ASTORLY, OREGON: WEDNESDAY AUGUST i.jSS3 COMMERCEAHD TRADE. rOKT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS PROM SKA. Dovonby, Br bk Newcastle X S W August 2 VESSELS IN Til K RIVER. Chesebronsh. Am Fp Harry Morse. Am sp Imperial, Am sp Titan. Am HlcbUnd Lijrht, Am.sp '!orsioa. Awefa Reaper. Am sp Irxliane. A hi ap. GlenbetTie. Br be Western A sp lllr-a S Snnttixri). Arasn iVilnm. Itivcr Nitb. lir bp fJrasmere, Or bk Aberlemno. Brbk Grisdaln.IIrn Ked Cross. Am sp ' toe W in4ow.Ara bt KoxburcHbire. l!r 1k J!sdliu. Isrsp i:eo. Ilnvlpv. I5r J)U WictemAire. Ur 1 -1 St. Lncle. Am sp UhMca. llr Uk VESSELS OA riAT V. rrocj ForeirM PrtK. for ilte C'oltniilii.i illver Uargany, ISri AjiiilSS Clyde Blencfoll, Ur Fp May U 1om1h JUnffuliire. Hr bU April 4 l.ew4n lShutSD. l'.rp Liverpool May IS lbas. Cetesworth, Hr bk Liverpool City of Madrid, Ur spMarS Clyde City of Carlisle. Hr bk (inwooek Auk M Cairnsmore, llrsp London A prH 47 Hskdale. Hrbk Mr irixl . July 3 Fiery Cross, IJr sp Sidney Ulenporis, Ur bk April 25 Cardiff Cirran. Ur bk April 36 Lendaa Uarry Bailey. Ur bk Huervos Avres Inoliffrcen. Urttp 1WI Greeaeek, June Ironside, Ur blrUreenock May I Islo of Anzlebea, Ur bk May 5 l,ivtrtel Janet McNeil. Ur bk June 13 Glasgow Killocban, Hr sp Newcastle Kapunda, Ursp London April? Lake Hric, Ur sp London April 2tt Mallscatc, Urbk Liverpool May SI Nairnshire, Ur sp Glasgow Marsh R Oban Bay. Urbk Alar SI Glf:8r Uaktvorth, Ur sp Fob 26 Lend O boron. Ur bk Hull June 31 Obcron, Ursp London June W Portland Lloyds, Am sp Montevideo May SJ Rareiihtonedale, Ur bk Adelaide. )HHe? Star of Urin, Ur sp GlasKOW June IS Spirit of the Dawn, Ur bk M ay 2 London Scottish Tar, Ur bk Liverpool, March 1 1 Shonir. Ur bk Newcastle March 21 From American Port. Merom, Am sp A Y Aucut 1" Mt Washington, Am sp New York April IS M W Watts, Am bk New ork May 12 Sea KiiiR, Am sp X Y .July i Sovereign of the Seas, Am sp Sew Yrk June ' Tillie K Starbaek, Am PpN Y .kncU TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables ol United States Coma tfctrrey High tt'ator. Low Waia Date. A. II. A. M. 23... 21.... -1 11. r, so. - 4 031 10 05.. . , 5 00! in 51...., . 0 01 0 2..... . 7 18 1 . S 1.J 2 -12 ... .. ! 211 3 .10 2SI . 4 ...... .11 17( . S 48 . 0 .... ft SI . 1 07 7 01 .u i ill 4 . or .2 07 . S It) . 4 ai . r.Xi - rt2 .714 23 0 32 20 7 48...... 27. (i 00 28 10 OS , 2(5 11 10...... J!0 0 tf) 81 - - 1 0 03...... Coitiicliia SXivttv Esrportf. 81111'MKNT.S POJtKIUK. KHCAl'lTULATIOX .JAXUAIIY S. 2ftl.7S bus. wheat. fG7 b'ols Hour. Tula!, 3 caif;oes................ I'KISKUAKY. Wluitit. ICOiS 1ms., value Flour, 2i.4n0 libls., " Total. .ricarj:oe.s MAltCII. "Wheat (irt7,r24 bimlicls) FIouriWi.141 bblsO Salmon (Sootf cases).................. Lumber (WW Jl ) . ...S aorjfl ... 257,176 $ rW.4fC S 17.1 144.493 . 9 32X.W1 .. 2!,7."V) .SM.107 .... .. GW .l?lSfcit3tl Total (ScarRocJi) aim: n Flour, 2l,KX)lilis .... lAiniber, o76 M M Total, r rjuiRoes MAY. Flour a.nss bbls "Wheat 4U,2I2 bus Total. (1 cargo) Flour. 904 bbls Salmon, :57,7k; cs Total, (1 cargi) I l. LY. F'lour, 1.5T.1 bbls Salmon, 118522 cs I.W1 4,WW ,.$l-ArJ S7fi,P77 4.K70 lS,Si SltSSscsi 7.67S .. Total, (:icarR0t's) . AVtSVST. 2Z To Liverpool per Kate F. Trtmp. From Astoria 50,209 es salmon 231.000 Domestic Escorts. Tlie receipts of certain arlicJes of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1, ISivi, to August 21st, inclu sive, have been as follows: Flour, qr sks.......... Wheat, ctls Oats,'Ctls s Salmon, bbls ,lif bbls cs... ........... pkgs Apples, Kipe, bxs , Hutter, pkgs Potatoes. sks.....M...... Wool, bales...... 226.IWfl 2I.1MH 1,17 1.1 0G 7B 20jXt7 11 S,3) 2S.4J0 uaies. jvo. 27MJS Tallow. pks Ueef, bbls Hay, bales Quicksilver, flasks 1" ruit. Dried, pkgs......... - I;at her, pkgs............................... Hops, bales Hams, pkgs . Cheese, cs........ Flaxseed, sks Com. ctls..... . ... .... Canned Goods, cs....... I .aril, pkgs...... Bacon, cs 7l 28 112 C.4b" 782 41W LI'S. II 796 l; l Common Council. Regular mootlngs sceond and fourth Tues day avemngs of each month, at 7 o clock Persons desiring to have uiHttors acted uixn uy too council, atany rBjcuitir moetinc must present the satno to the Auditor and Clerk on or boforo tho Friday ovonimr prior to tho Tuesday on which the Council holds its roRUiar meeting". Xiicb. s. J t r J i. