ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY.... "....AUGUST 10, COMMERCEMD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSELS IX THE MVER. C!hotebreucli, Am sp Harr? More. Am p Imiril. Am sp Titan. Am Olwberric Urbfc Highland tUicht. Ata. p Utr. A in Olive S. Southard. Amst (Mont. River N!th.lrSx Kt- F Tt9t, Kr bk Aboriemno. lirbk Cratmnrn. lir bk Tam O'.Sliautor. Cr. Hr m Red Oroi. Am ss (trri WiMlw.&M V Rctxburghire. lir bk vessk!jS o. rnE wa . I'rotM I"oro:r" INtrtM. rr lit 'oIiiMil!:i ttlver Uarjranj", I5r Ajwil 35 Ctfd Hlcncfell, JSr p Hay 14 l Banffshire. l$r bk AH-l 4 Len4o Ilhotan. lir sp Liverpnel Mar 12 Citj- of Madrid. Ur sp Mar 3 CNidi Ghssoa. 15r bk Liven' Mreii II (Jairnsjnarp. 15rj London April! llavenlgr. I'.r bk Newcastle X R W liskJale. Itr Iik .lalf X l'isrr Crm. Ur sp Si4npy UWnperis, Hr bk April 28 (5rtllT CirvaH. lirbk April Sf. Ia4h Harry Hailoy. lirbk Itoeitos Avres Ineitcreon. lir op IW9I flreeneck, .ImteS Irenside. Ur bk Greenock Mar Isle of Anstaaca, lirbk Mar 5 LtvrtMe4 Jatwt McXoll. lir bk June 13 Glaxffftw Kapunda, lir op London April 7 Lake lrie, lir sn L(hm1og April Mallecstc. lirbk Liverpool May 21 Nairni4iir. lir sp Giamgatr .Man" 'it Oban liar, lirbk Mar St fi!w Oakworth, lir ht l'-b .HI London O boron. I'.r bk Hull .1 une 3 Oburou, lir tap London .lMe lt Portland LleyiU, Aim ap Mo4-Mi8 Mar ?! Itotfcdliu, lir h 1'ort OhalMM-m Mar 11 Star of Hrin. ISr p Clantftw .luie W Spirit of tlic Uavrn. Hr lik M: l.onanti Scottish Tar, lir bk Liiwpsol. March U Sbenir, Itr bk Newcastle March ? Wistensfaire. lir bk Umiwii Maroto 1 SVora American t'orti. Moroni, Am sp X V Ml Wattbincton. Ara sp New York April 13 M W Watts. Ara bk Xcw orl Mr 12 Sea King. Ara sp X Y July J St. Lucie, dp Xevr York March 14 Sovoroicn of the Keen. A is sp Xfr Yorfc .Tune 2 Tlll'm K Starbuck. Am ap X Y June 23 TIDE TAHLK FOK ASTORIA From tables oi United Stntes Crowt Si.iv. High Water. i U ."atrr. OntH. a.w. r. M. I . m. ..a. ic 17.. 18... 1!.., ID.., -M... .11 lit U 03... . 0 4" 11 67...., - - 1 2rt..... ..- 0 -IB .. 1 fill..... 1 til 2 ' Z. f i8."!!Z! 5 4-5i'!!."i ,.. 8 10 :;!! r 42 r. ic 0 37 S 15 7 3 7 Ml 7 7 m S 22 ft-W S ., SS it 2. ..;h20 4 1 .... 21 5 U() ik r. .t. 1 051 .'.. ... ." UOJ 1(1 i'tl G 01 0 '11 ,11 u ill -39 Columbia Kiver iJxyorts. rillirMKNTS FOKK1GX KKCAl'iTULATIOX JAXUAliV iJPl.s?? bus. whreit . $ SWUtlfi .WJS7 bills UHr... 257.17 Total, S cargoes FKlt!t"AKY. Wheat. 1C0.90G bus., value Flour, 21), tin) bbls., " Total, 5 cargoes ' MAKCll. Wheat (W7.521 busheli,) , mouri18.l bbls) Salmon (2fti casus) Lumber (500 M ) Total (8 cargoes) .ri:iu Flour, 21 .smith's . Lumber, :75 HI ,. 178.19? . 144,8 . 32SMI . 2I8.7.T0 .M4.1(I7 .... l,OS0 $46,1111 Siss.rr Total, 3 cargoes $l8e,5M XAV. Flour 3,fi9i bbls S 17.51 Wheat -111.2:2 bus Gt).U! Total, (1 enrpo) .nrxi. Flour. 9fll bbls Salmon, :i7,7!)St .S7MI77 1.978 Total, (I cargo) .IL'LY. Flour, lftl bbls 7.C7: Salmon, 11822 cs . RU.Slo Totl, (S ttirsocs) -S5W.2S3 Domestic Exports. The receipts of certain articles of -Oregon produee, at San Francisco, from January 1, IS:, ti August Till, im'lu sive, l::tv! licen as follows: Kloiir, or shs . 21."..ino Wheat, ctls 3t.6i Oats, ctls ' 81.17 Salmon, bbls S7s hi hlils c cs lctea ll:ps 7 Apples, Kipe, lixs Ittilter. pkjrs 1.T7 I'otatoiv. ks ..... . 25.440 Wool, bales !.271 Hides. No t,7.V i allow, jiks 701 lleuf, bbls . y Hay. bauis Oiiicksllvcr. Ilasks lJ Kmil. Dried, pkas G.l7 leather. pk;s . ...... M Hops, bales fci Hams, ltkas.. s Flaxseed, sks ; l.v t)orn. ctls ............ 1 1 Canned Cttods, cs....... TIM I-ml, pUrs ... i:: Itaooa, cs . . 7 Common CounciL Hosular mcolinga second and fourth Taw day evenings ot uach mootli. at "i- o'cleek C3- Porsons dosirins to havo uiHitorA arttd upon by tho Council, ataryrcsular moolinr must prcsont tho sanio to tho Auditor and Clork on or boforo tho Friday oveninp prior to tho Tuesday on which Uto Council holds its regular mooting. THUS. S. .1 EV MT, Auditor and Clork. Astoria Lodge Mo. 40. L O. G.I. Itcgular Meeting every Tncday Kvoning at 7 o'clock, at l'ythian Hall, Astoria. Mem bers of tho Order, in ood f landing, arc inrit. ed to attend. Degree mooting lrt Monday of each month. IJy order W. C. T. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7 A. P. A. 11. Hogular CoiamunicatittnB first and'lrf third Tuesdays in each taonth. at 7 V o'clock, e. it., at tho Hall in Astoria. Mombora of tho Ordor, in good standing, arc m. uou to aucna. ur orac: oi too v. M. American Lecrion of Honor. Itegtikir meeting or Astoria Council No.95, Is hold on the lirst and third Saturday of emu iiiniiui, ai t o ciock r. . Ily order of Council Commander. K.V MoxTKiTH. Sec'ty. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY. Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of everj descrfptlou. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. Hy-All goods warranted asrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Hess Farm for Sale. miHS VALUABLE FAltM, OX CLATSOP jl nams, consisting oi wo acres or dnln .....1 r.m .,.wl t .itaI I. .at tlfl. .I,!- .....1 T....Z. .Kilt .....u. 1 till tfV.JV IIIU lAlill tools, is for sale on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to o. l. HESS, in Astoria, J3&-1U1 TRUi racsr 1 wperana Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath thr. cannot be kept, because c: the non-removal of the caucv.- liquor. The way to mak a man temperate is to ki.i the desire for those dreadu. artificial stimulants that ca: -rjso many bright intellect to premature graves. an-J desolation, strife and un happiness into so m.iny families. Itisafact! Brown's l2t Bitters, a true non-alcoholic tonic, made in Baitimro ld.,by the Brown ChenMcU Company, -vvlio are old drej. rjiits and in every paiticy lar Ejiiablc, will, by reinAv ing the craving .-ppetita . tlic drunkard, an i by cor:. ; the nervousness, weakness and general ill lieakh resum ing from intemperance, tlo :norc to promote temperance, in the strictest sense then cay other means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines, especially 'bitters are noth ing but cheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in locaL option countries. Such is not' the case with Browns IuokBitters. Itis a medi cine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive or gans of the body, produc ing good, rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle. Price $1,00. AIAKKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. Ccneral assortment of tttble stock coustaatly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Kams, Shoulders, Lard. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, In the season. CJGAJtS AIVE Best f VNKS A5 2.I1'SK. All cbenji for CASH, floods sold on hm-mis-Mm. OliH4tf I. W. Cttse's Mort. .1. HOlMJEltS. WasMngton Market, Main Slroel, - - Atloria Qrcytir JBERGMAK C BEIlJtY R125PSCTFULLY CALL THE ATi'KK. tinn of tbo public to tbo tmei that tlt above 3fsrkot rrill sluayf b Fspjtlibd with a FULL YAMETY BEST QUALITY " FRESH APJO CURED PLEATS! Which Kill hc5oll st Iowot rat, wliolal6 aad roUiL SjtociHl U4mb kivwi i miHril ox nhiin. . LOOK HERE ! . We resjH'et fully Inform the pahite Uial we will always lu-ep on hand the W-yl ipiaUly of Presh and GuredMeats ALSO Choice Pamily Groceriess Fresli Frail, Vegetables, Cwtekj-iy awl (Itass-warc. Shii,iHotels and Hosrding Housos sup piled on liberal ttvias: ' t A filinre of the imbHe patfonncclsroiei fnllv solicited. dlf," WAUKKX&TIIOMrSO:;. STAR MARKET. WHERRY c COIiPAETY, Fresli mi (I Cured Moats, "VegctalDlcs, FRU TS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CSEHXAllUS Street. Astoria, O- tSTOKSA FIKB IJIii'AItTr.iEXT V. J. HAltUY. Chief Engineer F. P. HTCKS 1st AssLFngineer J. . CILVllTEltS d Asst Engineer HOARD OFDELEGJLTES.