Y ol. xix. Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 7, 1883 $To. 136. VOLCANIC DISTURBANCES. Great Loss of Life and Property in the East Indies. A cable special from London says: Further particulars of the great volcanic eruption in Java, which have just reached London from Batavia, show that the dis aster was even more widespread and more disastrous than reported in yesterday's advices. At noon to-day the eruptions and shocks were supposed to have reached their height, but late in the after noon and '-cnin the violence of the disturbances suddenly in creased and the island seemed to be about to be completely buried in fire and sulphurous 3shes. At the same time enormous waves be gan to dash with great force upon the shores, coming in some places far up into the interior. Great chasms opened in the earth and threatened to ingulf a large proportion of the people and buildings. About midnight the most fright ful scene of all took place. Sud denly an enormous luminous oloud formed over the Kandang range of mountains, which skirt the southeast side of the island. This cloud gradually increased in size until it formed a canopy of lurid red and whitish gray over a wide extent of territory. During this time the eruptions increased and streams of lava poured inces santly down the sides of the moun tains into the valleys, sweeping everything before them. Here and there a stream of lava would enter an arm of the sea or come in contact with the water of a river. Then the incandescent lava would suddenly produce a boiling heat and vapor would arise, but the superficial consolidation that al most instantly ensued would pre vent any further contact with the water. The fissures that opened in this thin crust as it solidified on the stream of lava emitted torrents of vapor, extending high in the air and makiug a tremendous seeth ing sound, as if a thousand loco motives were simultaneous let ting off steam. Here and there in the lava streams were innumerable thin plate crystals of feldspar, arranged in trains one behind another in the direction of the flow of the cur rent, and felspathic 'spheroliles were rapidly formed in the vitre ous matters resembling those which form in the slag of glass furnaces. One of the most singular freaks of the eruption was the carrying in the midst of molten lava of a bed of solid ice of enormous size, which had been emitted from one of the craters. It was carried along by the current and landed on the extremity of Point St. Nicholas at the northeast corner of the island. This bed of ice was surrounded by a thick envelope of sand and scoria;, which are non conductors of heat. It is sup posed that this ice had formed the crust of some subterranean lake. About 2 o'clock on Monday morning the great cloud suddenty broke into small sections and quickly vanished. At the same time frightful rumblings were heard and the columns of fire and smoke over the southeast corner of the island ceased to ascend, while the craters in the other parts of Java seemed to open their fiery throats still wider to let out the greatest quantity of lava, rocks, pumice and ashes 3'et vomited forth. The hissing of the sea be came so loud as to be almost deaf ening and the waves dashed upon the shore to an unprecedented height. When daylight came it was seen that an enormous tract of land had disappeared extending from Point Capucin on the south to Negery Pafszeranong the north and west. This was a low point covering an extent of territory about fifty miles square. In this were situ ated the villages of Negery and Negery Babawang. None of the people inhabiting these places or of-the nations scattered sparsely through the forests and on the plains escaped death. This sec tion of the island was not so densely populated as other por tions and the loss of life was com paratively small, although it must have aggregated fully 15,000 souls. The entire Kandang range of mountains extending along the cast in a semi-circle for about sixty-five miles, disappeared from sight. The craters of Welcome bay, the Sunda straits and Pepper bay on each side, and the Indian ocean at the south, then rushed in and formed an area of turbu lent waters. Here and there peaks of craters were exposed for a moment by the receding of the great wave, and occasionally a puff of brownish gray smoke or a light shower of rocks showed that the volcanoes still continued in ac tive eruption. The debris of the submerged and destroyed build ings was tossed hither and thither on the water, the only sign left that there had been inhabited land there. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. The latest advices from Batavia, the capital of Java, show that the volcanic eruption on that island are much more serious than at first indicated. Much of ;he northern portion of the island was covered with forests, which were soon in one great blaze. The red hot vomitings from the craters had set the trees on fire and the giants of the woods fell one after another like so many sheaves of wheat be fore a gale. As the eruptions in creased in frequency and violence the disturbance of the waters sur rounding the barren coast became more and more violent. Here the waves rushed in terrific force up the steep, rocky incline, breaking upon the overhanging crags and receding rapidly, leaving a lava flow cooled at the moment when it was about to fall over a precipice and there remaining, quickly hard ened by contact with the water and forming a distinct strata of black and bright purple and brown, all thrown about in the most eccentric manner, while huge peaks of basalt rose at fre quent intervals. Three waves came whelming over a marshy plain along the shore, suddenly in gulfing a hamlet of fishermen's rude houses and turning back swept away almost every vistage of the whole hamlet. A second before it had been a bustling vil lage. The surrounding country which but a few hours before was covered with flourishing planta tions of coffee, rice, sugar, indigo or tobacco, the staples of the land, were now but mud, stones and lava, a field of destruction and ruin. Not a single crop in Java will be saved. At the entrance of Batavia was a largo group of houses, extending along the shore and occupied by Chinamen. This part of the city was entirely swept away and of the 25,000 Chinese who lived in this swampy plain it is hardly probable that more than 5,000 managed to save their lives. They stuck to their homes until the waves came that washed them away, fearing the torrents of flame and lava of the interior more than the flood of water. Of 3,500 Europeans and Ameri cans in Batavia, perhaps 800 have perished. It is impossible to make any estimate of the great pecuniar' loss. Anjer, the Euro pean and American quarter, was first overwhelmed by rocks, mud and lava from the crater and then the water came up and swallowed the ruins, leaving nothing to mark the site and causing the loss of somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 lives of the inhabitants and those who had tried to find a refuge there. Bantam, oncn a prosperous native city, but practi cally abandoned by Europeans man' years ago, was entirely covered by water, and there must have been from 1,200 to 1;50U people drowned there. The island of Zerant, just off the coast, was completely inundated and not a suol remained on it to tell the tale of the disaster and death. At Cherebin there was no great flood of water, but the loss of life and DroDertv bv the fallincr of rocks and flow of lava must "have been considerable. Buetenzorg, Gor. Lakerta. Sourakerta and Sourabaya, while the meager re ports from the lesser towns indi cate that their loss was as great in proportion. The '-Thousand Tem ples" at Brambanan were very much damaged and some of them destroyed. Some of the domes of the noted temple of Borobodo were crushed in by the huge fall ing rocks. While there can be no accurate estimate formed at present of the loss of life, it must be apparent when it is considered that the island has a population of 18,000, 000, that the death list will foot far up into the thousauds. At last advices the eruptions were continuing, although their violence had abated somewhat, and it is feared that the end of the disaster will show it to have been one of the most frightful ever known in the history of the island. Another dispatch from Batavia, .lava, says tho towns of Anjer, Tj-rengenc and Flokeblons were destroyed by volcanic eruptions. All the lighthouses in the straits of Sunda have disappeared, and where the mountain Kramatano formerly stood the sea now flows. The aspect of the Sunda straits is much changed and navigation is dangerous. &J5J Absolutely Pure. ThI.'; powder never varies. A marvel o purity, .strength aud vhjlvoineness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in comnctition with the iiihI- litudo of low test short weight, alum or puospuaie iomiers. soiaomutn earn, itov- AL RAKING; POWDKIl Co.. JOG Wall-SL N. V. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." It is a blood-nurifler and tonic Impurity of the blood poisons thesvs tcm, deranges the circulation, aud thus in duces mauv disorders, known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of mat great generic uisoraer, impurity 01 Itlootl. Such are Drnvemla. UllliousneM. Liver Camylalnt, Constipation . Xcrani Dis order. Headache, Backache, General Weak ness. Heart Disease, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Pile. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Dlsonlcrs, Pimple.. Ulcers. Siccllinas, lc. dr. Kiiic of the Blood prevents and cures these by attacking the eatve. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and nhrsicians acree in calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation ior me purpose." bom oy Drug' cists. 81 per bottle. See testimonials. dlree lions, &c, in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases 01 ine moon." wrapped around eacn ootuc. I). RANSOM. SON & Co.. rroi isuuaio, ;s. i NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are HEREBY CAUTIONED Not to Trespass upon the follow ing described property, to wit: The NW 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 8 N., R. 8 W., Clatsop County, Oregon. The said property being the property of the undersigned. JOHN liOGEKS. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, ASTD PLANING- MILL. A full stock of home manufactured Roods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA. ... - Oregon County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IX THE COUNTY. Trp.nnirv tn mv ill fmmtv nnliM nm. sented nrior tn Ofinlior inii icao ah itts orders will cease to draw interes't after this unie. CILVS. HEILBORN. . . , . . Trcas. Clatsop County, Astoria, August 20th, issx LRMAN REMEu Ta RHEUMATISM 3 Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scaids, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prtp&r&Mon on earth equal i St. Jacoes Oil u tafe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedjr. A trial entails but the conporatlTelj trifling outlay of GO Cent, and every ono inher ing with pain can bare cheap and pcdtiTe proof of iUd&imi. Directions in Eleven Langnage. S0LDBYALLI)BUGGI8TaAlDDEJLLEE3 IN MEDI0IHE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, ZOCU, V. S. JL. It is reported that tho Egyp tians are indifferent to death if it comes on them m the shape of cholera. The natives take no sanitary .precautious at all, except when they are compelled. They would crowd like flies round the body of one of their own saints or holy men without the slightest dread .of infection. They wear the clothes left, bv relations whom, the maladY.has just carried off, showing even more courage than the merchants who are so anxious to brinsr Jiirvutian raus into this country. They still de vour the flesh of animals which have perished by a natural death, and what they cannot eat they throw into the canals, of which they then drink tho water. When plague was more deadly in Cairo than cholera is to-day Mr. Kimj- lake found almost as irreat indif ference. The ladies mado it a kind of joke to touch t in; Euro pean in passing, by way of fright ening him into the belief that he had the plague. But the festi vals of Islam went on just as usual, and the surviving children plaTed with the Oriental merry go rounds till the plague, in re sponse to the prayers of the faith ful, "went to another city." Lon don JVeiw. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Pain in the right side, under wipe ot ribs, increasing on pressure; Mmetiinrs tho pain is on the left side; the patient is rarely ablo to lie on the left aide; .some times the pain is felt under the shoui.icr and is sometimes taken for RheuuiHUm in the arm. The stomach is affected witli loss of appetite and sickness; the 1kwpIs in general are costive, sometimes alter nating with laxity; the head Is trochkt! with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There lst;ener ally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied witli a painful sensation of having left undona something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes attendant. The patient com plains of weariness and debility; he in easily startled ; his feet are cold or burn ing, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of tho skin; his spirits arc low, aud. although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet ho can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. If yon have any of the above symptoms, you can certainly bo cured by the use of the genuine 1311. C. McLAXCS MVEK FILLS. When you buj' SIcLanc'n Pills, insist on having Dlt. C. SIcLAXE'S CELK IHtATKl) LIVEU PILLS, made by riexn injr llros., Pittsburgh, Pa. If you can not get tho genuine IK. C. 3IcLANE'S HVKIt PILLS, send us as cents by mall, and we will send them to you. FLEMING BROS.. Pittsburgh, Ta. J. HESS. A. 3f. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTUKERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, And evervthinpr else pertaining to our Business. LowestPrice and Best Work For your roney, At the Old Stand, Leave your orders and get your work done at once. J. H ESS CO. Astoria, ... Oregon. 1 ( I ELS AND RESTATJKANTS. PARK EE. HOUSE, II. B. PARK Kit. Prop., ASTURTA. - - - OREGON. E. P. PARKER, - Manager and Agent. Al. CROSBY. - - Day Cleric Phil. ROWERS, - - Night Clerk. Ja-s. DUFFY has the Bar and Billiard room. Pirst Class in all Respects, FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A PACT -T1HT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE OX Concomly Street is the Best in Town. ' THAT lie Iium Al-auj s on IInul FRESH Shoal Water Bay ami East ern Oysters. THAT- " JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. -THAT lie ha born Proprietor of the "Ant-era Hotel" In Knnpploa evcn years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 3Iesls ." centH and upwards. G. BOUIiAKD, - - Proprietor. JIAI.V STUEKT. - - - - - ASTORIA. SC. X IS t. DRALKR nr Hay, Oats, Straw. Urns, Brick, Cement and Sand Wooil Delivered to Order, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALKR IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIJtST CSjAKH I. W. CASE, IM-."RTKK AND '' HOLES ALB AND KG TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE 'oruir Olienanms and Cass streets. AST'UHA ... - OREGON NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY Are Now Ready For Business. im-Ofllce with Kozorth & Johns. E.A. NOYES, Apt. NOTICE. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, WESTERN DIVISIONS, Oregon Ilailway & Navigation Co. Oregon & California Iiallroad Co. 9t On ScptvmbcrlOtli and lllli. Account completion of the Northern Pa cittc K. K, Hound Trip Tickets have been placed on sale at all ticket stations at 40 per cent, re duction. Tickets good from Sept. 8th to 13th, both days inclusive. JOHXXUIR E-P.ROGKnS A. L STOKES Suptof Trafic. Gea'lAg't. At!npt Traffic JL9 'Wo jlIIgiIj Wholesale and retail dealer In MILL FEED. Glass and Piated Ware, TllOi'lCAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with r- rssJSv 3 cnS. Ti - HXii f 1 2 J g H ? WiResjLiquorsJobaccoXigars WILLIAM HOWE DEALER IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER, J GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. 1 Boats of all Kinds Mads to Order, j "Orders from a distance promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AUD STEAMBOAT WOKE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BektoiT Street, Nkar Pabkkr IIocsk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMD ai3 IABM ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotlce. A. D. Vfxss. President. J. G. Hostler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.Suporlntendent. LOEB & GO, JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE 8est San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. tSfAM goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oreou. BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND COM AND LEAD LINES, Fish. PoHnds, Seines, and Xets Imported to Order. A Larfie StoGtof IfBttinn:, FMLines AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. J5F"Agents for the Pacific Coast. FOARD & STOEES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In Hume's New Building, And are Eeady to Supply the "Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. j 1 TURNING AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. BUSINESS CAEDS. Q "V. TLTO.V, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. V. AIjLKN, Astoria Agent HAburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. jg C. HOliDEX, iS'OTAKY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. ' JAY TUTTLE. 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND STJBGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. PythianBulld lng. Residfa'ck Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. QELO y. IMJiKJKIC SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Conn ty, and. City of Astoria Office :-Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. J! I HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - OREGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, comer f Cass and Sqemocqhestret . J Q.A.BOWBX; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clienamns treet, - - ASTORIA, OREGON J J. JOXES, STATU BUII.DEIX. Ship and Steamboat Joiner, jyU. J. E. littPOKCB, TEISTIST, Room it. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. k J. CUltTIS, ATT' IT AT LAW. Notary Public. Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter- Rooms 3 and 4, Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Orecon. X. R. Claims at Washlncton. D. C, and collections aspecialty. GEO. P. WIIEKLEIt. W. L. BOBB. WHEELER & KOBE. GENERAL REAL ESTATE, lf&URANCE, AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Real Estate bought nnd snlil on Commis sion. Accounts adjusted and Bills collected. Correspondence from abroad solicited. tSjOffipf in TTumo'Q now hn11iMnr nn 3ni1a moqua street, next door to Foard & Stotes. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. T AM AGENT FOR TEE FOLLOWING JL well known and commodious steamship lnes, STATE LINE, RED STAR, WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to LW.CASE. BOZORTH & JOHNS. Real Estaie and General Insurance Aqents. ASTORIA, Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN THE WEST ern. State Investment, Hamburg, Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers' Life and Accident of Hartford, and the New York Life. ofN.Y. We have tho only complete set of township maps In the county, and nave made arrange ments to receive applications, filings, and final proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions. Timber Lands, etc., having all the official blanks therefor. Our maps can be exam ined In the office, upon the payment of a rcaxonable fee. We also have for sale city property In As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. Rents, and other collections made, and loans negotiated. BOZORTH & JOHNS, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting DONE BY RUDDOCK & WHEELER. AT fair rates. Also a complete stock of goods In onr line. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Cass street. In rear of T O O F bnlldln?, noxt to Gas Co's offlce.