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria LiOdge tio. 40. L O. G.I Hcpular Meeting every Tuesday Evening at 4 o clock, at PylliiHn Jiail, Astoria. JUeta lmrs of tho Onh-r. in cood stundinir. nro invit. oil to attend. Degree meeting 1st .Monday of each month, liy order W. C. T. Tomple JLiOdse, Wo. 7A.F.A. M. Kesular CommunicalioBe first and third Tuesdays in each mouth, at 7)4 o ciocK, l". it., at tho 11 all in Aptoria. aiemDors ot the uruer, m uooti tttandioc.arc tcvitoa to attona. lir orae: ot tee vv. m. Amorican Legion of Honor. Regular meel inn ui Astoria Couuril Kn. MR is huld on the first and third Saturday of each month, at 7 o'clock i. si. Iiy order of Council Commander. It. V MoxTiUTir. Sec'ty. J. H. B. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. .General storage and Wharfage ou reason able Iile terms, toot of l5et.tonstr i street. Astoria Oregon Simon's Couch ana Consume t ion Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, 'want of Appette,lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermitient Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cu re all these diseases. Ihttmx Cmbmxcai.O. I- ' (.JcntlemcM : For year. I hav; been a great snffctcr Uom lcpepfa, and caaid get mo rdief (kavhK tried everything irhick vim rectimiwemi cd) until. jctir.R cw the ad rice i a fricml, vrbo had been bcacJUlc- v llctm-K's 1. 1J:?tji, I t. bottle, with roost surprising result'.. BtTTEWs cvcrytMnjt 1 ate dtstro .-J me, ami I Miflcred greally : a mning s.-nsaiio'! tn the lo.- :.- h, vrhkk was bearaM. Sntoel. Jg liMowx's Ikok lhixBits,a.' tiv tmiMuc arc at n owd. Caacaiaii) tWe without any dtcaracabV it iAif. 1 am -jHacti-Jdly r- ' .r ptrton. Mrs. W J. Fi.-.-joLIaverkkt ., li. 1' BKOWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold, by U Druggist. Bnown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. Sr- tV'i a!l In Kilter m made .tj ;v.m Ch-wica! Co.. IMiiMMiw . and crod red Koes aod trdc mark m wrjppcr. "EWARE OF IMITATIONS 3IAHKETS. CSNTIIAL MAEKET. General assortment of tabk stock coiMMitv. on itaiKt, such as Csmiicd Fruits and Jolly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lara, ES. BUTTER. CIEKS-LSK, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, F25U. POULTRY AXJ !: In the scawn. C3JA1SS A?f5 TCBA(t. Best r Wt&ES AX J.KfclTOKS. All rhoap for CASH. Gomls sold on coin mission, opjiosite I. W. Ca.s's stort. J. ItUDCKRS. WasMiis:toii Harkets Main Strccf, - - A$loria Oregon BERGMAN & BERRY EESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTX". tion of tho public to tho fact that the abovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY op FRESH AHD CURED MEATS! Which will bo cold at lowed rates, wholesale aad retail. Special attontion civon to sbpi1j- nc ships. LOOK HERE ! Wc rcsneclfullv inform thf public that we will always keep on hand thelK'St quality of Presh. and Cured Meats Choice Family Groceries, Fretth Fruits, YegetaWe, Creckorj' and uas-varc.' f s Shins. Hot ou; ainl BonrdiitzLlIouMs Min plied on liberal terms... c,- ': rV share of tin? public patronage isremiert- iniiy soiicitea. dtf. WARKEN THOMPSON STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COHPAKY, Frosli and Cured Meats, Vegcta'bleej FRUTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, 'IIHXAItm Street. Astoria, z A STORJ A I!KK W. J. BARRY F. P. HICKS J. G. CHARTERS Ir:iAKTjI EXT Chief Engineer 1st Asst. Eutiiecr .2d At. Engineer DO Alt D OF DELEGATES.-Regular meet ing fourth Monday iu each month, at 7 y. ., at hall of Astoria Engine Coitipaiiy Okficiiks. C. J. Trenchard. I'rcsideiit A. A. Cloveland, Secretary;,!. L. Parker, insurer. Dklkoatbs. L.E. Sellc. C. J. Trenchant Chas. Stickles, of Astoria Engine Co. .i. 1 Wm. McConnlc. F. L. Parker. H. F. PraH of Rescue Engine Co. Xo.2: ,EuVI. Curtis. F. .1. Taylor. A. W. Berry, of Alert H-okand ASTuRIA EXGIXE CUlfPjAXT Xo. 1-. Rctntlar meeting first .Monday in each month. L. ;urer i?t AssL ForeniHii ; Henry Miller, 2d Asst. Eore- mait RESCUE EXGLXE COHPAXr Xo. :. Jtegular meeting first Monday in cacti month. Oi'KicKns. C. W. Fnlton. President :1L 1 Praol. sccivtan'; .L D, iMcrryman, Ass'; Socretan': F. L. Parker. Ticasurer: l L Parker. Foreman : "31. F. Pracl, 1st Asst Foreman; Janus Hare, 2d AssL roremau, AJ.ERT HOOK AND LADDER C. No. 1. Regular meeting second Monday iu caeli month. OFFiCEits.