Ci) ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY AUGUST 24.18S3 Consumiuatuni Est. Aug. 22. The east and west ends of the Northern Pacific Knil road met at 2 o'clock r. at., to-day, 480 miles east of Wallula Junc tion. Ox the afternoon of the 2Gth of September, 1873, we were in DrexePs office in South Jhird street Philadelphia, when the great news was announced of the failure of Jay Cooke. "That knocks the bottom out of the Northern Pa cific Railroad," was the comment of that prominent Uanker, and of the millions who read the state ment that the financial projector of the Northern Pacific had failed, few deemed it within the limits of possibility that inside of ten years the great transcontinental line would be an accomplished fact. The completion of the third line of railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific coast marks a new era in the h:st6ry of the country, and opens a new chapter of history. "What the Central Pa cific has been to California, the Northern Pacific will be to the empire it traverses, with this dif ference and addition, that while the Central Pacific was an expo nent of aggrandizement, its north ern rival will exhibit a commer cial policy that must inure to its greater benefit. At present its enterprise is ahead of its popula tion along its track. But the tide of immigration from northern Eu rope will occupy a broad band of territory on each Bide, and the company will by creating the de mand itself furnish the supply. Thougli locally, we of Astoria feel aggrieved over tho persistent policy of delay that has character ized, throughout, tho action of the railroad managers as regards the Astoria land grant, yet, as a com munity, sensible of the advantages resulting from more rapid commu nication, we must give due credit to Henry Villard and his associ ates for the magnificent success that has crowned their efforts. A year ago, a prominent official of the company in answering a letter of inquiry which we had addressed him relative to the contemplated action of the companj' between here and Forest Grove, replied, in substance, that when pressure oc casioned by the effort to build the main line was relieved b' its com pletion, the attention of the com pany would be mere specifically diverted to the pushing forward of the line from Forest Grove to As toria. The fact that the building of that road seems to be in accor dance with the best interests of the corporation, justifies the belief that the road will be built. "The other side had more mon ey than we had," is the reason given by Chairman Campbell for the failure of the telegraphers' strike. He says the strike cost the operators about 4:00,000 in wages lost and . money expended. He estimates that it cost the West ern Union company, indirectly and in the future losses in busi ness, incidental expenses and de preciation in stock, a sum in ex cess of what it would have cost it to have paid its operators the ad vance asked for ten years. The moral effect has been to show the public that not only the operators, but the public at large, are at the mercy of two or three men, so far as the telegraph business is con cerned, and it has shown the pub lic the danger of being absolutely at the mercy of a band of mo nopolists, whose only thoughts are of their own private interest. The "Western Union will recover very quickly its ability to transact busi ness, but in his opinion it has lost to rival lines a large amount of business that will never return to it. Sm "Hexry Thompson', the London surgeon, recognizes in fish a combination of all the elements of food that the human body rn quires in almost every phase of life, more especially by those who follow .sedentary employment. To women he considers fish to be an invaluable article of diet, but he scouts as a complete fallacy the notion that fish eating increases the brain power. "The only action fish had on tho brain was to put a man's body into proper relations with the work he had to. do." There are indications, says the Nautical Gazette, that all of our leading ship yards will be busy for some time to come, each one now having a fair quota of work. There is really more solid talk for tonnage now than there has been for a long time, and when tle va cation season is over we may ex pect to see very lively tim. Tiip day is coming when the ffceiiitie and especially of our present ship building establishments will not be equal to the demands made upon them, and, of course, new ones will .spring up to supply the in creasing wants of eoiiimtMW. These assertions are made ujxmi the best . authority and w?ll be found to be correct in thf imw future. We have a large field opening to us, and even foreign ers have learned by experience that Americans can build the best iron vessels to be found anywhere, and in due season we shall be fa vored with an abundance of for eign orders. The tone of our shipping interests is healthy and encourajrinsr. GtK.vpe growing in California pas about as well as any form of agricultural industr;, even with out discounting the extravagant stories told about the profits of orange culture. Tho Napa Ji'j islcr tells of a vine grower in Green Valley who has a vineyard comprising only twent'-one acres, but those yielded enough to on able him to ship 100 tons of grapes to a wine cellar in Napa City and 9,000 boxes 35 pounds each to San Francisco, and still keep on hand ten tons for his own use. The grapes thus shipped by him sold for $30 per ton in .Napa City and at two cents per pound in San Francisco, giving him 5,100. The entire cost for growing and selling the fruit was $S30, leaving him a net profit of over Si, 000, or more than 200 an acre. Wheat grow ing, even with the most successful crops, could not have paid over SS0 an acre. The laud that yield ed so bountifully could have or iginally been bought outright for much less than the . profits of a single year. Pitor. Pkoctoi: saj-s that a let ter weighing half an ounce on the earth would weigh four tons at the sun. "Were the same rates of postage to there prevail as exist on this fragment of the solar sys tem, correspondence among jossi ble dwellers thereon' woffld bo ex ceedingly limited. AVonic on the Oregon Pacific at Yaquina bay and vicinity, 1ms been discontinued, the laborers Have been discharged, and noth ing definite is learned as to when active operations will be resumed. XEW TO-DAY IT IS POLICY In Buying, to Select from The Largest Stock. - Just Received ex "Oregon." A large and well selected Stock of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES which we will sell at Very Low Rates A POSITIVE REDUCTION OF 10 per cent. J If von iVant fresh Roasted Coffee, If you want freshly ground Coffee, If you want the best Coffee, If you -wantiCheap Coffee, If you want the best. Black Tea, If you want the best Green Tea, If you -want the best Mixed Tea, If you want the best English Breakfast Tea. GO TO A. SL Johnson &Go. Notice. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE I.X.L. rackingCo. are .hereby notified thathe regular annual meeting of this comixuir will be held in their offlco August no. 1SSS. at 10 o clock, a. at All stockholders arc re quested to be present as there Is business or importance to. transact. - JSALrXERIKSON. -U1 - StiC'y. NEW TO-DAY. BMSION TO MilPPA A Select Party of 'LONGSHORE M E N J'mjxMe to havi an -:ceur-ioa to Kmppa on Sunday, August 26, 1 383. Str. CLARA. PAEKSE WW h .ire Ma!n Street Wharf ni . 8 (t'vloclt A. 25. KetantbtK at 7 oVtoek P. if. arrlral on th croond at Knnwa. tn ieiknmtg games 1UU- .juieted tor au-.rtn-3fii hjr fhr prize? rocaU4id, iz: 1-2 Mte Foot Race. !' 'ljuysinireuh'n only.) 1st fiize .S5 w 2nd " 2 TA 3rd " Mm MUraiKH? Kt It MI UE FOOT KAf'K FOR ALL COi:RR. 1st riwe $5 p 2nd - 2 3rd Kitlratice Fee Sack Race. 100yards. I'w all Comers. iStTXt $2 SO Slid " 1 59 3rd sa KMraiHM Kee Catching a Grfcasy Pig. Tlu- MTMm ratdiiHg the ltr. own the same. Oft the grmstMH at Knatp&. is a school Isoiwe whit will lie wed for Dancing jmrpase, as there will be mw? in utttmd ancr. ThikrtN catt i had at W'w. Kdjpws (ar SfcirR. corner of Main street, or from the OomwiUce. Exeundun Tickets for Lady ml. Centleraau Ono ltHr. CWWren under 12 years of age Si Cents. Kntrxnee Fee to any of the llaees, 30 Cents, liv ordPr f the Committee. F. I'KICK. T.STAXKIKM). .1. KKXXKDY. OCCIDENTAL HALL ! FOE ONE SIGHT ONLY! Friday Night, August 24, '83. The Great Original and li:l Cenitine 16?iro Spanish Stuftents16 MifaroSpislSMitsjlS loFiproSpslSiRtatsjlS ( Sixlcirn ;ii lYuiKer ) Tie GQSRELLIS OPERA GO, (Late from Ifeaton) In 1 heir CrWirated Prison Seem; from ' La ?E SIC HOLE! 15x shK now ojkmi at Xew York Nov elty Store. Saturday, Aug. 25ibs at 1 P.ffl. At X. .Joliaijsoifs Store in 1"imt Astoria. Closing out and Going East. !iisi nicted by Mr. X. .lhrnsen. I will sell witho'it icvne a: ;::ih!io anetion. all the halatiee of wc'l eleeteil M.-k of ;'n erul 3fereIiaMiIlM. v!iin: t Ciro criIw. SS&rri nre. Cunneft t-rtts, jPauey HosdsMiui Yasti .o1ioms. .Isi a lot of (jt'Nt U-JJien'rf ie t'tn; h s:turaiit S!tilerweai". K.f. IIOLDKX. Aueliojicer. Astoria Oil Works. .1. II. UicKOltCK. rmprietor. 1. O. Bos 2vl, Astttria, Oregon. KaHUfucturcr and 2;ea!e.r in FISH OIL and SKiD GREASE. Igeiiwill And my Skul Crease to 1m? duod ami vbeai. County Treasurer's Notice. rjWrfltK KS MONEY IX TI1K COl'XTY JL Treasnr)-1 jay all County Orrteis pre seotf l jtrior to -tob-r 13lh. mS2. All ch orders will cease to ilraw interest after this date. CHAS. IIKILIIORX. Trea'j. Chtfo)i County. Astoria. Augnst 29th, ltO. City Taxes. TU OTICE IS I! EREB Y C. I YEX THAT TI I E Li city JwessMifiit roll for lS-vi is now in my ImmmIs for illeetioii. and all tteisons tliat are imleMeti for the same mar save live er oeut. lijr jying said taxes Iwiore Sertemlver 11.1MS. J. (i. HL'STLEU. CityTreasnrer. Scow for Sale. J OFFKU 51Y JCOW "KOUOIl AX I) J- Ilemly" for sale. Parties who wish to imrehase will find her well adated for ear rylmc I can be fouml at O'ilrien's hotel. ii-:wk. nrrEU3iui.i.i:i;. Assessor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY IYEX TIIATTHE aeAS4!ienl roll ef Clatsop countv will he emm:etist aud m the hamb of tlit; 'Board of the eonrt house in said roonlytm theJ.tM Monday in AugiHl. 18S3, when all iersons Interested are ratinired to attend and make any olJecti4i tl?y mav have to the same. V. W. TARKKR, Cmmty Assessor Clatsop O,0gu. Astoria, August C, 1883. LADIES' DRY GOODS FOR LESS than COST ! ftfust be Sold in Next 10 days Store Opposite Astori:t Candy Factory on 3Iniit St. J3-Call and get BARO AIXS. JlliS. 11 A. HULL. BLA0SBMITH AXl) Horseshoeing Establishment. T HAVE LATELY" SECURED THE SER t vjeesof acomiK-'tenthorseshoer from Il linois, and will guarantee satisfaction In that work. Cannery work ami general black sniithlng douo at reasonable, rates. Shop near Kinney's cannery. JOHN FEELY. To The Public. ft OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILVT JIY JL wife, Charlotte Benson, liaving left my hcl and board without any just cause, I will not pay any debts of lier eoutractln . . OIX)FBEXSOX Astoria, August 21, 18SS. i o Whom it May Concern. rilEKEAS, MY "WIFE, AXXIE NESS YT lias left my bed and board with out jubt cause or provocation, this Is to cauifon all persons from harboring or trust ing lier, as I will pay no bills of her contract ing after this date. E. NESS. Olney, Or., August 20, 18S3. . d&w n Mi Sal Have. a Full Line of i iifrfiCpk!8' Gin Site, Corner Gliesams PEEEMPTOBI t,: auction sale; OF Balance of Stock i OX HAND AT ! on H H U 0. COMMENCING I. JULY 23. U.I. I have received positive instruc tions from tho BONA TIDE OWNEES OF THIS LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To closo the same out at Auction, WITHOUT RESESYE I Sals commencing on above day.; 12. C. HOICKS. Atictioxtccr. BA'IKiiiG ANHHSURAHGL x. xar. c&ss, BROKER- BANKER XSD IR8UBAHCE AOEisT. ASTOItJA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IIOUKS: PKOM J O'CLOCK A. M. UK TIL 3 O'CLOCK P. Mutual Mmm Co., OF CALIFORNIA. I. K I!oi;:hto.v Ckas. it. SiTORV Cliu. 1 roitv ...I'resMeJit Seerewry ..As?nt for Ooh Oipiba ;thl up in U. S. gold ottin .. .. $ 900 0M VQ I. IV. CAS3:. Agent, Chenamns street. Astoria, Oregon. 867,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AKD LOnQN AND GLOBE, NOR'J liRITISK jVKD 3IEIICAN T1LE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA ?rRE INSURANCE CO:.IPA2nES Kopresentint: a capital of C7,O0O.OCO. A. VAX DUSEX. Acent. HOUSE, SICK, AND CARRIAGE Paper Hanging. Kalsomining, Etc.. And all kinds of work in my line done m a prompt and satisfactory manner. J5yShop next east of Grace Church. JS. K. CfllfMIASr. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. SUTTON & C07S DISPATCH LINE Por New York. 80 DAYS to KEW YOEK The New. and Elegant. A1 First Class Steamer. GEORGE S. HOniSIC. CUOWELL, ... - blaster. Will he ready at Astoria, In a fe.v days for carjio. aad having the most of Iter capacity engaged will have the usual prompt dispatch of this line. Early application should he made for the balance of disengaged room or passage to V.r. SUTTOi?. Care of Allen & Lewis Tortlaud, Oregon. Consignees In Xew York. aiESSKS. SUTTON & CO. L. K Gr. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer iu CIsars anI Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, I'laj-Ins Cards, C'ntlcry, Sta tionery, Etc The largest and llnest stock of MEER SCHAUM and AM11EU GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, TiiEO.IJKACJvEK, Manager. Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. Changed Hands. milE BAKEKY OXCIIEXAMUSSTKEET, JL. bee foimcrlv owned tfv C1iil-. Carow. has been bought by Chas Eberle, who will here- after conduct it. Good. Bread a. Specialty. The public trade solicited. Hall's Safes. catalogue and price lists, UOZORTIIS JOHNS, For Sale. IIUVE IIUNDUED CORDS DRY IIEM- lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses ot customers for $1 a cord. Draying or all kinds done at reasonable rates. It. R. MARION. Js "T5r? mil sswaref ! 3 sv. Site, ilia UGliDVlDTG OLD.. W. B. BEMSMT & CO, A-sToniA. (MIKGON t'arrj :!s Stork. DRUGS, GHESiOALS, TOILET and FAfGY ARTSGLES. rreseriilioiis carefully ComKuiMietl. L 'Vf ' "AbJi, IMI'ORTKK AXD WIIOLXSALK AKD KX TAIL UXALKII IX GEB1BAL HiSCMBISS 'onier CtenD:i and Cass treetf.. ASTOK1A - - - OWJGON: F iprei New Lie ! AMI JEFE OF THE CHOP EOTJSE Can prove by his ltook tliat he Ls doiiifc the bhjseit business ifany ' HE STAUE AST : In the eity. ami lie wilt narantee to vc I me ik-'i nieai nr easn. WlJbSON & FlSHER, p CHANDLERS. DEATJiltS IX i iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors. Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, ;NAILS AND SPIKES. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, v'r.OtTII ASI TtlllX, FJGE2. Agents for Salem Ficurincr Mills, and Capita Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. AH izes, at rr:I:uil I'riccs, in Stoek. Corner Chcnamtis and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. 01 tEG ON. 3? Boot and Slice Store, FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Boots AND Slices Erer brought to Astoria, is opened to tho Public In Brown's Xe Buildings Next to City Bo.; Store Cone and see Latest Styles. J. ARVOLD. P I A AND a a SM ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SP11EADS AND STOOLS Slieet Music , Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED steck a mm PMOS ! USED BY "President of United States" "Governor of Oregon." Ami other prominent persons. llanos and Organs of tunny leading makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Largest House on This Coast. Instruments of All Kinds Tuned and Repaired. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland. Oregon. Farm For Sale. THE "BUCKEYE rAEM" ON BLIND SLOUGH. THKEB MILES above Knappa. consisting of lCo acres G acres under cultivation and fence, timber fpr oeo.OOO feet of logs and an Immense quan tity of cord wood, which Ls easilv accessible. Is forsale. There is good range" for 10 or in head of cows. Finest VTater in the V.'orltl, on the riacc, For terms, etc, apply to J. G. KOS3, Pion eer Restaurant, Astoria, or to D. G. ROSS, on the premises. dw-im-au 4 ! Fresh Fruits FANCY GEOCEEIES. CITY We have to-day finished opening and putting in order the liotight in San Francisco by B. F. STEVENS. C. 1 MOFF1T will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. Ba F. STEVENS & CO. TKU aptly to the Captain, or to (SUCCESSOIt TO JACKINS & MONTGOSIERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Fromptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIEAAJSILTS SSTJIEET, Xext to C. Ti. Parker's Store. BE NEW MODEL tfa2llfc& A FTJIili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3. IO. TT A W ES, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OP FXJBITURE 3 BEDDING AND DEALER IU Carpets. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. M. Or.SEK. J. OUSTAFSOX. A.J0H2TS0X. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE S BEDDING. Corner Main and Squcnioqua Streets. Astoria, Oresea. WIHOOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. A A. KiriUS OF riTRHITlTRE REPLIBED AJSD TABHISETJED. (MEWILIJAMSOH&CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Ofllce on Genevieve street. In the rear of E, 11. Ilawes' building. A General Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTRIE. AH manner of Iiepairing, etc., attended to. Shop in Page's new building on Cassstreet. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-ononed in the Odd Fellowa Build ing: Entrance on Cass street. Ice Cream. Ice. Etc. AEKER. Vegetables OK STORE. Sio&ls of Goods STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eric Johnson, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR 33. P. rAEKEB. DEALEK Ef Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents; for Magee Stores and Eanges The Best in the market. I'tumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Jott work done In a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF IAWB9, AGENT CAI.L AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E.R.IIAWES is also agent for the It And other first-clas3 stoves. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit tings, etc., a specialty. Leinenweber & Co., C. IiKINEN WEBER. H. BEOWX ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AND CDEljjjg Manufacturers and Importers ot LL TvINDS OP AND FINDINGS IWhoIesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. 3HIghest cash price paid' for Hides and Tallow. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A, M The best of Liquors and Cigars on band. A deservedly popular plaee of social resort. GEO. HILLEB.