-JlcsalM meet ing rourtu lommy in each month, at 7 -TO r. si., at liall of Astoria Engine Company No. 1. . OKKrcEits. C. J. Trenchant. President : . A. Cleveland. Sccretarv : F. 1 Parker. Treasurer. Dklkoates. L.ll Sclitr. C. J. Trenchant. Chits. Stickles, of Astoria Engine Co. No. l ; win. Aicuoniue, i. u ranter, n. r . rraei, oi j-.escue ivngine k.o. o. zzz i:q. v. van is. r..i. 'layior. a. w. nerry.or Alert jiimik and ladder Co. No. 1. ASTOltrA EXG1XE COirPANl'Xa. 1-. Keguiar meetiug urst jlouday in each month. OHFicmts. AV. "V. Parker. President : L. K. Selig, Secretary : Win. Bock. Treasurer ; S. G. Inzalls. Fonman : Chas. Wnllmnii. 1st assi, I'oreuuin ; ltenry junicr, assi. ifore man. RESCUE EXGTKE COMPANY Xo. I Itegular meeting lirst Monday in each monui. Okfickks. C. "W. FnUon.President tit. lr, Prael. Secrntan: J. I). Morrymau. Ass't Seeretarj-: F. 1 Parker. Treasurer ; F. 1 j'arKer. roreman : n. v. i-raei, ist assi. Foreman; Janus Hare, ad Asst. Foreman, ALERT JWOK AND IjADDER Co. Nik 1. Itegular meeting second Monday in each month. Okkiceus. J. 0. Bozorlh. President : C. jsrown, ttccrctnry ; .I.xuttlc. Treasurer; r. 11. ElbQrson. Foreniau : F. AY. Ferguson. 1st Asst. Foreman ; J. AV. Forchcn, Asst. foreman. Shiloli's Couch ana Consumntiou Cure is sold by us' on' guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold byW..De A Great Possibility. On more than one occasion dur ing the last 3,000 yoars the bar baric hordes of the east have over flowed their boundaries and have swept " westward, overwhelming the young eiviiir.atioti o Europe and obliterating nearly all the landmarks of western art and progress; and at the present time, if we may credit the Pekiu corTea X)iidoni of one of the Calcutta pa pers, lliore is in China a powerful and rap wily growing party thar aii voeS'S the making of yet another gigantic excuiion toward the. land of the setting: sun. The Celestial Empire i, ho dotthr, immeiwelyj Qveqiowulalcd, aiul will proliabh ere long .cek nim; new outlet for her Mirpius t:"uixer: lt it is dif ficult to lielieve thai -he will at tempt, by peaccfi:! meauis, to at tain the desired result. The great unknown country has been qui escent for so long that it is almost impossible for a Enropean to con template thai the sleeping myri ads should ever again put forth their herculean strength. Yet if China were to awake; if she were to look westward with covetous glance ami once more to burst her J bounds, in response to that mys- i terioiiR impulse which in the east ; occasionally seizes upon a whole j people, how could she be resisted?; According to the edition o( the IicrolkeniH'j tier Erth she has a population of 434,000,000; and supposing that estimate for it is only an estiicate to lie even approximate!' correct, China could put into the helu more solUiers than there are i-ouls in German' ; aud, if she so willed, could, with a host of highly mil lions, trample all the civilization of Europe beneath her feet. St.Jmnfi ftazrfh: T!;c foreman of Fowler, Bros. & Co. Canning Department, Chica go, Mr. Steamkclic', says he suf fered with rheumatism for more than eight months. St. Jacobs Oil will cure me completely. It will cure anvbodv. W ILSON & FlSKEB,, SSIIP CHANDLERS. Iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, MAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAIV1 PACKING. PROVISIONS. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES.' All sixes, at Portland 1'riccx, ia Stock. Corner Citeiicinus and Hamilton Street: ASTOltIA, OREGON. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A fall stork of home n;;uiufdetured i:hhI constantly n hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed, lH-ited. ASTORIA. - Ywir patnmNge so- Oregon !ldlA& Drawbjick Entries. IMils ot'LadniA'. Maiufosts, Etc. Legal Blanks. Mortgages, Warranty Deeds. AT The Astorian Office Any blank or fotm ih1 in stock will Ik pi1itt(s1 to order. Bill Hrtwls. letter HeiU. Keeeipt Ihtoks. Filt Tallevs. Cyrils. Tags, niul eomnwreial Iaterof all kinds printed tt (trder at The Astorian Job OScc. KST.UU.ISUKIt 13." lCc!. AHMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and liiiKrlers of Wooden and Willow Ware Twine.-, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Palls, Tub, 1'ImriM, Washboards, Hope Cordage, AVmpping I'npers. Pancr Kass, t:nltdlag Papers, 3Inlr!ie-, Handles. '( tics Wringers, Car prt Sweep rs, Fcntlicr Mist ers. Stntiancry, Vc. 230 and 232, Pront Street, SAN FRANCISCO. CAl Farm For Sale. THE "BUCKEYE EARST ON BLIND SLOUGH. THREE AIILES above KnapiKt, conststing of lo acres -C acres under cultivation and feuce. timber for ooo.Ooo feet of logs and an immense quan tity of cord wood, which is easily accessible. Is forsHla. There is goKl range for 10 or 1 heiul of cows. Finest Water In tlte World-, o the XMaee, For term"!, etc. apply to J. G. ROSS, Plon- cerl testattrant, .Vstorla. or to D. G. ROSS, on tlje premises, dw-lm-aul Sleepless Nij;li5, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloli's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by AV. E. De ment . mm fNE OF THE W.DE5T AND KCST RELlABll REaEDlES IH THE VOCLD FOR THE CURE OF " Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma . Whooping Cough. Croup, and Every cfJoction of tlio THROAT. LUNG m U1SL.O J, Including A WELL-KKOWN PHYSICIAH WSITK: " It does not dry up a cougli, ar.l leave t'-e est:- tchLid, as Is the case with toon preparations, be hoic-i it. cleanses the lungs acl allay irrnstam I icm removing tbe ause-of complabt." DO 'OT BE DECEIVED by aniciestKat ag siswlax natccs. Ec sure you d BS. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, rith ihcs-ignaturc of" I. nUTTS" owtVevrrapper SO Ccxitit and Sl.OO a Itott'c. Prepared by SETII V. FOWLE & SONS. IV n.IaiC- Said lwiinti tnml tnl-r rrrwrtO I TQRP3D BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and WIALARIA. , From these sources arise tbrcc-iourths ofthodiseasesofthchiuininniec. These symptoms indicate their existence: Xoaa or Appetite, Uowcls costive, Klclc Ilcailr.clic, fullness after cat injiivcrsioii to exertion of body or ml, Krnctntion of footl, IrrZtaljil Ity of temper, XiOTrxiirits, Afcclini; licforc ths eyei, Iiiplil ' col ore tl "Urine,COXSTllATIO.Y,anrtdcmaiMl the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLIvcr mcdicineTDTT'S lIIiX.S linvo no coual. Thclractlonon tho Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three. scavengers of llio system,'1 producing atiputitc, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TCTT'S PIXiLS csiuscno nsusia or griping nor interfere with dailv work una are ancrfect AKT1DOTE. TO' MALARIA. iold cverytrhcrcCsi. O'Jice 4 1 crravSt.XY. TDTTSHABBDYE. Ghat JIaik oa"VmsKr:u3 changed in stantly to a G&OS3V IIL-VCK by a single application of thLs Dy k. Sohl by Drug ists.orscntbycxiiressonrecointofSl. Ofllcc,44 Murrav Street, Xew York-. H1177AL C? CTffli 23SSKIS ?2S3. Electicn of Officers. ATTIIi: ANNUAL MKETIXG OF THE Stockholders of the Union Packing Co. held on the 6th of August, 1C, the follow ing officers were elected : P. F. .1OIIXS0N. President imtkm. IL.ION'ES. Seeretarj-, .1. C. ST1NSKX. Treasurer. jtOAnn or i)Ii:kctoi:s. P. F. Johnson, II. .Toihs, .7, C. Slinscn, Jacob (Instafson, T. Kuhkoiteii, A. ISnkka. .I.WHk. Notice. JOTICE IS HKUEP.Y GIYEN THAT THE J. understated, W. II. A"totI. ha lteen ajt- IN iNMiiled administrator or tlte estate of ICinannel .lolimiMtn. deceased All lter- soiis having claims agalnt saal es tate are lierehy notified to present tho same, with printer vouchers, to tho un dersigned, within six months from this date, at tle oTriee of tlM I'oiiit Adams Pack ing Couiimny. in Upper Astoria. Clatsop Count v. Oregon. W.H.V.'OOI). Admmi-trator. .Inly nth. natt. 17-u J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED, j Hay, Qats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. Onera! storage and Wharfage on icason- ayle u-itns. Koot of lier.1 on strei'i. Astoria Oregon. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY. Dealer in HARDWARE, IRQIi STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AInD STEAM FITTER5 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AHD COPPER, CaBnery aud Flsherfflens SnppliBS Stoyes, Tin Wa?s and House Furnishing Soods. JOBBING IN SHEET IP.0H, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTiSG Done with neatness and dispateh. None hut lirst class workmen employed. A large aasortmont of. SCALES' Constantly on hand TO MEN 0NLY,Y0UNG OR OLD, WHO are snirlnff from Xrx.vocsDnr.iL rrr. Lost Vitality. I.avk of Nijive T ibce and Vtoon, Wsrrxo VTeakstsszs, nnu all those diseases of aPmisosii. NATfREre MiltliiK from ABtrsns and Other Causes. Speedy rclipf and complete restoration of IIau.rn, Vioocand MiSiiooo Ocarastkeo. Tho grandest discovery of the Mnetecath Century. Send at onco for Illustrated Pain phlct free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. S3 ls3 AYS l$k (BEFORE AND - AFTER 1 HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL. -WALTEIt PAEKS, - lKOPi:iKTOK STAGE MAKAKKK Hueagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Sonp and Dance Artist. MISS XAKY MOULTOX. Character Actress aal Kedtatfcmeff:. WISK FAXXIB WALTON, Songstress. BABY WKST, Tbe CWW Wiatder. WK. IIBNltY WKST. KtHiopian Com4iaM. WALTKK PA1MC. Omel(Mt. OKAS. BAKHOWS. Ar. TrjollKr wjth a nuv I'lnter tit management or I'ltOF. CIIAKLKS KICKAKOS. i All the Oid Favorites Retained tH-n alt tho Y-ar-lVir..naee Hxvry 'teiit-rjiiln" ritsncMii rnteramuu Evt-iy Nisrht. Coatj-ntin?; SOXCS. DAWCES AKD . ACTS. "We give the Best Variety Entertainment "in the West. Tt: ilMTUrv is i-rwkl nightly, arid a'.l Have wmu-.-.i tm enterta.iUHeiu 5n- ttoinuv It to ln etjual to aity i;tvcn eiswiie ie. Mr. lilt! rs a catfnr for the publics aittUM'tjH'itt run mt It- excelleil. Aiiybotly nlshiiir t simihI a tdewmnt ovfjiiinr and see s;trkllnt: wit al beauty witlMtut vut- S tsirity. .should impntv the opportunity aud ; Tlie company comprbrs the f4llowii; well- Iuhw Arils is : . Mi ? F.v jijciK Wawox. Misi Makv Mi'i.tok. JlK. WALTKK r.VKKH. Mx.Cuas. Hakkows. ; )IK. IIKAKY WlttT. I !t nhlch will appear niphtly in their dir. 1 iVrenl specialties. Otn nireowert every evening: iwrfotm : :nu- (t:imeiK-im- at 8 ; enUiuice to theatre ! lUMtl'Mi jtreet : itriw:'' Imxes mi t'heaa . win stret. Jfnvr St.rjt i Rntiin ScciS3iou .1. UKSS. A. M. .IOHNSOX. N 1 P bail Loib. MANUFACTUREKS OF SAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS. TAEPATJLTJrS, Ami everything elst terlaiuiug to our litisiness. LOAYestrrice and 5 est vv oric For your foney. At tile Old Stand. Leave your onlers and jxet your work done at once. J. II 1-ss & CO. Astoria, ... Oregon. HOSPITAL, ASTOKTA, - - - OKEtiOS rSAHlS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF A the Sisters of Chanty, is now ready fot the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol anydesiring them. raiieiusaumuiciiai.aii uoui9,uayornigm. No physician has exclusive right, even patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital durine sickness. Pennits mast be ob tained for United StatesMarius at the Cus tom House. Stsrnns of Ciiakiti VARIOUS QUAGES. AA'ho Kaeli with his own ct Hehcaie Cultivnte the Field of Human Xatnre. There have always been quacks : legal quacks, theological quack?, scientific quack?, and medical quacks, Some of thoni arc bland oily fellows who arguo and smilo tho world into believing thoir favorite hit of humbug. Others aro pompous and pretention? parasites Hut they mnko it pay. Mon scout to love to be swindled, stipulating only that it shall be nontly done. Tho dear public aro equally to tho electric and magnetic fraud. This fellow is a genius in his line. Ho will put a magnetic bolt around your waist, a magnetic necklace under your chin, or fit you, out with an en tire suit of magnetic clothe?, warranted to servo tho purpose of ordinary garments, and and at the ?amo timo to euro all diseases. from whooping-cough to hasty consumption. Most of theso havo no more elcctricor mag netic power about them than resides in wool en blankets or in girdles of sackcloth. Only when applied by an expert is electricity of tho slightest use as a medicinil agont, and oven then its value is grossly over-stated. What is tho strongest possible presumptive evidence in favor of a particular romedy? Clearly that it should havo been prepared by responsible 'ersons of acknowledged skill in the treat ment of disease. Squarely on this foundation stands BEN SON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. En dored by 5,003 physicians, pbarinacut, drug gists, and chemists, it needs no further apol osy nor introduction. It is tho one and only true and tried cxtomal application. Quacks of all kinds pay tho Capeino tho compliment of their dislike, ?s Satan is said to hate holy wator. Look in the middle of tho plaster for the wonl "CAPCINE." Prico 25 conts. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. Administrator's Notice. -VTOTICEIS Hi'TiERY GIA'EN THAT THE i-T nndersigiu-a lias been appointed by the County Court of the County of Clatsop, in the State of Oregon, administrator of the es tate of Orville King, deceased ; all itersons having claims agaiast said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at his ofllce at the Occident Hotel, in the city of Astoria, in said Count j within six montus irom mis uaie. C.S.AVRIGHT, Administrator. Astorht July 35th. 1S; w4-ra ERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE, BEEK DEPOT. CHKsoitra SraiucT. Astoria. The Best or Lager 5 Cfs. a Glass Orders for the wen Loll at this place will be promptly attend ed to. l-No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tuis piace- WM. BOCK. Proprietor. SHIPPISrG NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (c AST TIME.) The jiopuiar steamer FLEETVOOD, Wbleh has been refttted for the comfort of wisseinTers win jchvc urou miu Fisher's dock every