-i-J. O..Bozo"rth. President ; C. JJrown, secretary ; i. iiutic. jreasiirer; r , i im.. ... tr it. ir,. ... 1st Asst, Foreman; J. W. Fercheu, 2d A Foreman. 4 ,VssL Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's v iuilizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. lemenr. J. A. Moore, wife and Gve small children passed through Olympia, to-day cn route for Gray's Ilar- bor. The family and all their out fit arc contained in one -wagon drawn by a span of small raw boned horses. One chair, a few blankets ad quilts, a "buk ket tle" and a few cooking utensils comprise the outfit. The' started from the northern part of Texas, May 15, 1SS2, wintered in Bor.e man, Montana, came through the Snoqualmie pass, and arc now nearly at their journey's end. There is x small Texas colony on Gray's Harlor, and they intend to ioin it. It 'oniric tht witters memory baok to thn days of to look at the wagon and its occu pants, and what it text lit con l:xi between n and tin; present cut inodcs of travel now enjoyed hre affords. Thirty years ago this family would have excited no interest, !ecause everybody trav eled that wav. and the trin took from five to six months. In a few days more the same distance will he covered in five or six da3s. W ill the lapse ot another irenera- tion witness as many changes? Recognizing the importance of the excursion upon the opening of the Northern Pacific railroad, circular letter has been issued by J. T. Odell, superintendent of; transportation, which contains in-' structions to division superintend-; cuts of the eastern xrMon of the Northern Pacific road, and gives them information in regard to the manner in which the excursion of President Tiiiard is to be run on their respective divisions. To guard against accidents the excur sion train will be run as a special in four sections of ten jMilacc coaches each; upon each section tlierc will be telegraph operators with a relay battery and climber:?, in order that telegraphic commu nication can at once be made irom any point at which it may be deemed necessary. There will be an experienced car repairer with each section. The N. Y. IL.mhl prints two. and a half columns of newspaper ndorsemenls of the government telegraph from all parts of the country. JJarpcrs it eekiy tins week has a strong leader favoring ic project. It says: The prop osition lor a postal telegraph has been received with remarkable fa- or throughout the country. The local editor of the Spring field, (Mass.) Jiejtttllt'ctH, Mr. .f. II. Mabbitt, says that his father suffered from rheumatic pains in the back, which nothing would re lieve until he commenced the use of St. Jacobs Oil. The doctors failed to afford anv relief, but the Oil did, and now he speaks enthu siastically of the Great German Remedy. HOME COMFOST After a Rainy Hide a Country IMiy- Mician TcIIm IVItut He Tliinlcs Of Some Foople. 'I wish to graeioug sme iteople would learn when tboy noed a doctor ami when they Iftn't," exclaimed Dr. E , as he entered lu house ia a cosey little village in Ihc inter ior of the State of Xow York, after a tedious rido of many miles. "I have been down among tho mountains t see a man, who the mesicnger said, was very sick ami not likely to live 'till morning, unless ho had immedi ate help; and found him suffering from a rathor sharp attack of colic, which his family might have rolioved in tn minutes, if they had a grain ofsonec an;l two or throe simple remedies in the house. Rut no; they mwl remain ignorant as pig, aad when the least ache or pin takos them, send for a doctitr whether they over pay him or nL" Why. Doctor, what kind of simple reme dies. a you call them, do you expect peoplo to keop in the house?" asked his wife, as she pourtdhim a cup of hot tea. 