ASTOKIA, OREGON: THURSDAY AUGUST 18. 1SS3 "A Question or Sea Ports." The Walla AYalia Union in a recent article with the aiove title, says that "The Astokiax forgets that masters of sail-ve&scls have ere new gone to Puget .Sound and sailed up that placid inland sea to New Tacorna for $2.50 per ion less than they charged to cross the bar." The Union is mistaken if it means that any vessel took or of ercd to take freight from anv At- lantic port or foreign port at 2.50 per ton less to New Tacorna than to Astoria. The facts are that the N. P. 11. R. Co., wishing to try the matter, chartered some large vessels to carry cargoes of iron to lSewTacoma. On discharrinr at Tacorna the vessels found they were obliged to take such rates for grain freight as they could get, possibly 2.50 per ton less than vessels were at that time jrettinjr from Portland. We believe they were not given an opportunity of naming a rate that thev would take if the' came around to Asto ria to load. Had such privilege been accorded they would proba bly have named $1 or 1.25 per ton more than they would accept at New Tacorna. The Union will realize the fal lacy of its reasoning when it is told that there has been a lanjc ship, the Iliyldoml Light, waiting at Astoria eight months for a fa vorable charter, and that vessel would now take fully 1.25 per ton less to load at Astoria than to go around to Tacorna lo load. It is not reasonable to draw conclu sions from instances of what ves sels would do or have done in such extremities a wo have named. What every producer is inter ested in knowing is this: Which is the cheapest for a large ship and cheap carrier to do, to come from any point she may, to Astoria and carry hence a cugo of grain to Europe; or to go to some railroad point on Puget Sound and thence to Europe with her cargo? We have repeatedly demon strated that Astoria is the cheaper loading point and our figures have not been contradicted by any con temporary, however adverse to As toria's interests. Possibly the majority of vessels loading at Tacorna and Seattle do not take a tug. 1 f they do not an estimate must be made of addi tional risk to the vessel and extra time taken in sailing at the rate of eight cents per register ton per day. When this is .done it will be found to more than offset the "cost and dangers of crossing the Columbia River Bar.5' An ad vantage to the vessel coining to Astoria to load is in distance. The grain-carrier oomes from Australia mostly, or South Amer ica, China or Europe. No matter from what direction she comes there is a saving of 200 to 300 miles in coming to Astoria. When she is loaded with grain she goes to Europe. There again she has 200 to GOO miles less distance to traverse than when loaded on the Sound, in taking: the canro to its destination. Now again, there is the matter of inward carro for the vessel. On the average there is, and probably will be, much greater receipts to vessels coming after cargoes to the Coluuibiaxivcr than if they go to Puget Sound. It may be. only a few hundred tons in each case, but in every in stance it enables the vessel to take the outward cargo at less rale. For instance, nearly every ves sel coming from Australia to load grain in the Columbia river finds it profitable to bring a few hun dred tons of coal for ballast. If the vessel only receives one dollar per ton freight on the coal it is preferable to going to the Sound in ballast, and where she could not sell the coal. We hope, how ever, that in the near future As toria will be shipping coal instead of importing it. But the fact re mains nevertheless, that the de mand for coal in the Columbia river at present is a great factor of cheap outward freight. Future results of present enterprises must inure to our benefit. Steamships are rapidly taking the place of sail vessels as cheap carriers on long distances. Many steamships have already loaded grain cargoes at San Francisco and carried them around the Horn to- Europe in competition with sail vessels, with profit. Tlic completion of) the Panama canal will solve the present problem. It is now build iug at an appreciable rate. There are 7,000 men at work on the canal and ovor one million cubic yards of excavation have al ready been made. Iarge steam ships carrying the grain of Oregon and Washington through the Pana ma canal to Europe will unload their merchandise and load their grain and produce for Europe at Astoria with GOO miles less steam ing than if they loaded on tlx Sound, and the ' roar of ttc break ers on Columbia bar' which a! present vex the soul of our friend of the lrnion, shall have yielded to the mastery of applied seiei.. An ordinary swimmer ought Lo be able to traverse a mile in fresh i ,, , , , A ,. water ana nearly double that lts- tanc c in the aea; while a good! swimmer would be able to .wov himself ten miles in rah ww-r: ' but the great trouble it that a-,.,- those who consider themselves ex pert swimmers lose all their confi dence as soon as they get too far from the shore or begin to feel the least wear)-. Next to swimming, Hooting is tltc most destrabie thing in the water, and a good floater can lie on Ute top of the water for hours; cvon when a oramp the bugbear of all swimmers catches hint he can lie motionless, in a state of rigidity the 4xxly cawtot sink; it is the floundering about that does the damage, imaginary cramp :uul the uwdertow. have drowned more good swimmers than anything else. Fright often takes the place of the firat-iiamed ailment, while a receding tide is often miscalled an undertow. There is no such thino ib i:nW-: n ! low twciilv vards from the shore, but if the tide is ebbing the voik is just as lianl on the swimmer. These two things are greatly mag nified, and are often only imag inarv. A I'Kojuijraxr "Washington of ficial who was some years ago a rejwrler on the Wochestcr iipy tells a good story of Ben Butler's readiness. He was attending a Republican stale convention where the organization was against him and had kept him down as long as possible. At that time there had been some sly insinuations that Butler's father had been one of Captain Kidd's crew of enterpris ing buccaneers. Butler at length obtained the floor, and, in a tre meudous and eloquent plea, suc ceeded in holding the attention and interest of the convention. It was almost turning his way, ami at last he came to speak of his fathers traducers. lie walked down to the footlights, and in broken voice, the tears rolling down his cheek?, defended his father's memory with such touchiug eloquence that lie fairly won all opposition. As he stood over the footlights waiting for the applause to die away, he put his hand as if to wipe away the tears, and shading his eyes, looked down at the row of report ers in the orchestra and said: ;That was pretty well doncywusn't it, boys ?" Tin: unusually dull summer oc casion difficult' in newspajxjr oiiices to furnish suitable editorial thunder. The New York Sv.t is a case in point. That eminent journal has crystalized its griev ance into one sentence "The Re publican party must go.' In the lat est issue of that journal to hand it has a whack at Governor Cleveland for leaving Kew York State lo go to Newport for a week's rest, it winds up b' declaring that, ""The Republican parly must go." As Governor Cleveland was elected by something less than 200,000 Democratic majority, it is difficult to conceive in what direction the Sun intends to compel the manda tory movement of the Republican party. Tin: Minnesota legislature has got a strip of land a mile and a half wide and sixty-five miles long, between Ivittson and f Mar shall counties, without any local government, and