f2) ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY ....AUGUST 14. 1SS3 A Hundred Years Hence. Mi:. Fincke, an English clergy man who traveled much in Amer ica ten years ago, now ventures to tell what he thinks to be the fu ture of "Englishry," by which he means the English speaking peo ple on the globe a century, hence. He calculates by that time there will be. one thousand million of them living under the same institu tions and cherishing the same ideas; social and political, in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Great Britain. The S00,000,000 which he assigns to the United States will overflow into Canada, into Mexico, Guate mala, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, afterward into the valley of the Amazon, along the whole range of the Andes, into the islands of the Pacific, across which they will join hands with thc-ir kindred in New Zealand and Australia. The English settlements in south Africa, now essentially American, will spread over southern Africa, pushiug the natives to the equator. The American farmer is to furnish the type o'f this new society. There will be no savages or serfs, few drones or men of luxury; nil to be able to read and write mid use their acquirements. They will have homes of their own, and proper!' enough of the very best and most educative kind that is in land to yield to their intelli gent industry sufficient moans of support. They will hnvc no social or political superiors, and will manage- their own affairs. There will be few or none looking forward to a pauper's fate. The lives of the majorit' will be spent in the cultivation of their own land on the same terms which the American farmer now cultivates his. Morality will in this society have a tremendous force, because there will be only one morality for all, and not as now a separate moral ity for each class, it will bi sup ported by the opinion of all. Women will play a larger part in the work of society than they have ever done. No pursuits will bo favored by endowments or boun ties. The competition between nations will be intellectual, not military competition. Oratory, painting, sculpture and architec ture will grow under it as never before. Money will be in greater use and precious metals have a higher value than ever. Iteligion will have as strong a hold as ever on the human heart. At the head of this mighty community the United States will stand morally though not politically. The presi dent of the United States will be its foremost man, and "the pre dominate power" will be the press. Kentucky has about 2,059 pau pers, or one to S00 of the popula tion, while in Indiana there was 3,905, or one to every 500 of the population. hi Ohio there are 7,-iGo, or one to every 430. In Pennsylvania there are 12,GiG, or one to every 339 of the population. In Massachusetts there are 5.423, or one to evorv 32S inhabitants. A feminine telegraphist of Boston tells the Globe "Women do not make so main' mistakes in telegraphing as men do. We've kept an account of that. Men always try to know what the mes sage means; women only try to know what it says. They stick to the text, and they're oftener on the safe side." "Whilst most parts of the civi lized world are building railways at a rate which severely taxes their financial ability, there is, cu riously enough, one section where they are not wanted. "Above all, no railways," is the declaration of the Transvaal Boers in their ne gotiations with the British gov ernment. A phominent Spanish Repub lican states that the situation in Spain is very grave. He asserts that several superior officers of the army are in favor of a republic; that an outbreak in the Repub lican interest is imminent in the principal towns and that the Carl ists are preparing to act in the north. The impression prevails that China is playing a waiting game, fvhich is costing the French much and the Chinese little. In the abandoned-property di vision of the treasury department are stored $50,000,000 in Confeder ate money. In view of the pur chase of bonds for shipment to England, an effort will be made in the next congress to secure authority to destroy the financial relics in the hands of the government. Bai:on do bonstxut Kabocque and YV. F. Giegalaar, of a Dutch land company which bought 2,000, 000 acres of land in New Mexico thirteen years ago, when it was an unbroken wilderness, have recently arrived in the territory. There are now eight towns on their prop erty. In a recent trial before a Liv ingston, D. T., justice, in