'In this case," answered the Doctor, "if they had only it a REXSOX'S CAPC1XS 1'OKOUS PLASTER on the man's stomach. he would have been all right ia an hour, and saved me a doar ride." In all ordinary comid.iaU i. cures at once AH dueages are eliminated from the ys tern hy what mty be roughly called oxpul-icn or extraction or by a union of the two pro cosses. Renin's Piaster promotes both. It incites the torpid organs to act, ami scads its healiag, soothing. uiQaeneo through the myr iad pores of the skin. All other piasters oh Kga the patient to wait. They giro him hope for to-mo:row. Rencon's plaster gives him help to-day. Which is belter, do you think? Buy the CAPC1XE and keep it in the house. Price 23 cents. Soabury & Johnson. Pharmacoutieal Chem ists, Xew York. Notice. NOTICE is horoliv aiven that bid will be received until 12 o'clock, noon, ontite-Jlh day of September, a. i. 1SSS, from any order or association wishing to purchase a particular site for their own use in tne new city cemetery on Clatsop Plains. Tlie order or association who shall bid highest shall have first choice or selec tion. Man and diagram ot the Ceme tery can be seen at the office of Citv Auditor and Clerk. For any further particulars inquire of c. .i. THEXcrr.YRn, A. V. .loiixs, 1. W. Cask. Committee on Public Properly Astoria, 0r Aug. 21, 1S3S. dtd Wonderful Cure of a Lrul 12 years old, who for b years, from tne top or his head to his ankles, was one 3Iass of Scabs. My sox. a lad twelve rears of ace. was af- Gicted with the worst form of a period of cigat years. S virulent it that from the top of his head to within a lew iocs os of hi' ankle? he was one mass of mw, which refuted to yield to any treat in out tlmt was attenuated. J-.very reaieuy t n was sug gested by friends or physician was tried ia vain. Allopathy, homoepathy, herbs, r4i. salt-water oaths, flaxseed poultice, sospc. ointments, ami in short everything that eoukl be done to eradicate the disorder seeiaeaoniy ; to aggravate it, and the eliilu7 life ueeamc burden to hire, and the exr'nse of the ran- otts experiment-- was a cntaiit urain ujwa t ourrejourci?. . . Jly wife reading the of me CrTicrRA Kkmhihes in one of the da b' i le, reeolved to make onj more mimhiK at a cure. (Tho diease w:m bow euroaiiin; uion his face, and secoiel iacHmhle.) I tare a reluctant consent to the propte-al- and nn interview was sought with a fkiaoHg lady iy .kian ofXcw York, who made a mwt thw ough examination ot the ca.-c. and pniaral a cure without the least hesitation by the use ofvonr Ci ri-ri:A KkuKW. . In os:: wekk there as a marked change: raw ami an-. Rry ?i re.- btan to prow pale and a Ion? I be i outer edges scaled off, awl a time wore onj they began to disappear entirely, until at ! tho present writing the only veatise U .He 1 small spot upon the forearm, scarcely rwible I and lust disappearing. Thus after tisht years of cxien and aax- : iety. we have tho intoose tatiMMtiou of see- j ing the child's skin as fair and Muooth a it! was beforo this dreadful eutaneotu dujonler ! attacked him. CU AS. KA V It K It 1 N K I.K 2fl I XllOlOl'XT ATK.. Jkk.siv City Heights, . J. CiiiMtiioon and youth are the periods when sneh diseases yield most readily to those un failing Skin ani Wood Specific, Ccticuka Ubsolvisct. the new DIood l'urifer. and Cr-Tirt-R and CmcreA -oat the prcat Skin Cure:- 1'ric of Lutpte , small Wxes, :Actt lar?o boxes, ? Cttui i:v lt oi. r st M.ot t-cr bottle. Ccticxk a So r. 25 its. : Ci Tier -n Soap, 1" cts. Sold hy all drugln. Potter Drug and Chem. Co. .Boston. COMPLETE TREATIVlEfVIT $1 A sinslo doo of Sr.nfoid'. tcat'.iral t'tire instantly relieve the mot vwtlent Sneczincor llcadColds.CIcarstholttad a by maic. stops watery discharge from th' Nose awl liye, prevents Kinjtins Xoit in the Head, cures XerCous llotilache. and Subdue Chills and Fover. Jn Chronic Catarrh it cleansos the nasal iwages of foul murus. re stores the sene of smell, tasle. ant hcarinp when affcctl. free the head, throat, and bronchial tubes of ofl'ensive matter, sweeten and iHirinos the breath, stops the couirh and arrests the progress of Catarrh tovanU Con ?umitin, , One Iwttlo Radical Cure, one b-x Catarrhal Solvent ami Ssnfords