in such compli cated shape that it is very doubt ful whether any sheriff could miake an arrest there for even the worst of crimes. Tiik twelve Philadelphia street railroad companies carry 100,573, 000 passengers in a year at a cost of four cents each,but exact a fare of six cents, and hence make an average profit of 2f per cent, on actual capital. . "All cattle arriving at norts of j the United States from any part of j the world, except North and South America, wll bo subject to quar antine for ninety days from the date of shipment. ' Dcttixi; the first seven months of the current year, 21,282 per sons died in New York, against 24,378 during the same period in 1882, and 22,938 in 1SS1. The Canadian Pacific managers state that two mi Hi cm bufehels of wheat w:H be sent to . tide water this season from Manitoba. xak!::bi.. On Antrum t'itli. 1S83. at th rrcMrnee uf . O. Wilttauw. Orejott t'jtv. Lv Uev. Mr. Teal. Mrs. 15. ?. tVarrvn' to I. W. Cas-. all tf Astoria. In litis city. Auijusl ir.lli.Ht the wife of WKI. .1. Strong, a daughter. - " OCCIDENTAL HALL ! i"- w. rEt:iiKAN, - - Manager. 0JE FtiGHT ONLY. FKin.t i Rveitinrr. Xvusi 17. "Hit. CALLENDBTS GEORGIA MIHSTBELS. TRULY TWO MONSTER MINSTREL SHOWS 18 ONE. MA5TKK OF Till: MINSTKK I. ART. All llcim Ai'ricuiLs. All Famous Parkics. 25 IK FiSTPART 25 CIIA3. CALLKXDKB. Vtop'r and Mmcr WAIT FOK IT! The rmml frw-f.v-all street parade on day of hr Calleadr's Xaanaoih Hand aad lnun Corp. . Knerrca scat on ?.le at Strauss New York JfovHtjr Str. wftinnit extra charge. FOR TJLU8G0K. Tin new Sterner ItAKItACF. Maxtor. liousaiij:j datjvs ani r.UTirr?- t teraiHy 1st .1. (r. Hi'STLKi:. Mam strc-t Wharf. Axtorui : AU.KX LEWIS. JVtrtlaiHt: J. L.STDKY Tillamook. liREGT! The vjKnlil lj A ! lnn arte "Glenbervie" 800 Itegister Will take SALMON' in JuLs l suitsitip pora, on jck.vsoxakm: tkjcms, fur the above named Port, ainl having Ire en gagements win Ik tfiiickly dispatched. Fur rates of am! Insurance Afptylo 8imH)X. CliritCH&CO.. rorJteii.l. Or. Or t.f. L. CirURItY, Astoria. Or. Annual Reeling. mill! AJCN'UAL MKKTIXC OK Till! atkm will be hH! m tiie fourth Thursday ht August, the 21. at tw hall trf lieaver Sit. Xi. I. tl! lHl.2' Xo. as. I. o. 11. K.. immediately after ekwaiip A.J.MKCI.KK. For Sale. rIVK HUNDItED fXRIS DKV HliM 1? Iiek WmmI. whteh I will deliver at Urn haaum of wtHtter for .1 a ennl. lrayiug (tr all Kind done at n-aiaWe ratfs. 1L Jt. MAHIOX. To Whom it Way Concern. SfIIKKKAS, MY WIKK. MATTIK IC tt iluteiiU has left my lied and Imarri witiimtt itK eaine or nvoeatioa, this is to e.iuthn all iMrson? Inwi liaHhirimr fir Intst ins ler. 1 will May ih hills of her etntlract ias after this dute. THOIIAS K. IHTCHISttS, KnaptHoit. W. T. Aiinnt 1. City taxes. NOTICE IR IIKRKBY OIVHX Til AT Til H rity as-sxji:ent r!l for M now in my nand for enllectimi, and ali xrMis that are htdnbtcd for Hie same may save Ave jwr real, by paying said taxes U-fnte SeHomlKT 1 1, 10. .1. 0. HUSTLEK. City Treasurer. Hail's Safes. VrKIiAYKTIIK ARXSCY FOR, ASTO- na uf tlu alNive safs : iar1es tlcsdrim; to unrehase will do well to call ail examlm: eatalnwe aud jniee lists. JIOZORTH & JOHNS. Notice HEREBY OlYEX. THAT I HAVE THIS Jl day MhaudoiH-d all elatm. to the time, work, and wapes uf my sou Mlehael Camp tHl : Mut I will not in tluLfuture le resputi 5Wc for any dett contracted by hitn, mr any eontntei he may make as 1 have thN day re!e:t!fd .-'11 claims upon him ; and lutvo urt iiim ire-1- wniv. aud make sueh e Iw's for hi meli as hmav see lit to enter . XKfLOAMI'BJiLU la-ep Ui r. "W. T. Aur. 11th, ISO. 1 w-d w Slkholdors V.eetln. rllE AXXU.AI. MEETING OF TIIE A stoekhotders of the White star l'aekins t'iwj ny wiii l itehl at the ottlee f tlu eouiKiuy ia 1'pper Aria. on Ihorsday. August isI. at W o'elock a. m.. for the ttr pote of eiei-Jn- a IkniA of lUreetun for Hie ensulu; year, and the ttairoctimi of swh other uush:ess as may come lefore it. By onler of X. p. JOHAXSKX, M. J. UEAKA. l'lesklent. Sccrtiir-. lltd LADIES' DRY GOODS FOR LESS than COST S Must be Sold in Next 10 days Store OnifosJl Astoriu Caittlj- J?aciovy o:s Inii: Sf. S9-Cali and pet BARGAINS. MRS. IL A. IIAI.I.. FOlt SALS. 500.000 First-class Red Brick. KILN SITtTATEl) OX RIVER BANK. . Can load ou ilarses h- Steamboats from the kilns. Address F. II. REED. -Tt-tuts I'ortiaiMl, Oregon. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Plumbers, Gas. and Steam Fitters. Jofbios Promptly Attondod to A Full Supply f GAS FIXTURES, COCKS, STEAM FIT TINOS, ETC., ALWAYS ON 1LVNI). Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty, Ohehamus street, oppojlte Demont's Drue Stere, Astoria, Oregon. Have a Full Line of Etc., GlSJLt AJJiJJ PEEEMPTOEY AUCTIOI SALE: OF Balance of Stock OX ITAND AT UliJJiLLi. .L U i.JJX.J iJ COMMENOIXir MOMMY, JULY 23, 2 P.M. T hnve recoivcil positive instruc tions from the SONA EIDE OWESS OF THIS LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS or EVERY DESCRIPTION To close the same out r.t Auction. VITHOTJT ESSEEVE Sale commencing on above day. Aiiflionrrr. BANKIHQ ANDIKSURAfiOE. BBOKEB, GAHKER axd INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IIOUKS: FilOM 9 O'CJOCK A. M. UNTIL, S O'CLOCK P. SI. Home Mutaal lisiraiss Co, OF CALIFORNIA, J. V. Hou;i;tox .......I'rftMtieHt Ghah. ::. Stokv . Secrury (ki. 1 Stokv.. .......Ajjfiit for O-oa ti&HtAl iail up m U. S. goKlt Chm , '$ 800 COO W 1. ".V. CASH, Agunt, Cheiiwtuis street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL A1STD LON'nON AND GLOBE, NORTH r.lilTISH AND 3LEKGAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF fiAUT FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CAL1FORNLY 2"IRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Ktrantinx a capital of SC7,C00.JU0. A. VAK DUSKN. Aecyit. ASK FOI!- ITiiioii India Subber Co's Iiire Tara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. r.XWAKK OF IMITATIONS ! Itesnrctlio llnots arc stinml Cli.WK Pitt OF on lite heels, and have the lUHK GUM SPRINGS on the foot and lastep, theinlAst more lhaii twice :is Iobr as any KublH-r Iwots made. FOK SALE BY ALL DEALHRS. ALL KINDS ICUBBKK BELTIN'O. TACIv IN'i:,IIOSK.Sl,i:iNGS.CLOTIlIN(;, BOOTS ASU SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. II. JEASK..Tr. I .j,vmi. S. M. Bl'NYON. i San Er.uicisco. Clessrs. Wm. E. Hooper S'Sons BALTiRflORE, MD., Hae given us the EXCLUSIVE SALE for Pacific Coast or their Celebrated WOODESREY TWINES I ROPE, Including a Full Line of COTTOfj SEINE TWINES, WRAPPING TWINES, SAIL TWINES, ETC. In addition to above, we have on Iiaad a Complete Assortment of Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and Yrapping Twines. HENRY DOYLE & CO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Corner cieii ei 2Stc 1 -PHP10P JUllOUuVG I W. E. SEHSNT & 00. j si(ii:i . - - oitKCON mm, GHEf?liGALS, TQiLET Sni Prrsoriirtion.s carefully Comiouiulei!, i Ti. oase7 i fMPOUTEK AJ?D WHOLESALE AN 0 KH- TAIL 1KALK IX j 'f.ri.ei ClienaiiiU5 and Ca.- si. t. OKKUON .IP! i 7 FF OF TBS CHOP HOUSE C-n iiivi' hy bis Imk1ss tlKit hi is tJoittg Ihr Wwifst biMi'irss of any USSTAITEANT In 1Im cily, ami lw will Kantntc to -Ive the let iittnl fir c!i. Drugs and Chemicali I A J. E. THOMAS. DltT'GGIST Axn I Pharmacist, ASTORlA.c? t I'reseriiitfcMis carefully comiounded 4 Day or iRht. Astoria Oil Works. J. II. D::'rOKCE. Proprietor, 1. O. Bov Zil, Astoria, Oregon, manufacturer ami J)caIor in FISH Oil and SKID GREASE. Losgerswill find mv Skid Grease to be good and cheap. ant co. Cor. of Ciienanms and Benton Streets. ASTOKIA. - - - OKEGOX. Have the best facilities for furnishing CHINA LAB0EEE5 Of all kinds, of anv firm in the citv. j2Mm Boot and Shoe Btorej go o & C5 F1XI1ST AXD LA1IGES1 STOCK OF Ever brought to Astoria, is opened to the i uime in j.rown .s acht i;uilUnr, 2sext to City JJook Store Come and se latest Styles. I. J. ARVOLD. GAEL ABLER CHEX.VMUSSr. - - ASTOl.IA, OIL Kec constantly -n nana fjfi A FULL LINE OF FIHE WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, Which he offers to the nubile at the Inure! figures. Every article guaranteed to be as represeiueu. Jiejiairing none hy W. F. Armbmster, Tract kul AVatchmaker and .Jeweler. Fine AVatcIi IJcpalrins a Specialty. nS"All work guaranteed. ff ASTOKIA ifimirp.Q I i iiLUiU'J is U S U xn -IE AX i ' m tf AW 1 Notice of Assignee. TKTOT1CB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i undersigned lias been appointed as signee of the estate of If, F, 1'rael and IJ, F, rrael. partners doing business under the linn name of Tracl Brothers, and all nei-sons having claims agtjinst s:Ud estate arc hereby notified to lirescnt the same, properly veri fied, to to the undersigned at lite ofllce in the cltyor Astflrin, Orison, within three months from this date, L W, CASE, . . . . A&sigiiec, .Vstona;,Tuly3l,-isss, - -etfiw K L. Fresh Fruits FANCY GEOCEEIES. CITY BOOK STORE. Y have tday finished opening and putting in order the Immense Siooik of Goods Untight in San Francisco by B. F. STEYENS. C. J'. JIOKF1T will be found behind the counter. Ilis long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. tmmr TKK aw-ly to the C tntaui. c; to m JL Montgomery, (SCCCESSOB TO JACK INS & MONTGOJIERY.) PLUMBING. GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CiLEAASrt'S STREKl1, A'cxt to C. lu Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL A FTJIili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3- JEhu TFT A W JhJS, Two doors east or Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. CHAS. HE1LBORN, MANUPAOTOKER OP FTTRNITTJKE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW COKNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. T. OL'STAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN j FLTR.ETTTJKE 55 BEDDING. Corner I! Iain and Sqncmoqim Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete SlocZr. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ilLi. Iv5?ES OF ! imiYITUKE JlEPAIIiED AMD VAISKISHED. CHASJ.WILLMSON&CO. REAL ESTATE AXI) General Commission Brokers. Olllceon Ccnevievc street, in Hie rear of K. U. ILtwes' building. A (Jcnend Agcncj business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTRIE. All manner of Rcnairing. etc., attended to. Shop in rage'snewbuildingonCassstreer. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre TT;u ro.nnpnpil ill tllft Odd Followi lillilil- Ing : Ent ranee on Ca street. Ice Cream .Ice, Etc. PARKER. Vegetables STEAMEB CLARA PARKER E ben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR H. JB. PAKBLEK. DKALEU IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Geueral Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for lllagee Stoves and Eanges The Rest in the market. I'liimbing goods of all kinds ou hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B. MAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. IIAWES is also agent for the find patent Mm Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace Wdrk, Steaxa Pit tingst etc., a specialty. A. JOHXSOK. Leinenweber & Co., C. IEIJTKX WEBER. H. BROWM ESTABLISHED 1S65. ASTORIA. OREGON, TMEBS AND CDBRRIES, Alanufacturers and Importers ot yLL KTNDS OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS I Wliolesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. BSarlUchest cash Drica Bald for Hides and Tallow. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Luncli every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best ot Liquors and Cigars on hand. A dsservedly popular place ot social resort. GEO, BJ&LBB.