The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, August 29, 1883, Image 3

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The British bark Scott'xsh Tar, 155
days from Liverpool, is outside with
pilot on board.
The dancing school of Mr. A. F.
Is aef will reopen on Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock. See ad.
The Glenberrie finished loading
yesterday evening. She has 21,837
cases salmon for London.
TheRoseburg Plaindealer styles
the United States "the satellite of all
nations." Wotarueivenus.
The night watchman of the OrJ
cy fell from the boat at Portland
yesterday morning and was drowned.
The British bark Dovenby 833,
Steel master, 75 days from Newcastle,
N.- S. W., coal laden, arrived in
yesterday afternoon.
The Oen. Miles was at Ilwaco yes
terday loading with supplies from the
Aberdeen packing company. She goes
to Gray's Harbor to-day.
The sylph-like form of Jerry
Coldwell darkened our ottise yester
day. He has fled from Portland
smoke and will splash around Shoal
water bay for a week.
Rot. Henry Ward Beecher will
lecture at Occidental Hall this even
ing. Subject, "The reign of the
Common People." The lecture will
begin at eight o'clock.
Those who have not as yet se
cured seats for the lecture by Rev.
Henry "Ward Beecher this evening
hare no time to lose. The seats are
going fast, and by noon will probably
be all taken.
That accomplished bilk and gilt
edged fraud M. Ainsley Scott is in
Southern Oregon. His memory is
dear to us. He will probably head
this way about October 1st and we
will then give him further benefit.
The first salmon caught this sea
son in Commencement bay were
offered for sale on the streets yester
day by-iome enterprising fishermen.
The fish were rather small and not
quite up to the average of previous
years. Tacoma Ledger, flJ.
The Carlton house at Olympia,
was completely destroyed by fire
at eight o'clock last Sunday
evening. It was insured for
$3000. It is supposed to have been
the result of a lamp exploding. Most
of the furniture on the lower floor
wnB saved. Loss about $15,000.
The pack of the Aberdeen Pack
ing company for '83 would fill ninety
three cars, a rospectablo sized train of
itself. There are thirty-eight canner
ies on the river, and this little item
will give our eastern friends an idea
of what is possible in the matter of
freights in this corner of the Union.
The run of salmon in Coos bay
continuos light, tho fishermen not
taking enough to pay expenses. Such
fish as they get are large and solid,
but the number is hardly equal to
that of last year at this time. A good
run is reported in the Coquille, but
the run at tho Umpqua and the Sius
law is no better than in the bay.
The salmon shipments to the east
oy ran ior tne montu ot July were as
follows: From San Francisco by tho
C. P. R, R., 8,941 cases; from San
Francisco by the S. P. R. R., 27,020
cases; from Sacramento by the C. P.
R. R., 3,379 cases, and from Sacra
mento by the S. P. R. It., 5,424 cases,
making an aggregate shipment east
from San Francisco and Sacramento
during the month of July of 45,7C4
The first through shipment of
freight to St. Paul via the Northern
Pacific was made yesterday. It was
addressed to John Muir. superinten
dent of traffic for tho K". P. R. R.
and O. R. and "NT Co. The first ship
ment of freight to Chicago waB also
made yesterday tA. Booth, the well
known oyster and salmon packer, and
consisted of salmon from his pack
ing establishment at Astoria. Ore -gonian
There was landed from the steam
er Oregon yesterday, a roll of tele
graphic cable 5,500 feet long, to be
used across the Columbia river at Ka-
lama. This cable is at least an inch
Ujnot more in diameter, and has
three conductors in it. It is the
largest cable that has been brought to
Ureeon, aitnougn some ot the same
is in use on the Sound in Washing
ton Territory. This coil weighs six
tons, and will be placed in position as
fiovn as the railroad is completed to
Kahuna. Standard'
A Chicago dispatch says: Prep
arations nave been maae tor tne en
tertainment of the guests of the
Northern Pacific road who will be
present at the formal opening Septem
IwOth. It is said that 23,000 has
been expended for wines and liquors
alone. The people of the Northwest
talk of nothing but the proposed ex
cursion. Invitations were limited to
500, which were sent to the most
prominent Americans and to people
in Europe. On the 31st inst the
trains bearing the party will arrive
here. St, Paul business men have
made liberal subscriptions for the en-
tertamsent of guests.
Clatsop Plains.