Inhaler, all in one parka-rc. of all druegists for f I , Ask for Sax- lOKli'S 1LMHCAI. CtRF. i'OTTEK Dan: An Chkv. Co.. BttfTox. n m mit ,jsr ! IKfm For Ihc relief and prevon-QUl-L.llVO'tion.tliciii'.laitt It ! ap- VOLTAIC ypltcl,of hheumntiiH.Xen NvVL'jyVS'nilgia. Scialici. CougW, VT iif-t' Colds. Weak Back' Stomach 5bCL nnl trowels. Shooting i'ains, V-'c, Palpitation. Dyspcisia. Liv- f Vy'-O cr Complaint, uuiotistever. NSVjSN. Malaria and Epidemies. use Ai rV'TnirVv "olIIn'jltttsterstan Wec- PL A CTFrW witharoroitsl:astcr)and ' langh at pain. 2Sc everywliere, BABY hor Infantile aim Birth Humors. Rough, Chapped or Greasy Skins, Nellie Rali, Pimples, and Skin BEAUT1FIER nhMiiiMir-s. ne CCTirrit.v so.w. an ex- qlliitSKI BiiArTiKiKir.andToih-t. ltth. and NiirM-ry Sinative. rragrant with dcli-i-kHLs flowor (nlor ami Cttticura ltaat.s. Aixmlutfly pure; highly niediciuaL In dorsed bvphvsieian ; jireferredbv tin elite. Sab- in isst and iss2, i.0oo.oei) cakes, .ifro ciaUu pnpnrtd for xhaving. VltitHits uad 32nritl:s tT.- PI.mmL -oiset np tho System, Jlnsva iZia '.JVnI: Strong:, Uuilds tip the ;ni-'.:-dorrn, Invigorsitei Brain, and - Dyspepsia, 17 ervous Affections, sn era! Beuility, ITeuralgia, Eever and Agi:3, Parrdysis, Ghronie Diarrhcea, SoilSj dropsy, iipjiiors, remate i;oiu plaints, Liver Com plaint, SemitteE h 3?evcr, and 4LL DISEASES 0R!G1HAT:HG l -l A Z:S) STAT. OF THE GtOOO, OR ACCCfiFAMCD E DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. SaopLcs the bleed whh its XitnX lrincinle. Lifo illvtncnt, IIIOX, infihj btriKO itrr arl J,rv Urn tain altr...-"s t ; i"te 8E1NG l'REE FROM ALCOHOL, i entr n? ciiccts ate o: followed by ccresou.- rcac ton, out are x)cn:aacst. fETII V. I'OWLE & SOV rr-wwietor, i iaxrLoa Avcsur. I-lcn. SoU by -'. I ygipsti TO MEN ONLYjYOUNG QR GLD, WHO arc snffcrlnf; from Xntvocs Pehid ITT, Iy-ST VlTAUTT. LAC-K OV 2KKV3? 1'oac k and Viooa. Wastiso Weakxksst, and all those dlscaM of aPncsoSAU NATCBKre fctiltii.g from Abuses and other. CArsss. Speely roller nctl completo n-t oration ur IISALTH.ViooEand 3UXHOOD GrAKwirro. The Rraadest dUcorcryot the Century. Send at onco for Illustrated Pam phtetfrcc. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. THE LATEST STYLES IX WALL PAPER AT B. 2. FRANKLIK'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from wliich to select. WiaIow curtains made to order. ET"My patent Trimmer to cutrWali Paper win oe iounu convenient to my pairuiu-. PiTlBilli a i m w tMW fis. Fia IMlMliiili (BEFORE AND - AFTER 1 HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. - .- PHOFKIETOlt STAGE MANAGEIt WALTER I'AUlvS, Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Somk aiKl Danee Artist. :WISS MAltY MOULTON. CtMaeterActreaiMt lJcdtattewe?: M5S FAXNIK WALTON. Sougstrc&f:. I'.ABY AVEST, TJw; CMM Wondr. Jlli. 1IK-NRY "WEST. Htldoptau CollaM. WAI.TEH FAKKH. CowedktH. CHAS. BAltKOWS. Aftorl Tis'Mier with a new nd'r tin )MsutaK'RMnt of FKOF. rilAKl.ES KICKA!:DS. All tb Old Favorites Retained. Ofrti all th Yrttr--lVrformai Krery Mplir- IJniin- Chaiiwof IMij:raiMBe Kot y Ntglit. CoiKpriHtiij; SCJtCS, DACES AND ACTS. Wc give the Bast Variety Entertainment In the West. , The limit n Ik mwdfd nightly, and all j wlw liavr witncsfwl the enUTUMHiaent prtH . tft ce it t bo HHal to a:y ivra elsewhere. Mr. Hill a a catner lr the iHiWtes auiasenn in can not b e.eelleI. AnylaHiy to aiiend a deaant ewnint: and Me siarkltitp wit and btatuty without vul jprily.shtHild iinprwvt' the uportiuiiiy and ceitse. Tht- coinpany cutuM-hejt tmi fttthiwiiiK well- known Artbts : ?.l!!M Fakxik Wai.tox." MlS JlAltV JlOL'l.TOX. IK. WAUTKIt I'AKKS. Mil. ClIAS. ISAUItOWS. Mit. ilKXKV Wnsr. Alt of which will ajHtear nightly in their dif. ferent sjwclaltk'S. Oie:i air ofnteert ivery eveiiins ; perform-aiKN-commeiHrinsal 8; entrance to theatre on IteitfcHi street ; private wxes on uneiia- iihls street. j New Stars in HqiiuI Succession .1. HESS. A. M. .tOHXSO.W .storia Sail Loft, M VXri'.VCTrBERSOF SAiLS; TENTS. AWNINGS. TAHPATJLINS, Ami everything else pertaining to our "llusiufss. LowestPrice and Sestork For your Money, At tlie Old Stand. Leave your orders and get j our work none at'oure. J. HK.SS.fcCO. Astoria, ... Oregon. ""IE KM AN LA BEER If ALL V7 A2il) BOTTLE DKEIl DEPOT. Ckhkaucb Strret. Asroat.i. The Rest or lMfjcrZ Cls. t Glass Orders for the ateil Golamhia Brewer? Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. . . , ESs'-No cheap sani-rancisco ucersout at this ptace- v ji. liUUiv. rroprioior. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - Oi:iGOiS THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms ror tue accommouauou oj any desiring them. j'ailcnisaunmieuanuiiioiua,un ui itini. No physician uas exclusive ngni, every patient is free to and lias tue privilege oj iiiptoying any piiysiuiaii uu-j invict. United States Marine SMiiti-n who nav nosnital Dues, are enu- tk-d to Free care and attendance at thLs Hos jit:d during sickness. Fennlts must be ob tained for United States Marine at the Cus tom House. SISTKK3 or t.IIAlSir HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLAflTLTC- MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. You r pat ronage so licited. ASTORIA. - Oregon TAIXiOH.I3STGr, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loflb'3. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of tlie citv of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that portion of West 8th street in the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, as lain out ami recorded uvjoim j.u. univeiy, irom tne south side of Water street to the south ide of Cedar street by grading saul street where needed to make an even rade from Water street to Cedar street and by planking said street to its full width with new and sound fir plank not less titan three inches m thickness where not already plaukcd and by re moving all defective piles, stringers, planking and other timbers m that por tion which wa- destroyed by fire and b replaciug the same with new and sound fir piles, cniw and stringers and planking, and by building sidewalks eight feet wide on both sides of said street wnerc not aireauy ouut aim oy repairing tlie sewers on both sides of said street. And unless a remonstrance signed by- the owners of two-thirds of the prop- en v iruiuiii on ?u.u puitiuii ui Mini street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publi cation of tins notice, viz: Thursday September 20th, 1883, the Common Council will order said improvement to lie made. Dv order of thp Common Council. T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August 25th, 1SS3. City Taxes. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEX THAT THE L city assessment roll for 1SS3 is now in my hands for collection, and all persons that are indebted ror the same may save five er cent, by paying said taxes before September H, ltB. ,1. li. UUSiliKi;, City Treasurer. SHTPPIN'G KOTTCES. Goiurnbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) The uodar steamer FLEETWOOD, AVtofch has been refitted for the comfort c lmsseasors win leavtj iimhi .mu. Fls-lier's dock every Unday, Wednesday and Friday at G A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. It aroint leaves Portland every Tttrsdugs and Thursdays at 6 A. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. hi. An adiiltioiuu trip will be made cn Sunday of Each Week, living Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday Slonixns. A. l'asseBKcrs by this route connect at Kalama ft-Sound worts. V. 15. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. jjggEStr. WfHSTPORT, F.H'SIIKUMAN, - - MASTER. Will make regular I rips tn Portland and Astoria. leaving ltunieir dock, foot of Mor rf.M stri-i-t. l'oitiaiicl. at A.ii. Saturdays. And will leave Wilson & Fisher's dock. Asinria. at 6 A. m. Thursdays. Rp-i.'rfiuht carried at reasonable rates. Steamer a RELIC." WILL MAKE TIJII-S AS FOLLOWS : To YOUXGS UI VEIL Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Special trips as required. Will leave Wiison & Fishers wharf at 9 oVIoelc sharp, each morning. LEWIS G.IIAAVEX, Upper Astoria. Master. REGULAR STEAM PACKET. wDaisy and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gnvy's Dock, ForOlney.and Head of Youncs River. Dally, at 8 A. m., (except "Wednesdays and Sundays.) Eeturnlng