ne v.-building on Cass street. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened In the Odd Fellows Ruild Ing : Entrance on Cass street. Ice Cream, Ice, Etc. PAEKEE. Vegetables TORE. STEAIWEK nr s 3 D tliAUil li Eric Johnson, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR E. P. PARKE it. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PlEASED. E. R. IIAWES is also agent for the Ml latent CiMBf SOne And otlier first-class stoves. Furoaco "Workt Steam Fit tlngs. etc.. a specialty ASTORIA, OREGON. DEALER IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent3 for Mageo Stoves and Eanges The Rest in the market. Pmmblug goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. SS BEDDING A. JOIIN30X. Leinenweber & Co., C. LETXEN WEBER. IT. BROWK ESTABUSHED 1S5. ASTOKIA, OREGON, TAMEBS AM CDBBEKS, Manufacturers and Importers ol ALL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS IWholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. carllighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER.