fz ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY AUGUST 2. 1853 Astoria's Opportunity. If Portland will not buy Tilla mook lumber and San Francisco will buy it, then Srii Francisco will b the place when the lilla- mook merchants will buy their jrooas. Ana wuu wimi x c seen of Tillamook comity, with its .m :i i ...... i..f leruic sou anu cAuiji-iBiiu I should hate to see that trade J. leave Portland for San Francisco, It is one of the most naturally pro- d active countic-s of the state, ana its trade should be one oi ue most reliable feeders of the metropolis 7Vh jl ! in Oi'rffntian r ii : ,:..f Just so. and here is a pointer lor j. ' i ,.u Astnnn. f have our Salmon I fisheries our lumber, and our ad- mimhlo situation, and of the last wo .nnlfl ml-n SP. The coast- inrr trade is an important factor in Astoria's wealth. Nothing is secondare to it. The coast lroin v .,,-,......;,., ;c the natural trading ground for a of.;- vn, Knu ;w time have an Astoria boat plying in there for built coast products; butter, cheese, hay, beef, root crops, ana just- sucn yieiu as can be most readily converted in- to cash. Astoria merchants will sell those products and will supply t he coaat dwellers the roods they want. That is, if the Astoria merchants are awake to Uie great opportunity; it is an opportunity second to none ou the coast from Mazatlan to Sitka. V,re can build up a good trade iu this way, and, what is more, a trade that shall in saecula saeculorum be indenen- dnnt. of r.-nlrn:id nnnls or tnnishiiia. tions. The ocean is trackless: the keel needs no parallel bars to guide it home, and is free . to all. There is no reason, or rather there nnrwl l tm vMsnh. whv Ti"U. mook residents should ro to San tt . T."..1 -wr ilBMW8MM" lulUBUU' an over uiac country sixty uays ago; talked .to some of the best iu- formed men there; the oldest set- tiers, me uusine.ss men; mey saiu, in substance, "YYc want to trade with Astoria; it is our "ataral snipping point; you are snowing ..... i i us some attention; you are send- ing steamers here with some de rrree of regularity, and we will gladly do all we can to build up a trade of mutual advantage between Clatsop and Tillamook counties." So also with Pacific countv. ' In Snrintum nr nlso.wlio.rft it savs "lJosmsc not the day ol small tin nrs.,, Now we have the should be but the lorerun- , ,. , , , i r make Astoria the headquarters for . . . ,, ... all this coast region. 1 hey will , A . . , ln if i hi nnnnrfiinifv iq lmnmvod. JLi ' 1 Or late the Or cf ion tan has been ilo.vnt.iiir f.nnsidor.ibhs siHc.e to and the Astorians. In ' yesterday s issue in an editorial discussion of salmon propagation ... . . 1 .. . and kindred tonics, it sensibly savs: "Therc should exist among the Columbia river salmon packers an organization nice our local trade or the Astoria chamber of commerce. Such an organization, representing a united membership, could save hundreds of thousands of dollars in agent's fees, and control the salmon markets of the world. The ill condition of the present year, which have umdo :i nrnsnernns fishing season a season of hard times with packers, could have been averted by a united eDort, and even the low prices now ruling could be made to give place to higher figures if all parties inter ested would act as one man." UV .JAMES JAUOIILIX, S1I1CC 1S53 a resident of Southern Ore- llJll. Dliu v.iu lukuaiit tib "-till nf 9fi virs. the A.hland Tiding says: "His life spanned the whole lustory of the government of the a boy he shook nanos wun u ton- wn,tuBBimu., President Ilayes passed through Aclilnnil Tlnn n Timiiir' wne mtm. .1 3 J i.: '.t,-,.. ,..t,n f uutcu iu mill a.a .I vin.i'.c.i uu at that: time could sav he had taken by the hand both the first and the last president of the United States.' Possibly the latest president, but by no means the last. Theke are four generations, i ii . , .1 eacu Aveu represeniea m tne ? - r n: i i. r reigning lamuies oi uie merman and British empires. The little prince born the other, day to a young son ot tne crown prince is great grandson ol y ueen v ictona as well as to Jimperor winiam. Thirty-two printers, members of the typographical union, struck work last Monday in the S. F. Call printing office. They in sisted that the ten other printers employed, -who vere non-union men, be discharged. This the proprietor of the Call reiused to do, claiming that in the manage monc of his property he had the riai,t to employ whomsoever he n Kf Ti.r,. t, tl-.t. ' . 1 .. . two unionists wauceu qui. ne places or uie majority -oi me strikers wereiramediately replaced jn non-Union men. m,m?s f enmre fnrflst in Maine x are dead. Lumbermen are not agreed as to the cause. About f eiernt years ago ine ncavv autumn J n Nn loosened the earth, and that followed by terrible gales and severe winter. The theory, however, generally accepted by the best judges is that the tn es died from old aS. Th decay is mainlv in sections which have not been cut over. The age of the Eastern spruce is. from sixty to ninety years. Duiuxc. the 'twenty-four hours Lljding I100I1 Tuesday, fifty-five , , d j . San rv,,,,,: n a. ua w,,cni,t J. til 1 tlW A V VS j. V Vr J fc UJU mcnt therc is reater toima.r(i jn that port" than afc any COrrespoitd- nr.:nA ,io. ..c years. rreiglits are depressed considerably, a number of charters being taken as low as -ls Od per ton. A Loxdox dispatch sa3s that Carey, the Dublin informer in the Phoenix Park, trial was shot while being taken irom tlie JlletrOiC at U ort Elizabeth. U'JJonnell, Ins slayer, is in custody. The Eng sa goverumcnL nact taken special :i,ld expensive measures to pro- tcct Carey. It could have better spared a better man. Uoxflictixg reports come in reference to the telegrapher's strike, both sides claimine to be soii(L The operators should ,Jave concession made them. ,.nt :t pnunWr pa an strikw d jn thc workcrs in to - work :md the monoDOiv nullinir tjie tighter. Tin: commissioners of Grant county, N. M., have taxed the Southern Pacific Kailroad sO.000 per mile upon 100 miles of road in that county. The company is three years in arrears an'd the countv has determined to com mence action ajramst them lor $1,S00.000. I I ill." TiiiQinn ornnrnn v iii.- T. . t. ltauan government to rms iv aa constantly aecimeu oy nun, is , . , 1 j ... . to be devoted to reclaiming the . , . . I itoman marshes, the heirs ot the I late Pontiff having lost the suit which they brought to obtain pos- I SCSSlOn Ol it. I he Lnwo.il ( :itiTf.n onllf; :tton- , L .. . . . . . , .. , , affairs when it remarks that "most people don't know what a terrible punishment tarring and feathering really is' The Citizen seems to write with the authority bom of experience. hie AndersonJ b. Jntelf. .'A'w w expresses the bene! that the nomination ot Governor Sutler by Uie -Democrats for the presidency would drive the whole South into the" Republican party if it offered an acceptable man for U)residen A Russian paper devoted to Ni lusm says country mothots hav adopted the custom of carrying infants to the bedsides of persons afflicted with diphtheria and wrapping" them up in blankets so that they may become infected and die. I fl l I .- -- , , Rbcest legislation in Kentucky is likel3' t0 havc a discouraging ef- lect on church-going. A new law church an(1 the ncarest saioon at .lei The effect of this trill be to make a Sa many raen late fo I Ollur Oil s, T- - ., , GuCAT Br,tjlin haS- JUst made the discovery that none of he largest ironclads can go throug the Suez canal, the French iron c& J)ayar& a comparatively small TesSeIj having squeezed through with great difficulty. I Ex-Goverxou St. John I Kansas savs that in travelin through the East he finds a great aeal of talk about ex.senator a and ex-judge David Davis for tae .Republican candidate for pres ment. TnE second comptroller of the Treasury has decided that the act of August 5, 1SS2, providing lor mileage to officers while traveling under orders, does not authorize the payment of milage for the G53 miles ol the route from Sitka to ! San Francisco, which is off the coast of British Columbia. The St. Louis Rejniblican thinks that Cleveland and Mc Donald would be "a sort of kan garoo ticket the hind legs the strongest." The N. V. Sun which "shines for all," argues that the electoral voti of Oregon in 170 should have been c:ist for Tildeu. Ex-Go VEnxoi: Authorry of Kan sas is not greatly impressed with the resultsof prohibitory legisla tion iu that state. Alfred "V. Tiicrman of Ohio savs the bolters will beat Hoadly 2 and elect the rest of the De cratic ticket. Ixdiaxa Republicans say that Dorscy's story about the help he gave them m,lS80 is grossly exag gerated. NEW TO-DAY Grace Church Parish School. Hear ot Church liuihling. 1M1S SCHOOL WILL KR-Ol'EX MOX- lav.Siii!iiber3.1S)?J. Tii inonii trniii- a ut iUf 'iiildre!i Trill !w catvftilly watcliod. rit: iii;uif a sut-cial point. In ailiiioii io Mif.tr.lioary course of study Jlare will lw sir, Irawis ami CatiKthiMiIcs. If finiRil il'iiralloor fXiK'dient. cia-s will ! ffttir.d 4l-4inil.' or fXiK'dient. ciava-s will fonneil iu Higher Miuhfiiwtios, ISotany. As tniumny, Adrauuetl Music and Drawim;, for vlK- URHi exini cnan;is wm im- inauc. Tcnns $2 a maiith, stric;ly in advance . OKKICBK!?. m;v. m. n. Aviiijox. - - irpcior MISS ANNA Vt. CURTIS. - I'riHcIpjU MLSSiI.C.TlKXCIIAKI. - AimMJ ir'er further iwrticalars apitly to RKV. M. I). WII-S0X FOR CHIEF ENGINEER of Tin: Astoria Fire Department. i WbAl I ViIW At the ruyular mculitiK of Umciic Engine Coiapauy o. 2, hehl at the hall of the company .Inly 2, 1SS., Mr. Frank I'. I licks was nominated for the position of chief engineer, and we would respectfully recommend him to the firemen of this department for such position. Tl. F. Pkakl, C. W. Fi'lton, Secy. President. TQ TILLAMOOK. THE IJUi UXJit. lfllUiJIJ Will leave Gray's I)K-k for TIIaXiAMOOBL AT GVtork, IVednexdaj. Aiisrust Stli. CiHJiierHiiK Willi the OHnnl" lillr.' xt CHrilmldi, :iml will Wnvr CannaWi at one o'clock v. 3i. Kftuniiti to jVsti)ri:i Mine dxy. For fivfclit orpassnto aily to explain n boxnl.Clxml TSmy uxor, t illxiiUHtk. or lo .1. H.I). (5 KAY. A sent. FOR TILLAMOOK. TJm new Hteamcr I'.AUUACK. Master. TOUSAILTXt; DATIK AND 1'AUTIOL- 1? lxisannlv to .1. (J. IH'STLIIU. -MxiU slrtn-t Wlixrf. AMoria: AL1.KX Jt LEWIS. rortlaiMl ; .1 . U bl()K nilninw. FOR LONDON DIRECT! Tin fpU-HUHl 100 A.M Iron Harque "Glenljervie" 800 Eegister Will take SALMON in lots to suit ship pers, on KEAsoxAr.i.Ts tkums for the above named Port, and having larjic on- ascmc!:ts will be quickly dispatched. For rates of Freight and inswranre Appivto SIIiSON, CHURCH &CO FoaUuMl, Or. Or to F. L CHKRRV, Astoria, or. To Lease "TTtOU A TEIDI 01 VEARS, 2 LOTS OX J? the X. K. coriMT ot block 42. Inin and am aim Anidy .leirerson streets. JleClures Astona. to yi. ROttEits. Kess Farm for Sale. mHIS VALUABLE I'Alt.M, OX CLATriOP X Plains, consisthis of r.K) acns of tlalrv" ami fan land. toKt'thfr with stock and farm imrUcnlars apply to C. N. HliSS, Ih .Vstoria. Annual Meeting. milK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders or the O. F. 1.. & 15. Associ ation will be hld on the fourth Thursday in Aitsast. tlie 2Su. at the hall of Beaver IXMiee No. Xi. L O. O. F immediately after closing me ixKige. A. J.MEGLER. Sec'y. Piano for Sale. Inquire at residence of CART. Vft5. Whitcomb. - Net Lost. N THE NIGHT OF .IFLY SOTII ABOUT S fiOH fathoias 40-12 Leads, corks and buovs 203 fathoias 40-12 ply, 45 nuh web. ys branded I X L rkp. Co. A liberal rewaru will be jwhl for its re- eovery VM. LIMBER. at I X L rk'R. Co. Net Found. A BOUT1M FATHOMS, HARBOUR'S 40- xs. 12 : various brauds on corks : no limrKs on leads : lines new. owner apply to THOS. THOMSON. l-t CiittliiK I"ackins Co. Onl,nnl TnxnlifiK V'Jonforl IOR AX OUTLYING DISTRICT. VAG- ? esStoper month: school terms months, probably more. Apply at this ofllce. FnrSalP. I l.H"u""y"Cf" ,:.,,-'f-, this onipp. "2-3kS Jordan Have a Full n a corner Cmiii itt wiiei bi PEREMPTORY AUGTIOI (J kT Pn ails 0 ilijijiShslfKar OF Balance of Stock OX HANI) AT COMMEXCI ftJf niTTI HT" 7TTT V 00 0 Tl M ilxUl'SiJllI, UUJJl OU, IS 1 . iU. . t 1 have received positive ins-lnn- tions from the TIDE 0WNEES of this LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To close the same oat at Auction, WITHOUT EESESYE. i Sale commencing on above day. ! AiiflioniMT. BAHKIHQ AHDIHSORAHCL BROKER, -xsu INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOIilA, OREGON OFFICE I10UKS: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL O'CLOCK T. ii. Hon Mutual taraie Co, OF CALIFORNIA. .1. K. Houghton. I'rcsiilent Secretary .Afjent for 0t;ou ClIAS. K. hTOKV... (Jko. Stouv.... Capital paid up la U. S. gold COO WO I. IV. CASK, Agent, Clicnamus street, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPiTA'.; LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH RRITTSH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Kej.rc3cr.tini; a capital of SG7.0O0.00O. A. VAN DUSKX. Aneat. Boot and Shoe Store. 0 m fed o o O H FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF Jtt CP oms AjSU SsJ3.0 i-iu uruuui iu .vlon, is osii'iii'ti io mc rublio In lirojvn's Aew r.uiiillng. Next to City Book Store Come and see Latest Styles. I. 4- ARVOLD. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CURXXX'CS StBKBT. .STORIi, The Best of Jbagcvo Cls. a Glass . uruers tor tae ia Brewery Ii't at this nlftpo uill be tiroiiintlv attend ed to. . .raNodieap Sail Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK. Proprietor. T.k. I). GRAY. " Vholesale and retail dealer In. ORnnFRiFS PiniiR AMnpppn ' w w "I " n . Qmntl, UlnA P U2y, U31S, btraW. WOOD. C.lC, LIME, SAND. AND CEMENT. able terms. F6ot of Benton street. Astoria " oJiMliij? b lifiiij o, I I Line of Wilson & Fisher, $m? GSIAHQLERS. UKAI.K IN Iron. Steel. Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PSTCH, OAKUM, AND SPiKES. tlware. Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD S C A L E S. All sizri. at rMt!:ml ITiee. ia St Kh. Corner Cut-naiaus and Ilam'slion Streets A.STOUJA.OltKGOM. . i. UK. . M. .I011XSON". Astoria Bail Loft. MA:rPArTrj:i:KsoF SAILS, TENTS. AWNINGS.. TABPATJLIHS. And cwrxthinji else eriaiiii:i: to our Business. .Lowest rnce aiia isest w orii For your Mom- . At tne Old Stand, : Leave yotir onler? and get your work J done at oiu'r. : .r. 1 1 ess & co. i Astoria, - - - Oreson. jW.S. DEMENT & GO. -ASTOIiLV, - - - OIU-:ON Carry in tocl:. DRUGS, CHEFiliCALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded I. "W. CASE, LMl'ORTlilt ANb V.'IIOLESALE AND KB TAIL DEALER IN LliU HiillllUiliirtiJiUJiJ Corner Chenamns and Cass streets, ASTORIA - - - OREGON RpTBS BWBT U JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he U doinc the bluest Dusmcss oi any EESTATJEAliT In the citr. and lie will Kaarantce to give the bt meal for c:isli- ) Drugs and Chemicals A DRUGGIST j 1 AXIt V Pharmacist fl ASTORlA.fO 4 o S3 m s 9Am v Day or Nlf-ht. ASK FOR TTnion India Bubber Co Pure Para Gam CRACK PROOF RUEHZR BOOTS. HKW.UK. Ol- IMITATIONS"! Bo sure the Bivrts are stamped CRACK Piwoymx tho heels, ami have the vui: GUM SPIUXGS on the foot aud Instep which nrcveiit their cnickinc or brenkiotr Wo are now making tlicm with UUBUKlt AND ASIIKSTOS Sole which will make them last more limn twice as long as any lltiulx-r boots made. FOB SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KIXDS RUBBER BKLTING. PACI IXG, HOSK. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. COQDYEAR RUBBER CO. K. H. PIC ASK. .Tr. I AKentx. S. M. RUXYON, l tinn Erauclsco, For Sale or Pient. A GOOD Bl'SINESS PROPERTY IX UI Ul per Astoria, coitHHIug of Groeorj' Store uikI N'nlnnii. with Wnrcuoiisc aiiu V.Ir.iri. StcH-kwUl be sold with building if de sired. Interests in other business are the re:Lons for seHlnr. Notice Is heroby jeiven to persons indebted to unuorsiKiieu, urn an accounts musr-ne seiueuDeion'AUK. isr. For full particulars Inquire of lfl-2wks N. JOUAXSEX IFresli Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. CITY BOOK STOEE. We have to-day finished opening and putting in order the EimmeiEs Steels of Goods Bought in Han Francisco C. r. OI'FIT will be found behind tho counter. His long established repu tation as a sood and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Will Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. TKK :iiy tu !luC;il)t..:n. r to (SUCCESSOR TO JACK PLUMBING, GAS FITTING.. AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CHEftAJirs STItEEr, Xext to C. Iu Parker's Store. TH E 'NEW MODEL A FTJIili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3. S.-- 3BCJ. W ES, Two doors east of Occident notel, CHAS. HEILBORN, 3IANUFACTUEER OF FTTR3STIT TTKE AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complelo In every branch. r. OLSKN'. .1. CUSTAFSOX. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALEIIS IN FURNITUEE BEDDING. Cornrr 2l;in anil Sfiiiusioqna Streets. Astoria Orezoa. WINDOW SHADES AHD -TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC .V Complete Stock. PRICES A3 CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AT.!. Z93kBS Ol? JFURWITTIKE KEPA155EI AII VARKISBTED. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AND General Commission Brokers. Oniccou Ceaevieve street, in the rear of K. It. Hawes hniUliii!;. A Ccncral Agency business transacted. AN INNOVATION. TVTO MORE MONOPOLY IN NEWSPA ier3. The 1VJEST S1IOKK Only 15 cts. a Copy ATTIIK NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE. READY FOR BUSINESS. Saddle and Harness Shop. A. .1. CLOUTIUE. All manner of Repairing, etc., attended to. .Shop In rage'snewbuildlngouCass strest. PARKER. i Vegetables by B. F. STEVENS. STEAMER CLARA PARKER f ben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR II. B. PAItKEB. INS & MONTGOMERY.) DKAT.KE IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wars. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for ALigce Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. Pmmbing Roods or all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWE3 is also agent for the It And other flrst-class stovts. Furnace Work. Steam Fit . in&s. etc.. a specialty. AoTOitiA, oitcuuiM. BEDDING Picture Frames and Mouldings Leinenweber & Co., C. I.KIXKXWEBEE. H, BEOWX ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, WSm AD GDRRBES, Manufacturers and Importers of fa U. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS IWholesale Dealers la OIL AND TALLOW. eanighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLEB.