f2J ASTORIA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY .... AUGUSTS, 1SS8 Be Patient, Good People. The accumulation of literature concerning the Astorin mil road is further enriched by a letter from Mr. R. Koehler, in which that gen tleman says: Returning from a trip to southern Oregon, my attention was called to an article in Tht (Jreyonian of July 31, headed "Astoria,5' con taining among other thing a criti cisrn of the company's action in relation to the survey of the Astoria-Forest Grove line, now in progress. The article says: "But the people of Astoria feel that the work of surveying is unreasonably and purposely delayed, and that Mr. Villard is not doing -what is right in the spirit of his promise.5' I claim tltat the writer of that ar ticle has no good reasons for arriv ing at conclusions as above ex pressed. I desire to state dis tinctly that the instructions given by Mr. Villard and given prior to his arrival at Portland in April last were to start at once and complete as rapidly as possible the survey above referred to. "When he afterwards, at Portland, stated to the delegation of citizens of As toria that the resuit could be ob tained and a decision made in about sixty or seventy days, he did so on the strength of the infor mation given by mo, I then having good reason to Ielie-e that the work could be done within such a period. It would lead to far too enumerate all the causes which made it impossi ble to complete the work required within the time I had promised, but the statement here made will, 1 trust, exclude for the future any charge of intentional delay. The character of the country " through which the survey is made is well known to the people of Astoria, and no necessity exists, 1 believe, to point out the difficulties which prevented a rapid progress. I will, however, point out that our engineers are not merely walking over the ground, but are charged to furnish full and complete in formation, such as is required for a reliable estimate. One rises from the perusal of the above with an abiding regret that the forces of the company which Mr. Koehler so ably repre sents arc inadequate to accomplish definite results. The action of the company is but a portion of the policy of persistent delay' of which Astorians justly complain. In comment the Oregonhut says that the people of Astoria, siiould v x-.r-cise "patience." The grant was made in 1S70; it was forfeited in 1S7G; this is 1SS3. The (Jre yonian advises 'patience Is reference to offers made rel ative to the Astoria land grant The Astokiax makes the follow ing statement: Last December a proposition was made to Villard and his associates by responsible parties, in which we are informed was embodied a proposition to build the 'road from Astoria to Forest Grove, to begin at once and grade and lay track from this point, and at the end of a specified time after the completion of the road, turn it over to the corpora tion that Mr. Villard represents; he for that corporation at the time surrendering all claim to the grant commonly known as the Astoria land grant. The receipt of this letter was acknowledged by Mr. Villard, but as usual the policy of delay prevailed, and it is now im probable, that that plan would be proffered even if Mr. Villard were willing to accept it. This is a synopsis of the case and is ca pable of abundant proof. For ob vious reasons the above need not at present be amplified. The Oreiotiian asks that "for wild incredulity' we read :tmild incredulity' Wc accept the mod ified attribute in the interests of harmony and probable intent. In another column of our potent con temporary we read that "owing to the low stage of water it is neces sary to lighter an ocai'iimaf ves sel To further promote the in terests of harmony and probable intent we will give our p. c. a chance to utter a revised edition before commenting further. The city of Cleveland has re ceived this year through the opera tion of the Scott law S21Q,5S3 from 1,30'J saloons. Of this sum $43,0GG.7G was contributed by dealers in malt and vinous liquors only. The effect of the Scott law has also been to close up several hundred little saloons. J. Pjjoctor Knott was hist Monday elected to be the Demo cratic governor of Kentucky. Oregon' is almost exclusively an agricultural and oasloral state." and yet the shipment of meats, fruits i and even dairy products from Cal ifornia is constant and in consider able quantities. This is one of the curiosities of Pacific coast in dustry. Alia. Yes, and it is a detriment to our progress. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are annually sent out of this state for eatables that should be produced here. Pennsylvania has a novel sys tem in her- penitentiaries which might with profit be adopted in ! other state?. A savings bank is a feature of tlie institution, in which any convict lias a right to deposit money earned by overwork. Sev eral convicts are thus assisted to support their families; others have a little capital to start cm when re leased, and, o the whole, tbt idea seems to be a most excellent one. AsriNWALr. a few 3eirs ago had 800 .population. It n w cUbns j ten times that number. The isth mus canal has given a wonderful impetus. The Freuch are there by the thousands, and other na tionalities are drifting in. Build ings are springing up at every hand, and the rent at fabulous prices, iiestdenu admit that it is the foulest town on the "Wtern i continent. The general manager of the Northern Pacific railroad ha; pub lished a statement that is charac terized by good sense and fxact justice throughout. The last sen tence embodies its purport: uT!tc Northern Pacific Kailroad compa ny proposes to ay for all cour tesies received, and will expect consideration for all services per formed." The New York Produce Ex change "Weekly figures up the total wheat exports for the twelve months ending June 30th, together with the amount invested in seed ing, consumption for food and manufacturing of food, at 31,1G2, 500 bushels, and the reserves on hand July 1st, 123,022,970 bushels. Three iron steamships are being built at Glasgow for the Canadian Pacific Railway company. -They will be temporarily cut in two in transportation to the upper lakes, and will ply between Algomah Mills and Port Arthur, the route being the water link between ilqntreal and Winnipeg. The Emperor William of Ger many, will unveil the great nation al monument in memory of the war of 1870, on the edge of the Neiderwald, near Bingerbruck, on the 27th of September, after the army manocuvcrs at Gassel and llomburg. Ovn hundred and ten British soldiers have died from c'nolcra in Egypt since the outbreak of the disease. Seven persons, most of them Europeans, died at Alexan dria last Sunday from cholera. 111 Astoria, August lith, bv Rev. Sani'I Wood, Olrns. S. (Jumlerson ami Miss An nie Al. Anderson, both of this citv. Notice. "Stf EITHER THE UNDER SIGNED AG EXT H of i (usfenees. or the captain of tlie llrit Imi r.aKiuc Ulenbervie. ol Uiasgow will le M!irttwile fr an v debts cootntctcd lv anv trf the crew whilst at this port. 1. L. CHERRY. T-lwc Agent Tor R. C. .TAXI OX & CO. Assessor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessment roll of (1al.p cotuitv will lie eomitlete.! and in the hand if UielUiant rf EuaJizai4Hi. at Hie miH house in said eouiiiyoti taelat Lhnirtay in AhkhsI, iss:, when all pei-pou iiittrMit are minimi to attcHd and make anv objection they ina have l the satue. W. I'ARKEK. Comity Asesw ClaMM o.. 1 i. Astoria, August C. lSct. To Lease ITiOR A TERM OK YEARS, 2 LOTS OK . lite X. E. comer of Mock 4'. Main and lcfferson streets, JlcCJares Astoria. Aiwdv to M. ROGERS. Notice. nnnEitE will m: ax elijctiox held JL on Jlonday, the 13th day ol August, iwc, at the house of Asloria Eiu?hie Co., Xo. lxforthe purpose of electing a Chief En trutecr and two Assistant Engineers of Hk Astoria Fire Depnrtnieut, aceonliRg to or dinance it! of the Cit v of Astoria. Attest C .T.TREXC1IAHD. 1 'resident I.oard of Delejjates A. E. 1). A. A, CLEVELAND, Sec'y A. 1. 1. ad Hall's Safes. WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR ASTO na of the above safes ; parties desiring to jHtreliase wilLdo well to call and examine catalogue and price lists. UOZORTII&.IOHXS, Astoria Oil Works, J. II. DkEORCK. I'roirieor. P. 0. Box 2M, Astoria, Oregon. 3iaiiufaerurcr ami Icaler in FISH OIL and SKID GREASE. Loggers will find my Skid Grease to lie good and cheap. FOR SALE. 500,000 First-class Red Brick. KILN SITUATED OX RIVER RANK. Utn load on Barges or Stcainbojits from the kilns. Address f , t P. JL REED. t-iuts Portland, Oregon. . TO TiLLAfffOOK. THK str. m. miles! Will leave Gray's Dock for trrs a h .T - Tr C""T (T- "E"5T AT ff clek, iy'slJi"dH;,-. A u si: st ttth. IMV. Ooonprtln-; with I!m "Minnie Miller." at OsrlbaMi, nd will i-ue (iaritaklt at one o'rioe r. ai. Ketnrniug to Atoria aijir day. For Jrerlu or p"aef atply io captain on board, Claud Ttiarer, TiilatMcok. or t J. II. 1). OKAY, Agent. FOR LONDON DIREGT! Thr v!-:SM J,w A..U Iron Barqw? '0-lesl)eryie" 800 Bogister Will take SALMON in ! t-.-it hip MTisin uk.4iai;i.k rKMs fr the ntxnv named Port, ami having large en 3iMMnls wl!I quick! Hiat'h'd. Fr rjitt- " 'r-rijftol Insurance A4 i siiwox. mr i:en ft CO- )n!and. Or. (h-ttt I'. J-CIIKKKY. Astoria, Or.' FOR TiLLAWOOK. The new Stenuwr RAHRAKK. .... Mintcr. TT-OKSAIUNV. UATJ5S AND l'AKTICr JP lars apply M .1. t:. 111'STI.KK. Main tieel Wharf. AMnri.i : AI.I.KX l.KVVIS. iVirilaih! : .1 . STOKY TiU;unM.fc. IS if an i7i? ITT AND Horseshoeing Establishment. F II A K LATELY SECURED THE SER- j f ;i ftinjHleii: l:rxehOfr Irom II- ittMMs, ana win guai-aut e salistaeium :n tltat work. Caunerv work ami ciiend b!:irk MitHhing thmm at nattiable n;t s. shop .JOHN EEELY. Wholesale and retail 4eaier ta Glass and Plated Ware, 1 KOl'ICAL AT.'D DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TogeUier with Wines, Liquors,TGbacco,Glgai's PLUMBD 5 Gas and Steam Fitting DOXE RY RUDDOCK ; UIIKELEK. AT fair rates. Also a eoiilct" stoek wt poods in our line. Etiiiia!i-s ghen and work sianuiteel. Cass street, in jear of I O O K bniiiiing, mx! to Ga Oo' ollice. GAEL ABLE! CllENAMUSSr. . ASTORTA, OIL coaytaatly on haad AFITLLLIXEOI FlitS WATCHES, CLOCKS, ant! JEWELRY, Which lie offers to tlie public at the "OWC4 figure. Every article siutnintrl lo bt-as wjMvnted. Renairtag Hone by V. F. Anabnistor. lnietk-ai Watehmaker and Jeweler. FJwe Vi'jttclt ItepRirJwjr :i Siieclalty. asrAll work guaratce. FOR CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE Astoria Fire Department. FE&NKP.HICKS At the l-egular meeting of lUscuc Engine Company' Ko. '2, hell at the hall f the oomjKiiiy July 2, 1883, Sir. Frank P. 1 licks was nominated for the position of chief engineer, and we would resecifiilly reconimeml him to the lireniuti of tliis (lenarttiwiit for aaeh position. It. V. I'k.-kl, ('.. W. Fl'IlX, Ke'cy. President. 1KSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. AInTD PLACING MILL. A full l cxk of liome nuumfactured goods cojisianlly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your lni ronaee so IicJUhL ASTORIA. Oregon. Farm For Sale. THE "BUCKEYE FAEM' OX I1LIXD SLOUCH. THREE IILES alwe Knnppa. confuting irf 100 acres acres under cullivution and fence, timber for RCO.0UO feet of logs and an immense (nan tlty of cord wood, which Is casilv accessible, is for sale. There is good range for io or 12 head of cows. Finest Water in the World, on the Ilace, For term, etc. applv to .1. tt. KOS3, 1'ion eer KestsiuMiit, A-storta. or to D. G. KOSS, on the premises. dw-1 rn-an 4 Hess Farm for Sale. 2 WIS VALUABLE FAEM, OX CIATSOP . 3'lains, consisting of 6W acres of dairy and farm land, together with stock aidfami tools, is for sale on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to C. X. HESS, In Astoria. JJ5-lm To Whom it May Concern. "VmiKREAS, MY WIFE. MATTIK E. VT Hutching has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, Uiis Is to caution all wrsons from harboring or tnist Imr her, as 1 will pay no bills of licr contract ing after this hite. THOiLVS E. IIDTOIIIXGS. Knappton, "Vv. T. August 1. IBS. . Jordan Have "a Full Line of Site., Bte, i rit -if r uums PESSMPTO liY fiFPTIfifif Q AT ,:HAIL.3 AND SPIKES, H U U 1 i U li 'UB.hu, Shslf Hardvare, Paints and Oils OF Balance of Stock OX rrAXP AT - mm OiiLE.; MONDAY, JULY 23, 2 P.M. 1 have received positive, itit-trtie-Uons from the B0UA EIDE OWNERS OF Tills LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS OF nicnv nrooniDTinaj EVERY DESCnlPTIQw To close the same out at Auctioi . WITHOUT Sale enmmencinn on aiiave dav. E. C. 3Itr.lEV. Auctioneer. BAHK1H0 AND INSURANCE. s. iasE, BROKER. BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OIIEGON OFFICt: UOUIiS: FiiOit y O'clock A. jr. uin'TIL r, O'CLOCK P. jI. Hub Mntaai Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. K. IIouiwitox .PrcsWent. Uic as. 1(. STOitv.. ...... . .Sccretarv l!o. Ij. STORY...-......AKnt for 0-oh CajHtal imhI up in U. S. gold; coin f aw coe u0 I. W. CAS IS. Asent. Cliciutmus street. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERrOOL xsn LOnoK AND GLOBE, NOKTII JJRITISH A2sTI) MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 'oj reseaJin? a cai-Ual of S7,00,JC0. A. VAN DUSEN. Asent. loot and Slios Stor P Q o o O H S 32 riXEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Slioes Evorlirousht to Astoria. Is opened to the I'Hblli' in llrown's New Itulltling, Next to City Hook Store Come ami seo Latest Styles. S. J. ARVOLD. s BESS'S? rvS-a.si"5rTs HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON miTIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF -3- the Sisters ot CJianty, Is now ready loi tn reception of patients. Private rooms for tlie accommodation cl any desiring them. J'atii'iits admitted at all liouib.UavoriiiKht. No physician has exclusive right, everr patient is free to ami has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained lor United States 31:uims at the Cus tom House. SlSTEilS of Cn.uiT 1!E Sffl JOffl & GO. Cor. of Chenamus and JJeuton Streets, ASTORIA, - - - OREGOX, Have the best facilities for furnishing CHINA LABORERS Of all kinds, of anv firm in the citv. j2Mm Bozorth ai iieraei 'Wilson & Fisher, : SHIP SHAMDLERS. . I !ron- s8, Coal' Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, STEAM PACKING. i (Agents fcr Salem Flouring Mills, r.nd Capital Flour. scales. FAIRBANKS STANDARD I All sizes, at Fottlaiid Prices, in Stot'k. ttorwr OheiianiiLs a:d Hamilton .Street; : ST( ) i I A . 