ASTORIA, OKEGON: SUNDAY AUG UST , 1SSB Jfolliing Succeeds Like Success. The truth of the above is strik ingly exemplified b the coming in triumph of H. Villard mid his associates to drive the last spike of the Northern Pacific Railroad. With him will come several of Wo ,n fm-morlv t.,l- rtlonc.iro , , ULl,J"'S j thing and everybody connected with it. Among these is the as- tute Rums Hatch of Wall street, Eleven vears ago, iu ridicule of ; , . , I mk. iwaw, fe""" sal": j The business of the road will be larger, perhaps, during its con- struction than after its completion, as all the materials necessary to the building of the unfinished por- tions will have to be transported I , . . .i i I over those sections oi tne line ai- ready laid and equipped, and these alone will yield an immense rove- nue. After its completion the traffic will consist of government supplies, mails, females and other military stores; of the local carry- in"- trade of the present populous i-Aioi WiWimr on the North Pole; of the bulk of the business now done by the steamers plying on the waters of the Suez Canal, New North Sea, Dismal Swamp, Dutch Gap. and other streams adiacent and tributary to the road, and of the entire trade of the Pie- gan Indians, consisting chiefly of bear's oil, hare's oil, and other prodncts of the Soil. All the great through business from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast is bound to pass over this line, be- ...hi .1 1 . . ,1 , I cause it win oe uic snortesi inai can be built, free from grades, curves, stopping places, ami other obstructions its entire length, and Stnm-e as it mav seem, a wavs. rnr.f of nnnnlR. nuniberod bv mil- lions, and supposed to be descen dants of the original Aztecs, have ii k a:..,-.a t.; , i , 7 , - "Ldcir of America, and lljcir car- rying trade will sjeedily consti-1 tute a business greater and far more profitable than was ever dreamed of by Mr. Vanderbilt, Sir Porton Aieto, busier Schuj'ler, or James .1 unior Fisk. This road unites t!ie Tom Bigbee ri-er with the source of the Nile, and will by a lateral branch, tapping the Bos ton, ilartlord aim it,rie, secure the trade of this "Dead .Loch to Alaska. As a line it is 500 miles shorter from its eastern to its west ern terminus than it is vice versa, and brings New York and Liver pool 1,4.00 miles nearer togetlier than they ever were before or will be again (vide map and circulars of Northern Pacific .railroad), Branch lines or "feeders' will be built froni the main trunk, east- ward, westward, northward and "sou'-sou'west by southward," stopping at all the important noint on both hetnisoheres sroinir and returning, so as to drain the I entire known world, and render vviliifilocs tlio nt?wr t'Kllrrtstrlc nil llif I f,oe of a. giobo. rroctor Knott, who was elected governor ot Kentucky on use Olli of this month, immortalized him-1 opposing the road and humorously jibing1 the pretensions of Duluth. Duluth flourishes, however, and has sent word to the newly elected governor of the sour-mash region that if he will come to that "zen ith cit3' of the unsaltcd seas," he can be elected mayor of that muni- i-. -t . i i ..1.-1. cipaniy. xii liic spuccii iu which we refer, which was delivered in the House r i- i...: ol xeprtibeuiaii ca, twelve years ago, Proctor Knott in the course oi his remarks said that after an arduous search he had discovered Duluth upon the map. He went on to say: If gentlemen will examine it,thev will not find Duluth in the center of the map, but represented in the center oi" a series of concentric circles one hundred miles apart, and some of them as much as four thousand miles in diameter, em bracing alike in their tremendous sween the fragrant savannas of the sunlit South, and the eternal soli tudes of snow that mantle the ice bound North. How these circles were produced is, perhaps, one of those primordial mysteries that the most skuiiui paieoiogiM, wui never UU U.U1U LU V..IJIU1II. 1JUI lV 5c ci c Tiilof-li !c frrtnsinni'li i ' ftntrnl rlnr fnr 1 nm tnlfl IV crentlemen who have been so reck less of their own personal safety as to venture away into those aw ful regions where Duluth is sup posed to be. that it is so exactly m the center of the visible universe that the skv comes down at pre cisely the same distance all around it. I find by reference to this map that Duluthis situated somewhere near the "Western end of Lake Su perior, but as there is no dot or otlifr marl; liHiicatmrr lie ovnot i .- r ii location, l am unauie to say wnetner ii is aciuanv conuncu to , - it,,, anv particular spot, or whether "it io "incf luinrr -lrnnnfl thorn Inrvco " JS USt lying aroutlU tliore loose. 1 really cannot tell whether it is f tl,M tt,ol o;..r. intellectual frostwork, more intan- "ible than the rose-tin ted clouds of a. summer sunset; one of those airy exhalations of the spectator's brain, which I am told are ever fttttinir in front of the towns and chips along these lines of railroad j built with government subsidies, '. iuiiHg tlie unwary settler as the mirage of the desert lures the fam ished traveller on, and ever on. until it fades away in the darken-; ing horizon, or whether it is a real, J bona fide substantial oitv, all "staked off," with the lots marked wilh lhclr OWIierS liaUlCS like that proud commercial metropolis recently discovered on the desirable shores of San Domingo But, however that may be, j am satisfied Duluth is there, or there- a,b.0Ut' tm. !' Stated, ,,e": " tms map mat it is exactly tinny nine hundred anil ninety miles from Liverpool, though 1 have no douot, for the sakeoi convenience it will be moved back ten miles. so as to make the distance an even four thousand Then, sir, there is use climate of Uumth, unquestionaoiy tne mv ? i i .i. .1 ! i saiuonous aim uciigiiu u- - - - found anywhere on ti.e Lord's earth. Now, I have always been under the impression, as 1 presume other gentlemen hve, that m tne region around Lake Sujerior it was cold enough lor at least nine months in the year to freeze the smoke stack off a locomotive. But I sea it represented on this map that Duluth is situated exactly half way between the latitudes of Paris aud Venice, so that gcntK men who have inhaled the exhili- rating airs of the one or basked in the golden sunlight of the other may see at .a glance that Dulul.i must be a place of untold delights. a terrestrial paradise, fanned by the balmy zephyrs of an eternal spring, clothed in the gorgeous sheen of ever-blooming flowers, -I 1 l1 ll ?1 1 -.1 anu vocai wun me suvery mciuuy of nature's clwicest songsters Governor Knott's conirratula- tmy rem?irks VlUj in tWs year of our I-ord, 1S8.-, doubtless prove inlorestinff rcadinj 3lAismi2i. lu Upier Astoria, A hkus! lR,mt,l.r Rev. Mr. Jioikka, August Xorberg and Johanna b.venseu KEW TO-DAY F. W. Siechhan GtefiayET'iAi!. 29, "83 First Appearance in this City, and Last Engagement of 'gj?' HENRY WARD BEECHES i tie World's Greatest Preacher and Orator. Lecture: ThsRsiia of lie Coimon PeoDle AdmitsWm ----- !u.m.,i s;s(HlH;3itH!)t.i. Stnw' ji. r- wniiEr.i5i:. w. i Hnnu WHEELER & ROBB. GEKKIIAL REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. AND COLLECTION AGENTS. Keal KsUte bmight and sold oh CoimimSs- sihi. mwals adjusted and Hilts coMctd. Orntsj)0iMkice from ahroad mrikited. .w.J.v..v. jromec in Hume's new bnlldlns, oh siie- moqita street, uext door to Foard & Stokes 2 -xv S 2 x e r Q i ui I w'Q!aBvS - 66 SFF'i AMERICAN FLAG Wr,xtnA ni u,r v.i-j Tim wilirc MinninnUv Hint. ln lm?. I :.. ji ui. . - Jlfiii in the iiisht time, sorrow with lilni n lus sau loss 50 ana costs. Xo more grub after V2 oVIocU iaitlnij;ht Unti! further notice. "JEFF." Rflnnrfnu im 97fh a 1 P Pi? a 1 At X. JohaiiRCii's Store in Upper Astoria. Closing out and Going East. I Instructed liv3Ir.X. .lohunsen. I will sell without reserve at public auction, all the "'vi u wcumicbu-u iu i mi-h' cral jlerelinudise, eoiLiUns of ro' ceries, ISnrrtivare. Canned I's-:uSh GoodH and yailltee A'OtiOHS ALsoalotor;e.ntlcmeasi'me Cloth lnKami underwear. v. UVL,U1,?, ubbMuMi HALL - - ffianager. 2 V) B 2 EYflTTO OTJU" fFf TTTlI 5 BD HAL U ii 1 wis 1 U iUWi 1 ii A Select Tarty of 'LONGSHOREMEN 1,ave 71,1 cuk to KnaW.a u Sunday, August 26. 1883. Str. CLARA PASSER Will l-av' Main Street Wharf at W oVInelc A. 31. KrtuntiHX at T o'clock 1. M. On arrival om m xmundx at Kitawa, tne foMowlag ganwswltl Im contested fcwaciJi mkr4 by lav prizes mentioned. ir : 1-2 Mile Foot Race. t Kw wily. 1U rri ' aA " - 3rd " ssvrt I nlrai.i-e Hf 4 i.r. vtHtr hack km: i.t. iif.kx. Ik Ytw. f;gj 3rd " I"!."."r.7."Jsaif KutnMHc 1-Ve Sack Race. 100 yards. For all CftMHrs. 1-4 Vritr - -c2 M 2l " - - 1 50 31 save i jttmtMM Fee Catching a Greasy Pig, liw. 4MftUIt f lw I A fML'Htt I 1 (MIIUI on it rnami at Knappa, k a -ImmH .! MltU-h wtlt ! immI fnt - - - - Oancing jinr". a H:rrc will In inuir hi at tt! aaro. TiriH'ts ui I- hail al Ww. IkbrarV (Htwr Stmr. nmr f Main ativrt.or from Hw CMMmitt.'Hi Tfc'keLi for I ady and .. CettllmuMt txe Dollar. ChiStuvH nwdr i'2 year of a-- SO Cents. Kntranre lfve 1 any of the Kaws r Cent. . Tl. AtiHa l!ni ad Slliiui ItatMl will IroinattOMdaiico l furnish hub' Uk the IM9CM6UHI. Yiv rdor ' I lie (rtwroitiet.. If. I'KICH. T.STANFIKI.U. .i. ki:nxi:dy. LADIES' DRY GOODS FOR LESS than COST ! rViust be Sold in Next 10 days Store Opposite Astoria Camly racforj- on Zilain SI. JSSHOall and pel BAHRAIN'S. MISi. i A. in i.u Astoria Oil Works. .1. If. !H-V";rC. rn-!ii!r, 1. l'o 2TI, Astoria, Omhjoii. KxKfrlHraBd Xralor in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. l.KX'rs will liiwl my skUl Cn-asr to 1? tMfii Mid cm-?!'. THE LATEST STYLES IX WALL PAPER AT 2iKlT DOOKTO ASTOltlAK Ol'FICl. A vo" 1W Stock frcMii wliiHi t srlovt. VitMlow etirisins made to order. rV-My nttit Trimmer to enl Wall ljr will Iw iwuutl couvtMilctit to luy patnNH. L. K. Gr. SMITH, i wottcr and wholesale dcairr in 'i2p mh1 Toliacrw'i, SiHlrTH Artirlrs, ;I:iyi:iK l"4rt!. C'itllcry, !ia flwurrjr. Uic. Thf Urxe-a aud linost s:,Hc M !K!iK SCIIAI'M and AMUKH COOIW iu tlnseity. r.initrtinu- attonnna ian; t owt-w inw tlM CtMIHUy. Tii; i. ltKACKKt:. M.uuisr. diMUun-K Stret. Aitna. O rerun. CAE-L ABLEE " HEX AMI'S St - A?TOKIA. K. 3 ",,,staM,,y A FULL 1.1 NK OF FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, AVhk-h Im dfcrs to tin iMildk-xl IIm ftnMn'. Ktr arliHp Kttnnitilcitl to leas reMvrtdpl. i:c;KUii lmK' by W. 1. ArwlM4pr. I'liftical Walohmakfr ami .lewcirr. t'itif V..xpIi ite;airSKs: KjicpinSty. work loianiiitml. sili. AND -forseshaeing Establishment. T J1AVK LATlilA SKCUilliD TI1K SKIt- m. vivs of ;t coiiiiK'li'iit horspMMKT Iroto 11- liaois,:uid will KUHnttitfesMtMacthHi iiiliiat work. CaniK'ry work mih! kpiiphiI blaok- smithing done, at n-asotiabh- rnt. S;oji near Jvmncy's canm-rv-. .TOHX FKF.I.Y For Sale. 7IVK IIFXDIIKP COKDS DIJY 11 KM 1? hrk WVkhI. which 1 will deliver al the Ikmispx of citoitu'rs for $ I x cord. Dnulux or all kinds tIon at reasonable Changed Hands. fEUIK BATvEHY OXClIEXAUSSTItHlCT. owned bv Chx. Cannv. has Im'cm lNHiiit by Clias liberie, who will Iwru Ik after LHHHttK't It (lood Bread, a Spcclclt3 Tlw iwlrtic trwle solicited. Notice. miiE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE I. X. I. JL FackiHt; Co. are hereby notilted that the reenlar annual ineetintrof thLseomnanv will h heUl in their office Augat . 