same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's River, On TVcilneMlays, ats A. .11., Keiuniing same day. ftjFor Freight or Passage, apply on board, or at (Iray's Dock, where Freight will be re- ceiveu ami storcu. it necessary. J. H.D.GRAY. Steamer TOM MORRIS. TJISS XEW anrti'avoritc ISoat TS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND X can be chartered for excursions, special parties, etc., at reasonable rates. A general .sieantunaiiug uusimf. iiiinsiicitru. Y. BOELL1NG, Mastei Chenamus Street Assessment NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by Ordinance No. 513, of the City of Astoria, Clatsop county Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on tlie 22d day of August. I88.t, anil was ap nroved on the 22&1 day of August, 1883 for the proposed repair of Chenamus DllLUlf IU liiv; V i i-J Ji- ..OfcW. .ft, J.I... vttb and recorded by .John McClnre, from Main street to Jackson street in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 52S of the City of Astoria and which ordin ance passed the Common Council of said city on the Uth day of July, 3SS3. and was approved on the IGtli day of July, 13S3, ou each of the following de scribed lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer in V. S. gold and silver coin and unless paid within five davs from the expiration of this notice, viz: Thursday, September 13th, 1883, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof.- The assess ment is as follows: So.of So. of Lot. Block. Cott. ? 9 SGI 00 1) Gl 00 7 " Gl 00 8 " GL 00 10 42 80 G " 42 SO 7 " 42 80 S 42 80 5 12 42 80 i: " 42 80 7 " 42 80 8 ' 42 80 5 13 42 80 G 44 42 80 7 u 47 54 S u 52 20 L 20 9 75 2 " 4 88 ' 9 75 4 " 9 75 1 21 42 80 2 " 42 80 " 42 80 4 " 42 80 I 1 23 42 80 I 2 " 42 80 3 " 42 SO 4 " 42 80 1 21 GL 00 2 '; Gl 00 3 " Gl 00 4 11 Gl 00 Name of the Otene?. C Uoeling C lloeling C Uoeling I W Gcarhnrt II U Parker George Hill I Hergman and A W uerry I IJergmnn and A W uerry C L Parker 0 L Parker I V llvbcc I F Uybec C L Parker C L Parker J Kamm J Kamm George Davidson . . . George Davidson j onn iiouson Fohn Iiouson I W Munson I W Munson Mrs J E Ferguson .. Lillian Crosby United States United States United States United States C L Parker F Bercndes ; George Flavel George Flavel CITY OF ASTORIA CROSSINGS. Crossing Chenamus and Polk Streets S175 00 Crossing Chenamus and Wash ington Streets liu uo Crossing Chenamus and Lafay ette Streets 17 oo By order of the Common Council. T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Or., August 25, 1883. dtd Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, propose to es tablish Hie graue ot tnac portion ot AYnshinston street in the Citv of Asto ria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, from the north side of Sque- momia street to tno soutii siue ot stii street, as toiiows: At its intersection with Suue- nionue street, 2Gfect At its intersection with Jeffer son street 42 feet At its intersection with Astor street 80 feet t its intersection with Court street 15G feet tits intersection with Sev enth street 182 feet At its intersection with Eighth street 189 feet above the base of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of said city, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of saul street ue hied with the Auditor ana ciern within ten davs of the final publication of this notice, viz: Thursday, September 20th, 183.'!. the Common Council will es tablish said grade, lly order of the Common Council. T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August 25th, 1883. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Tre.isitrv to nav all Countv Orders pre- snnted nrior to October 18th. 1SS2. All such orders will cease to draw interest after tills date. CHAS.HEILBORN. Treas. Clatsop County. Astoria, Auzust 20th, 1SS3. THANSPORTATTON LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. OCEA.V DIVISIOX. On and After April 1st, 1883, Ocean Steamers will sail from San l?ran- cbco and Tortland cverr tkree days. Leaving Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 too A. JI., and Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at Slidnight, .TItrousli Tickets sold toallpriacipa cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after July 22d, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 7 :30 A. iL, dally. KIYER DIYISf.V (Middle Colambia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 -.90 A. AI. Leave Port land for I Mon Sat. Astoria and! lower Uo-I I lnml)ia....lGAM 6AM Dayton. Or.J" AM S&5::IM Victoria'.BCiSAaligAal 6 AM ISAM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. diily ex cept Sunday. Astoria to Portland. FAST 1.1X2. Steamer Wide 1Yc8t will leave Astoria for Portland. IP. 31. Keturnincr. leaves Portland for Astoria, A. 31., daily, Wednesdays excepted. Pnllman Falaca Can rnnntnc Htw.n Pnrf. land, and Missonla. C. II. PP.ESCOTT, JOHN MUTE. Manacer. Sun't of Traffic A. L. STOKES. E. P. ROGERS. Assist. Sup't of Traffic. Gen'l Agent iiwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Steuens, Fort Canby and Iiwaco. Connecting with L. A. Loomls Stage Line, ami ShoalwaterBayTranBportatlon Go's. Steamer for Oj'sterville, (daily), Moatesano, aHd Olympia, rondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Steamer "Geli. Miles,,J or "Gen. Canby" Will make two trips daily, except-Wednes-nay, between Astoria and Hwaco as follows : Leave Astoria at 7 AM, touching at Fort Stevens and Fort Canby and arriving at H waco at s :30 A M. Returning, leave Iiwaco at 9 :30 A M ior Astoria and arriving there at 11 i A M, land along side steamer Wide West to transfer rassengers, Baggage and Freight. Leave Astoria at 1 P M for Hwaco direct, and arrive there at 2 :30 P M, Returning, leave Hwaco at 3 :30 P M. touch at Fort Can by and Fort Stevens and arrive at Astoria 5:30 PM, On Wednesdays leave Astoria at 9 A M for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and nwacor Re. turning In the afternoon, Fare between Astoria and Fort Stevens 50 eta Fare between Astoria and Fort Canby or Iiwaco .75 cts Freight between Astoria and Iiwaco 2 00 per too Horses between Astoria and Ii waco . 2 00 each. Carriages between Astoria and Iiwaco 2 00 each. J.H. D.GRAY, Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an alter May 13, 1883, trains will nut as follows, DAILST (Except Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. Between FOKTLAXD and CEEXD.4XE 1TAIL TRACT D,., Lfc-AVi. 1 r.":J0 LEAVE. ARRIVE. UIenaaIe..10:35 p. v. 1 Portland...... 4 r25 p. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .4:00 P. M.Lebanon.-9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland10:05 A.M The Oreeon and California Railroad I'em makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastsido Division. WESTS mK DIVISION. ISctwcen Portland and Corvallls MAIL TRACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9:00 A. M. Corvallia 4:80 P. M Corvalli3 8:30 A. M.IPortland 3:20 P. M KXPKESS XILU2T LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 p. sr. McMinnville-.8:00 p. u 3Ic3Iinnvillo:45A.3r.Portland . 8:30 x. Jf. Close connections mado at Glendalewith tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. Ticketstorsaie at all tno principal pomu in California and the East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo charged on freight remain it; atCompanys Warehouse over 24 hoars. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or west side Division. JOHN, sup't oi 'iranic. . L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Toucldng at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, Iiwaco, North Beach, Oysterville, North Cove, Petersons .Point, IXo qulnm, illontesano. And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, Strs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, GEN. GARFIELD MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over "Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving atMontesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 houi3. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. PERUVIAN BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Hall's Safes. WE ILVVE THE AGENCY FOR ASTO na of the above safes ; parttea desiring to pnrchase will do well to call and'examlnt catalogue and price lists. BOZORTHS JOHNS, 6AM 6AM t AM 7AM 7AM 6 AM RAM 6AM P AM