which a man was charged with swindling another at cards, the court pla.ycl a game with a gambler present, and demonstrated that it was pos sible for a man to have high, l w and jack, and take game. Tin: Panama C&u&l com winy has agreed to pay the government of Colombia SS0,000 a year for tin maintenance of 300 men to hi stationed along the line of the canal to preserve order, and wiil increase the sum if more men we found to be necessary. The granite shaft that for more than half a century marked the grave of Thomas Jefferson has been givon to. President S. S. Laws, of the Missouri Stat Uni versity, who will place it in the campus of that institution at Co lumbia. The Chicago HailKfry Aj( re ports the number of railroads sold under foreclosure of mortjraire during the six years 1S7G to 3 SSI, inclusive, as '257. The aggregate mileage was 22,924 milos, and the total capital was $l,3G3,5oG,00O. It is stated that Samuei J. Til den has given $50,000 towards the Democratic campaign fund for the Ohio election. This is the gentle man who, through the columns of the New York AViw, declines to be a candidate for the prcsidcncj Tin: changes of level of the Caspian puzzles geographers. It has risen and fallen at irregular intervals since 1S70, but was ten feet lower in 1S30 than in 1S70. In 1SS2 it was ten and one-half inches higher than in 1S30. Tin: Sultan of Morocco has had large treasure vaults built 100 feet underground, approached by a subterranean labyrinth guarded by soldiers who, when they enter the service here never see the light of day again. The plant of the "Western Union Telegraph company may not be worth more than one-fourth of the company's nominal capital (say $20,000,000), but the business pays a profit of seven per cent on iSO, 000,000. A Texan paper advocates lad ing the next Democratic national convention at Galveston, pleading tliat for nearly a quarter of a cen turj' no part- has held a national convention in a southern citj Thkke is an eating liousc at Xew York where coffes is sold at a cent a cut, and meat and stews at three and four cents a plate. There arc also two saloons where beer is sold at a cent a glass. Of all who composed the United States senate which assembled in July, 1SG1, only Mr. Anthony and Mr. Sherman can be said to be still in active politics. The rest are dead or retirod. Tins 3000 license system re duced the number of snloons in Des Moines, in three months, from 101 to Glj and in the satnoj period put 15,250 in the eit treasury. Pouti.axd is .oin to celebrate the completion of the N. P. 1?. So is Seattle. Astoria's celebra tion will come in due season. TiiKjiiry at Liverpool found; the dynamite conspirators guilt- j and each was sentenced to penal i servitude for life. Tiik Northern Pacific railroad has 310,937f square miles of land. BORS. On Tuusdav, August 7, 1SS3, to the 1fe of W.B. Jioss,a son a ten-ivoundor. 3ZARK1KZ. In Astoria on Sunday, August 15, 18S3, by Kev. M. D.Wilson, George P.Wheeler and JennieX'. llanna, both ot this city. NEW TO-DAY-. WILL EXHIBIT AT 13? G 2EL IE Wednesday. August 15th, ON VAN JrsEN"N LOT, MI GASTELL KEYtf COLOSSAL " 1 IT 1 It u Great Inter national Allied Attractions. Tiif Greatest CIRCUS EXHIBITION ! ! Ever Perfected or Conceived. The Tfi of tUe IuUtor of ?aroe. over-lmtl miugal! (iuKMil:!i : Cli.-iUiiiiK all Uii .U iv in K4U".!n:"!sMn and Cmii- DAN CASTELU) wilt for.'.-;: 2MM to any Circus Manager in America that can tin pHcste the same arts as ;srfrmet In the Great Nickle-Plaie Circus ! See Hi wrfrniiug IIors Ks by SENATOR, Thtfonly Circassiau Tiirl: Ilrse under llw -ftitnpy of Heateti.and ! h;UMi.-Htt that travels Cod's i-Mfi; earth. $10,000 in Sold for his Equal. The most MarvHluiLs I'-rf.i.-inrr on lhe tare of the AkIm iieaufil by the iKerie, preeminent plienuriu-nal and onlv BAN OASTELLO ! ! The lCng of Transatlantic Arenas, winning Ittawlit f-iiiii all nations : his eUal not Known to Imitate him In i;tst adventure ; the sufterirtr, the great.!. Hie worlil ac knowledged only living Clown will surely atlear. Each p .-rforntanee itfuvidmg three bonis of hearty ik! lid Fun. LAMONDUE, The Creat Ascension will make an il shle asviit to the top of the centre oole of tangle telegraph wire, I.To feet in length, ai t r. m. Two Performances Daily. aitxrn'oon, at2 o'dk. kvk'x;, at s o'els. rJU34AK IMtlCKr. City Taxes. TVTOTICE IS IIKEKKY CIVKN' THAT Till! Li oity assessment roll for IS Is uor in my handK for colhctioii. and alt perswus tliat are hMtelticiI fr the same mav ave Urc ior cent, by paying sahl taxes iK-ftm SciteMler 1 1, liws. J. C. IIl'STl.KK. City Trea-Mirec Stockholdsrs rViecling. rgir.H anxlui- iKirriNt: of tiik SL .stoekhohlers of tin- While Sar 1'aekiin; CoMtp:.ny will be hehl at- the ofiW of the cotaHy hi I'pper Astoria, on Thursday, AMKUSt 2W. at 10 o'clock a. m.. for tlte ir mse of eleethv; a Hoard of Direetors for the ensuing year, and the trauswiion of such othT Inuiness as may come before it. Hv order 4 N. J. JOII AXSKX. M. J. VKARA. I'reshieHt. Secretari-. ut r.STAKI.ISHEI) ix AESIES & DALLAM, Ji ;inufa Inrers anil In:oriers of Wooden and Willov Ware Twine , Brooms ; Brushes, Baskets, I'wlls.TMbs. CZmrHf, WjhbearJs. Uopc 'riJase. Wraiinlus Iaiei. l'apcr thiss, UiiKillne i'apers, Jlalclics, IlnHriies.Ciethes Vrinscr?. Car pet Mi erp: rs, S'eather fl int er., Statl:iery, le- 230 raid 232, Trout Street, SAX FKANVISCO. CAU LADIES' DRY COOD3 FOR than -ache biLcbU. : Must be Sold in Next 10 days Sfr "tjosife HJorI Cisitilj Fciry on main St. JS'all and gi t 11 A VA AI XS. MX 5. K. A. HAU.. FOR TILLAMOOK. . The new steamer r.AKAK. .... Xaler. ITiORSAILlXC DATES AXI) I'AUTIOtr . larsMpply t .1. (J. HCSTLKK, Main Mreet Wharf, Astoria : AM.KX .t LEWIS, I'ortlaiul ; J. I STOK Y Tlilainook. TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA. i rom these sources arise Xlirce-fonrihE oftho diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their enstence: Tiosa of Appetite, Ko-.vcls costive, Kick Headache, fallncsx after cnt la,avcrsIon to exertion of body or nilml. Eructation of footljlrrl labil ity of temper, Low spirits, A feeling ofhavInfriieKlccted nome dat3r.1Iz zlncssjPlntterlnqatthcirciirt.Dots btfore the eyes, Wplily colored rrinc,COXSTlIATIOA,anddcman(l the use of a remedy that acts dlrcctlvon the Liver. As nLivcr meiHcineTDTT'S PZLTS have no cquaL Tlieiractionoa tlic KIdnc3"s and Skin is also prompt: removing all impurities through those three scavengers of the system," pKKlucins appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TCTT'.S PJI.tS cause no nausea or griping nor interfcro YriUa daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bolilyverrwherc23X OUtee j 4 AlnrrayS t.X Y. GbatHatr orWihskees chanirod in stantly to a GLossr JJlacic by a singlo application of this Dye. Sold by Drug jjlsts,or sent by express on receipt of SL Office, 44 ilurrav Street, New York. - i Jerdan Have a Full Line of I M rfXi. iai A .tfb. ISO . M w f I TT"k B f"i C iritl zCRv I Corner Gtaaii Lli wctioi sale; . OF Balance of Stock OX IIAXD AT BIFF 91EIL1. commexcixc; MOPAY, JEY 23, 2 P.M. I have received positive instruc tions from the BONA PIDE OWNERS OP THIS LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS OK EVERY DESCRIPTION i To clorfe the same nut at Auction, j WITHOUT EESEUY ale commencing on above day. Sale Atiei tmsrer. BANKING AHDIHSUBABGL BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOIliA, - - - OREGON OFFICE IlOUIiS: FHOJi L O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL li O'CLOCK P. if. Hon SMii IiisnraiiGB Co, OF CALIFORNIA. J. P. P.oiw.irrox ..PresMent Cmas. K. Stoky.......... Seeretary (ixo. 1. Stouy .. Agent fur 0"i?o 0Uxl )tafti i in U, S. gotrti cmb .. . $ X) (W0 d I. IV. CASK. Agent, Cucn&mus street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. L1VEUPOOL AND LOnoN AND GLOBE, NORTH DKITISII AND ilKK CAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Kp7eMnUiit: a ce'ilal of S(17.UO'J.OOO. A. VAN DUSKN. Aent. FOR LOflDON DIRECT! Tlio steinlid 100 A.M Iron R:iriue "Glenbsrvie" 800 Eegister Will take SALMON in lots to suit ship pers, OU KKASON'AIU.K TKKMS, for the x1k)v named Port, and having large vk gugeinenU will be quickly disiMiehud. Por rntes orFreiJit anl Insurunru ArHy to S1ISOX, CHl'KCIl & CO.. I'onlatul. Or. Ort.P. LC1IEKKY, Astoria, Or. FOR GRAY'S HARBOR. Tin: Str. &EN Will leave (Iray's I)(M'k for GRAY'S HASBOR, ox Tuesday. August 14th. 6:30 P. M. rorl'reislitor l'asac. aiily to captain on Iwml.or to J.II.D. (1UAY. Agent. Odd Fellows Land and Building Association. mi!E DEDICATION OK TIIK ODD KKL JL lows Temnle will, take Place at 8 v. su, Tursday, Atisut 1I.1SS3. An Excursion and 1'icnlc to Cape Disap lwlntinent will be had bv members of the order, starting from Uray's dock, at 11 a. ai. All members of the order in good stand ing are Invited to iartlcipate in the excur sion and dedication services. Each niem ler will please provide lunrh for himself and family. All who wish cjn go down at seven a. jl. and the committee would Mis treat that as