A correspondent signing himself
"Farmer" writes from Skipanon con
cerning a recent article in Thk As
toriax about importing so much of
what wo eat from California, and
makes an excelent point in sayingjthat
the reason so little "truck" is brought
to Astoria from the surrounding
country, is on account of the lack of
roads. That is the main difficulty,
and just so long as present conditions
obtain, just so long we must import
from California the vegetables we eat.
If a farmer could load his wagon and
drive into Astoria, and dispose of the
"truck," carrying back what he didn't
sell, there would be a different slate
of affairs altogether. As it is he must
pay freight on what iie sends, take his
chances on finding ready sale, pay
commission on those sales, and taking
it altogether, the inducements are not
sufficient. Our correspondent inti
mates that he doesn't want to raise
"truck" for his health, and here again
the good sense of his ideas show out.
If we here in Astoria can guarantee
him a good market he will send us
fruit and vegetables, but he must be
assured of a reasonable profit. But
"Farmer" docs not get at the root of
the matter. Time was, when a load
of "truck" would supply Astoria. The
sudden demaud occasioned by increas
ed population, overbalances the imme
diate source of supply. A leading
grocer told us three weeks ago that
his freight bills for .luly ou "truck"
apples, berries, mclous, peas, pota
toes, etc., was over 000. He proba
bly sold $8,000 or Si 0,000 worth of
fruit and vegetables in that mouth;
multiply this by the number in the
business and one gets an idea of the
magnitude of the demand as compared
with two or three years ago. In this
as in other things, the apparent order
of cause and effect is temporarily re
versed: tho supply creates the de
mand, and that in turn regulates tho
We expect sometime when our
monied men realize that they can
uiake one-and-a-half per cent a month
out of it, to see a road built from
Smith's Point across to Clatsop, so
that the 3,000 people who come down
here every summer can have the ad
vantages of tho citj' combined with
the attractions of the seashore. When
that comes to pass, our Skipanon cor
respondent can load his wagon with
choice vegetables and sell them in As
toria, with a better chance to realize
a fair profit than he has at present.
Young Salmon.
One source of supply of Columbia
river salmon ma' be observed by any
one who walks along the couth side of
Jefferson street at low tide, more
especially that portion of it between
Cass and Olney streets. Millions of
little salmon, an inch in length are
flashing iu the sun, disporting them
selves in two or threo inches of water
that ripples over the mud, and as tho
tide goe3 out they go with it. Along
the beach at upper Astoria the Rime
sight may be seen. Tho salmon have
evidently hatched from spawn thrown
in the wator at the various canneries.
A littlo later they will be found great
ly increased in length, near Sand
Island, and nosing around tho Wash
ington Territory side, and further on
they becomo more adventuresome and
go out tho middle channel, heading
for the ocean.
Wonders will never cease, but of
all the wonderful things that ever oc
curred the most surprising is the fact
that daily newspapers published in
San Francisco have begun compli
menting each other. The first thinjj
we know the Standard will be credit
mr The Astokian with items, and
that will almost transcend belief.
Yesterday morning the Northern
Pacific railroad began laying track
from this city toward Kalama. Work
was commenced near the west side
round house, below Ainsworth dock,
and will be continued out North Front
street, past Wcidler's sawmill for four
miles, where it will meet the track
layers coming this way from Richard's
.Landing. An encino and six cars
from tho Oregon and California were
loaned to the Northern Pacific for the
work. Tracklaying over the length of
the branch between Portland and Iva-
lama will be finished early in Septem
ber, several days before Mr. Yillard
and party will be ready to co to the
Sound. Oregunian, SS.
Writing of the salmon pack the
New Westminster, R. C. correspond
ent of tho California Grocer and Can
ner. says:
The salmon fishintr season has thus
far been a failure, as compared with
lormer years, disappointing the hope
which were entertained by packers
eany m tne season. Ten thousand
cases represents the pack to this date.
Packers are looking forward to next
month and hoping for a lanje catch
but it is generally feired that the run
will be light All our fisheries will
lose money this year should tho run
continue as light as it has proved dur
mg the early part of the season. Tho
pact: at tins point last season was
something over 50,000 cases. This
year it will be far below these figures,
Rogers Bros, plated ware and Wost-
ennolni cutlery at Jordan k iJozorth s
new store.
a first-class oj-stor opener wanted at
Koscoe Dixon's.
The finest flavored Ice Cream at
Frank Fabre's, Odd Fellows building.
t The Reason Why.
