t (2) ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY AUGUST -$, 1SS3 A Dark Chapter in History. Ox May Gth, 1SS2, civilization was shocked by the news that Lord Frederick Cavendish, the secretary for Ireland, and under secretary Burke, wore brutally murdered in Phoenix Park, Dub lin. The detective machinery of the English government was put in motion, and after one of the most complicated efforts in the annals of criminal detection the murderers were apprehended, tried, and executed all but one, Jas. Carey, who saved his life by informing.- But he only post poned his fate. A storm of exe cration assailed him, his life was thieatened, and ho appealed tcrthe government for protection. He was the principal villain, but the English goverement having tac itly agreed to take care of him, tried its best to do so. Announce ment was made that he was to be sent to London, that his fare had been paid to Canada, that he would join his family in New York, etc., but in the menu time, with the utmost secrecy he had been conveyed on board a vessel bound for "the other side of the world;1' far-ofi Africa. But pur suit was kfion. Though the most special and extensive measures had been taken to preserve his life, yet revenge fathomed all disguise. 1 . , t arey was :i passenger on uie KingfauHx Cattle for Capetown, and on his arrival there was trans ferred to the jlclrmc to ro to Port Natal. While at Port Eliza uetn last Sunday morning, :i man named O'Donnell shot and instantly killed Carey. O'Don nell says his determination to kill him was formed after the Melrose left Cape town. Then Carey, by his conduct indicated his identit' and acted in such a manner as to create in the prisoner an irresisti ble impulse to kill him. O'Don ncll points to the fact that Mrs. O'Donnell accompanied him as a proof that his journoy was not one of conspiracy. The police claim to have proof that O'Donnell drew the. executioner's lot in Dublin. Tiiat he was posted in London by the invincibles under orders to follow Mrs. Carey wherever she went, until somewhere, with iier children, she should meet the man who, by her aud their conduct would be indicated beyond all doubt as Carey, and to kill that man. the moment his Tdentity was made out. O'Donnell was placed in irons by the ship's officers . immediately after the shooting. There is some doubt of the place of final trial. The opinion is that as an offense on the high sea, the prisoner will be brought to England and tried by an admiralty commission that is, by ordinary judges, with, per haps, the first lord of the admiralty sitting on the bench. He was aocompanied from Ire land by his wife, who appeared to be on intimate terms with Carey continually during the voyage. Third-class berths on the steamer Kingfaun''& Castle were secured June 30th at the Dublin office of Donald Curric & Co., for Port Elizabeth, for a Mr. Power and his wife and seven children, which it is well known was the exact number of James Carey's family. Jul 2d O'Donnell secured pas sage for himself and wife on the same steamer. Donald Curric & Co. were not aware of the identity of Power. The Times pronounces the death of Carey a public misfor tune and says he has been an in strument of justice. His murder is calculated to encourage the dar ing and lawless to commit acts of violence. The Walla Walla Union in a well written article shows that it costs 32 cents a bushel to get wheat from there to Portland. With a system of transportation in accordance with the natural law of freights, the wheat could be put at Astoria for less cost, and loaded at Astoria in vessels at a lower charter rate than can be obtained when the vessel must go to Port land. "Where Ischia smiles with purple isles" etc., is now a scene of horror. A second earthquake last Wednesday completed the work of devastation. The Italian king has directed a contribution of money and food to theuffering survivors. Salmon in August. En. Astoriax: What would be said of our market men if .they were to slaughter animals in the pangs of parturition and offer their flesh for sale in the shops. Yet "A. H.,:' in the Oregonian, suggests extend ing the salmon catch to the fifteenth of August. July 31st is as long as health and decency will allow the p'ack ing of salmon. After that the fish are soft and flabby in meat and pale in" color, unfit to pack and will not make a pure article. The reputation of Columbia river salmon should not be injured by putting into market "any sudli stuff. For another reason August fish should not be taken. They being ready for spawning, no doubt stop in the lower river, perhaps on the shoals and sands of the lower ColumbiatffS? They should not then be taken, scata-ivd or disturbed. Common considera tion of the future would demand such action. April fishing should be strictly forbidden. There is nothing in the fishing of that month but the destruction of gear and a few early fish and loss ol human life. Spring fish arc strong and furnish ed lor a long run to the I toad -waters of the streams. They should be allowed to reach tlwrc. With them in tho 'upper streums and the August fish in tho lower rivers some little offset would be offered to the immense slaughter of two million of grown salmon during the 90 days of May, June and July. The Legislature of Washington Territory meets this fall. It should pass a law prohibiting April fish ing, Oregon's Legislature meets next year when it should pass a similar one. Each should also ap point a fish commissioner, whose duty it would be to sec that the laws concerning the fish interests were enforced, and to collect facts and report to the government de partment upon the interests of the salmon fisheries. Pl'jilicits. The Last Spike. A large party will leave New York on the 29th, as guests of Henry Villard, to witness the opening of the road a few miles west of the Mullan tunnel. The party will stop a day each in St. Paul and Minneapolis, reaching Helena, Montana, September 7th. The party will go to the junction of the tracks in tho morning, and William M. Evarts will make an address, aud Yillard will drive the last spike that will unite the two divisions of the road. It is ex pected that President Arthur will be present, having by that time finished his touc of the Yellow stone park. All the ex-presidents of the road will be present except Josiah Penham, yho designed the road and died in 1SGS before a shovelful of dirt had been dug for its construction. The other ex- presidents are ex-Governor J. Gregory Smith of Vermont, Gen eral George W. Cass of New York, C. H. Wright of Philadel phia, and Fred Billings of New York. A number of prominent English and German miests. nub- O j , lie men and journalists will arrive on August 2Glh to join the party. After the ceremonies some of the party will return cast and the re mainder will go over the 'whole of the road to Portland, Puget Sound and through the. Willamette val ley, returning to New York on .September 28th. The German government will send some one of its highest officials connected with railways to attend the opening cer emonies of the completion. It is expected that President Van Lev onthaw will attend. If hot he will be represented by one of the vice-presidents. The principal German newspapers will have special correspondents. "'Some ol the delegations will sail on the steamer Elbe on the 15th. It is authoritively stated that the en tire expenses of German guests, from the time of their departure to their return, arc to be defrayed by the Northern Pacific. A London- dispatch says that as Carey was shot at 4 o'clock on Stindzt' afternoon, and the steam er Melrose, on which the shooting occurred, arrived at Port Eliza beth at 2 o'clock on Monday after noon, the facts seem to show that O'Donnell was outside the Coloni al jurisdiction when he committed the crime, and must, therefore,' be tried in England. '-'. ; At Providence, R. I., the na- j tional civil service reform associa- j tion met last Wednesday, In his! annual address, Geo. William! Curtis, the president, in allusion j to President Arthur, said that the president's steady refusal to satis fy the faction of his party which demands that public patronage shall be prostituted to factional! interest is most honorable to the chief magistrate, and whatever exception may be justly taken to the many acts of the administra tion in legard to the appointments and removal, it will not be de nied by fair man of every party that the president, ?hoe acces sion by means of a mot tragical event was generally regarded as a misfortune and calamity, has not only allayed all apprehension of a gross misuse of the tro!ixge of the government, but by hit, pa tient and temperate administra tion he has gained the general ap proval of the countrv. Patrick McGkatii, of San Francisco, made good his intent to stop drinking by last Thursday cutting his throat, a very effect ual means of reform: The total number of deaths from cholera in Egypt since the first outbreak of cholera to date is 11,000. SEW TO-DAY Farm For Sale. THE "BUCKEYE PAKM" ON KLIXI) SI.OL'GIl. THUEK MILE above Knaij l, cuisthu; of 160 acres acres iittdtTCsiiiiTatinu nml fence. Umber fr 6eft.tt fi-t of Wfi aiuI an I:nnttsJ- aiiHii- ttty of cord womI. .which Is easily accessible. hi ir sale. There lgod ran;? for lii or 12 neai oi con . Fluent Wat or iu the World, on the Plaro, For term, clc. aiMv lo .1. (J. KOSS. l'ioa ecr Kestaumut. AMna. r to I). (5. 1'OSS, on Hie !riiiimv dw-im-aul School Assessment Notice. iiK! Oi IMRI'XTORS WILL MEET the lax iMyeri f School District No. IS, oh Monday. Aug. 0, lH3.at lu o'clock .. at the vlnml house, forth" purpose, of cor rect hi any errors iu the Mtfiostnent roil. . lty iirder of the Jtonrd. C. W.SIIIVKLY. Clerk. To Whom it May Concern. WHERKAS, MY WIFE. MATT1E K. VY Mulchings has left my hel and ltoard without jn eauae or provocation, this Is lo caution all irns f roin harboring or tmsr Ihr her. as I will pay no bills of hercontract iut; afier this date. THOMAS K. IIITCIIINUS, Kuapptou. Yt". T. August 1, 18t. TO THE TRADE ! Messrs. Wm. E. Keeper & Sons BALTJIV2GEE, fVID., IIaejtiven us the KXOLl " I V E S .1 L H for l'aeinc Coat of their Celebrated W00B3SSEY TWINES ROPE, Incliuliii a Tall Line of COTTON SEIE TWINES, WRAPPING TWINES, SAIL TWINES, ETC. in addition to above, we hate on hand a Complete Assortment of Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and Wrapping Twines. HENBY BOYLE & GO. 517 and 519 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Monday and Tuesday. August Gth and 7th". The Versatile Artists, John F. Byrnes, and Hiss Kelene. Supported by a Talented Coiiuiy, in their Iininensclv Funny COMEDY TWISTERS. Incidental t til piece, MR. UYItXES will iit'ro Iikv his celebrated CHARCOAL SKETCHES of Well Knov..i yu-n, lM-fore th-. Audience, 111 one and two xnimitc. Greeted Everywhere with Screams of Laughter. JOHN F. IiYRNES, - - Manager. Reserved Seats on salent City Hook Store, TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, r and MALARIA. From these sources arise Uircc-fonrlbs of tho discuses of tho human race. Those symptoms indicate their existence: Xioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Kiclc Headache, fullness after cat ln aversion to exertion of body or mlnd.Eructatlon of food, Irrita 1)11 it5'oftcmper,r.owspirIti!,AfceHn; ofavinp:Eef;lectedsomcduty,l)Iz zIiiess,FlutterlngattiicIIcart,Dots Ibeforo the eyes, hlplily colored UrIiic,C07STlPATIOA',anddemand tho use of a remedy that acts directly o.i the Liver. AsaLivermcilicincTUTT'S II,rJ5 have no cnnal. Theiractionon tho Kidneys and Skin Is also prompt; Tomoving all Impurities through theso three ' scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, . regular stools, a clear skin and a vjg orousbody. TOTT'SWTiXJii cause no nausea or griping nor interfero 171111 dally ivork and are a perfect AHTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold;ever$TvtiereSi. Ouice MurraySt.N Y. TUTT'S HAiR DYE. GnATlTAiK obTYiiiskhes changed In stantly to a Grxjss v I J lack by a singlo application oftkis Dte. Sold by Drug glsts,orsentby express on receipt of 5L OfUce, 44 Murray Street, New York. hits suffiuii q? vzznh esi?? rsgs. Kaye a Full Line of mm Hatedwar Corner HieinE ni. iieiriei S1l jEJIJCs - PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALEE OF ' A T P OF Balance of Stock OX HAND AT IFF OIEILl! COMMENCING HOBDAY, JULY 23, 2P.M.i7" ,;.,:,(,,.; I have rocciveil positive instrur- j ft Qf '0 n '1 J A BONA PIDE OWNERS OF THIS LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To close the same out at Auction, WITHOUT RE SEE YE. Sale commencing on above day. X". C. IIf.TK.. Auctioned. BASKING AND INSURANCE. x. w.ass. BROKER, BANKER AUD INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE UOIIKS: FKOM! O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCJC P. M. Mi Mutual Iisraos Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. I', liouotrro Ciias. It. Stoiiv... Cbo. 1 Stokv. . ....PresiiIent ...............Secretary ...Asent for Oou Qqrftx! jxil up in U. S. whit h"ii .. 300 (XW 1)0 I. W. CASK, Agent, Clicr.amus street. Astoria. OreRon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONHON AND GLOBE, NORTH RRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. HeiTsacatins a capital of SG7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Aqent. Boot and Shoe Store, 2 O H FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OK Boots AND Slioes Ever brought to Astoria, is opcnel to tlie Tublic iu llrown's New Iluildlns, Next to City Book Store Come ami see Latest Styles. !. J. ARVGLD. GERMANIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CiiiLiijjca Stskst. Astouia. The Best of Lager, 5 Cx. a Glass Orders for tlie CeleWefl Columbia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. C58"Xo rtllnil Mftn l?i-Tifcr Itxrir enlil nt tiiis place WM. BOCK. Proyrictor. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. T.ORYE.1 15 RON. Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters. JoLliIiis Promptly Atto:it!cd to. A Full Supply or GAS FIXTURES. COCKS. STKA3I FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HANI). Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, opposite Deineiifsinnm Store, Astoria, Oreuou. Oil Wlson & Fisher, SHIP SHAfJOLERS. DXAI.KK) IX Iron. Stael. Csa!. Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, QAKUZfl, NAILS AND SPIKES. helf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAiVl PACKING. j rj;( Oirit A3fl Ml rL FEI23. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD S C A h E 8. All vizes at I'ottland Trice-, in Slock. Corner ( '-heiinmus and Hamilton Streets ASTOKH. OKECOX. MANTKACTUKKKS OF SAILS. TENTS. AWNINGS. TAB.PAULINS, And everything else pcrtaininc: to our lhisines. Lowest Price and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand, Leave your ortlen? and get your work ilone at once. i J. HKSS&CO. Astoria, - - Oroeou. - ! W. S. DEMENT & GO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAftGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Comiioiimlcd, T "W. CASE, IMTORTKIl ANl WIIOLESALK AND UK TAIL IKALKi: IN 'JJiflfiML flllbnbllMJJlOfi r rorniT Clienaiii;s and Cass streets. I ASTORIA .... OREGON mm mm u JEFF OP TH3 CHOP HOUSE Can proto by his books that Ik is doing the ium;e$t mamess 01 any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will suarantee to give the best meal for cash. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Drugs and Chemicals j. E. THO DRUGGIST AND , Pharmacist, o 33 I I'rescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. ASIC FOIt- TJnion India Rubber Co's Pure Tarn (luin ORAOK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. KKWAItK OF IMITATIOXS ! lie sure the lUwts are stamped CRACK VIIOOF on the Itcels, and liavc the PU11B GU2I SPRINGS on the foot and Instep which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUliDRR AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more tluui twici as long as any Kuhbor lnxits made. Vnit S A I P. HV A 1 T. TT. A T T?To ALL KINDS KU1IRRK HBLTINU. PACK ING, HOSK.Sl'KINOS. CLOTHING, COODYEAR RUBBER CO. It. 11. 1'tAbK. Jr. 1 Agents. S. M.r.UNYON, 1 San Erancisco. Sits, i S 1 i$7 i i v i 5 : Freslx Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. We have tf-lay linishert opening Ami putting in order the ImffiCTi Sfooik of Bought in ban Francisco by B. F. STEYENS C. 1. MOFF1T will be found behind tho counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TEK apply to the C.t tt un. or to $i?JS2 tsrccEssoit to jackins & Montgomery.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIE3iA3irs STKKKT, Xext to V, L. Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL A TULI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND." S3- DEL, IFF A WES, Two tloors east of Occident Hotel. ASTOEIA, OKEGON. -r r -3 . j'Lr.'g-'Ji-.-- .CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FUPvJSTITTIRE SS BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lacs-Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. M. OI.KKX. J. GUSTAFSOX. A.JOHXSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO DEALERS IN jjj FURNITUBE BEDDING. Corner 3Ini nntl Squenioqua Streets. Astoria, OregSB. WINDOW SHADES AMD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. A1.I. IvIXIiS OF FiJI2JfITDRE KEPAIKEO AND VARNISHED. CHAS. H. WILLIMSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. ORIceonnenevieve street, in the rear of h. II. Hawes bnililinR. A General Agency btisiness transacted. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. J. CL0UTRIE. All manner of repairing, etc., attended to. Shop in rage's new building on Cass street. OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE. Frank Fabre Has re-opened in the Odd Fellows Build ing : Entrance on Cass street. Ice Cream. Ice. Etc. PARKER. $ Vegetables OK STORE. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. ror TUWinG, uiusiuiii: orunAit- II. IS. PAUSES. DAI.KR IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee- Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. 1'uimbinK goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. KANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OP fa BAWB81 AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWES is also agent for the M patent Coaling Store And other ilrst-class stoves. Fnrnaco Work. Steam IHt htnBs. etc., a specialty. Leinenweber & Co., C. I,KTXEXWBEB. IT. BSOWX ESTABLISHED 1885. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS kM CDERRIES, Manufacturers and Importers of faLL KINDS OP AND FINDINGS lWholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. earllighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Stiloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social rwort. GEO- HILLER.