Hominy, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. Kftttirntot: leaves Portland every Tmtiulau and Thursdaus at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. AHdtit1oal trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving I'ortlaiMl at 9 o'clock Mnmlay 3Sominsr. Pasiseueers by this route connect at Kalama fM-Sound ports. U. B. hCOrr, President. Asiona and Portland. JStr. WESTPORT, F.H SlIKltMAX. - - MASTER. "Will make resular trios to Portland and Astoria, leaving Bnrnell's dock, foot of Mor rison street. Portland, at c Satunlays. And will leave "Wilson & Fisher's dock. Astoria, at C a. m. Thursdays. Freight carried at reasonable rates, Steaaier "11EL1C." Wl LL MAKE TP. IPS AS FOLI.OAVS : To YOUNGS BIVEU. Mondays, AVeduesdays aim aiuruavs. Special triits as required. Will letive AVifeon & Fishers wharf at O teIoel: sharp, each morning. LEWIS G. IIAAA'EN, Upper Astoria. Master. REGULAR STEAM FACET. "Daisy." and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from (Jray's Dock, ForOlney.and Head of Youngs Itiver, Daily, at s a. m., (except Wedinsdays and Miiiutr.ys-t Kcturning same day. For landings on Lewis & Clark's Fiver, On Wednesdays, at s A. .11., Ketnniingsamc day. air For Freight or rassage, aitply on boanl. or at Gray's Dock, where Freight will be re ceived aim stored, it necessary. J.H. D.GRAA. Steamer TOiVJ MORRIS. THIS A' KAY and 1'avcrite lioat ?S NOAV READY FOR P.USINESS AND A can be chartered for excursions, special parties, etc., at reasonable rates. A general steamboating business transacted. A". BOELLING, Master. "There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, if taken at the Hood, Lends on to Fortune." Shaktpere. Do Yon Want TO SECURE A COMPETENCY ? IF SO IFYI YOUR T urplus Earnings IN REAL ESTATE THAT TO ortle in Value ! IN A VESY SH0ET TIME. Terinimis AiitioD to AIM This addition commences only five blocks from the O. R. !c IS". Co.'s extensive improvements, and immediately adjoins the Mammoth Flouring Mills to be erected by Sibson, Church & Co. Immense works are now sroinjr on ric-ht in front of it, and there will be at least four hundred thousand dol lars spent on them this summer and fall. The whole place is al most level as a table, high and sightly, and as before stated, close up to the property on which Mr, Vinard is inaugurating immense works of all kinds. The lots arc all full size, 50x100 feet each, and range in prce from 200 to 350 according to location. Terms of sale: One-third cash and balance in easy monthly or quarterly payments, without in terest. Discount made for all casl nats may be seen ana any further particulars obtained on application to E. C. HOLDEX, Auctioneer and Real Estate Asr't THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. 3. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORLYN OFFICE. A very large Stock Irom which to select. AVindow curtains made to order. J-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. TRANSPORTATION" LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPANY. O CEAS Dmsiox. On and After April 1st, 1883, Ocean Steamers will sail from San Fran cisco and Portland every three days. Leaving Spear St. wharf San Francisco, at to :oo a. M.. and Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, Tltroush. Tickets sold to allprincipa pities In the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after July 22d, 1 883. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 7 :30 A. M., dally. nrrxi: DIVISION" (Middle ColHmbia); Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 KM) A. M. ALSO : Leave Port-1 I I I land for Mqn Taijwe. IThu.lFrL I Sat. Astoria audi lower uo-l I lumhia... lit AM Ifi AM SAM SAM 7 AM," 8 AM 6 AM Dayton. Or. 17 AM,1 7 AM Corrallis.. 6AM Is AM Victoria. H Cj C AM 16 AM 6 AM GAM P AM 6 AH Loaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. dailr ex cept Sunday. Astoria to Portland. fast i.nrE. Steamer AVido West will lcav Astoria for Portland, 1 P. 31. Returning, leaves Portland for Astoria, o A. 31., daily, Wednesdays excepted. Pnllraan Palace Cars rnnnlnn bat-wean Port land, and Missonla. C.H. PitESCOTT, JOHN MDTR, Sup't of Trafflo E. P. "ROGERS, Gea'l Agent iuanager. A. Tj. STOKES, AssLst. Sup't of Traffic. ilwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco. Connecting with L. A. Loomls' Stage Line, and ShoalwaterBayTransportiUlonCo's. Steamer for Oysterville, (daily), jlontcsano, aud Oiyntpia, Mondays, Thursdays, Hid Saturdays. Steamer "Gen. Miles," or "Gen. Canby" Will make two trips daily, except AVednes nay, between Astoria and Hwaco as follows : Leave Astoria at 7 A M, touching at Fort Stevens and Fort Canby and arriving at U waco at s :Mo A M. Returning, leave Hwaco at 9 30 A M lor Astoria and arriving there at it CO A M, land along side steamer AYide West to transfer Passongers, Baggage and Freight. Leave Astoria at l P M for Ilwaco direct, and arrive there at 2 -30 P M, Returning, leave Ilwaco at 3 i30 P M. touch at Fort Can by and Fort Stevens and arrive at Astoria 5 -J P M, On AVcdnesdays leave Astoria at 9 A M for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and Ilwaco, Re turning in the afternoon. Fare between Astoria and Fort Steveus 50 cts Farcbetween Astoria and Fort Canby or Ilwaco .73 ct3 Freight between Astoria and Ilwaco . ?2 00 per ton Horses between Astoria and H- waco 2 00 each. Carriages between Astoria and Ilwaco 2 oo each. J.H. D.GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after M'ay 13, 18S3, trains will rua as follows, DAILY (Except Sundays), easts ide nrvisioa. netween rORTLlND and GLENDAIE 1TAIL TBACl LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7;30 A. if.lGIendale 10-35 p. v. Glcndalo 1:00 a. u.Portland 42or. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland.10:03 A.M ThoOreEon and California Railroad Ferrr makes connection with all Regular Trains ou Eastsido Division. westsidk Dinsioa. ISetween Portland and CorvalH. MAIL TBAia LEAA'E. ARRIVE. Portland 9:00 A. M.ICorvallis ....4:30 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.Portland 328 P. 34 KXTKES3 TKAIN" LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 p. ir.McMuinviUe.8:0Op. v. McJlinnvilIo:15A.3r.lPortland 8:30 a. h. Close connections made at Gleadale with tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. c&a lckcts for sale at al 1 the nnncipai poinu in California and the East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storazo will bo charred on freisht remaur inp atCompnnys Warehouse over 24 hoars. Freight will not bo received tor snnunent after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or West side Division. JOHN MUIK, Sup't Ot Trade. A. L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, fort Canby, Ilwaco, North Beach, Oysterville, Xorth Cove, Petersons Point, Ho qulum, Jlontesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, Mrs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, ' GEN. GARFIELD 1 MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - 7 A. M. Oa Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Ol ympia for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. To Lease OF YEAR! TJtOR A TERM OF YEARS, 2 LOTS ON the N. E. corner of block 42. Main and Jefferson streets, McClures Astoria. Apply to M. ROGERS.