0 1 St ) ON . .1. llliss. A. ?. .IOIIXSOV. Astoria Sail Loft. MAXl'FACTr UKItS OF SAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS. Ami everythiii" else iHrlaininr to our r.im-ss. .Jiowefrt Price and Best Work i For your Mom-v ! I At the Old Stand, Leave your onlers ar.il et your work (tone at once. J.IIIiSS&CO. Oreijon. Astoria, i W. E. SSME1T & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stoclr, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, I. W. CASE, IMPORTKK AND VHOLESALK AND UK- TAIL DKALEU IN mm Corner Ciienamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON nsoTBs er Lie ! AXD - JEFF 05" THE CS0P HOTTSE Can prove hy liU liooks that lie is doing the ingxcsi onsmess oi any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give i ne west meal tor csisn. X h.jdT g-rayT Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Gats, Straw, Wood, Etc LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. iootot lsectou street, iisiorui Oregon. j Drugs and Chemicals I Jj DRUGGIST 0 i AN1 V i iA Pharmacist. rMAST0RlA,O Prescriptions carefully compounded j Day or yight. ASK FOlt ITiiion India Rubber Go's Pure Fara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. JIEWAICK OF IMITATIONS! PROOF an the heels, and have the PURE utJi isriuus on xne toot and Instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER .IAD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any I JlUUUl'l UUU13 III. lilt'. 1 . , r S9iiALE 15Y All DEAJ.KKS. , ALL KINDS ltUP.BEIi EELTING. J'ACK- ING, HOSE.SPi:iNGS. CLOTHING, KiifiTs An snout! irt. CpODYEAR RUBBER CO. l.H.PliivMi..Tr. i Agents, S.M.RUNYOX. f San Erancisco. m EBANE L. .Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. 1 S3 T rr We have to-day finished opening and putting in order the .fflss Stools of nought in San Francisco by B. F. STEVENS, V. I. MOFFtT will be found behind the counter. Ilis long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TKR apply to the Captain, or to Jitu Ml Slonfgomery, (srccEssoi: to .tackins & siontgojiery.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIEAAML'S STKJBKT, A'cxt to C. Ij. Parker's Store. THE A nJI.Ii STOCK S3- JEL. "HAWES, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. CHAS. HEILBORN, MAXUEACTnEEB OF FTONITTTRE SS BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. 5r.or.sKN. .f. oustafsox. a.johnsT)j. MARTIN OLSEN & OO. DEALERS IN jfej? FUBNITTJBB BEDDING. Corner Inin and &quenioqnn Streets. Astoria, Orezon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. A 1. 2. KIADS OF FUKIVITUIXE KEPAIRHD &XJ VAKISHED. CHAS. H. WDjLIAMSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Ofilce on Oenevievc street, in the rear of E, i:. Hawes' building. A ("enentl Agency business transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CLOUTRIE. All manner of Iteuairing, ete., attended to. Shop in Page's new building on Cass street. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre lias re-opened in the Odd Fellows Build ing : Entrance on Cass street. Ice Cream, Ice. Etc. PARKER. Vegetables I K STORE. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR -H. B. PAEKER. DEALER IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Best in the market, rnunbiug goods ot all kinds on hand. Jot) work done in a workmanlike manner. NEW MODEL RANGE OAjN' BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF KAWB8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, TOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. IC HAWES Ls also agent for the t CooiiBor Store And other llrst-class stoves. fnrnaoo Work Steam Fit tings, etc, a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. Leinenweber & Co., C. LEINFLN WEBER. H. BROWK ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AM GDBBEES, Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. jssrlllghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Clears on hand. A deservedly popular place of social rssort. GEO, HHLEB.