We are in receipt of a communica
tion in which the writor in most
courteous terms askB us why we de
vote so much spaco in Tub Astokian
to H. Villard and the Northern Pa
cific railroad. He closes his valuable
letter by saying: "1 thought that
you were opposed to monopoly and in
favor of forfeiture of the Astoria land
grant, and don't see how you can con
sistently publish column after column
about Villard's triumph, as you call it.
Wouldn't it be more of a triumph for
him to do what he should and build
the Astoria railroad?"
The inability of our correspondent i
to understand why we publish "col- j
utnn after column" about the com-
pletion of the Northern Pacific, would,
we fear, preclude his understanding
our reason. Suffice it to say that
what people read this paper for is to
get tho news. Just what "news" is,
is the question. In our judgment,
the most important current events
claim precedence. Does our corres
pondent know of any more important
event than the completion of the N.
P. R. R? If he does he will do us a
service by giving 113 full particulars,
and tve will gladly pay him for the in
formation ,aud fill all four sides of the
paper with the news. Our correspon
dent is correct in his suppositions as
to our sentiments: he has only to read
Tjir Astokian to see just where we
stand, but we are always willing to
concede to others the consistency we
claim for ourself, and were we to ig
nore the events of the day, our paper
would soon be in such a condition
that it made very little difference
what it said.
A newspaper to amount to anything
must pay its way; to pay its way it
must have circulation; to have circu
lation it must givo the news and be
impartial. Let our correspondent
strengthen tho situation by substan
tial appreciation and ho will have no
cause to fear that his friendly suppo
sitions were unfounded.
Brush Fires-
bout noon yesterday a wind
arose and fanned the smoldering hill
fires to a lame. The fire burned all
tho afternoon and by five o'clock had
spread over considerable surface. Tho
alarm was sounded, and the entire de
partment turned out. Hose w&i
spliced and No. One's engino stationed
at the foot of Cass street up which
hose was laid. Tho wind drove the
flames up tho crest of tho hill, and the
houses on the other side being en
dangered all the spare hose procurable
was put in service and a line stretched
from dishing street up West-9th
Tho wiud fortunately changed about
five o'clock and finally died down
toward sunset Tho roofs of Sirs.
Davis house, and other houses close
by were kept wet, and brands which
chanced to lodge were put out.
The unusually dry season has occa
sioned considerable danger from these
brush fires; two houses were totally
destroyed a short time ago, and had
the wind continued in such forco and
direction as it was blowing at three
o'clock, great danger might have re
sulted yesterday afternoon. It would
seem necessary tnat tour or uve cis
terns be built at various points along
the hill side. One at the corner of
West- iinth and Wall streets yester
day afternoon, would have been of
avail, and should a fire break out iu
that vicinity at night it might be the
means of saving thousands of dollars
worth of property.
Construct the Tunnel.
The party of surveyors who started
out from Forest Grove a month ao
under assistant engineer Atherton, to
make a preliminary survey for the
ine of tho 1 orcst Grove and Astoria
railroad, returned home yesterday.
They surveyed a line up Gale and
Beaver creeks to the line of the coast
range, a distance of 22 miles. The
Going's party which left Astoria to
survey this way, were within three
miles of Atherton's party when they
quit, and will complete the work.
Tho passage over the coast range will
necessitate some steep grades and higl
trestles or a tunnel 700 feet in length
Oregunian SG.
Steamer Days.
Till further notice steamers will run
as follows:
State. IS!
Columbia ....
20 Suite.
I Queen...
Being entirely vegetable, no par
ticular care is required whilo using
Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pel
lets." They operate without disturb
ance to the constitution, diet, or oc
cupation. For sick headache, consti
pation, impure blood, dizziness, sour
emotions from the stomach, bad taste
in mouth, bilious attacks, pain in re
gion of kidney, internal fever, bloated
feeling about stomach, rush of blood
to head, take Dr. Pierce s "pellets.
By druggists.
On and after the 20th inst 1 will keep
my -uesiaurant open until midnight.
SC. Dixox.
Just Received
At the New York Novelty Store a last
July, with local illustrations. Price as
A fine lot of Silverware Just rec elved
m Aaierjs ine oiu, rename Drand.
Dry Goods, Cloii
Millinery, Etc.,
Sheriff O'Neil's Bankrupt Store,
Corner Conrnmly nul JZalu NXrretN.
This Afternoon
rom 2 to 4 o'clock, and in the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock,
Au". Danielson has opened his new
place of business and as he is the first to
reopen alter ueing ourned out, so no
ill be the first in accommodating old
and new friends. The best brands of
liquors and cigars always on hand.
Cheap Furniture.
The furniture establishment of M.
Olsen & Co.. are turning out their own
work, and their rapid sales so to snow
tho favor with which their furniture
is received. In the last five days they
have sold seventeen sets of furniture,
and the low price at which they are
able to sell their goods shows intending
purchasers where to go. A large lot of
material is now on the way which will
be worked up at price.-: to suit the
closest buyers.
ForalYcat Fitting Root
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. V. Case.
tVH troods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new Roods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
A Juicy BecTteali
cooked to perfection is what you can
get at b rank x .tore s.
Flue Finnos niul Organs.
Per ship Mclunchtrm. Carl Adler re
ceived an invoice ot i'lanos and organs.
Amongst them is the celebrated JJehr
Bros, cylinder top uprieht, one of the
finest instruments made; also Esty Or
gans, etc. These instruments speak for
themselves. I'arties desirine to mir-
cnase win do wen to examine the same.
For sale cheap, for cash, or on the in
stallment plan, at Carl Adler's Mush
IiOolc Hero!
You are out a treat anil don't vou for
get it, if you miss JEFF'S Dinner everv
day from 5 to 8. Soups, fish, eight kinds
of meat, vegetables, pies, puddings, cof
fee, tea, wine, . r . beer, or milk. Dm
ner 2.1 cents.
Fragrant CofrV
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Talire's,
in the Udd r el lows building.
"When You Come to Astoria
an I want a nice pan roast, go to Frank
Fabre's, opposite the Astokian oilier.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherrv
always at hand. 1 1 cures coughs, colds,
uiuuciiuis, jioujimi; funi;if croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
lung compiauius. :) cents andjSi a bot
-Averill's mixed paints, the best in
use, for sale at .1. w. Connrs drug store,
opposite ucciuent uotei.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
That Hacking
Couch can be so
quickly cured by Shilo
by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee It Sold by W. E. Dement
-For lame Back. Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2.1 cents.
f or sate uy w. is. Dement
Boscoe Dixon's new eatimr house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and hi$ well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to cat. that at
his place they can ue accommodated.
Two splendid pianos have been re
ceived atuustav Hansen s Call around
and sec thcin. They are of exnuisite
tone and finish.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chltis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
For the cenuine .1. II. Cuiu-r old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite tne oeu tower, auu see Cami:
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, ana toilet articles, etc-can
lie bought at the lowest prices, at .J. W.
conns uruc store, opposite OeMden
hctel, Astoria.
Brace up the whole system with King
ol we liiuou. occ rtiiveriisemenu
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph-
leis iree 10 any auuruss. oem v . r owl
i&bon" Boston.
Why be weak Why not be
healthy, robust, aucl strong, by using
Brown's Iron Bitters?
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia ami
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is
Siarauteert to cure you. Sold by W. E.
(I hack Curncir Holy communion
first Sunday of every month. Sunday
services at 1 1 a. m., and 7 :30 1 m. Wednes
day evening service at 7 :30 o'clock. Rev.
M. D. Wilson. Rector.
Fiiist Preskytkiuax Ser
vices atll a. M.and 7:30 Wednes
day evening prayer meeting at 7:30
o'clock. Key. .1. V. Millican, Pastor.
Coxo atioxa r. Cnuncn Services
atll a. 3t. and 7u' i m. Rev. Sam'l
Wood. Pastor.
Komax Catholic Church Services
atl0:30 a. .m. Bey. L. Dielman, Pastor
M. E. Curnnr Services at 11 a. m
and 7 so r. m. Lecture and Prayer ifeet-
ing, Weduesday. at 7 i sr. Rev. W.T.
Chapman, Pajfor.
Baptist Chukch. Services even'
other Sunday. Sunday School at 2 p. si.
uev. v.. 5. .McLntlcrtv. 1). 1). nastor. 9
Dinner at -.1 EFFSnCnOP HOUSE
every day at " o'clock. The best25 cent
meal in town; soup. Dsh, seven kinds of
mcate, vegetables, pie. puddinir. etc. A
glass of S. K. Beer, French Claret tea or
coffee included. All who have tried
him say .leff is the "BOSS."
Duplex Galrauic Bell.
Persons wishinjr to purchase them
will call on .1. W. Conn, who Is acent
for them, at his Dmir Store opposite Oc
cident Hotel,
Oj-sters, Oysters.
at Hie Astoria Oyter depot; a stew,
fry, pan roast, or raw at Frank Fabre's.
Shiloh's Vitalizeris what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms or Dyspepsia.
Prico in and 75 cents per bottle. "Sold
by W. K. Dement.
Why suffer from astateof ill health?
Why be troubled with dyspepsia?
Brown's Iron Bitters will euro you.
' Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by thai terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. EL De
Horseshoeing Establishment.
.L vifes of a competent horseshoer from 11
liuols.und will guarantee satisfaction In that
work. Cannery work and general black
smithing dono at reasonable rates. Shop
near Kinney s cannery.
Waved at Half-Mast Yesterday.
The entire community that do busi
ness in the night time, sorrow with him
in his snu loss .?oo ana costs.
Xo more grub after
12 oVlock midnight
Tntil further notice.
Notice of Assignee.
JL1 uudersiened lias been appointed, as
signee of the estate of II. ! . rrael and 11. F.
l'racl. partners doins business under the
flrm name of Prael Brothers, and all persons
havinc claims against satu estate are nercDv
imtitipil to nrosent the same, nronerlv verf-
ficil. to to the undersigned at his office in the
c:ty of Astoria, Oregon, within three months
irom mis uaie.
1, ,UASf.,
Astona.JiUy21.lSS:?, et-tiw
undersigned, Y. II. Wood, has been ap-
nomteti aiiminisiraior oi uio esuue oi
Emanuel Johaiuson. deceased. All per
snns havinc claims acninst said es
tate are hereby notified to present tno
Kiiiif. with uroner vouchers, to the un
tiersismeu. wiimn aix imuiuu.i nuw
if.-itp. at the office of the Point Adams Pack
ing Company, in Upjer Astoria, Clatsof
County. Oregon. wH.WOOD.
.Inly 11th, 1SS3. l"-lt
Hess Farm for Sale.
X Plains, consisting of W0 acres of dairy
:uu1 fnmi land, together with stock and farm
tools. Is for sale on reasonable terms. For
particulars apply to C. X. HESS, In Astoria,
To Whom it May Concern.
it lms left iiiv bed and board with-
UUI IllSi ISlUSr: tit IHUU-V.IMUU, wiw j
caution all persons from harboring or trust
..... !.. . .... ... .mt-nntlnn tlilu lo tn
ing her. as I will pay no diiis oi ner contract
lng niter this date.
l FnrnMi Goods,
Olnev. Or.. Aneust 20. 1S33. d&w
The Leading- Dry Goods
Clothing House of Astoria,
I have just received a large consignment of Lace Curtains, and
Curtain Materials, in the newest designs, and would invite an inspec
tion from intending purchasers, confident that for rarity and Low Prices
SiUss and Dress Goods,
We are showing on our Centre Counters a collection of the most
elaborate and richest Goods ever shown in this City,
All Silk Ehadames, Drap D'Almas
All Silk Foulards, Wool Surrahs,
All Silk Ottomans, Satin Soleils,
Etc., Etc.
"We are now showing the Largest and most Elegant Line of .La
dies' Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to this City.
Black Dolmans,
Trimmed with Lace, Fringe, and Gimp.
Black Silk Dolmans,
Lined and Trimmed with Guipure Lace and Gimp.
Fine Brocaded Satin Dolmans.
Handsomely Trimmed with Chenille Fringe.
Walking Jackets, Mantles, Ulsters and Dusters.
Shetland Shawls,
Evening Shawls,
Wool Shawls,
All Sizes and Colors.
We are showing, without doubt, the largest, and most complete
stock of Mens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Astoria
Xiargsst Stock,
Lowest Prices in Astoria,
Gr. A. STINSON & CO.,!
At Capt. .Rogers old stand, corner of Cass
anu uourc aireeis.
Shin and Cannery work. Horseshoelm:
Wacons made and repaired. Good won
. remain.
"We will take orders for lumber from 100
to CO) M., at tne mill or delivered. !
We also manufacture lath and shingles of i
Al quality.
Flooring a Specialty . .
Address all orders
3. C, Ben-xkb, Supt.
New Styles in
Fie Clothinc and Gents' FnrnisMni Goois
Received at the Occident Store.
d. a. Mcintosh,
T2ie Leading
III 3 d - m
3k rH 3
i r w l
w o t-
m o i
Finest Coods.
iSBasifleBalcery & Confectionery.
Because my Goods are the Best
and Always Fresh.
Cakes Candles'etc, furnlshedfor Wedding
parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to
give ierfect satisfaction.
Cake ornamenting a specialty.
Opposite U. 1Y. Hume's.
Hats !
Largest Stock and Finest Goods
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Carpets, UpMsteiy
Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
Kast oft ho Court House.