1SRX. at 10 o'do'k. a. M. All sttickhobleis are re- qttesii'd tn l jreont as there is Intsinc; of iiitKHtanec lo iniaaci. SAM'LKKIKSOX. Slid Scc'y To Lease FOR A TEllM OF YKAltS, 2 LOTS OX the X. Iu corner of block 42, llain ami Jefferson streets, 3TcClures Astoria. Ajody to M. IIUUKKS. Administrator's Notice. NOTfCE IS IIEREKY dVEX TTLVT THE MHb'riRiiC(l has ben ajointed by the i otmiy uoun oi tne v ounix oi i taisoH, in the State of Oregon, admlinstrator of the es tate of Orville King, deceased ; all jeixms Having claims against saiu esiaie are ncreoy iKMiflHi to uresont them to the understened at Ms ofHee at the Oecident Hotel, iu the city of Astoria, in said Coiinly, within Mix mow it innn uus uaxe. C. S.AVRI(",IIT. AdmiiiLstrator. AJdori.n, .T aly S5ih, 1S3. w4-5t County Treasurer's Notice. milERK IS .MOXBY IX THE COUXTY JL Treasun- ta nay all County Orders ore seated prior lo Octolier 13th, 1SS2. AM sueJi onlcrs will cease to draw interest after tut date. CHAS. HEILT.OItX. Ticks. Clatsop County. Astoria, August 20tli, 1SW. Hess Farm for Sale. rKiniSVALU.UJLK FAKM.OX CUU'SOl Ji. Plains, consisting of CM acres of dalrr aud fann land, toeelhcr with stock and farm tools. Is for sale on reasonable taints. For particulars apply to u. s. liusib, in Astoria. j Kaye a Full Line of j ff8 fi iaSetl w &l 6 wulltSi 1 si Corner Mm ai teeme Sts., MAGNUS C. OitOSIrt, Dealer in HARD, IBON, ML, Iron Pipe and Fittings; PLTJ3ECERS AND STEAM FITTED Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD ip lead; SHEET IBOH TIH AKD COPPER. t It- P1I8S ! Stove Tin Wafe and Hsusei Jrurnisiimg Sosss. JOBBING h' SHEET IROX, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FIT 7 i HP Done with r.ectncss and u'ispatch. Xont! but Hrat class workiwtii cni !. terse assortment oi SOILED ConsJaiiMy ok hanl (sijukskou no r.JK V. au.ux.) Glass and Piaiod Ware. THH'.'lAL AK1) DOViKhTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together vtttix WjnssjUqnoFsJobacco.GiyRrs , ! i-v t r ; : Hi uus anu un6!iiica.ts j i $ J. I j 1. I1UTGG1ST j& j Prescriptions carefully comimundrd Day or Xight. j ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & CO.'S DISPATCH LINE Por "New York. 80 DAYS to ITEW YORK The New. and Elegant, A1 First Class Steamer. GEORGE S. IZ03ZE21. CROWELL, - Master. Will be ready at Astoria, in a few days for caro. and having the most of her eapacilx cnfsiKeil will have the usual prompt dispatch oi inisime. larlv annlieation should le inado for the lialanee of dteugagiHl room or passage, to Care of Allen & Lewis Portland, Oregon. Consignees iu Xew York. M ESSltS. SUTTOX & CO. Hardware and Ship Clailery A. VAH DUSEN & CO.. Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Scvrinj ISIafXtiucs. l?aixi(s axul Oils. CSrootjriitS. lc. SOLID GOLD T17.WT?.T.P "V U -l-'J V Y .L-fJ t j JL Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, s. Ei Wjs.5e;, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry iu Astoria. C3TA11 goods warrantedasropresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Pharmacist, Aastoria.o 0 f I I i W. E. BSME1T & GO. ASTOiiiA. - OKXC.OX Carry in StfK-k. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. rrftseriptioHs canfitl5y ComiwHwlrtl, I. "W. CASE, r.Ml'OKTKK AND WHOLKSAI.K AND XH TML UKALKK I2i 8EHEBAL MSSGEASDISE ASTORIA fii tm Lie ! T T. "?? 