ninny go at tliat hour as possi ble, to look out a place for the picnic. I. V. CASK, G. HEED. . A.J. MEG LEU. Committee of Arrangements, Notice. rftsponsihlc for any debts contracted by any if IIia nrmv ivlittcf nt-1 lilt iu..f J V. 1 CIIEUltY, T-l vk Agent for It. C. JANION & CO. l8 aM towe a. W.S. DEMENT & GO, ASTOiHA. - - OKKCON (.'arn- it: M.t k. DRUGS, GHEMIGALS, TOILET and ARTICLES. FANCY Preerijilions carefully ContjHHtiMied, L W. ( IMfOKTKU Alii) WIlOu : A I. K A X D K K TAIL USALKS IN CtEHEML sibchanbks '.r..i-r CJinanm Cast trei :-. ASTORIA - - - OKKGOJS' riiiiiuD mWi Liu : JEF 17 or THE CHOP HOUSE Can jKove hy his iMoks that he i loing the iHjs;t-i iHrnmw tn any HESTAHTEANT In lhe city, ami he will gtutntntee to :;ivt-' t tie bent meal for rash. Drugs and Chemicals I j 4 J ? HQMAS I A DRTTG1ST J A I) 9 Pharmacist. H AST0R1A.O l'rescriitions carefully coinivnunded j Day or JCIkIU. 5 Astoria Oil Works. J.II.IikKOUCK. lroirictor, 1. 0. 15ot Tl, Astoria. Oregon. Manufacturer ami JScalcr m FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grea.e t ooi una cheap. iiMoim Cor. of Chcuamus and Bontou Streets, ASTORIA. - - - OREGON, Have the best facilities for furnishing CHINA LABORERS Of nil kind?, of anv firm in the cit v j''4-lui Boot and Shoe Storej FINEST AM) LAKGEST STOCK OF Hoots ASP S2ioes Ever brought to Astoria, is opened to the Public In Urown's New liuilding. -exi to uuy uook More Come and see Latest Styles. 3. J. ARVOLD. GAEL ABLER C'IIEXAMOSSt. - - ASTOUfA. OK. Keejis JS constantly j on hand gg A 1TM. LINE OF FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, AVliich he offers to the public at lhe lowest figures. Every article guaranteed to he as represented. Kepairing done by V. F. Armbruster, Pnieli4Ki Watchmaker ami Jeweler. Fine IVatcIi Itcpnirlnr a Spccinlty. aiTAH work guaranteed. FOR SALE. 500.000 First-class Red Brick. KILN SITUATED ON ltlYEK HANK. Can load on llarges or Steamboats from the kilns. Address F. II. KEED. 3t-tu t I'ortlaiul. Oregon. For Sale. FIYE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers forl a cord. Draylng or all kinds done at reasonable rates. it. R. MARION. C3 'Ah y ! I L. Fresii Emits FANCY GROCERIES. CITY BOOK STORE. We have today finished opening and putting in order the Bought in San Francisco by B. F. STEVENS. C. 1 MOFFIT will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be satd. You Will FJnd Prices Lower than the Lowest. 8. F. STEVENS & CO. TEU Kpply to the Captain, or to tSri,'ESSOU TO .TACKINS & MONTGOJIERY.) PLUMBiNG, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CJI123iA3IUS STirfiirr, Xext to C. X. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL A FTJLX STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. JEL. TTAWES, Two loors cast of Occident Hotel, CHAS. HE1LBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Gil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. sr. oi.u:x. J. OUSTAFSON". MARTIN OLSEN &, OO. DEALERS IN j FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Jor:ier Ia:u antl Sauemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock". PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI,I, KIXIIS OF rUKKITUBE KEPAIBED AND VARNISHED. CHAS.H.fttLIAISON&CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Oniccon (Jenevieve street, in the rear of K. I. Hawes building. A (Jeneral Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTRIE. All manner of Keuairin?. etc., attended to. Shop In rage's new building on Cass street. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre lias re-opeacd in the Odd Fellows Build ing : lintrance on Lass sireei. Ice Cream. Ice. Etc. PARKER. $ Vegetables STEAItIEK CLARA PARKER Ebsn P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR II. It. FABSEK. DKAI.KR IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Rest in the market, numbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E, B. SAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. nAWES is also agent for the M patent Mm Stove And other flrst-clas3 stores. Furnace "Work, Steam Tit AnZs, otc., a specialty. ASTORIA, OREGON. A. JOHNSON. Leinenweber & Co., C. I.KIXENWKBEK. H. BKOWN ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AMI) CUBSBIES, Manufacturers and Importers ol LL KINDS OF tmf; attter AND FINDINGS IWholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. aarlllghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The besx of Liquors and Clears on hand. A deservedly popular place of social rasoxt. GEQ.BTMEB.