77 OP THE CHOP HOUSE Chh prove ly his ltooks thni 1m is doi the EESTATJBAIIT In the crity. ami he wili guaranty to sive the nival ur easn. Wilson & Fisher, SM1P &HANDLE3S. iKAi.i:r.s i?f Iron. Steel. Coa!, Anchors, Ghains TAR, PaTCH, OAKUM, NAILS A WD SPIKES Shelf Hardyare, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING. Agents for Salent Flouring Mills and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD ! SCALES. I All Me. at Tort land Trice!, in Stoek. . Corner Clienanms anil Hamilton Streeti j ASTOJIIA. OKEGOX. Boot and Slioe Store s K- rs FIXEST AXD LARGEST STOCK QV lEoots AXD S2100S Ever brought to Astoria, is opened to tl rublie in llrown's Xi lluilding. Xext to City J5k k Store Come and see Latest Style?. 2. J. ARVOLD. PIAN AND G A SMALL MUSICAL UMEJ T SPREADS AND STOOLS SjtLOQ-fc Mnsic 7 Piano, and Organ Instructors CELEBKATED STECK & KNABE HAHOS USED BV- "President of United States" "Governor of Oregon Ami other prominent persons. Pianos and urxaasoi many leaamt: matte, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS Largest House on This Coast Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. 165 First St.. Portland. Oregon. Farm For Sale. THE "3TJCKEYS TABar OX DLIND SLOUCH. THREE "MILES above Knaitpn. coiistin; of 160 :icres G acres under cultivation and fence, timber for ceO.Ooo feet of lops and an inunease iian tity of cord wood, which is easily accessible. Is forsale. There is good range for 10 or 12 liead of cows. Finest IVatcr in tin; World, on the Place, For tentn, otc, nvpiy to J. G. KOSS, rion eer Kestaurant. Astoria. or to D. 15. 11053, L. I Fresh Fruits FAWCY GROCERIES. fiTTY have twday finished opening and putting in order the nought in San Francisco by B. P. STETENS. C. V. MOl'FIT will be found behind the counter. Ilis long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. aIggggyy5: TElt apply to th- Captain, or to 5im Jk, XKEontgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO .TACKJJSS & MOKTG05IERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIKXASXirs STKKET, NVxt to C. Iu Parker's Store. THE i A FTJIiIj STOCK S3- HEL. HAWiilS, Two tloors east of Occident Hotel, CHAS. HEILBORN, irANUFACTTJBER OF FTJRNITTJEE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. m. oi.sp.n-. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN jjjjj FUBNITTJEB & BEDDESTG. Corner 1Ia:n and !Squciuoqua Streets. Astoria, Oresoa. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER'. ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AM. K1?JBS OF rURXITUKE IIEPAIKED AXD VABKISHED. CIAS.H.IILLIAMSON&CO. REAL ESTATE axi General Commission Brokers. OHlce on (Senevievc street, in the rear of E, 15. Havvcs building. A Ceneral Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CL0UTRIE. All manner of Keuairing, etc., attended to. Shop in rage's new building on Cass street. OYSTER AUD COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened in the Odd Fellows Build ing : Entrance on Cass street. Ice Cream. Ice, Etc. PARKER. $ Vegetables OK STORE. STEAMER CLARA Eric Johnson, Master. 3 For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR- . P. FARKS& Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. 1'ium.nIuK goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. EW MODEL RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. S. BAWB&, AGENT CAIJ. AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. K. R. nAWES Is also agent for the Ml patent Cooiiif Stoye And other first-class stores. Furnace Work, Steam Fit tinfis etc., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND ASTORIA, OREGON. j. r.rsTAFSox. a.johxson. Leinenweber & Co., C. LKINEXWEBEB. H. BKOWK ESTABLISHED 1885. ASTORIA. OBEGOtf, TAMEBS AE CUBBIES, Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF AND EINDINQa IWholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. esrnighest casa price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. II The best of Liquors and Cigars on band. A deservedly popular plae 01 social resort. GEO, UJrXEIi. js-ua on the premises. uw-im-au 1